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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 11

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r M oI l Tb(i ,er4, e- z'u n ci las White. Pari Simon. Flred rgy -;! Ine1,' Ken Wbitney 229, Mary Pee Wee Hockey League HUKE GayCi -- CONTAC.( -- ~sugg. îist 1.49 I 2,4 MGre2r219, Mabel Lewis RDWNS--D l bhomorHroldnLRadnv Lan CO ICDN D 2s uVI#t1.9 8 l arilyn Coucli 212, Jean Myles Rowe, Mike O'Brien, David soStv eyods i F11,day h vWbitney 210. Slmr Geordie W a lb ono, lis Churk Scott, clair Sver,! 44~ r- Leauie- endGlenn Rire. Douglas Terryerv rvaHrl'In 7 VHC 9,R DCoci.8.Du aviJhnonî,M GERITOL 12 oz. Liquid or 40 Tablets . -sugg. ist 3.29 2.6 oakr '1992, ut Kerry N,1 oble, ax'i Joansoennetim alnBuc îpr GEIOL267 la AieRw CrlWslke ilWlson. Joex- Strutt, John M- k___ 39 lc Ow'Ccl Wetae il ai-Koiglt, Chris McTavisb. Ross GELU f For ntaci Con rol 10's sgg. lît 2.2 * 8 .44 obHazl Mmm224,i Alan Abernetliy, Bob Marjer- ete.Bh rgt FrAtcdCnrl10s----- sg.Et22 o l-azeldnn 216, Perey Hase! rison, Samn Snowdeni. PIRATES - B-on Van De G*UI 1825, Jim Dean 215, Albertý LEAFS - Bob Mcflonald. acrSotBre.Tdd eîarce 212. Narda Hoogkamp Mumray Omso, Wae ,SotBres ecv ~ TCNnUEwih Cem Risesugg. Eist 2.00 2.7 410, Stan Allun 28, MurrayTrim, Dennis Smale, Michael Mike Gilhooh, Michael Mac- TECNIRv'ý'ÜE with Creme Rinse 1.7 Paterson 206. Mev Briffith25.Omistan Robert 'M\asse' -e-o.BueWlh ar S Seldon Paker 200, M er 'Ol r es S e h n o , 1 w -iGrewnr. Alruen Wehsh Brorye sugg fis .9 Heny 20, Bn HogkanpýAvery, Richard Hall. Phli Billett, Eddie Bons, Donnie, SECRET Aerosol Deodorant - ug7lit 9c0He-200,Be Hogamp Zss, Erie Martin, Glenn MKih Sug. ist1. 9 Murphy, Stephen Davey. John, Don Mýar-Mullen, M i chaelI BROMO«QUININE48' sugg. Est 1.59Colwell, Donald Smith, Ar-: White, Don Loruisso. . ........ 13thur Brayley, Don Sylvester,! FLYERS - Gaye Poiley,ý PEPODE T ENTL CEA sug. is gg 70 44Larry Perri.§ài.Iim Anderson.i.:Ken Rove Tom Puk, Richard Mav we suggest a PEPS DEN DENALCEAM __ ugg.lis 99c79CRANGERS - Ronnie Simp- Littîe. -Murray Twist, Leonard 4 623-' 3303goBl Mairs, Douglas Hen- Himn io adneg WATR FORTRIS AD ACH WEEtnirg, Kitiî Kelly, Fred Ryan, Robrt ans, m on en-S ave-for-hLite-hins ifrTerrv Baker, Richard Borek, net tHBre Wes, ato e-r-eîteTn s WATCH FOR THI AD 4 CJgv.fiRoert Turne, Bave Poole, Writehead, Craig Baungert-ý BranTihe Dvi Frusnn.rAlanBag. ery en, o-might-otherwise-neve-uA cut JACKSON'S DEG STORE JGHSGN'S DEUG SORE < smic~John Masters Clarke StephenerAlnBrg.JryD- a=EX NcUMEEGI, DIRUGS OIKONO 44son, Lloyd Forsey, coachi. CHutr, Kenoats i YT~~RV 9,~ ~rnCU I HAWKS - Robert Wilson, Cy rcah I.UVELL q-iJ 1-çPHAA C 4 Danny Lemnberl, Archie Gra- Mldzet Hockey Leegue . M I' I ANK0 OM EC j ham, Gereld Poirier, Larry 9K AL.b, ai- . A. __ __ AL__ ý A&ALBarber. ClaePenfound. Mi- BXYýTAM ALL STARS- cha.] Kehoe, Max Johnson, John Vance, Randy Rogers, i ____________________________________________________________________ harIla eattan. Gry Pra-1Th(C;&"ian Satesmn, Nomanvlle, Ot.State9s ton, B1rian Blackburn, Doug'___ Crough. M u rr ay O'Brien, <1.4. rNewcastle Library Keith Moufltjcov. Kenneth onia IVewo ad/o .9 Receive New Books McRoberts, Mike Donoghue,I naHs e oe Recivs N w ook Seve Frsy, icardElis An aGreatNwSre Mii. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 9874113 Newcastle Library recently adian Business Book; Kerr Wiseman, coach. G a d reevdthe fiallowing new Historical Atlas: Hanunond' ORPHANS - Doug Hayes, 'LLde Pa books through the Lake On- World Atlas; Gierson - High Gary Stainton. Dave May- Street be closed, it was felt tario RegiSial Library Co- Days and Holy Days, Hansen nard, Bill Woodward, Michael Oshawa, Ont.-Ponta a r pca he-iccvr. by counicil that this was flot a oçerative:1 - Custumne Cavalcade; Cohen -, Oke, o alr onHm e oenwhn good idea to start closing off Harpers - Bible Dictionary;ý Dictionary of Quotation; o alr onHm e ocnwhnln bl aiinefr'6ofr ts5hEdition; cupesorsotin.Itin Rogets ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ b yler, Kim Rogers, Glen Fin- GnrlMtr ! aaacue t.t-ukt sas clown. - 7hesurus; Newmn - Can- grand addition to our Firr.ny o orsey, Brian Og- isaid today. seilaivnlitro rri F o rm A u x iliary "o H eÎp Tea io h nimal the law __ inbra?.den, Lloyd Porsey, coach. Tenew séries is aiaeacnoaddstcivor- To, h e ms o t iofor the t hirdw E ER L - L r y e -an pot-ea - Newcastle:- On Wednes-ltests and work of the Guides ers decided to agree t a otfo h ie w AI P D a B ig I' 8uj ittGESNEyroSn, Lavridei- nd spta edan-ad ooer a tanard day evening of last week, while NMrs. Calexplained of an auxiliary, the plan was to'couneillors were in favoir of arga gL5I L5I * itand Bo*Ewn, vîRieg ethrstandar o!lirn AtonLurninan tao mteso rwisGie form cnitin n cmi-the by-law while two were , *gnBbEisKi Riegehrthsya'liupttsCifmol hiyaranw inoher ô Brwnes uiestsadwork one by Brow'- convenors anscommit- I a5ttai ."andjy Don Hutton, Tom Kinsman, 14 models in four sre or Rangers were invite<i to a, i nd* b B'tees to help with test ,vork. -opsugsed as ithws r tten, an Douglas Tighe. Brian Saun- Grande Parisienne, Piemliggvsen mTeeting held in teCm is theheabeceo Sa It was decided that an aux- gîvento he wrdigP ubl~Jic L. It extends from the frontDa C -nesInteasneo e arvwas ers, Seven Mrrison DaveLaurentian and Straoie.Ipaitohedsncveie. m4iyHall. Rangers Skipper, Mrs. Janeiar s needed and com-i '"WIiat about these baose L U J Shackleton, Gary W ils on, A sport option is avilal nfne ullntsri Timetn a aldto1 Stew,%art, Mrs. Qinytoldi mittees were formed.'os"akdCuniorRs Newcastle - We advertise fishing. art, îîistory, mostl Warren Aider, Rickey Wool1- Paris.ienne on convertbeo ak ordr v TS Kye uîne, bot tisne gou of odr himno the MlotiersDick-illson. "Coming mbt the ail the materlal things which likely you wilI find a book on ner. Bob Jackman, D'ave sport coupe models. Giedpan h eomdgirls who wish to further Auxilarry is M Brenton building tonight there thweieeujc. rgtralDvt, oc.Tetaiioa pi rlel eaoh of the rnothers and 1x- heir icar.Serear 5MU. hee lage dgs weecan be bought in Newcastle, 50 the dbiding nd maintain-CTS-rl e ,a ch.delA new, lower line is civ etld h rleo h pressed appreciation of thel These explanations wr f Idkn h sas aon os vrin ti prPiaet rdyu ri fag d dmuiylb OES- a adle i ota o 6 interest they had show-n by tered in the hope that the Badge Secretary. Browni' eregigtoenal attention to a really big bar-1î.ryhas to be a cmuiyKeMartin, Jon acna, new hood and a regneiefo h rle ftePr R'-force, ltsdoi o, xand do urico- Ronald ahicc-k. Gregit C-r- anew grille nd fenders Quinney then introduced thc take some o! the load of theýBert Shearer and MsWV'i h. " Iposal for the ridiculously low operation and support i Wr-ayn ut o în Eh eries:Gand e Pr he mdl.Fon nra leaderswowr edrs. With each group Rosseau; Guide Convenais, "People with pets sol rc of five cents a year, ecl to improve library dedn, Wends are redesigned in aUies Gra Mareen Powe Cll and Mrs. rapidly grow;ng there is a Mrs. C. Aquillina and -Mrs. H. keep them .home," said tenamely Newcastle Public Lib.jostutve ciicssgce.1 Koap, a rr one, TmadSrt-he sdsicielx ihutei anan oauef th ollBrown Owls problem of time to teach and Hobbs. Cleîk. "My mind is macle up, rary. gstono!moe onenen ravb, roo o Serp, Miken anfeatr es.bu ehacd. A rad of te lcalBrownie Packs. time for them ta pass on wbat Convenor o! used ulliformls, l'Il shoot any dog coming on lit is local tax money that'lihrary hours, o! new books tboa',,Mk ohel ay The reason for calling the they had been taught. The Mrs. Emerson Fisher; Trans- ta my property, supposîng I maintains it, so why niot try1be purchased, any kind o! im- akr ieBtwl. ayjPrsen prtecuiei nii meeting, explained Mrs. Quin-,ýeader-s asked the rnothers. portation, Brownies, M r s- eten get fined for using lire- t o eOur money's worth outlpr-ovemenit Bakeronacklerinr, coupe.ora empe asie ro aknglgtst newas to explain the train-!how they felt about formi!iogVern Jones, Guides. Ais. Sanarms inside the village. They of it? Bring tepehoethe eliittins. .ae mre ARON Bll ow .in iupeo itself shargileoeig ing young girls receive from a Mother's Auxiliary. Tbey Powell; Camping, M-,rs. Ken aren't looked alter if theyreand choose fromth e variety of than weicornc. Ron McMullen, Steven SuIm- angular quartier Panlad Anw evop ntfra the time they enter Brownies. stresscd that the inothers Dean: Social Convenor fiýr running loose." ai picture books. The school; Prescrit librai-y hours are: crstord, Lee Lemon, Brian deck treatiment and graeul oll Later, they join the older woyuld be asked ta hclp only Brnovnies, _Mis. Gardon Dar- Miss Belli Powell end isclde knowv the library*ai- TuecdaY 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 Jones, Danny Nowlan, Jerry curved rear -window ta o e, i 96i opeey group, known as Guides and whenever it w-as necessary. ling and Mrs. Bill Couch, for Candy Storks, spoke to counci] ready. Mother and father could p.i.; Thursday 3:30 p.m. to Johnson, R on Shaekelton, sc aoal omn nte edmna rnmsinta finally tbev are able ta con- and pointed out that the Guides- Mrs. Murray Paterson on bebaîf of the Sea Rangers.'find many good new and oid 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:00 p.m. ta Mike Closs, John Spry, Alan Grand Prix model.sadr o i oes tinue Guiding by gaing on leaders with growing families and Mrs. Trac « Em.bieyv; No- They would like ta help the fiction, mystery stories, as well 9:00 p.m.; Children's Library1 Siblock, Dave Pingle. Ranid'.- Wt h 5-h i n h into Rangers. could ont be out exery even-, tires for meetings, Mrs. Jack Artificial Ice Association ad sother books. If it is infor-ihours, Monday and Friday,ý Snewden, Ronald Webb, Jeýf A new taillamp, andrbe19-ad7-an32hpV'. Mrs. Quînoey explained ing passing tests. If tbe moth- Adams. ___________ ntseter rjetb 1~a __________________rojct y man mation needed on gardening 00oop.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Gilhooly. John Worden, Del-molding across the bodysrs aoit e re h eos ot a thermometer that the Seal!o ysta h long, low ground-ugn Rangers would make. The top tonlook. a.Th eto-see Poergid arou would show the amount o! (DI>' Hockey P tce tedec. aigtsaeivsbid15hp orhpe Council Agrees 10 AIIow ithfiure e .jeviews i '~"Schedule untî i l the moldingarunaiog~Wt l B xeth rnre rmthe bottom up, c e i n' rks apidsini Songwa a ledthe lights are turned n Anitth32-9h~ b,"cn raised. Their idea was, Saturday-, October 23rd -l Standard equipmenticusVsaoalynw ndxit to erect this on the front Iawný Tyke Hockey Leegue Rod Thomipson Danny Robin-ý 7:00 a.m.-Bantam Ail Star,,Strato-bucl.et seats i h n he-pe ub-yr. R e re ti n om i te o heComuiy al, nd OYI- -ln ,lOxson, Walter Wereszczynski, 1 Pee Wee All Stars. Ispr coupe.,ndGand e a-mte saviabe R ecrecition C orrlr7 lIte e tb eeakn erm~t Hissin d BROYALS asseVilcourn, DCi jrd, Bill Scott i7:o -eee awks lsine fatrsiil:: n ordorsots Ve es e, Jo y ur s, D ouglas V ivian, RBnnie Piper, Cn4dia ns. wood -11 i ie ne ftr ed s tr m n e hise r e l froA db this wasda ve gou ie aImnie Perfect, Garny Bruce,, Tom Wilson, coach. i perîmeter fraes for the sport fel ths ws aver god iéalRonieSmith,. ak hs 'T > i 4 p r [ -i e i i i e r and gave their permission. hl,-e Gf. oy h ist ANADIANS -LareBin.Rerý7elonngc T o Oe a e A e a T i e r C,,ii R. Carveth approached blLe o!.Je"Crs, GC'a, i ea-whclopeio cver ae dn ols;hevie-gug ,Jeffrey Ross Billy Ipamran, standDaighinBahemsartn! counç il. asking thecir advice O otHlion, aye ick / orris \eadows, Drel ar19:00 ar..-Pee Wee Leafs, sadr 0tesre n anea nscerisipoe Newcastle - Council met on and beynnd the circle nowabove the expenses \would bc what be cari do wlth dirty oetabldoyn - e ieks, Da'dPsntIr-Re ig.to D t Idîkadualtybke ie:ne Tuesday evening, October 2thwell built up, Reeve Douglas!turned over ta the A.IA. for w tr coming lto is ellaier fe e nt ad l yL c, G Don Wi- - cuit; newPasant Lafoured-way ignitiontm nt ou b~~~~ ConiLhmeswt lfaoiga ac.- ry Trick, Len Fowler, Atom Ail Stars. jbwl oe members present. ;cillors get ta work on this this proposai. spring Carveth's cellar wîn- cox, cac.Rick Sharkeltnn, Pauhl a-1:0ar.Pe WeGnr o eldn.sic Minutes of bbe ast regular mnatter, and try to have ah nterltcrwsreevd d\vs bave bad ta be open i ERCAS - Ck -li Wyn ea, oulaiab, ana Cbs DpicteBrdg lb - Ote fatre n ilmo- meeting, and one special meet- the ligbts insballed before the by counicil from Alan B. ci-der that the odor of stale Sweebiman, Sandy Kemp, AI- McKnigbht. S ta nle y Read,' Starting this cnming Tu-es addsnvsrpde Frank B. Pidgeon, and ap- AlttrwaMedoooonils-re.d ono a s requestaforThis can't be done during fthe Biliy Cox, David Bebee, Brian brnDonal Bizso, B eOcb , 1-0amFb'ers. LionsOBrid e ubxil e odut fot ndrar aasee 1e proved. from Mrs. Margaret Brereton, water ta be installed in bousesw-Banbaem. edned oin bbcnebrLionsvn Centreg, oeverycoahri1:40windshield ionwipinrhe LoitCen w-ies rsigha ntH explai ne how en Lto nbrgsteneAn Ster,,Mrio. eBraves. Tbursday evening et pm.idselwahrangar- Buinssersigfrom bbc secretary of tbe Newcestle built outside the village limit. 1 pn i w ieadKe iîgtnAlnSuc GENERALS - Michael Le-' rlest meeting includcd the lack'Reection Committee. ilbread This rephy is being given ta money intryilataceanup1 avidSylvster Grat Lu- bl o! liglits for tbc subdivision. that the Committec lied agrecd'ail who -request taking th~e the mess. Sinre bis last visit ton, George Nemisz, David idyNriii ai rso,,Mde oes hreo hsgo Liglits now only go ta bbc ta ask the Artificiel Ire Asso-,water outside o! the villa.geito couril, Mr. Carvetb said MaeGrego-r Tommy Nowlan r-NrisDvd rso,1Mde Cres ha re !t idégl-of.H a1ethrdrave irr beginning o! bbc cirrie. Be- ciation ta takce axer the erena en bbc grounds thait Newcastleelie bad heen in toucli with the John Hately. Ja eryl somerrlse h-1 -' rpbas.enc i tcrbng upicae Grrr,éarauish yond bliat everyone was very for this year, Pnd were asking is graxxing 50 rapidly that scion heallth unit. and bie bas learn- 1 HORNETS - Gerald Bruntsn arl oesaeSe- rhn.ec ntahn mucli in bbc dark, and resi- Councit's epproval. The Rer- there may rot be enougb for cd those respansible for mucli Gary Ovenden, Steven Norr i, ienil Go!, GRonn D onu, 200 ra.-idigeos' a dge in per erapr even eir oas lofte e dents have requested liglits toýreetion Committee feht that if residents inside tbc îiiit. o! tbc trouble. Don Chihds, Richard Harper,i Grand Martin, Dennis Kowel, Marnons. be installed sa bliat children, bbc A.IA. couhd take over bbc It wes requcstcd that the CrvTh ifRce wton e sk e r NcIRobinso, Bllhy Dlie radc roeDvi u-2:40 p.m.-Midget AISar walking ta or from meetingsitask of producing ice, manag- Clerk write a letter of appre- ICarx-tiliewudakbcRcy Thiee Rl1Crdr shoorn, PBob Colwcli, coach,, andlJvtarlsU U «Ir sports, could do so withoutliog bbc arena, and runoing ciation ta tbc Bowmanv-ile ui o .owr tels men Bradley Freetbs', Tom-! George Bail, coachi. anJvénle the danger tliey now face be-'the bootb, they would learn'and Orono Firefighteî-s for Onms1 oîcadcU my Pflanzer, Ted Puk, David. Jcwell-,%YIMonda' October 2ý5th V E I f causeof te liht stiltin. idatthahnd issue lnetter'teirtaforacandsealds DonaildwuEvans, ssuevdttes t7:acDnaldDokes.i eieV'iI5 Councillor Fred Couhligoal for ertiticial ice. Thne rer- ing the Woodiland fire. At this;corecakgtio aete oe Jh htRik ee Paul Joncs, Mark Keatel.~ edy, Octbeo26h brouglit in bbc blueprints forreation committee wouhd o! lime. Counicillar Robert WeI- "haif ha ocn' ,or"Brad Almond, Duke Brunt, Dean KBoox, John HulFeiba-s,, t :0pm.-Aoa the Westvicw Heiglits subdi-Ururse still receive bbc grant ton suggestedi that the Reeve'asked ",r. Carx-etb.oc. Garry Gifford, BrienStn-ereio AtvtesI vision, witli its original plan for recréation, as tbey Will write a letter ta Don Murî-aya Then eibbcr tbc heailih unit BOMBERS - Stephen Bar- ton, Ric'ky on s aid Rrrain riite eelling for Il liglits more ta continue ta pay erena expen-,and extend council's officiai or mmcii could take tcma-onhee ye JonBiIBo-Vac, tp e , L and vily ChlreThrdaOcoe detryd isfebry I b~i feee "utwma gt t- onSe JeffmysBllodwin, K iiceL peonn, ilyChden , e 4-30 tay,30pm G be erectcd. Witb bbc are et ses, but aoything over and regrets that tbc fire totalv ber rlto court," replied the den, Lerry Reid. Donald Hoekstra, Larry Devitt, Lee 21,st, Arts and Crafbs. Lionisi e o r boa, wc should get watcr down clîcaner." Wallace, Larry Cryderman, BEARs - David Relston,j Saturdey, October 23rd,; Lions ~~~CIub M ernbers ~~there if we cen," said hepr- pArQ sc time the bills were Sbephe Hobbs, Douglas Gear-j ,ryBag an rm, Adtru onFre rd pallned,"Lcooss eat a farlr ,n, n uhrzdt eig ihe ob i a-BryBa;,Fr Bus on Fin Pr jects ned, he loss of a bsctor ipaid. Counril adjourncd. ginson, Neil Ryun, Peter Wii- Brour David B est, Jim!Hali, Beginners 9:00 ani. to' Progressive Cnevtv addt loughthev. WaofnjoMartidntD r oks. Bernd Pflanzer. Gar.i10 1:30 cm.; Advanced 11:00 ta o orhrieladCub rniehRehve, Bc- bbyn StFrry. ry Murphy Danny Callaglian, 12:30 p.mr.foNr Nerat urloalLon-dnainstabepbb bd Reeve Cunningham agrecd INDIANS - Barry Sbakel TryCo.BlyRiDn coe 3d Mincir Hoc-! Necatl -Or ocl insdoatos o el heblnd h, i wsregrebfuh. but said Com mBoyd Knigbt, Shearer, Bryan Coe eAea,7r.te4pm Club members are being kept!Anyone who was missed may t y on, Uergt ok, eAen,7&m t .. 1 Wan'tposibl toput ateý PillpsKevi Simmos- nid r1Kennett, coachi, Dtîke'Sec sob.,edurle o! preetices. quite busy, whab witli thein.still give their donation by i wsntposil t pt aerBo lngPhlipa lKe vindr nnBunt oal.Wednesdiav,October 27th , IIFC own meetings, and visits to'contarting any o! bbc mcm- down there this yeer. BowliyTnige Airc V n-1ATOM oALLSAS-Ri aitOtraSretSho ouf o! town clubs. They also'bers. " ge, adCurho Grooteul, Craig Lee, Donnir7hl~C nev tv aI have several projects on flcthe ane Tre hotbsWallon. "But lct's nont ijut iet Newcastle - The folowing Subsbury, Dannv Leaman.. chard Nemi,,z John Tamblvn,i5:30 ta 6:30 p.m. goIa r epn vroeý h nulTre ho a he matter go by and not sey 15ii a liit o! tbc top bowiers for: Dennis Livingstone, Brien: Dale Cowle. Brian Pescee- n h go blat ae keping verynead ils datpe dvcrtised. Keep we're zorry. It's the least \vthe w'epk ending October th.! Ma tin, TmWoodward, Pauli Chrîs Terhuine. Paul Corocfl Mno Rfres dCoce quite active. in mind the lime and place, ran do, whco oiher rm Mens League - 225 and over!HrGln Pi aul Farsey- Pparre -'co, Clîni c - The Department of This pasb Seturday evening Saburday, October 39th, et t OBw-avîc sbwa id e Winy29Her ard, Glen Mrtin, Bil u UuWîco BOWMANVIL'IHSH O WO owmnvileOshwaLin- Ke Whtne 259, arrbadBarry Brunt Keitb!RickV Lehlanr. Philip Rnm 1Récréation is indebted ta Mr- the Lions Stag was heid in.p.m. et Waltona Park. Thissey and Peterboroughi go as Pearce 249. Bill Williams 249,1 Slieckeîton.. Rnbbie Simipso.DIJ i orio ora xelet UDTRU bbcComuit Hll ib S-lasben mcl ejoedbyfaý as offcringc him a phare to Gary Forget 229. 1 Cabto. Ken Vivian, Bob Joe ob on aur Hockey Referees Geoge' W.. cterng mn mny n te pstandd5sbart Up again. I feel badhy, Ladies' League - 200 and: Atom Hockey League Paul Sergent, Don W loxi hichast Satui-dey alber-"8O>pm size dinner for thceévent. !pecialîy by those who are able edDonlket ty n gtovr Ion r 24.Trea The lucky winner of bta inthmsîvsbimrky or he bwaler lie rcqucsts. Langstaf! 231, Elaîne Dost 229,1 BARONS - Peu] Sargin-,caclinon.détai Marhe son covrezduprtn De0ndetailbIbe CoAn A. rulesoSupporting DurhamfCounty Progrersive hundred dollar prize wesblid Sundey dinner. That's anc bing I'd meke cleer, Evelvýn Meadows 228, Eleanorfs, O ensBme..Jb atmH~~ eagu o eecs okwsCnevtv addt Lloyd Bulis o! Bowmenville. For a number o! years, the to him, shouîd I get back on Perrin 22.3, Lilhian Farrow 219,1 Temblyn, Robi ruh,:wllpeprden bsrfr Taking on a new look wibhULons Club bave sponsored e council next yer. 'id be in Bettv Matior 219, Juaniba Mur-: Malcolm Wiebman, Jn,-ýeph PEE WIEE ALL STARS - ces invoived receivcd great: a coiat o! paint is thec kitchen-'Halhowe'cn Party for bbc girls fevor o! bis plant gctbing tbcýray 212. Jean Allen 207, Ber- Bennett, Peu] Johinson, Mike, Wayne Murph-v, Rolly Simp- velue from bis knowledge.' ette donc by tlic Lions. The-and boys in tlic village. Thereswater" n Partner 204. Orme, Mark Siemon,John! son, Herr.- Oyler. ichalMr. Jîro Crombie conducted a! A N kitchenette boa, is new. It'sa committee 00W bard ait work ' Yes, I feel bbc same Aay," Newutonville Ladies - 20W Wood, Allen Frank P)eter!r-nel.i. arrl' MeMehOn. Rn-,coaches clioir' on Mondey Cv-: situabed hetween where bbc fulfilling this years plans. seul the Reeve. "and certainly and over - Tomna Adair 225, Nowhan, Bill Lancier, Sfix-en herb Willoîighhx', David Tabb., ening in whicb lie present-d kiteienis nw ad bb Lins, hes ar but a fcw o! the I woîîld lie in favor o! bim Linda Whitney 218. Sylvester. Mike Oke, coach.1 DaVid Ormisti-n D ea n n yj a weîl munded lecture onbt-Sosrd y Boom down in thie besementonumerous projerîs and ecti-! gctting waler if 1 arn on the Junor Llau - 200 and, RAMS - Jeffrcy Hod-Ison,icoxleif Douzlas Tam b Ivnf,r er coaching. Fil- e jrc Durhamr CountyPorsieCnrvte cf bbe Community Hall. ivibies the local club are ino. counicil again next yeer." over - Mlîke White 213,. ;John Trimble. Rory Gcbbs. Gary Carter, Allan Junkin..,ono oiinpa n soito L_ __4.1.-- T.---_-lnePtl23 KnWnteyro-PurSehaDanAVS GodW sehonn sioT

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