The Canadian Stateaman, Bewnianville, Aug. 11, 1905 Births Engagement j In Memoriam Articles for Sale Articles for Sale' i W te toRnt jIio adBad R ARHIàtl Jimmy Ho- r. and Mrs. Gordon 'oleROBINSON-In loving me- 1W ATER for sale and delivered, FOUR dining-room chairs, wal- COTJLE ithfive children re- ROOM and board available in IN gart ishailstoahnunceannuncetheenggemet oamay ofmy earthsendeecglge4mourseroce Cal 62-57f. nt fnish ble vnyl eat. qureilbero24houe. ef-seecsvicePhne 87-475.623 the arrival of a playmnate, Day- their daughter Joan Ann, ta James Robinson, who passed,___ 29-tf iPhone 987-4517. 32-1 lerences supplied. Cail 623-5585. __-32-1f St., Id sStt, 8 lbs. 4% ozs., on Henry Cowles of Bowman- away August 12th, 1964h. afïi.2 crs eo DER parts,- No. à5 Masse--_ 32-1 ITe Saturday, August 7th, 1965, at ville. The marriage to take 1-Lovingly r HAY,2 ces ndcut IBIN ---e-1------ - ----.-ý e MenoralHopialBoma- lae o Agut 3t, 165 wfeMagaebrtyher a fa Blackstock 986-4367. Harris. Canvases in gond ONE or twn bedroom apart- 'N'ated s lai THopalp arn lae o 32-t 3, 196 s iste r 32-1 tran ___32-1 shape. 623-5126. 32-1-1 ment immediately, in Bow- lar vle.d The Brb arnHogarh21 itr.3- WATER for sale and delivered. '-23" ëCLýARYsoe, mnille; one couple. PhoneDedt kSrvc 2c (nee Bothwell). Special thanks Mr. and Mrs. William Cox HAWLEY-In ioving memory Ca Il Cliff Pethick 263-11 uomtcvey odcitio 623-7042. ___ 32-1l"!J2at ______________ fighest Cash Prices for Dead li D. yleseran D. ub Bwmnvllannounce the of Grandpa Met who passed __ 32-tf ç«50. Caîl 623-5233. 32-1 TW nerom house, duplex se bard. 32-1 engagement of their onlyjaway August 14, 1964. 10 AýCRES of good second-cut DRIED corn, $59 perton. or apartment in Bowmanvillel n rpldFr tc daughter Carol Irene, to IWe cannot hait the band of alfalfa. Telephone Hampton. F.O.B. Browview, Newcastle. October Ist. Phone Ontario BURRETT FUR FARM 6 JOHNSTON-Lesle and Vel- Bruce Arthur, son of Mr. and time, 263-2035. 32-1 IGerald Brown,_987-4474. 29-4 Rural Hydro Office, 623-2561. Phone Long Distance Mrs. Bruce Elliott, Newton- Or live again the past, FRS adnparse-EYS cut--a-tomaticall-y,while ____34 Zenith 66550 (no charge ta you) .ma (nee Graham) are happy ville. The marriage will take But in our hearts are memories FEHgrinpaasber-K -_--___2_1 ta announce the irth of a lries, potatoes, corn. Cal 1you wait, at McMullen Hard- l ept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-6 dauhtr evrlyAn, in St. Paul's United That will forever last. 725-6046. 32-1* ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- lp <LJLa.I 4- 14a., on Suery ndal 2MbChtirch, Bowmanville, on Sat- .-Lovingly remembered b -_man-____ 1965, at Memorial Hospital,. urday, September 4th, 1965. grandchildren Do n na and IINSULATION,'blowingme-nth- y ville. -- -3-f WAITRESS. Apply in perso ,n1Cs on he 32.1* Mike. 32-1* od, with rock wool. Work- PASSANT'S Ga;diolus andý or Phone Newcastle 987-4226.1C s o h Spot Bowmanville. A little sister - ---- manship guaranteed. Fri eleceut flowers, container arrange- Horne's Restaurant. 3-11ilfor Dead or Crippled Fa for Sherry and Douglas. Mr.adMs.Wl1mc.HWE. I oig eovetimates. Harry L. Wade,iments. Cil623-3527, i22IESTRE Nusreiedtok led pprm Special thanks to Dr. E. D L .adMs la . HWE-I oigreoylCl 'McFevters, Oshawa, wish ta of Met Hawley who passed Phone Newtonville 786-2256. j DukeSt. 27-fN'forentarlo raiigSho elphone Pce 263-27 Hubad ndnuse i M- announce the forthcoming mar- away August 14, 1965. 8t CASE combine, 5 ft., P... o oyBwmanville, nO nwllFr ternity. 32.1* rnage of their daughter Sandra Without farewell hie feli asleep DFr Machinery: Case 'grain bin lifters, roto cleanerI 4or -.d ay w e ek. Nli nt. Margwl u Lnta Mr. Steven Lakatos, Leaving memories for us t 10 PT0 obn,6;Cs odcniin hn hfs Starting salarv TYRONE LAROCCA-Joe and Marion son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph keep, P.T.Oa.wys ComSaner, 6'; Case No.T75263-2400 dtio. Phe1sh$600 i$.00 Apy .icne1o are happy to annouince the Lakatos, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. Within Our hearts h lawyý.Spraer Bl; ack aw1C . SWET-ar feslypicedpi'-nt thicunriendo.î.389-C~ arrivai of their twin girls, The wedding will take place stay Spcker, CaeBlactor. W. H. .sWEy oun. fe32-1 ___________li____rntedrý4- Gina Lynn, 6 lbs. 6 ozs., and on Saturday, September 4t1r, And be remiembered every 1rwCs elr omn rwiw Fam ecsl.BS potuiyAgo Donna Lee, 5 Ibs. 12 ozs., born 1965, at 3 p.m. in Christ Me- day. villst, Phone 623-5497. 324* Phonir on Auigust 2nd, 1965, at Osha- morial Church, Oshawa. 32-1 -- *His memnry cherished by il hn 23-47 3-*pOe 987-4474,31 -3 Rawle rgh business holets excel- wa General Hospital. Twa --- father-in-law Tommy a n id OFFICE Eqiîipment Type-i BUYING or selling rnur lent prospects. Fine opening GUARANTEED television and littie playmates for Anthony; Mrs. Brenton D. Weidemann brother-in-law Russ. 32.1* 1writers, adders, cashiers, dupli- a i appliances, cail Elmer, in Bowmanville. No capital or radio service to ail inake3.' Joseph. Proud grandparents'announces the engagement of - -cators, cheque writers, files-,, Hamptoni: business 263-2294 _selling experierîce necessarv. Televis ion Service Con. Phone. 1 amMr ad is.Ro Bra-lir auherMis n RY-HALE--I lvigmeor 61WrieRwegDept. H-14b- '623-388.3. S3 týîe are M r a d M s. R o B a ra ' er ai g h er is A n R y- H A L E Y -I l vin m nl ry fu rn itu re . W'e b u y, se l, re n t, re sid r n ce 2 6 3-2 6 9 5 . - ,f :40i5eRa l i h elie u , O ra bail, Orone, and Mr. .1amnLa- nor Phillips, tb Jan Christian of my dear busband Met who Service. Largest stock, budget:pIANO7-aS1&- ,bTUOrSt Rmca, Oshawa. Many tbanks Pyk, son of the late Mr. and passed away August 14, 19615.1tr ewadue .Lo right, new hammers, on Con- -Henr-_ MontRefal. 32-1 R to Dr. R. F. Beckett and tbe Mrs. Svcn Pyk of Stockholm, No morning dawns, no nigbt ove rhead, low prices. Bill 'cert pitch, recently tuned; gond! REP. FOR TEXAIS OIL CO . roo _____and Io rt lo r st f . 2 1 w de . i s h ll p ' a he ,returns, H n lt n a l n ( o t condition. C a îl 623-5834. 2 1 W R H1; T J2 01'S r v c l an , - tIhe laIe Walter T. Pbillîps,1is'But 1 think of yotr; Oshawa). 28-tf EEoateY2o0bse,1N.dma vr40frBu- plane$.0 OGE -aeadSelIth e sof frd, Naew Y il-ork goabein ar vTHIo O G DE -Dav an Shela on dorMi. Ja eswA Pil-gT o ndf b hn re ~ eT V T O V JE R S 1.9 ce 6 q. basket; beets and ra - im anville ara. Takfe Short auto: ommereial andi Do mes[j (neJackson) are happy to11P; hia James Bow-em1etrp;.Cntc eayeqi-ýms[c, rc (n n ne the birtb of their son'(form er Sop hia J ss of isc a But none r e1p lac( es nu. hagPer s . EdwMil St a, wa st le trips. Can taet heavyes. ,i r e*er t on -I% b o i r ick"" Michael "Scott". born Augu,:t manville>. MisPilp saMn ietta i hdBase Uine. 3'l-tl'mail P. B. Dickerson. 5W l Phonne BERT SYI;R ran Sth, 1965, 8 lbs. i~ o z aI radu ate of Hollins Cnllege. When 1 amn ail atone, NoOSHAWA -t'.j~j ihc maia HsitlBwmnvle.Vîgnia. Mr. Pyk a grad -The one I loved sa "e' uchfn r'LiTT'NO 82r1- MASSEY-H lrrîs self- Petroleum. 534 N. Main, Ft.1 as W257 'ate Of the Commejrcial Art h n IcTe m w. V SU.PPLY LJ.J rpelr oie 0. Worth, Texas. 31-2' Nht-63-17 wsr A brother for Dana Mark,' raln tchl and s ;I- Lnvingly remembered by 161 Gibbon St. fiai 728-91801 table, 1960 moie.Mans-'MNo amn fyo aiLadrH rd aeTrma.l 3 2~~~ l * F e r g u s n n e a l e r , L i t t l e B n i n d 5 o n u t o e s in l a d _________________4-f3associatrd ,vith J . Walter :wifle Lyla. 32.1* Day or Night - Bill Leask, Prop. tain. Pharre .-7.a r nmmugni t Wer in;howanrd ELECTRIC 'TE 'WERRY-Grant and Eleanor ifali wdding a planled. 3 la lo Y InIving inemory OMINJ se\,-rgîson yau h0w easîly you cari mac _e- ag ar (nee Leighton) are happy tai-___ _______________e HweiUG_1 HAWIE'î COMBIN",,92 Elf-MassvedinFt.c ' b ' othy.Jink the a!ou ea ddMe AJIT fîorlmp, ak xellent condition. Cali ali Canadian enterprise ii1!1nl a1c' announce 7hbs.rth of Wnd gwhopssd ugi. 14.9,5; arm chairs, i nl o v- Rnhîi1îFr Spl Ldthé direct selling field. Write HGEI attîs-Bb rtie. August 7, 1965, at MemorialI ITOUCHBR CAIN Ai W, do flot necd a Special d ' ri1.95: ail picturres at rs;Lnsv 324-21.92'. 32-1 'for detaîls and catlaloguie YGNCSplr-Rbe -Hospital, Bowmanvillp. AI quiet marriage was sale Tobrig yîi aiur 'md.6;r 1, Ayniînster __ USD-aserpat, ' P- Fm-l1 100 Delarimier. plainse aid envelaid wrth 'GO atA little sister for Susan and Onn Saturdav, August 7h 95mnized oitoormnd 82Pa' l.10 . e t,16,Faor té ay - d nt hik 9.0for 3.9.Trade-in:. MonîrealpatsU. 27)' ,goansnaled evlpastpi a OTA &0c3- t7 pm. in Pete.rbarough by',Ttbele modewe uunat -i5950 oîn-. Cm]et n E riels.Sx ape 5.beach, 4 be Revt naniel Yaîinge0f! A Ofof yau Table mortelice evision.xrecon--Be25C. Re.Dne on fAevery hard te finid. ditioned, 49.50: wrînzer' washi. of*')Baf.,, Thor and Croley ;r-; '24 sanîplp1s $1.00. Mail Order <Partl\y furn DetsBertha Matilda Jane Cain, ItI hs nl -s ourPrc, likp roew, 49.50:;,;pare- a'rpianres. Piad dy 's Maiket.! The Dept. T-'18. Nov.-Ruhber C. ULI e t sOrnoi, O nt, and G eor£!e ,Atth- Iarn. 39.50. M urphy * 1sve , - m pton, 2 6i3-224 1.i 1 Cox--,H a m1loB U nt. 1-5 CILARK, WiMai-At Van- uir Eugene? Touchburn, Ida, gv aroFun-.1 !___,1nme 32-1enWdedaAgutOt We'd give it. ves. and noreitirec. Kin£ St. W., Bawman_ BOLAND tractor, plaugh and BelvorK, 'abne rg in 4,16, ila Cako Vn ________________To sec the face of dad again, vlp 2-71 21cliao.nwtille-r, only used J _____________,3,5'00) each. eovrI i 3dya.Dear '~ Corne smiling at the doorn ivToussrnepmphhoe nUSOMmu7ing, crirriing Len BISSEI eouvr I hi 63d yar ar oming ELvents I-Lovingly remembered rbv 1 $hop firre for Fulli Une of 722-5504 or RaIl at i43 Som- adbln.BhKn,97 ~el brother of Mrs. A. Bagne!]1 ndblng il çlt P17-ING-e (Minie o Osawa Ms. . Draatin Dy.Ponydol' ghters Judy andi Bonnie l CA erville Ave., Oshawa. 32-l", .Xlack (Ethel); Mrs. F. Black Cermcterl\, Stnday, August 15. anc so-in-law Ken. 32-1*-COCKSHUTT ail-bath bI l - ___ __96 1 2hllf___ 7______ ev ana er, 1'EQ S C'USTOM Comnbinîîogwitb new (LIllie); Mils. F. Cowlard 2.311 p.m. 32-1'-rTTrRTm Ift.trenwraas, 2.EUIE.. Massey - Fergiison 30Cm (Mariolie)and Allan at New- ' if Crub Dnre, Saurday. cIEAN-In loving mernorv QUPM NT Bienfrew scates, 2.000 lbs.$,bne wntdGphneKe 7ht rastle. Rested at the North- August 2T, Ca.sual'dress, For! ed aa ecYOUNGs- BRB- ES Chre av omnvle ney, Ne%&,vil 76258 rutt and Smith Funeral Ho-me tikesephnea2-204o August 12, 1963. B RBQST Poeeeig 2-22 Tuesday avîticketriss frouseP623-2904' from noon, Tuesdav. Funcral '623-3or 3-1Witbout farewell lbe fell asleev 3--- _____a service was held ti t3 LISrk' __t L WCH IRI_ -A.__R 'r ed y afternoon. Interment tIt Trrkey Supper aalwavs1! I 30-r3f r al ville. Cmeer, eto -LPtvi lWniedC CHAnIRSi Or ert hI___a- 32.ran2s*Pum ig H a___ 0 r vil.3 '1ýWedniesday eivening, Ocb. 27tb. 1 ay. 965 BEAUMONT Sport de- oTana Pum ig&H aig 4 ___ _ P rti rî ars lat r.32-1 1 A nd be rem e mn bere ti every 1 l uixe . V 8 autom atic. F or fur h- ± ew inc3 N lS ii So s datiiia. lte. ier information Tcontact New-Nelson St. ownanvll-1 ville Alice-At Bowman- lManster Bingo, Thrday w1csl 8-37.3- _mlsr HOAR, nihb at 8 o'clnck, vusrsaY!H swif leMav andi chîltircocati 87433 3-IERNIE PERFECT miefr vil nSunda mrnrnîng, 1.y leJuionChm r of 2-1'85 King 9t. W. Bom-manirîlil 90VUXALCetafi4 1~$000 August th, 1965, Alice Hnskin i __ 1bcf Junior Chamber of - llersPLUMBING & BEATING DAIRYbarteuT In et 7thyea, o 74Disi~urr om~Iirre Re Ban, ort ' Phone 623-3134 cs îider, stick shift. lexcellenit St., oi.ynanvul fe -Dý7o theor-hawa. _____ Bar,4Not'cEA-nlaig-cnr 9t ondition. one nwnpr. 623-3855 j MINIMUM Phione 623-.3540 concern. c am late Fredprick C. Hoar. Rester! J1 Barn dance at The Wheel 'O! a dear father andi grarudri65 Lamrbs Lane. 3 QUALIFICATIONS P..BxJf ln Anwmci at the Northcutt' andi Smith (anc mile norbh a! Mosport, fat-ler Russell Alexander. viha G E N E R A L HPO. Box o1599rl17 uneral Hi2li e. Funeral sers'- mille- east, W estern Fou- passd away August 12. 1963. PTres , c o Ardu tosil nskCn ri arrtr T r a i a r s a c a d day a!ternoon. Interment1Bnw- 175r per persan - -3.1,BtHus Vwill. wcloe an 72-838 Te1rribersvegemehai-RE IR -CAIN BANCROFT ARE,10ro maenzdhebr _ nil Cmtr. 21Btin aur hearts, w -f or 1965 caTadYAre wtoxoue4 man ile em te-y 3~1 For an eveiling o ! fun for h stil; M ODEL ' c l a t m athe mnaical ap ù- . D .O N S P N C aro. Asking $5,00 .L o pr d ti e arm Ex len n _____ie a il e ue O i T end ers _____________ ow n Payment. KELAe-tCvcHsatn h ise anvlýAs in the bour be passeti Ten-ers6()lIAbeerrceiheu pital, Peterborough. on Tues-!i at thé M emno r i a 1Park_ Tawa'. - 0 by ir uni A 7 Mtrt be willtng tb nove __tt 0Acefac wtUgn.Trs awy 5C.ft. -$209.00 ,teeurudersignedtil____ cll North nf Ne-tnil.Ooo-Chiebidn o day, August lth, 1965, Alex Friday. August 27b. 314We often sit andtibnk af hum 2.1161.for$3,000" 16t 'wea Kelly, brother of Hugb Kelly' Mecl "Redi" Kelly anti Jîi! hnweacai hne, . <i . t -lM9of lib d uppw, fr th A4e Aces.wi la 120 clf.- 2901SEPTIC TANK ov~,0 nî.lrervr of Bowmnanville, in bis 641h iRoberts aI tbc Annual Liberal For rnemnry is tbc only frend.2yar etiga Nrhut Jînc.Wlan akNw-Ta gifca al t ýu t 24.0acols' he Twîsi$5,900.lcec nasg, U 5,0.Tem. etera' Rtet 5 eta . ugbi g LOrth ufanP BlacWatkstnu f ,k- $acres, new iil. thpoow sh p D iarr*,, pond, no i3 mau Pak, ee- untigrienoonallThs rw- Sznlth Funeral Home, Bnw- 'castle, Saturdav. August 21st 1-Ever remembereti by tiaug-LW DOWN PAYMENT 'Sehool Area a! ijanlington:;, nificant dernerit.>' rn)jA'100GSTRL A cr on e rnieibossteme1i3lvewfi dnayvl, uutl2th, then to t 2 p.m. Everyane welcnme,!1cr Betty, son-in-law Don andi: AND TERMS TO SUIT Fuel oui. appmoximate gallon. ri odmdri day Ags 1t, hntot_ 32-2 their chiltiren. 32Î-hf apz- 100,000 gals.; stave ail, ap.' Gond health anti physique BJ'"RT TOMPKINS,, arn. Ail workablc.Asig.romtnebu,2bah tUited Church, Elizabethilîle, E heCadPrtM-' B E E F proximate galanage 5,000 gals.: I oý 7g6 for service at 2 p.m. Interment cnapoiaefo 1O -;lCnllect't 41 if 00 Acre farm with oe clhfre mei Welcame Cemetery. 32-I marial Park Club House, Lib- SEYMOUR- In laving mernory! GOOD STFER SIDES 'age 20 Ions; stoker ceiat, ap- TO OURbih omne. Barn. PT't S .., Aedission 35c 17,Pro- aeA. scyou n r, wh pa! I1 b. inroximate tonage, 20 tons. FRA NK BRIN ert S, ucrtvAuus 1 ader onani rahe. icrea. Asking $22,0N0 em,-em t6 neet igpm disin3c Po ae A emu, h asJM. J. HOBBS, Ser'y-Treas.. I EMPLOYMENT OFFICE rick ope sae. skng nly$65Il McGILL, Kenneth Carlyle- jceetis Crippleti Children's cd away August 9th, 1963. 1H N fD 1jEniniskilleni, Ontarin. -12-1! 64 KING ST. E. - OSHAW'A , enching 2W! th 9 roometi home.Moe onymutsfo Ohw, Suddenly et Bobcaygeon on Treatmenb Centre anti School. His memory is aur keevak, 63c lb. -.:T(»TA KiAr iiktn o Tuesday, August 10, 1965,1I 12-1 With wbich wc'lI neyer part,' TOWNgHJP 0F CLARKE 9 A.M. TO 4 P..STITNKhn.BlktkcoerAs- Kenneth Carlyle McGill nf l-- God bas him in Hîs keeping, F B O N T 8 Tenders will l'e receiveti MON. TO FR1. iNsTALLATION inr '-.15,000. Terms. Nwatc-3bdro band of Audrey Foley, dear Show anti Sale, Napance Curi- Lovingly remembcred by dray of Atîgust 9H frte -~-,.amnpton 263-2270 d ikhoe2neban.atew ilunclrg father af Joan anti Rndnev ifg Club, August 13-14, 10 ar..'mother, sisters anti brothers. (Ait li'rapppgj andi Fast Frozensjpvofshn ntiDee 4ÇSîrrar. Askiag $16,Srnio em.ltetalt h E. Kennedy) of Lindsay, Ger-!teria" Canadiana fealureti. Re- I 13uplir n* No Extra Charge grae.Stea. ski aid of Yelverton, Dawn (Mrs. ýfreshments in club. Admissi»on1 B \M NVLE r la rik n i ipl atthenae FKYCARPENTR~grg.Sra.Akn 10 5a s D. McDonald) of Willowdale 50C. 32-1 RIMAR tnsat rmp ttenwRE UURS - ALTERATIONS Lwdw ayct rs FRIIDLOC ER Towrship Rondi DepartmenbLV SO K A E PORT PERRY. 8romi Oon and Velxna of Toronto. in bis Woadview Community Centre. M M RASS TE Depot at Orona. aDuhm ont Sls rna ILI-N CUI'BOARDS ihome, ail moder nvei utm bithmsb 4Mt year. Resting at bhe,-Monster B i ngo. Twenty M M RA S YTMFuirthier information antis Nwydéoa cha el o! Mcler ob-p na 'g me -t en y d llrs fve Dignfieti andi Distinctive ! P h on e 623-55 78 la er fr a a e at a lOrng o -E c Tirs s, 730CaillR . F L X ANen . Asi g I.'0 o îwb n al w o ar e los 75 baker Partgames-tbiry dollars; $150 Monuments - Fiat Markers 3 h2 ofel!'heRod up. n en sep, at.J ewie63-24 ent friday et 2 p.m. Intermeat! jackpot, anti two jackpobs et. ' In designs for any need 32-1Orono.Ca&vS, SalesManet rsJ . Reitf 63-24 $,0IIEdOwnR00. $1,5 wt $58 Pine Grave Ccmetery. 32-I $-250. Door prizes. Nexti 152 Simeoe St. S., Oshawa 1 Lowesî or anY~ tender not & oSle aaer.1t 7-8" almost new. hJîia1o i ilg oe-ee on MondaY', 8 p.m., Reti Barn, 1 J ln 7'Q=7USF'D EOTTTPMENrT i recessarýil.v accepteti. '- ETfT'Tmdm cneine.Au-wti mtn itnet Bond ' rugs and ieit uuceridy,iMailtAddress : RwmI"e 5 orn AN»OTER I50No. Wate t Bv 41 TACORNO 100f% ~Performance -n-anti kitchen utcnsiîs anti crockery, p.() Box .54.1 Bo~avleSRon, aîmost new rc st'*6 -ËB14TACO _O _ 0% ayet odwilbe_ t or enh 3hp.B_ s-- -bungalow with lots of xrs e ekn~ 11 Nor Cnsconditio2500n elFEEju'KI eqriredias specificti. & Stratton rolotiller, ncw 2 A K R A Illn oain In te esatenE Crl Jscp or 3250 TSED canne, gon otdi - anu e $1E2T.0L0K Trna.. s aymcnt Beonwilsibcy6 !t. wk be, 3 bp. rig$16'ExcellentlratoAkngHwr ori.*1 Ineesli ae o theToseNO ADMISSION CHARGE reasonable. 621-5180. 32-1l* 1l 1150 edrswl o ' ost- yl anoeeccrcI$R00 ~s Nowavhelae. on the onlyof urayiAg.1.BLDHy . re.Poe NEW COMBINES emeti unless matie on formis fencer with porcelain insuîaî- EXCAVATING 10Roampdomrtk homen- ed.Duraml, Mnagr.he tnyStraAg 4Bas- - INorH-ay.C-1r-2 niRLRSIADpsl f350 Mnyln nt nwfninpul- at, -o ba."O ofDuhan Mnaer eras suprahioti ly the Department. ors, 200 gallon tank, chainu- LOADING- TRENCHING sistiuig o apammns x AUpersans hv dgcaims 32.1 ICHRSTMAS Brêes -a-f-fent Sperial Ternis Order, or Certifieti Cheque ing fixtures, gartien bonis, En- FGravel TopSali ani ce lt. incom andrer. î Ai Co.,ngPareeEA0 r 5. Orono. 32-2 By- LW, _1ot' lown 'matin payable ta the Treesurer dur bot water tank with im- 24-four WATER SERVICE rangeti. Pon-roo37.-22 -- - -te Buv etae ae aterof Ontaria. will be requiretimrinhetrat Reasonahie Rates 1 4 Roameti brick hom n D.K lmna~ew rEASTd a enCOuASprtcu LIVE poultry, olti feather Tae prst ftne ocmns esinhae ndtemsa rsqie a! suchdimsl 0 te un- TURticks. M. Fiait, W.R. 1. Beth- Pycto rd-in prsto ede ouetcontraIs, I boy's anti 1 girî's 623-57.56 OWMANVILLE min str et witb bathomhecsdAu.7-ug22i- lan afy.uhPhone 7s r 13heuo-lTOURBalance in one 1'ear which will l'e refundeti if bicycle, 1i4 .p.clcctric motor - - EmAkîng only $1,000 down lsv.3- ders.agned Executors on or l'e- Peronall, Conducl.ed -fItret F e d om n t iare rturneti rt1 PAtrhou, -C li: D .D n i eJsofc lb fore the lat day af September 158I IDeeatFregotycndtonwt ntfullcy. apphmicacs--ettyBANE &BYAIM At 100, ater wbich date bct5hey 'IR T cal! Holstein hedfers C VJ N y3 of above closing îdate, V e, e m efo mie,lY17 L ES & SFRNCEDonald Miuntjoy * 6331 uut set, Kounore fond mixer, ALEMBNG& SETIEcoeidrngtemnho flta'assets will l'e cisti e t. 26th - Oct. lOthia! iyun ow ue in tw Ç..... oîhcrwi se forfeiteti. Viking ticluxe .31" cîcctric buehvn eadol oor îhree weeks. Phone Equiprnet Tews oryacceptender trange, Moffal 21" electrici 24-HOUR 'Gu.y Le)dàne -62-15Apitlnwfueaj dlaims that have been mcciv- incnatDavis, 2-2284. 16-t Thipe e oest nr acentederno 13on2-1'm O ed f agking size Rotobrailer, Cil Burner Service Idmr orgnsen 9 roo164 o raftdCarLae IOd esianiRO"NE ,SMALL bouse or building _ct J. D.Co. AR.fretigue 9maîl ize ont SEPTIC TANKS AND» 'insîi.nghouse 9tcubice foot # Phone 623-e69en p 987-4481teu, Newcastcaeh.nL. a cburch W.J .Coggins 1TRAVEL AGENCY Ir .Write Ativertser 644.1ho1e 23-5689 Depenîm cnt of Public Warks, coal stove. Trscs. L IEBD PyIti MeRoC. e - 1271 1u aAgs Oh 95 u by liedadn & Marri.Te Canadien Statesman. 134 Kti£ St. E. Bowmànvll, 1ai.Bri, lr;Jc edac PHONE Seolicito M , B aw tm n e, O nt. P o rt H o e 8 8 5 -2 5 2 7 i 'O t r o a r s l r;Ta k R ibc I M T N 26 -2 8R m D v d o e h 31-3> ai-a 32-2 ~~~PO.Bo 10,Bwmnvll..iLame Perrault, Orono 271 Tender Open.lug Ne. 1481 jtioneer.I APO26-28 RiDadon*ctay0rexcedtaJH.euSs 31-31 32-2 32 3~~~~2-11 2222 T » E Z325 MMMUAMOLM