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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1965, p. 10

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10 The. Canadla tu iEw Anvla ug. 11, logo5 «rfi foi "Ioo 1;iào DÀviulàIý Tree Like Pretzel 8 vVfiel qu If F qUUD# 6.10EW U1 Wià& On Hydro's New Plant Site Twisted to resprnble a huge ish prank had *wounod up tht' moral might hasten the end. pretzel, a rnauntain asht.ee tree liml's" nto their present Sa mc ikely will remain an at t.he corner ni Broclc Road' twited shape., ancient. odd appearmng and and Montgomnery Road n Mr. Preuse recalled that the' twmted curiosity piece on its Pickering Township, ha% been tret' ]imos bent ea, ly and orignal ground not far from the object of curiosity for,!remnained intertwined. The one oi' the world's largest and infly years. ones which were mocre dffi- Most mnodern nuclear power TIhe tree is io<ated on pro- cuit to twist, tihose youths of stations. perty now owned l'y Ontarioý 60 years ago were able ta (Frank Prouse's on, Clin- HYr rits 1,080,000 kilo-' bend with ropes. ton J. Prouse, works far On- watt Pickering nuclear power And s0 the tree whicli is tarin Hydra. He start.ed himý plant. !possibly 80 years oId lbas re-l{ydro career after World War Cause of the strange shape 1miined wound up and twisted II at Scarborough Transformner of tihe tree has heen obscured like a preptzel for more than Station. He is now Electricali I the mistai' time. Most of Isix decades. Pickering Town- General Foreman at Pinard the aider residents ai' Picker- ship officiais indicated at fir.st Transformer Station which i.s lng-Ajax sirea know about theithat they migiht desire ta ce- under construction near 1{y- tree and its location. It even Toove end preserve thet' rce dros Abitibi Canyon rom- bas been painted on ranvassIby repianting it an townsihip munity at Fraserdale, Ont.) by artiçtq and ph-otogaapbedj property. Ontario Hydro oi'- nan'y times. But oniy one IficiaLs, co-operated to accom- veteran rould be fnund who'modate in the proposedi tree J.*- E m m knew the' story l'ehind thei rernoval plan l'y altering tht' Juiolir ariiir grotesquely twi.sted treet- He fence line slightly. Tris puti irs Frank J1. Prouse, 75, Picker- the tw.isted mounitain ash tree ing Township building in-Ian tht' extrerne nortiitast cor- WiII (ommeein spectar. ýner aof the Commission pro- Mr rns ai ha eperty just outsde the' steelDe.u a grew up on the' farm next ta fence. PIvV. ieldU a the one on which tht' tret' was: t naw appears that no ac-' ]ocated. ',:orne 62 years. ago,! tion is contemplated ta re- 'For tht' first timef the' Jun- ho and the' sons of' tht' iate! move tht' tret' because close inr Farmers' Association ni' 'ram Marquis, an whose farm! ý inspection indicates it is de- Ontaria will hold a Provincial ... the tret' was looated, as a boy- caying in its centre and re- Field Day, scheduled for Sat- urdlay', August l4th. at tht' This Mountain Ash tret' has grown for more than six decades like a twisted University af Guelph, corn- FO R SA LE mencing at, 1:00 p.m. pretzel. On the left is Frank J1. Prouse, 75. who as a boy, more than 60 ycars ago, Winners from tht' four r'-hcIped to twist the tree limbs into their present shape. Looking, on at right is I gional field days will rom-_ F. H-. "Rai" Srnuck, Ontario l-ydro's resident e'ngineer for the Commission's 1 1 pete for provincial hanors i Pickering nuclear power plant. The tree is on the power station grounds. TOBA CO F RM softbaILl track and field, rifle, shooting, horseshoes, tug-of -'__(nai Hydro Photo) TOBACCO FARM Fiand square dancing.. Thte Fre BASI TOBCCO RIGHS * 54ares winning caunty wiî receive a j4'a ings fromn the' co]onrje, liasý ACRAGE20 toal120 mibe ý rpydonated l'y th.t' -B aVert n ar ebeen, and still is a treasure, toalI& IIIlII~ i vîncial Junior Farmers' As- house ai' the' past. Dealers of! IRRIGATION - 3 acre lake on property sociation. 11. ifI Ithe. area are in a unique posi-'; iCaimnfor the' Field Day H1eaus ,jsg ,ft B oardL tion ta find the' memcntoes ari Sprinkler System Available ýis Delmer Cavanagh, Provin- îan early settlement, whether! cial Dîrector for Carleton! Hon. Wm A. StewartMin- tht' province on hehaîf ni' tht' fine china, glass, or prîmi-ý BUILDINGS Modern pack barn and ýCounty, whuo will l'e assisted ister of Agriculture, announe- producers.tie. room , l'~~y Provincial Direror î-med todiay that George R.Mc- Administrationiaf t:he Milk Mn4carsepsntd t srpparticipating counties acrossî Laughlin, well known Beaver- Marketing Board will l'e un- tht' show have their nwn spe- Seven gas-fired kilns, the' Province. der the supervisioni af the rialtirs. Ont' has a particular- Juniorr Farmers and anyone'. Ontario Milk Commission Wn-- y fine stock af aid printîa, în renose rterested in the program are der tht' Ohairmanship aOf books, and early pictures.: fortobccoacrage enouraged ta attend. George McCague. Another, whose comparative-' EQUIPMENT- Comnplets _for__________________ whUne the Milk lndustry e 'hpi-apidly gain- Up to 60 acres.CshAct continu(-s in force, Stepsl ing pram inence. has rare' are bein take *to ensure pieces nof the crmrently popu-, May be Inspected, including tobacco and Gel as Today smooth transition to tht' new lar Carnival glass. potato crop in the area. ~~m .amnsrto ne h e A local raler. w'hnse busi- F'or l Appiances .. iinircth tw îgsain~ akrudhsmd Phone or write: ns akrudbsmd e ther thelk.Commislis n- a sihrewd judige cf quality andl period, is well knownamn J. E. LINDSAY, tbrough sponsible for tht' regulations msu epe wo hv RENFREW, ONTARIO, Igavenning the' industry andhugiagrtdalro hr I C ASSF!E S Ifo2-h'36perisofi'the' zhop, stocked with authentici llmlc 2364Phone 623-3303 operations of the Milk Mar- Canadiana. keting Board. huhheatqerceis Mr. McrLaughlin, who head? roghth'atqe rd s tihe new Milk Marketing onlv a sidepline with hlim, ane Board, is a fiirst vice presi-dae r'tng a booth is in ANNOUNCEM ENT * '.3ii etc h'Diy Parmers o a position ta find, thraugh his * iCanada, a member of tht'Ad regular occuîpation, primitive visarV Committee tn the' Can- furniture tram tht' last cen- ada eparm~ni ni'Agri u iry, whirh he eî in itsi tui-e, and a former presidet original statr. 1Mi'fthe Hoistein-Frîjesian Asso- An att.rarlinn cof wdeiner ciation of Canada.,-_______ reorge McLaughlin "Mr. McLaughlin i.-oaieni' ONTARo tnt deirthe' outstanding dairv Men in 9 ta amy farmer, l'as been Canada,- said Mr-. Stewart in appodnted Chairman a& tht' announcîn.g tue appointment. ,new Ontario Milk Marketing "He is held in high regard l'y Board. the' entire indust ,ry and with Thle Board, establ'ished un- hîs wide agricultural exper-i- O n ta rio der the provisions oi' Ontarios once I am sure that his ap- nwmilk marketing legisia- pointment will comnmendi il- lopassedi at tht' iast ses- self ta li] those engaged in the, so ofthe' legisiature, will veryimpran usnssa assume the responsiblt' v ay f;dairy-ing and marketing iný slizail milk produced in'Ontaria". wiII now cover dependent children to 2lst birthday Beginning September 1, 1965, benefits under the Ontario Haspital Insurance "Family" pre- miumn will be extended ta caver eligible un- married, unemplayed dependent children untîl they reach their 21lst birthday (rather than ta the l9th birthday as in the pastî. This will apply, also, ta the supplementary 'semi-private' co- verage for whîch some residents remit additional premitims ta private carriers through the Com- mission. Separate premiuns will be required when such dependarîts reach age 21, or marry, or beconie regularly enployed. Applications for registration are available in hospitals, banks, Province of Ontario Savings Off ices and Commission offices. The Family premiunî, however, wîil caver a persan aver age 21 wha is dependent upflf the insured parent or guardian because af physical or mental infirmity, prvidd ho or the wu thé Insured Mrson's dépendant b.fers 4p 21. Refund of Premniumns An unmarried, unemployed persan wha wii naw become eligible as a Family dependant under age 21 because of this new regulation, and for whomn separate premniumns have already been prepaid beyond September 1, 1965, is entitled ta a refund of premiums back ta that date. Re- tunds must b. requested as this is tht' only means of identifying those eligible. The form at the bottom aof this announicemnent is for the convenience of Pay Direct memnbers in claînîing thîs retund. Premiuîns prepaid through a group other than as an employee) will be retunded through the group. Note: Commîssmori lterature is being changed tu show the new age limit. In the meantime, please read all references ta age 19 i existing pamphlets as ..age 21". ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7. ONTARIO REQUEST FOR REFUND To Ontario Hospital Services Commision, 2195 Yonge St,. Toronto 7, Ontario OE(ffDANTS SURIEAMI (fAMItY NAM[) Pt.,,. prtel 1 f AOMSS IS RURAL ROUTE or SENERAL DEUIV!py INSERT NM RYUV WCN VOU A Rt KN0WN s. ýThm. Ihsry ètc POSTAL ADORtSS _______ _______ Ir t f, rS T riR NiTumt-_____ 1 amn under au. 21, unmarri.d and finincrally dé- pendent upon my parent of guardisiwho is isured inOntarioMosp.tal Insufance aithe Family premim, pion mïff rwo IflITIALS wi:: n of; E- Mins DFlMNaANT'S DAIE W SfIRIi4 fÉ1DAY YA DEPENDANTS HOSPITAL INSURANCE WI~AT Pwastoaol My persomal oerage undwe th"abow mumber arêd rtfund prem<urns Paid for the benft porMo beyond September 1, 195. D ADO'î'ON~t i~O'E5 ~ TII'! ~OiM 4M AVAILAKI SPON MOuS? IDarlington Council Darlington Township Coun- eCovncil aof the Corpnra- cil met in the Municipal tion c f the United Counities of Building on August Sth, all Northu'mberland and Durhiam members present, Reeve Blan- ta! raise the sum of $490,000.0n chard presiding.1 in total now requiired for the Moved by Deputy Reevel Pumroses aforesadd by the ix- Muir and Councillor Gibbsl sue of debentures cd the Cor- that tihe Road Accounits forl poratiion of the United CoLin- the month of July in thelties of NorthLbymberland and amotint of $26,944.04, as ap- Durham. proved l'y the Road Commit- 7. An.d The Counicil or the, tee, be paid.: Corporation of the Townsqhip Movedl by fleputy Reeve ai' Darlington hereby rerog- Miiir and Coi incillor Budai: nizes that the -said BO'ard will 1 hereas th P Durhami le reqUired ta raise out. of ..ouny District H'igii Sc'hool ctrrenlt funds in accordancei Board intends tn construet a with Section 34 ai' the Secon-J vocational additdon -to the dary Schools and Board of' Courtice H4igh School, and ta Education Adt en amnounf1l fur.nish and e-quip the rsame, equivalent to the difference'; and the' original estimated between the amouint raised by, normal c'osts to the said Board debentures as eforesaid andý in ail was estimated ta be the, the said cositot the said Board sum of $398,594.00. 1 f $33,594.00.1 S 2. And Whereas the Dur-r Moved by Counicillors Down ham Coutv District High' and Budai that any employees, School Board applied to the of this Township who attend Municipal Councils having the Warden's picnic on the jurisdiction in the said Dis- ai'ternoon of Wednesday, Aug- trict for the issue of Deben- ust Il, 1965, be given a hall tures ini the amounit, estimet- holiday with pay. ed to be $365,000.00, to PI-o-j Moved by Counicillors Budai vide for- the major portion of and Gibbs that Rule 33 be the cost of construction tu the, 'iuspended for the duration of Board of the said vocationali;this meeting. addition to the Courtice Hligh, On motions as filed e Bv- iSchool. the furnishing and' law to further amend ByV-Iaw equi.pping thereof, the interestil 211, as, amended, was givemi thereon and the expenses con- 1 its everal readings, signed, tiected t'herewith, and the mR- sealed and num'berpd 2362 Iority nt the' Cotincils of' the' Moved by Counciliors Gibbz said Municipalitiei; have Iiv and Budai tihat Mr, Strike.' iResolution approved ni' the. Mr. Littie and Mr, Rundie l'e said application.' instructedj to arrange a public 3. And Whereas of the' meeting on the eveming of, Tenders repceived by the saidi August 26, 196à, ta inform the' Board tht' anr which thelpulic or f plans being made toj Board proposes ta accept is ini, re-zone lands for tht' St.i an amounit that will renderý M2ry's Cement Company. the' estiinated normal rost ta, Moved l'y Counciliors Gibhk, the Board of' $498594-00 in-jand Ilown httsmeig 'adequate. 1ajun htti etn 4. And Whereas the Board ajun has now appiied te the Muni- cipal Couiciis having jurisi!ln Showv of diction in the' said DistrietPa for tihe issue of debentures in the amount cf $125,000.00, ta nt provide for the said cost in-Ani u s a creased as aforesaid.qu s a .5. Be It. Resolved that the Counicil of the Corpration of Napanee Club the' Tawnsrhip of Barlington, being a municipality includedý in the said District, hereby' The choicest treasures frnm approves the said applicationi their shops will l'e on dispiay and agrees ta assume its pro-liand for sale, when dealers per proportion of the amountsý from adjacent counities, %!; required ta pay the said de-1 well as distant counties, ga- bentures, the interest tuiere- ther in the Napanee Curling on and the exipenses connected Club for the town's secoend therewith, as prescribed l'y annuai Antique Show ad Sale., the Secondarv Schools and August 13 and 14, freim1 Boards of Edu ,cation Acti. a.m. to 10 p.in. 6i Re It Further Resolved' The -Cradle of Ontario' that the' C--neil af the Cor. Counties. where Loyalists tirgt poration of the Township of; settled, bringing with themý DauLnjgton hereby requestai tbhei moet poecous belon-. est wMbe amasflaye «ew in solid woods. Tlhe Gibbard Mo yN w Atrcin since 1837, hes manufactured For Oshawa Fa ir Au g. 19 housholdfurnturethrogh ' he Oshawa Fair to be held Anotiher feature Fridav ev- manhe Aniqe Sow stlean Sle Thursday, Friday and Satur-iening beginnng at 60o' p.m. Te ntiue Sow nd Sle eyAugut 1, 20 21 Alwill be horse racing witb bet- Is presented by the Leniiox daAuut1,2 1 t Alexandra Park, Oshiawa, wLIitinz privileges and Adidington Historical So- have m'anv varied featuresý Saturdav vwiIll he the bt. ciey. il rocedsgo tO-1 which will interest the whole>ing or the livestock iný the wards the restoration of onel famiiv.. following cJasses: Shorthorns, on the contytheAIan hmac-' With the asieistatice of a Angus, Herefords. Light Hor- -intheconty te Al-n Mc-newly forrned Pubiicity Rndjses, Light and Heavy Clydes- pherson House. The boeuse, on Promotion Committee many dales and Commercial Horse". Macpherson Ave n ue, %Wasinew m<eas have been incor- A vnio atrao n marke by aplaque during porated into the Fair's pro-'teresit t many, Will l'e the iast year's courity centeniai, grain. 4HCthatvte n by the Ontario Archaeoiogical 4HCu ciiisadIi and Historie Sites Board. j Thursday. opening etay, wiii: Junior Farmer projects. .\t feature such attractions as a 5:N0 p.m. thiere will ho a par- During the two days of the Record Hop and tihe crcrwning ade cf prize winnin-g live- Antique Show and Sale the of "Miss Oshawa Fair". An-istock. Macpherson House and Park other very colourful event willt In tlhr eveniinr the Old wili be open to visitors, wit'h he the Saddle Class and Pony Tvme Fiddlers' Coritest will guides to canduct a tour of Ciass conipetitions from 6:09 ehl triga :0pm the house fiiling in its growthlp.ni. ta 8:30 p.m. egnn aP:0p.thr with the growth of the coun-,ýFia h ugn ftewl ea l ieSur ty town, and its significancelFia h ugn f~ewl ea l ieSur in the career of John Alexan-' iivesýtock hegînis. Classes in- Dancing for the' enjoyment of der Macdonald, Canada's firet c ude Jersey' v l9th Priheveryonc. Cash prizes are tan ,Show, Guernsey, Ayreshirel'e awarded tn the' best set on Prime Minister. Holstein, Sheep, Light Ho>rsess.th'e floor. The ladies of the HistoricaliPercheron and Belgian Horses.' iwy rds iehw Society w'ho are convening,,MdA res the~~~~~~ rersnetii h one a'llowin.g tht afternoon: and concession booths wll ber of the curling club prms jugn there wiIi l'e a par-, in operation throughouit tha. tradtioai reat: rspbrryade of prize winningj stock atentire Fair. shrub, 8nd pumpkin cake, one:4Op . ilth ar.The bl'îiiiîgs hoigiig th@ of the earliest sweets the set- In the evening Wally N and exliii.s of Neediecraft, F'lori- tiers, wives were able to bakelthe Shandeils of Oshawa will culture. Domnestic. Science. fromi pumpkirns which flour- be providing t'he music fo>r!Junior Girls and 4-J- Club I ished in the clearings, will be1 dancing frein 8:30 p.m. ta projects will l'e open daily to featured on the menu. 11:30 p.m. the public. _______ roesi on your Dlofly (Gel that anywhere) Intereet end securi I (Gel that here) TO)RONTO -DOM IN ION Where pýLopie make the dLffierence Smart savers know that the interest it pays is just the first of the good things about a Toronto- Dominion Savings Account. You also get the complete security of dealing with people whose sound financial practices have buit success upon sofid success for more than 109 years. 7 BAK And one more thing-the friendliness and warmth of our people. You appreciate this every time you use one of our 27 valuable customer services. And isn't it nice to know that all this is available to you at any one of our 650 branches? Drop in to the one nearestyou. R. G. LAWTON, Manager, Bowman ville OSHAWA FAIR .THURS., FR1., SAIT. August 19 m-20-21 0 Exciting New Features THURS. EVENING: Gates Open 5 p.m. - Buildings 6 p.m. RECORD HOP - SADDLE CLASSES ""MISS OSHAWA FAIR"" CONTEST -FRIDAY - LIVESTOCK JUDGING - WALLY AND THE SHANDELLS HORSE RACING- 6 P.M. With Wagering Privileges OLDE TYME FIDDLERS' CONTEST -SATURDAY - HORSE RACING - 1:30 P.M. With Wagering Privileges 4-H CLUB - ACTIVITY DAY - LIVESTOCI< JUIJGING- EXHIBITS MIDWAY - EXHIBITS - BANDS Horticulture- Neediecraft - Floriculture - Domestic Science ADULTS 75c CHILDREN - 12 and under 25e - CARIS 50c 4',' I 1 -AtEin

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