6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmariville, Aug. 4, 19651onto, was home aver the holi- Herman Sohmlid's, Newcastie. Awlb day. Reverenti Victor Bowins and ILUsuclapeo Ses-vice in aur chus-ch Sun- his mosrMs lzbt iucd.a p'Il D ghe' Brk n L grday morning was in charge of Bowins, Oak River, iaitoba, SLN ac r D oug ter' Bro en L Ig'ev. eake of oroto. exRev.itdLeakern FaherToonTntW..1 Nextngvisite Msd at PAllannd hFid Edr Csmten Sunday, being the annual De- Priday last week. . ,W .meig ilb r.Re aceadcid-Ee eeey aso Slied B.C., one of coaio a a aeve e.ad as Gn- Gai el on Monday, August 9h ren, Ms-s. R.oss Page, StephenonM.ad rs lfr J- ented skiie: held Othay atonkMs-. Ma. an Mrsr .rCy Gffordl J or scl D elàys Co. ing of ew emeery ou chrchsericeandtaiily Mr. F B.Gls nstead af Thursday, Aug. 12. and Vales-e visited the Browns don, Cambray, and Mr. Cys-il esor t e D el ys om ing f N w en trawnr tu n- sevie l y Mrs.F.ex l S.. er The Eldad Sunday Sohool and Watsons a-t Pine Tree Smith, Ross Memnorial Hospi- WitP p j.day School will be held at 10 Joan anti Ross visited at picnic will be helti an August Lotige. tl nLnsy St. A n rew M nis er a.m., in charge ci Superinten- George Hilts, Williams Point, 8th at 12 p.m. at Orono Pas-k. Ms-s. Rae Pa-scoe anti child- Mr. antiMs-s. F. Abernethy, The Soul dent Mr-. C. M. Jones. The on Sunday. Everyone bning your picnic ren wes-e at a cottage et Ma- Manilla, with Mr-. antiMs-s. Zone isà Bey. J. S. GilIc(ri.st, who eight-yea.r-old daughter, Mary pageant presented at the time Meani rsAlnFih- basket and beves-age for the1 pie Lake.- for a few da-ys. Don Taylor. Mrs. Abernethy mare than basbee miistr i te Pes-Aof wstheur Sin nmoar fShehundy lShoo nAni-Mr.an. MandWesCa-eson hWrenwil b suphe. M-.anorMr.aTm fke' dstaînifo a ewaa-s. s adivsi sbyterian Chus-chninilA be accldent on. andndrs. Tom BakerMr andi Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Amateur SI Ca-mg, nt., fr fliyeAs- accident her rigt îeg was frac-vessary, will be repeateti. Rev. visited at Jack Cameron's, On Sunday Ms-. and Ms-s. C. and C.a therine, Miss Helen Eleanos- and Kevin, OshiawaCanadian R Cacept., faorail tarsbecom h;e t rti. e wsfrc R. C. White will be the speak- Tottenha-m, on Sunday. M-ns. Langmaid entes-tainet Ms-. anti Baker were Sunday visitorsasocldonheDnTyAscitn accester a lt. A espse- Bo-tiuFies il Vlag.er at the Decos-ation Service Cameron saeifraîwM-.RyL mid r îdwt s.at ss ameso en ors.ayAsocagion bynter ofn t.Churchbie. Ha wil Tornntostillrstilae, onthe hill at 2:30 p.m., and deys. Mrs. Os-ville Lunn ant ims- Sinales and amily, Oshawa. Miss Eileen Hockaday was pose cf hal yt r ev. huF. Ser. Hwan. Tront, r.ai K xc ollege, athe Salvation Army Band of Me. andiMrs. R. C. Stainton ily, Peterborough, Ms-. and Ms-. James Baker spent the Sundaey visitos with Misses show. Eanl Buceand his. w S.,SwUnversty o1 ToKno ol-e Bowmanville, will be in at- anti tiaugjhters are spentiing Mrs. Lloyd Preston andi farn- weekend with Ms-. David Or- Ves-onica andi Thes-esa Ruskay, Pre-sident. Me. Gilchsistan i ieUnvriyo Trnt.F- tendance. this week as gucsts of Mr. andi ily, Bowrnanville, and Mr. miston, Bowm-anville.Curce with theis- da-ughtes-s, Nanscy lowing his ordination Mr. Gil- orie "We're dt andi Mary Anne, and their son, christ accepteti a cail ta the Mrs. Chai-lie Waters anti Ma-s. Ray Waltesset their Lawr-ence Squair, Salem, for Mr. anti Mrs. Has-sy Knox Mi-. andi Mrss. David Hocka- cieteti with David, as-e,expectcdt t arrive Presbytes-ian Chus-oh in Ailsa- Bruce werc visitas-s here on1 cottage at Lake Kashagawi.ga- t.he celebrating of a few anti family have been fa-i-n- day, Whitby, wes-e Sunday tional Sport in Bowma-nville in about two Cra-ig, anti has spent his en- Brucdew. M.atiM-.R ro.bs-has ng for Mr-. antiMs-s. Hilton callers of Mr-. anti Mes. Ernest presentatior wveeks. They hati plannedt t tire tisn in tihe munists-y there B-c.Mi-. and Mes. Artihur Des-t Mr. Elgin Taylor left Satus-- Tink, Ebenezes-, this week. Hocka-da-y. tes- Sparts con eesooner, but theis- in Western Ontario. Mi-. and Ms-s. C. R. Farrow and arily, Mr-. antiMs-s. day on a bus tour ta, the west Mrs. Edith Lea-ch, MissMs-. andi Mss. Alex Pattes- cimmented. cr eewere Suntiay visitas-s with Ms-. Henry Dart andi Ken attended coast. Pearl Lea-ch, Mr-. antiMs-s. spent tihe weekend with Ms-. an apportu: anti Mrs. Fr-ank Reaties, Osh- the Bell-Powell pics-uc se- Mess-s. Walter anti Law- Doug Flett andi Lintia attend- anti Mi-s Ray Mitdleton at more elai, awa. union et Lowville on Sa-tu-- rence Taylor spent a few days ed the Leach-Youngman pic- Kassha-bog Liake. sca-le show N EW T O N V IL L E Mr-. antiMs-s. Murray McCul- day. holddtays with Ms-. antiMs-s. E. nic at Mr-. antiMs-s. Bob Ms-. C. McKeen, Ms-. N. Mc- Canadiansi *Ms-. antiMs-s. Jack Elliott Stapleton enjoyeti a picnic at lough and family of Ajax, Ms-. antiMs-s. Fred Hug, Thornton, Millbrook. Youngman's, Kential. Keen, Ms-. Randy Fs-ases- anti what an in- ant Dooty acopanetiMs. TînLaks, as Tustay. wes-e suppes- guests Sunday at Bolton, visiteti at Hans Geiss- Rev. anti Mss. Robt. S4ies- We wes-e sos-sy ta leas-n lit- Bobby, David Best anti Davidi anti healthf anti Ms-s. Wr-ay Saules of Tor- Miss Kar-en Stec of Camnp- Mi-. Dn Saleo'.M-s e-ersS- anti family of Dur-ham tle Miss Susan Ha-mes- brokel Ohumblev enjoyed a fishing We have s-n onta, ta theis- cottage at TIos- belcs-oft spent la-st week here Lsn oii trvle s Ms oi e-t otvle eeoe-s usso s.hes- leg anti is a patient in trip at Heas-rt, last week. frsin rance, a week ago, Dosothy s-e- with hes- grantimothes-, Ms-s. spending a few days with Ms-. Miss Nancy Dart as-e holiday- a-d Mm-. Bruce Taylor. the Oshawa hospital. We hope Mi-. Lesly Champman, Clute, onto is the niaineti until Wetn e s ti a y, A. Boughen. anti Mrs. Stapleton anti fam- in4g this week at Hens-y Dast's. s.atM-.WeYeowshwllonfelm-eon-Ot, ihM-.niMs.RWntrS wbe M-.antiMs-s. Saules Mise aneat ayFeiyris. Ray Cames-an anti lees as-e spending a few tiays fostable. IFrases- anti family. kinti." drae hMrhme seti th ises o Lnis aydMares e si- Ms-. antiMs-s. Walla-ce Bau- Judy anti gsanddaughter Don- a-way on a mts n.Ms- anti Mrs. Frank West- Ms-s. Rita Fraser enjoyeti i-est of the week here before as-s last week with Mrss Don ghen, with Mi-. antiMs-s. Mos--nHeyaseohliy with Miss Bsenda Yellowlees anti lake, Shirley anti Kevin at- ths-ee weeks' holiia-ys with s-e- returnîng ta Toronto. Vinkle. Ms-s. Gilmes- anti Di- ley Robinson antiîamniîy, en- Ms-s. Inez Henry on a matai- Wayne Yellowlees as-e spenti- tendeti Decas-ation ses-vice at latives in Nos-thes-n Ontario. M~I Ms-. antiMs-s. George Cs-ump anc coming out Fsiday ta ta-ke joyed a family picnic at Port trip ta Nashville, Tennessee, ing some holidays with Ms-. avM cGoil of Ha-milton were recent visit- them home. esySniyatsno. USAhswe. antiMs-s. E. Larmes-, BI'ack- 'IAl Ms-. anti Mm-. Arthur Rac, stock. Master Dennis Yellow-r iflning ov m b rHoit as-s in this district at the ham- Visitai-s la-st weck with Miss .Mr. Bull Stacey is on a fish- Maskha-m, Ms-. and Ms-s. Chas-- leswihte alhLrs- E E W V E I ~ u uw es of Ms-. antiMs-s. Roy Best Bertha Thompson wes-e Miss ing trip this week antiMss les Hopkins, Beaverton, visit- o!sBlacksth ack.Lrmr anti Ms-. antiMs-s. G. Staple- Hazel Bas-rie of Osha-wa, Ms-. Staccy and chiltisen as-e visit- deRuslPekn.ofBastc O Str ton. David Cosbett anti frienti of ing hes- parents, Ms-. antiMs-s. tRsel e-is-Ms-. David Larmes-, Black- çaj'p e Cqi"hA descendants M.Dv eal co.Tor-onto. Carlisle at Stirling. . stock, is holidaying with the VVIDII S p orts S howJV the la-teE panietiMs-. antiMs-s. ROY Ms-s. Ceci] Robinson anti Kas-en Gilmer ai Pas-t Hope Buies ireckory Hre elwesfml.adJsl Ber-ry af Os-ana antiMs-. antiMs-s. John Masris ai Os-ana is visiting lies- cousin Cas-aiMs-.* anti Mss. Stanley Mill- The isst annual "Canatia-n.Canadian Boa-t Show," stateti inNioholls Mrs Rn Brly nd ar wre istor TurdayatMr Hedesonths eekwhleson visitet Ms-. anti Mi-. Ian Wirites- Sports Show" wili bei Fsank H. Kos-tsight, President baiou.,f leeElliott t Tos-onto la-st Don Stapleton's. Jef! Gilmes- is staying with Acco______mth_________an____inEhiitonPakTo-lf________xhbiiosine.Ths Wcinsdy vein fr he Anacidntacusrei h rs- Watie. -RAY sL DILLING Las-ne Millson retus-neti home anto,!s-om Novembes- 3sd ta ma-king the announcement. "ItIr 'Phosrr SOWe titiy ving fnnivers Ans-y aevent a-t the carns- o s.at ss t-n ae Ca-e-t conat with thcm alter spenting la-St 6th it was announet totay.1will feature cusling, figure Ms-s. Alvin celebration o! Ms-. antiMss No. 2 Highwa-y anti the sicie- movedtiio the former Reich- 93 Chus-ch Street weTht heSih.is new Show, featuring skating anti hockey as well Ja-net, Bea W.Denault a! that city. roati nos-th by Ms-. Wm. Staple- rath house this week. Ms-s._ 623-3861 Ms-s. Aima Runtile, BOW kigadalohrThtra te itr prsadi-MsAa Ms-. antiMs-s. Mausice HalIa- tan's, when cas-s driven by Ms- Sts-ang is one ai the new EOADAMSB ôK manville, and Miss Thelma sports, incas-poaates the On-iclude a wide vas-iety ai camn- nie, Ba-iliel Scblicves-t, Belleville, wes-e taria Ski Show helti in Tos-onto! mes-cial displays such asi-e- Jh lr wcll anti daughtes- movedti t D. Denault anti Mrs. Reinstra teachers wha wîll be in aur Charte-eti Accountant Satus-day tea guests with Mi-. oves- the past seves-al years. ors snowmobiîes anti cqu«P-î anti CIa- their new home at Mosrish wes-e in collision. Extensive school when the atiditional Tr-ustee in Banks-uptcy antiMs-s. Ross Crydes-man anti Tefos-aypeenainment for outdaos- wintcseatiSau la-st wcek. tiamage was donc ta one o!fsooms as-e completeti ant i wll Suite 205W 725-9953 fa-nily.Th ordypentinadSau Ms-. antiMs-s. Don Elliott the vehicles, but fostunately, b ecigGae ni6 Oshawa- Shopping Cents-e Ms-. antiMs-s. Ross Crytics-lill be produceti anti ma-na-g- sat. and Denise, Ms-. and Ms-s. Gea. the dis-vers bath escapeti ses-- Mrss.Gardon Tus-ney o f -WMï.-J. .CO NS ma-n anti family were Sunia-y ed by the Canadian National "This is the gs-eatcst thing Elliott, Cathy anti Cindy, wcnt ious injus-y. Trenton is spentiîng a few Chastereti Accountant vLsitas-s with Ms-. and Ms-s. Spostsmcn's Show anti heltIthat ha-s happenedti t the ski-î Get up ta Lontion, Suntiay, July Ms-. antiMs-s. Wailinges- anti,'days with hies- mother, Ms-s.! Second Floos- John Leger anti îamîîy, Osh-I a-rnually înties- the joint a-us- ing rates-nity in Onta-rio," was! 25, for thc annual Antique Ca-s family have movedtitaCaorn- Raymondi Bruce.1 New Libs-asy Building awa-. pîces ai the Southern Ontas-îolthe opinion exps-esseti by Fa Pas-a-de. On Monda-y, they wall fsrn theis- former home Ms-. antiMs-s. Wa-lter- Whit- Cas-. King & Tempes-a-ne Sts. Ms-. anti Mrs. Everett Cs-v- Ski. Zone anti the Cana-dia-ni Kochle, Tor-onto, the Presi- Fr o drove ta Nia-gara; next day, here at the cornes- of Mill taker anti family ai Tos-onto, Phone 623-3612 des-man, Mr. anti Mss rueRegistes-et Ski Shops Associa- dent o! the Southes-n Ontario, down ta Osha-wa, whes-e, at Street. We untiesstanti it wiîî wes-e visitas-s at Ms-. E. Wal- SO &BURW Montgomer-y visiteti Ms--. ition. !Ski Zone. TA the Genosha Hotel, a banquet be occupieti by Mr-. antiMs-s. keys an Monda-y. ChaItS-Ne&i Accons Ms-s. Es-ic Crytierman, ' an- ti -, -nterpbic Tee r ppoiatý anti tiance wa-s helti. Wetincs- La-mber-t Jr. 2 igS.WO-a n. gi-ave, on Suntiay. Ses-vice show, similan ta the 100,000 persans in OntassoPh ia-y. thcy proccedet cast, Ms-. antiMs-s. Buti Jones, Partn""'-: Miss Paf Knox is aboard the Spostsmcn's So nite h k euanyat h stoppîng as usual at the GaI- Davidi anti Dia-ne, a-se visiting ('AfMTTV ad .D.Wlsn CA "Emps-ess ai Canada" retus-n- tien Plough Lotige, Cobous-g, Ms-s. Margaret Shaw a! Picton, G. Edm> ond . D. Ws, C.A. îng home fs-rn hes-trip ta whes-e coice anti cookies wcne fan a fcw tiays.G.E oniBsasCA. Englanti. ses-veti them. Fs-rn there, the Cam-uU.W. ettte P ne7854 Miss Barbasa- Milles-, Brais- " par-a-ti proceetietita Brighton A family bîs-thia-y gathcsing home of Ms-s. Bob Stinson ons HALL, PERKIN & CO. gham, Miss Brentia Andesosn,! finishing up that night wit wa-s helti F-day evcning at Wednesia-y evening, Jul3' 14., Chartes-eti Accountants Zephys-, a-se holitiaying this - enathes- banquet anti street the home af Ms-. antiMs-s. Jack Ms-s. Doris Rabs-en apened the KagSre ecsl ekatteJh oxs dneaniM-.Kimbali. Arnong those present meeting with a -cading. Hymn Kn tet - Nwatewe tteJh nxs Ms- Wliset Wod e Ms-. antiMs-s. Vance "oko gs assnfl 987-4240 Ms-. antiMs-s. Bus-ne-y Hooey wit Ms. ati s-s GergeCooper anti son o! Osha-wa-; loweti with ps-ayen by'Ms-s.! 36/ King St. E. - Ohw and Ms-. antiMs-s. La-s-sy Spires wihM.adMs eL Mr. antiMs-s. George Kim- Jean Fa-lis. 725-6539 spntshawkad - H- ball Necasle; r. nd rs.Lake. baIl Necasle;Ms- ani M-s. Devotional perioti was ta- William C. Ha-Il, B.Comm., C.A. Ms-. antiMs-s. Cla-rence Vire, Howard Gordon, Port Hope; 1 en-bv Ms-s. Doris Rohs-cs en-i Daviti G. Pes-kin, C.A. n-Mrad r Pip Vrr ana A Is-s, M'ils I andsiMr.tlend"-ith atiuthe]s-a-g- Cobourg. metle Fiadt heLife."I P Lar, Ms-. antiMs-s. Melville Sa-mis mete if.î1C l r opra cu c an with Ms-. antiMs-s. Hugh Sta- Rail ca-Il was answes-ed with i___- ver- .~ ,y letn, oto-et taVisginaia thought on nature. Minutes G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. MV - p)l1, oes- the eeen to i niof the la-st meeting wes-c s-ati ffce Chis-opractor star I ""'i Messr-s. Tuppes- Johnston, andapovt. FGsady Jim Nesbitt anti Roy Smith spoke on educa-tion in T1ni 15 Elgin St., cas-. af Hos-sey St. mon wes-e visitas-s in Peter-bor-ough, dati. Treasures- and fruit ani hane 623-5509 a Satus-day, with Ms-. antiMs-s. flowes- reports wes-e given. I9!fice Hourss: By appointment MV W. J. Hancock. Cosrespontience wa-ss-cati, rrami Me. antiMs-s. Caslus Srnith Meeting closet i wth hymnn,f [D e n fa iBs-a anti fa-mily have gane o "Bhcst be the Tie that Bintis" Mc holiday trip ths-ough Oe folîaweti by the Mizpa-h bene- 1 DR.- W- .RUELDDS Agir Soundi anti district, diction. 75 King St. E. Bowma-nville tas Ms-. antiMs-s. M. Kimbaîl Ps-agra-m consisteti of sev- Office Hours : Wei .4wes-c visitas-s Fsitay, at Ms-.es-ai seatings and a- conta-st. i 9 a-m. ta 6 p.m. daily M Al. Gs-aha-m's, Newcastle. 1 Ms-s. Thora Gray moveti a Closeti Satus-day anti Sunia-y Mss ~V'R ALDIFEEN! Miss Dorothy Sta-pleton wa-s 'vote af th anks ta Ms- Stin- i Office Phone - 623-5790 Bas WER AL DIFERMP.home oves- the weekend. ' son. Lunch was ses-veti bylRcs.Phone Newcastle 987-4261 M-s. -Éu ersonù i - ntac, Ms-. antiMs-s. Trueman Hen-lGroup 1 andi a social 'tim*e'lDR. C F. CATTRAN.Dw.. Voua- is-an etisson anti family spent the1 spent. Office meeds anc pralerng =arediffef.. weekend at theis- cottage at -1j75 King St. E. Bowma-nviîle ientthanyourneighbor's;-Tat's Lake Kennisis, whes- Ms-. anti Office Hours:EL ~iy t' ipotat a av ~Ms-s. Siti Brown anti girls join-ZIl 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. iaily L cd tbem an Satus-tay evening, Closeti Satus-day anti Sundîay El Insuranc programn that's tai-. antiMs-. antiMs-s. Bert Tomp- Telephone : Office 623-5459 'raur lascc t yu ndiidafy.ifkins on Suntiay. Mr. antiMs-s. Ha-s-sy Poloz'_ __ lrIo inteeseiin xety. f Ms-. antiMs-s. As-noldi Wa-ti anti sons have retus-neti fs-m ~ DR. E. W. SSN 29,1 eO7fOitrle ncPrywes-e wcckenti guests a! Ms-. a- two we oo-n ni L.D., DD..es-a] yplanned protection for your antiMs-s. Ted Watts, Port icamping trip up ths-ough thii ffieri iSt owmale f-ic b-one, car, faniily and busineSS, Hope, csuising ths-ough the Ka- 1 Ottawa- Valley to Nosth Ba . 1î0oLesyStN.Bomnil B ca &wa-stha- Lakes on theis- boa-t, anti Sudbury, then ta Pars--y:>ifcehone 6s-s 604 the çalei.Cheryl anti John Cos-nish o! Sounti anti home. !fieHus h Os-ana, spent the weekenti Mr. antiMs-s. Jim Stainton :' 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily anti here with theis- grantimothes-, Da-vy anti Doug visiteiM- loeiWiedy- Sn a smi Ms-s. Bea- Joncs, antiMs-s. Ron Jackson at theis- Mr. antiMs-s. As-t Bonnett cottage at Stoney Lake on, n s ura n c e mes- anti family af Pas-t Credit, Sunda-y. i - 1Chui STUA T Bwes-e visitons here with ber Master Bsian His-cock, Osh-ý DONALD A. MacGREGOII by h mothen, Ms-s. Robb, oves- the a-wa-, spent last week with bis. Lue, Auto, Home J M S 1é weekenti. granidpas-ents, Mn. anti Ms-s.i Insunance He JMSMn. antiMs-s. Ha s-sy Wos-- Fred Cames-on. 9 ~King St. E., Bowmanville Has- s-a-Il anti fa-mily a-s-ca-t theis- Ms-s. A. Knopsel, Tos-ontol Phone 623-5962 of Z cottRge at Ha-stead's Beach. ývisitetiat Ha-ns Geiçsbca-ges'sî . lena Insurance - Real Estate Ms.atcss hi ims i.I A. L. HOO0EY threE King st. E. Bowmanville anti chiltisen wes-e at theis- cot- Ms-. and Ms-s. Gens-y Glas-j InHome ibl Shol ta-ge at Lake Chemong oe-Iplisetl-s!of -tect 6 ie-yInua icg Office Resideas wekatR nce 36 LbetySt. N., Bowmanvileil OfieRsdneIthe holiday wcckenti, Ms-. anti taîge at Geas-gian Bay. Phone 623-7264 e ci 623-5681623-5493Mss.F. Glmes- being their Ms-. a-nd Mns. Ha-ns Geiss -__________________ 49 suppes- gucsts on Sunda-y berges- Sr. visitetiat T. Stru- Ln iyuvgu. i MIMs-. Fr-ank Stapleton of Tas-- zencggen's, Gra-ionnd__anti at UL Re.~j , MERRILL D. BROWN 11 P.ENG., O.L.S. 111Queen St. Box 1659 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 L e ga HODGINS & MORRIS Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public 14_FrankSt. Bowmanvllle LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 rE. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barrister - Solicitor King St. W. Newcastle 1 Phone 987-4633 ýHours: 9-5:30 -Wed., Sat., 9-1 SRKE and STRIKE Barrîsters, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, BA. E:dward C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. 40 Kng St. W. - Bowmanvi1i 1 Telephone 623-5791 Pfor tg ages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONI' Phone 1 r 16 Virst Mortgage Funds Ri sidence - Farrn 3usiness Properties IOpionietr y KEITHA. BI.LLETT. O.D. Optoinetrist 143 Klng St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hor; By appolntment Telephone 623-3252 SMon. - Tues. - Thurs. - fri. 9 a.mr. ta 5 p.m. Thursclay cvenings Wed amd at. - & 12 tonH chap Funi Satu Bus-. Pa Ps-a- Lena Skuc re Sunday guests of Mr. dMrs. Harold Jebson, Bea- rton. %Ir. and Mrs. Francis John - in and D'avid spent a few s with Mr. and Mrs. Wet- )re at their cottage neari ncroft.1 BEST BUY! New! Kraft Canadian Save 4c! - 8-oz. Pkg. Irs. Janet Simp.son and' nilv, Monkton, Mr. Russel own, \Stratford, Mr. Ken B R E U E 9 ncourt, were Sunday visi- BEST BUY! Save 90! 11.oz. Bottiez ýwith Mr. and Mrs. Wes.1 ýry and family. E Ur. Jesse Van Nest, Mr. and0 ,James Heyman and Carl h AYL MER CATSUP 2i'37c sN. Wotten and Francis. BEST BUY! Save lOc! Hostess 13-oz. Twin Pack Bag OBITUARY ,WOOD HARVEY W1LBURý tlwood Has-vey Wilbus- a otaon tietiTbu-siay, July 1965.,i-n tîhe Oshawa Gen- IHospital. He had been in ling hea-lth for seven yeans. as-n Januasy 18, 1898, in îington Township. be was Sson of the late Fa-minta iGeorge Wiîbu-. A bla-ck- bbh, he liveti in thc Ta-unton,ý iý a-ll bis lufe. He was aý nber a! the Mount Ves-non s-ch. He was pretieceasedi uis wife, the former Lillian fl Vivian, Jan. 28, 1947. e is sunviveti by twa sons, vey af Tausnton anti Lloyd Zion. a siste-, Fa-mita Wl i Wilbu- a! Das-îington;i ee brothers, Tho'mas anti las- ai Das-lington anti Job1 Columbus; andtiths-ee grand-1 Idren. A siste-, Ms-s. Re-1 ca Ashton, pretieceaseti himi 1957. 'v. Char-les Catto oai Ha-mp-ý conducteti ses-vices in the iel af thc Ar-mstr-ong es-aI Home, Oshawa, an ,rda-y, July 31, a-t 2 p.m. rial was in Zian Cemetcs-y. ilîbees-ers w e s-eMessr-s. ik Pascoc, Nelson Fice, ant BaI, Tom Sabil, Bill ice, anti Neil Gifford. OBITUARY MES. KENNETII HARDY Foilowinig a-n illness af fous-: months thc dca-tiiaccus-set at Memorial Hospital, Bowman-, ville. af Mrs. Kenneth Hardy.ý The Las-mes- Jessie Hoocy,l the deceaseti wa-s a daughtes- ai the late William anti Ma-sy' Hooey. Stie was bas-n at Ty-1 s-anc anti hati been a iifelong1 resitient ai the as-ca-. She was1 a membes- o! Tys-one Uniteti Chus-ch anti an active memberý ai thc Unitedi Chus-ch Womcn.ý Besides ber husbenti, Ms-s.! Hardy is sua-viveti by a son 1 Geralti a! Tys-ane. Also surviving a-se ths-ce sis- tes-s, Ms-s. Ace Abbott (Ruby) of Osha-wa, Ms-s. William1 Thos-oton (Reta) af Tos-onto, anti Ms-s. Earl Ps-escott (Ag-~ nes) ai Tyrone, anti a brother,, Stuart ai Tyrene. Ilhe funes-al service wasý helti fsrn UthcNorthcutt & Smnith Funrisah Home, Bow-- manville, on Wetinesday, JuIy 21st, anti was conducteti byý Rev. Da-vidi Nos-tA-ey af Tys-ane Unitedi Chus-ch. Interînent was, ln Bowna-nville Cemetcny. Polîbearers we s-e Mcssrs.i Clarence Woodley, Lionel, By'am, Las-ne Phsare, LanceI Phare, As-chie Vistue ands Arthsur ichards. Flowers fnoni frientis, rela- tives andi neighbours dlswed, the esteen in wtsicb she was held. BEST BUY! Save 8c! 12-oz. Tin KAM Luncheon Meat 43c BEST BUY! Save 47c! 5-1b. Bags LUMP (HARCOAL 3'. 1 BEST BUVI Save 5c! Liquid 32-oz. Size GLIDE STAR(H 25C enthusiastie about rsenta-tian," he con- :is ou- hope that -een, af Rossland, f Canatia's most tai- [ers, wili be amang 1ebnities who wili tbte 1965 Canadian orts Show." athern Ontarsio Ski an association ci 150 Ski Clubs anti ion af the Canadien Ski Association. The R.egistes-ed Ski Shaps n was foundeti four fas- the express pus- ilting a-n annuai ski 1Morris, Toronta, is delighted ta be asso- , the Canadien Na- rtsmcn's Show in the Dn ai the new Win- s Show," Mos-ris d. "This will ai fer anity ta pnoduce a borate anti large- Santips-avide more an appreciatian af nvigoasating, plea-sant hfuI spart skiing is. a-ny excellent places in Ontario antiTas- ýitial locale for a aorts Show ai this Il Etm..;I and Mms. Frank MeGnt ,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MeGil, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Terina. Patty andi Kathy, ail of Tor. onto; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ash- ton. Sheryl, Glen, Beth. Bar- bara and Allan, Mr. and Mrm Keith MjcGill, Dale and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGiU, Mr. and Mrs. Uloyd Ashton and Ronald, ail of Bownianville-, Mr. and Mrs. H ýd.Tate, Mr. Gordo n*Mîll Nancv,ý Joan and BdIUe, a fMill- brooic; Mr. niM Ivan Sharp. Linda and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McG4il, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virt4ie and Judy, aIl of Ennl9killen. Mrs. James Turnbuil, Mr. and Mmg Jim Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staples, Ma-s. Janes Might and Esther, ail of Peter- boroughi. 'M~le officers for thec two years are: Presit, Frank MoGili: Vîce-President, Bruce McGilI; Treasurer, Elaie McGilI; Secretary, M ari1e Sharp; Historien, Alice Turn- bull; Sports, Joan Miglit, Bon- nie Dawson, John Armour and William Armour. The picnic next year will be held in Nicholis Oval Park, Peterborough, the fourth Sat- urday in July. 9 Fi7!47rniv rWiM "SPECIALLY CUT FOR THE BARBECUE" - TENDER, JUICY BRANDED THICK CUT RIBC ST EjAKS "For Banbecuing at itg Best!" - Bonciess No Waste Extra Tender - Julcy Burger Bleni RoIIed Pork Loin 79b Ground Chuck 59' "Barbecue Speclal" Choice - Plump - Tender CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS liii1L - DISCOUNT PRICES Rcg,îtlar 98c! Extra Firm - Firni 6-ou. Size HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET ..........89C Regular 59c! Extra Firm - Fimn 2-os. Si» HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET ..........49c Regular 99e! SUAVE SHAMPOO - Normal or Dry ..... 89c Save 9e! SOFT DRINKS Freshie or KooI-Aid in Caus 10 pkgs. 49c 6 for 49c _____________________ Case of 24 - $1.79 Save 4c! Baked Fre.h! Kraft Jet Putt Weston or Sunbeam Marshmaltows LEMON BUNS il-ou. Celle 29c l Reg. 3f9là 35c - FROZEN FOODS Sae4e! Sunklst 6-ou. Tins Save 4c! York 15-os. Pkg. Lemonade .. 4 for 49c Raspberries .......39c 59 c SUNSHINE FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Tasty, Home-Grown NEW POTATOES No. 1 10.1b. Big1 I~i Healthful, economical No. 1 (ABBAGE 2Hlage2 5c ICalifornia white Ne 1 SEEDLESS GRAPES I lb MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Mcaple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE g . Orono PECK'S RED & WHITE -Newtonville i -' .-,-...-. "t Glen Rae Dairy King St. W. Bowmanville 1 ýÈ Reunion 110, eA N, iElCTRI#9CA 1 s YSTE TH A T W/1 L tsd relx~Fatives of8 E A SENSATION, Elizabeth Pritchard %%WEIL 61VE AN ph McGill gathered ,Oval Park, Peter- 4ESTIMA TE WT// fr their annual pic- se attending were: ,y Murray, Mr. and n Tate, Robert and ýaconsfield, Quebec; i iDawson and Bon- 1 ýoro: Mr. and Mrs.' rkson, Keene; Mr.I Joe McGill, Deani in, Cooksville; Mr. Vour Price <c ] iur Livestock i '41I l througb 116 TEMPERANCE ST. one 623-3303 I Save 9c on r vu r Supreme Brand Hot Dog or Hamburg %te BUNS Packages of S'à IL 49cmm Save lie! Evaporated Tai T RED & WHITE MILK RfC Save 12c! 1-lb. Pkgs. Rose Brand Crd. F Margarine 3 to8 c Save 18e! - Canadian 20-os. Tins Aylmer Pork and F 9 BEANS 6R9Y Preserving and Pickling Ne.dsl' Save 8e! White 128-ou. Plastic Jug HEINZ VINEGAR 67c, Save 4c! Kraft 16-os. fottie BARBECUE SAUCE 43C a a % ý 1 àAMOL 1