f - se, ine 1 sim u tiý,Ë.RCH--D LVÉKN- EST BUY' Save C10' OE R Dkg en.rayabe aflernoon B.A., LL.B. Gussprfeeni Mrs. Alfred, Bar'iser - Solicitor iMA G R N2 57 A 'eMs. -John Crirruksha ,h, King St. W. Newcastle -M Chaules Naylor. Mrs Jack Phone 987-46.33 MR A McNahMus. Russell Robbins,' Heurs: 9-5:30 - Wed.,_Sa.9-11 BEST BUY' Save 12e! EN O AO lo ote t u. eord Cameron, u.:~~Ea T~ iD iet Flintoff. Mua. Harold ' Barristers, Solicitors S R E an T iE'l a(U Bennet. Mus. Me] Morgan,' NtresPbi mu Ms. Wes Hoakin and Mus. NoQ.C. KETCHUPe3à69c W Il I P P I N G C R E A waaxleyogehaught bark A.A. H. CStrike. B.A. , EST BUY' Save 7r!4o:Tn when we thought of 1these BA LL.B. pioneer workers who have 40 King St. W. - Bawmanvill goeonae______oet, lehne63-71NIBLETS C r 1 5 HALF ýTaylor, Mus. Louis Larîder, j ___________.*' BEST BUT' Save 6e! Qu'hko ntn ag k Mus James Heuring, Mus. cýMyron Rabbins, Mus. Roland:.i.o r t g a ge s, PI T'Bal! Mus. James Cameî'on, -------- ___ Mus Thomas Marlin, Mus. SADIE, HAMILTON - OROiii'! __________________________!_William Lavis, Mus. John Phone 1 r 16 Q A E Truil, Mus. Wesley Glaspell. First Mertgage Funds BFST BUT' Save l12rL!R Anv 8z i PHONE 623-S44 FOR DELIVERY Mus. Percy Langmaid, Mus. Rf sidence - Farina Josepb Langmaid, Mus. Authur ;3usiness Poperties Langmaid, Mus. Walter Lang- OMT maîd, Murs. Wcstev' Brooks, 0p to m etr T MA O J ICy9 ilVr-z. William Reekell. Mrs.__ _____ _______ Jesse Arnott. Mus. William' KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. A L GR V RE & WH T J À Fice, Mrs. Leslie Warren. Mus.ý Optornetrist G LE I I~ L ~ .RY Herb Flintof!, Mus. S. G.'143 King St. E. - BowmanvWie, Chant. Mus. Bert Neutheott, ' Office Hours: By appointaient1 R IHS R D H T rn Mrs. Walter Armour. Mrs. Rua- Telephone 623-3252 C R IHRE & WT E e KING T W-BOWMANVILLE q sel Peukinç, Mus. Johnl Mon. - Tues.- Thurs. - Frt Shackleton, Mus WesleY NMc-; 9a.a. p. P ED& H5E N wtnvll Majàoer. 10r; Hor1 Pascae and Thursdaý evenings P C ' E HT Mis. Chas. Stainton, Wed. and Sat. - 9.- 12 I d bvChrys.t1J of$100. Due te the fact that~ Th Cnaia Satsan Ewmnill, er, it provides the fastest aâ r and fls. Ja mlleson !h hamber were nlot able toi otr effiientemp feratufr place a game ini the midway I eotroliystem eve roffred frmimoe questioned whether orM o o b n odtonsm .radwîto o e r r vu notet iChamber shouldths w year make the grant of New StylinglaandfoPerformanceilvr Anniversairy Th dicimowas reoledOn OUtb niesr this w y amo g, wonh the -D istinguish the '6 6 D odge Plrfou thiswa sedan-, Mr. end Mra. Oscar Jacnie-' n»m, Waverley Road. dn n mîae fthe Dres-'Mn redadi two-seat wagon; three-seat-SOfl, Of Peterbor'ough, were 1 On belhelf of the rflatives,j ham Central Agricultural So,-icalled on Mr. and M:s on'n ss pI ettdh wagon., pleaaantl 'v surprised recentlyMrs. Doris~ Cameron Of Osh-liety tio be present at the nextiD. Brown, Orono, lastSua.Mr.WnLk. c~t* Polara 440: two-door bard- when a rtumber of theiT er ýawa made the presentation o!,ein g of the ChaTnber tojSept. l2th, te congrtlt u n Ms îw eev top; four-door sedan; two-seat, est relatives from Bowinan-twenty..five siver dollars. :ics iepaeeto :hn nteocso ftîi dnay]~evgfsadwr wao:three-seat wagon. vil adsrrounding district Polara 880: two-door bard- arrived to help thçxn cele-i A tasty lunch, iinclud.ing an-igaine in the annua] fair and,6t edn niesr. oie t esgso top; convertible; four-doo runte their forthcoming silver' nîversarycae wsseedhenna donation. tws Mr. and Mrs. Bion.bt(Onruaios ro the 'sedan; four-door hardtop. wo wedding enniveriry and a social t4me enjoyed.lpoint.ed out that the ChamberibOiorn poerfrsna uc.PieM'sc e seatwago; thee-eat agon AMrd Aun, ctin as as-When the gupsta- departed, aîlhad cleared $400 at the tair:Oronn, have spent thei orso. M.Jh lefîakr - ~~~Monaco: two-door hardtop; fer o! cerernonies, exiplained expressedtehp htmn~ls er iei bscrrîîi~ hyPeirRb t swI st~ covrtible. the reasôn fer the unexpect o od tmsmih e ettr of tha rns vasueoilv.eHe-Marid n 10 t 'telua ener fPîlae - -- visit, He reciaIîedimany eensjoyed wit'h this hospitableioelvedfo heOooJu are.W . of th Motier nte Cessfo îsau v tha t had taken place over the couple.Gadnrfragrnofssaw oftebdspres.u.a r ereStp, The letter aise pointed out!Mr. and Mus. Albert T lyn rFe tais vr.E -~ OBITUARY vears, sijice ~he September 14. Congratulations, Elsie and ha 40 children were now en- Cedardale Farms, OronPiorGift.atc odi:[r 1940 weddîing at "Allindtale Oscar!rollèd in the organization. totei etirerent. a]rot2 FakKo.Kîgtî,Ms JAMES G. FERGUSON F. E. L.ycett reported mi thelyeais ago. Mr. and Mus.BonlriiAo, ear ad -~~~~~~~~ ~~~The death of James Gordon' I Ii meeting of the Underpass:spei their etîtire lifreo h e.Otwa r rn a F $-~~~~~~~s: ~~~Ferguson, aged 56 years, ne Jon na n e i i Cominittee with the OronoiBrown bomcstead. rwo x n ohr.Iuîtn u curred suddenlyi at his reqî- ;WI Police Tiute when discus.iFarrm" immediatels nrthoadMs egîî llns .. dence. 152 Base Line Rd.,î incnrde both an u- h village.Gan VlevMu Wr A. !Bowmanville, on Saturday, eps noOnoaogwt Thverblsev - ~~~~~~~~~~September 1l, 1965. N oh at i a rParking con the Main street.childtuent: James (decesd.Gau.Li n it -~~~ - ~~~~<' ~~ Born at Trenton, Ont., he! Mr. Lycet.t stated tihat theiMarion. O sh aw~a: Eeei l..M.aî u hs uk was the son of the late Mr. Police Trustees arp to cootactiOrono; LeRoy. Lindal n e.alo oot:M.ai and Mrs. Malcolm Fergusan.F I U .L the Chamber when furtheriOlive (Mus. EdwardMîîn>Mu.eoeShv aifn- Al e received his education iii t C st oo iVIUIinforrnation, is ava lble. Ororîo. Thpy are thi ru l.Ohw:M.adMs Trenton Schools. On Jaarl -Mr'. LuOO înformed the grand pa rents'o! 10 grandhl-,hs~1 oe. M',Pr W'~~~~~p 112 1935, he married the form- FGoîirteen member,% of the, treasurer, R.ay Diekson, re- meeting thet he had again ren and tour- great-grandhl-Hp.adM n r.Ae .....r..e..hed..a.ellwh OrnoChÇbe oi Cmmecî pôrted that1,tthe street fair h ad >sx>krrî te Mu. Carruthers con-en vo eeaipretfuCauleîs M.P. i ~ survives. e1Oi hr o.Cmec erning the underpass intoithe haPPY occasion. At the ti me or bis death,:met on Monday, Set. 3tbh atnetted a sain of $765.01 OGrenaO. Mr. Carruthers. he The guests were recive ;r egsnwas an em- th Duteh Oven ti mLn 212wsfo i still feels strongîy ttlatËthe iinniediate famoil n Me-. eguo Restaurant.1 the fifty- fifty draw. The totaliOoowar1asuha n saued t i hnue Polaîîtha is asie andployee o! the Goodyear Tire &1 P. M. Iunîn, president, presid-, tk t h tre arc ncotoarats Villa e lcopld e h eesronddWhtW STYT Dramnatic new ideas in styl-imade in the Dodge oaittiseirad more con-iRubber Company plant hiere!ed over the meeting. 'arourited t $1,107.95. The Alttr va ueivd]b mn'eutf loltb jng, performance, pcious-iline-up with the addition ofjvenienit ta aperate yet safer and bad been eniployed thr Uurn à meeting the, treasurer alo reported a bank wîcîi a one u httsTegetbc a h' E__ ,mess and comnfort distinguishinew Polara 880 six-passengerithan any previaus design. isfor approximately 23 wtheueîDurîng P/otTANDSPRXWTeEgtes bok Dodge for 1966 and nine-passenger wagos. introduced. Particularly secureHlis hobbies were'huntnrdl ~ balance cf $1.375.22. 'The stu-wr viaî hiteddb h orgadU WVÀIetf iB sns ireCiGrv ident tîniversitu Joan wouid;sekî vrIjuj~~ No less dramatîc is the new! Four series - Polara, Polarajagaînst being inad%,eitent1ylfishing, and he was an en-i UUStOSS U$1,000.00 of iblis amnuntlwoui"d speak a>0 Centennial i daugbters, Evelene Roi pitfinish, Acrylustre, that4A40, Polara 880 and Monaco i!opened by a bump by a knee thusiastie follower of hockeyj Ogaifrtevr 16.SnaBow.El icmsin an array of dazzling are available on a wheelbaseiOr elbowv, it is aiso designed and basebali. c!takche as hetsuif :7.2ti]1 ete rl6ISathdrii lle n ad AOEFII )O ièw colours, and requires only of 2 inches and have an imn-ito blend in with trîm new arm- Surviving, besîders bis wi!e adJh tnte ibeýTawspue rn an simple buffing to keep it in,!pressive overaîl lengtb of 213irests. are five saris, Clhotan. Fred,;i RY J. DILLING -àa'isbl are to obtairia speaker tb at- beautifully adornied withvit lghowroomn condition. ' inches. i Cornpletcly inevfl or(O-, Dennis, Danny and Allen, and; Cbarteued Accountant Presiderit L.uriîî ueporlted1 tend] the nexi, meeting and toZad g aid, centued by1v ei ,. Painstaking attention taen<r The svelte Monaco series isles add be auty and fuîli'tiori'two daugbter 1s, Beverley~ and, P3 Church Street that bhe Chamber had ot pek on Centenniai puo- three-tier cake. Thos wb ginerig etal as esuteitrmmd wtb fne aite the flodge interiars, and ac-'Dianine (Mrs. Fred Gibson), 623-3861 conducted any games this y ear 'ý gr am.Te 'he saiepured w e r e: MissSde trifuthr nhancing the notedistripe that !iows back alongicamufldate a choice cf two al a! Bowmanville. n ENR AMSBOK t the Orono Fair' due to theto0 invite representatives frein Brown, Mrs. R. Caldwel.Mu. Vilg performance and ride. :the body sides. Fender mount-,1 new gear selector levers. The The funeral service ws Cbarteued Accountant cagsbigîve elcl te oa raiai~irs am u.Fe The expansive interiors o! ed turo signal indicators add a autam1atic transmission leverbeld from the Marris Firnrl Trustee in Bankruptey in the niidway arnd aise te the th e area. Mi'. Stonre, reeve ofi1TambiiiMus. Rttssel Oni -bedge are made even more!sparkle ta the Dodge Monacoiha a pusb-button lockingýChapel. Bowm-anville, on Tires- Suite 205W 725-9953 Iack Of men ta operate thel the Townîship of Clarke. also tari. Murs. Everton WhitM. exciting through the pleasingfiranî-end appearance. imeclianist-i on top cf the knob'day, September 14th, and was.;i Oshawa Shopping Centre j game. T. was slated that the[ poioXe ut that the Township Lloyd Ashton, Mis. Wlîî -ise of new-style bucket seats,ý Pleasing ta the eye and aise that thie driver cannat mis-'conducted by Rev. J. S. Gil- 1-- --! Cbanîber xvas In he chargedilhad been requested to set, up Bowman, Mus. M. J. MTnîio dlistinctive consoles and ricb;boon te driving comfart aretakenly select reverse, christ, B.A., of St. Andes WM .H CGIS $40.00 along with 2,51,'cf theia Centennial Committee tae u.Lsi ceMs v -combinations of vinyls andithe new shelîhlype bucket, he lackaut feature is aiso Presbyteuian Church. Inter-! Chartered Accountant irevenue Mi'. Lutn felt this, prOg9ram centennial evenserel.Brown, Mus Leln . textured cloths. ;seats that corne with wider;5R"ailable in the console- ment was in Bowmanville Second Floar iwas ton mucli. during thek Centennial year ofBrown, and Mus. RujssiVa [4 ' Crisp, clean lines of Dodgeseat cushions and bigher seaîinounted foiiu-speed manual;Cernelery. New Library Building 16.-Tre oe .or 1966 are set off by a bold,!backs and a new hinging ar-1transmiiss]in lever. Palibeareus weue Nis Wor- 'Cor.King & Temperance Sts. Thi-, hrought fori, thor.h re- .~The table was aiteriddh dI egl andshaped agmn ta loseiil Atcoee orteprhp Mayor Ivan Habbs ___ Phone 623-3612 îuetfrOm thre Fait' Board foriMrs.Fale Bow, rs talradneglta se d neallracesfrn e arat lasensilrf c-mniddcrifIo bth lessiP oranMuJIIlbollnd,I WILISON &_BU1RROWS -a-' f 1 for the school; Ihe NwPkly payroll for more BI aand16TEMPERANCE ST iights gers ~~moun e oateconsole~. Ga et rR te . CaredAcanpna ir abe lwrepd a !t ane,0 ora lators o !and e res hme hnou op le. An mncrease tb 30 models 1l' A new insîde daor handie The brawny new Maximu li 1 L oser. 3. ig t . OhwO thgien hmerFa]lad la sunat!aineaa os 00000daughtersof MaeionoadOlvb ----Performance 440 cubie inch;b------FaP oad tneusnOsaw _$,00,00________, aronan V-8 engine heads tbe Dodge I Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. engine line-up. Other enginesZIl~ G. Edmnond Burrows, C.A. available range fr'ont the PoMO78-55N - - ' thrifty 225 cirbic inch six cyi-HLLPRKN C.wm uw UU Dsoitrce inder. through the strdy318 1I.(XW. News & Reg. 70! 9-oz& CO. 7, ubc ncbV- t th b-pu- The Afternoon Unit. of Zion *hartvred Accouritants 'vforrance 383 cbic incbi V-8. U.C.W. met ii the curch on King Street - Newcastle i9 Refinernents ta drive train 'Sept. 8ltb at 2 p.m. vben past, 987-4240 .,.aoi 1~futbrad tehie W. weue their, guests. » King St. E.- Oshawa alrnnt lu ne w evnie 72b5-o6t5W..ad3C9e.<1e 1 z ~, 'J~+I ~ p~e~ characteristie Dodge shabiiitv Ail ougan prelrîde bý Mu-S.72-59Vp-u 4c in keeping with the high 1lev Chas. alr r(ede iWîlaî.HaBCo , C.A. " LiA8~'y - els o! performance and dura- cipeniig of this reunion meit David G. Perkin, C.A. IEg 9!3rz U ~~%~OS j r *~~< îlitv that are backedi byling. Unit Leader Mrs, Buad - -_________ '< ~Chrysler's five-yeau, 50.000.; ley, in a few wouds, extended Chi rp a cti i mrile power train warranty. a sicere 10 o e ery- _ hirop17(. 20-0z. TinsCog Syu i %, y Engineering advancements one. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Iîb lîe s..kr~in the Torqîrefllite transmissionl Sinice "Fiieiidsbip' was ti Chiropactorf i t~ ... ;ns~ nurber of optional tire sizesBradley used a reading, -Let 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey KeSeet. a 1e ....................... and axle ratios bring a newv me introduce my Friend", with! 'lîone 623-55(09 Save 8e! Z Pk Pkl BEST BUt ISav 17'! MORED J-lITE Dodge speedometers and ado- "Wbat a Friend WVe -ave in -- l'~dr Fuime powerJesus' astaa intud4ct10n$1 Fulpwrassistance dur-';the wr anppe ta- olow Dle n f i pton So p R LIsI1CA K EpkgsS. igparking niovernents is ai ing tihis, the gond nid hymnn .-- Save 13e! Apl tnueof the 1966 Dodge"Jesuis is AIT the Waridt DRKnS. W . BUDEL vl, D.D. Save n hple 20-oz.'lTis BF%'I Rh Save 10c! CATFJLIUS 16-oz k E Iower steering systemrs 'Me" wvas sung by everyonep.i Office Hours - ,E HREPLCISI N Brake linîngs on al] DodgeiScriptuî'e reading, taken frorn iPi ~~ models have been increased inJbn15:12-17, was presented C 9 an, Std6 pan.daSui]yPie FillerslJ0 sgheMat ...AN -S VEMuNEY ithickness for langer life. andiby Mrs. Torr Sobi], Mus. Carl Ofice Phone - 623-5790 Save 20c! ('urtiss or Planter% a onldIgetin la new power bînkebooster de-IBradle'y ad Mus. 'Ray Carnt-m e hoNwater..9R.7-F.4A261NDS Babutter CutterF10e re av ie sîgned ta give the driver aion. Closing hymn "Lea e._ neecat 97-21 ay uhButr îgesBJ BIIY' Save 16c! White or Coloured Toillef i~î realsticfeelforthelon the Evelasting Ar a!D.c ATAD1lcSz 'Aodon peboapckage policyfom te exact amount of pedlefatfollwed by prayer. OfficeChcat FIi L4 OIhrsePr iu la introduced. Mus. Naylor opened tibel7 Kinig St. E. Bowmanville S anroilsîb R0TALrpO.OND0N & LANCASRU InsuranceTo meet the most demandîngiprogram with a îoveîy organ Office fleurs: BA S L W ite I Sw ance8 Conip"um. ae ySaw 1%. road and traffic conditions,.Isolo. Mus. Bradley intraduced 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily SBARS 12 R'8e Pkl calipe'-type dise brakes fOrIguesh speaker Mus. Kennetb Closed Saturday and Sunday Save 36c! 20c Off Pack 2-lb. Save 16c! Sv 2,Sv It'.a fexibe pckag ida! Vux frontbl. wheels are now avalil-lWerr%, Newcastle. Mis. Werry Telephone:_ Office 623-5459 Nestie's CULVERHOUSE Supreme Brand CLEHF _ tagbatjweleranf,.scnbadedheavyduty drum brakes on 1965. and wewere rdelighted;[L.D.S., DDIl K9<CHice Pikle COIC Sveor ta oat, eeleyan ur anb addrear wheels. ran1thr xta have ber back withbus.; Office in his home UIK4 89 ~dCaroS Bd t' Hit KELGreen' -md yousave evn more.Among temn te xHer addi'ess, based on Frieiîd-;100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvîlle Sv c!1-7Nt ied Carr20 oTs Bor Sea'BtReh2 :r nFae citrng new options offeued onsbip, proved the necessity bo Phone 623-5604e 07 Pks.nz in r wetReis 0-7 the 1966 Dadge modelsaraîe aipractice this ini aur darlylOffice H7ours : ANe~TIM 1 A GOOD T1MTCREm1w yom Imulti-positian steering wbeel, lives, and kîînw the enJoymen t 9R.M. teoQp.m. daily insf alSUSafloe no pll s o ag i si-wyl.a ajuser adix-wayfrm oigCiosedWednnsda Sri Fresday 3 8 fo $ 4und $ 5 fo itover with you, either NOW or before 1 i odtoig Business reports were brie!.ý yourThe adjustable stepring wlieel Minutes adaptedi as wî'itten. iT prm Mrneexpire. provides bath tilting and telles- Mrs, Tr'acy Glaspeli1 gave t he i n s u r a n c le i Ontario Finest Mclntosh Fancy 6-qt. Basket ]peily Selected-VauChk'- ad 'A caigfeatures. The wliîeel:î1eas-- _ _ may e mved orethanthueaureî"s repart. Anothex' re-, DONALD A. MaeGREGiÏR- ml back ad forth oi the ninder ta keep îu'ack af 0o11,: LifeNAuto. Home À&TM11