14 The Canadllan Statesnian, Eoçwmanvlllc Sept. 29, 1965 In.Prducïvtyand Er îjoyment By The ReV. K. J. Frampton to a new extent and with net work along wîth thern we When a farmner reaps hi9; il~dd-enly rapîd progress in get rowhere. harvest. his success depends ' ps e er.Tue Crsint sfo On .close co-operatiren witihe atfwvas reCrsint sio riature. S i n c e everything Howpver, there are other an optional extra - a mere grows according te its own laws of creation, other factorsi leisure-habit. We either learn inner laws, he gets nowisere which the physical instru- t aof te sritaas- if be tries ;te nake things do rnents of the natural scientist,!u pe cfnaltr. eo e stare as he wi-sise-, (unie-ss he fits canet measure quantitative- arproatis eete his wishes into the îaws cf iy. Stress and fear, love and leam te love our nei7hbourý God in nature). Pride or hope, trust and purpose are or we wither in a surfeit cf Pressure, impatience or igner-j.ust as real as weight, dis- negzative effeets. We either, 1iearn te keep in harmonn once are costiy faulta in farm-Itance and tprmperature. if'-t u Creator, te worshipi J.ng as in scientifie research. lhaving produce~d ina ter ialiHmadtan i h It is the humble study of goods in great quantity-, wel scientisf s. investigatine theten1 htiejyhin egood things cf the Universe- lawswhic goern naturalimust learn the laws whîch indaHeaver' - ofor we pei things wvhich has enabled mancigevern these- and other spirit1- makinag es feu w to fuifill Goda eoldest cern-;iial. motivating -t hi n g -'. i rnastd, "Be fruitful and multi-IThen we can co-eperate with Mereover Jesus Christ the' lY, Lifise earth and subdue1 these lavis rîther intuitiveiy Lord has corne among us t it'. And we have done thislor deliherately, but if we dei open thse way, à CILïet t ers CENTENNIAL PROJECTS R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Ont. To the Editor: Your editoria] page in Sept. 23/65 issue of States- marn was Worth the price of the subscription. Your editorials eýpecially, "The First 30 Years' should be studied by electors who lU easily for s-tate control of their lives. Then Ed. Youngmnan*s column, Sugar and Spicp (Day of Roses and Kisses), Popts' Corner, quote from the Printed Word and last but not ]east Mrs. Pres- catt's letter with the quote from Charlotte Whjtton and reference to the S2f,000 In- ter-Parliamentar ' dinner at Ottawa paid for by taxpay- ers; but then whats a mil- lion when it cornes from tares? &vo f/lie My- purpeSp in writing ig to invite constructive crîti- cism on my proposais for a Durhamn County Centennial Project. 1 think that anything worth the effort shouid in- r&veal segments of. our soiî.especially the yeung. The future is theirs. Read- c r., may recal! that Jr. Fa r me rs and Durhamn Cnunty Federation cf Agri- cul'-ure decîded upon a cen- tenîsial pr o jecrt svherebv farmers receîving ail or the huik cf their incomne from the farm wouid be eligible to enter a contest, Prizes sînpplied by the Fedleration wouid be given te the (arm- er who macle thse best job of iosprevîng the appearance cf his geriserai set-up. Fammers in that category %vliq have the where-with- &;itor ail in finances and laber usually keep thîngs le Ai condition. The others un- iess farin conditions improve possibly might fînd it a dif- fîcuit proposition in view cf a quote frem Mr. Russell Honeys speech in the budget debate (Hansard, May4 19, 1965) quote. "In aur pres- ent affluent sncîcty, the relative position cf the fairm- er is a shockîng one'. Then a paragraph from a studv prepared for the Ecenor Couincii of Canadla entitîrd "Chainges in Agriculture te 1970", a quote from the stud.v, "By 1963 the (amrers-' income was 54 per cent above thre 1949 ievei vhile iocome cf wages aod salar 'v workers clsewhere in the economy had increasedt by measured in constant 1949 doiiars, income in agri- 11V' pre~cct. the beautiful new Office of Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation at 23 King Street West in Bowmanville. SERVICES on Savings accounts. Bowmanville's highest rate of interest. 4% on Chequing accounts. You receive your own psrsonalized cheque kit - PLUS free chequing privileges. 5%%/ on Guaranteed lnvestmren't Certif icates. Longer Hou rs: We are open f rom 9:00 to 6:00 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; 9:.00 to 9:00 on Friday and 9-00 ta 5:00 on Saturday. Closed Wednesdays. Sony Portable Radio or Westinghouse F.M Radio with ê9ch *7500-5 yser G.I.C. * Plus interest cf $2,1 56.25 (U,31 2.50for 10vears) SUnIbilm Snow-Slower mr Philline 19' TV wnh sech $26,000-S poe G.I.C. * Plus intemst of $7,1 87.50 (Ir4,37.00 tir 10 em FREE! Schick Eletria Toothbrush wth 45M0 acoueS Men# or ladies' TIMe Watchee wfth *50M accoat You may choose fron any delightful gifts which are based on accounts of from $50 ta $1 ,000 and Guaranteed In- Vestment Certif icates of from $1 00 to $25,000. Some of the Gifts Are Iilustrated Above culture had Increased by 13 per cent while incomes in non-agricultural occupations had increased by 46 per cent. If an allowance for a re- turn on capital was deduct- ed frein farmers' incomes the increase in current dol- Jars was 21 per cent and in constant dollars there was a decline of about 10 per dent. Aise frem Hansard, Mr. Heney quotes Mr. George McLauizhlin ef the Dairy Farmers ef Canada, quote, "Frein Canada's National Budget siightiy more than 2 per cent (this includes maintainîng tise Canada De- partinent of Agriculture, with ail research facilities and any ether annual sup- port) is spent on 'agricul- ture while slightly more than 8 per cent is spent on agriculture in at least eigist other countries". Quetmng Mr. Honey again, the farm- er is increasingiy efficient; he i3 increasingly productive and the consumer is getting the benefit of it (what about the processer and retailer Mr. Heney?î while month by month more farmers are being pushed te the brink of solvency. End of quote. Things may improve, tho' as 1 read somneplace that a Mr. Kent (net our Bob) is te get $2,5.000 te wage a war on povertv« . To return te the centen- niai. Sometime befere cen- tenniai urojects became cur- rent news I suggested in our Mapie Grave W.I. that the Federation cf Agriculture, Council and Wemen's Insti- tutcs in West Durham might cooperatr iin cleaning up our roadsides as a centennial pojeci, there were no cern- rocots. Hcwever the roll cail from Maple Grove at the District Annuai meeting wa s "Make our homes lovelier' as a centennial suggestion, By then the Federated Women's Insti- tutes of Canada had chosen "Make Canada Lvl"'as A special meeting of Clarkeî Town'ship Council wao heidý last week in the Town.ship! Hall, Orono. Reeve J. w. Stone presided, and ail memn- bers of council were present. Tenders far the proposedi construction of the CrookecU ICreek Bridge were received Sfrom E. F. Marston Construc- *tion, Limited, Port Hope, Mel-Ron Construction, Whit- by, and the Ganaraska Bridge' Company, Limited. ' On a motion by Couticillor R. G. Chater. seconded hy Deputy-Reeve L. A. Perrauli, Sthe tender of the Ganaýra.qka BiRrîdge Comrpany, Limited was accepted subjeet ta the ap-' provil of the Departinent of; HighwaYs of Ontario, aod Totten Sims Associates Limit- ed, Cons'ulting En g in e er s, were authorized to check the te'nder ad negotiate with the Ganarsakia Bridge Comnpanv' >and the Department cf Higli- Ways. Om Councillor OmeFalls, sec- Sonded by Councillor Lloyd SLowery, -moved that the tan-' Sder of King Seagrave, Limit-' ed, te suppl'y a sait and san'lf .spreadpr aq an extension or Ithe cont.ract awardIed hv the j United Countjps he brarccepted sub.ject, ta Department of fighways aPProval. This was carrjed. W. B. Bennett Paving Limit- td. Oshawa, Warren Ritu-, mous Paving Company Limnit- Pd. Downsview, and Hlarnden: and Kiniz Construction, Lin- ited, Cobourg, submitted ten- ders for an asphait apron in front of the new Township Shed, the entrance frein thr County Road to this shed, and two street.s in Orono te he ezurfaoed with a'pproximateiv three quarters of an inch of Dix Seal or equivalent ina- tes-l. Deputy Reeve Perrault ma%,- ed thal the price bid frein W. B. Bennett Paving Lirnit- ed Of $2,125 for the asphalt, apron in front of the Town- ship Shed, plus the entrance froqn County Road te the shed: and $2,850 for twoý streets in Orono te be surfac- ed with Dix Seai, or equiva- lent material, be acceptedý subject toaVihe approval of the, Denartment of Highways. Thics was seconded by Coun- ,,ilo: Lowery, and carried. i T never forgot a remark by aivteran of World War I on returning home from England which was that Canada seemed te need a shave. It is a pleasure to see we'l kcpt lawns, flowers, hedges and landscaping surrounding the smail householder prop- erties with a few farm prop- erties in likewise condition but on thse other land there are miles nf leaning fence posts, broken down fences, brush and weeds, papers and cigarette boxes. By the way, in a walk from the Bowmanville four corners ta Liberty Street last week, I was rather surpris- ed at thse amount of litter along the way. No doubt there wiil be an outcry that a dlean-up on this scale cannot be done, especially on a permanent basis. I say it can be donc and it would be an asset to Thse Great Pine Ridge Tour- ist attraction. Supposing, every sciseol teacher took a lew minutes te explain te even first graders that where we are living was once a beautiful dlean forest and how it was changed inte what it is now and then explain that our roadsides should be kept dlean as parks are . Sheep did a grand job 60 years ago The Women's Institutes could erganize bus trips te assess what should be need- cd and assist in any way possible alter the Junior Farmers, Council and Fed- eration cf Agriculture leck over. Junior Farmers might organize the young gentle- men (known as punks) who must disturb even the owls and bats between mid-night and daylight and seern te get a thrill eut ef driving over farmers' creps. Patrol men might cooperate. Line i themn up, supplied wîth saws and axes, and give themn the opportunity of getting a real thriilleut er splitting rails, cutting fence posts, brush and weeds, in spare time. Before Dariington Town- ship eperated a township dumping ground I appea]ed te the Durhamn Ceunty Fed- eration of Agriculture taen- operate with the W.I. in getting such a place but ne vision and ne ce-operation, Maple Grove W.I. sent a resolutien te ceuncil and got immedjate action frern the then Reeve, Mr. Roy Nichais. He had been look- ing for land. Anything from1 half-empty ketchup bottles and men's sox te bathroomn equipment adorned road- sides in Darlingtan Town- ship. Winter works pregrarn men wotild net need te worry. Alter Nov. Rth thp.re won't likely be any unein- ployment. Anyway, as a permanent project t h e r e should always be work. As for the Junior Farmers, the future belongs te the youth of teday. I weuid suggest that tise Junior Farmers make syýstematie use ef Hansard. Buy some copie.- and have regular dis- cussion sessions. If a copy of May, 1965, is available, Jr. Farmers should study page 964 je that copy befere considering Farm Credit Corporation Ibans. The future will be je great need cf hard - h ea d ed,î straight-tbinking statesmen of vision and courage. This is my contribution le zentennial project ideas. WVill be glad te have criti-* cisin and wili cooperate whole heartedly with any better suggestions. M. M. Snowden. M'rs. L. C. S.) Siri - 20(- Off Povdered Giant Box f~~M4ILrigitçrDETERGENT 69C ~ 1111~Betty rce 7 Varieties 19-oz. Pkg. CAKE MIXES 47C M EAT ifD.'li r TliIU A Ii 6p(oore eOf 3-l.P Fresh Canadian Lamb Tree Meal Variety - Roast, Chops, Stew LAMB IN A Tender Tasty Rib Loin LAMB CHOPS Meaty - Whloe or Haif Fresh Whole or Haif SHOP WITH- CONFIDENCEi LEG ROASI PORK GOENMENT-INSPECTEDI Special Deep Cut )onîno) Insitant COFFEE Clarks Condensed Fomato Soup i 1 r' Eam 2-oz Tin Lunch Meat 2189c Kraf t 2-lb. Jar Cheez Whiz $1119 6-oz. Jar 79 C 10-oz. Tin 9c lichinello Gauze lEA BACS ,hum - 2c Of Ail merchandise is guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Values Effective Until Closing Time, Saturday, October 2, 1965. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. om qk Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. Pkg. of q0's 99C 15-oz. Tin Fresh Bakery 9 2b 24-oz. Specia i ec s Ricbmello Plain - Cinnarnon Sugared Pkg. of 12%s DONUTS 2 for 49c Richmello Pkg. of 12%~ Richmello - 100% lVhoIe 24-oz. loaf WHEAT BREAD 19c Fresh Pro duce FIRM - GOLDEN YELLOW CH IQUITA Bananas Ont. Grown No. 1 Fancy McINTOSH APPLES SORîhAfcN GE S 21 fi-qt. Bsk. Vaeca-S 6 3 '35c KING ST. AND SIMPSON AVENUE (Highway No. 2, East) w v FOUffNTANEAD OF S!RVc -CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King Street West BwrmnviUe Tel. 623-2527 Head Office 19 Simcoe Street Nort, Oshawa Tel. 723.5221 1 ý i 1 1 PIN lerry ]Bryre, Toronto, were Cameron's. Concert Thursday evening ini recent visitersata Fred Cam- The concert on'- Friday nicht the church. ern's. in the new C.E. building hart Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheil, Mr. Russell Stainton return-; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas 1 gond atteridance and was e- Oshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. ed home on Monday afterýand dauRhters, Scarborough..jOý*ei bv ail.A .Stpesn pspendîng threc weeks in Mem- visited at Russell Stainton'sA.CStpno. ;cral Hospital, Bowmanviile.. on Saturdax. Mr. Leslie Taylor and Fred M.PtRoberts visited bis, xiie tCligodFi wf tToronto Generai Ho- Mir. and Mrs. Fred Dart and U K T NoSaudy pitai. Pri'-at2 Patients Pavi1-i famii, Woodviiie, were rec- Anmerfo lee o n dturds.HebrBon io.enMir. and HnrsToy DKni,. e neLindsay Fair. snand Dalis. -Zrng Branchp Mrs. Ines.Henry, Hamilton , Nr n 7Is oyK g O Wednesda\ e ve n in g, wre Sundiay ce r o M. a spent a few days with er nd daughters, Scugog Island, Sept. 29th. t 7:30 ie B rketon and Mrs. Leslio Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray'Mr. and Mrs. Edwic Geissber- Church Hall a mneeting is be- Thanik-Ofring z Octobe'r .$ Camoeron. ger, Daniel and Susie, Victoria ing held te organize a teeri- 31 et Burketon Unitt CisuTcis Mr. and Mrs. Russell Son- Corniers, visit.-d et Hans Geiss- age group for the communitv -Al are weicome. iley, Port Perry, visited aI Fred berger's Sr. XIIl teenage boys anid gir k Mr. and MNrs, Law.rence Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Eiwood Shac- frein cge 1'3 p are xwelconic. Carnechan and Glen, Oshawa, Mrs. Ray Camercin, Mrs. kieton, Mr. cnd Mrs. O. Hogg MIr and 'Mr.L. Sundýrlanci.w vth Mrs. E.('arnocisan. mIez Henry and Donna visitedand familx, Mr. and Mrs Don Toronto.wîth Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mis Fd. Brown at Don Prout's, Bowmanville.i Prout, Donnie and Randy, Frank Holrovd on Sunday and Wanda, Toronto. 'ith -Mr. George Sonley, Mrs.'Bowmac'ille, visited at Ray, Don't forget the \ arietv Mrs. F CarneehPn. AÀExcifingWay To IYNCA$II! &rIGvoui (Al Win Country Girl Purmair MUR S c91b Clarke Countil