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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1965, p. 8

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~. - - .j~- - - . - - The Canadian Statesn,, Bowmmnvtfe, Sept. 29, 196 SPORTropmcs By Frank Mohun f 623-7234 HALL FINALLY BEATS MOSPORT L Atter five years of brying Jini Hall, the wealthy Young Rie captured the Canadian Grand Prix i a bhriiling duelI with New Zealand's Bruce McLaren before 21,600 roaring 1This had ta be the best race ever at thc 2.4 mile wind- Goodyear Lge. bn rack. And strangely enaugh the way things were going Three shutouts wcre reg- It appeared that it was dcstined ta be a real fizzlc. . istered in Goodyear League Fîrst af ail it was Hall's Chepparal that konked out In bowling Thursday night as he îwas crne Braiders belted Machine Shop, Thursday's trials, but a spare motar which h Hay cri se ardtoifyul remedied that. Then a bad accident ta 1964 racing car champ- pardon the expression) the ion John Surtees ellminated him from bthc race. . Lead Press and Tigers wal- Surtees, eading tcam-mate Jackie Stewart around the loped Riggers ahi by 7-0 track in a drive ta acquaint the Scottbsh ace with Mospart's counts. Banbury defeated Fan Beits curves, suddenly let the asphaît. lb was bbe first turn wben 5-2 while Beits dropped a 5-2 bis Lola T-70 vaulted a mouud o! eartb, flipped some 3o decision ta bhc Boiler Room. feet in tbe air and pinned Surtees beneath. His condition Murray Graut's 340 gaime took high single honours, fol- waa listed as critical, but by Saturday marning he was off lowed by Dick Perfect 283, thc danger list, with a fractured spine and pelvis. Howard Bromeil 282 and Ai! Saturdey marning, Eric Braadicy, designer o! the Loae, Reudle 278. annuncd tat e hd oderd Sewat'switdraalunt il Grant racked up an 803 total annonce tht hehedardred tewrt' witdraal, for high triple mark, other they could check bis car tharoughly. He was schcduled ta high scores gaing ta Jack Bond drive an exact replica ta Surtees. 753, Bud Henning 705, M. With bbe field reduced ta same 21 cars, the top drivers Thompson 699 and Brian In earlier production sports and under 2 litre sports races Martyn 686. ,wene invited ta filbbc grid. Nine accepted and thnee of the fnisedseventb, cighth and ninth in the big race. M ixed M ajor This year, forth first time, drivers circled the track L once, lcaving tbc start at orne 45 to 50 miles per bour, ae g ue lnstead o! from a stopped position on tbc gnld. Suspension Leon Connors burned up difficulties causcd Canadien ace Ludwig Heimrath ta not thce licys on ihe 20th o! Sept. even get started. Ottawa photographer John Powell, wbo by rolling a high single of sustained a broken ieg, when hit In bbc pits, was joined by 378 and foiowcd up with a *hssistant starter Tom cIIn lowtabrk egs 242 and 219 gaine for a nice -the MaMsllan, also withrarbroken legras triple o! 839. Harald Ballem, * Ui cas cmpltedthei rolin strt.back in formn agein, roled Dan Gerber said "I feit a tbump, sew aomething flying 342, 319 an-d 258 for bhc high over my windsbield and wbcn I ]ookcd back a man wes triple o! 919. Ernie Perfect -Iyng ehid te cr. din'texpct nyoe o th trckrolled 338 and 221 for a 733 -lyng ebid bc ar.I ddnt epec anon onbbctraktriple. -Hilda Brock kept in :and I don't care whet they say, I wasn't trying anytbing there for the ladies, rolling illegal." 286, 244 for a triple o! 724. Augie Pabst' McLaren Cbev burned somewbere on bhe Albert Samnan 260, 251 Zourse aften he bad managed some 16 miles. Wc didu't sec (689); . PHolroyd 28, 205 the driver, wbo escaped injury or bis car. But just pat bbc (68); M.H. Blanti 26, 20 starting grid anather guy probably wisbes he bad neyer (666); K. Biekeil 278, 209 ,lieard o! the Grand Prix. 1654); F. Thomson 253, 218 Herb Swan got bis chance, wben "Cbuck" Dietrich, one -of the under 2 litre replacements dropped out. Henb's car .eaugbt fine, and aeeing a couple o! stewards near-by be -pulled aven and very niceiy esked tbem ta put lb out. "lbt ..aonly a littie flame," moaned Swan, "but bhc first three ýextinguisbers bhey tnied wene empty." Another cheveu thet 'did work were used on the bhazing structure, which by now :was sending billowing black arnoke bigb juta bbc sky. Finaily ihey just left ilta burn out as Hcnb dejectedly walked away. - Meanwbile back et bbe race, Hiall quickly moved up ta ýhfrd by bbc eightb iep, alter tartiug in l8th position. lêcLaren bed won bhc pale position, cqualllng Hall's record 4lme o! 1:27.2, and he did lb while drivîng bis own McLaren .1ldsmobile in bbc wrong geer most o! tbe wey. -David Hobbs maintained second wibh Chai-lic Hayes Ïountb, as Pedro Rodniguez bidding for bis third streight Yecpso Coa Tropby dropped quickly from bis third place itent ta fifth. It soon developed inta a tarrid two car race as both j4cLaren and Hall lapped Rodriguez, wha bad ta make two pit stops. Pedro soon found bimself relogabed toa t beat a *hind place finish as bbe leaders opeued Up a buge 14 mile $riargln. * On bbe 37th circuit, Hell was locked lu an officiai lime o! 1:26.6, bneaking tbc cxistiug mark. Then McLaren gecided ta gel into bbc act, clipping 1/lOth o! a second off that. On tbc 66th, tbey bath turned lu fabulous runs as Hall roarcd around iu 1:26.3, but bbc New Zealander made ib lu J:26 flat. Hall finaily pushed iuta bbe lead, twice an successive circuits but McLaren over-took bbe Chepparal on bbc straigbb- Ikway. Then Hall movcd ou top ta stay lu the 92nd lap, and two laber hie amezced evenyoue witb a fantastic 1:24.9 time. Iu bbc final Hall opened up a langer leed, but McLaren* fesperately trying ta win, closcd bbc gap ta a mere car length as bath cens flesbed acrostbc finish Une. Alter 250 ~iiles only 1/Sbh o! a second scperatcd bbc twa drivers as VIall finally cauquered Mospont. - Surpisingly there wa s'Çr-elittl i.. i.,.Unn ih.A 1. ..a.. (631); M. Annaert 283 (629),- S. B3.ickell 231, 2415 (623); J. Murphy 280; M. Murphy 271; J. Sutcliffe 241; V. Ruddy 230; L. Wright 218; D. Wright 217, 215; J. Webb 216, 212; J. MeNulty 213, Yours truly better start taking basons on thc aide or retire altoget-her but ll keep tryiug and maybe lIlI get off the bottoni berfore bbc season le over. On behahïf o! bbe League, I would like ta extend aur sin- cere Sy'nPatby ta Bernice Bud-ay an the lmof h! er bus- band Bih, and hope ta aee ber back bowaing w:tb us again in the near future. Teain Standings Anuaert.......... ----6455 6 Biekeli ,............. 6304 41 Buday ............... 5984 41 Patfield -...-------5804 3 Perris............5572 1 Joi.... .......5328 0O Averagesi P. Dobbins.................. 267 H. Ba.llem ............... 260 E. Perfect ..............-245 B. Buday.......240 L. Connors............*"«'*»236 H. Baliantine ............231 M. An'eert ..............229 F. Th'onson................ 228 A. Sayian. .......«............ 223 f H. Brock..................... 215 v D. Jolil--- .................. 214 t L. Wright... .............. 26 v O. P til ........... 204 3 'LADIES" MAJOR 1BOWLING eut Saturdey imorniug. However, a large crawd o! carlier O Etcher sole Possession of *rrivals forced officiais ta open gates at 4 a.m., two hours first place in Ladies' Major ahead o! schedule. This scribe, while making his rounds o! action last Manday night. Hazelton shut out Brooks 3-0, the track, stepped on a haruet, who didn't take toa kindly and Buttonshaw downed Ten- Ia aur approach, Came ta thirîk o! it there must have been nant ta mnove iuta a share o! aR whole tribe o! them, because now we've gat an ankle second, anc point off the pace. ibout twlce it's normal size. We did have ta uphold the E. Etcher trouuced Bickell 3-0, as two of last week's hanour of the press, but we sure weren't going as far as that leaders both lost via the shut- photographer. out route. Baker edged Haynes t t tt . 2-1, while Patfield defeated LADIES SOFTBALL Bowers 2-1. Marion Slaght took over the Canadian Tire trailed \Vhitby three games ta two in top average with a bi.g 72,5 their best o! seven Durham Ladies final, headiug into hast triple, includiug the high single tilght's game in Whitby. We hope ta have a report on the game 285. Barb Buttonshaw eonestin imeforthi edtio. I a eveth ameis eeddhit for a 655 total, followed cit eti n ime forthi edii om nvi. I e e t am s n e e by Cecile Bowers 652, M arg At w il b pla ed i Bow anviie.Perris, Shirley Bickell and -i. - .June Baker, all at 651. Other top singles went ta LEGION BESTS GOODYEAR Shirle Bickeli 277, Barb Bt Legion downed Goodyear 18-12 Saturday at Sauthview to1nsbaw 268, June Baker252, te win the inter-league golf championship. The rubber- Linda McRobbie 252 and Ber- workers badl pulled off a slim onc point edge lu their first!nice Terry 251. meeting carlier iu the summer. Teain Standings O.* Etcher 5 Maxie Yourth led the winners wvth a nice 83 ta capture Hazelton -_______4 low grass hanours, while Ernie Dickens, who fs trylng ta Buttanshaw 4____ master a golf club, the same way he did a hockey stick, Baker _____ 31/2 bad the low net score of 72. Patficld 3i Brooks ____ t ~- r j ~E. Etcher 3 S$RUINS PLAY AT OSHAWA ýTennaut ___ Boston Bruins o! the N.H.L. and Central Pro League Biekehi_________3 Q)klahoma City will play an exhibition game at Civie Aui- n -- torlum Saturday night. Bwr f KTBL , * T t 200 Gaines BASKEBALLC. Bawers 221, 223, 208; M. on1Cale 224, 213; H. Piper 203, A. Town League Basketball will be getting undcrway 'f Bous 220, M. Perris 245, 213; Octaber 12th a Tuesday night. Teamas are requested to note M. Wiseman 222, S. Bicklc 277, tilat this is a change from lest season, wben action took 215; J. Baker 252, 227; B. place' on Wcdnesdays. iTcrry 251, B. McDonald 200, J. Tennant 211, L. Martyn 210, Anyone wishing ta play in the league is asked ta contact L . Baker 217, B. Buttoushaw Jtihn Lunn, Don "~Pop" Marbin or Ray Wallace as soon as 1268, 233; S. Sutdliffe 211, D. possible. lRowe 206, Shirley Fowler 214, One new sosrha bee added ti es- ht S. Greenham 210, E. Mitchell sponor s e ths seson- Wyte200, D. Brooks 220, T. For- Eras. Upholstery ta regulars Stephen Fuels, Hooper': Jewel- rester 217, L. Hazelden 239, lmr and Coronation Cafe. M. Slaght 285, 200, 240; L. Mc.- T ~ .....ie 252, B. Piper 209,, S. JUNIR MN's OCKY LEGUEBiekeli 217, 219; D. Preston JUNIR MET'SHOCKY LEGUE216, M. Brooks 208, S. Ogden .L Anyone lnberested in playing in the Junior Hockey 202, D. Annaert 233. L1ague this year please contact AI Cole as soon as passible. Top 12 Averages League wlll starb around the 17th of October. M. Siaght - 236 M. Perris ..224 tt t t t B. Buttonshaw -_____215 JUNIOR MEN'S SOFTBALL BANQUET O. Etcher -____213 On Saturday, October 9th, the Junior Men's Softball J. Baker ---______212. League wilI hold their Banquet at thc Menioriai Park Club. DC Brooks 201 bouse at 6:15. Anyone interested, please contact Frank Brit- S. Bickell _________19 ton, AI Munday, Bruce Adamns and Alan Cale. Tickets arc B. Terry ______192 $&.00 single or $3.75 a couple. Ail phayers please contact P. Hayrnes _______189 & g.S. Bickle 189 paier coaches by Saturday, October 2n4 il vou are gig T. Forrester_____ 187 tE ai 71 7C n( 2S 27 Ja se Bi Legion Wins Hooper Trophy On Saturday, there was a fair turnout of golf pl Bowmanville Legion at Bowmanville Golf & Curling of their two part annual tournanient. Goodyear were1 the first half, but their opponents forged ahead on t. by five points. Photo shows Aif Samelis, Goodyear ing over the Hooper Jewellcry trophy ta Legion Leag IDarlington Soccer In the first gaine of the day, Zion h-ad ta win ta keep Senior Saccer finals in Zion, their bopes alive. They de- Saoline dcfeeted Zion 2-0 with feated Sauina 2-0 lunZion. E. Wcnry and John Werny Rick M&Leean and Wayne Jar- scaiing the goals. Sauina had den scared Zion's goals. As lb most o! thc play but couldu't was secs- froni bbc sidelines, get thei.r combination o! hall Solina played a very slow chicking for thein as they gaine iustead of their usuel missed ou mauy occasions. bard running game. Zion took Iu the second game lu Sa- edvantage of aillbhc breaks lu lina, Saline played heads up Saline berritary es tbey out- ball as they scored a 3-0 shut- bustled theni. out, wlth AI Westiake picking- The next gaine is Wedînes- Up bhree goals. Frank Sobil day night et 6 p.nu. et Saline. had no chance ou AI's blister- If there is another gaine it ing goals into thr corners. will be played lu Zion on Iu the third gaie on Satur-, Sa*unday nl-ght, Oct. 2ud. Men's Major League, This wvas a real big wee for the Major League bowler with three bowlers crasâirý the 800 mark. Russ Hallmai w~as tops with games of 233 314-310 for a grand totalo 857. Presideut Bob William had 850 (260-266-324), Ciar ence Oke 823 (305-295-223). Ten bowlers had 700 or bet ter. George Bebee 771 (325) [ack Bond 760 along with th îigh single game, 334. Dr. E B. Rundie 758 (281-287) M!auritz Anneart 739 (266), A Osborne 730 (285), Bob Rici .rds 721 (281), Bud Bartei 719 (292), George Stephen o oftball fame 706 (285), Larri Piper 705 (301), Art Rowi 00 (287). Elton Brock had a big 32( single game, Bob Lawton,. new member o! the league 94; Jim Callan Jr. 288, Jacl Parker 286, Rau Maynard 283 Karl Bickell 279, AI! Samefll 77, Russ 1{ately 268, Mati [arrison 266, Bob Kent 262 ack Lander 260. Bruce Adams rolled thE ;ason's iow single game, 94, Bill Orme had 100 and George F REEGOLF FOER THE Balance of The 196.5 Season -AT - 1 " Erin fi " Golf & Country Club wlth c $25.00 deposit on your 1966 cmi' membershlp. 1966 RATES: Sr. Mca-- $ 75.00 Sr. Ladies $ 40.00 Juniors - $. 525.00 Marrled Couple - 105.00 Family -.-' 125.00 18 Moles - Snack Bar Swmmming Pool Restaurant 9 miles east of Oshawa en north aide of Taunton Road. nrs îg o! r-, t- le of re a e, !k 3, s15 lb Glanville 110. George also' bed low triple 407, Mike1 Murphy 417, Coulson WoolnerI 450. The Liberty Bowl tem cap- bured bbc bigh triple, 3556, and tbc Bowmanville I.G.A. boys had tbc bigh single, 1294. Larry Piper bas negained first place lunbbce vereges with 251 for nine games, Clan- ence Oke and Ruas Hallmn arc tied at 241. The Bawmanville I. G. A. teeni is Ieading lu bbc beam standing, baving wou and lost ouly one match. The Pepsi- Cala team halds down second position with a record a! seven wins and twa defeats. Standings End of Third Week Flrst Schedule Teani I. G. A. Pepsi Cala Heu dry Motars- Jury & Lovel . "Frank's Variety - 4 re Liberty Bowl 4 -Beaver Lumber --4 Selby Grant Heat. 4 Nels Osborne Ius. 3 Dykstra's Food ---3 Ken's Men's Wear 2 Averages Naine Gaines Larry Piper 9 Clarence Oke 9 Russ Haîlman -9 Art Rowe ____9 Jack Bond ____9 AI Osbarne ----9 Lowehl MacDougal 9 Bob Williams -9 Dr. H. Rundle -9 Ernie Perfect -9 Vince Vanstone -6 George Bebee 9 Karl Piper ----- 9 Mauritz Anneart 9 Si Trewin ___-9 Ed Leslie . ____9 Kari Bickeil 9 AI! Sarnelis -__6 'Ron Maynerd -9 Ted Bagneil -- 9 George Stephen 9 Don Oke - -____9 Jack Parker _ 9 Bob Kent ---____9 Matt Harrison 9 Dave McKnight 9 Hep Palmer -- 9 Bob Richards - 9 Bob Glanville 9 Bill Shotter 9 Harold Michelson 9 Lou Wseman 6 Kenl Luxton -9 Don Bagneil 9 Bud Henning 9 Russ Hately 9 Jisn Callan Sr ___6 Bob Lawton - 3 Elton Brock _ 9 Frank Mohun __9 Jack Lander --_ 9,, Russ Oke - 9' Hazro1d Bennaett - 9 Ru rai Bowling September 21. 1965 Pts. Pin Fniakillen Srs...5 593 Hiampton ............5 58 Meiplc, Grave..... 4 599 Hi Ca ............... 4 564 Tyrne ............2 565ý Salem .............2 524 Ennilakillen Inb...1 528! SoEa ........a... 1 520ý High Single -,J. Siemon 32ý High Triple - Ccc Mille 72 Low Single - A. Westleke il! Low Triple - - A. Sharp 36 Averages Over 180 Ccc MlIls-............ 6 2 3' T. Pfeasnuce......... 6 22ý J. Siemn ............ 6 22( D. Taylor........... 6 21! T. McLaughin ......6 21! D. Woods --..... 6 21( Red Davey.......... 3 21- Dave Reyniodds ... 3 2M' L. Wearn............ 6 20, E. Diekey ........... 6 20é D. Fergu son......... 6 20C Bob Coombea ...... 6 200 K. MéGil ........... 6 19E R. Coombes......... 3 19t Bruce Coombes ... 6 195 D. Teunant .......... 6 191 Ralph Davcy ....... 6 191 J. Pleasance......... 3 191 B. Kon'opackl ....... 6 190 R. Scott.............. 6 189 Chester Mille ....... 3 189 Jim Coombes 6 188 B. McDonahd -......3 188 L.-Tenna-t... .....6 8; K. Shackleton ..... .... 6 187 R. Laird ............. 6 183 R. Twist ............. 6 183 )aesfrorn Goh yarand N g th w s g lbfrtesecond hl Team Standings leading by one point after M. Hodgson ___6 M. Sedmen ______ 6 this one to bake the trophY B. Wilbur 5___ League's President, hand- J. Shearer _______4 gue President Bob Hilditch, S. Auch - - -- 2 - -F. A llen ---------- _----- _- Hlgh Triple Newvile-taL'~,I~~ C. Sarginson----- 584 !iN e "vil e - t a rk illeHigh Single Averages C. Serginson ------ 263 Marg McDonald ...-....... 195- Averages Ina Bro'wn................... 188 C. Sangînson 187 Edua Elliott -............... 172 B. Wilbur 186 Marie Trirni................. 162 M. Sedman______ 185 Merian HGrte-Maxwell . 157 J. Shearer _______177 Dorothy Stark ............. 156 S. Auch 177 Jennie Rypstra-........... 153 M. Hodgson 171 Marg Wade ................ 153 L. Mutton--_____ 171 M.illie, Porter..«............. 152 G. Scott _______ 169 Grace Farrow ............. 148 J. Woodlock 164 Joyce Stacey............... 147 J. Meirs -________163 Marlene S'tacey............ 147 D. Mutton _____158 Mary Skelding............ 147, W. McNeih _______156 Mary Kirkbou ............. 145 K. Campbell -__ 155 Olive Hendea-Lson.......... 136 D. Sallows 152 Helen Sinclair ............. 130 B. Beers -________150 Meda Stapleton . .......... 112 K, Raîston 147 Berniece Henderson .... 112 B. Milîs ____. 146 Maureen McCuliough .. 107 F. Land _______141 Elva Robinson .............00o F. Allen ___. 140 Betty Bothwell............00o L. Woodcock - 140 Aninette Savery............0o M. Firth ____ 139 Gaines Won: Wrens 6, OwIs A. Lorusso ____ 133 5, Robins 4, Doves 3. E. Coombes 131 200 Gemes: Donothy Stark 200 Games 228, Ina Brown 226-221, Grace C. Sarginson 263, L. Mutton Farrow 223, M. McDonald 223, B. Beers 210, J. Woodlock 216-205, Millie Porter 209. .206, V. Sanginson 205. WATCH THIS W L Pts. 81 8 7 27 S 4 5 54 5 5 45 Ave. 251 241 241 237 235 233 230 229 226 224 223 222 221 221 219 218 217 217 217 214 214 214 213 211 211 210 209 208 208 207 206 206 205 205 205 205 204 203 203 201 201 200 200 VVU IL.L Dt 3rEEg*I'EJiM MAI Rap Phiip- Stew Preston- Ray Lathangue- Terry Msten t ,.'- - I ý 1 -1. iÇJecrea tî (n ,ÇPeviewsI Lacrosse News the big gunu. The Yellow Jackets were1 These two teams were well crowned L ac r os se Minorlmatched and only one run Midget Champs for 1965 at separated them in each game. Franklin Park lst Tuesday Bth coaches, Joan% Milner of evening when they dgfetedMuttons and Mrs. 1en MI-f the Spurs 9 ta 4. son of Rotary did f excelent The light, fast Yelow Jack. job of caching thd7 respect- ets utran their heavy oppon: ive teams. ents right from the starting Touch Football whistle and led 4 te 1 at the In the first game played Sat- end of the first periad, 6 te 3 urday, Sept. 25th, the Forty. -at the end of the second and Niners led by Greg Adams de- outscored the Spurs 3 ta linf feated the Tiger-Cats 39 te the final stanza. 27. Greg Adams led the way Larry Devitt and Barry Vir- with four touch-downs whîle tue scored two goals each and team-mates Dan Nowlan muid ns they collected two assists each. Doug Hayes had one each. 32 Tam Puk scred a goal and Allen Myers contributed with 3assisted on two, while Ken two converts whiie Mike Mar- ý) Tabb, John Kramp, Tim Bray- shall had one. i brook and AI Murdoch netted Bruce Simpson led the 55one each. -Mike Cooper was Tiger-Cats attack with two ciiredited with an assist. touch-downs while Ger r y 39 Randy Beauprie was out- Barker had one touch-down ) standing for the lasers with and a convert, whjie Lee !4 excellent play-making, but his Lemon scored ane touch-down Iteam-mates had trouble put- and two converts. 1ting the bail past Rick Kil- In the second game Randy ; patrick. Donoghue led the Blue Bomb- Ted Nickerson led the Spurs ers to a 38 to 27 victory over scoring with two goals, whiie the Alouettes. Randy had three ýDoug Seep and Fred Brown toucli-downs and four con- ýscored one- apiece. Randy verts. while Larry Frsey and 0Beauprie and Bill Rypstra col- Bruce Weish each had one 9lected an assist each. Rick touch-down. Gary Baker con- 9Kiipatrick's performance in the tributed with four couverts. 6Yellow Jackets' ga] was out-1 Larrv- Devitt led the offence 4standing while Larry Luxton [for the Alouettes' attack wvith 3in the Spurs net came up with four touch-downs while Rick 4many important saves. Woolner had twvo converts and 2 Pee Wee Lacrosse Jerome Biilett had ane con- 0 In the first game o! the vr 8Minor Lacrasse Pee Wee final, Games for Saturday, Oct. 2nd 8played at Franklin Park last 9:00 a.m.- 5Thursday eveniug, the Bears Alouettes vs. Forty-Niners 1edged the Panthers 4 to 2 to 10:30 a.m.- 1take a ane game iead in their Tiger-Cats vs. Blue Bombers 1best of five series. 0 Murray Cawker led the 9Panthers' attack with three 9goals and Dan Cowle scored Lb ry B le anc. Lb ry B le Alan Abernethy netted the 7Bears' two goals and Dave B w ig L u e 7Tabb essisted an anc. vrgsSp.2 3 The first period was score- AeresSt.2 3less, but the Panthers led 3 ta E. Etcher .................193 1 at the end of the second D. Collins .-.....19..... 0g period and bath teams scored M. Corwau ................190 a goal each in the final stanza. J. Lobb ................. .....183 This shouid be a good series M. Faster .................183 as bath teams are very evenly M. Colville ..............177 matched. M. Malle .. .............. 177 In the second game of the 0O. Pa'tfield ...............174 Minor Lacrosse Pee Wee Fin- M. Taylor-.................. 162 ai, Panthers defeated the R. Mitchell ...............160 Bears 4 to 1, ta take a two N. McFeeters ............158 game lýead iu their best of five B. Sierhius ........ ...... 158 series with the Bears. A. Shetier.. ............... 155 Murray Cawker scored two Games 200 and Over goals for the Panthers, while Da-nny Cowle scared one goal D. Collins 241, E. Etchér and assisted on anc a! Murray 214, B. Sierhuis 205, M. Fos- Cawker's goals an-d also as- ter 201. sisted on a g oal b y M ark _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Johnston. Tim Braybrook scared the 1 l 0uFo lone Bears goal. Referce Doug W11onyn Sleep handed out four penal- t ties, Vwo ta the Bears and two to the Pauthers.$5O .O Softball News Rotary Club defeated Mutton ata reasona le rate Masonry 18 ta 17 last Tues-t day evening at Memarial Park, ta win the Girls' Bantam Champianship in three straight To consolidate your games. Judy Allison led the Rotary bis or for ans' other Club ta victary with a homner worthwMîle purpome and two singles, plus a fine pitching performance. Rhanda Kavanough hit anc hamer and . . . providlng rom are collected two singles for the winners, while Janet Large, steadlly emiiioyed andi Pattie Lyle, Jane Cawle and Nancy Cowle played well for have ood eredt. the winners. For the lasers, Debbie Mut- Tlpoe7343 ton, Diane Cowle, Joanne epn e7363 rhertell,_KathyMuttonwere _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W 41 51, 41 K os 21 21 12 53

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