2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 6, 19853 a" ?uving ferm empoymnent Munlcipallty on given datea e to find other kind of work. No Statesman nucd eoean ot A .. . t r l C a e d r Ewavll 2-38 To give these people training' Wednesday, Jan. 5-1O:flOcltu al ole for new jobs nes planning. receive his help and advîce.amDrmCunyo ad ««I have a nephew and niee li res o I do neot recali any other MP Oct. 13-16 - International Tuesday, Nov.n-ownCo rprvmn soito H osp ital A ux. M em bers Duuivs er.Iknwwh ve rvn dn this," His P1oughing Match, Massey- Tobey, AgriculturaEgne- Jnar 1, ,13A ulJ they wou.ld vote for in tlisi Worship, Mayor Rebbesta~ted. Ferguson Farm, Millikeri, in ing Extension Speîlswl B Vporm pnoe Thanke for alentM oneyelection. Aynphww ednesday Yoi-a ~ H rk County. Grain Corn be in the Dur]a onyb h ndece cannot vote. The next Duha Coci iealAs ays Ploughing Mth larn., Ofie o ppme five weekforhTalente are the Front now until Christmas Wade presded . .,and 3then.Bowmanville 623338rp ndGnrlFr tiNe Tisyerk for the' It is goingtoebe mecreaslngly election of officiers. S. G. Mc-' Oct. 14-15--Judging of Dur-! Tuesday, Nov, gMs a gmn.1:0-1:0 on NDP. his ear a Uicdifficult to know the exact Murter was Chairman of the hamn County Farmstead Im- IWray, Home Econmscl hm Po tb1 ietc Themetig o te ome'si ri A.L.Hoeyth Gftto 27th et the Royal York Years ahead will b. the, most time The Statesman wiliI h Nominating Convmittee, and provement Competition En-! be in the Durh ony___ 'l'h. meetig o< t nth n e'S hopM n A L. Hoe y, h e Gîtt Motel. lexciting unes in the history avallable on WVe dn e d ay its report was presented b 0is f f i(é. Bo«d Ecm et MemoriaJi os- thanked Mrs. S. G. McMurter, The president told the 0 aaa fw r osr evenings. Harry Farrow, who moved its; Tuesday, Oct. 19-Dispersai; Wednesday, No, 0Ds-GTCS pital on Firiday afternoon was the immeidiate past president, meigtat ahe wou]d be vv sa aintleIae dpinIcnbe yM meeting & ft et h Our press work is donc at aotoscne yMs.1sale of the Holstein Herd of tri t Safety MeetnPic(ORODAPINE -ptedwthteAi]'ayand Ms arncf.Msnga ogiem1iM i ob on. TeOhaaTmsiCnlMîVo.Ti ascr..B Bon omavle dtr ony Prayer said ini unison by thc a putL presIdent, for obtain- ler car to Toronto for thel "We must catch vigor from print several other weekily ried. jHays' Sales Arena at approx-~ Nov. 11-17--KEnKo rethob mneners. Mrs. W. M. Rudeil,ling volunteers ta help with convention. She sigo inforn'ed' the discussions betwcen Ot- papers from a wlde arez. Jesse Van Nest was 'e-imately 2:30 p.m. As a resuit presents Durham Cuny nST ES N the president, poeslded. 1 the Gift Shop for the last the meeting that she will be tawa and the pro%*Incc, and These are printed after the 'elected president. Those eiec4:,Of a recent flire this entire Ontario Delegatiosa 4- Mn. Duncan Smnit.h, Chair- several months. taking her car and b. pleased use iLt t build a stron.g Voufl Wednesday edition of The ed vice-presidents were Lw-'herd is being dispersed. ýClub Week, Torontr n ta LSIID n»t oftheBuylng Conmnittee, l Mrs aon moved that the to provide traflaportation for try. W. have toi fiR Uic coun- Times is completed so if renc C. Mason, Mayor Hobs, Oct. 19-20--Senior Trainin' %V a. stated fliat only 83 copies of auxiliary order special pins others on October 5th ta UhitrY Out in depth from that they should be runniig late Dr. H. B. Rundie, Dr. E. L.iS10:00in- 4:00 e a llday Lead. Nov. 12-20-Roya gitl the auxiai.ary'6 cook book re- Ib ie aL.te geRgoa uiire e tnline along the i meriandue to, langer papiers, al the Ewert, Wilfrid Carrulhrs, aes and Assistant Leaders aie tural Winter Fair. main of thc large nurnber vokinteers who have worked to be held in .nsy border into sornething sub- othen publications are aima former Mavor of Bowmn- i- tdtoatn fo i Tuesday, Noveme ii wth werc re-ordered bhe Uicn t 1he gift ghop. Sh. apoke In the absnce of the Lav- stntiaI and laisting. W. have delayed. ville, and John M. James, and!epce aatn rmciHre rgt o pcai Lidsy. got to speak out mn the world . Bi Will*aniewasHiarvey WintDrhm Si A A --AtShermtepb-priual o al ihr ette Convenor, Mrs. Allan b n. sus ht ekowae There is very little "'e Bl Wlimsnt le Ofic e Frn aptitmets a f ion fanvisethe ub..Cpritine rW ighSandy Witer-Slvse, e epr aspe.o sseect ek waeL îThutsaCunt N A L WiDbdiW to buy sonne cd upy n ftera-setdb rsdn uel i au do about it, except tg secretary-treasurcr. nhe pat- Thrdy c. 21-Quine'fi.Fo p. adfed tosedaly, Chrian ofg'he, a s- BrenS4te byherreiort Rwas Pr . a ut. Ibuy on own press equip- presicient is Glen Fry. Mrs Grain Corn Day, Farm cf 'Bowmanville 623-338 Crsmspresento Lu o cso sistance during the summer seven complete layettes, ancil "7%e best Uings that Mr. mn o ewe 4,O C. G. Anderson, the retirinÏ Elmer Laver Norham, Nortii-: hrdv Nv 8 so i. lr they are ail gn. oth.M'rs. Masons motion onc partial layette have been Pearsons ninority govern- antS5forO. en$4,0 secretary-treasurer, wa pe mberland County. p.m. Cnrsal Lako ntraor -nR.G. Cowle, the trea- was secondcd by MTs. L. Hu- received. Letters of thanks ment did these 3i' Hween rthn ha kp alythanked for ber excel-! Thursday, October 21st-lIConservation AuthoiyLn oeraprcened stisacoryso, ad arred -will be sent ta Uic Salva'tion were Inoves like the Pension 1 lent work. ý4:00 p.m., 4-H Teams go te 'Use Cornmittee MtN gescalypprd sbaca tatement, and mcv- Mrs. MeMurter, seconded Army Home League for a Plan and Medicare into which the carnier boys and girs President Van N-stLhke Guelph. FrdyNo.2 ad Its adoption. This Was sec-j by Ms. bMason, rnoved that layette. they were pi-odded bty Tommy away frein Iheir studies forth meeting nor es aedec Friday, Not. 22--HIner00 p.monofAg and osi-ied. j ctles 2} i1te C.Morreonigset's "Nwis tii. rne t vot decidcd to eliminate the tion, and ex'pressed bis appre- club Competitions, Guelph,I nual Meeting and aqut 3a-s. L. Varoe turrncd i Wedmesday, Otbr2ti h orsodn ertr'I"o stetm ovt Wednesday inight delivenies ciation of the assistance giv- University cf Guelph. 1 SRturday, Nov. 2-:0po ASTNGT $18350 In talent money et the Trinaity United Church Sun- report in Mi-s. R. 'R. Calinn'sIlor thie sti.mulating beadership for the lime beinz, at îeast. en to hlm by bis fellow <offi- -District Black and White Durham County JioAar maeeting wNcih shhd made clay School Roomn for ail absence. Its adoption wasiof Tommy Douglas, and for The carriers may obtain their eers, and those who offered ta hminsi hw Peter-, Night, Town Hall, Ooo volunteers Whho have hclped srode thMe li.NDP which vwilJplan a p1r .lm le 6hî.W aeafneta nbrug.IWeek of Nov. 27 e.3dFo 9.OUS ohâng~~ng 1turek Thurs-aeur loyal workers, he said StraOt 2 70)po,--Miss Pat Wray, Hm cn hmbe om md ~.l. ti tr if hp.TswlIMu W ahsc-oneo hu'm tLad hislisteners. Ppn Ilb dlvrdt mhaticalIy. Alnbnu aies'M ite, Trntri tConlvOfino apit the June meeting of 1he aux- ic1ude rnembers, associateu t the Library CarL, reported Po'c loc bcurdy mrnîglebuni oeltenonmst il ei heDrampu ArFr Ma ugtdtar r.W A.utnti m m eslnulLde'NghOt ',Ofie iba3 a s. W. e tA. t e mem ibe , and non-memibers. ithat magazines have been re- the stores when they are "Russell C. Honey Is a o-Isiueo rfsinlArol- m e n tscailBwavll.i bers use their talents te makeTi a ecne yMs ceived from Mrs. J. Cuddahee,T avallable lVednesday nighls. derful M.P. for Durhaim Coun- aiî uneBac.AlA-6334.e S 0 mnoney for Lhe auxiiary dur- 1 aoadcrid r.WlimMis n r I ty. He is a leading parlia-,ricultural College Graduatesi Nov. 29 - Dec. I-oeE-6336 j ing the, summer, and several Mrs. Ferguson, seconded by J. J. Brown. Mrs. Eari - ms rentarian, highlv capable, welcome. For tickets contact tension Service Cofrce have done sn. Mrs. MeMurter, movied thatlThomipson asked that a letter s sincere, and greatly repetd.1Ontario Department of Agri- Peterborough. Mn-. J. J. Brown made and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, the vice-I of thanks be sent te 1he Tri- kOI fl .Ce~ rai Having Mr. Honey as our j culture, Bewrnanville 623-3348. Fridav, Dec. 3-AnaHo- donte jni ad ehie fr r~deî nd Mr R ~ nitv United Church Women candidate us a great incentive Mondav Oct. 25-7:00 p.m.,,steini Club Banqe.PaeJR the GeitS'hop run by t.reICoDw-ie, the treasurer, be the[Unit il for the tray tavors, (PROM PAGE OME V' Sr \J ni 1 bwork liard for success at Durhamî 4-H- Agricultural Club) and lime te be anucd auxiliary in the hospital. A auxiliry's delegates to thifor patients during October. Ii Wrhi, aorI r Na e 1th. pols,.!Leaders Faîl Meeting and' Saturday, Dec. 4Drc N His Worships wll e Matlyor SIvan, Wmsta]_oOu art " Banquet.Paet ea.41 - nei leter f tans wll e sntannual Convention of the On- Letters from Jane Oliver,,Hobbs said that Mr. Honey i- "ems i oor lc eb n -1H lb to Ma-s. C. H. Mason, an as-jý tario Hospital Auxiliaries As-' Bowmanville High SehlIfeîîowun IVan Nest sae.lenued 10,floigthreugh on the mat- i statedHeîneunce Roever,ýtenr jers'List thaetithe rnin afler'Sura , Oct. 30-Vindtmo homnenmade jarn and who aise The president, Mrs. Rudell, Courtice High Sdhooi er lite third letter from hiro, Citizens who wish le vote hHrcovd svra hneEetic Cu mmes tuoesy, Agrc.ua nicr f has donc a great deal cf knit- will te hd the aux- ecciiof which has reported for or against the livo liquor cl ~ peofrn o igr aî.igEtninSeils,~ilmu had each received. b matr swoîb.eIavie work for Mr. Honey's re-' -Visit te uo eoCu ve ei i Durhaam County0f *O ANIE -OT Plans for the 13ridge andj Councillor Ken Ho o per te make certain Ihein names plection. Foreign Exchaenge Students. fice. For appo nmet cî I Deloitte, Mlendier, Haskins & Seils Art Show te bie held by the'pointed eut that lhe assistance are on the list of electons. W_____M cuxîlîary were discussed, and given by Mr. Honey in expe- If lhey have been mlsged I.wlth whom are nowv merged iL was decided te bold tirs diting the re-construc'tien et du i n g the enuuieration, two day event in mid Janu- lus bridge is important, par- they must complain on or Monteith, Riehl, Waters & Co. ary înstead of October. ticularly ta residenîs in the belon. the 141h day of Odeo- north end et thc tewn. ber because the Revlslng Chartered Accountants The. lelter from Mr. Honey Officer will sit on Ocloben was filed on a motion by lSth te take cane of suchM OL S 1 *D O eP a Ceuncillor Hooper, scconded complaînts. Montreal Oshawa Torante Hamilton yCuclo arc ru. Bte eceknwta Windsor Winnipeg Regina C l ay ~ etrfo e rns b sorryter.hecknsîs are j Edmonton Pic erevancou erom* iaske liaIsometing b don PrineMGoPAGEacouerNEndj about theapproexhimatbey 250avallable at th. Town Hall. C feet long Bernard Street Road. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., RITA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. where h. taugiht in the silums Town Clerk Jack Reid said 0 Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728;-7527 of* London, end book a Law that h. bad been speaking te ib degrec et Cambridge Unîver- Mc. Strike about this and Mr. Lugo.3l Durîng his troc abrocd Mr, hum mnalter further.Ladicus d M oreTHNE S Y UAV Ketchumn travelled behînd thc Councillor Hooper roeved Iron Curtain. He captained.a liat al Lie members et PFROM PAGE ONE) T E N W hockey Leesn Liiet jlayed in ceuncil mccl with Mr. Stnikean more monci bcd te be, Poland and Czchosolvakia. regarding Bernard StreetHe otie from lie Treasury otie EE A T N O H. joined Lb. staff of Ken- pointed cul that the dela y bas for it. Lner Cellegiste, Peterborough, net been the fault cf counicil.' Denakr ovn lasi nionth, wbere lhe is tcach- Reeve Sidney Little seccnded Ime ifnae rs was aB EN W ing Engl.isihand ooachiîng foot- the. motion. Tbis wes carried. roost $4,000,000 In lb. bale. ball. Before taking up this Lelters from Miss Doneida Tn uedb ersne appointmrent b. taugiht for Creasser, Centre St., Mrs. E. T$847 fe e e pr mîy n* * lwo years in the United States Flaxman, Loyers Lune, and$87 oreryfml inT R E N and northerni Ontario. the Bowmanville S c h c ci1 Canada. S P E C IA L "Tommy Douglas could ba Board asked Liat diffrent Mr. H{oney recalled fiat1,nn j former M.P. for Peterborough, On a motion by Couneilar servative Gcvernmcnt te go' GARBAG E PI(KU P ~Who wasintroduced by Angus Hooper, secnded by Coundl o:uicdttsGct IMOwttPortHop, tld te ]r Glnhome ughe lhseBritiain, end the Interrnatio ai NUha men af visionan the Reads and Streets Commit- riicney. NORTH SIDE 0F KING ST. abilily. tee wîth power to take action In 1962 uncimpicyrnent 1nl ie "old-line" parties were if Ibis la needed. Canada was the hirghest since accursed of sîopgap rocasures Councillor Maurice Prout, th. 1930s. Tic 'D'efenbaker rWE LirIfAY, OC . 13 hby Mr. Pitman, and a tin cup seccndcd by Cauncillor E. J cabinet wes siulit, and thie, W EU IE URT OC . u tnphilosophy ot welfaî-e. H. nm- Rundle, moved that a le'ttei Conservalives quarrelled with I phasized the NDP's dedication froro Consumers' Gas, regard- Britain and tie United States. j to a planned economy, and ta îng the continuance cf rates "Toay Canada's econemy SOUTH SIDE 0F KING ST. wclfcrc provisions that would liat went int effect In 1964, la In fine shape. Unemploy- benefit every persan suc*i an b. reccived and filcd, and thus ment Is less than tirce pet affluent country as Canada was carricd.cetth os in 1.71M THU SD Y, OCT lthdeserves. A communication from Lb.e Canada Ioacutstnijpping the! Pitrnan that Uic NDP pioneer- fairs cencerning the. proposed in econocnic gcowthh and an lE f fPý cd the idea cf ca-operative Amendment to lic Official aoceleraled réduction cf un M I. R V U GARBAGE TO BE PUT OUT federalisiro te whid4i Cane- Plan etftiie Township of Danl- empicyment. ON BOUEVARDdians look foc Lie selvation cf inglon Planning Area, was r.- Mr. Honey saîd that in- ONBUEADContederatian. ccîvcd and filcd on a motion portant legislation passed byl Big New 6 cyl. Engine by Councillor Hooper, second- Lie present Liberal Govern- "Boti cld parties feil in see cd by Reeve Little. ment includes: old age pcn-I Shif t on Floor T. K. STEWART, a French Canadiens more Notification cf the annuel siens raised, baby bonus cx2 Wok wp.anîte save tîi.q country.* cenference of the Ontario ended two ye'ers, Youth Ai- Reclining Bucket Seats W'crksSupI.They aBuilaercane ding Officiais Association, lowance Act providing lnawn for lhe survive! et their coun- whici wi11 be held on October for students et technical: Luxury Interiors ii ne vvninyos iiig L, curicîrîor 1-loper, seconded i ernments lies heem a graduai kee .xendng r hve byb Reeve Little. rhipping away of tic gfrengtiý j reIv n& tidiunres et A intter froro Ralph Rowe of national authorities." He PLUS . . . THE NEW" u r oe asa na skixlcd rkrt poinî.d oui tiat more tien ai.se explained Liai a minonityl p * k ' estmonh ix eryprety100 cîiîdren live nortb on gavern.ment is llareatened wit'I W LUXURY AMBASSADOR E h U I Filipirno nurses arrived eithLe Manvers Road wicrc lier. is cafleapse every day frein tie' Port Hope Hosptal. W. are ýneitier sidewalks, dilcies, or poers orf a combined oppo- glad tbey are bere, but ltia siaulder efthLe road wide sition. aur ecnomy i Hi. laItich road b. wldened fer a majorily Liberai Govern-' O an igt-fotgravelcd siould- ment 'will b. elecled on No-' Kethumtht Mniserof r fr hilrentewelk on, ais evm'bcc 8th, Mr. Honex ojr tht is deatmnt ha ary atraway. the LiberaI Government can RossSteenscontinue its gond legislelîxe that wont let y ud w .trnadfudta yJni ttdta h United Count- record. havenee of69 e 22 ne wil b resonsbleforcouny MyorIva Iebbs, wio in- skilîrd warkers l . as rm f or tefn ntroduced Mr. Honey, seid iat IT R O N A D E E "ObvîOuslY we are geirig te urban municipalties. Tih was firsi elected M.P. fer hvtechannel more >young ci nldeti iein fDniar n16,an0eeet A~1 I i-t ipeople Lh. ype cf train-DurhamEinSHMEN2, WndLrBEeSERVE Avaiableat ay brnch f peple nto he tpe o tran- he souldr. P Ind 963.nh1963.rMr.hetRE year WMr.B ftV.uu! & 82y ralc fg and education fiat will Councillar Hooper mov.d Honev became Cie irmen oet fit the apportunities ahead. liaI 1he letter be neferncd La lie Heus. cf Commons Cen-' TORONTOvomINION As a tIcoer who gr.w UP iitie Deputy Reevp la check milIe eon Agriculture. andi WE CORDIALLY WELCOME ALL OUR LOYAL CUSTOM R AN FRE S ToioNio 9 e o in Port Hoe, andwiti tic United Ceuntics hes continued le hoid thus ot- Where peopfl mnake the différence laugtit in North Bay, and now Council and repart back. Cotîi- tic. Pince. He was appointedl - in Peterborough Ijnw is ciller Rundie secanded th Secrelary ta lie Liberal Ceu-j polrsfirst bend. ýmalien. and il was cernid. dus in 1964 end stilI continues 1178 bec. tres Vie rigfacIJities b. ite acik L us, utnhe hi siiney aa me er '.% en QEEMT O "in ress onthe vig arouly eve ilîl ceck sa butil w o n ths pito ern aise. Mr, O T O T 48and eomrues amr availabl to had nlot heard that Lhe Count. ada's delegation Le tic Inter- oL oe fi yurgCaafiasfor the tics Couricil woufld b. respons. Panliamentary Cenferences of NOW UN E NEW M ANAG M N &~mai" patternu of work in ible for thes. ronds from fence 1964 and 1965. a modern couritry. te fence. Before, tic Counties "Mir. Honev has kept bis IL.ry. LAWTON, Manager. Bow. anville " Tc pattern la changing Ceuncil was respensibie for a promise te b. ovailable te the, 1 IG T ET E aat. Over thae whcle of Car- width of 20 feet aiong the people in al parts csf Dunbaml _______________________________Iad& 2.500 people every moath centra of these roads, ho added. Couit,. ME lia been ina.veryiljA 6 †††††††††††††††††~ - -