r The fertile agricultural region surround. ng Newcastle will b. served by a new indusp brouglit about by the joint venture Of j4£at businessman and his sons and on. ofi country's Iargest chemical producers. larnet B. Rickard of Bowmanville made it known today that he has completed nego- tiations with Cyanamid of Canada Limited to establish the districts fîrst dry blending fertilizer plant at Newcastle. The new com- *,Pany will b. known as Ceresdale Fertilizers lw'jmited. Construction wilI start soon and the new plant wilI assure the availability of high and Iow analysis fertilizers in both bag and bulk forms. Cyanamid's new associate lias wide ex- perience in agricultural production and fer- New tilization. Mr. Rickard is a prominent area farmer and a large producer of certified seed. He lias always been active in com- munity affairs. Two of his three sons Donald and Walter are currently attending the Uni- versity of Guelph and wiIl join Mr. Rickard in thie new fertilizer operation upon gradua- tion. His oldest son James wilI also b. returning to Guelphi University for his final year as soon as h. recovers from a neck in jury. ""Among the many advantages to b. derived by the farmers in the area,"" stated Mr. Rickard, "wilI be the availability of soil testing and, subsequently, a custom fertilizer service." Plant "It wilI b. a complet. service flot previ- ously available locally and the new granular fertilizers which wiII be offered the farmer will b. f ree-flowing, and wilI facilitate hand. ling and application,"" h. said. ""As a special service, application equipment wilI be avait- a ble." Cyanamid of Canada Limited, Mr. Rick- ard's partner in this new venture, is one of the major basic producers of nitrogen and phosphate fertîlizers. With. four of its eight plants producing products for the agricul. tural industry, Cyanamid, in addition to fertilizers products, manufactures and dis- tributes a fulll une of chemicals for animal feed and health as well as for plant protec- .tan talc ma for Newcumstle Waiting for the Bell . . . With Flowers VOLUME Ili 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 - - ~~~~~-- -. r "j'J.N ±.>LpLb Holidays Over... lis Back to the Books Again At Central Public School's boys' entrance, the first day v by without any rigid line ups as new id pu( pu were guided by kindly teachers to :eirroos»ris group appeared eager ta return to York after wondering what they could do for excite- ment ail summer long. For many mothers throughoutI the country, it xvas a day of great relief. Now, they would be free ail day ta do their work without alsoi taking on thc duties of a playground supervisor or recreation drctr D urham's M. P. P. Speaks To Geriatrîic Workshop About Problems of Aged In his address to the Geriat-,sorship of the project. He alsowork for the aged. He men-1 ric Nursing Workshop, heldlauded the National Council of tioned his awn cancer in the' last week at MeMaster Uni-.Jewish Women that bas pro-iprofession of education, andi versity, Hamnilton, Alex Car.'Vded financial impetus to1said that lie realized the need, ruthers, M.P.P. for Durham!Gel'iatric Nursing Workshops of Understanding and the County, who is Chairman 0f'both in Ontario and Manitoba., stimnulus of good teaching. He' the Ontario Select Committee, Mn. Carruthers welcomedicornmended the director of' «)n Aging, congnatulated Mc. the wonkshop's students, com.-the workshop. Foster Vernon.! Master's Department of Uni- mended their concern for thei "The motto of gerontologists! versity Extension and the problems of older people, and is:'" To Add Not Just Years, achool of nursing for the spon- wished them success, ini their' <TIRN TO PAGE TWO> Victorian Parlor at Museum A parior of the Victorian period at Bowmanville Museum is f illed with Interesting items which fascinate visitors. The Edison phonograph lias a place of honor, and the elegant heating stove is a highlight of this roam thîs year. A new room is the.early Canadian bedroom with rope bed and other furnishings dating from the 1830's to 1850-60. There is also a school room, new this year, a toy' room, Victorian bedroom and many other varied displays throughaut the Mus- eum, many new this season. Only a month remains when the Museum is open every day (except Mondays), now to Tàanksgiving. Thereafter it will be week- days only te, closing time. -Photo by Elsie Lunney Çits and RECOVERING - Two ari of Orono and James RicP ported to be recoverings neck injuries received in West was hurt at Oshawa1 in the trotting races and1 a swimming accident near t tt IIISTORY - There is so on the walls of the second the renovated former IC West, soon ta be occupied Estate and Central Ontari one time there must havi operating there because are stili on the walls, list quotations at New York also a large sign in chalkc ta "Vote for Thornton" wI it hasn't been used since1 M.P. here. On the top fie( or three hundred funeral persans who dicd between also a large whcel hoist in camplete with heavy rope. timers could provide more premises. t t t CFRB 'Chopper' Wl! Transport Guest Speaker a: Indications are that the Orono Fair tb be hel by the Durham Central Agricultural Society on Friday and Saturday of thîs week will be one o the most successful and enjoyable annual events of this kind held in Ontario in recent vears. K. E. Lantz, Assistant Deputy-Minister o Agriculture, who will officiate at the formai open- . ing of the Orono Fair, will f ly by helicopter ac- companied by Eddie Luther of CFRB, and Ed Youngman, popular Statesman columnist and a FROM PAGE ONE) Youh nurd LAll over the area on i Speaks Here turned to school, their s James Todd, 15, R.R. 3, were quite a large numbE Bowmanville, was injured education. The mothers a( this afiernoon shorily after kins is doing here with1 2 o'elock, when the old car Public School waiting for he was steering while be- ing towed went oui of con- to right, Nancy Hubbard, I trol and flipped over on is complete with flowers foi top on Gravel Fit Road North. Leo Fraser MeLean, 83 H e Qucen Si., Bowmanville. was the iowing. The injured youth was taken to Memorial Hospital by Bowmanville Area Amb- W t ulance, il £Jeces ea patients, Keith West Sh plfer kard of Shaw's are re- Alan Milîs, Montreal, a wel5 o lfe slowly but surely from lknown radio personality, will i two separate accidents. Ibe the speaker at the openingI~~ Fai whleparîcpatng meeting of the Canadian Club!Ta es amera Fairwhie prticpatng ot West Durham, 1965-66 es Rickard was injured in ion to be held on Tuesday r Chatham. l~evening, September l4th atfr m G h e ' 8:15 o'clock in Trinity United' fChunch Sunday School Rooms.ý On Sunday between noon mre interesting history Since 1947 when he started! and five o'clock in the afier- iand third floors above a weekly series of radio prog- noon a shoplifter stole a ÏA store, on King St. rams on the Canadian Broad-~ Kodak Instamatie camera 1by Walter Frank Real casting Corporation's national valued at $21.50 fromn Go- t nctwork, Mr. Milîs has been heen's Randy Shop, 59 King rio Trust Company. At heard in more than 2,000 radio Street West. Constable Ron 'e been a grain market and televis ion programs in Parker is investigating the the large blackboards both English and French. He iheft. ting grain, wheat, oats has also recorded more than, Earlyo uda vnn two dozen albums of Canadian yonSdaeeig and Chicago. There is and other folksongs, and hasi $16 ivas taken fromn a car. caling on those present compîled and edited a number which had been le! t parked hich leads us ta believe of songbooks. In the parking lot behind St. 1911 when he was the Mr. Milis is also well known Jsh'sR omn ahoi or, tere ust b two as a speaker, and has attained! hrh )orther mut betwo considerable success in hisl On Monday Constable Ron cards on one wall, for lecture tours of North Ameri-i Parker and Constable Don 11911 to 1920. There is ca and Great Britain. Hisl Anderson apprehended a perfect condition, and favorite topic is Canada'si juvenile, and recovered the Possibly one of the nid Story in Song, which is alsol money stolen from the Park- information about the the title of one o! his books.' ed car. t t 1 Fiiplers Win Mcrn'c Tn'wi SITTERS - During the past few years, several of the arcas near here have conducted special courses for training baby sitters. Now, one is being o rganized in Bowmanville that should attract many participants. Young people who are interest- ed in taking the course are requested ta register at the Lions Centre on Sept. l5th at 7 p.m. Those who have taken the training in other places have found it a mast interestîng and valuable experi- ence. t i. t . t t ELECTION - Just in case anyone missed the an- nouncement on Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Pearson has called a federal election for Monday, Nov. 8th. No comment was available from Dur- ham's M.P. Russell Honey who is in Ottawa today attending a canference or from bis Conservative apponent Garnet Rickard whose telephone was busy the several times this office tried ta contact him. However, wc doubt if the announcement was a great surprise ta cither of them. Now, the in- tense work of organization and campaigning will get underway. Probably bath of them will be rather thankful that redistribution has flot taken place because it would have added a large area ta the canstituency. Bowmanvjlle should be a busy place in the next few weeks, with a liquor vote, a federal election and the possîbîlity of a municipal election as well. SHORT WEEK - Due ta the holiday on Monday, it has been necessary ta rush this edition through the plant in order ta meet deadlines. As a result, some of the news submitted by arganizations probably will be held over until next week. INSERT - Camera fans will be înterested in the special insert included with this issue. This is the f irst such separate enclosure included with The Statesman in some time and appears to be a most interesting offer., a Ud ol y il 1 1 yv i 1 ;>. 0 W vVI Tuesday morning happy or reluctant youngsters re- trner holidays gone until next year. Among theni )r of beginners about to be launched on their formai ccornpanied most of these newcomers as Mrs. R. Wil- her son Brian. Sitting on the cernent step at Central rthe bell to cail themn to their classes are, from left Lisa Nicks, Madeline Merkley and Brenda Anne Curtis, .r the teacher. v Town Constable Years' Experience ipeg Police Force -Roy Hart, who served on the Winnipeg Police Force for nine years, has been hired asN w M nse a Bowmanville Police Con N w M nse stable. At the meeting of Bow- manville Town Council, heldT Be Id c d Tuesday evening, Councllor 7 Ken Hooper reported that thelh rd y a 8 Police Conimittee had engagedmn rd y a 8 Mr. Hart, and moved, second- Trlnity United Church 1 ed by Councillor E. J. Rundie, oirgto ilwlon that council concur in the de:-coneion w iIl eloh e Rv cisio. Ths wa caried. George K. Ward, BA., B.D., Councillor Hooper told coun- his wifc and two daughters. cil that he believes that jýe at a special induction service new constable will be an as- on Thursday evenlng at set to the Police Department. 8 o'clock. He spoke of the high recom- Thle Ward famnily are mov- mendation Constable Hart had lng into the parsonage today, from the Winnipeg Police De- fromn St. Catharines where partment regarding his fine he has been minister of the years service, and said that First United Church. Constable Hart had also re- The Rev. Harold A. Turn- ceived an Award of Merit in er wilI officiate at the serv- that city for rescuing a cripple ice,, vith the Chairman of from a blazing building. He Oshawa Presbytery, the Rev. added that Constable Hart isi N. T. iloîes, B.A., B.D., ini 32 years old, six foot, one inchl charge of the induction and taîl, and weighs 230 pounds.1 a former resîdent of Bow- A report of the joint rneet-ý imanville. the Rev. George A. ing of the Police and Finance Mundy, B.A., B.D., of Brook- (TURN TO PAGE TWO> jfin, will give the message. rn League Championship in an exciting, thrill-packed bail game on Tues-j Snowden, Ted Birdi, Ted Fairey, Jim Allun, Terry day evening at Vincent Massey park, the Men's Town Black and batboy Butch Stephen; back row, Vince 'League softball finals came ta an end with Stephen Vanstone, George Stephen, Paul Chant, Pat Corneli, Fuels downing Kramp's Furniture 3 ta 0. They won Jiggs Cowling, Art Hooper donor or the Hooper's the series four games ta two. Players an the winning Jewellery trophy, Grant Wrigzht, Bob Abbott, ROA team are front row, !1ef t to right, Jini Moorcraf t, Sam Pollard, absent, John Stainton. Announce Fertmlimzer k j j 10e Per Cnnv XTTURP.P IA ýtj 1