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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesiyan, Eowmanvtfle, Oct. 20, l9651livestock Judging abilty wu Receive Tourist Assn. Awards -___well recognized-he bas judg- Julaln ro o: Eas- ied ait fairs across Canada. Forlern Ontarlo to Toronto: its Imany years he was coach of afnto wulrei n M, Sta pies Retires 'OAC's livestock judging team $60oO preenu tte rateo which conipeted at the Inter-le ears ~national Livestock Show inHntga lauthor of many bulletins and 1-nteddGn hu G Professor M. W. Staples is Show in the U.S. Doc kpaplesonlietokchr Be Unloaded. Guns anidarn- retiring after being on the' proud to relate that as a senior acteristics and breed history, smunito hol b toe staff of the Animal Husbandiry student his team placed sec- and is currently writing a his- aaey- beyond the reach'p Department, OAC, Universtyýond1 in the US.-wxde college tory of the various breeds ofj of children or careless adu lts H of GUelph, for 37 years. In competitions at the Interna- Cana' nlvsok Dt.ring lunch breaks or when t inaking the announcement.' tional Livestock Show in htigwhohehu prp Dean N. R. Richards of the Chicago. He graduated from tWie"o"i fiifl e is ev saideadu-ir OnaroAgiclurl olee A w194 f]lwngw ihtir-inR now, he will continue to tîo ae n aiean n OtroArclua olg A in12.floigwihtearh on a part-trne basis for 2Nvr iibaFne.tel stated that "Doc", as he is af- he joined the Extension 2-Neyerf Climb a Fence r. ot fectionately known, has given Branch of the Ontario De,- Iherfthe fî eetr Jump a Ditch With a Loaded 41 years of devoted service to'partrment of Agriculture. Ife Gn lc uno h te Ontario agriculture. (He was'took a leave of absence I to elofxng e N ne bplla unoroughm with the Ontario Departrnent his M.S.A. ai lowa State Col,- 'u...i Lafnc evo er obi u tion h Si cf Agriculture prior to corning lege in 1928. and then joined.1 to OAC). ýthe staff of OAC. The Afterxîoon Unit of the te zl.Siay out of treesi "Doc" Staples was born in For a number of years. Ebenezer United Church Wo- during theDhitict Fest.r. 1897 in Durham Countv and "Doc" Staples was farm super-î men met on a blustery Octob- Dsrc oetr e developed a love or livpstock 'intendent and also in charge!er afiernoon with 17 ladies A .Wloh at an early age. He was on the'of horse production ai the Col- attending. i Durham livestock .iudging lege. As well. he was active Our leader, Mrs. Garnet i team at the Ontario Provincial, in many extension prograrns Tubb. set the theme for the YE V R O Winier Fair in 1919. While a wiih breed associations. counîy- afternoon with the poem rni student at OAC he was a clubs and 4-H grotips. He %vas "Kee pin g ThanikFgiving". (neddfrls ek niember of the first dairy caIlle inoted for his lectures in live- Mrs. Eber Snowden gave a Yelverion COMMUnit ' V fol- judging team frorn Ontario to'stock production, breed hi-.er fine Tlianksgiving medi- lowing ils annual Tlianksgiv- compete ai the National Dairy tory and development. Hi1s talion, telling aof the origin ofÈ ing Monday Turkev Stîpper, the day. We do not need to sei basks wjth an inner glow of wait until the national holi- Isatisfaction at a job well done. day In give tlianks, but can do' ~ Around 600 paid admissions so at any moment of any day, wr recorded and the crowd, t-ememhering 10 count as bless- r despite a Ihreat of a labourj ings the silences, sights and 1 ~~ shortage, xvas handledt with soîîrids, the hardship an courteous despaich (we hope)I hearachethe friendliness a raendmtonfo i xeleeteLetnatGvroEr Ro ,lM rals 20pole pe r. . loving thoughts that surround E. R. H1aynes of Cobourg, President of the Great Pine Ridge iRegional Tourist : The improved facilities i ow shp f Daligtnus every da. Cotincil, recently reeeived the Canadiari Tourist Association's "Major Award" ýthe kiiehen, engineered bv Triidd" asveY cpayi t the C.T.A. Annual convention he]d i- Hamilton. This is the im tre that al rcen ob otibLit- înirodiiced by Mrs. Eber Sînw- lstpNtoa wr a enwnb7aRgoa ors oni.cd 10 increased efficie'ncv aqndu den. We were inieresied in istp atoal-wr h-b---VflbvaRei-a-T-i--Cuci.streamlining of operations. 1 -Second Instalm ent of hear nf this lovelx- island that Tecmnnt sidbe wasfondd y Columbus for',co -ord iiatirig the ef forts of to our many friends away f roin Spain - the most southerly of I.* he others, (typicallv aIl mem- home - former Yelvertonia ns. the WestI indian Islands. Il g otc bers or a colony except the neighbours, etc., \&,o rtr has two seasons - a wet and a D arlingt n ouncil small kits lake part in the for Ibis big event of the year.i lWA dcS(iv - with lîîxurious tropical1 construction of dams an'd cacli roll up their sevsadcg I* A Agrowth and birds of brillianti t h neeig f alig ired. apparently assuimes sorne ce- in wilh gusto to assistjmk DlNo ve i bbtlsocisfrtteTwsipHlHrpothtDPIyReeNli eic es Our gratitude, ton, In D u e N o v . lst and lasting impression of heat the rcsignation of D.G. Kemp. appointecd a delegate to the! But thie efforts oif a colon.-, bbose hundrcds of sîrangersi xwhen lie arrived hy 'plane Assessor for the mLinicipalit, Planining Confei encee b be flot fac Irom Liiîdsav lead us and friends from neighbour- j with winter clolhing. The to lie effective Deernbcr 3lst, hcld ai the Roval York Holel , 10 suspect, they mnigit lie con- 'ing communities who purchas 1965O second impression was one of 1965, was received with re- 'Toronto, on November 171b, sii'riiig telecommunications as'ed tickets - rnanv nf wborn ___________________the warmlh oI the weîcomne nofjgret. This was nvcd liv ý18th and 191li. with expeuses a means of maintainiuig con- 'make il an annual excursion, tliosn Ilat hadi waited paîienîlv Coiincillnr Mar-y Btîdaî, seç- paid. This wmis sevonded liN tact, at Icast ai the damisitc. reiurning year aller vear -a Penlt of1%pe nint cargd n il upid for flice'plane. FHe noticed theotided by Depury Reeve H. C. Cotîncillor Gihlis and carried.' Thle dam ithcy-coustructed, fiiting tibute to the finie cul- sounids of the nigit and the Mîr On a motion by Councillor wVhiciî\vas 200)fe ogadmry aheeet ioî fi.stinsalenttaes an scon istamet ase o1 the daily routine -rThe Deputy Ileeve nmoved Budiiseconcled liv Counicillor 10fortdhighliay parallel 10 ,Yelverton ladies, satisfac-tor-y fcee frn pressur andttenesliatndesencdsaccount rnount-Dowu. counicil adopted as arn- and almost directi over a service and friendlv atrnos- taxes after Nov. îst sio. There is a wide varia- jing b S$83,219.14 be passed for ended the conidition,,; I ap-Îirunk line of thieBelTe-preWec*usfailpou taesate ov lt ion in homes including bar- payment. This was s.econded provat or a draft plan of ihe phoue Companv. of the community spirit dis- rack wih acomletefamlY y Curiillo Rihar Gibssub -division agreement suli- To plaster the ipslrezrn facepiayed at Yelverion. inrac h a om pled htseaybondcarillrRihrdGb ýmilted tb 11(,Minisier nIof o the dam t1e beaver remiov-, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson in ad rom.mu busbouesa~d crrcd Municipal Affairs by St. cd tlie mud from thc bcd of :frew farnily motored la Rexu. 'M011 o high posts, mod~cern eent On1 a motion by Cotincillori Mary s Cemieit Company as set the strcam. and in, so doiing,; and district ta spend a couple blo c es we l lt e.seon ed by DeuY ut in Appendix A ta a report exposd the cable. aIf days wiii their friends, the ifflt d vede as acs ie el tgehe Reev Muii- ithe Tonhipr'a; frteDalnin el eemoîev paîîy rumpmreys. Dog license fees, i ntpa, are iiow oe'u. as expressed i intheir motto e î.wspreae o h alntn elTlpo o '"Together \ve, aspire and to- - rWlc .BnI.sa Planning Board liy Municipal 'empînyce while exarnining the Mr. and Mrs. Orval Quack- W. G DALASgeter c aciev". insiructed la make applicationiPlanning Constiltants Limiied. exposed calile belield an nId .enbush and boys spent the W. G DA LAS geier we chive~. I l te Department of High- dtd JulY 2ti 1965, and beaver \vho appard to be weekend witb relatives in Treasurer. The ladies were invited b w\ays for pay'ment of Interim n de iialigo ln-itlioughtfully considering the'Havelock. attend thie Evening Unit meet-!Subsidy. ning Board on October 7th. 'possihulity of converting the, Mc. and Mrs, Lloyd Wilson, ngon Thcirsday, October 21,i Courcillor Carl Dnwn, sec-; Dcputy Reeve Mvuir movedcabie's manx wircs 10 a "dam ýMr. and Mrs. Raîpli Malcolm vil en issho rS oe-'oncd by Councillor Mary Iat tle Township Soicior A. to lodge" intrcom systcm. and farily, of Scarorougl, ARE YOU PLANNIG A Trhiidad.dai, movedi that counicil a-'.Sieleaiilorzdta To forestali sut-h a planî ihe spent the weckend witb rela- ARE OU LAN ING . . .rs D. rsctt illopen prove the construction oI a supplv, a copx' of tle aliove 'Bell Teleplionc Compan.v cm- tives in, tbis area. Mrs. Ken r s. D r n tt will r. bridge on t bc boundarY road adopted draft plan 10 ithe so- pîye ct il a visale la have W ilson of Guelph 'ith is urbaaa i Nvebe. between the Township of 'licitor for St. Marys Cemeni Ihle occupants or the lodec i-e- ýparents the Jack Wilsons. iUhegNerlmertig 18 TIcgeerl cein wllbeDarlington and tlie Township iCompanv and also a copyta nioveci 10 equalv\ acceptable! AIl are plcased that Mcra. N E W H O M E ý'theRev. J. A. Ramjiî wiîî or East Wbiiby, the couire costi the solicitor for tic Cedar 1pr-emuses elscwlierc and re- Fred Stacey and Adele Page :spek onTrindad.The en ýfIbis construction 10 be paid .Crest Ratepayers Association. ,qLlestcd otîr assistance 10 effect have returned home frorn lis- V Y mu~ , u 1htsa~ Tiidd.Th reb\ the Township ni Eastî This was secondcd liv Coutîn. li transfer. pital and are euraigst WE ARE TAKING OIRDERS NOW .. . for new of the congregatton are invit- Vlbitby. This motion wasicillor Gibbis, and carried. Il specns the lnie ini daiigec ,isfactorily. Regret la learn homes on choice lots, we will build from cd.Temein lsd hteindîvidual s resýponsîihle for that Mrs. Ernie Lane is ix, bas- yu pln orwil help you to choose froni TIc eeti Gnrcloscd svothe ieg 10 e otan ptlan oi nwisbingbe your pla s o Pîaye of ene al ban sgi - L a d s n d o r e t s00 svccs and carrnes iclccom - .im pr-ov d eath. our plans. . . do it now and take advan- ýing read in unîson. ______ __and__________ tage of Government Winter House Building _ ___ Program, the Federal Government niay niakeNET TO W eekly Report a direct paynient of $500.00 t< the home own- E T TO er.Roue t becomletd b Mach 1st 196.Earl Bowers was à Thanks- New Suhdivision Openis f the bcst lal1 planit ni seasons piving v-iax;tor in, North Bav Seekers of cottage sites witl for the past fcw years. $ i) .0 ON. YOUR with bis sister and fainily, th* lie pleased to learo that 49 De n e DerandMose __n flfUiN PAYMENIT LiTir ';imqneu, narces in t+,.,,, tA * __ 1. .A IMI BALANCE ON N.H.A. MORTGAGE AT ONLY 6Uc% INTEREST AT BEAUTIFUL £Par#ýway Crescenl SUB-DIVISION Liberty St. S. Bowmanvill ENQUIRE TODAY De BEERS BUILDER Pbone 623-2263 22 Parkway Crescent Bowmanvilli Ile Je -, -9 PLmn nw te get anl those jobs dons this wmite. Thiwne 5.having the lawnmower fixed, and the screens mended; having the car tuned up and outboord motor checked,~ havmn the thet&WieI pp o eçirsd;hav- ing alT tl2OSe Te done whicha come Spring, b quickly, effici( the winter sea a low-interest me±Loan. Pl plaimer now. v.uybod boneift w m s wlnter wor bandbuauhci HOaeAJ J. MacEachmn, Màtw ,o ne ;n prnla J î. 1-Ili 'LWO'-' c i tAE p ldiflYU Mc. Frank Fldrid af Detroitivisions on Koslîlong Lake, "If a party is buinting bibh spent several dava lithGlamorgan Township, are nawdeer and moose, then every Messrs. Marvin Nesbiltandýavîlable. eme ajiepat yma Ted Leunard. 1,For a romplele Iist af Ibese haenhroft h ertyamoase Mc. and Mca. Howard Lce lots, their area, frontage and licene. Ntha derand abo hald wece in Tornt-o wberc shelprice, pîcase write ta he 41-Ynî a deer licence may kilI visited lher aunt Mrs; . Faeser Dpaî et cfa rmoase for anme ather mem- wio is very poorly 10in hospi-Lands and Farests, 322 Kntber of the party who haldsaa ta 1. St. W., Lindsay, Ont. MOOSe licence, nor may the Mc. and Mca. J. K. Ro s or * * lholder nf a moose licence w-ha Toronito speut Thanksgiving Fî rePanigUdra is a member of a pariy kilI a weeken'd sitb Mc. and Mca. by J. A. Waddell, Farester ideer unlesa he has bis own, Ilas. Lawrence, Marliba and' Tic Department's fail tcec dccc licence". Tommyv. .planting programi now undcr-i The aliave appeaca, as para- Thiank' vim geîs ýway in Durhamn, Victoria, Pet-Igrapli tbree under the bcad- and Mcrs. Lawrecee al(-o0]0erborotigh a n d Halîburian ing '"Decc and Moase' ixtlie svece Mc. and Mca. Grant'Cnunties svill result in nearlYSimay of Hunting Regula- Brooks and baby Gordan oÎ400,000 seedîings being plant- lions. Part Hope, Mca. S. Brooks, dwii he-ckpra. It lias Provoked a igreat deal ýAl Ibtis plantiiig is donc by oîoesarsl Bowmanville. and Mc. adhn landoficb bs ben 'li î , a (,ulof Mrs. Stanle.v Malcolm wsho bn nln hihla nwhic las cen onel(rous uIn. leffthiis week fac Flocida. ahaticonp(d fac agricuilture or qiUiries for clarification af ils r Mca. John Cale visited in where the natucal forest re- intent. geiîeration is poar. The lirst sentence bas beex, White pixie, ced pine, white intcrpretcd by man.v hunters stiruce and ced apruce are the bInean tbat al] hunIers must species best suited for refor- be ix, passession of boîb a esiatian becauge these xili deer and moose licence: Ibis is eventually produce forest pro- mot truc. duels for wbicb there la a good Ail bon ters afield ta bunt dernand.. deer must af course have a Treca arc being planted in deer licence, and ail hunters Durham and Victoria Cotunty1 whose intention ilta b t hunt Foresis, Balsarn Lake Pro- r - - uthaf vincial Park. Burleigi, An- lcec Ifî a hunter wishes to struther, Galway., Bruton and hn ahh utcrybt IDigby Townships. ln, al', a 'licences. laorfrc Iau 7 lC f there airc 11) men lîun is ai. work plantiog trees for ugfoiacmcd a. tomnrnsv focats ssomn bas a dc licence, but1 Tic cool wcather oI the pasl oiilv five of vvbom have few weeks and tic abundant'os icne icfv a rainfallmauOld make IbIs ance, Iamas iec mias' ua shoot a mioose for one Branitfordl sitli tle Gordon of tiiose in possession af a ,Cole tamil aîîd otlier frienîcl. moose 'licelice. 'anr. and -Mrs. Jos. Rcdunoîîd Onec of the rive ini Possessioni Mcndfamuîx' moved to Lindsay of rmoose licences could cn tici iîely urchsedceivallyshoot fis'e moose. anc! fairm. Messrs. Roffel a11d,îoc caéi nf tic licences beld, Pearce from Toronîto have juta îî r1ooftccm boztthe Rcdmonid farmi. memibers iii possessioni aI dccc Mr. an Mrs.Ingli enjoyd licnces aiP lece.;flli atesit foc tic Ocier metn pi£za]oftedprte nISdbtyh o Psbteriaoad On itit ies Ca butro naden'd Aid. A presentalion was madeý and C'ommunication,% ta Mca. John MeCalden wio, 'The beasTer, whose scientifie 'bell this past week for Vie- name aPpears above, is noted lania, B.C., wbece abe will'foc lis ability as an engzineer, make be- home. bis forte as evecy.ntme knows, M. Inglis Mcs. H. Leceanîd bciîg cdam constructionu. Mr.KenielliGilbank gave a- lvIn' xamples af tie pro-i Tbaok:sgiving party foi, the duct nI bis industrv may bl Si.nday school chixdren. Mîs. ,seen o0n lakes and streams epeir androenoVatin jobs MeCalden left ire-aIs aI hats,'bnî.derced by asperu, poplar, cmn cSU for a on w i ce ceam anîd cookies for the bircli, or Wiwiîns',thme back, a 'IgWf es-nt .%,h ic-h the chijdren leaves and iwigs nf which are but which ca.nbe handled igreafix' cnioayed. bis main items aI fond. .ently and ea-sily during ý or.'il1d .'-s.Grant Tlionmp-, Althouigli lie dnwnstrcain Son i-Stedbot oftheir ma- face of a heaver dam sujgzsts,; son. Ask yourba.nk about !thirs avec Thanksgiving, Mrs. bbc whnle stil'lture ocurredi W. H-. Jolinsion at Pefîerlaw accidenlallv ratier than iv tNHA Home Improve- 'aPnd Mca. James 'I'ompsoî aldesigo Ui uthe, a face isl 'Ian qhead- Be a Wm±er- the homne af Mr. and Mcs 1t. Iu ! y smnoatbly plastered Russel Francis, Beaverton. , witb mnud.1 Mr. and Mu-s. Maiurice Nes- This is. of course, as it Must bit and Mc. and Mrs. George leic i is purpose, wbich is 10 IHeaslip aire eniaying a trip irnpound waîer, lis10 lie realiz- i k 1 UflNU'SBSd ta the wesb coast, Trexor, cd. Kevun and Sharon Nesbiît are Naofone knowxs wbat means of or ut &Z Canada J aasnz witb Mr. and Mrs. communication exîst betsveen IJohn Ziesbitt. i beaver, or whether any one Living alIliher tife in Ibis' 3mrunity Mcs. Gerlie Brad- 'y passed away suddcnly from ibcart atlack on Monday. She s eurvived by- lier iwvo sans, len and Larrv and a bratb- r, Gordon Kirk. Hec buis- )and the laIe Keith Bradley )redeeased bfer two ycars ago. ier funecal was larrely. vai- endvd on Wcdncsdav at lontypool United Church xwith rilerment ini McCrae's Cerne- erv. We exteiîd our svmnpalh.N oithose %vio motîro. Mr. anud Mx-s. Sid Lisconle id family of Oshawa sverc sitors in tbis commuinitv, Linday. Our local Farmiers' Ullioîi, re sponsoring a ceaI gel-to- 'liher Tucsda.v nigit iii tbe iail. Ail foui- Federal candi- îltes arc 1 cm i present and we îderstamd lhcv are tb tell us ceii platform for, agriculture MiAKE YOUR VOTE (OUNT!I Inserted By D)URHAM LIBERAL, ASSOCIATION It's easy to »uy 1965 Canada Savmgs Bonds. Juut Wink lu and sy 'q want sme Canada Savings Bon<s" No one will act surprised. They'll smile, nod and give you an appfication. It's a very simple form. You fi11 in your name, address, and who you want registered as the owner. Then you choose the amount you want to buy-fromn $50 up (the limit is $1 0,000 per person). A couple of signatures later, and you're ail set. Quick. Simple. Friendly. And you get bonds which pay you an average annual yield of 5.03% when you hold them to maturity. 0f course your bonds are instantly cashable any tirne for their full face value plus earned interest Who selîs them? You can get yours on the Payroil Savings Plan where you work-or from your bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or boan company. Walk in this week and buy some. Cash or terms, Canada Savings Bonds are a great way to save. PONTYPOOL 1 Igond evenrig. 1 na! have te attend a cbuc meeting first htît 1 sure would like ta be tbere in lime ta see one round at least. 1 We sycre glad ta sec aur old frk'nd Robert Hallbran (94) on Suiuday. He just came out of C'isic ia¾,,lital about two \wecks ago and came down svitiî bis nephew Clifford Olver I- fToronto ta visit aId trieîids, He bok s ine and lit and gaining -weighlt The imice %wee7 _nd gave harvesting their grain and potato crops. Pabatoes are ini grcat diernandi and yields re- pnrted b lie reasonably good. 1 anm -lad 10 repart that my svîle (îs R. J. Payxe) con- inmes la imprave. She la now able 1cm sit up for a few minutes cadli day. T'le GM plants at Osha'wa consiincd more elecîricity ini a year blian the city of Belle- 4jýý

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