Deputy Governor Jerry Covey of Peterborough officiated at Bowmnanville Kinsmnen Club on Tuesday evening during the installation of officers. They are, Irmm left to right, front row, lst Vice Roy Corden, Past Pregident Byron Brunt, President Bill Kilpatrick, Fullmne of SAVA-GE SHOES W. qarry Boys, S »ES ~fo~4 t 7i n B, C, D and E widths and SENIOR BOYS, 7 Uà to il in B, C, D and E widths. Ask abou t. Savage Orthopedic Shoes for children Bring ynur schnol children in for properly fitted footwea r! Full Line of... MEN'S - WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S HUSH PUPPIES "The Conifortable Fit" Liéoyd Ellisi Shoes 4.9 King Street West 1 BOWMA NVILLE k Governor Covey, 2nd Vice Bob Yaireya IBill Martin; back row, Bulletin Editor2 IDirectors, John Geddes, Tony Malloy an Jr., Begistrar Eugene Murdoch and Tr Hiarris. ITreolns~. Saturday. IMr. and Mrs. Pred Trewin, jLloyd and Earl joined a fam- ily gathering at the onttage- of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I-on,ý Williams Point, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wrightý and tamnily visited the Georgei Dunhars, Scarborough, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton end boys. Oshawa, were Sun-ý day guests of Ro~y and Bill] Fergusons. Congratulations to 'r- and Mrs. William Roger Ptonfleyl (Laurel Mackie) w'ho were married Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair' and Jeff, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs.l Glenn Larmer and boy. Miss Bcth Strong, roronto,ý spent the long weekend ati home.i Dr. and Mrs. Dottglas Bl-ý hy. Toronto,. spent. the week-! end %vith Mr. and Mrs. Carl' Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Iaw-ý rence, Sylvia and Jim Cook-1 son ni' Seagrave attende<j theý of a niece of Mr. > î r Lawrence. Miss Pat Lawrence and Mr. Johin Platt in West- Iminster Preshyýterian Church. Toronto, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jac-k Fields! nd boys, Agincourt. werei Mondav' gucsts aof the W.ý Lawrences. NMr. and Mrq. Wcq Pearce and Mrs. G. Crawford spent' the weekend at a cottage on Wiiodland Estate, Trent River. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] Thomp- sou, Peterborough, v i site d' audr. S(ccrctar-y Mrs. Aima Fowler, Monday. Arnold Slecp, Congratulations to Mr. Roy' id Bill Slaght VMrLaughlin who won 2nd, reasrer ack prize in Men's Senior Cham-, reasrer ackpionship Horseshoe Pitching, enmpetition ai, Toronto Exhi-' - -- -bition, Saturday. Rrv. and Mrs. J. C. Hill1 and, famil ,Gait, were Tuesdayý supper guests or' Mr. end Mrs.! 2Harold McLaughlin. (IMr. and Mrs. Bob Pýrossc;r,, 'Columbus, anrd Mr. and Mrs. cIls - Stephrn Futels splurged for' nt reven Town Saftbali Les-ithat, kuicked pichpr larry CV six first inning runs, and' gue final, last Thursday ib nodnfnmtemud.A IIULDr~e wcot on to a 10-2 win over ait Vinrent Massey park. r pair of and air single by Kramp's Furnîture to take a: Fuels sent ten batters bo the; Gran Vriýht loaded f11w hae,ý nnWernesdiay night Maple, three to twoedge in the bes i_ plate ini their opening asîl with <me nuL Jigs Cowliing (-rove and Zion tied - n sinlcdii a airaui Rn ilheir two outnof tbree series. M MI E nowdeut fanned thr next, bal- FliIntoff scored on penalty hf l cP fer, but Tedi BirdH singled at-id shot.s. Thp next, game is W h a t"s to B e o m e rval hurler George Stephen Sept. 8th al, Maplp Gravr ait rpped a two-baggert- o com-,6.3p This is the deciding. pte ihe damage before re- ganio in sec which lcam will IVios ort P i< k. er th Foinuii ameg.n oîh h ferBobFotercae o benter in the finals agaînsti Strphen's picked tip- a pair 3-0 oli Saturday night. AI 'What s noing In hec-ore recordri-o an\ single sports nr i'nearnridrnarker.; in thre WvsIlakr scored two goals and oi' Mosport Park* ' This is the event in Canada. seero i hree iuificid bob- Glen Werry scored the third. question foremost in the rninds The recent court ordrr that bies, alon.g with Bon Abboft.qs;Tr the Ail Star game tbe of motor racing enthusiasts ' autio douiblr,. Sing-les hv CowlinglDarlington Ail Stars defeated across the landgsinnethe Su- ospot g and Pollard alld Wrighlt's doii-11Local 222 from Oshawa 4-1i pcrome Courtan'nethr(o-bS-blnck will, in no wav, aff .ect hIe accontetd for sitigjl0 la-îwith fou Broome picking Up prm or rOtrohsthe balance of the 196J5 racing lies lun te iorhad.iti i four wehlplanedgoals ordered that this motor racingsasu Sehe os issîî-xth. o urn SepIl if Zgonals. circuit reputed to be one of' Koua h lîiuSî- t finalll fao s inglsb' euedviin, b ol the iinest on the continent, be lnl89teIdil tn-ttfia rm onsnlsbW rcdai wlb Sia sold. mer Trophy Races, a program Dave Wcrrv and John Fowir'at Zion but if Maple Grove i *of eportscar and motorcyc11e and au n i'irld i ucue- for'i. twl b al rv Reslet bv fiuauicial difi'iil- races wcre rmn off at the hoth uci-eltalli .1wi 'tn t o llua T te iante ro tics, almuat sînce its itneeptionlcircuiit on Saturdax', Septem- Wighî ilwi:li tire t.îg1. ie ganie tbey will play Sat- aud in valuntary receiversbipiber 41b. and Cw Iîî wo singles diidyigtnter are a lot since tbe latter part of 1.962,1 Then another record i dtbrec R.B.I.s paced the %in- oi' possibililies. Wby dont the sale of this modern racing!r- xpcted on Saturday, riers, wbi]e Stcpbcu had a vou go out to the game ta be' plant is a sad hlow to mem- September 2.5, for the fifth an- double and single and Pol-isure wbo plays where, nexi' bers of the motor racing fra- nual Canadian Grand Prix. lard notcbied a pair Of snls temnily. This is Canada's largesi and John Ford's tripfle arid a:,~IL The 480 acres ni' rolling land most spectacular motor 'race, double by Bob Marjerrisoun RE KE U IU near Bawmanvillc, where Mo- It will feature the top, inter-i were th e nix >eçtra-ba,-e R RE TO sport is located, was acquired national drivers in the world's blows Off Stephen. who i- back in 1959 when a limited fastest cars. They will vie far.n1lowed five h:its, fanned tbre1 campany was formed and $25 a share of the $11,000 in prize 1 and walked the samne nu mber.i REVI EW S shares were sald. These were moncy and the Pepsi-Cola S'nowden was tagged , fori purchased. for the mosi part, Trophy.1 five safetiesq. walked a pairi raton and Tap Classes - by niotor racing enthusiasts, On Octobr9. 10 and 11, and had anc strike-out, -wýhi]c! Registration for the Fait term: and members of' sports car, Mosport Speed Weekend will Foster permiff cd five more ai' the Reemeation Depart-1 clubs. Ibe held, organized hy four of! hits, struck out t\vo asud is- ment's Baton and Tap Dance' Nexi, ta huild tbe paved Ontario' s sports car clubs. 'suec anc f ec classes wil he held on Wed- track and ta provide other fa-' nesd'ay, September l5th, from cilities and canvenienccs, an 5 10 7 p.M., at the Reecation issue of $100 debentures carry- Ofc nteLosCm ing three per cent interest was D ri g on C u c l munîty Centre, 26 Beech Ave.. made. Once again the acing TuhFobl n boys fraternity and club members î who are between the ages ot: dug deep loto their waîîets tal Deputy-Reeve 11. C. Muirstreami gatiging stations on Il and 15 as of August lst,r finance the construction and presided at the meeting ai' vaiaus strean-s iin the tnw-n- '1965. and wbo wish -to play operatian. Now it wou Id ap-,IDarlinigton Township Counc:l, ship bas hern approvrd bv-;Toucb Football in tbe Bow- pear as if these sports car held in the Township Hlai!,!the counecil, anid that perm-is- mauvilIpe Recreation Depart-' racng nthsiatswill lose thej Hampton, on Thursda>' after- sio is given to emect thesement's Touch Football Leagu_,ý money they have invesied in1noon as Reeve A. L. Blanch- structures, subjcct to the ap- ýma>' pick up their applicationi the poject. lard, Warden ai' the United ýproval ai' each installation hy form frm the Recreation 0f-' Desitethefinncil poh-Counities, wvas absent on buis- the township's Road Depamt- fiee aitbe Lions Centre, 26ý essprie iaca a bs- iess in conneclion witb tbe m-ent befome installation is Beeeb Avenue.,i'rom 8:30 a.rn1.. hlem wosor eeairnoe-irespansibilitics nof that office. madc. 10 5:00 p.m., Monday thi-ougfi hnIdwor alnos ovrniht, Councillor Carl Dow,\n said Tis a cr' ri vC1 iiF r iday. The registratin fee is Furtbermore, it has earned a!that as cuclhdrvee iS~a eoinlb'Cii-nil fine reputation in international' ,cuii 'drvercilla' Mary Bîîdai. and .camried. racig crcls ad hs aîraithe comment expresscd at the It wasasoaedhvrucl- ' - ed the brgtetsa' nth pblic in format ion meeting ihat any changes in the on- baigwrlgtetstr i heldon Thursdav,. Augusi 26, ctini'0[these stations madie' O IU R racig wold. ircgading the St. Mars Ce- necessar>' hy road costmui'- The last large-scale race R ment Company, and thaf astiîbem eatte naroWLIM(H .BRT N Mosport this past dune at- cauncil's decisi .on has not hpeci, Wa'cr Resoîii t th(,omm aissos LIMCAS RTO acted a cowd Oi'-58,000, a altered. be moved. seconded exes.Tedahocre -ns by Couincillor Mary Budai. expese. Tepdetb ocrrd196,dnes- that tbe Township lerk. W. A B> -Law tn itîliamenidOsay, eptmbr I. 1o65,tal thf E. Ruiodle. bc iuntructed 10ByLa 21 11, the original Zo- 'William Charles (Charlie) *subinit Ameodment 3 ta the ing B>1-La\v.'. was passcd andl Britton, ni' 242 John St. W., Officiai Plan toth Ie MiVisternumbered 2:05. Ih contirnied Ohwn nbi 5hya.He ofai Municipal Ai'iairs for ap- the status of' Lut 31. ('onces- had heezu in failing health foi proval. This motion was car- sion Two. elaitoyas LE ried. Couiîcillor Doviî, scconded Rorn in Newtonville he was Road accounits amnounting ta by Counci lloz- Budai, mnved i the son ai' the late William and $54,579.58 were passed for pay- ýthat the Departmejît ni' lligh-! Elizabeth Britton. He was E) ~~ment. This was n'oved by 1Ways he in'Ormed nofi'la <aimr married in 1907 ai Renfrew to (oi ~Cauncillor Richard Gibbs, sec- for damagcs ,suhmitted- byMary A. Smith. le was pre- U A L onded b>' Councilior Down. ýHodgins and Morris, solicitors 'deccased b>' his wîfe in 1957. Councillor Gibbs mnoved 'for Norman J. -Netca If, and Mm. Britton had lived in the that the Ontario Water Be- that the departmcnt be asked tif>' for 43 yeams. He was a sources Commission he itifnmm- 'for advi(ce as Ir) sPt4 lemnun'1 1bakrr hy tradle, but for 13) rdthat its proprisal tri emect the proberny. 'lliiawa, a rrmird. her i %%As a car salesman. 1,e retircl in 19i5. HPemwas ;ameonher nofSt. BLACKSTOCK mhian Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 16. I the United Chureh Sun- Caesarýe; if nont inP. in the He îs survivedi by two day mornîng, eleven miembers!Parhgh lai. datighterr, Mrs. L. Cale (Ev- of the chir were back on dutv 1Mr. and Mrq. (Gordon Pais-,eiyon) and Mrs. W. Gibbie after two mnonths' holiday.s'lev attcuded the Priiicipal's,(Mablet), bath ni' Oshawa, and and sang an anlbern. "God1 Conferenre aPt Waemtroo Uni- twn sons, Arebie and Frank, Reveals H-is Presence.' Bey,.. versit 'y the werk before last alan ni' Oshawa. The-re are 10 P. R.omeril took a., the stib-jand last wcek were giofsni grandcblîdren and fine great-ý ject for his sermon, "Secret Mr. and Mrs. Jerr 'v Wvilliiams'grandchildmen. A brother, Mr. Service." Ral>' Day pragx'am at the Williams Mliar Aca- H. S. (Harv.) Rrition of New- was observer! in Sunda>' demny at Wbealon, 1H. ;castie, also survives. Sohoo, wit-h ail pupils receiv- Mss J. atiiT. prir'st. Mr. Britton was predeceascd ing their new books and fbfd-ýtea' , nStCtaie and b>'onue fdatghtem, Hilda. ing their places with newiMeaford. callrd on MmNIs. G. V. Mmr. Britton rested atiflic, teacher--. There are several S. Scott, Friday evening.. McIntosh - Anderson Funeral rhanges of leachemo rs. mnz 'Home for service in the chap-r Blake Gurter È; Primamy sf00 'and girls were Saturday 'ci on Frîday ai 2 p.m. The Supeînindet. innr gusisai'Mr.andMr~service was conducted by the Supeintedent diner gic.ýts o Mr.and i-.' v J. F. G. Morris nt' Sf. no Sf. John's Churcb, CainanýJ. A. Johnston, enirouti, home Ashmore preaehed froni the:to Belleville afler a few davs ,:Andi-ew's Cbumch. Rurial was qubject, "The Questioningilholidays in Toronto. ai Mount Lawn Cemetery. Spirt.' 'flc Saramnt f Mr. I. Ft ze iSî Cg Palîbearers were: William' Spirt." he arraent U M-, L Fitz uzBritton. Thomas Britton, Ban-' Hol>' Commiunion was admnin- friends in fthe ýi1azf and ald Daypak, Robert Cole, John istered as customar *v on the area. Welsh and Ronald Skea. I firni Sunday aof the month. Mrs N Ho iiez ' CXlawa. i' RaIlv Day service was held:guest of Mr. and Mr3. Osmond -_____ ino the Sundav School. Satur-iWright and visîlîng tbc other Debt charge5. ane af the dav, Sept 1 i th, the annual'relatives, maiar items in the federal Sunday Sehool pienie wîli be Mrs, R. Stin.on. Enwman- budget, are estimated at Si,-, 1held. If weather permt.sit: viLle. v'sited Mr. and Airs. AI-, 101,056,400 for the, present4 wik'~ be at caitwi'1jhtParl,rbert 'Wrght. and the . Fred.fLa a r. a.. and That's What You Gt at DiniOnS Gaate DOM IN IO N you qet rct, nal1MtIgflaveur la the. moite you bur log r MI14ION for t tw .od Trem. Fim, bei, S ISANTINures.d vo h an extra mettinue of quaflty. AT utcv.rn hh u, uality mead. o .c .pa isUln fol~1" patflnty uni *oe4o«ANture ,rinq out the fuU, ich 8h.f wa et ýiýifl b .-& rn Iuleand tendernem. ja " ~ to" ,,,h, T he rmu n u asa,,a? î ur ...fiavour thil owut, .voeythin ,o ~ , bNature.. and io Natue aoc ~ ,,~,s , ~,aw Nlo woodertrsm lo s a suso In the asuol fi-= y Ccanacda 's 1 BONELESS at RU. that Iof lait- ..... ..... Fin est Steer Beef BLADE ROAST BONELESSc Sho ulder Roast BONELESS RIB POT ROASI BONELESS BRISKET PLAT-E ROAST BONELESS BRISKE POINT -ROIAST LB. 49c l1b SHO WIH ONFDENE!COORSH ALL BEEF SHOP ffIENERS ECEI b.5 c 0 PKG. Special Cut Feu tures Etra Special Doîmno Fan('y 48-o',. Tins Any Time 1% 'Tea Time Tomato Juice 3 for 89C PTEr ak15BAg rCS Facelle Moderne 4 (olours 2 Roll Pkg. T A B G Pkgs. of 100f's Bhrm Tise 5 for $1 Treat 1 -'our Pet 15-0z. Tins Bathrom TssueMa'ster Meai Sle% Drcp Clcaning PoNver 30 cOff King Size 1%NI -.&- --- .# 1 % DO G FOOD 6for$1.OO0 uetergent S.Williains 24-oz. Bottie Trend Liqiid J A tA Ilasphcerry, or Strawherry 49c DETERGENT ""-oz. Bottle Blue Bonnet C olouredi MARGARI NE' IVarîcîics llonarch Potmch Pack 10-oz. Pkgs. A.)lmer P'ure Tomat; l1t-oz, Bottles Cake Mixes 4 for 69c KETCHUP 5 for $1,00 F resh Produce Otlario CtamniNo. 1 4 Qt. Basket Ontario Grmm nFirîsi Urecim Bartlett PEARS 99c CABBAGE each 9c (;alifornia G;rown No. 1 Ripe Jumbo Size From Sunny Spain No. 1 Miid Pkg. of 2'à CANTALOUPES 39c Spanish ORlONS 39c Ail merchandise is guaranteed to give 100%o satisfaction. m Values Effective Until Closing Time, Saturday, Scptcmbcr 11, 1965, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT àILL 9 P.M I j KING ST.- AND SIPSON AVENUE (ilighway No. 2, East) 6ce Of f liihy's D)eep Brnî'iL 15-oz. Tins 99, Po.rk & Beans 4 for 69c Instali New Officers at Bowmanville Kinsmen Club e Canadien Statesnin wn anv Snt, 9 , 1963 UTHfE MOSUBTITTEFOR ~ i Lead -Series --3-2 Ste phen'ps Joit Kramp's in Men's Softball Fini BISCUIT FEATURE Hill Top Chiocolate Chip 1-h. Pkg. BISCUITS 39C HOUSEHOLD NEEDS F'acelle - :1 Colours FACIAL 2-Ply TISSUES 8 boxes $1- l'or Sparkling Clean Dishes $101Y 59C