<1mee fcc=&11 Mis. Bruce Tilson, Editor Phone 9874213 F<dinw RA-çricfinci Animnlc ,Population' Wealth Can Bee it s 0f ten O vertl Speaker Teils Ro- 4 I gw v v ai5 08auvi ff laai9E99%9WW7Wealth cao be so near hat! ,At .Schooi it is overlooked, Ray jhbeg a t Big Rapid-s, Michigan, said in g hs address at the Bowman- Receives First Reading a Stil[i roi vil oayCu' ucpr i ubchman Motor Hotel on C'-- . Septe ber oun il Se sion ra - k c!oo ber Pridas'. T itîe of his speechM Sept mber Coun il S ssio i.vear of classes began. At the! Was "You and Vour Wealth'.i 'v.local public school, even with! Mcl Dale, a past presidentj. %-1Newcastle - The reg ilar placed on Church Street ai; Water once again xas a ,,pi, new rooms and an extra tea- of the club, received a 2 September counic i meeting Robert Street, as Church StreeL, at counicil, wîth a letter ask- cher. more pupils keep corn- Year Perfect Attendance P in. was held on counicil chambers ibecomes a deadend street therce ng fer water outside the lim. ng ý.Tevlaeisgo-Tepeetto a made; on Monday ex.ening. with o0 neai In a motion made hv ý ts of the village. Counc ilors rg and wîth it the problexnb]j Tom Rehder, th-e Attend-i counicîllor, Ross Dickinson, Councîllor Walton, the by-law Walton and Couch, n expresl as to where additional chlld- ance Chairman. E, d w a r di absent.xîl be amended to change the îng thecir feelings on this, said ren canflbc accommodated. Bouekies', Oshawa, was a, Eric Folzha a pproached 1signs. that there wcre people right, The achool is tnet quite over- iguest at the luncheon.Ic couric i asking for lights to be A letter was received from in the village not yet servicediflowing, but classes have bad1 In introducing the guest, . extended in the Westviewthe C.N.R. asking counicil the with water. They feIt a mo-Ito be doubled up. To ensure speaker, President Don Morris, H-eight.s Subhdivision. This area date of their meetings ;o that tien should hc made againstter ilbromfrcl- said that Mr. Shoberg, the. is well built up, there arc 00w ,a representative can soon melet sîpplyingr water outside the î'en now attending sehool, Administrative Assistant to 33 homes occupied and more with them to discuss the cls1iis fte ilg otne and for ans' new chil - 'the President of Ferris States' houseE being built, hc said. 'ing of the local C.N.R. station. te growV as it has in the past ý into the ilae theCboardfl College, is a Past President ofý Apar> frnm the four lights in- The station agent there now, thcv feit thev would nced the'h2s bad to take steps t'O pro the Big Rapids Rotary' Club.; stalled al the first part of theiMr. G. Johnston, will bc leav- watem in bbc village, ivide for such an overflow. and has had an interesting. ' subdivsionthere are noing tis wek for .N.R.dLltj'S AtSec, the madiertisementec tcîse-rticareerelin cunir irsitves't workk., subivsio, hee ae o ng hi wek orC..R.duie Aith hst eein. ones here on this page. having previeusîsysrv i n other ights. elsewhere. However. witb lno of !hc twe oca otIo(l- taf o oththrver- Reeve Cunninghamn appoint- representative ai this meeting, burst and Quecn's, approach_- A new teacher, Miss Carol isetMhiaadWeer cd Councillors Bonathan andicouncil realizes Mr. Johnston;ed council rcgarding changing Kent, lias ben hrd o ichf Igan UivritsndRay Shoe0 Couch te check into the situa- iwill be relieved by another'the Sat'urday nigh lsn rade three, and weieomed by tien. learn how rnany lights'agent, and nething furtherihouirs tram 10:30 p .m. to 11:30i the staff. All others have Discussin.g riches that are ,whicli \as delivcred rn:cr would be needed. then ap- done here until the officiaIs p.m., the szmc as in rnest otb-ibeen on the Newcastle staff' otten disregarded becausethan 6,000 times hy Russella proach the Public Utilities. do meet with counicil. er places. With considerable twO vears and more. They they are nea'rby Mm. Shoberg ConwelIl, a Baptist Minister,S A petîtion from the West- Tracy Embles' wrotc. wvith thought, ths was turrned down,'arc. Mrs. H. M. Munro, Mrs. mentioned a farmer in Penn- , who \',aS tuie founiver of Tom-S virw Hcights residents was re- regret, his resigntion fromn the'and ilhe heurs for closing wvill H. Nesbitt, Mrs. M. Wood- sylvania, whe because ho pie Lnix-ersit.v, Philadeiphia. (icivcd at counicîl, asking that recreation committee, explain- romnain at 10:30 p.m. for Sat- ]and, Mrs. T. Martin, Mrs. M. wanted to seek his fortune *in This speech mepea>cd se mans' the stop signs now erected on ing te counicil lie just couldn'l urd-is evenings. Tamblyn, Mr. L. McMahiol, the oId fields, sold his farrn tirnes across the eourr net- Robert Street at Cburch give the tirne te il,an te ThClrm.igc, a and tcho(PiniplMrt and rnoved west. ted $10.000.floo fer thec ncw Street, at the cntrance into the ýmany other things., plus his asked te speak to counicil in Munro. "This man h-ad often cern- universits', Mr. 'Shoberg said. Eubdivision bc chaoged and work. regards 10 Charles Glanville pando aigt ene I li ýilnii n -puttîng up a fence along his scumn from the pends and hurnorous tailk Ille guLiest1 I pronemty beside the oId BelllA ea ns les on his land. The pur-'speaker told the local Rotai'-d etacro his farrn found that jans of a pmoîrciclt dTl Tenhes ne buidig Tibildar- IY 'Jathe scum was cau.sed by oji. Travcl and Adivriture Svries; ing v ae ýswncd brnly Jlil, Har- indthat land became the silei This serins enriches commluni- i lx'~ 'asleess ~'b rcctlvsed t e or \JxtYe r of the richest nil field in ties. and builds eti.,a:i: "Nî on" Gras . JitsonsprThe-:Pennsylvania. The Original. among the memhers of flhc p-I rtone bs I M. aJone pthe Neucastie:-- Manager D. armer could have struck it s'ponsring organizatin, lie ( 1 ) pobcmis tata eiccpu Walton has recceîved Wordirieh on his nwn fari. i declaredi. S ocia art i .. -erso icit along the Glanville land grOC' that bis Boy s Pee Wee bail' Mr. Shobelrg al-zo toldi the "The Traxc;id.\rl veandîr directîs' along the Gras' build- team rame Out. on top rver club of a famotîs speech oni- Sories is made up of colored « ing, and twould leave the steps the local leagues. Thes' wem-e. titled Acres of Dianionds,lmrstioti pictiîres. cnhaiîced blv Withi the sudden passing Of 1 visit, of this building on one side of bowever, heatrn eut by Mr. L. V. Hanceck. Bowman- Brownîes, Guidessca Rail- the froce and the building on Frankford in the play-eff in ville, the village extends their gers and Scouts met tihi- ,\eek the other. :the b e s t Iwo-out-ef-threc' ss'mpaths' >o bis daughter, for their first meeting of tue Anothi problcm %vas theigamnes. TPhe first gamie was a m I p r v m n Mrs. Jack Prrîis (Elcanor), season. There is rrnuch actiV,- ssesinOr the land and Prp- fi-lest 4 t, 1 and the second and îs roterMamow. nd v aongtheyoung pcpeerts'. ln the past, <and foi quite game was aiso a less forNe their famîlies. and it is mosb encouragine Io:a few ycars, Mr. Glaox'ille. hasicastie, 7 to .1. His appirýecia:C n e n tri Mm. H. Brittnin the lorss taking an interest. The Sea s as has Mr. Joncs. ?lr. 'beys wbo loft late and eturn inf bis brother, William Charles Ran-gers remind one al-d 11Hl-artness v-as ascsscd for biSied early from Scout Camp to, Britten, cf Oshawa. to support their projrets. thu<ýprp(rts', plus bbc land it stoodlappear at those games I n e tHe:tr e Congratulalîons te nuir N bake sale this Saturdav. anirl'on, Se tbat eue, piececof land ýand the boys are hopeful of' castle Boy-s Pee e Bill the film night, Ttîesday fil(, as -issessed double. and paid going right tbreugh ta theibs' Don Welsh Duîrham Cnuntvil ha,-h 'i e-P Teani, whoxe learn weic 2lst. Cubs hold their firstfer. ery s'ear. Net ton rnuch finish ncxt s'car. qctdbs' Ille Canaian Feri- recentîs' notifîed of wvin-niogmeeting on the 20th et Sc-.,w-as said about the double tax- Tak rn h em h At a meeting cf the direc- cration tn provide the namirF oiver the lecaileagues. tember, and this ii a remin- illg ef the same land, but, i' ak ff heta, h ors cf the Durham Cauints' cf farm people Nvho emples' Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pwl der thaï: ail boys must bo was felt that the cld buiilding-manager aydcahs eM.Fdrto of Agrinýls weo cltr e edfr aor.TeCFA a anrl familv recc'ntly cnjoyed a eigbt s'ears odnid o er ih_ shculd long bave been eut o utssw o sekindly df.atwecneowas ex- herin Meeting with anlinter- twc, %vrrk vacation at Lake oebhyco-on there. This might salve Mr.,ae rncnwta resdoe telc f i-dprtnna omitc o Kazhawîgamog, near Halibur- Gaiilsproblein bof the eamsweaters tisi h uhm Cut'te fdrtgvrmit > ton. Sumnier guest.s ef Mrs. F.,placilng cf a fonce. A Ietter for the boys. aealt-mubCentennial projct Fary- tidcf preci s ofxrnr l-In M-Ir. and Mr,-,Tni Wallarcc Ferguscn have been. Mrs. IL.asking for ftcuermoval oetth aoher ear, but hopes ttin.Campe- t amwrcs h îuo .and farmil' leIfI ihe village Bunbing, St. Catharines, Mrfs. propcrty vilI be sent at once and 911tbogbs r e areabtdv îîito -n icnpn7ien nua cluririi the hu'lra v weekendci ' Patterscn, Toronto, Mr. aund bu Mr. Jon1csý. eing seriously given toward, h eeainlaspoî! sdii hx etnshv in take un eîduein uîîciî Mrs. R. Mav and famnily. 1tir- Cniinmcillor Wallniî, icreve nx il em.wc te r mnyb eue frte e iesinr!h'vriotîs. ne ec&-îTrno ord. Mm. and Mrs. P. Dona- Cili nigam air! M. Pid eou i hhn cirnnyi bue orIeb_,i iesindh .Mrs. FeLýrrgw,-r.n, M,. hue and fa-i, Quebec. haxe each receiv-r! several 1 ope to bave hoth Pee Wee 1iig fti opeiîn epl n lbs endcd Uart«ýhocnrr tl Nrs N. Biîtler Blowling bas again bgt. cai ocnccrrnigiue contiiiiicd and-Batita,- baIl. Eey fre i uhmc l aeatîong tîs in Fpplnj Falis o Sul- Wach fr th nams of___ County ofanimis receives ah or cf Whoreceies alituatific,. Ttipteni. tr ff cfo xvrenFeeneFaî o un atch fhe so tbenams f tea îtcnof niaIstoofîb-the malo oto fbslv--teUcpenci n.iac r1av and atne!services, hihersc-ers ta appear onnt flicvillage, pigeons, cliick- wr ina vstr fMr.,liho r oafrtin onhichCeîi-o nr i eat Ph UTnited Churclh there, con- this'page starting next xveek. 'en,,, ducks. horses and eveo ndMs.Dn alBile-'. clucteci.bs' Rex-. Fi,-he.r. i îrfinsad~M. igo air aorc. improvements will bac made h; ment of Inirajl;nce wîll be in-1 Mcs.F. cPhe ad Mr. .. 1 Bom-ax-ile Hspial hi~Mr. Fes'las te relate te counicil M-r. and Mrs. E. Pettifer eibl.Tedaln o e eveigteenre Ibeir earlier talk onu this sub- ad Ro&s, Willowdale, Mr. ceiving entries has been ex-- Mr. Dan Cas'les', OFA. field!-- Maxwell and Danine, Nova xveek are, Mrs. Mar AlIdrear! ecM. Fsa'si!h n- Doa Wa-n1nStphnDu- en October 1, 1965. man reported flint sorne short- Scetia. are gtîesbs of Mr. and'.Mm. Dan Bernard, Mr. John dc.M. ohysii i-hp- Mrs. Sidney egsn ad ai.M' ortyDJncd Ibis wasnt a terbt as. wpre wvith Mr. and Mî-s.. Attractive prize money is be- azes of has' exist in the eagt- v Fegusn an DaisMrs.Dorthy eJoli rend bu, jng given, provided enough'ecm counities and askcd als'-i family.- Mr. S.aodor Fenvyo, .Mr. An-!Igeme in the subdivision are in A. L. Wearn. -entries are received. Entrylone having bas' t eldite con- Mr. and Mrs. R. Mountiev drew Herreil and Mr. Edward cliner!tri ccmbine subdivision l Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werrs' forms and additiooal Informa- tfact the Federation of Agricul- hiave returned Io Blackstack Smith.- livinz witb farming. Heland family had Sundayteato cnbebandla'ontre after visitine x Iih Mrs. F. One of cii-r citizens lîd iri h furtber stated that this was with Mr. and Mrs. Boss Lee,'tacting the Federation cf A Zone ) meetinig of thc Fprzrîscc Mr. Milton Pavne car stole-n over the ý-ekend. lot , o adxaie r e ern m ad Ms Agrcutueor bb. Ontaria Fprlemaitice vill be held on 1hpr reii-ned xith theni fer a Poilice are, investigating. healtb easons and boper! Werrv accompanied Mr. Brian'Dprtto Agricultr.tuire 1,16,,alBigtn -____ -- ~~~~couîncîl would give thought te Lee te the Western Hositaleatctc giclue coe 3.16,a rgtn resriet same and make andiToron-to, te visit with Mrs.i! -Jpass a bs'-law forbidding this. L~yn Lee. There are aleady four families Mr. and M". . Herman HawssS o0 L IN A in tlie subhdiv.ision with chick- i Rony and Nancy, Bowmnan- Cilaand pigeon coaps, and some "1vill, were Sundav visitors al The Res'nnldis famils' reunion Their famîlies befilr! a elebra- N O T IC E ~are erver clippinky pigeon wings Mm. and Mrs. Keitb McGill's. w8s beir in Solina Hall an tion on Sundas' attemnoon an ri Oîne farnils', expiained Coun- ' ridge, Mrs. Stîîamt Rodrnan weather cooperatiog. There also prescînt in the evening. ciller Wallon, applior! for a Oshawa. Mrs. Gordon Beech:,wa% a geod attendance. -Mr. and Mm...Jim Woorl,, T HE NEW CASTLE pri obîh olse! ~Malpie Greve. wo.re Sun-dayý On Sundas', September l2thOsx-awreSds'alr. now turcis oîtiten Îe acother cllers at Mr. anr!Mirs. HaroIclwe had as guest. speaker Rex'. ai M,,\r. aîîd M Joe Sov PU LI S HO L OA Dcoop. plus one olber building Ahton's. Mrs. Harold Ashtc-niWbitney Daîrymple, Mission- den's. PU LI S HO L 30 RD lfr oc lrr t b atool sher!. attended tedcrtn ser-ýary t Angola wbo spoke cf 1M\I. alirl Mrs. ,Inhti Kninx He felt this ncedcd lookinglivice at Bethes-da an Stancdas. ihe work donc witb these and fril'attender! thc- Mal- wil ne beresonsblefortheiîîîo. Mrs. H-erbert Leighton, Bow'-ipeople and of bhe need cf cln' famîlx' picniic at. Green-.- wilno e eposbl orteLatrin thre exenîîîg, E. R. manville, Mrs. Eugene Sewell mucb wvork te dc. xvood Conservation Park. education of any new pupils from outside Lovekin care ne m counerir î and Nncy' we-re Thursday' Macs' m hecamimunits' e Littîe M ,,Catlirine Bak- the lirmîts of the Village of Newcastle. have heen prc-paring, restrict- -Wrs.Mranîd Mrs. Wesies' Hîlîs and Mr,;. Barry'Comwling, Bow- inz ail these animais. It would Miss Pat Goyne. Couctice, and famils' attcndied Betbesda manx'ille. restmict bh(c number cf do- 1in comnpans' with Mr. and Mrs. Decoration Services on Stun- 1 is Mbe oeland! mostie ainimaIs n ans' bouse- Floy'd Beckett and Marie at-iday. ,Mmr. îv owell, 04î xa, JOHN RICKARD, hoir! un the village taone don 'tender! a rception and tea aI' The s<bhool childmeo are ail l i încMl a ba ilesîs of one -at on paiotancca- Guelph O.A.C. on Sundas' af- hack in their places now with Mr .Wetnad rni Chairmnan lars'. one budgie bird. AIl etn- terrnon wbere Wayne is at- Mr. Moffatt teaching at Bak- l\Irs. Rae Pasene vis;iter! xith cmr animais, cxccpt for farmers tcor!ing as a first year student. er's School; Mm. Jim Cmy der' Mr. and! Mrs. John Dycr, Osha- in the village, or- those on a Mims~ Donna and Carol oan at Bradley's, and Mrs. 'w 1 0-acref or more lot, woýuîd bec Yeillowlees, Oshawa, Herman!A. Rosevear and Mrs. Roberts'~i i i.EectSie borbiddcn. This was accepter!, Taîsma, Hlamupton, Merv. Eng- at Solina. rn lahours.Eflue wo cd; anrltuefirs redinggivn iib, owmanviiewereSun Sinerecongatuatios al'aiboM. lar! r.D.N. Sresn Canadian Insurance Companies intb this. aur! its cosi. Mcs. Grant Werrs,'sç proving nicely following sur- Mr. aurnd s Gordn Bmnwrn. and trust funds. There beîng ne fLirthor bus- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wermy gerv. Mr. and Mrs. Fredi Watsen inrss, the bis presenter! were- attended the 6flth wedding:, Jas. Harrison and Jas. Gib- attender! the Mc-Doiigall - CraiZ authorized te be pair!, i elebraticti for Mr. and Mrs.ý.sô are both home trom Mos- wedding in Northrninstrir Unit- - -___ IJ. D. Brown, Omono. ipital. Friends wish themn im- cd Church, Oshawa, on Satur- jMr. and Mrs. S. Lamb and. proved hea]th. das'. THE lamnily were Suoday ca-lers at Missý Joyce MeBride. Reg.N.'Mrm Rands' Fraso-r auiri m ENNISKILLEN Doald Lamb's, Bailiebore. of Ottawa visited Mr. and N. iNlcKren, Hamptn, Irft on Dr. nd Ms. Cark err Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif- Mrs. Alex Inglis and son WJl- the weekcndi for two wreks \r.TERdLrN G ClakSWTSry. fin, Heathe-r and Dale. Mrs. liam. mose hunting in the Hlearst COPOATONJohn and El1izabeth, Willow- N. CoUlaeu-t attendee Bethes- M-rs. Lexvis Fitze of Midiand arra. r.adMrs. Geo. Pethick, manville. Mr. NIelville Grif- hospitaflzed for surgery. guestr. of Mr. and Mms. Lloyd and friends. Toronto, werei fin, Blackstock, were Sundayý Miss Chrystal Fallis, Reg.N.!Preston and family, Bowman- callers on Mr. S. R. Pethick. supper guests at Mmr. and Mrs. of Peterborou.gh visîted Mr. ville. 372 Bay St, 35 Dunlop St, 73 Mississaga E, Mrs Pethiek s rnuch improv- Griffin'r. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. 'Mi-. and Mrs. Charie3 Lacg- Toronto Barrit Orillma er sînce. she went to hospital Mr. and Nois. FloYd Pethick Welcorne to Mm. ai-d Mcs.'maid caller! on 'Mr. and Mms; and we hope wiIl soon be and Bill, Scarborough, weî-eCramr Moore who moved intolRussell Hamilton. Oshawa, on home. visitors with Mr-. S. R. Peth- the Bruce Heaship epartment their 25th wedding celebra- Mr. and Mis. Gea. Irwin-ack. 1 gi past week. ~in )okNe Junior Farmers News Rounduph d o ke dby Wmn. J. Tomllnson IRtn McKinney of Peel' Well, the big Ex. is ovýer.'County and the Canadin H-ow did Durham do at the Dairy Princess is 1964's On-. ýa riaris 1h~to? He& re or most of you, met at Dr ,rondu. hm', DaryQueen Cdme E. S. Cobblrdick, Newcastle, titionl in Newcastle, Miss Ex high ficdelity miisiral 17ack- xo ail divisions of the 10m-l abeth Crawford of Welington grotinds, and the mariW!10 mercial package class (exceptCoulnt.v made each picture corne,'; 0 twoî and ail] divisions of the every presentation. and tells applA fancy fruit display and' Weil, that's; enoiigh of_ tIit. the audience about it. ail division,% of the collection No\v back to Durham. "In this wa 'v the sponsoring or fruit class, plus one award On Sept. 15, in the Town club brings to the district in- for his pears.' Hall at Orono at 8 o*clock the ternationally famous speakers, Boyd Ayre of Hampton took , annual -Safety Night' wll w-ho have adidrcssed suoh or- eight awards in the Cheviot ýhe held. Mr. Norman Blodg. ganizations as the National shcep show. ctt of Lindsay, a representa- Geographic Society, Washing- Lloyd Ayre, BowmanIville, live of Farmers' Mutui of tni, DC., and the Explorers look cight awards in theOmahia Fire Insurance will b. Club, New Yoýrk CCty. Hampshire Dnwns sheep class ,therýý with a talk on fire ex- "ýThe Travel and Advrnture and nine awards in the South. tinguishers. which usuit[Y Scries tnt only provirles a down sheep class. prove to hie quite a surprise to, community evie but it. 8iso As a point of interest here Most people. hr llb leads to .hetter international are some of the beef cattie re-:four door prizes. two fire ex- undvrstandi.g. 'Mr. Shoberg sults: tinguishers and two of the asscrted. He told of the pou The Ontario H-ereford As- n:tew slow-moving vehicle signs. Iarity of the series in the sociation Trophy, the E. H. :Though of course the kîds United States, and in rnanv Homei Challenge Cup, thce steal the show, bce sure to be Ontaio cntre. Eah seiesPremier Exhibitor of Hereford 'therc. it promises fun for ail. consists of six presentationsAward and the Premier Breed- Ais,r1 would like to ire. and season tickets cost $5 .00 er Award went to Jarvis mind you of the Farmsteàd each, he cxplainicl. Farms, Jarvis, Ont. Beautification Contest. Please Dr. Alian B.SVCIP The Angtis Premier Breeder send vour entries in as the -anving a vote of tolnk Awird, Premier Exhibitor!à,t, hbas been changed to Oct. the guest speaker romarked Awa~rd and Aberdeen Angus lstj due to the late season.- on Mr. hobergsown en Society of Scotland onhMs.asm ad eal. Presiden Speciaî Merdal went to the Morris exprcsscd his persona] one and onîs' Winfield Farmsý appreciation In the guest Ltd., Willowdale, Toronto, (of speaker, and nmadeç the prc- course wvho cisc>. ips scntatîonnf a giftas a sou- Shorthorn and DualPros W 7 senatin o a iftas so'-Shorthnrn cal> le P r cl m iVr venir of his \isit to the club. de and Premier Exhibi- 63-30 Bill Thîiesbîrger prescntrd alrAvrswn oRfr ' 3 30 iniik ic r) r.Shoherg. Gardhouise. Milton, for the, o which so pleased the cuest Shorthorn and the saine 'peakerthat h rcmovd th\vent to T. H. Atkin- one he was wearing, and put ad WNTA hîs nw mik ~i on mme-son of Nanticoke for the Dualsivc his nPurpose Siorthorns. ~liatclv. The osing o th e C NE -also establishes the Dairil, ternis of constant dollars, Princrss of 1965. For Durham Caniadas g;ross national pro- Couinty we have the vcry love-i dîc-, inicreasrd from. $1,555 prr Is' and charming Miss Donna i capita in 1963 te $1,663 inMclauglhlin ef Nestieton. The 1964.1 Ontario Dairy Princess is Miss i SUPE-RIG T Q ALIT -YOU GU RANTE OFSATSFACION Canada's Fin est Red Brand Steer Beef BEEF ROUND BONE SHOULDER Roast (POT ROASI) 1 SX Brand, Assorted COLD CUIS ROASIS RIB ROAST SHORT or CROSS CLM~ BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED 16-oz 6 pko 9 Super-Right Brand, Vac Pac 6-oz COOKED HAM pko59C I JANE PARKLRZ BLUEBERRY Ml PIEI 24-oz pie 5 5 ROg. Price emoh 69e SAVE 14e A&P PEAS A&P CORN SPAGHETTI TEA BACS MARGARINE CHOICE QUALITY CHOICE QUALITY, CREAM STYLE LIS BY'S (With Cheete in Tomate Satic*) SPEClA L! SALADA ORANGE PEKOE Reg. Prie pkg 86c SAVE 6c SOLO REGULAR (2c OFF DEAL) SP EClA L! I JANE PARKER WHITE BREAD Slieed or Unal.o.d 2z39'~ Re.Price. bxd 2 SAV0E Se 10-fl-oz fin 1 Ort I 15-1l-oz lins 3 c : pkçg of 60 79 e 2 lPkgs59c PLAME TOKAYS, CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, No. 1 GRADE GRAPES 2hI49C NEW CROP, ONTARIO GROWN, McINTOSH, FANCY GRADE A PLES o;'ag 35c' O RANGES BRAZILIAN, VALENCIA cja g59; ON IONS VEILOW COOKING, ONTARIO GROWN Ji~eo6g5 POTATOES FLUFVYCOOKER.No. 1 GRADE ~ .' AIL PRICES MISE711 AD G1JARAN1EED THROUGI4 SATURDAY, SEPT. lSth, IS. I il >4' . M.L.-