O The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvifle, Sept. 29. 10653ih Installation of five me@- W.A., of which organlzation* fL V A - 12!morial Windows On Sept. 17, she was a former secretary. B '1939 - the ninetieth anni vers- Mu UV iary of the church - was mark- Wne' nttt n a She was alsA a memrber of theB RSe N E * W S 1 I- E N i e l' d w th a s ecil ervce, "~ form er District President of by David Goheen Street offensive ln e. had a I :luding a dedication ceremony v. . Idifficuit time opening the holes, I ( io n h r h i t r when the windows were pre- teWmn InstueTr a pre-season exhibition for their backfield as Bow- u ..~I 1~I sented to the church from the, Mrs. Thickson is survivei'gamp plaved Thursday, Sept. manx ile' defen'sîxe line held following members, in memnory lot a son, James A. Thicksoni2.3 at Henry Street in Whitby. on almost ail running playsi Zion United Church, as it's.commnunity. , shed was built &cross the radc hi auie:M.adMs.worsddwihbsmteBowmanville High School de-uptemdl.Oa sspa known today. stands proudly - Several years Iater. the, from the church, on ]and _ Arthur Langmaid, Mr. and a daug&hter Alice (Mrs. Jes1fatdHruySretb the f t e uarterba ass lobe en a hill, almost centrally In-:place of public worship was ed by James Stainton. iMrs. Thomas Stainton, Mr. and Hayman), and a grandson,5C0re of 25 to 6. ing rthed. isrtebceives wee rated in a community of the; ocated in the upper story Of, There heing no msia Mrs. Stephen Washington and Carl James Haymen, all of;igrseh eevr saienane SrrunedbyMichmusucaenershp Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. Bo%%maruville. Bowmanville's fine play- usually cox-ered. manenae.Surondd yitheFscapete sop-a instrument in the church, mus- ;calling by quarterback Peter The f i r s t Bowrvnaniville, flourishing farms, with their large frarne building just ic leader Mr. Grbutt used a The fifth window, placed at The fuA~era] service -,as Werry engineered Bowmauu- touchdown was scored by Don the ron ofthechuch n m- hld ror the prhapel of theiville to this lop-sided score. MeMurter on a pass and run . 1amely andSauellJaektwhomee-,Nsouthuof hehernethennhurofhous tuninplaforkito getrethe0proper andd n rcn n yersthead-tody. ntrncehesby n ptciofo sining Onspeiaimor ofSamel acknaspre NothcftorSmth Fneri Te fnenunnng f or bck-plamitchhoveed 0 yrds dition of mnany new homes linside stairway, to a large occasions a melodeon was sented by Zion Church. At- Home. on Thursda%-, Septemn- field and the crisp blocking by anà his second for the after- with their varied and attract- rolte n lsee ruh rm teSano tending this reopening were ber 23rd, and a conducted the line helped spring the noon xvas on a run around left ive t-lrings, provides a pic- and furnished with two rows1home. five people who were associat- by Rex-. George Ward. B.A.. taiented backfield of Gerald end. Both conx-ert attempts turesque background for this or seats - one for the wonien' .ig ed with the church in teeryB. fTiiv UitdHresa ulak o c eerisd growing community' and chlldren, the second for Rs h ie ndY:M.T .WsigoCuc. Iterment was in Murter and Dennis MeFeeters, There were sorne key plays Earliest history records the men and boYs. This is wherel]Bowmanv-ille, was a Mr. Smn-,Joseph Garfatt, William Stain- Bowmanviile Cemetery. at halfback for some largelns Bowman\-ille recoverd. Chuch ndSunavSeholclair, a goid medalist from 'ton, Mu-s. John Stainton and ed tact, that up to. and includinglhr adSnvSe_ Aberdeen. Scotland (in the Mrs. John Cornish. TheWah Paberswere er. gains. The line aiso showed fumble -on Henry StreecUs 23 the year 1829. this communitv services were held for many Wash-oais Pe raî- ntn aiy a otdfr le DuaeswBrgtn e sr so me gond pass protecting with only to fumble on the 10-yard was nownas Sxon ettl- yers. d a singing class in this com-lhaving given a number of VanNes;t, W. Nichols, H. Pal-Weury usuaily having plenty line. Henî- tetto h ment. Shortly after - no în-, Tn order to acquire minis-,munity - which by 1861 had good gospel preachers te the nier, Garnet Mutton, and A]!. of lime to throw the bail. - bal] but Bowmmanxvillc's tough1 formation can he found on thîs lerual services. Zion becamne de,-eloped into a first class country. kl. The defence did an excec- defence hecd and Henrv' Stureet subject. but uts naine was one of many appointments on choir. and Zion was very' i n th er 95,heBcl. lent job cf harassing the had te kick. On the next se-i changed te Zuon. the Oshawa circuit, but laterproud of the fact it h ad the..tro avbatflflrlti urebc s lieakr uneo ly Dennis Me- The ordi ary peo le, as ell tra sferred o the B w m an-ýn lyechtheinchurchruras nre-ibutesthattestedw a to-tbu esesteernedJohnheKilpatriJohn KandaPeteranFeeterrsegors Uiclh baila l onn tt e as the influential, feit a keen ville hranch, which had only tiens. By this time a gailery ished in a Permastone effect, hei-d.____ on the passer. The Henry:the touchdown. Bowinanx-ille desire for spiritual help. and six a8ppointments - Zion be- had been built in the church iha adtonc ane-________ ____ a plce here Pveyouu cold on th s eeth. Ts B e- tri acommodate the increasin1z porch, and double oak doors. gather for religucius wvorship ahIldZinas elasBw attenriance. I 98 icehl n Their strong belipf that zod- manville, In have two Sundav In15,akthehl n ness was 1he basicr uaiil services, Pach SundaY there The first oreanist was Mr. two xash-rooms were builta needed Io make betler men being tivo min isters and five Thomas Tremeer. The choir north side of the Sunday, and ome, bth n til;worlor ix oca prachrs.w-as seated at the back of the ' School, inside the old shed. mdwocn bthunths ord o i oalpeces church and some cf the orginal 1Iin 1960 a new organ was ~,..,-. .... . . afid the nexi. plus the abilit *y. 'Thus arrangement ccntinued members wcre: Mesdames strength of character and re- for almost 20 years uniRchr MthelBrt ic- placer! in the church. new gourcefulness tn carry- out thei ri Bownianville berame a statior,,cl. Thomas Langmaid, James cirons-idakubu, convictions, pron v e, d t h a t and Hampton. the, hear! of the rme. Ms.*ee purchaser! and a xinyi Tremer. Mesrs. William co- "where there*s a wîll there's.circuit. A brick parsonage S'itoJhnCiin.Toms ering put on the stairs lead- Slaiton Jon Cllis, homs'.ing loto the gallery. a way". If*s with thankful-,har! been bujilt at Hampton,lCann, Jack Hardy, Bruce and, ness, pride and huimbleness we !and Zion decided a church was'HmRvrcs eeadd *cceptthis eritae, an prayurgenly neder!.Thomas Stainton and Miss Gar- IHmavrcs ceadd acepor erlge ndpavu-ety e'e.fattl. ed te the back cf the church fo crength and guuidance to' Mr. Richard Mitchell, cf, Sometime between 1905 -set 19. continue, progressivelv, the whom the Glaspell familles , alrefmehd A well was dug. inside the betterment of our church ard are descendants, donated the lto h orhedo h'e"shed!, toward the nouth-west coemmunity,. land upon which the church chrh Ti!rvddpet corner, in the spring of 19. There is no positive informa- no0w stands. and helped in its;o room for the socials, ban-iWe har! water piped loto the tien as te the place whpre re- building. It was built in 1849, quets and fowl suppers, which ktchen before June lst and ~ liginus services were first helr!. and opencd in February R0, eledte finance the upkeceîienyed hot water, as Weil as Jt is generally believer!, }how-1with Rev. Egerton Ryerson, 'cf the church, For these oc-iccir! water, after that.Y ever, te have bepn in the large ýeditor cf The Christian (huard- casions, thc ground florwa:In h a ato 94 h parier of John and Jane Cole- ian. conducting the services. scraped dlean and flovrdc rwa Jote ry part f 164,th manshomne, situater! about To guve shelter tr horseswith sawdust. ýfreshener! wtb a new coat cf t ., ,-,- k haf amil wes ofthepris- bingng heirownrs ndýThe cemetery, on cast side paint - thc Sunday School re- ent churcb. Mr. and Mrs.Colc-; familles te (-burcb in buggies cof the church extender! north decorater! and modernizcd. .. . mnan were among the firsýt and or sleigbs (depending on tbc as far as thecenco f tbc shed, New fluorescent iighting was t n-ost influprntial familles in the spason of tbe veau-) an opno and south just past the front înstalled in tbc S.S. A hand-1 1 coor bc cuurc. b ral ono both sides of stairwayi dnor f tcf rh.In ntri r . years, a new part was added leading te the gailery, proved f ~E.u.U~uIottherucrth cf the ccmetery -:a great hrip and was piaced Fauiu> urniture Ante arao h athe Mre cr-igob nc te I ,/i h sieo teb meey aqpr iaenewdrpsaon th, Xý Jungle Sale fau-m. Y 4 J n l Sa efr) altar chairs, ail in thc samc i Not toc long arter the church saec îuaddl h ATwas bulit. thc ladies decider! toi beauty cf the interior. A new iî fou-m a W.M.S. This erganiz- crc eein h lo ation cniy operater! for a short'!arotind the pulpit. uip the -- centre aisies, and leading te W ILSONneeder! help was in cggshell iéolor, contrast- p W IL oN s UR IT REa t w a ne a WA. Thg eaiuny Sboithrthom doors - »boiY . The Store Is So Crowded It Loks Like Sanie then as tcday - the W. A.! dgaeuif y ihhàbu a Jungle. Every Item Slasbed For hand bhe church bbcpin g cn I te fa] o1964, a build- cleens n Jommihtefaîl ometoý Immediate Sale. The cuc was lit by hang cmmbte asfeme!,t g-plan a ewChisin dua-l ing lamps and warmed bv e hisinEua larg boxstoes, hichburion wing. Early this ycar, i HI-BACK SWIVEL ROCKER la$22. aovswhchbunt th i dshedwasbricnbidiwng i Ret. $4q995 n NGLE SPECIAL - ----R 2 88 large siabs cf wood. Then th and bsnedwasbtoick uloin,: HEAT 5 Pee. Ritchen came the gas lamp cua. Theirce.I s5 fetln choi lot hd ben pace upan-d approximateiy 34 feet Rqir$77 frn o bccurh js wide, with a fiat roof that will 6x3x77 Snoth Top behind the altar. >v.>7-' e 9 CONTINENTAL BEDS With continuer! determuna- top, if more room becomes a SL $L 7 0 lion to better thc chuirch, and! necessity. A sairway, lar- PRICE ilUs surrcundings - the year ing te a large upper roon 3PCE. BEDROOM SUITES 1933 saw a new il-on fence, (over the kitchen and wash- ~ Ini Wainut Finish. Jnrhîdes Double Dresser, ccitrcd wibh swing gates,, roonus is net compieter!, but1-~ Rookeasé Bpd and Chest. $ eceer across the front cf thbc'the rcst of tbc new bu iding JUNGL.ME Sm CLR 3 0 0 mentlal'ma ple trees were plant- ariand bung, in, preparation ed, further enbaocing the ap- for the opening service. %'~ CH SER IL SUITES s1 7O earance of this ncatly kept - -s i: FOIrnm Cushions. JUNGLE SALE cemcteu-y. The gate pest.s, . .. i i è - 4 Smooth Top - "male cf split stones taken lD" 1certainya work Of art. On!1 BUNK BEDS 088 Deccration Day, July 1933, Dr.! MARGARET MARI' WILSON Coînplete Wlth Sprint Filled iMattrèpqs 57 Kaiser, Oshawa, was a guest' Im per*lal12 Gauge speaker at the opcoing cf these, Margaret Mary isnc MANY MORE WONDERFUI,,RARGAINS gales. Hydre was installer! inj Hillsdaile Manor, Oshawa, dier! 'tbc church sbortly after this 1 Monday, September 13, 1965, 4. HUGE SAV1NGS ON EVERY STICK event. after a lengthyilns.I»- , 0F FURNITURE. Another fou-ward step was1 Born June 3, 1887, in St. 'Catharines, Ont., the former macle in 1939, when th'ý1Margaret Mary O'Donneil wasW - -- W *Ilson Fu rn ituire co. u-envaed - nwpaint job' bbgaigtendDatie labDielcl.SW .lane 20 Church St. saa 1floor san-der! te a natural colo"' gaet and Dmanrici tone ]le - O~~~hawa ~~piywo)od scats, individual type 'h a anr obclt jiHai131h, SH aUin S.GARBAGE,'. aise in natural coloring ani Ha, v ilonin t.Guegry %1:1915. An Oshawa ccsident for ccm j ,mosi,)f ber life she was a rIT N IIe u meber of S. Gegors R GULA C+ rolers sh ean un seconds wth warm, MRS. JOHNSON THI('KSON fthIOM - 5ÛPY waler. Vallhde Gloss and Semi-Gioss Tedetcf\ur.Jhon0 %f gI'kmjIBD UU I ~ ,* .,. . ~Euamels also avallabie. Tikson ocrurrer! at Mcmi- 'i, f SATINHIDE LO-LUSTRE ENAMEL-àýv orial HP ropane Rwnian-vllp .1~o i owruir Saut-ptembe.rm,21, with 14'oL cyhhd«-e4 SALE PUCE - 4 EXTRA THROW-AWAY TANK- 1.44 Rogumr $1.59 - SALE PRICE ........... and le atngru Ilt lows onismoothly and dries til a ;9 satin ,'i'pert. de8l for ktch. ens, bathroorur. wccoden trîm, SUN-PROOF GIL BASE. EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT-Gves a tough, high-gloss finish. SPeclal P19'ruents PrOtect ut uuîm fading or discOolurrng. SUN-PROOF LATEX, EXTERIOR HOlISE PAINT- Resss tliîstering and peeling. Drues to an 3ttractue iOw sheen in îust 30 mutes so dust and bugs don't mat your, finish. Brushes unse dlean n waruuu soapy water. cboths. scrapers, sandpaper- Ths are Imrst-#uahtly Pans, no, cnsaper- IVERYTHING! gý rade linos produced ta seilf kt ower prices. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT 0F CANADIAN PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES LIMITED Available au; BOWMAN VILLE BLACKSTOCK J. H. ABERNETHYS Paint & Walipaper, 33 King Street WVest 1 1.96-5.in heu- 74f.hyau- .. Sh 1P b ar! been in poor healbh for severaI ypau-s and seuiouslv ili for about three end a half Born at Havelock. Ont., bbc former Lilace Mabel John- son was the daughtcr of tle late Mu-. and Mrs. Beunjamin Johnson. She attender! Fra- servilde School atid Port Hope Higb Scbool. In 1917 sb"ý marier! Johnison Tbickson wbo Predeceaser! ber 15 yeau-s ae. Mis. Thirk.;on badr! esided heu-e for over 90 Yeau-s and! before ceming bere lived in the Fuaserviile district near Peterborouugh. She was bbc last memnber %,f a pion.er family of the Rice Lake Dis- trict. Heu- on]l*v brother, Wai-' ter John.son cf Fraserville, was killed by lightning about 35 years ago when Plouwhing a field! cn bis tarm. The deceased wa.s an avir! reader. She was a sbaunch Conservative, participat i n g actively in ail election tam- paîgns and seu-xing as DRO. during man- Picotions. She wes a me;. heu- of Tu-înity .UlUted Church and of the Rquilmr$1.19 1V', Wid. 43" Handle SAee PorIC .99tq& we lheepy ltvewnCômean uen doti fal. oatmln donts ai adapeilgWiecotier lh oeftjbi lwent for a pass from Peter !Sept. 3n et 3:3n., WIth a lop. WNIerry to Charles Ewert fer 'suded score like this is Court- the point after, 'ice that goor! or is Clarke that i o the third quarter R.H.S. ýbar!? akicked off and our t-ough de-1 This Rame shoulr! be welI. sfente stopper! Henry Strecet ýplaved as each tcam bhas almost dear! and thex' bar! to kick. the same players from last The ball went'to Dot) McMuirt- yvear. If cther teamn gets any ser w-be ran tbe bail back 30 breaks tbc score xviii tell if yards. Don's long run pa-er! ither team ao take advant- the way fcr Gerair! Harness' lage cf the miscues. toucbdown. The pcit afer T,) bcîp bbc inta st cf tbe was misser!. students t e savau-Ar jd Aflrr >The only points Henry Street Isehool and tb e Rame go cwre in tbc fourbh quarteribbc beam sgiig aa 1on a miss-pla\v. As it looker! prize at thbcncorcf -bbc third te uis, bbc bibzing li ne-backu-s quarter te a lucky ticket boîr!- bar! bbc quarterback for a sub- er. The stuideot must be on stantial boss but irtstead, bbc bbc back campus wbcn the qua bcr ack thr w b c h ll 1H num ber is dramwn to w in the tbc uuick of time and caught:purize. To get tbe lucky nuum- Mark Roland cf lHenu-y Street ' ber aill vu have te rio is pur- with a goor! pass un the cor! chase a programme w-bich zone for the bouichdow,ýn.- serves as a ticket te the gamne On bbc wbole bbe game w-as anr sbay au-ounr! and watèl wcll play er! wibb few penal- cxitng football. Corne eut tics caile! bY bbc referees. , a d s p o t v u r m The scason ocpeuier shouir ead upr yu e ant excellent game aýg Courtice, w hc defeabe! Clarke by' bthe Ma r e passvrnger cars are score of 29 to I plav on the builb at GM of Canada*s Osh- back campus cf Bow-maruvillc awýa plant than nt any other H-i-gl Schooi on Tbursdav, aiitonioti\-e np.atb an da.i DESK LAMP LimitedQast S". 77 SALE PRIE...... ýOMPARE AT $9.98. A bright.r study .ilAtoctve ab"n et m.etol base, polished brom flexible orme, hght diffwnfg iode. With switch, cord end 15-watt fluorescent tube. Special! PLASTIC FREEZER 51/4" HIGR, 4" SQUARE LIMITED QUANTITY Sale Price, Set of 4 .54 Jdfeai for freeaung fruits end vegetablen. Kep ep u e KUMtA-TYPE BRAIDED WIRE 5 Two 14-gauge wireg PER Roow~.EX LooEXTRAC k fil ilF-WI1MIH Pone 623-7111 V ______160 ChurcliSt. - B3owmanville OUL" 801029 OUTLET ~SALE SWIT(H BOX 034 JDUPLEX A RECEPTACLE 014 TOGGLE IL. MARTYN Genera.! Store I j' 099, 1