-- .* N..... 7%e Canadian Statesmari, Bowmanvllle, Aug. 11. 1965 1 Chartran 's Win A gain' Take Two Game Lead -In Jr Softball Finals -Chartran. Men'. Wear -took another &tep along tb. -champlonship l'ail Tuesday .nllght when tbey defeated -llis Shoes 8-1 at Memoriai Park. This was the secon In lhe final junior softbali ,sertes between Ihese teama. -Cbartran's took the opener 114 on Tburuday. Next game in the best of sevezi final 'sertes will take place Thurs- day evening. Tuesday's tame saw Suilil- -Vau for Chartran'u and Coyle for EliII pltted against @ee other ln the mnnd dutles. Crosaeyscorei the Ione tally for the losers ln the fift h after walklag. Lucas and Park counted for the wIn- ners ln the ffrst. Kennett. Sullvan. Micbelson and Clarke crossed the plate ln the fourtb. followed by MacMillan in lhe tif 1h and Sullivani the ulxth. Chant- rans bad six bits and EliII only two. Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith --,,Honored by Family on SMiver Anniverscary *On Saturday, August 7th, have six chiidren, Mrs. Lorne 1965, the family honored Mr'. Crago, Mrt. Donald Smith, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith with a Mervîn Linda, Richard and surprise party at their home, Neal. IRH. 4, Bowmanville. The Mââter of Ceremnonies George Lloyd Smiih, son1 of for the evening was William the late Mr. and Mrs. Christo- Cowiing %#ho ieated the hon. pher Smith, Vernonville, and ored couple at a table that was iiillian Marguarite Cowling, centred with a beautiful three- 1aughter of Mrs. Mable Cowl- tiered wedding cake made by zng andi the late Mr. Joseph Mrs. Gordon Smith which was Cowling, Salem, were niarried iced and decorated in white ln Bowmanville by Rev. Davi- and set off wîth silver at the ion, August 8, 1941. They corners of each tier. The silv- er was carried out by the silv- er candle hoiders which heid Y'our Savi ngs talh whie ande adorned Earn *Mr. Cowiing alduo Linda Smith ta pin on ber mnother's corsage of pink roses and white carnations and Rich- 45 V2 %ard Smnith to pin on bis fath- er's boutonniere of a white On 3 Y... carnation. Their yaungest son Neai and littie granddaughter GUAR.NTEED Maureen Cr:go presented thern INVESTMENTS and saucer and asilver ash ýtry. ervn Sithwas then ~IIfflIIIA called upon to present themn with a chest of silver from the 5 VITOIAR faily. *W Iand I!IGRr.Yan and thanking their guests for RuIl T t heir kindness and gifts. T R U S T The remainder of, the even- ing was spent playing cards DONALD A. and viSiting. coe DONA D X veryone enjoying a buffet lunch of salads, topped off MacG EGOR with wedding cake. M acGREGOR Those present were fromn INSURANCE Aurora, Peterborough, Graf- ton, Vernonville, Coiborne, Phone 623-5962 Cobourg, Oshawa, Ma pie 0% RKin St. E., Bowmanville Grove, Orono, Enniskilien and Orono's beautiful park wili be the scene on Saturday, August 14th, of one of the most unique gatherings ever held. The 10 mem- bers of the 1915 Sixth Line girls bail team is holding a reunion between 3 and 6 o'clock, with everyone invited to join them. Just bring your own lunch or supper. According to Mrs. James Spicer, roronto, one of the players whose name at that tirne was Gertie McMullen, the entire team plans ta be on hand, including one former player from Manitoba, Mrs. Duthie, formerly Ida Ruthven. Some of the players stili have their gloves and may bring them along just in case the Orono Onphuns or some other team wants a game. The amazing part of the event, is that the one man in the j Enga( Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ra the engagement of their( Mr. Verne Gladstone Cha M. Chant, Hiampton. Lind Western Hospital and is The Hospital for Sick Ch of the University of Toron and intends to continue st ding will take place in 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, S( Accident Round-Up Keith Robert Robinson, 17, o! R.R. 2, Newcastle, suffered a fractured right keg on Mon- day evening shortly after8 e'ciock, when thé Triump] motorcycie he was riding col- lideci with a car driven b: Phiilip Joseph Landry, 54, Church St., Newcastle. Both were eastbound when the collision occurred opposite above picture, Bill Henry, their coach-manager, is the oniy member Df the club who is dead. The team members are now between 66 and 74 years of age. They include: front row, le! t to right, Gertie MIcMullen (Mrs. Spicer), Effie Souch (Mrs. Harold Sowden, Osaca), Hiazel Cooper (Mrs. O. Cowan, Orono), Lillie Ruthven (Mrs. R. Lowery, Toronto); back row, Lulu McMullen (Mrs. A. R. Cousins, roronto), Elizabeth Burgess (Mrs. Milfred Davis, Lakefield), Norma Sheppard (Mrs. Anderson, Peterborough), Katie Cochrane (Mrs. Eartwell Lowery, Kirby), and Mrs. Albert Morton, Orono, formerly Hazei Lowery. It shouldbe quite a get-together. gemen Z IO NCornwall and points east last ~Mr.Hebr Leach, Saska-visited at Russell Stainton's".Jd n oieKv t ,Saskatchewan, is visiting on Monday. Kimn and Debbie 1 spent a couple of dayswith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart and: On July 29 last year's C.G..: ]ast week while their parents family, Woodville, visited at I.T. group gathered at Mrs.: were away. Henry Dart's, on Sunday.'Albert Eddy's home for a sur-I Mr. and Mms. Ted Simcon,' Doris Dant went home with prise birthday party for Miss! Miss Joan Porter, Mr. Dick them and Lawrence Dart stay- Joan McMaster. Poole, Oshiawa, were Sunday1 ed for holidays this week. Mrs. Tom Sobil was hostess1 guests of Mr. Robert Sim. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Eider for a tea for Miss Berniece Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks: and son, Alfred, Montreal, Chapman a former teacher atl and Chris, 0sae pn h visited at Hans Geissberger's, Mitcheils Corners school on k sihawMr. an Mrs. Sr. Saturday afternoon. wI en wTrevMrndMrhy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil HsF .Glsel r. reured homevowith them y and Diane called at Russell Aerease n Javs t so ed home days.n or Stnto' o aura ee ed at George Hilt's, Williams Mrs. Ed.ith Murp13hy and; ing.nt Mr. and Mrs. N. PotIer Pont Miss Grace Smith visited Mrsi Floral Park, and Master Dar-, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gerry, Cora Johnston, Janelville, ry PttrOtawvisited atCarolyn and Elaine, Niagara Wednesday aiternoon. iy Hry DatrOtawaTsdy Falls, are visiîing at Mrs. Alex Mr. and Mrrs. W. Vaney Henry Dat's on hsters. Mr. Herbert Leach, Mr. and MMar's.Ra CmeoJd were Sund'ay evening guestsl Mrs. Allan Fisher visited atICameron and Donna Henry, Fred Ormiston's, Brooklin, onaertredfa oo Sundy. Itrip through the U.S.A. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas~ Nashville, Tennessee. and duhes Sabr .M r. and Mrs. George Fisher a >k:and Russell, Oshawa, visited adley Mape, On., Ray Camerons. aly alOtannounce ~\<*~ *.: tMn. and Mrs. Howard Mill- daughter, Linda Patricia, te M son, Solina, visited at Ray antsono! r. ad Ms TCameron's. Ea son a fg Mr.uand o! Torn.4~ .... Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout, da W. a zadute, f ToontoDonnie.apci Randy, Bowman- 3presently ýon the staff at ~VIilleý visited at Ray Camenon's ijiden.Vern isa gaduae ~r~:on Monday and Randy stayed ritain lecricl Eginerig ~ . .....*.... ... .~'for a few days. nto n Elctrial EgineringMr. Larry Sobil and friend, ;tudies at Toronto. The wed- l~ - Clearwater, Flonida, are visil- iMaple United Church at ê' ng relatives around Zion. ketebr 1 16 . Mn. and Mns. Frank Sobil ;ept mber 11, 965.nd daughters left for their nands Gaagean Hghwa ~-home in Clearwater, Flonida, . .... on Monday aflen holidaying 2.Roînsn wa taen t ' among, relatives and fniends Memonial Hospital by Bow - in Ontario. manville Anea Ambulance. ogeainlPet ............ OPP Constable Hante -Max- Z 'o: n C1o»rreaional PinIc well Investigated. was held recently at Hampton There were two property >eEH Park. We had a finedaan damage accidents in Bowman- W HAVE a gond turnout for thefrta 7, ville on Tuesday, August 101h. what is hoped will be an an- d At 6:30 p.m. a Chevrolet dniven F ~ VT II nual event. 1- by Margaret Cryderman, R.R. EVERYHINGI~ After a plentiful and deli- 8 4, was in collision witb a Pon- 1':1 cious picnic dinner topped off h tiac dniven by Marilyn Cole, IT TAKES withcenamfrveye 46 Simpson Avenue. No in- the men and children enjoyed yr junies were reported in this ,. a basebaîl game. Later on, 1collision that occurred at te1~SCV bl the races were taking corner o! Church and George place the ladies took their turn ..à'ulb .at bat. Sten.iV " ~ i The resuits of the races were e At 10 p.m. there was anasolos accident at 66 Simpson Avenue. Boysfou an E D UCDen mnolndMcantsh, 74 Simpsoay- nis Sobil; Girls four and mond Meltosh, 74Simpsonunder, Mary Jane Eddy; Boy, RBE Avenue and Harold R. Corneil, >- five and six, Douglas Stainton; 18 Durham St. No injuries Girls five and six, Debbie were reported.. Nemîsz; Boys seven and eight, E ý m Randy Carson; Girls seven and * M U eight, Gail Gifford; Boys nine O H and 10, Danny Catto; Girls i R oteurynine and 10, Nancy Dant; Boysi R otavy il and 12, Billy Nicholls;,E , GovernorBoys 13 and up, Stuart Ayre;RY a oe h n ,0 ory:Girlseîgh and ude, RGail Giffodý 1 (ROM PAGE ONE) Sack Race, Boys eight andi under, Bnian Gifford; Girls' Clubs in 127 countries.. Boys over eight, Gary Carson, Mn. orri, Prsidet 0fthe ~. .Girls over cight, Ruth Hoskin:I ýf S Wheelbarrow Race, Boys eight nu'uI local Rotary Club, in expiain «..- and under, Randy Carson and. IeguiaIij179 igthe purpose of the official's Clarke Stainton; Girls eighit visit, said, "The Governon of E * U and under, Gail Gifford and: BE GOOD TO YOUF cLouise ia-ass; Boys over eight,1 this district will be bere as a 1 tatAr n et okn; Gttebnftc aac couniselor and adviser. We will ethbnfiofalcc discuss with him aur plans for it Girls over eight, Mary Jane, es lsahatys the year and sch maltera asNemisz and Ruth Hoskin; Run-î mattrspuahety thexasiond o! mberspasring Broad Jump, Boys eigh Il exasio of nhe m emenîîn and und rBian Gîffard:, The secret of the Back Cari Rotry' pogrmmeofser e Acoplee ine Girls cîght and under, Gailý Adjusto-Rest* colis that g1 vice. He will aise give us an gý« o>ui. ffr;By:ae igt a and bottomn) and sturdy pre, of top iulty Esso ny Catto; Girls aven eight,i h- b he loalRotry.~ Mary Jane Nemisz and Ruthl for years tocorne. g~nzaun. .~ Hetig Euip ~Hoskin lied: Ladies' Shae Kick. Don't walt to enjoy this unu As the Governor of the Ro-1 e n. ent~ Vera Hoskin; Mens Shoe tary district, Mr. Hugbe'-., Kick, Mike Nemisz. Double your saving- i supervises the onganizatian o!f ~t 1ya~ Our thanka go to Mr. Glen, new clubs in this area. Last'- e*0ye to pay, GlaspeIl and bis Sunday1 .~~~~'j year, mare than 250 new clubsl: no down payment Schooî staff fer organizing av~4M5~ wene organized in 38 countnies . very enjoyable day. , During bis terni of oftie eEsso Home Heat hewl oda conference of - Tl< A T' ail Rotary clubs in bis district, S evice-c1.leng, LO G S U te funther the programme of conitoig and Rotary thnough felaowship and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and the discussion o! mattens ne I . No-~Heat" emer- Miss G race Smith visited Mr.ý latîng ta district affairsan and Mr.WlerRhea activities. The conference wiîî gency service at and rsottae r Mhmea be held in Toronto, on March nof0COst to you.. La.ke on Sunday. 17th, l8th and l9th o! 1966, .. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Me- aI thie Royal York Hotel. fDal Wit, 0hou oday Pý Clune, Tamipa, Florida, and Jack Hughes is well-known EMn. and Mrs. George Wiih, -, ini the tourist industry. Prier ~in.gleod, were recent visi- te joining the Boyce organiza-* tors with the Smiths while tien, he served as President OMcan visit.ing their sister and fa'- of the Ontario Tourist Caourt M an Ms.J. . eo a Association and is wefl-known Mnr.and Mrs. Ailan Bakeni thnoughout the south easternn O L a and grandson Robby B;urton .1 Mr. and Mrs. Hcurry Gay. Surprised with Party On I5th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay, Courtice, were pleasantly sur- prlsed recently when about 40 relatives and close friends from Courtice, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Hampton, Blackstock1 and Caesarea arnived at their1 sununer home at Caeiarea ta honor them on their Silver Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Gay (nee Ami of! Mr. and Mrs. Chez. Pen- warden. Mr. and Msa. Robt. Coin- eron were guests et the Bart- lett-Daveyr wedding on Satur- day et Tyrrone United Cliurch. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron who celebratedi their lâth Weddin Anniversary over thle week- end. They took a tri p to Tor- onto and guesta at the Royal York Hotel l'or tisi special occasion. Congratulations to Miss Key Davey end Mr. Ted Bartlett who were iairried on Satur- day. The comnînty welcornes Mr. and Mnr. G. Bernar-d and faimily wlio recently purchas- ed and moved in.to the for- mer F. Part.ner homne end farm. Mr. and Mrs. Thormas Mc- Mulien and family, Stittsville. were S&inday afternoon and supper guesta is b er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson, Mrs. Sandra, Davis, Pontypool, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Par- kinson, Courtice, were in Toronto on Thursday to at- tend the funeral of Mrq. EdyVhe Pug9ley who passed away et Scarborough General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pa.rkin-1 son, Courtice, were Tuesdayj evening visitons of the R.1 Deloitte, Plender, I-askins & Souls wIth whom are now nierged Monteith, Rielîl, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants1 Wilkins) were mnarried at Ebenezer United Church on August 24, 1940. A sister, Mrs. i- drum, Oshawa, cal4.ii tLe bride'Ind groomn to be ýé*ted before those gatbered and from a white satin bound book, read "This is Your Lite."9 This was made and pzrered by another sister, Mrs. llrid Brown, Courtice. Following the address, Misn Jean Gay, on behaîf ai their family presented Ann and HarrY with a beautiful Ikora Silver vase. Mr. Harold WIl-L, kins on behaîf of the lamilly and friends made the presen- tation of a beautifui pair ol tail silver candie sticks with remnovable triple holders. The bride and groom both expressed their thanks to ail present for their thoughtful.. ness in arranging such a. pleasant surprise and their lovely gifts. A buffet lunch was enjoyed Inter, cornplete with a deçor- ated cake which the bride and groom cut together. COURTICE Mr. and Mvrs. J. C. Found entertained the boys of the Oshawa Wood Products bard. bail! team te their annual eut- ing at their cottage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Worden and family spent the holidayr weekend with Mr. and Mns. W. Brown at Caesarea. Misses Jean, Bernice and Velna Gay are enjoying a motor trip ta the east coast. Sympathy is extended to the Kemp family and the 0ke family ini their recent losses. Mr. Fred RiIey, Mr. Gary Price, Oshawa, were Sunday guests e! Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown at their cottage, Cnes- Montreal Windsor Edmonton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Toron to Regina George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver j Gardon W. Riebl, C.A., R.IA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 Da BY SIMMONS E FI RST TIME'ni ONTHE 29.55BC CARE* .50 NOW oni .y $49m95 IR BACK... BE GOOD TO YOUR BUDGET ed spine support on the fIrmly-comfortable Back Caro 3aving cf $29.55. re l an linsld,' story. If's bulltwith Simmons exclusive ;Ive head-to-toe even comfort a smooth foam pad (top i-bullt border to keep the Back Cars looklng stor.-rew iusual comfortand h.athy savlng. This offer le llmited. buy the *et (mattresa end box apring). Save $30-0 &ARLAND COT17TAL BEI1 D.finlty a good buy - a coin- plt. b.d: qullt-top mattreos, ~ box spring, legs Md.b -aul for Only Illu Ctiooef rom th rse attractive h.adboards (extra). <RAMP Ltd. 'RE & HOME IFURNI$HINGS Bowmanville Phono 623-7071 1915 Sixth Line Girls Bail Team Plans Reunion at Orono ti BownUnville Phone 623-7071