....................................................................................................W Swim Demonstration and Awarcl Night Attracts Several Hundred Spectators 'i y. A huge crowd gathered at the Crearn of Barley swimming pool last Fniday to watch the hundreds of youngsters who had participate5. in the Recreation Department's summer swimming program. Bowmanville and District Branch of the Red Cross Society also participated by conducting tests and issuing badges and certificates for achievement. Their Water Safety officer W. W. Bagneil, Physical Education Director at the Ont aria Training School for Boys was in charge and is shown at the microphone conducting the interesting programn of events, Recreation Director T. A. Fanning and bis assistant Joe Kennett are seat- ed aI the table. The longer photo shows the girls' beginner class demonstrating the progress they have made since the programn started bis summer. Extend 'Family' Premium Cover 21-yr.mold Students For Hos pitai Insurance Saturday aflernoon. Rionnie Henderson waa visitor with his cousin, ward Henderson, at MoTr a couple days lest week. M.r. and Mrs. Eaul Wal attended the Warden's Pix et Darlington ProvincialP. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tonpk and daughter, with Mn.. Mrs. Ralph Toinpkinsé boys of Part Hope, are at Trim cottage at Dairyn Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Bro MT. and Mrs. Bill Wade,a Peter Henderson atten( *Peterboro'ugh Fair en Sat Misses Karen Stec of Can belleroft and July Jolley Oshawa are visiting their spective grandnnothers, 1M A. Bougihen and Mrs. Me, lister. Mrs. Robb was in St.ratlc over the weekend with and Mrs. Art Bonnett o! i Credit. Mr. andi Mrs. Don Vin] joined Mn. and Mrs. Hari Best and family on a eampi trip over tihe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Truemnan He Iderson and fan-dly were jtheir cottage at Lake Kenni for the weekend, where thJ were joined on Sunday by h and MTs. M. Henderson ai farnuly, Morrish. Barry Lane spent the wee end in Bowmanville, guest Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gr and !amily. Service Sunday mornil was in charge o! Mr. Jan Young o! Oshawa. Syipatl was expressed to Mr. Youi ovei- his recent sad bereeav ment. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rov and daughters, Newcasl] were Sunday visitors with M and Mrs. S. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wot and family arrived home Sa urday evening from the week et Manitoulin. Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Bruce attended the Bru( Ifamîly picnic on the weekeri at Bancroft, and are spenidin a few days among frien( there during this week. Miss Connie Howe of Ga- den Hili is visiting Mic Linda Peck. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lance! ter. Miss Dorella Lancaste and Mr. Jack Chaird wer Sunday dinner guests in Ham ilton at the home of Mr. an, Mrs. Geo. Crunip. Mr. and Mrs. Jiqn Cursu were supPer guests on Sunda: with Mr. and Mrs. Clintoi Brown. Miss Barbara Stapletoni spending this week at Wasag; Beach. -%Ugs Barbara Ovens leave early this week to visit he sister, Mrs. Bryan Noble, an( family, n FEdmonton. Debbie and Donna G0rdon o! Orono visited thei.r aunt Mrs. Wallace Bouglien, fore couple days last week. Dar. Beginning September îst, iguardian before reaching age thousands o! requests as each Iurn this weck. dependent children will be1 21. lone must be handled individ-1 Mn. and Mrs. Bihl Ca.r ai covered by Ontario Hospitalî Relunds ually. on a -trip o onwall and thE Insurance under the -faînily" Mivanv young people 19 and Thr ae t osnd fSt. Lawrence Seaway, thi, pnemium un> 1 they reach their 20 years of age who will nowk 2lst birthday. An officiai an- qualify as their parents' dle- pcso ieaue' ak h ....GrsTa nouincement o! the change, pendants are already payingiand hospitals around the prov- here won thse semi-finals, ir which was first mentioned by premîumns. Such persons may ince which indicate the form- a game with Newcastle, Sun. Dr. M. B. Dymond. Minister dlaimi a refund o! premiums, er age limit of 19. Dr. Neilson day, by the score o! 10-8. The: o! Health, in Legisiature, June which have been paid to cover pointed out that if the readex meet Orono in the finals this 7th, has been publishcd hy them beyond Scptember 1, reads age 21. instead of age week,. the Ontario Hospital Services,1965. 19, as pninted. thal k ail that ýqext Sunvday moqrning Our Commission. The age change' The officiai announcement is neccssary. church service wili be in will also apply to the Blue will contain a form which pay- About 99% o! Ontario's resi- charge o! Mn. R. H. Temple ol Cross and CUMBA semi-priv- direct members can use to dents are now insured through Cobourg. Mte coverage for wvhich about obtain the refund. Ibis government - sponsored one-third of the insured resi- The Commission is gearing plan and almost one person in dents. remit a d di ti on a itself 10 handle all requests six is admitted to hospital each WESLEY VILLE premiums through the Com- for refunds as quickly as pos- year. Every day, this year, mission. sible. Refunds, therefore, benefits are being provided The August meeting o! the Dr. John B. Neilsozi, chair- should be rccquested immedi- to a value o! over $900.000 UWwshl Itesme man ! te Cmmisio . ately, but even then it may which will make the annual homeo! s. F. W. Kte um r nateof tht tue miesigenimit take several weeks before the total something in the neigh- Whoenfesday F.vning templtn being introduced because ofComsincnd awihhebuhodf$30ilo. with 17 members and four the increasing number of ~vîsitors present. The meeting atudents among young people N was opened with prayer by in this age group. lie added N E W TIO N V IL L E the president and a short that only unmarried, unem- business period conducted by ployed children are eligible Mn. and Mi-s. Don Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer ber wbicb included discussion for coverage ~s dependants and family spent Sunday In[ visited fiends at Balsam in regard to the sewing dis. wd e r the pareýnts' or Stoutffvile, last week. ýLake, last Saturday, and wit.b play for the Port Hope fair jrdian's în56nce and that Murs. ea Jones spent aîitheir family are at their own and tentative plans for a fowl ~arate premiums must be couple days last week with cottage at Chemong for thec supper. The devotions were in ~d when the dependant Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, next few weeks. charge o! the group for the ~aches age 21, or marries, or at their cottage. Messrs. Reg. Falls and Cecil month, Mesdames H. Payne, 'omnes regularly employed. Mrs. Arnold Wade enjoved Burley took a trip to Sudbury M. Payne, Clarence Nichols, However. Dr. Neilson did ex-I1 K. Dinner and P. Snell. Mrs. plain that exemption Is pro-,a bus trip t Graverihurst, last week. Snell explained that the prog- vlded for students who takeiwhich included a boat trip 10 Karen, Jeffry and Lynn ramme for the meeting was temponary ernployment dur- Port Carling, on Wcdnesday. Gilmen o! Port Hope spent a the sbowing o! slîdes and com- lng their school vacations. Thel Terry Soules o! Toronto !ew days here wîtb their mentary by Mus. Kemp o! a annual reduction iin premium, spent hast week here at the grandparenLs, Mr. and Mrs. nine week trip taken by Mn. Incarne t the Commission, due home o! his aunt and uncle,, Frank Gilmer. and Mus. Kemp tbrough Eur- ta bhc new age limit, is estim- Mr. and Mrs. J. E}liott. A linen shower was held at ope and parts of Asia and ated at $3.5 million. Mrs. Ken Ware o! Toronto the home of Mrs. George El- Afnica carlier this year. Ex- was a visitor here witb ber liat, F'iday evening, in bonor cellent pictures and sormeone Dependaats Over 21 mother, Mis. Ovens, several o! Miss Carol Cox, bride- wlio was there, able 10 answer The family premium also days, recently. e e t. questions provided good en- covers a person over the age Mn. and Mns. Ray M<>ch o! Inene Kimba. !Pr rn tertainment and education, and Dm11 <(21) who is !inancially OshawVa were supper gucats by s voifig Phr t iedGrane thc thanks o! tbe organizationf dependent upon bis or hegin witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Wade, byoî sitg fo r ! dw dac wa s expressed by Mus. Georgeý sured parent or guardian be- Deconat ion Da. . .. Tufford.1 cause o! physical or mental in-' Miss Gloria NicholS o!1We6- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood Sunday school as usual here filrmity. However, such al leyville was a visto ast were guests at tbe Britten- on Sundfay morning with sup- person must have been a de- week with her cousin, Miss jSlieild wedding in Simcoe St. cintendent George Tufford in bendant of the parent or DoSella Tance ter. Urilted Church, Oshawa, onicharge. Church servie was lai gladioli added thefr beau the serviee. This has been a busyi lots of work and fun too, bining has beguni, the first tomatoes have appeared, berry picking is about for this year and some o Young People are tobacco, ing. Skling on the lake« beach parties bring pli ta both old and Young% weather and water permi Mr. Truman Austin, Bc and Paul left last weeki motor trip t the westc Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ai were in Toronto for the w end and a few days' holiÉ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best family were camping du the weekend; Ted Corb3 Toronto who has been visi at Harold Austin's, reti home on Sunday, as did 1 Lou Howarth accompanied Valerie Austin, and Ro: Howarth came to Wesley, for his holiday ln the sun Marilyn Eider o! Cobour visiting with the Thorndy this week. Mrs. John Fraser, who a correspondent ini Japan, ceived a pamphlet from this week showing the dif ent styles o! native dress, a dress called the Yukata is white with a blue deý on it, and a stif! red bow Congratulations to Bart charge of the UCW and mem- Dinner who received w m a bers of the men's club. It was last week that she had re<i Ed- conducted by Mrs. Murray ed the highest standing Tish, Payne, assisted by Mesdames Ontario for her grade Claenc Nchos ad . Br-vocal examination from lkey Caec ihl n .Br Toronto Conservatory of!IV icnic rowclough. Clarence Nichols ic. 'ark. gave the message for the day with thoughts arising from a kmns former series of sermnons "lIs VIE STATESMAN SOLID and my God big enough?", in BT THESE DEALERS: Ekwhich he reminded us that the our lives should flot be judg- Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20 nple ed by the achievements of our Frank's Variety Store neighbors but by our own wn, potential. This congregation Jack's Smote Shop and was privileged once again to Goheen's Handy Store ded have Dr. David Oucherlony of Br'vson's Smoke Shop tur- Toronto providing the music Jury & Loveli for the service and for the Oke's Smoke Shop p.regular choir's anthemn "Blesýs The Flying Dutchman othe Lord, O My Soul." Lovelyl Crystal Dairy re- M'rs. ford Mr. Port kle old [en- at Isis u hey M~r. and ýof where ng nes so u hn thy s ng we ANI le, HOh Vr. Of YE Autc at.d ingr ýeirIN ýnd -Th iceani ndd ds5 iss PRINCES' GATES-Through these gales livinc as- lies the time of your life. Theres over a mile fashi re' of midway, over 50 different buildings you an r.d can visit for free. YouIl find more to do and ARI nd more to see than you can ever imagine. dooi on Be sure you corne to the 1965 Canadian ment ay Dn ~National Exhibition. Where else can you see plusi is so much in one place at one lime? MAI ga ~GIANT HOBBY SHOW-Find your hobby. Bell1 es or choose a new one, from among the dis- afterr er ~plays and demonstrations of 41 different thefa id ~hobbies in the General Exhibits Building. Set.F in THE HOME 0F CANADA'S HOCKEY extra t, mt a HALL 0F FAM E-A fascinating collection tec r.0f souvenirs and mementos from the worid th erof sports. actsi eTH ýe FAMOUS CANADIAN INDIANS-A TE s special new feature this year is the exhibit atih Mpaying tnibute to the culture and ski Il of theath in Canadian Indian of yesterday and today. _AuL vy INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW-High inlDE is the sky, on Sept. 3 and 4, the newest aircraft world ir in the wortd are put through their paces. The willfi ýn worid-famomU. S. Air Force Thunderbirds NATI will dazzIeouwhhe-ir precision manoeuvres. perfoc FLOWER SHOW-A breathtaking collec- will ci tion of dazzling. garden-fresh blooms raised Show,~ especially for the CNE flower show. Freea ýr BETTER LIVING CENTRE-Take a look Sp n into tomorrow and see the first public demnon- rstration of the amazing laser ight beam Ithat 9can actually cul through steel. You'il also find ail lhat's new in the homemaking wosld. r See the latest appliances and furnishings on elegant settîngs. r 5CAdRES O 1 F _09ý 'r nAIRCTU AWE AL0TH1_ laty 1 week, 11com- slocal rasp- over of the )pick- ýand easure when nit. MISS 1% 3onnie Toronto h on a with Mrs. coast. David ( ý-Ustin holidaying week- ents, Mr.j 'days; Mrs.1 sand James E.1 luring V. Wilson by of week fror iiting pital o rrned aBo Mary Mrs. J. 1 d by ter Mrs. Lnnie spent a ff iville last week. in. Mr. and arg is son, Lorna lyke's Of Whitby of Mrs. At] chas and Mrs.J ire- crest Lane iher Congrati. ffer- ton Tambl. ýand day, Augu, a. It Mr. and [sign have retui >w at train trip Mr. Pau brwith Mr. vord Cowan, w ýeiv- visitiiig in 9 in Congratu six Mrs. Geori the Touchburn M!us. Mis-s Bert Cain, on Saturday e 1965,' in Pg D Rev. Danji wedding Ir: tario and tI ý>"' bec, theyv Street, Cobl a member lic Schools e Mrs.RPL. Douglas, 1 thy of'W: are visitin Hartley H.' and other relativesand!uiendsMr.andMms.CeciîMalîcy bbc Oshawa Haspital. Ibm Canadian Statemgean owmanvlfl, Atg. le, IlmU ï The Orono Newsj Mrs. James E Richards, EditorI Karjorie Hoidge o! in the district. Major Mallory, viulted Mrs. Hector Bowms has spent two weeks brother o! Mus. Barlow, la ste- îecenbly. ;Chanles Wood. tioned In the Gaza Strip. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mltcho Gray o! Cadnius is Mrs. Hector Bowen bas re- cil and faznily returned home g with his grandpau- turned home after spending on Friday from a motor trip and Mus. Reg Sutton. 10 days with hen sisten-in-law through the Northern States Hiarry Rowe, Mrs. Mrs. Harry Pickard, Don Mills. anid the Maritimes. Richards and Mus. C. Mn. and Mus. Gardon Simp- Mus. Harry Lewis and Mrà. ineturned home last son, Sharon and Rîcky, have Ivan Farrow apent Tuesday mthe Memorial Hos- returned home after spending with Mrs. Lamne Glddy ni ýwmanville. a wcek et Canal Lake. Port Hope. E. Rhodes and daugh- Mu. and Mus. Marshall Chat- Mrs. Douglas Simpson, Gary ,Alan Beaucbanip terton spent overnight with and Sharon are visiting Mr. !ew daya In Toronto bis brother Mr. Ross Chatter- and Mis. Gardon SLmn Jir. ton and Mus. Chatterton o! aI their cottage, Gores Land. 1 Mrs. Lamne Atkin- Orange City, Florida, et thelu ing, Rice Lake. , Audrey and Glenn cottage at Lake St. Peter. Mr<s. Atdine Hamel, Mr. rwerc dinner guests Mn. and Mis. Richard San- Thomas Findlay of Stouifville Lkinson's parents, Mr. fond o! Wbitby visited ber wenc Saturday djnner guesta James Jobnson, Hill- grandpaients, Mn. and Mus. o! Mr. and Mua. Jim Middile e, on Monday. James Johnson, Hilicrest Lane. ton. ulations bo Mn. Mil- Mrs. Les Samis bas netuin- Mr. and Mis. Ted Hooey lyn on bis 8isI birtb- cd home aften spending a and family were Sunday dira. ýst 23rd. week with brother Mr. Alex lien guests o! bis parents, Mr. 1 Mus. Lance Plain MacMilan at Pef!erlaw. and Mus. Harold Hooey, oit trnd home from a Mn. and Mis. Jack Cbapman the occasion o! Ted, Jr.'s finit ta the West Coast. o! Kiuby, Mus. Ronald Han- birthday. il Jones is staying cock, Mn. and Mus. Orville Mi. and Mus. Marshall Chal- and Mus. Francis Chatterton attended the fun- terton spent several days with hile bis parents are eral o! their uncle bbe laIe Dr. and Mus. Keith Taylor, B.C. Mr. Howard (Nibbs) McCombs Nancy and Bonnie, at their ulations to Mn. and in Oshawa last Wednesday. cottage at Timagami. Ige Arthur Eugene Among otheus who attended Recently Mus. Wm. Mitchell io! Ida, thc former !rom this district were Mus.vstdM.Wila Care tha Matilda Jane John Cowan, Mus. Jim Middle- visite Mus. Willia CLoke thein marriage on ton, Mr. Wm. E. Armstrong dfonel !Oon) tLu vening, Augusî 7tb, and Mr. O. W.* Rolpb. dn leterboîough by the Mu. and Mis. Jake Middle- Patients fnom Orono and el Young. Af 1er a bon, Margaret, Cathy and district in the Memorial Hos.q rp to Noîthein On- Scott are at their cottage near pit, Bowmanviile, are: Mn. lie Province o! Que- Emily Park. Elviiî Blwett, R.R.; Mr.. Car- wiil neside on Main Mus. Wm. Mitchell, Peter- los Tamblyn, R.R.; Mrs. Bruce )b Hill. The bride is borough; Mu. and Mis. Burns Mercen, Mus. Wm. Seymour, o! the Orono Pub- Kittmer and sons o! Lakeside Mrs. Oliver Knapp Sr., Mns. staff. near St. Marys, vislted Mr. Oliver Knapp Jr., Mus. Robert B. Mallory, Jackie, and Mrs. Mel Sheli at South Stewart, Mrs. Wm. Malley& Robin and Timo- River, Mr. and Mus. James Mis. N. McCausland, Mma rinnipeg, Manitoba, Belle nean Orillia and also James Ginn. g Mi. and Mrs. visited the nuclear power ste- Mu. Harvey Partner and Mr. Barlow and Bonnie tion at Douglas Point. Normian Nixon are patienta lat 20a se elsePanIy 'ne jplace a ITIQUE AND CUSTOM CARS- ME-BUILT AIRCRAFT= See the cars Vesterday, today and tomorrow in the tomotive Building. You can see gleam- motorcycies, 100. rER NATIONAL SHO PPER'S MARKET 'e rare and exotic are yours to look at buy in this fascinating markeîplace where - 20 counîries display their wares. IEEN ELIZABETH BUILDING-This is World of Womeri, the key to gracious g. You can relax while you enjoy free ion shows and cooking demonstrations day you choose. UIED FORCES DISPLAY-A huge out- )r exhibit featuring ail the latest develop- bts in Canada's arrned forces' equipment a CF5 RCAF jet interoeptor. TINEE SPACE FUN FEST-See the Rocket-belt Team soar overhead at the rnoon grandstand show. Forîhe swingers. fabulous Italian Beatles and the Liverpool Roaring motors and screeching tires add 'thrills to this fun-packed afternoon as :rcyclists display their skill. AIl this plus fantastic jet cars, clowns and high wire adds up ta a fun-filled 2-hour show. ENATIONAL HORSE SHOW-Inîer- mnal Champions of world-renowri meet ie Horse Show to vie for coveted awards ug. 20-26. LIGHTFUL BAND CONCERTS-The I champion New Zealand National Band fil the air twice dailyfree atthe Bandshelî. 'ION BUILDERS '65-A cast of 1.500 ormems sin gers, darioers, and musicians- combine to produce a truly international N. with over 30 represented couintries. admission 10 Ihis show, orn Labour Day. t.6. ITS AND SOUNDS 0F THE SIX- >-11e Evenang Gtanclstard Spectactar nig the KIns of Conedy. V.ictor Barge j20-27) and Bob Hope (Aug. 28-Sept 'ese two great coeneces eadlino the bright sprighky grandstand show with g Crossley, the Womenfok Debbie Lori and a host of international talent spe- selicted by prodtscoJackAnkwr. Don't NOTOPEN SUNDAYS ousee toneUre INTER NATIONAL TRACK MEET- Canada's top track stars will be comnpeting against a field of lop-ranked international athletes. Bill Crothers, Ab.hie Hoffman, Harry Jerome, Nar'cy Mcçredie and Jennie Wingerson wilI be leading the Canadian squad on Monday. September 6. in the grandstand. AQUARAMA '65-The greatest show on water is back again. Twice every day along the CNE waîerfront the world-famous Aquarama *65 is presented free. Water-skiing. kite-skiing, and world's champiooship high-, diving from heighîs tb 110 feet are ail yours ta enjoy. Be sure ta see the finish of the 57 mile Marathon Motor Boat Race to Burlington and return. SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS AND CHILDREN-Students under the age of 18 can now gain admittance Io the Ex for only 50 cents, on presentation of student identi- fication. In addition, ail children under 12 wilI have Iwo fiee days at the EX. one when they use their complimentary ticket mailed by the CNEtotheirschooîs, and againonYoung Canada's Day, Monday, August 23. when no ticket is required. Kids can win valuable prizes on Young Canada's Day by being Orn the Spot TH1E WORLD 0F FASHION-The Iatest ini fashions-from -Pauisian and Canadiar, couturiers-are on parade in thre Queen Elizabeth Building every d. There are fileen different shows-featuring the very Iatest styles ln sport and dress clothing. SPECIAL DAYS DU RING C.N.L Fn. Ang 20 Openung Day Sat Aug. 21 Warior Day Mon. Aag. 23 Young Canada & Edoca*n Day Tues. Aug. 24 Atomotive Day Wed. Aug. 25 Food Producta & Merchante' Day Thqjrs. Aug. 26 FloaL Music. Arts & Hulfth Dey F1. Aug. 27 Prosa. Radfio & TelevWmonDay Set Ang 28 huemationa &-AtietIe Dey Mon. Aug. 30 Wooee'a Day Tues. Aug. 31 Manofacturers' &Suv"cCub< Dey Wed. Sept 1 ElectrialDay Thur. Sept i Transportation &Communications Day Fn.Sept 3 Farmes'& Uveuo&kPogadeDai Sat Sept 4 Citizm' & CwloDey Mon. Sept 6 LabourDe ýl