Large Crowd Attends Circus on Civic Holiday Honor Golden Wedding Couple E The. Caiiadian Statesnmn, gowmnvfli, Aug. 4, 1988 .. ~The SundaYSholpni Mr nMsJ.Pt.vite was held on Satra fe-Ms .Oee tLmn noon, JuIy 24th. ntecuLk o as nSn lawn. About 41 e on a well laden tables ftrSp-M.LodAhoiso. Per-, races were i-nadap ihMs ury verv enjoy- Mr. able afternoon. adRywr rnrget The U.C.W. Jl etn fM.adMs osAho y was field at the hm fMs n aiy n uprget I -Irene Tabb, Wednsa vno h vnSirs nikl ~~~ .. ~~~~~~ ~ing. Mrs. J. ionc pfeth;lnonSda. dMi president, Mrs. J ot.De1LiTb iie m ol Mt-s. Jones. Mine ,fJn meeting wcre readh h e-Ge Aho un e retar- and approvd rga aswîhDnl rwna was in chargeofMsDlheRm otaetCeara Camrnton and in e ed r ndMs osAho ings by Mrs. C.Garran1adariyadJnMgh Mrs. Cowling. Ms rhrhdapci o r.S ad Trewin conductedai nctx'lPr oe on trees. Member rsn r rtu edatne It was decided t ihrwteCnda einotor the meeting forAuut moobatrcstBrien e,$çMr. and Mrs. RnMtrsnSna ve r lyo and familY. Oshwwr cdcrei is nhscas Sunday rsLsieG- Bertrirn and fatnl.hmcle o is clnl Mr n.rsZakStat n Mr. and Mrs.JmGah. Sue and Keith,anMs.L'adariyBwanîlo Channing, HamiltoM.adF-dyeeig M r s . h o mem eo n mec, Oshawa, cale nM i.adMs osAho ......evening. G i pci t Ptm oog Y Miss MargaretDoeDooSaudyJuy4h.on Mîliis, spent Surdv a e~ o e wt .. ~cottage in Haydon.M. ad Ms oirhr ......... Mrs. Tomn Pery a, M.we- aay o h Lnd - corn, and tryiniz to see around huge Mickey Mouse balloons. iM andMiyr.nbySvged Bho Sing visited relatieinCl1M-anMs.WBakbn ,~~~-Y' .~~~~ ,~~~ lingwood, on their a o ead Ms o ln, Mse Mr.m e an r.Oca utPotts and family. Icbr ndSilyTb M.adMsOsa utnMiss Joan Migh.llbokooe aBlanLk n ~~~y A1 q~~~~~~~~ ~spent the week wihm eBs te oit nS u-a n To celebrate their golden A. Quinney, Miss Marie Honey. M.P., and Mms. Honey, Ashton farnily.MmanMr.cjydaoitiniad ý' AE wedding annivemsary, Mr. and Hooey, Miss Annette Van Den Port Hope, who are holiday- Gordon Might, Nanye dBl abce i eotasin 4 ~~~ ~~ Mrs. Oscar J. Luxton, Cobble- B-ink, Mrs. Geo. Waton. ing at Trail, B.C., and M . were Sundav visitos it Mm dd ti e '~~ O. .HOES dick Street, Orono, held open The imnediate farmiDealdFerguson, Laura, Pauand ~Mrsg shton~aldf~i' r.nM&Aci c A il tio s ftoin a w ide circle f and gifts of m oney. On Ju ly 'hey also received g eetings wo n it h t e tio t i r oi a i g a ~~~~~i~~~Cearing AUI friends. 'Uhey were rnarmied,25, 1965, at the annual Lux- froni the Prime Minister, The M n r.W entJcsnsPit ~~' Sum mer ~~~~on July 26, 1915, in Bownan- ton pienie, their nieces and Right Honouraible Lester B. Mms. F. FrenchadMs..Ms.W Mainmtnc Su m n S oes ville wheme they resided on nephews pt-esented thern with Pearson; and Mm. Alex Car- Niv:ns, Bawmanvle wrehm fonhoiyng it ,~~~.... ~~~their fat-m until they retired a gift of rnoney. Tbey also ruthems, M.P.P,. was amnong Mondlay suppet- guet fM.Ms egsn sa -AT - to Orono eight years ago. Mrs. eceived numerous cards, gifts thec guests. adMs .Creo.M.adMr.Br stn S Luxton, thec former Alice Vic- and bouquets. Get teddfonAr-M.adMs usi n o-na r oiaiga Reducea oma Mccy WltnNc-They eceived telegrmrs f ia, Tomonto, Oshawa, New-ron annd friy otHpthictae -' P r i c e s caste, looked ov ly in sap- g od wi h s ro1th>Gv r c stie OrnTB w r an e r T h d T - S d "OkI~ phire blue lace ovet- taffeta. gnom G hes .rwcthe ursay cevening cali- e main on unay anday __________2______ Mates esiean Sott -Gcnet-ai a n d MadmeCobourg, Scotland and Winni- et-s at, Mr. and M.A-hrMna îld oda h é V~~~a Drici prend ScthtrVanier,__Ottawa, Mr. Russell peg. J Trewin's.grudwsetigqtery great aunt and uncle with a corsage of pink roses and a white boutonnieme. The couple have one soný '4,and two daughtems: Wesley! ........ ......John of Providence: Mms, d Lawrence Haoey (Alice), Or-' Alil Women's ana: and Mrs. James Cain' (Helen). Downsview, On t1 S u merShoes Tlere are seven grandchild-ý White anid Beige Thc gîîest book wae attend- ed by Miss Peggy and M.; Reg. ta $1595 Robert Luxton, and the table' CLEARING AT was beautifully deco ra tedý 99with gold candies and centred with a thrce-tier , wedding $4.9 - ,99 cake made by Mms. Gardon * Watson. Mms. L. Hooey and Mrs. .1.A Cai assisted their parents in' Reg. to $2.98 attendance wci-e the honouredý .0Clearing at--$24 coupic's brathers and sisters.1 *Those helping to serveth %1 ~refreshments were Mits. Gor. WOMEN'S Watson, Mrs. Don. Mercer,ý witPrmum Ready to serve One-humped camnel at the Cit-cus makes frierîds with a youngs1ter who has MmneSShe Grs LM. . Vn rCi, Ms. n;PE-PIf Ugfi~ U~ * h~ D ~d l nmem goodies to hand out. On Sunday, hundreds of children from area had na he aiby r.W aM S O .K D . I. C .. U I~L~ t* 17l a repe tthe animais that were tethered outside. Congo the bi, Ua dmew CLEARING AT Memoriai Hspta à big crowd although he was kept undet- covet- behind a wooden panel. Evemy Rpr Whole or Hal nowandthen, he would push one fut-iy hand through an opeming, begging for $2.49-$3.99 Weekly Rpr apples or other food. On Monday, the huge fellow gxabbed one of the cmew and 1 io-th ekofJl nearly dragged him into the cage. The cage door was bt-oken Sa Congo was képt Augrsthe2, incl usive-C T AG:O U W FTS P closed in al day much to his disgust. _______Admisions. __...._6 it-h, 3 male, 3 female 6 1 -l.b. Pkg. Rep rtfr m ue nolPrkfeShoes Ds'-charges .6,LERITE.WIENERS 49c Rg. $13.95 Major opemations usý Cearing at $8099 mergnm ratments T4A4e by Aex arrtl-irsM. P.Vîisiting haut-s 3-8 p.m. daily. Schneiders Vac Pack 6-oz. Pkg. E The Recedlng Frontier my account of the flying visit The dne n eeto PURSES WESLEY VILLE ii1 ~ ~i I lI &go 1 would like ta continue taio Legisiaftire ta North îng event. Mayor H. Kefferý Reg. $2.98 - $7.95 was unrepittd but on Ju1 cWstern Ontario. was there ta welcomc the CLEARING AT 2th a presentation w. held Bonus Booster $2.00 Tape As Prime Mînîster Roaats visitars and ta outlîne somne at the home %f Mms. C. ickin- RUNDLE PICNI( suggested ihis message to of the problems facing te *4 -5*9so briDThavi sb n d wasspn * ieic a-oz The 30th annual Rundie trip, we wcmc given the op-:respect ta the need for irad payngpiagrssvecuhr Dl "' ClII< IIgl -mtPrvnilHigh! hi1d enhad games pand 5o U V R M IS 9 Pickeli, Chrissilt,£ix years andmerninded af the Gaid Rush way (599) thirnost northerly Clearing at - W 99 ýy hirtace7 te sal SU VE CR tinder Linda&Juir, David of 1926 wiien prospectai-s Provincial Park (Packwashi game ofbaIl, ice ct-earm ti-cats1lS A GHà -uE T TI 3- for 49c h. wn; eight vêif' and under, went in by dog team through Lake) and the most northerly * * and a bountiful picnic supper. i E.D. Smith 15-oz, ~ther Muir tephen Hart-:bitter winter weathem and be- mine (Pickie Crawe) whichý Corne in, browse around' May MeNeil îeturned to hem'BI ;12 years and under girls, gan the deveiapment of onc ofwc visited at Piekie Lake on -- mn1moeQuehec home on the hast day'K- BIC T FE UR- ~thy Martin, Dale Osborne*,Cýanada's richest gold produc- June 30th. conditions ofote bargains 1of uly after two weeks of K T C HUP- - 2 for 49c Jacob'slf *]B 12years and under. Rabt. ýigaes h iigcniin fte in summer shoes! bustling activity, taking with MeLaren 's 32-o. rc es~ Iduir, Bruce Osborne, Many of the Red Lake are Indians at Pickie Lake were' her more knowledge of the rafo Girls over 12, Mary Ruth Os-1bodies are so0 i-ih that Most in sharp cantrast ta thiose of! ls agag n e-iS eet ie PICKLES 9 r a r borne, Donna Yeiiowlees. of the mines canoavercame the the other settlements visited.Eori of man re dmm-S w M ixed 49l Ladies Shoe Kick, putting rostIy handicap of a rernate Many of the dwellings. in LUGGA GJE Mr. and Mits. Archie Ford Pîlîsbury White ~P u r r l O A the shoe in a rope circle,i ocation. Since first production which the Indian populationý left on Wednesday, July 28,1A E A EE UE hUI Helen Trewin. ýin 1930, Bed Lake and four live during the winter, have REDUCED by ait- foi- England, and word ANG L F OD AKE49 OLO RE Mens Shoe Scramble, BîlFadjoining communities have heen lîterally tomn apart ta asmeevd etmonnc Eundle;gmown ta a combined popula-,pt-avide fuel, aithough this wa bev edth e xfml !theoim ae -g.P, IGA Coioured No. of candies in jar,. tiedltion af 7,000, producing some camrodity is readily acces- 1 5 /o O arriva]. They will be there Mary Cann, Mrs. Martin. .$17,000,000 in goid every year. siblp. for their tht-ce week holiday. D e m W i o pn 2for49c M R A I E 2 q atr 9 Age Guessing game, Eiieen The legislative group had The undei-lying causes would There were 51 atM RGAR Downthe oppotunity while at Bcdsecm ta be lack o! supervision School on Sunday last, with Partners furthest apamt ta Lake ta also visit the Ontario'and liquor. Ind Thorndyke as extra1 water, Wally Pickell and'is a fine example of the prog- took us ta Big Trout Lake ta L L Mrs. John Gi-oeneveld left Mary Canin. icss being made ta iaise theispend the night in sleeping last week aiso for a visit te K ia w"lni e I I iia Iin1 Clothesline Race. Ladiesistandards o! aur Indian popu- bags on air mattresses in the Holland, and her thi-ee sons, g g * * w * ~I i m m m .u~ As usual the peanut sram-' The night o! the 29th foundý The next day Juy st was ES ng with friends in Lakefield. ble was held for the young!the party at Sioux Lookout, ta find us celebrating -the' 48 KING ST. W. Mrs. A. Clarke, Cheryl and- and4 voung at heart a!ter: put -n comfortably in the birthday of Canada in two of BOWMANVILLE Robyn ueturned last week' OMNI L whieh everyone saîd goodbye Juni. Ranger Camp al Cedar- the most northerly settlements fromn Nor-th Be y wheme they until next year. ibough, tea miles from town. in Ontario. have been holidaying. v