nhe Cariadien Sttesmar, Nowmanvfle, A Il1, i1M grandmnother et the grvem. Aug. ~~Mrs. Gilmer-Smith ci 30w- L te manville was anxong thosp ete present, as were also Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbail, his pa- ar ?.Ma.Jmnes. Christian Science Group ens tesfo ti Ig dfo ents. LothersalMrs.fagnd Mrs. FrankgGabout our travels. Plans 15-macre Cnurcn Centre rankGlirs. dJoe Lt daes net seem passible r.adMsiu oc and that a year bas gone by so Sweeping new -plans ta con--- generally recognized to be tax payments which the city family let here for their home quickly mince we first made struct a 15-acre 'church cen- among the world's greatihas been receiving tram thelin Edmonton, Sunday. arraeniyents ta go as dele- -re" for the expanding world church buildings. They werelcentral project area - se that Memberu of the Sunday gateg te the Salvation Arrny beadquarters of the Christian buit under the leadership oi there will be no loss af rev- Sch ool repeated their nageant International Congregs.ini Science movement were an-,the mavemnent's Founder, Mary 1enue ta the city durlng the1 at the 10 arn. service, Sunday, London. - naoanced today by the Board!Bke Eddy, and remain in early construction stages. ýchurch service belng with- As you know, we left of Directars of The Motherý use for church services, pub1 Carl B. Rechner, Develop-idrawn on account of Decora- Toronto by plane June 18th, Chist,-chTenistChinchostonlic lf ers, hOanul ee t Ient Consultant of The Moth-ýtjon. Misses Dorothy Elliott 10:30 p.m. We had a lovely -Chist Scentatin ostningo! embrscolegest-jer Church, in representing The; and Dorella Lancaster, and Mr. nlght fiight, wlVh dinner on Massachusetts. dent conferences, and mafYChristian Science Board of Grant Wade took char e ofte anshtyatrtk- A letter tram the Directorslother church activities. Directors In this project. Mn.1proceedings with Miss eeath- off. There was no slee~p for -giving information about the! Location of the prajeet lu a Rechncr, an active Christian er Best assisting Rt the anyn, *e eeals pMojct was received locally byî large triangular plot in Bas- Scientist, lu a former realtor!organ. exolted; the m.ajorltv sang First Church of Scientist,iton's Back Bay region - and builder o! Kansas City,!T Due to weather conditions, &Il the way. Going ini over Oshawa. ibounded on anc side by the Missouri. wherc he serves as1 perhaps, nlot as large à crowd Shannon, Ir&i&nd, thie catun- .The letter said that the'Prudential Centre, and on the President o! the Kansas City'las usual was reported at the trY loaked like anc beauti- Church's new centre could "n other two sides by Hunting- Chamber of Commerce. He is feno service on the hill. fui large patio in a varicty longer be postponed" in order tan and Massachusetts Aven-jalsooa former offilcer o! the TheSavation Army ]Bànd of ],ovely oolors. 'We were te meet the needs o! its ex- 1e.wihmett oma atoa soitina elxas also unable ta be present. very low aven England, the pandlng activities.ae taco h iysbs-Ett ors. However, sevenal of the resi- houses werc s e ceta- A master plan - prprd* stiteseton.1. M. Pei & Associates 's dents of former days wcre able gtiher that frarm tihe air. it for he Curc by leaing It is part e! an arca thaitwidcly recognized as one Of. to attend. okdlkeamntuecty tirni of architects and city is gradually, shaping as one of'the world's outstanding firms~ n n r.FakGle twsabaitflsgtt planners, I. M. Pci & Asso-Ih world's leading cultural o! archltccts and urban plian- attended the il a.m. service liook out the wlndow aiflthe dats o Ne Yok, ailso centres. ýners, and was rccently selected covtes oaNeaddtonrl,1 acrs i in Po qaemiea a einth endyMm rt Hope United Church, plane and sec thc moon on coversan addtiona 16 aces Witir, oie squre mie of t desda ,hewenrcdytheirSnncphewre hene aidewonedrie a edsun s cocor- of partiafly church - owned land, this area contains Bos- or'aî Libnary at Harvard Uni- Mr. Fred Graham a! New- mng up on the other. We landond the centre." ton's Museum o! Fin e Arts, versity. Projects carrîed out by casie is acting in the caaiywcae servcd a deliciu anti uround in ad Symphony Hall, Horticulturaî the firm can be found in sev- . capacîuhth onh akatad andecia the plan caîls for leases ta Hall, Public Library, Civic eral countries, as weîî as of 0raîttruhtemnh rafs n add a Iptivate redevelapers ta con-!Auditorium, New Englandimany major cities throughout a! August. Londan International Air- struct 3,500 new middle-in- Conservatory of Music, Jor-ithe United States. Mr. and Mrs. Strang spent port at 10 &.nm. corne apartnient units, plus dan Hall. Nartheastern Uni-l Bath church officials t hteweknda Oe Sud. M lmter' h re es retail shops. office space, in- versity and the Boston Uni- the planning firrn are work- 10r. anid Mrs. R. Bruce at- bvhom 9he&adnet scen for proved pedestrian ways. and versit3- Theatre. Addition o! ing closely, with Bostan's tend d the Chatterton family 40 years, were theêre with underground parking facilîties. the Prudential Centre has alsojMayon John P. Collins and neunion at Cobourg Park on tiein familles ta nieet us Cost cf this priva tely- dev elop -brou ght ta the area a 52-sTtoreyeity agencies on final arrange- Sunclay. cdphs i igrd t$63,00(),- office tower, 29-story htl et o h noet r n i.Ry Burley SiI io~ r 000 or more. and highi-rise apartment tow-,beConstruction In expected ta were suppen guests, Sunday, À The total projeet area -,ens. connected by extensiveýe unden way within two at Clinton Brown's. c o ia ci combining bath Church and'mails and retail plazas. yeans, with the new Church' Mr. Aif Graham o! Toronto' private sectors - cavers 31ý Special attention was given'!Administration Building ta be is a visiton at Mr. Wilfredi RAT .J. DULLING acresan would ecntu- byI.M Pei soitst completed firsi. Wood's.1 Chartercd Accountant ed In stages aven a periad o! the scale of the Christian; r n I. o i 3ChrhSre six ta 10 years. Science praject in relation tel joined Mn. and Mrs. Ron Bun- - 623-3861 Detil o th popsa ar srnundngbuldngs a wîî NEWTO NVTLLE ley of Part Hope on a boat LEONARD JAMES BROOÏS being worked out in close CO- as its impact an the commun-! tnp aver Sunday. CatndAcutn iýMration with Boston city cf-iity as a whole. Mr.Gog ehx.Trno, TuteI akutý ficials ta co-ordinate the pro-,Oeo h rnayefcu Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasev erePtik ooto nse nBnrpc On f h pnar ffcso! Port McNical, together with a x', isitar here, Sunday. Suite 205W 7125-99531 Ject with the city's extensive ghc h rjc ýe ctd~ n n lraSal Th Rowe family held their Oshawa Shopping Centre tu-ba renwal pans.ta have is the revitalizationlof Bwmil ère visitors nua get-togethen Sunday M .H OGN Flrst in line for construe-lo! residential sections In the! trnon tthyom or. Cmr.rdAcontn tien In the $8,000,000 "chunch I *. last week with Mr. and Mns. and Mns. Ed. Rowe. Preént Seodlo centre" expansion - incudingarc Wm. Stapleton fer several SecoM. nd Mr.StnRoe NwLir rBidn a new 22-story Administrationý Although the Church has ne days. M and Mrs. red Rowe dCrKn &Tmeac Building, with seven acres 0f fra cmimett ted-Misses Louise Hayward and Cor. otKop;in ad n e623-3612 ts open landscaped area and a'x'eloPment o! the proposed'îsabeîîa Minty of Toronto fMsil o'tCopne;Mr and Phne62-31 600-car underground garage. new apartment houses barder- visited at the manse lasi week. lCbug r n r. WLO URW Expansion room is also plan- ing the chunch centre, it will Quite a number tram hene ii oor;Mn nsn. WLSN&BRO' cèd for the existing Publish- glve d'maximum encourage- atténded the funcral o! the late Doug Rowe and girls. New- Chartered Accountants met"tethsprvae-eelp-castie.aro a te e 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Itag House - which now lu- mn"t hspiaedvlp n ec arwa h o- cMnl. adMsca uge ates nues peiodicals in 13 îanguag-' ment phase o! the planh ac- ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- Gri a o! rt ayH es re Rnal F D ilonCA es besides bocks, records, and cording ta Carl B. Rechner, ville, Wednesday last. Sy-and Goi fPr oewr oadF .WloCA a daily newspaper, The Chris- the Church Develapment Con-1 pathy lu extended ta hic; 'am- Sunday ustsatM. aPh. done Bu28-755 C.A tian Science Monitor. 'sultant.' iîy. Alit M. CclBre eé HLP Kne 7-755 Focal point of the entire The emphasis wlll be heav- Mesdames J. Elliatt, F. Mr. Cecil Bu Erl eswen ALP KN&c. centre will continue ta be the ily ne middlc-income houalng Henderson, C. Brown, A. Wade M.adMs alMEe Chartered Accountants briginal Edifice (built ln 1894) l n contrast te the prCpon- and F. Gilmer attended the bruh n and Mr. rKacetre - Newcastle and its large white - domed derance a! luxury apartniènttea and bake sale at the home ai orouhMrantars i. 987-4240 «t«ion(copleed n lO6)construction in other parts of o! Miss C. Stewart, Kendal, ton BurleyofTrn. exenin crnlee i 90)the Back Bay. on Wednesday a!ternoon. nr. anid Mrs. Bill Lane and 36% King St. E. - Oshawa Based on economic feasibili- Misses Jean Walkey and girls of Port Hope were sup- 725-6539 ty studies and planning sur- Barbara Ovens and Mn. Bart Pen guests at MrI. C. H. Lane's, William C. Hall, B.Comn., C.A. : 'vcys, this part ef the project Ton rcturned te their homes Sun day. David G. Pcrkin, C.A. calîs for nine-stery apart- here last weekend, having con- ThGarden iiforthin ymetal ment buildings Ilning the two cluded their summer courses . no n udyafeno. Ch iropr acf Imajor sides o! the "church in Toronto.reno on udaateoo.aci c ,lnn dcentre," with anchtring 34- A number o! the teenagers attnd M wrs. C . R y Far -d ff. EWNMNDC Pa n dstory combination apartment held a little binthday celebra- o and Ken, Mn. Reg. Falls, Chinopractor and Office towers at two gate-flan in the hall, Fniday even- lMn. and M ns. arl F ad-o i tcoe ore t way intersections. ing in honor o! Bill Hender- a 15 Elgi tcr fHre t I nsurance Demaltion cf cxlsting struc- son and Bruce Green, froin raw, Downsview; Mn. and Mns. Phone 623-5509 ___________________ tnes meu o!whîh ae 630 a 1 p.. M. ad Ms.Clarence Farrow and family, Office Hours: By appolntrnent ~±~i~:anywhene froin 60 to 100 yeans Chanlie Trnm kindly acted as Scm arrog; and Mnsa______ ________ old - will eventually include chaperons. manvIlle. DaiyBw Jiearw n . the present Chunch Admini- Mn. and Mrs. Ray Tomapkins nihM.ad r.Gog aW .RD lDDS stratian Building, as well as and Shelley are at the Trim Stapleton werc Mn. and nrs. D.W .RDLDDS for nal i te uligsa anml ae nBill Reid, Onano; Mrs. George 75 King St. E. Bowmanvillc 1"the praject area. 'hmidtage mih Newcastle. Office oeurs : 1Since the initial stages of liday eeigteSna r. n r..mGle 9am e6pm al Business land clearanc wiltake away Sholclssshelping with adfMi'. an Prt. JuinGiler C 9 d ar ted Ond up o 11 eistng welingthepageant, were treated ta anidfamy, Pr ge tHpe Mwr.e Offose Patnrdaya623-5n90 units. the Chunch's proposai hot dogu and "Freshie" atter Funda suer et t n fic hn -6359 I Rés. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 includes a relocation assistance their rehean-sal. by the teachensF.Gle'.___________ pnogram with scaled movingland those in change. Mn. and Mns. Reid Wood ai-id DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. ikjnmbmt that your businew costs for residents cf church-1 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hender- boys are spending a week at Office offly as sound as the insur- owned property. The pregram1 son, accempanied Mn. and Mns. a cottage in the Manitoulin 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle would be operated by the1Clinton Farrow, Miss idar. Office Heurs: youcary t prtec it Churcli, in consultation withi Caîl and Mr. Glen Farrow ta l i Berniece Milligân and 9 a.m. te 6 p.rn. daily AfreS cbeck of yournedsis th Boston Redevoliment Shelbourne, Satunday, where ie ut r. Taylor,ar Closed Saturday and Sunday pm fr th askng. ust all uthoity.the annual parade and Old awav on a weék's holiday trip. Telephone: Office 623-545e for eerl the aslan us calIAthsiy.i e Fiddlérs' Conteut îvab The funenal o! the late Mn. DR. E. W. SISSON 1»fllb ldt ieyu frphasing eut the canstruc- néîd. Wm. Clark, a fermer résident L.D.S., D.D.S. adieadrOn na ion -oesaea ie- Jd tcy id a-of this district, took place on Office ln bis home advcc tié - Jud Stcey Lida ac-Tuesday aftennoon fnem the 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville withaut obiain ota aew housing and re- Donald and Betty Skelding Nothcut and Smith Funéral Phone 623-5604 talsaewl eprovided left on Saturday te spend _1 Home. UBowmanville.OfcéHus jod scopltlyat Csedý M. amp K iO c.Ri Messrs. Bert and Raymond 9 a.ni. ta 6 p.m. daily 1A final net gain o! Mn. 0 and Mtrs.avioneid ayTrim are away on a three Closcd Wednesday - Sunday idwellingunits isexpected by for a week's holiday tour. lwet Oihntip n orh u. ~~~the time o! completion. Mn. and Mrs. Ahf Graham Cotengratationst.n.G STUARTT IR. i A unique feature o! thé plan o! Newcastle opened thein W.Conesrauretionvlllc ne-sur y lu that the Chunch agrées tsaiu eta a. Jondsor Nma n y erwoDNL A sG occascion ome th Slv er ding The ADONLDug. 10.GOI GlIen Rae Dairy King St. W. Bowmanville Sunda- i'omnng Barristers, Solicitors MJrs. Florexice Caugliiiil l i Notariés Public MémoSial Hospital, Bow'man- Izý Franik St. Bowmanville ville. We wipli len a spCdy LAWVRENCE C. MASON, B.A. recovemy Baristen, Solicitor Mrs. R. Bave y attended théeoayPbi I Dvé pinl hedin Néwr- Kin§ St. W. Bewmanville castie Park. Phories: Office 623-5688 Mns. John Wotten, Black. ____Rés. 623-5553 stock, Mrs. Wnri. Johnlson, i, -E. RICHARD LOVEKIN fard, Mrs. Jôhn Archer ai- B.A., LL.B tended thc tunénal o! Mn. Dan Baristen - Solicitor McTaggant in Port Penny, on i g St. W. Newcastle Wednesday o! lasi week. T hé Phane 987-4633 late MT. and Mrs. McTasggant Heurs: 9-5:30 - Wcd., Sut., 9-1 farméed fon several ycars at R.R. 3 Burkétion and wene STEIKE and SRK membérs o! Burketon United Barnisters, Soilciton. Chunéh, being regular attend- Notariés Public arits o! thé church. Thé lâte W. R. Stnike, Q.C. Mrs. McTaggart was presidént A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. o! thé W.A. Edward C. Wildman, Mise Alice Taylor motored B.A., LL.B. ta Caokstown last week ta 40 King St. W. - Bownmanvlljt bring June lamé altier lier -Téléphone 623-5791 holiday thére.Ma es MI-s. R. Dave'.'acconmpanied o r t g ag es by, Mn. and Mrs. Sami Gran ! o! Oshawa attended thé Bur- 8ADIS RA3MLTON - ORON# b dett-Davéy wédding in Ty- Phono 1 r 16 rnSaturday evenung. Vtnst Mortgage Funds and and Mns. John Archer Residencé - Farina !ad amily motored te Sud. .3usincss Properties buny Friday mornng retumn. ing Monday: Mn. Humphrey Onpfo m e t rv Hewitt of Tarante being in charge af their tartn while KEITE A. BILLET, O.D. théy were away. Op m anvllle 1&-. and Mi.. A. J. Trick, 143 King SLE o Lindsay, vlsîted filends and Office mours: By appol1tmnt relatives réoentiy. Telep e63-3252.1 Mrs. B. Hubbard and Mn. A. V~<on. - Tuies. - Thurs. - P'rt. Hubbard wéré Fniday guests 9 a-ut. ta 5 p.m O r A. Carter, Bowmnan- Thursday evenings IV" i We&d.. 8& St. - S - 13 rs to the I&Ltor and it wus a tearfui but wosmderful reunion. Wé tra- velled 80 miles to Tottén wahere we spérit fivé days wLth thérnbedane going te London. One cousin, whe upent a yéar in Canada, rime yéans ago, came wiih lien lusband and t.ook me on a trip lhrough thé New Forst, Buckiers Hard and Beaulieu tlirough thé es- taté o! Lord Montague and thé Car Muséum. Thén. on ta Bourremeutli. That is one o! the lavelieut -tots fon touriais but thé Modu and Rickérs ane making it imipossible fon anc te enjay thé place. Théy scéin ta have takén aven thé beach andi livé théré do'- ,rrJ night. We opént thréé mare days with my aunts then le! t Tottén in thé pour- ing nain, for Landan. Wé wéné baoked inato éh Régent Palace Hotel on Piccadilly Cincus and this pnovéd ta hé a vény busy spot. We bcd an bour ta wush up and take thé bus ta Royal Albert Hall for thé opening sé.sisions, whére Hen Majésty Queen Elizabeth was te give thée pening addness, followéd hy thé Archbishop o! Canterbury and thé Général of thé Armi-. It is niotemranthcii.l éxo11 tI1vth les'm'e'k thé cenitenarY a! her-i fathei-'s bi'th, 0Q'uç'n Eli7a- béth Il attended thé Sa 'a- tian Arnmy's CentenaryCo- g ress, timus connectin2 .nl- rougli Hotis-,c ith "I Enîd Vaste- xvherpWillianm Booth, thé foundeî' of the Saivation ArrnY ,,fh'st coin- ménced bis woî'k. lt was ao noted nt thèse rneetinÉs that thé Army flag flies ovem' 71 eounitî'ies -and i il- anies. This 'vas Quite ap- parent f rom thé tnany rices that were renresenterl -n the 200,000 scyldiens o! theé Ann-iy'wha veî-eiii attend- an-ce ut the Congre-s. Meetigs were held i Royal Albert: Hall, Clapton Congrées- Hall, Westminster Hall, Régent Hall, Westmin- ster Abhey, to naine anly a few. To desrnibe thé field day ut Crystal Palace with the F]ag Break Cerernony, the woriderful bandsanmd onibos i attendance, thé marches thnough the fam- eus old atréets and squares o! London would make tItis article fan tee long if I wcre ta tell you alI. It was a wondeirful, tihrilllng expéri- ence and ane 1 shail neyer !orge't. We lett London for Peters- field and spent thrce days with a maiden aunt ut Ro- gate. Thé countryside anound thené lu deeply un- plantéd ln my mind, as I think o! the aid ceuntry ch.uroh witih its fields a! lupînes surrounding it: thé waik up thé land toward Lady' Churchill's home, bath sides iinéd by poppies, hon- cysuekle and wild roses; the barnis with theïr lovely old thatched roofs (a tradé tihat is now going out). Ail make it seem like a won- dérful cream. We le! t Petersfiéld for Totten to stay with my mc- thér'u Youngest sisten for thé nemainder of aur siay, during which turne I travel- led ta Bladen ta visit Sir Winsston Churchill's grave. He is bunied in thé tiriy oemétery et St. Martins church, surrourided by allier members of the Churchill fanxily. One on)int of in- teresit was tha tUie minister o! St. Mý1anîitn's was thé Rev. John James. Standing on the slighit hill abave a ph'turesque huddle af liniestone cottages and narrow twistirg streets. thé Church of St. Martin's iu thé mosît ý4pî'orinent feature in a village o! 400 people. It is tylpical of the mari that efier thé pomp and glonY o! a state funeral in London hé shauld havé cime- sena -10be buriéd in thé bosoni o'f thée humblest c'ountry village. 1 had al- ways admiréd lin, and anc paid their respects with all sincerity and a feeling o! loss of -a gréai iman. We then travelled to Blenheini Palace mhere Smr Winston was bonn. Thé countryside around the es- taté mvas maut beautiful, a gruad place fer hoeueback riding end a faherman's paradise. On ta Oxford ta sece the lovely old univrslties, and Reading, fer a stroil along thé Tharnes. Té next day ta Poole for a tour o! the Poale Pottenies plant, and home again to Totten wvhere mY uncle took us on a tour Of the Queen Mary. What a beautiful ship! Wé wére hononed with séveral iovely family parties and ganden parties anid did net teed the least bit strange with cou- sins whonî I had not seen before. Wé bcd several trips into Southampton, M, mTother's home town. It was quite clanged as they %uf- fened dneadtul]y duning the bombing, being the second largest port in thé world. We went up on thé com- mon fan a &troll, visitcd the zoo and alse Tudor house. Thé next dey I went on a boat trip te France, on the Viking 1. This was net like thé fimut vessel thusly nanm- C'ý, but a Norwégian ship that was quite u-ta-date. We landed in Cherbourg end bcd a tour aise a! the Dunkirk beach. Thé forts are still there from, thé lasit war. Back iin Totten. we hbad farewell celebrations with farniily and wondenful friends we had met. We de- parted thé nexŽt morning, Frid'ay the lltfh. for London airport. Sayinig goodbye W-as very hard au evervanle haci travplled ta see us off. BuIt, we left with theé hope ~ seeing thiem -,Il[aglain o. Our plane was delayed . hOur ils ai' traffic iwas ter'- i'ibly busy. We fiiually ,tocký off and wene airborne by 2:15 p.mi. Wc Passed aven Shannon. Inéland, Gréen- land and Labrador, that wene beeutifui as içve looked down 'on the splendeurs o! thé mountainu and glaciers. Then on oven t'he ilorthen Up O! Nemrfoundland and thie last lap home, landing in Taranto at 4:15 p.m. Our family was ut thé airpont to meet us and we centainly were glad ta see them. Thus ended aur wondenfui trip except limat evenyone Ives looking for souvenirs. Sincerely Yours, Kay Feruéy. a "More Citiz-ens Eating Apples Ontario apple grorwers feed théy stopped a down trend in apple consumption by their promaotional i'k iithq past fin moth. Net on' jid the' mnreuse per capital>,,,l corisumption In 1964, but in- duced more people toe at apples. Li 1961 eiach persn in On- tario cerisuéd. 22 pounds of apples. Ibis dropped te 19 ina 1962 and 17 in 1963. Ini 1961 thé figure rose ta 21 pounds. Thé 1964 crop was the big- gest ever - 6,560,000 bushels and its disappeanancè at geod pnices leads growers to, be- liéire that thcy wiill iind mar- kets for an ever increasing supply of applés. Pbnojecteff productdon for 1970 la 8.5 mil- lion bushes. By that tume Ontario will hé able te hasidie 4.6 million bustiels In cold storage anid 1.4 million bush- élu -in cantrolled atmosphere storagé. The latter mairitainu an idéal mixture o! air and 'humidit- as well as tempera- ture. 1HCcsI? lu TEvME aRAES Sm Raked Fresb! Weuton or Sunbeam jm:i Ret. 39e! Pkg. cf 3 977/PND OS COLSSALISS ROLLS ofVA[I~5 Save lié! Cut Rite floth For Buy 1 Box and 1i Heui WAX PAPER 49C Save lie! Twln Pack White, Pink, Yellow, Turquoise SCOTTOWELS 43C BEST BUY! Save 13c! White or Coloured Rails PUREX TISSUE 4roIis45C BEST BUY! Save 20c! White or Colouréd Facial Pkgs. 400's Scottieàs issues 3,I'79c Save 100 White or Cl. iFamlly ikg. 601» BEST BUY! Save 15c! 4 Roll Pack Scott Napkins 3 pkgs 49cotFmiyT su 8ris83 Save De! Hi-C Assorted Flaveurs,1i-oz. Tin SctFaiTïs 8os l FRUIT Drinks 2 for 69c BEST BUY! Save 14c! Frontenac or% Gallon Save Me Evaporated Tail Tinisu CARNATION MiIk 16C Snspun Iceà Cream 79c Save 14e! Cheerios - Whesies BEST BUVI Save 34c! Heinz Fancy Quality 48-oz. Tins Coco-Puits - Trix Big 'G' Corsais 3 pkgs $1jj TOMATO JUICE 31'89c Famlly Asortment - Supreme Brand - BEST BUY! Save 27c! Fresh Baked Packages of 12 FANCY BISCUITS 99c Supreme Do-Nuts 4 '89c 135 Biscuit Carry Home Package Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Branded SHORT RIB or CROSS CUT RO0,ASTç 41! "THE KING 0F ROASTS" SHORT CUT - CHEF STYLE STANDIN G R IB ROASIS FRESH MINCED Idéal for Meat Loaves or Durgers Always Tender - DEEF GROUND BEEF 43'bI STEAKETTES SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE'! Flavourful Home-Grown No. 1 large stal< CELERY 2'29q Red Ripe Beauties No. 1 - 4-Qt. Baslke TOMATES m73c Sunine FRESH CORN 1 Fméat Salmon FLESH CANTALOUPES c cobs3c No. 1 2 for 49c FIROZEN FOOD FEATURES! Save 9, 9-3 Pk-o 1SaveoeOc! *oz. Tins CARNATION A IBirds Eys Frozen F49 French Fries469c 1 Orange JuiceL 49 UtK WflITE $5Svolue MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Orono PECK S RED & WHITE Newtonville la i