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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1965, p. 11

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3 a.m.. probably even affter! that. Councillor Watton feit that .9thev could speak tri Constabli Tillson, and he was sure he' wou Id co-operate with a dit-1 ference in hours. Or maybe1 Phone 987-421$ i'm wrong, maybe he cannoti change the hours himself. Here. Mrs. Tillson wau asked; ,what the constabie's hours are.' house was with the constant Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; fou] language, and the wiid,! Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. tic S essio , ing and well into the night iThursday are his days off, and andear monin. Hw se 1Friay ndSaturday from Q i lIf 11 5the front street, netot nreply, with, of course, changes NINrVla iEI 3ust what if anytbing might jas the Bowmanviile office felt bappen. Her husband wboineeded. ihe- rpored etals f atal heha d once gone out to the people 1 This is just it, replied Mr. îght- hrecte etlwofhaMr. Gordo on the front street got for bis 'Storks, we get protection un- gt-hîs Huges 10 th e r.ctGohtdtn effort a punch in the eye. tii i a.m. The gUys around cil- new fire truck should arrive The men from the hotel were the area seem to Jcnow this, be at any time. It went int the stili present at the meeting, and with the streets free of te paint shop on Tuesday. Once and to them Mr. Stork said he ithe local cruiser and officer, tests are completed ib wiil be meant no, disrespect to tbem lit ail st.arts. And we can'tý brought to the village, or their business. As had ai-lexpect one tan to give 24 ready been said, the botels hoir protection. But I de- Lona'er Hotel Hours closed at 10:30. This drinking1 mand we get it. Proprietors of the Queen's and noise that he was a wit- "It will cost you," renid and Elmburst Hotels, Joe ness to, happened at 2 a.m. ed the reeve. "Taxes will go Douglas and Paul Lake ap- Sundi morning. up. You don'b get police pro- roached council concerning Mr. Stocks said lie had tection for nothing". ew hours for the hoteis onl policed Thucsday and Friday "So inm willing to pay more,J aturday evenings. At present nights up and down the front we pay flow and get nothing" *< ey close at 10:30 p.m. on Sat- street. He'd taiked to a few reminded Mr. Stocks. av evernng, and they are of those Who bang around, but lC orne on, gentlemen, as ing te stay open uni 11:30 hysi bywrntcet 9nillors don't vo aeo , 0.m., the sameeyasethey doein M.,t ther boeias eyd i ng any disturbance, so he just 1 gîve opinions, let's hear from meT he reve exlaie th kept hirnself in sîght and no 'you. What do you think, Fred?1 The eev expaind tothecacryings on took place. Fli. (Councillor CoucbY'" men that years ago bhe clos- igh a lbet ewn 0 "Weil," said the counicillor,' ing byýlaW was passed to give bed feeling rather good about w ~sli ihteAtr some peace and quiet to the it ail on Saturday evening, ney-Generai and Inspectors, a front street. If hotels stay open oniy te, be abruplly awakened and we took th is offer, a man: .euntil 11:30, they would be un- by'hril loud noises, Young on a four-hour part-lime basis, 4 aable to have everyone out be- men tbrowing thernseives whhl rmteBwa- afore midnight and that wasiagainst the I.GA. windowsvil office when that man is, S The mbnt Sunda morning. and tossîng the Globe and Mail on holidays or days off". Mis.his by-law was passed back paper box clear out loto the "hnwsta? se r 1 isin '47 or e48. middle of the road. Cursing Storks. "We have a new A.G. ehi-Mr. Lake said be appreciat- and sweacing ioudly, not car- now, rnaybe hie might have epen ed the reason, and it was a F ing what elderly person thev sometbing diffecent te sug-1 ( ncu-good one. But he pointed out disturbed, and what young gest". .mare now, even with the earl y clos-"O1 o'tki sdth -Motein or, ebs upars heard the filth. "hI nl knwsith mohrin orh a upd out reeve, "even with the A.G., j nd Mr. of bed eariy Sunday morning Caliing out to thern, Mr. present most of the taîkin gis due to loud noises, that seem- Stocks saiti he called, "A re 'done by the inspector of the ited last ingly have nothing to do wibh ,vou guys deaf", and I feit headquartecs, and we settie on, ith ber earîy or late cîosing. maybe they mighb then take one or another of contcacts".i Mr. and The reeve thanked the teriff Instead, they had gath ' tthsbme rcGog d. for comning into counicil and , eced in the middle o! the roadi Wallon spoke aiong the same Lambesid bis counicil would give itidrinking and swearing and.dines, clearing the fact that' earn that thoughît and give lbem an ' daring to bave the police eaul- vbenever be bas caiîed Cons- her borne answer shortiv. In case thev'cd out. Wben their beer bottles !table Tilîson at home beforp g stay in decided on the later hour, Mr. were emply, they called loudly lhe's left for the duties of the Lake lef t the reeve with papers thev wouid smash tbem al day, and even on bis day off,:- neigbbors, addcessed to the L.C.B.O. agaînst the elm tree. As tbis1 he wili corne down right awav. ospital Ibis whicb asked for their signa- was on my pcoperty out in But if he's aiready out, pos- y Alldcead,iîures agreeing to the hours. back, said Mr. Stocks, I went isiblv called out of the village Miss Liliy At a meeting bieid recentiy out 10 taik tb thern. Weil, be:area because he is not a full the South at the Clarke High School, said, one I righî take on, but ltime Newcastle loriy police or-: Mrs. Rutb reeves and deputy, reeves at- what does a litie guy like mej ficer, it may be hours be fore Davis, Mrs. îended to get a report thev do with three o! themn. They be, or sorneone else is sent Sharon Mii- could bake back to counicil re- wouldn't listen, so I went back:back bere". Rinch. Mr. garding the cost of the ad- in the house to cail the police. i Mr. Wallon spoke how hep Mrs. Jane ditio1n and change in the set-up At 2 a.rn. I don't know if had trouble Io the park whiie ;mith, Master 0fthe school levies. Reeves Tilison is nt home, sleeping, iMr. Tilîson was on holiday,. Mrs. Patricia;:were advîsed ta suggest to, away or wbat. But I calied and again no reflection to the. their council members thal and I got no answer. So I find Bowrnanville boys who wpre they accept and approve re- in tbe telephone book, for already tryinz to be in sev- vised estimales. The exact ernergency caîl Bowrnville, eral places at once, be report-! cost couldn'b be told by the arid I do this, andi afler several 1cd how it was some nc and ýreeve, as ib is stili not known rings, getbing no aoswer, 1I a bal! boucs before any cruis-: re accurately. realize that no one works iii er entereti the village.' CompainAbou Nose the office at night. Then, I These officers have oî'ders,! Inamplatin Ab mtaoie ulearro I cao place a caîl through tbey do their job and do it eleg tok nd Mati Peterborougb and whenl I weli. Wby can't we get pro- ray Paterson of King Street, finally get an answer I ain tection when we need il? Be andGerg WllnMii t'listened to, anti get tbe service c1 s hseflosar îe LI (Waltona Park), Mr. Stocki of a police cruiser in tbe area bogged down oubside of town spok firt b ouncl ofthein about 20 minutes, whicbh all anti we woni't pay to have te nois an abse he in ail with the 'phoniog ant ithings we want and neei. I nois ant abse te pople;the no aoswer took about baîf 'I haveacopin hrI - livinrg on the front street were1a opanhe,1 baving tb put up with. In 1810 three-uaes of n buc. don't care about Orono or the> *,as ad Mr. St'rksl-e hati cui ae enmut-40l, if we hati our own police,: 8 c er once corne0to cotwicit ereti in aur betis, be saiti. or paiti for 24-bour O.p.pi compainng.He felt the men None of this was a ceflection 'servire insteari ot îcying tr; 3 SÔO ~on cqufci were gooti legislat-ioni our local manî, Constabie inake do wibh four hours a -,i 4' -ynnided Tillîson, or the officers of thelday, we oud'tb kept. and ~ e oincri hnw the peoriewith Bowrnanviiie office, he con-1waitir>g, Mr. Waltoni'ninu . i and hi jsiness have added aed spent1 tinucti. They bave their boucs! Mc. Storks asked Cotincillor m,'ih niyla tht' front and their orders, but as a tax- iBonathan for his opinion as a s'ti ccl, andi how be nmw has payer, let's gel something for 'ceident on Newcastle poli ce a artrnents renîpti on bhc front our money. We need fulIl ime!protectionl. "Not ninuc'to- 7.o st*p.He, wibh bis familyiprotection, îlot four boucs afeed c.Bontha, we get1 C a va'.'n holida.y, returredti0day. We don't neeti a manlvPrY Ftle" hqaî' frnm bis new lenan's how 1 uring the daylight boucs, we "And now as a <aii îullor, frightenied the__lady or bbc neeti andi want somnone until (1'URN TO P/AGP' THIRTEEN) ý Rain-Aqciin Hits Carnîial i 1 lm 0~ Mqw w-'p w- But QnIy Slows Operation Newcastlp Ai, rr forced po.tpnuîiriln of the b' carnliial celebr-Ations n Ci'. Holiday, workecs on Saturffi again rallie inb tnp cause. TI hoobhs wrP put imb î'dec rar vi a jAt Vour Local Druggist fs - Thurs. - Fri. » Sugt. I~SUPER SPECIAL 2O KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES 1 c BAN Aerosol DEODORA¶ sug----- Zi 1.13 KOTEX Feminine Napkiuns - 12'%"s àl44c ~ BUFFERIN TABLETS 30%u', sugg. luat R 77c4 PEPSODENT Dental (ream 69c value 5 9c4 Wilki, on Stainless Steel Blades n s uEt 49e 43 c foneMLOR by Richard Hudnut sugg. list 1.95 1..594 6«12 INSECI REPELLEPI!«--- sugg. list 89e 77c CHLOR TRIPOLON 18-- i'5, sugg. liat 1.09 93 c SOLARCAINE LOTION --- -3-îZ., sugg. lust 1.3 1.12. 1 WATCH FOR TRIS ILD EACH WEEKr 4 ROWMANVIÏ4.E NEWCASTLE4 SJAC~gSN'S DEUG STORE JbM!<NSGNR'S DEUG STORE4 il=X NcGEEGOE. DEUGS ORONO4 'UT *LOYELL Ç.TIT' PHAEACT 4 in dev'nîabed. announlcemrnerîtcars George SIielunsori, John Rlic- g louceti the aPRre.rceindiing kélrd. and Howprd Quinney.: c eant inviling one laod ail to Ag Carnival chRirman, he ex-' ay corne ouft and support the -vil- prp.çsed ici thanks and grati- ep laRe wilh their fune! caisînglibute In the commlittpe whn td artificial ire project. gave freely andi willingiy of The bail diamoitnd was. put theîr heilp ant ltime, and Io un s;hape anti beginning at, 2:10) many to he nrined indtivitîiiai-: p.m. the first of lhcee Rames 1Y, and in ffar of for2ptting' was iîndecway. Ourc lot-al boys nei, his avec »Il thankq ta pe we Hem hwd odthose, in tuî'n helped the rom- fight as th,, 'aege scoreF mittee in hehindti he.uceýne.s frorn a7-I deficit at the endi woî'k, bbc, building antd Ca.n- of tbe foucth inning. In a final ing uir, ad the promobing of score of R-7 for Welcome. the car.nivai. "With the Pee Wees leaving Spprial tfuaiks wr.'. givenl the field, the ladies soffhali the Hocke-y Mother, a'nti In teams or Newcastle and Port the Scouts,. who, with the ro- Hope came on 10 show theiî OPeî'ation or Sroutmaslers Win sktiil. The victocy here wenî ,Collier nt Robert Sheacer, 10n Newcastle in a final score suppiied teamF of boys to of 3-0. supervise parking and who! Those fans disappoinbed atwoîild rebucn o 1r<lean up the' no01 getting the chance bo sec Park. Those attendiog the car- Oshawa Tony's andtihbcDuii- 1nival \vere LrplpfLilly bhankcd ham Ail-Stars in action on for their support. ýMonday, were pleased 10 leacn Special thanks wpré given thal both tcams coulti andi did to Glanviile's Variety Store ýmake ilb back for a garne on toi' their $100.00 donation, bo Saturday. This gaine wats won.Tnms andi Sons .G.A. foc the byTnny's witb a score of 4-2.'donation ot 1,00() bot dog bunsg, iRides, gamex of ç.'hIIuCe Ra .and In Mr. Englehart for bis meuriment were in fuîll swing, dnat piz e afin thesmal whpn suridenlv a big black d<.ZR,'filMtpt* B" Rnth cîniirn'.erhpad hurst, and i Iaw, wai 'wonl y Sian owe, prizér weu'e quic(kly ilnp- Sunset Rlvdi., Newcaste. This, lip andi put uintier canver as prizc wax dr-awn hy Don Mur-: quirkly as passible au heray o! Woodlàneï Products whn' 'ccowd ran for shelter. Just as gr kindly donaiti bb pri 7..' gutideny, the ramn stopper! anà Thaîîk% was officeti him for. wilh the relucn o! bbecrccwd bis thoughtfulness, anti aima everything was In full swing extendedti bthe Pepsi-Cola; again. 'Ca. foc their donation or a i limea utle havieand' Ibi vely Pepsi-Cola cooler. This Asecond slnu'm cm, hwas rwbM. Wagac andi ýtie litl havir ndlait- won by Miss Lynda CaI] of ing a little longer. Wben it Bcavcî' Street, Newcastle.'i endedthebb crowd rcturncd,,Final thaniks was extended to, thim lime clotheti in rain coats .J. A. Smnith Ca. for their kinti and bats, boutid01 ta IcIeta»donation a! a beaubiful jewel-i li111e ramn dampeti their goad lery box won by Ken Gray ntf time or hright spirits. Final- Church Street, Newcastle. This ly, when il dit seem that the was tirawn for by Mr. Ai! iCarnival was In again be ruled Gr. hy rain. as nc more heavier dnwn-pnuc found the boathg The muomenit aIl hadt waitcd ,an snt jut onwettocaryfor, tbe 30-50 draw, with aont geI ultn e acryRcpve Douglas Cunningham, As laxt minute tickets were.puîîin'g the winning ticket, the being &oiti andti urncd in, theprize of $1,647.50 went ta mike was banticd avec ta bbe James AIlbert Lee af 501 Slew- CarniVRIa Chairmnan, Mr. Ait- art Sîreel, Wbilby. The seller red Gra". wbo called mbinthe o! bbe ticket, Mr. Keith Rager- ticket baath ail the membersý'îan.Sunset Bivti.. town, re- ai the A.TA. ta be introduceti ce"d $10()00. ta bhc crowd. Tbey were, Alex Sn came the end of a busy Heridry. Robert (Bud) War, experience. but ane whicb chairman ot the associa tion, pravpdti l be wortbwhile, as Mrs. Ross Cobbledîck, preîi-ibbc proceetis will be uled for' dent a! the Hockey Motheralmuch sought atter afticiali Amuociation, Douglas WalIon.,ice. 1cV Ci A MUST FOR THE 'ARNATION EVAPORATE e Canadiaa Btat«man, Bowm»anM. Aug. 11, 1983 :ALIFORNIA No. 1 RIPE SWEET JUMBO 51z CANTALOUPES 3199 :ALIFORNIA SWEET THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 TENDER CRISP CELERY - Stalks 25 * Fresh Ontario Lamb Sale lise39, * LAMB .EAN TENDER MOIN LAMB CHOPS 89c WAY CUT - ROAST - CHOPS -SE ' LAMB IN A BA&SKET 49 l 'c c c b 'b ýUT AS YOU LIKE THEM SHOULDER LAMB MEAL FOR BAR-B-Q - LEAN TNDER HUCK BEEF STEAKS 49 Deep Cul Specîils 15-oz. Tins MIRACLE WHI 32-oz. Jar SaladDressing 63c MEET DOMINION'S OWN FAMILY 0F PRODUCTS DOMINO FANCY Serve Ice Cold 28-o.Tins TOMATO JUICE 71sl Deep Rich Flavour__________ COUNTRY CLUB "' COFFEE 16-or. Tin 31.Pkg. %# - 79 HILLTOP Serve Hot or Ice Cold Pkg. of 90's 79<TEA BACS 59c COTTAGE DEEP CLEANING POWER1 : 6oD Tn DOMINO BLUE POWDERED 4169< TnsDETERGENT F69 COUNTRY GIRL A MUST FOR YOUR PICNICc MASON lO-oz. Tins R II l 'e F RICHMELLO ORANGE 16-oz. Size POP Canned 12R89c CHIFFON CAKE 39c Lge. 64-oz. Pkg. 99C Ail merchandise is guaranteed to give 100%> satisfaction. Values Effective Until Closing Time, Saturday, August 14, 1965. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. de b k OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9 P.M. JIG .ADSMNAVNE(IsIwyN.2Eat KING ST AND SII~%ON AVENUE (Hlghway No. 2, Esst) "9r ir l.r-M w ~ 'MW l' - "! SPECIAL LOW PRKCES" *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* HEINZ COOKED Spaghetti TULIP COLOURED Margarine MILK- 1 1 1 1-EAN MEATY 1 ùl LEGS 6 c9 ib CHOPS

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