Attics Produce Many OkJ Tyme Costumes for Blackstock Fair -à land Hanl in vlew of the com. Hall contlnued for two lape Thé Candian Statesmn, EOwmavMlei, Sept.go190IN edy af confusion which exist.. with the daniaged bodywork jd before, during and aftera fr ttie th nA U To e Vva n,5 th uevictory thot McLaren Pressng onan front ire, toeend. achievcd aven thc Mont Trem. made a 30 second pit stop for, LONG iALjngao couple W b blant circuit in Quebec, sbad- the body ta, be levered dlean, R. Camrn ixsg Hall by 40 seconds. and finaily finished second, 40 The Misses Beether and Mn. Glenn Pugsey =4s Bruce vcry nearly did nat seconds behind the McLaren- Penny Rider, Port PcrTYS, Duane,&Sca'rbonough, vwer stant as hi: fuel pump packed Elva. and Debbie and Kath Os We nd evean G vlors i on he wo m-up nd let Thi is w at j:~ awa borne, Cour'tice, are spendi g - n and M S a G b hîm o sthendcd outand tth isnainglcs meat is k o dsaweek wththeir gandpor- and Brue Tyrone, werc Sun* course. Fortunatcly the start'sometimcs bad, but always nts, Mn. adMs.J o n da evningcleris on Mn wos delayed by another can teresting. It is anc ai the reas- CstatuantiosnsRyeGiMios in trouble on the grid and, by on: thaf classics like the Ca- Congratulatiton wo ta M i____________ tlhc time it had been removed, nadian Grand Prix wîll attrac tS~~e onto n sn who etafr McLaren had been rescued by Uiousands ta Mospant ParkCet Caashusda tastat hi: mechanics and took hi: nean Bowmanville, Ontario : ber training as a Registered S position on the grid just in on Saturday, Septemben 25. Nusl sssatat thc De- He went into the leod dur-ý Mr. mnd Mrs. M. Kellett, s ing the eanly stages but Hall Excessive speed fatigues Genald and Doris, Janetville, troutm was~~~~~ prsighm50bn htbath mon and machine. On were Sunday suppergutsa ST T MA when Bruce braked for o bain- the road, danger goes hand in Mn. and Mn:. Robt. Caieron. pin, the Chaponnai stove in its bond with fatigue. "Slow Raymiond came borne an Sun- C L A S 8 1 F I E D S nase an the rear ai the Me.- down and live!", asks thc On- day a*ftr spending a week's phoneo 62-3303 Lren -Elvva. taioSafety League. .holidays wîth Uic Kelletts. m M Specials Good until Sept. 4 Many pleasant inemories were revived for aid timers during Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Paul Rahm and Linda Venning, Mrs. the oid costume contest at Cartwright's Centennial Fair on Satur- Neil Bailey and Aileen Van Camp, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton. day at Blackstock. Four couples competed, with pair second from There were many top hats, frock coats and lengthy ladies' gowns the ci t winning top hnors. Those taking part, from left to right,1 brought fi-rn attics ail over the area for the event. Hooper. neth Ni, ent gui Hooper. cSocial/ & ,)LersonaliMra Phone 623-3303 ad s Mr. Cari Carter, Mr. Ward Hoffman, Elwood' Mr. and Mrs. Earl ThonipsotiMrs.L. City, Pa., called on Mrs.have returned from Flint, Mi. also a George J'ames on Tuesday. ýchigan, where they visited Mr. John Ca M. M. Burke, Toronto, was Larry Thornpson. Mr. ar a weekend guest of Mrs. C.1 Mr. and Mrs. David BurnsiLamî,'s1 W. Varcoe, King Street West. and IVrs. Frank Scott, Reding- Ellntta Robrt entton Beach, Florida, were week- of Whitt Mr. and Mrs. RoetKn end guests of Mr. and Mrs. last Thu and their children, Anne andM. L. Roenigk. adM Cargeonthe wekndatPastor borne Trimble of the Street. l Pieo ak.'Centreville Pentecostal Church day ce Dr. and Mrs. W. Thompson has beera visiting his parents,'Clark's1 end family, Victoria, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. E. Trimble, 112, A. Clark were guests of Mr. and Mn:.tOtario Street. Mr.a. E.s V.Horkeng tretEat, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby ton havg lautweeknd.have returned to Bowmanville spending after a visit in Sudbury, and son and a week's motor trip through and Mrs, Northern Ontario. their chi Bo~,naviIe Mei g aHooey,dwho has ad Mr P ne o al North, has eundthr Pe teo ti ihome in Toronto. Rev. ar Dick Varo, who ha: beer. who a (nurcn visiting his grandparents, Mr. Powell': and Mrs. John Humphrey, Di- R. WebbE 7S Liberty St. 9. vision Street, returned to his on Tuesd Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra. B.Tn. home in Cobourg on Sunday. home ait Phone 623-5100 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norm Gibson They ais, and their daughters wvho en- Dr. and Sunday Services: joyed a trip ta the east coast, Hagensvil the Cabot Troul, and Prince' Mrs. R 9:55 q.m. Edward Island, havereturnedled ta Boý -. Mn. and Mn:. Ken- ickerson wene also rec- iest: ai Mn. and Mn:. and Mn:. Fred Carter eir daughter, Maureen ment a few days with fter': mothen, Mrs. John Second Street, and :niends here recently. Ayers, Toronto, was recent guest of Mn:. !anter. md Mn:. Arthur Clarke, Lane, Mn. and Mn:. AI and Stevea Elliott, al Ly, were supper guests irsday evening af Mn. ,rs Ras: Clark, High It was a double birth- elebration for Mn:. parents, Mr. and Mn:. -ke. ind Mrs. Sydney Ven- e just retunned aiten 9a vacation with thein 1daughter-in-law, Mn. sDonald Venton, and idren, Mary and Scott Irs. Donald Venton's Mrs. McFaul, Owen at Eastwood Cottage, le Lake. id Mn:. Donald Powell ir daughter, Sharon, 'e been visiting Mn:. parents, Mr. and Mn:. ie, Ontario Street, leit loay ta retura ta thein tHunter River, P.E.I. so visited bis parent:, 1Mn:. W. C. Powell, ille, Ont. 1R. Nicholson return- ta owanvll va Qebc. ndaler iÏi'wnvile as wek Sunday School 'a~wavievaQee. edatrvstn her daughter Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Ander. and son-i n-law, Mr. and Mrs. ~ son, and theiran-year.old sn Harold Wiersma, i Hamilton sofor a week, and Iater spending il am. ougls, ave retunned t to, ees it abrduhtr. t TERGTRAD their home in Beaurepaireand soen-in-1 a w,h M rd ad rs "THE RIGHT ROAD Que., alter spending a vaca-WatrM ilnad hr TO REVIVAL" tion with Mrs. Andenson:f Walter aMcotain Md utei mother, Mn:. P. E. Greenfield, f"mly tacoag inM- Liberty Place.ko. Mr. and Mn:. George Brown. 6:45 pn.Mn. and Mn:. J. Holdstock have returned from Jsper an Pan peldehave returned tram DDatmouth Park Lodge where they et- OrgananPin rld N.S., where they visited their tended the Crown Life Insur- son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ance Convention Mr. Jimn 7 pm and Mns. O. Holdstock. While Brown has been visiting Mr. Miss Irene Reitmuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. p.m. there they saw Alan Plum- ond Mn:. .1. 0. Pritchard, "AEW NAIG mer, who is a patient in the'Manotick. He has returned E- Reitmnuller, Concession St., won second place ir TEE MIDNIGHT faxm. FocsHoptlH 1 from Port Arthun where hie the Novice Girls Solo Class Baton Twirling at the fax worked for the Depotment of Canadian National Exhibition on Saturday. She i HOUR?"1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jef-ILands and Fonests. shown here with the trophy she received. This is her (a prophetic message) 'fery have returned fnom an Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Lucas first entry in any competition. extended visit ta Mrs. Jeffery's attended the Ontario Head- Wed., Sept. 8th 7:30 p.m. Meek in Rome, Itoly. They re- loo University lest week. On P . FamiIy Night Service port perfect weather conditions their return trip they stoppedCo a i n G a d P i Theme: "Stewardship" os it was sIinnY and worm at Ookvîlle ta attend the wed- during their stay. ding of Mr. Paul Herbert,so «"Woruhip Sunday In A Mn. and Mns. Albert Piper of Rev, and Mrs. A. C. Her- Attracts Big No mes PenecotalCbueh" have returned £rom St. Ther- bent, ta Miss, Margaret Won- PetcsalCuc" ese, Que., where they visited law aofOkville. The groom': (by Hal Walker) the same siot in the "Playen': thein daughter and son-in- father was fonmerly the rec-s ~ lwMr ad Ms.Frnkton Of St. John's Anglican Conodion racing drivers have 200" in 1963 as well. In theý la, Ms.FrnkChurch, Bowmanville. neyer been backward in com- "Player's" in June of this ing fonword in the Canadien year, however, he finished, Mrs. R. M. Cale and Mrs. Grand Prix and the entry list third, behind John Suntees afi RIN TY UNIED (HU CH AMeRobbie spent an enjoy- for the 1965 renewal ta be held England and Jim Hall of TRIN TY U ITE CHU CH aIe fteroonrecently visît- at Mospont Park on Saturdoy, Texas. Heimrath, who will beý jing Rev. and Mrs. A.,C. Her- Septem-ber 25,. once again re- driving a McLaren-Ford on, Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. bert, Ajax. Mvrs. Cale and Mrs. flects their willingness ta pit September 25, recently won McRobbie spent an enjoyable their skill and machines an impressive victory in the 11 am. MoningWorhipweek's vacation visiting fniends against a world class field. London Automobile Club race il rn.- Mrnig Wrshp nd places af interest inc]ud- Among eanly entnies is *that at Harewood, near Jarvis, On- Rev. A. W. Harding wiII preach ing Batterwood House, Port of Ludwig Heimrath, one of taria. Hope, and the Chateau-By- the mast consistent of aur Only one Canadian racer' "ONTH US 0 TIE"The-Lake, Cobourg. It was 30 native racers. The Toronto has ever won the Grand Prixi nce ta se Mrs. Cale out and speedster wiIl be a meniben at Mosport. This significant IndctonSevie orabout again alter her lengthy of the select group wbo wil upset win was achieved by the InE ucionGeOr e . or illnes:. try for the $11,000 in cash 'late Peter Ryan aven a field REV GERGEK. AËDi Mr. and Mrs. Robent Stew. awards and the Pepsi-Cola of world greats wbicb includ- THURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, et 8:00 art have returned ta their Traphy ini this yea' -ie ed Stirling Moss, Olivier Gen- home in Southampton after non-stop whirl. Petr erc,,debien and Pedro Rodriguez. spending a week with Mn:. i a Montreal, is: lsa in th& This year the homebrew Stewart's parents, Mn. andilsts and Roy McLaughlin,I pilots will have more thon ftie Mn:. 0O. Bragg, Shaw's. Dur- Toronto, President oi the Pepsi-Cola Trophy ond the Re ob thing their visit a family cele-IBritisb Empire Motor Club,i$1l,000 cash awards ta shootý Rebohoth bration af Mr. Bragg's birth-1nace onganizers, expects'rmoreat becouse the Peter Ryan ChUCh day ws:hcld. Those attendingýentries will be in the mail»Mmonial Trophy will be C h rh wee the Misses Leta and by next week. ýawarded ta the usadn hri.ian Refrme Ruy Bagg î M: Heimroth's personal hstoy'Canadian driver. This rpy v.~nC Girardi and family, and Mn:.iin Grand Prix action is thatlwbich perpetuates the mem- Rev. 0 . Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Louis Brogg. 'he has neyer donc better thon ony af the colorful young Telephone 623-5023 Miss Tino Hughes leit today: a fifth place finish. He achiev- Montrealer, wa s put into com- Petenbrough a becoed ~this ia 1961 and epeated petition n 1962, the year Ryan for Ptroog abcm ýh follawing yea He mdeiwas killed in a Formula student nurse et St. Joseph's' Junior race at Rheims, France.. M ara athaHospital. On Saturday evening ssLinda d gits inoni family and The trophy wspoie gev Hnr V nR fo~ ~ (h rc tay eentinr home noPrkaiparty inhi honr et the Fly.îJr., ofthe Canadien Comstock Miss Hues, i on rntdfn Andl, .A, BD.,Mistr brm itsHuhes andattr t edf tht eveninig were Mn. andiAmerica's ace racers, Rager Rev. Hnry Vn Ande, B.A, B.D. Mifror her riendsttrestietMsn. Wilfrid Carruthers, Mr.Penske, ai Gladwyne, Pa.,a Telephone 623-3492 Hugh le, who s pesCYO Mis'and Mrs. Roy Lunney, and close friend and racing ival, 11:00 am. - Moning Sevicegpeset 164-5,as o vre-IMi:. Charles Carruthers. Mn.'of Peter':. 11:0 a.m MoningSerice redenits 19o4-ev5,M.Lsor . n:Douglas Carruthers, Dunnville, Race arganizen, George Mass, 7:30p.m - Wrship Srvie nolyCYS irituav.M.L.rCton-was a visitor witb hi: father' canfirms thot New Zeeland!I Mn:.5J.E. Rond A lvin' earlier in the week, and M. ce, Bruce Mcaren, and the :3 ..-Wrsb evc Marson,. theRand and Carruthers' eldest son, Ralph, personable, tfol Texan, Jim 'PelaImng he ole coune fGd onelos n n.AvnNw York City, who wos un- Hall, have entered and he is WhrQe fGd Masterson. able ta be present, sent his hoeful that Pedro Rodiguez, Ba Our Bcongrtulations and best wish- the Mexican star, wiil be bock Back to God four Broadcast Mn. W. H. Canruthens, Scu. es. Mr. Carruthers is well and ta try for hi: third Grand Prix .1 Ibirtbday on Augusf 26th whea1in hi: onchard and garden each, It should e a panticulanlyt hle received a number of cards day at 307 Scugog Street. îwarm duel between McLarmni Wins Trophy 'at C.N.E. I KOD&K FILM SUPER SPECIAL 2;or-97cj 9.CEPACOL Mouth Wash 14-oz., uugg. lilt 1.401-19 HEADS.UP Hoir Dressing -sugg. lst 79e 63c 1. KOTEX 12%s, ugg. list 5i, 2 for 87c MiIk Of MagneSia IDA. B rand, 16-o., reg. 59e 47c CaStoria Gentie Laxative for Baby, sugg. lust 65o 57C Hydrogen Peroxide I.D.A. Brand, fi-oz., reg. 35o 27c NOMZMA Skin Cream __ -o:., uugg. list 9o~ 74c H.alth SaIts 1.D.A. Brand, 1-1b. Tin, reg. 79o 66e AGAROL Gentie Laxative, 16-oz., sugg. list 1.50 1.19 SECRET Roll-On Deodorant - sugg. last 1.29 99c P er s on n a -:A4LE-Edge BLaeL 5's, sugg. list 75c 66C For every antiseptic ned NEW 1 depend on ASTHMA RELIEF DETTOLIN MIN*-S TEMDERNT ISETI 3.90 value only 3.29 1 à E ODE N AN ISE TICYou actually get the patented Dispenser Cap 8-sugg. Iist 1.25 1.()g FREE! Get the new ASTHMANEFRIN Mist Automatic at your I.DA. Drug Store. C R EST CHLOR m TRIPOLON 1001H PASTE Rapid relief of Hay Fever The tooth paste with Fluoristan 18's sugg. Iist '1.09 * . .that reduces cavities. ,PCA sugg. Jist 69c57 89 SPECIAL 5789 The Home made especially for little girls' hair. e MaMm n LAXATIVE IN CHEWING GUM FORM sugg. Iist 98C 185 1lst149 SPECIAL89 GENERAL ELECTRIC 12's sugg. Iist 1.80 AG -1 (clear) or AG- lB (blue) SPECIAL FLAHBUBS 1.49 SORE ~~~FIX -A -PLATE TMC FiHROAT flly HOME REPAIR KIT Aspergum fat A Moié ~- b ~ NouS. RA&UMb A new and easy way to repair broken dentures i98c 2.25 nt home. Money Back *~ C 11 59C 1.091 oitGua11ante. ALEX McGREGOR e DRUS.e 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-5792 1 sugg. list 65C each 9. n 1. D. A. REMEDIES 623-5792 120, 127 or 620 Black and White PRESCRIPTIONS 5 KING ST. W. PHONE