WILLIAMS - CAMBER Bathed in a soft glow from White candles in two candela- bra, standards of white gla- dioli, 'mums end carnations 1020d a lovely setting in T&YUnited Churcb, Bow- manville, for the marriage of Mdiss Marguerite Jean Camber end Mr. Robert Alexander Williams on Saturday even- fIng, August 7, 1965, at 7 o'clock. The bride is the dau- g-hter of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- coirm C. Cerober. Bowmnan-l 'Ville, and the bridegroom is tihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Williamns of Kirklandý LAke. .i Rev. A. W. Harding offi-n ciated and the wedding musica was played by the ohurchP organist, Mr. Arthur Cellison. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a longe sheath gown of white nylon t organza oxer taffeta withs scoop neckline, elbow length c 18leeves, and a brief train at- tached at the back waistlinel by a large self-material bow., The sleeves and waistline were adorned with lace ac-ý cents and a band of lace, plac- g ed near the bottom edge,n highlighted the train. TE1 gown bodice was styled 'in O' jacket effect. Her elbow- length bouffant veil was caugh.t to a nylon organza.1E Pillbox and her cascade bou- H Çuet was of white orchidsl white carnations, pink sweet:I13 hert'roses and stephanotis. D Miss Lynda Lawrie of Osh-,S awa was maid of honor and the bridesmaid was Miss f Mearle Travis of Brampton, w the groom's niece. They were H In formai lengt.h sheath gowns' of pale blue peau de soie . P with empire waistline, elbow ac length sleeves and jewel D ne.ckline. Theïr wedding ring Sa headpideces were of matchingl peau de soie with simaîl veîis,jf end they carried cacde au~~ quets of white and pale bouuein carnations. dpl leg Mr. Paul Hancock, O-0 manville, was best mnan and1. the usher was Mr. Bob Bunce!n,' of Oshawa. A] To receive et the receptio>n't beld at the Lions Communityý t Centre , Bowmanvilfle, t he, bkes incUber wore a sainon1 pink linen sheath dress with C" tbree-quarter len g th lace a aleeves and scoop neckline, C andi corsage cf white camna- ro tions and salmon pink sweet- t t' ,'We carry fulli Une of fo DE(OâAT ING a 1 SUPPLIES jo Paints -Enamnels 1 c ho Varnishes -Wallpapers i¶ li Vinyl waII coverings th: Wood Stains in Rez Productsti th, SalignumM Wood preservers lm Window Blinds r ho "Your Decoratlng ed thi Headquarters ori 33 King st. w.Bowmanl,%111e Ca ýheart roses. She was àssistedý by the groom's mother whno wcre a medium blue, shantungi jacket-dress in sheath style and corsage cf white carna- tions and deep pink sweet-, heart roses. Before leaving on their honeyrnoon in the Laurentian Mountains, Quebec, the brideý donned her travelling en- semble cf a two-piece tur- quoise boucle suit with double! breasted Channel-style jacket,i white and black accessories,I and corsage cf whiite orchids. They will reside at 333 Gibb, Street, Oshawa. The bride attended Column- bus Public Sehool, and Bow- manville Public (Ontario st.) andi High Schools. She is emn- ployed as a stenographer atý General Motors, Oshawa. Thej grOoM, who is a Group Lead-i er at General Motors. at-I tended Lakefield P ublIiec Sdhool and Bowmanville Highi School. BROOME - WESTLAKE Baskets cf beautiful pink gladioli, white carnations and mums enhanc'ed the chapel cf Eldad United Church, Solina, >n Saturday evening, July 24, 965, when Miss Phyllis-Ann Miarie Westlake, eldest daugh- ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Francis Farold Westlake, was united in marriage to Ronald Lloyd Broorne, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lloyd Broome, ail cf, Solina. The officiating clergyman lor the double-ring ceremony vas Rev. Charles A. Catto, Uampton. The church organ- st, Miss Gladys Yellowlees,ý layed the wedding music and Iccompanied the soloîst,Mr :)onald Taylor, Solina, whcýI ;ang 0, Perfect Love and The edding Prayer. Given in marriage by her M arried in Trinity United Church a2d' ~ro b viSu l BASE LINE Th. Canadiai statasmia, fwmmnanfe, Uept. '. lus Mis Franceas imsn, Mn. 1Mms Grace Barnec attendI F'rank Sùmpson, Mns. Resle a bridal ahower in homr of Hillock, Mns. Mable Crawfordi, Miss Catherine Newton, Whi-N t a P iae Af i Huron, Michigan, were visi- erett Lake, Newcastle, On n t Tlhe Cobourg Sentinel Pbi nonto hudb tons for a few deys with Mrs.i Tuesday evening, Aug. l7th. Pbi nomto hudb F. Toms.r Staritd M. rDnldFly pn made pubéie through the. All isied Ms-1MT. onad Foey pery eýnewspapers and, other coen- Lloy SimonandMn.E~1 recer<t weekend touring in The whole ramnifie. tions of niunity public medilumni f Tewin, and wee-e dinner ih Unitedi States. Grade 13 resurtas een te b omncto. guests o.f Mr. and Mns. Wîlburý Mm.CalsBo nlcaseii he aeoaa }anis tialc Ii htt Toms, Purple Hill, callirrg on- r.CalsBo nlcesdi he aeois a h uleteRgtt relatives at Port Perry and1 Finch, spent somne time witi 1. Student and Parent Em- Know even te thec point of Columbus. b er son, Mr. and Mrs. Nel barrassment. teacher - enibarrassment? A Rev. andi Mme. M. R. Son-Bowelat aiy 2. Tescher Ernbarras.nent. former Cobourg citizen bas derson, Mr. and Mns. .. stew Mr. andi Mn. E. Vondraoek, 3.Th ihtT nw this to say: "Are they (the art, Toronto, were Monday1' Mss !Eileen Vondracek, Mr. âh Ko. teachers) simply tireti of calersat r.andMme Adîy Romi Vondracek, andi Mr. and In The Canadian (Bownian-qusin wic Sharp's.a r. Samn Van Campw attended ville) Statesman's "Bits and Pulcto arouses ini the the weddmng cf Miss Mildred Pieces colmun, this i. the Public muids? They should Mm. and Mms. Grant Werry Vondracek te Mr. Donald comnment: net be for altbou«h lthe ques- and fasnily were Sunday ev-IBowers in Bellevilile on Au- "Readers wbo expeet te see tions nîay efften be unWar, eni.ng visitox-î et Mm. and Mns.,gu 2,t the eoenjpiete results of the they are still indicative cf Hvibrtle. gtns Bw - M r. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart- Grade 13 exams for the higb igktful public interest." vil. anyd Richiarti Heather and schools in the district will be Aohrapoc etî Mm. an Mis. r Tamb-1 Juditih Ann spent Sunday disappointeti te leamn tkiat probleni is matie at Oaýmpbei1- lyn, Carnbmay, spent thej with ber parents, Mr. and tbey will net be published. tord. "thiat ne examination re- weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Ho'pkins. Hea- The Board (in its wistiom) sults be publisheti except R. J. Ormnston. itber anti Richard reniained apparently passeti a ruling where special recognition . i Misses Barbara andti B wit'h their gandparents for this year bannîng the publi- due to a stutient or group nf Ashton, Haydon, spent a the week anti returneti home cation of individual resulti te îtudentkq." This makes tbe. Week's vacation wîth R. J.ý te Cookstown on Sunday, avoid student embarrassinent. grave suspicion of a controlleti Ormiston~a. August 29th. Se, the information will have press. N or a h ib Mr.ant Mm. . R Pehic,'Mr. James Cryderman bad!teý be obtaineti via the grape- teditetht"nvtevy Barrie, anti daughter Mn. aI us rcnî, vine, over the back-fence dleatesuiats wllbhe pub- Lamrv Lauzon, Montreal, visit- Peaa. Mm)tswi b ed Mm. and Mmi. S. R. Petbick Willard MacPhail, one cfsreotrtanortoelsd. Mr.ani mi F.Beket~three Junior Fammers visiting 1 wbo were tops in their, Wben the Principal and Mr.baandCeun.y F.omBPrincegrades. ~. ~spent a day with hem sister .Urard Islnty i. nPine The Gravenhust Board f' Teacher comment that ex- Mm. and Mmi. Reg. Weaving.ý Education (in its wisdom) has amona aff resucf r the tid e - Ancaster, aise visited Mm. and Mm. James Cryderman bas decidedtiet discontinue the snlafamiyof they sreno-1 Mrs. James Tyson, Barrie. retumned borne aftem spending general practice cof releasing blind te the tmutb t-hat se Icnq Miss Sandira Werry spent ai'a week's holiday in Eiastern Grade 13 esuits te the press. as education is subsidizeti bv few deys with Miss Domothy Ontario anti Québec, as a dele- Asked for a comment, one Vr apyri Walems Osawa gaeon the Junior Fariner board member saiti: "We coni- namytaopayer ints ae anda ~........ ..Miss Samon Wery spent'bus tnp.Places cf intereit sider it unfair te pulbliclyeaiainmeut r e holidays with hem gandpar- vsited were Upper Canada expose the esulta wbicb bavepiae far ýa ents, Mm. anti Mmi. E. A.1 Village, Montreal, Quebec te include failunes, in somne Let it be emphatically stat- ~*...*.*Wermy. Ciy taaat tim. cssdet lnesi or othen cd, education is net private Miss Heather Brunt and Mrs Hze Lwey ndvaliti reasons. unduly emnibar- enterprise but a ccmmunitv.- brte ar, omn'ldaughters Dawn anti JillI rassing tbem." sponsored, oovincially - en- spent a few days with their1 A ratepayer replieti: It is dowed, fedeally-assisted pu1b- grantipaments, Mm. anti Mms. A. Sa'wyerville, Quebec, were jut another step te eliminate lic company - therefome ne ~.Brunt. Fri'day overnight guesits cf democratic procedure in Gra- citizen can lawfully deny a 54 M ms. Jim M ul er, OshO n, . nti M rs C. W i son. t ven hu rst's public a f f a i r s., public accounting. _ _ _ _ _ spent a few days last week:OnSdaAgs 2th Mm. and Mrs. Robemt Alexander Williams are pictured after their wedding witb Mm. ad Mrs. E. Wright. iMm. anti Mr-s. Wni. Kolenko,' in Trinitv United Church on Saturday, August 7th. The bride, the former 'Miss Miss Marilyn M aris h ail1, Karen anti Julie Ann visited Marguerite Jean Camber, is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. Camber, Bowmanvi*lle, visited a few Mm. anti Mmi. Hamoldi WilsýOr fJ Bowmanville, and the bridegroocm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wil- .ays d thMms i. en la AveryadmodWilsonibmay aMs.U leaners Iiuc/le id.a dithMis Limnaovery ad WTo, s bha Ms. liains, Kirkland Lake. i Ronny anti Nancy, Bowmnan- being celebrateti. -ville, visited Mm. and Mmii1 Keith McGill. 1Mm. and Mirs. Roy Van, DEFINITIONS - BACK-TO-SCHOOL W ed in ldadrCurchdCh pel ae lBoth- amp, Mm. anti Mms. SainVani1 W ed n Edad hurh Ch pel;well Rd NncyMT.andMrs.lamip spent the weekend at 1.~ ForclnK abstract Ideas Into concrets heads. Fred Hiogarth andi boys, Maplelîtheir cottages on Mnk Lake. - ..Grove, weme Sunday tea ýMr. and Mmi. Howard Cmry- 2. Education whleh dlseloucu te the wIse and dlmgultes guests at Mm. anti Mmi. C. derman anti Ralph spent the front the toolish their lack et nnderstandlng. w Stai.nton's. ýweekenti with Mm. andi Mms. Mm. andi Mn. Geo. Irwiný James Walkem, Toronto, . at 'aterthebrie ookd cf MntSs. Nornan Scott, New te Muskoka District. nfull length bouffant style MI, n ti mi. S aiM.5CR Yown cf white nylon oganza Mant Mms. .L a ikym Mr.H ver taffeta with long lily- CLTERSCKEM)oint sîceves. The semi-bateau an.d viitrs et M. ani me. wEd rte orCohe gia.Mt amg.Dntpt ieckline was accenteti with Weeks, Toronto. Pofe orCohsAantMt aae o' u e lace also addeti loveliness .iz Mr. ant i Mm. WIbur Vanummr portswear efore bavlg thesa dryeleaned. 1 rn io the softly fallîng bouffant Port Perîy, Miss Etina Vance, 623 -3303 them ta your local dryelesner. ýkint. The waistline was fin- .... t m.To m eeS'. II' RTARaCARWAS hedi with a large bow at fueeget tMm niMeRbo etebc.Mr. anti Mrs. Alln en W R OTR LtR ,StlSh entre bc.Gary Li r adMs Hem heatipiece was matie In Vieke4rs' Harniltep.ong 1semi-Cleopatra style anti Èti Miss Patti Werry spent onsisteti cf white erganzaMonawihMiesSna îsebuds in a small cluster et M>dYwt issSnr he centre, which was outlined an ...o ery ith net leaves. She woe a Mr ad rsIi%-ic Gif our-tiem blush veil falling . oftly over the face anti cas- wekn ff=. r.adT ading to just below shoulder Ms m hp' mx ength at the back. She wore "g4 Y' two-strand ng~çlace of cul- ireti peamis, the gift cf the ýroem. She caried a bouquet fred roses, white carnations . ... rît stephanotis. e Miss Joan Westlake, sister ,the bride, was maiti cf iss Maie Flctt, botb cf Se- . '4... ina, weme bridesmaitis. The hree attendants wore itientîcal u11 length gowns cf yellow .' - . ýylon erganza in empire style 'itb French sîceves. The en- lade cf white lace over yel..BNS OT 'w taffeta. The bodice ac- ented by a soft folti cf yellow ganza above the waistlinc hich was finisheti with a flat - . 2w at\ centre back. The iwns hati yellow oganza 4... if BOW MANVILLE ver a taffeta train. As . iN ýeadpîeces tbey wnre sculptur- . I bows across the crewns cf ~$ iri heatis matie cf yellow ganza ever taffeta. Tbcy îmried cascades cf yellow car- ations. . Mr. Dotuglas Fergusan, En-i. . . . . . Miss Ali-Jersey Is awarding five dollar buis to Ail- L E A R N C E'..........4: :~ . .# ....".Jersey custom ers in Bow m anville. If M iss A il-Jersey LEARA CE ............:aIls at your door and you have 2% AII.Jersey partiy Pkimmed milk in your home at the. time, she wiIl pay .. ... you a f ive dollar cash bonus. This will happen every j Pctured cutting their wedding cake above are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lloyd SB roomne, who were married in the chapel cf Eldad United Church, Solina, o weekday through the month of September beginning U M lS aturday evening, July 24th. The bride is the eldest daughtem of Mr. and Mms. on the. lOth... so be d. In Bowmanvllle, Gien 'W rancis Harold Westlake, Solina, and ber husband is a son cf Mm. and Mrs. David Lly E n Eme also f Solin:. Photo bv Astor Studio R:: Dairy i:your 2% AIl-Jersey dairy. If you do n:t Mikle, a etma. Tectoa ntiue saa e I ILLENen y2 Ail-Jersey catilGien Rae Dairy at !Broome, brother cf the groomn,!Motors cf Canada Limiteti,l6354 o oeo %o and Mr. Allan Westlake, cous- Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Werrn ,in of the bride, bath cf Solina. Mr. anti Mme. Broome, par-1 were host anti hostess toaa i he reception was held in ents cf the groom, entertainetiý famTily dinnen pamty for ail 2%/oAil-Jersey at the dairy counter et your favourite mSln Cammunity Hall. The1 the bridal party aftem the wed1the membens of the E.A. j brides mothen receiveti the ding rehearsal on Friday ev- Wemmy family on Saturclav store. Buy 2%17oAil-Jersey and enoy its delicate fiavour guests in a becaming blue lacer ening. evening. Baby Wendy Wer n urtinigonss e, y aven taffeta sbeatb andi match- Prier te ber mamiage thel matie hem fimst appearance in n urtoa odes eready for y rf ive dollar ing jacket with white acces- bride wàs gucst cf bonor at the graup, andi Gmampa Jame sanies. Hem corsage was dieep sevemal sbowers. Miss Judy A. Werry was greatly mîsse pink carnations. The gromr's Neil, Courtice, was hosteis et as he bas alwavs been an cash bonus if Miss Ail-Jersey catis et your door. 1 îm.oeajd re hwm is in ikat in.Teocso an>INESnlWA NiL mather, wbo assisted in e- hem home for a miscellaneous honomet guest on such occa- lie leeesdress with a Miss Marie Flett were ce- bonor cf Dm. and Mrs. Clark- b1lgtyfae kr cetdlostess for a miscellaneous Werry anti familv wbo are'L AI wit Frnchlace. Hem ccsb ower at the fommer's home, jain o the 22nd o e- ~~ r sonies wene white. She wcme ;Mms. R. Landi, Bowmanville, tember te spenti sixtannW Is~ILa cersage f yelow carnations. lwas hostess for a linen show- months et Sully Hsptal W IN IlK I IIIWM VL E P R C 1Toastmaster for the evening cmr for ber niece. Mrs. F. Cardiff, Wales, for 'h was a cousin cf the bride, Mi-.;Cook, Bowmanville, aunt cf studv in chest sumgemy. bAllan George Marlowe, Antwenp, the bride, was hostess for a Werry, in a few well (chosen 2.00g t Before leaving n a moton was also a miscellaneous gether anti Diane made the e e y w e ar m S p . 1 o S p . 3 ieaing ~ 4 trip tbrough Southern Ontarie shower helti by the commun- presentation cf a few useful L anti the United States thelity. The groom was guest cf gifts. Miss Winnifred oe Y, SEPTEMBER 2S bride onneti a navy silk'honor at a party given by iWllowtale, anti Mmr Joh L ISTEN TO CFRB, CKEY, CHFI or CHUM FOR DETAILS AND WINNERS' NAMIS sbeath accentet i wth squarelDeug Ferguson, Enniskillen.lDorlanti, Lapeer, MÏichigan, neckline anti three -quarterwhen he receiveti a beautifuliwere aIse present. length sîceves, trimmed with ýset cf lamps anti a television i Rotiney Irwin was a w cek white oganza ruffles. Hem bat'lamp. Aise from G.M. a set!enti guest cf Hein Wick, Du n and accessories wenc white, Iof Corning Ware. barton. antia cnsae c mc swet- Mn. anti Mmi. Broome will Mms. Lamne Lamb ha, hati beamt roses completeti hem an- m eside at 59 Liberty St. South, hem operation on hem e.ve in ;IFT SHOP Te bride was educateti at Out-of-town guests at the We wisb ber a speedy meccv-~ q Sem a Public School, Bow- weting were from Antwcmp, ery. 98 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVI LLU OW A VLL typist. Bowmanville, Oshawa, Lind.- visitoms at Mm. anti Mm.0 H NE63-1 BOW ANVLLE The graom was educateti at say, Fleetwoodi, Prairie Siti-'Lamb's. ~ 4Sauna Public School, Bowman- ing, Courtice. Woodville, Otta- Bnian HoWells was on a &.dbbA ville Higb Scbool anti Mc- wa, Taunton, Maple Grove mntrir trip with the Butsin 6ýLaughlin Collegiate and, Vo- i'and Hampton,.i brothers along ttie West Coas1