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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1965, p. 17

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C L ASSIFIE D __I Coming Events Commng Events Lions Bingo will have extra. Newcastle United Church $100 Jackpot added Oct. l8th. Turkey Supper, Saturday, Nov. 1965. 36-6 6th. Served at 5 - 6 and 7 Enfield U.C.W. Baza ar in p.m. by. ticket only. Adults 4i~hbasement, Friday, Oct. 1.5 children 75c. Telephone' 8:5p.m. yne'we.987-4822. 41I ~e. j40-2 Woodview Commnunity Centre ëanceTyr al atur- -Monster B i n g o. Twentvi davY, eOctober Ha ll-raS Nes- 1games-twenty dollars; f iveý bitt's Band.rÎWeryone weî- gamnes-thirty dollars; $150' corne. 41-1' jackpot, and two jackpots at' S25(J. Door prizes. Next; Monsîter Bingo, Thursday1 Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, night at 8 o'clock, sponsored Oshawa.-___ __ 46-tf' by the Sunnyside Park. Red i- _ __ Barni, North Oshawa. ý39-tf Liberals' Social Evening, W. ___aa__KendalLegilon Hall, Queen St., Bow- U. C. W aar edlmanville, Saturday, Oct. 23, 'United Chutrch, Wednesday, :30 p.m. Round and square Novemnber 17 at 3 p.m. After-,dancing. Clara Nesbitt's orch- innon'4ea. Aduits 35c, childreni estra. Cards and refresh- 25c. 41-1. ments. $3,00 per couple. C..IT.Sth AniiivrrsaryiEveryone welcome. 41-2 Tes at Trinitv Unîtr'd Chuirc'h' on Saturdiay, Octohcr 23rd,ý Free Admission lronn 2 until 4 p.m. Admission, 35C. 41 -1 MONSTER BINGO Kiý7nette Masq uerade Dance, TH tJRSDAY NIGHT. 8 o'clock Saturday Oct. l6th, Bnwmai-, Sponsored by the Junior ville Curlinrg Club. Tickeiv Chamiber of Commerce i $4 couple' froni any Kinclivn Prizes for costume.g. 13.uhîlee Pavillon- OSHAWA 1 39-tf Cdhicken Pie -Supper at St. - Kna ntd Ch John's Parish Hall. Black-1 Tha Uoteri Anivrsar stock, Friday, Oct. 22 starting TServicfeSnd ay, ctoers17. 5:30. Al welcomne. AEluts GSevicspeuaker, Oev. ams7. 1.50, children 7.9c. pre-school (uestspae, v.JmsE f ree. 41.1* Cargo at Il1.15 a.m. and Rev. - - -,S. J1. Hillier at 7:30 p.m.. with Hampton United Church!Kendal Choir A.M., Newcastle Turkey Supper. Wednesday, Choir P.M. Fowl supper Wed- Oct. 27. Served at 5-6 and 7 nesday, October 2th, 5 - 8 p.m. p.m. Adults $1.50, children'Adults $1.50, children $1.00. 75c. For tickets telephone! 41-.î 402 A special political meeting _rome to St. John's Evening for farmers sponsored by Branch W.A. Rumrnage Sale, Durham C o un ty Farmers' Friday, Octobc'r 15, commenc- Union at Pontypool Hall, Tues- ing at 9 a.m. Coffce and riav, October 19th, 8 p.n. doughnuts. For picktip PhonoeakeL iheral. Ri. s s ell1 623-2025. 40-21*, l .P. Colserývative, Niestîctn P r e s b v t e r i a n Gn1rî')t R:ckurid: N.D.P.. John Church Tujrkcv, Supper and Ketciiîm: Social Criodil, Wil- entertainment. Saturdavy, Nov. bur ('raiidall. Each cndidite 6th. Settings for ri - 6 - -4pn. statitig farrn polir.' of fi i, Aduits $1.50. children 75c. For part.. 41 - V tickets, telephone 986-4475 or! 986-4385 or 986-4868. 41-1 THE UPPER CANADA Ruýmrage sale, O ,ct. 1l'lth, inL BIBLE SOCIETY Trinity Church Sunday School, wilI hnld 10 a.m. - 5 p.ni. Proceeds for Nightingale Crintennial Temple A NN U A L building funri. For pick-up Phone Mrs. Lorne Kerr. CA NV AS S Card-1 IN BOWMANVILLF rnorial Park C]uhhouse, Lib- O T 5 -2 erty St. S., Ttuesýda.v. Oct. 19,! O T 25 - 6 8 p.m. Admission 50c. floor' Sponsored hy prize. Procerds Crippled Child-' BowmanviIle Churches ren's Treatment Centre and School. 41-1 Help the Bible Society ta send ~ the Bible to everyone in FINE QUALITY every tonglue. 40 -' MONUMENTS AND GIAN BpG MARKERS S4 t"& fa *il »W. Pre F REFE ADi)m iS S ioN s Y inr«x *v\ of «. " . T ;- leF STAFFORD _EW BROS. LTD. ~calff jelaford 0I 7~ LIM ITED ¶Monuments Box 133 8 Dundas St. E. WhItby Phone Wbltbv MOhawk 8-3552 .Ljons Community Centre lst and 3rd Monday, 0F MONTH NEXT BINGO Monday, Oct. 18 8 P.M. 20 GAMES at $10.00 SPECIAL GAMES: 1-$8 Per Une for Flve Unes $20.00 Full Card 2-Share the Wealth 3-2 - $100.00 Jackpot, ji 50 - 53 Nos. 4- i We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities KAM 2~9 Luncimeon Meut 2tn ,SAVE 21c89 LIPTON AYLE CHIKENNOOLE T OMAT O SOUP KETCHUP 4,sl.oo 2btIs.39c SAVE 8a SAVE Ic FLORIDA No. 1 No. i FRESI! GRAPEFRUIT Brussel Sprouts 5'49c 29c Qti. LEAN MEATY BONELESS BONELESS PORK SHOULDER Chuck Steak R OA ST 65 lb 63 lb ECLUSIVE DYKSTRA'S TAINLESS STEEL TABLE WARE ~FFER THIS WEEKS SELL lO-N TABLE FORK 2c l'ih Your Regular Food Purchase START TO SAVE YOUR SET TO-DAY: DYKSTRA'S FOOD MARKET 77 King St. W. FREE Deliv'ery Bowmanville SHOP A'ND) SAVI PHONE 623-3541 Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers, M. P P. The 7lst Psalm includes tie fol- lowing verse wvhich I consider approp- riate ta this week's column. "Cast me not off in time of Old Age; forsake me flot when my strength faileth." From Sault Ste. 'Marie through the Lakehead cities ta Fort Francis; from. Kenora to Timmins, and thraugh the rich mining and forest areas surround- ing North Bay and Sudbury, the merm- bers of the Ontaria Select Committee on Aging. during their recent tour, witnessed and expcrienced the teeming and expanding life of Ontario's North- land. The tour, howevcr, also revealed a general lack of consideration for the needs of senior citizens. Like an old garment, il was apparent that in many instances, the senior citizens of the area were being set aside ta make way for a mare yauthful, more affluent, and more industrial societv. This fact was vividlv illustratcd at North Bay where the members were met at the hotel bv a large group of senior citizens carrvl ng placards. These citizens were members of the Golden Age Club, and the slogans on their placards emphatically stated, what could be considered in ail areas of our province. thse fundamental rights of senior citizens. The following surnrnary of the slogans will illustrate the needs and the objectives of the group. (1) Live Like An Animal On $ 75. Live Like A Pauper On $100. Live Likc' A lituman On $150. (2) Let Us 1,Kcp Our' Homes Redciic MunIIIicipal Taxes (3) Free Medicare For Over 60's (4) 30%ý Fedecal Grant for Elder Citizrns' (Centres (5) Reduced Transportation For Eider Ciliens (6) Give Us A Fair Share 0f Rcereatinn Grants ()We Need Loxv Cust fHousing (8) We Gav'e You An Ilonest Day's Wo rk, (;ive Us A 1)ecent Da 'v's Livingi (9) Funeral Costs Are So Iligh, 1 We Can't Afford To Die. 1 For thie Senior Citizcns of Nortlîern4 Ontario the seriousness of t1e agingg problem is, perhaps, more acute thani for us in the south. The popiulation is separated b ' vasi. distances, heating costs are greater due ta the sho rt seasan, food and transportation cosis1 are higher, the limiited senior citizen1 population does not pro\-ide tlhe poten-: tial resources requircd for the estab-i lishment of centres, and the variety of ethnic groups tends Io1 restriet the social lufe of the communities. Inoanc large comrnunity a riew $200.000 swimming pool was being built, but it was planned to accommo- date the senior citizens' recreation facilities in an abandoned railway building across the tracks from the community itself. At the present time the province provides a grant of 30' for the establishment of senior citizen centres. This is on condition that the municipality provide 20%P of the cost. In some of the large communities none of the provincial grant for recreation wvas being assigned to the senior citi- zens. In the city of Sau]t Ste. Marie, however, there was found to be several programs designed for senior citizens, including housing, recreation, and par- ticularly in the field of preventive medicine. The Sault Ste. Marie and District Health Centre, operating as a non- profit facility, provides preventiori diagnosis or treatment of disease to some 20,000 citizens of that community, including a large percentage of older people. This $800,000 centre was, and is financed by a voluntary membership fee of $135 per family, and a moderate monthly premium shared by the indi- vidual, and the participating industries and social groups, of which the largest is the Algoma Steel Corporation. The effective value to the coin- munity of this centre, which won the Royal Architectural Institute of Can- ada Massey Award for design, is illus- trated by the following significant facts accumulated since its establishment. (a) H-ospital admissions have declined .32.51r (b) In hospital days have dccliined. 36.8%' (c) Af] surgery has de'clinied 16.5%" (d) Appendectomies have declined 59.4%-. 'l'lie patient-doctai- ratio at, the centre is maintained ai. one doctor Io 1200 patients, and 24 hour service is available at ail times. The distinct ad- x-antage ta the individual is, that ail the services of the centre are available ta him for the cost of enrolment, in- cluding the services of almost everv type of specialist, and the ancillary staff of 50 including a physiatherapist, nurs- es, X-ray technicians, laboratory tech- nicians, optometrists, etc. In its interim report ta the last session of the legîsiature, the Select Committee recommended that a pilot program of Geriatric Consultant Clinies be establîshed ta serve aged persans. Such clînies, il was feit, would be of inestimable value in the field of pre- ventive medicine, and in the reduction of hospital costs. The centre at Sauhi. Ste. Marie provides ample proof of their value in a community. Magistrate's Court Held in Bowmanville * fltober 121h. 1965 j wa.s an antcvmnatic suspension ;costs, or in days. * .ol'n Elmner O*ýMallev , of license for three montbs. Alexander Brougli, R.R. 1. ffined $10 and costs, oi. nve "In future, leave the liquor Oroino, insîsted he was per- days, for having defectivc elone when yau are driving," fectly sober and demaandci ,brakes.ý, and five dollars and' cOunselled Magistrate Craw- that bis trial go on this week. costs, or three days, for Ilav'- forýd Guest. He waG eharged August 28t1 ing no haro. Corporal J Ronald James Young, Cher-!, with inîpaired driving. Wood, OPP, told Magistrale rvtîill Crescent, Burlington,1 "Have you been drinking Grawford Guest lie lhad issticd asked for lwo weeks t aihîs mornin'g?" queried His traffic tickets following the bIis fine after conviction for W;orsuhip. Department cd T ra n sport'! careles drivin'g September "Weul, meyabe," adimit ted the vehicle check on llîghway 401, 5th. le admitted running in-, accused. Septeçimber 2nd. n Ilie iack of another car on,'hsi o enasacag William Daid .ock wood Il ' 401 about 3 il ri ýfor you ta go on with in your %vas fined $10 and] cu.ts, or T mtdadmage tn his car!condition," decided Magistrale five days for lhaving defective ws $400 and ta the other Guest. "Renuanded for 'one brakes in the sanie cbiclr on' $50. TIi e fi wwas $100 and week. Bail will be $200 pro- September 3rd. ýperty or $100 cash.", John Peter S~ls R.R. 1, Roy Baker, R.R. 2, Mill- PortHope wa find $7 an 55 L~I brook, pleaded not guilty toa cotor 10 days, followig v <f j charge of failin.g ta produce ,conviction for carelless drivic *~I eaferslies etm Augu.at 28th. Constable T. A. l'C U E acaferslcneSpem G. Spencele\,, OPP, told the ber Iltb. Insîpector Sexton courtlie a . din-vstigaed tld Magistrate R. B. Bxe 'acurt le oa n i ate2an M V U Sles !he had stoîpped Mr. Baker on accidenat hay 2 d and NI NERNTaunton Road. The fine vas fallen asleep at Itle wheel. 31ANAGEMENT ondolaradys.s r 1His car had fravel]ed 500 foot off the highxvav, continiioid 219 KING ST. E. He aîso pleaded not guilty the officer. striuci a tree and BOWMANVILLE to failing to produce registra- bounced back aooIhe shioi- Phone 623-3355 lion for the truck lie was der. dniving. The fine was $10 and costs, or five davs. Donald Durling, Biirkýeton, THANKS . . . Quite a niîmbeî' of charges .was uhla.rged with illegal pus- ~~ihbtakornav wr imse eas h session of liquor Jlîiîe I.. Ie sht hn uma wr diise bcuete Constable K. C. Laton, OP], loyal customers -who attend- OPP officers were away on sai le fîîîd 10 ~ , ed our Auto Show. Corne in the Motorcycle Ride. sard lit toifuît ane i- n vI i.tlnie and our salesmen In August a prelirninary ca ut e ufuii lland une Part will gladly dlseuss with wvas heard here on a raut)e and 4 fIIIpins mier lleyouthe features of the '66. charge against Jolîxu Noden. bacd se4tLThe pine sine teNewcastie. Tlie accused elect- and csts, r fie daCARS ed trial by judge and juryan 1 UE F pleaded not guilty. H aý Michael Ronald Rosseail represented by E. R. I.ovekln R.R. I. N. Orono, wvas fioodî 1962 VOLKSWAGEN ýand E. C. Wildmnan acted fo)r five dollars and co 1s or thre lvith radio. Lic. H57816. bbth Crown. davs. for ieavig h v .i Last week at the -Faîl As- standing oni) the igw 1961 PONTIAC sizes in Cobouîrg, Nadeux ap. where il, wai~b'cf"u Peared befare Mr. .~tr ather triffir. ('nn,.iahblr K. C 4-DR. Donnel]y who serulenced hinu Lafo, OPP, fld 11w cour-t c6 . automatie ta three years in penitentiary. that the eccuscri had ruxu in,,ut transmission, eustom radio. of gas Auigust 2th and left bis Lie. 677559. car on the ranip aof gha 35 and l-lighway 2. 1960 RAMBLER NeweII Urges,' Speeding 7 '0 miles an hour 4-DR. on Highway 401 August 23rd 6clsadr cost Lionel Miller $10 and 6M ore ,Etfndar costs, or three clava. The of- tasiso.Le 489 ficer wazz Constable K. C'. La- 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. O r m to ton. OPP. 8 ~cyl., autornatie O rmto A similar charge h','d transmission, customn radio. Tillsonburg-A dîrector of .Walter Skwarchew,ýskv had1Lic.,1H54706. the Ontario Flue.Cured To ýdriven 75 miles an hour on ac Goes Maktn Highwa.v 401. The fine was CONTACT: Board, Wednesday, called on $1 nd costs, or t.hree dav.\S. Bud Fogrg Jerry Keane f the board to undertake a pro- Constable P. C. grmar pome-Mobax-ex .well was Iblc office:'. Now is the time to brin g pran rooet.ac Danny William Sop(,r, New your car in for Tune-up and1 Peter Newell of Newcastle cas-tle, adrnitted la br-akes Complete Wheel Alirnment. 'urged the boar'd ta decide on were no' in aood wkni o- SRIC TAIN allocation of funds for export der August 25th. Hie xas fin- SEVC ST IO promotion and ta charter a ed $10 and costs, or three Phone 623-3401 Canadian Tobacco E x paor t days. Having no insuran.ce Full Line of Council. brought a fine o! $501 and Mr. Newell said there sbould cost.s. or 10 da\vs. Hoe was Sheil Products have been sanie representatior. gzanted t'wo weeks ta pa\. 1hy the industry to Japan inî the Warren Warner. R.R. 1, Protect Your car this winter ilast two or three months. Brooklin, ivas charged Oti- against .%,inter iveather l The board approved a re- ber Ist with impraire d diving with quest by Mr. Newell for funds on Cotititv Road i.1-. lipcarl- UNDER-SPRAY ta advertise the opening of the ced guilur and w'a- fiîcd 7 1965 crop auction in tobacco 'and costs. or 10 days. There - tracte journals, 7%e Canad ian statesmnan, BewmanviUe, oet. 13, 1881 Rotary Speaker Telis of On Thursday at 6:52 p. alA car driven by Richard Robi.-ý a e f w r s r a son, RR 4,Bowmar.nville,l south bound on Elgin S1treetý An account of the important Iby an agreement between waters from land used b".' wvent t'hrough the barrier jnwork being carried out by Canada. the U.S.. and Mexicoges n dcsadthe im- front of tine fire destroyed: scientists employed by the there is a closed season for plementation of plans for C.P.R. bridge, and down the: Quebee Provincial Govern- geese. ducks and swans fromI long term preservation, are embankment for 30 feet. ment ta help in the preserva- March 1 Oth to September lst1 important, he sald. %Ir. Robinson was uninjur-,no atro1ws ie ac er "Thirdly, the manipulationz ed, and damage to his ! c the Bownianville Rotary1 "This leaves seven months'oreuainfrseonl- amounted Io less tlhan $100. Cluîb by J. D. Heyland, Que-'of an open season for hunting. its and bag limits, and fourth- Constable Ray Hart investi-bc n rdy.M.H !ln The Canada Goose îiests in ly by the collection and atudy- gated. ,was the guest speaker at the Inorthern Canada and winters ot data frnm ground surveyr Thee ws a acidelt nhe e etFing oftecman n the' southern United Statesi done in waterfowl breeding Ther wasan ccidnt nýhed e theFlyng Dtch a!nd Mexico therefore it faceslareas. the C.P.R. bridge on the west:Motor Hotel. iseven months of gunshoot. 1- side of the town at 9:48 a.m.; Three new meiners, Don ' "Fiftv ersaono i wr, on Thursday. A panel truck Murray, O.P.P. Sergeant Allan r . ;ears hw afnv on wR E U T driven by William Malurenko, Barkcr and Ilarrv Cook wrse w iiled bth b ay hCnad iR ES L S Ofl 'R.R. 1, Oshawa, skidded and 1inducted. Preqidient Don Mor- Geese965 were re 2,5huniers stlîick the north side of thelris officiated inl the mre siehunters in North America," bridge. Damage ta the vehicecýeremoiîv. He was assîsted by Mr. Heyland said, and explain-1 amounted ta less than $100.1four astpeiet R e ht ercolb dnr instiatieJng ffir. 'G. eWl*ErDwin ad Dr Ki th È of ig tee od Cnestale Jon ird w Gasdinpannprasdents, ex dth atteec d1edne theWaltrs, Daid Higgn. Dr otng tluecine rfuve l geee s thr peie hvebe At 9:31 a'clock on Friday Bilei.corne extinct in the pasi. !MULTIPLE LISTING SEUVICE evenîng thiere was a two AI Withrrsponn receîvedi an, He told the cluib of methods' Connult a Member et the vehicle collision ai. Scll.gog 1 l-ye-ar Perfect Attendaîucelusetpeen issad and King Streets. The driv- Pin. The presentation waslain se Ioi hpreevatios ndo . ~4 ers involved were David Lloyd made hv Attendance Chiair- Canada Geese. First. through! sa a&Dsrc Harmer, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, rnan Tom Rehder. The birtb- habitat management and sec- R a 1A U and Ronald Wesley Brooks,!day of George Vice, a past'ondly, hv habitat inuprove-l,.l EstateB oard R.R. 3, Bowmanville. i president of the club, was ment,. The draîning of flood _______________ ' elrbrated h bis fellow Rn-1i________________ Damage to Mr. Brooks' sta- tarians. tionwagnn and to Mr. Har-, A Past Presidetit, Forbes mer's car amounted to ap-!Hevland, xvas called upon ta proximately $350. Constable!intr.oduce the guest speaker, O N O Parker investigated. bhis son Douglas. He told the A ttalof bou $40 dm-ilubtha hi so hlid been iaewas zl-stained bthe twoiborn n Toronto. but the faim- CUSTOM BUILT HOM ES cars involved in a collision atiIy moved to a fan- at Provi- the corner of Scugogan King ýdence whenli alestn Streets on Saturday at 3:33,two years nId. uv OCHONSKI p.m. The drivers were John! "He graduatcd fromn Bow- R. Heriderson, 190 Mearns manville 1-ligh Schiool, and then Avenuie, and Mrs. Gardon obtaincd bis Bachelor of Arts Noted for Quality Craftsmanship Francis Cobixx'n, R.R. 4, B0wDegrre froni Carleton Uni- manville. Constable Parker versîî', COtiawa. Doug then 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS \vsthe investigating officer. attended the Unîiversity af on Large Lots 75" x 200' Saskachetwan et Saskatoon, C"onstable Parker also bi-' where hoý sttudicd for bis Mas- A vexý;tigated 11ir collision that 1er of Arts Dcgrec, and dur- from $1 , 0 - $2,430 dowfl happetiedat 4:48 pi-n, on Sat-j ing the stînunuer holidays heý îirday et King and Liberty wor1ked for the governimeot*'s For Appointment to Inspect Model Homie Streets. The drivers of thewildlife hrancb there. Theý cars involved were Donlaldi nexi veai lhe cntiinuied bisý CALL Fifre MrA rt:h ir, Onrit a r i a stîidies a h nvriyo Training Schoal for Bn' Guelph and oth ie.dUivrsitM.A.623-3393 hivre. and Marion Bunleýy.' Dec,"' Mr. 1levlatnd Sr. saidi.EXLSV AGN Newtonvilbc. lDamage to the TIl,guiest speaker spoke ofEXLSV AEN two vehicles amotinted ta ap.Iwatvrfowl as naturel re-sot.irc-, Cnt!to fnwhoe nNwatewl proximiatrly $320. jes shared by at least three Cnttcino e oe nNwatewl f coiintnies, Canada. the United' omnei the near future. l,)Lritig tlie holiiday eek-,Sfates and Mexico. lie ex- end, Satturday ta Monday in-'plained that lie said atý leastý clusive, 19 minor traffic ac-1three because in certain in- ýW R N E LE T T d cidents, wece investigated by'stances some of the fowl have!, *F A K E LE TA ELd the Bowmnanville Detachmeitlw'intered in Peru, South Amer- 21 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE of the Ontario Provincial Ica. Police. Mr. lleyland explained that' (0OW IS THE lIME TO BUILD i THAT MU(H-NEEDED Protect Your Car Against Wintry Weather1 Starts Better Under Cover ! EASYTmU TWO - CAR GARAGE 20'y x20' 16 Same Quality Materials as listed above 0 Cottage Roof . . . and 2 Overhead Steel Garage Doors MATERIAL $.0 ONLY $5980 (Incl, Tax) ERECTED ............$33 -00 SINGLE CAR GARAGE 14' x 20' 0 Gable Roof - 6" Overhang 0 2" x 4" Studding - 16" Centres 0 2" x 4" Rafters and Collar Ties 0 210 lb. Asphait Sliingles 0 One Economy Exterior Door 0 9' x 7" Steel Overhead Garage Door with Hardware 0 44" x 31" Cottage Slider Window *Ranch-Wall Exterior Finishi ONLY$4 6000 pniI . 'i ERCTD...........$656-00 I (Incl. Tax) I I I I I I I I I I I I (Inci. Tax) ~.- I ICUSTOM BUILI GARAGES AT SAME PRICE RATES! Oshawa Wood Products m COURTICE quALLONT-THE NAMI TO IBWW DON'«W LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 'Ji Accident Round-Up mai 1 il,

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