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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 15

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- s- .--------. ~ _________________________ 4 - ---~'- -. -- - - . ...- -"-..------.-"--.,--.--.-------- ~ Report fromTammi Lou and Big Sister Sue Ellen Women s Institutes Soibis Women's Institute which her husband hes gtart- ed to raise. There are f ive 4.Saliae W. I. met for their> different colors o! tfîern and obier nieti~ on the even- the peits are very expensive. SCi M= ~iy the l3th in She brought along two peits, ,fg,. comm r4n hall. Our. for inspection and also two guest of the f ening wax Mr. bèautiful wraps ined with Albet RuîdI, wa knwn atin, one gold one and oe ipro4essiomal nurseryrnan and whita (beautiful). Their diet: gardener. ' coneists of grain and hay ra- Mi's. His, our prasident, tions and pellets of nutritious' opened the meeting xith a fooâs, and carrots and other verse, Spirit of Thankfulness. vegetables when in %eesn The Ode wes sung followed and mangels troo. Thev need b1v thc Mary Stewart Collect. a lot of watar to swim in. Mlinutes o! lest meeting were Food is picked up by front read.nd treasurer's reportpaws that resernmble hands.ý givee %11i] oel wax answer-ý Pamp~hlet.s ware distributed' ed by naniing a variety of'ito ail. showing ho.w they are, cheese. We are chertering a housad, lied and pelted. Thevi bus to the convention in No-'are quiet and docile And cen- veniber. Anyone interested hab handled by anynne it eall Mrs. E. Spires who s0 roade a very neetngme- kindly ix making bus ar- ing as she answered many rangements. Mrs. R. t'raser questions. S4ia was thankedin' as Our delegete to the <'onvenl-:ver-,, graciously for her talk ~ tion. Resolutiorîs were pre- and pictures. Mrs. Smnala and,~ fientcd to us Io be t'oted on at'Mrs. Chant were on the com.~ . thie convention. In the neqrrnittetn arrange the last bus , future our community will be trip and thev were gîven a - .ý. ~ 4 canvassed for the Blind, Con-, vote of thanks. y sumners report was given bvý The prrogram was on Agri .. Mrs. R. Fraser. Plans are uin- culture and Canadien Indus- àm der way for a float to ha e n-'tre. V an tha ainl tered in te Sene Clu5 Antherm and the north group..... . ~ '~ Parade in Bowmanville. sre oeylnh x. t~ Miss Gladvs Yellowlees was Tpr fr N~ebr i -9 in charge .o! the program. HobiaXfoach member has being Agriculture and Cane- be euse obrn oe.... diari Industrie.i. The mottO., thing she has made or creat- The price of 9uccess is hones:t ard. like knitting. tatting. mats toPl. was prepared by M'rs. H.'o ntigse el îei Miflon and presented hy 5howing Mrs. W. Yallowlees. Missez M.--'~-~"' Lois Elliot, Linda Moorcrafi t and Karen ngram o! B4iw- Nestieton Women's Institute mnanville favoured us with a vocal trio, with accordion ac-, Nestieton Wompn's Instituteip .v ~. . *. companirrint bv Lois. Lois Otober meeting w-as held et M also favourad us iha c- the home of Mrs. M. Fisher ~ cordion solo. wýith Mrs. A. As;htnn as co. Miss Yellowlpeg then infro-. hostess. 'Phera vas a splendid ~ duced our guest speaker Mr. attandance, including several, The charming little sisters shown in the above photo are one-year-oid Rundle. his subjpct heing Vîsitr. Mrs. A. H3land pre-Ta iLuontelftadhr ierSu Ele, hoitre-erod. hy What's New in Gaî-dening and irtdecd. Tm iLuo h et n e itr u lewoi he-er-l.T Home Beautification. Mr. Tha e tetin)g uppned Wîith are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Whelan of Sudbury, and granddaugh- Rundlle also shiowed soma x'erv, the Ode foilowied bv the To- t ers of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Palmer, Bo'vmanville, and Mr. J. Whelari, New- lovely pictures of his recant stitute Craed with Mrs. L.' astle, formerlv of Belleville. rrheir proud great-grandfather is Mr. Hugh A. trip to the west coa.st. show-, Malcolm at the plan o. The Palmer of Port Hope. _____ inz al] the beauty end splen-, roll eall, 'An item for tha dour of varions landscapings.. Twaads'muir History" was Mrs. H. Yellowlees moved a enswered with interestingý 1vote o! thanks tinMr. RundiW comments. The serretarv Mrs.1 for his informative talk and R. Davison read the minutesýB LCS TC Meeting clnsed wîith The the correspond en ce. Tfhe Gîtober meeting of Mrsl Murra\' Byýers3 on Sun- rrack and Fiald Mleat Quaen. Lunch was served by, The course 'Vegetables witli Blackstock ONO. Club waslda enrouta back to Kenipt-J The postponed annuel Bi- the group in charge. ai li"WSdscsa.~~hl on the eveoinig of the!villa. School Track and Field Meat decFlird ot t priscpe t ah l ih2 rsn, atthe! Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archcri hetween Millhrook and Cart- Hampton Women'.q îngthî er erbr oute home of .Josie Hamilton. Sev-; Ronaldi and Jim, Wlîithv7, M. ritHigh Schools was heldý itosel tckts orthe Prteral of the girls cama in co- Nd I s. Vinccnt Archer, at Blackstock on Wedoesday, Thle Octobar meetingp was Parrv Hospital "Doîl Dra,, turne. Minutes were read andiRoxvmaniville, were Stinday~ October 13th. Thea day wasl lheld in the evaning, Mrs. Alln and "the "Spring Pair" was approved. Treasurer's report'get fM.adMs Wil- marked by' vprs keen compa- i.n the chair. We sang the.Antouýnced. Each member w;sý was given bY Noreen Mal-' bert Archer on the latter's' tition in ahl cattgories. We "Ode" and read "The CollarI." asked to bring a donation to'colm. The banquet commit- birthday. thie final tally wasmd, Rol] cail, "A racipa for Blueour Novembar meeting for !~tee-,rcported on places for ethehe salfo lreated, atrogterntem, winnng Mondav" wae wall answered. bale tobehasent to the Unitar-!dinner and il was decided the aSeversal roni oratte Sn"dthCatrgteoad to hai Minutes o! previous meeting- evc oiite.Iýxctv oo fe h r-day morning and were pleas- ropbe with e total o! %vare read and approved. Tha was dacided to send a dlona- gram. Moved to send $5.00O ed to see Rev. F. W. and Mrs. 30,pitwt h il i. NwellofRhods Avnuebrook team a close second traasurer's report was also) tion to the 'Mental Health' to Port Perry 1-ospital1 Auxil-, eelo hdsAeu zivan; murh corresponidenice' Leagua," and lso toward theiary for tlheir doîl dcaw, and' uch ooto okii oi with 299'2 points. was also read about Instituteipurchase of a piano for the!'f they need help for their' Chur], dToronto, looine ser- The winoecs of the indivi- wokadmeetings.' C.O.F. Hall. Transportation' Spring Fair the groun w ell, and to hear bis fine sccas dIlCl t ,wr wand pcdýscn o ootoCneninwas' help if possible. Next mWflllmon on "The Divine a e l-Ju0oroPGilsweChaspioloar- Itwaeet-de ltieGirls' Champion.nvntonIDor* Mer-ai ad onie -)revious motnionthngo Nve1' note change or" ioGalad onegaret Skipp (Mill.brook) 17 deset ee ant ha\'ing diiscitssadi and Resolutions nNv.1 -'Malcolmi of Nestieton sangpointsý: Inteiimodiate Girls' ieserttead ntaread. of date --ta Kathleen Dcv- two lovely ducts. The New~-Chmin Hen wih mamhar is asked to do-' Mrs. All bu Beacock, Cou- itts. RollIcal was a gift for cIls 1eceaoniobis charge I 92 imata $200 and giva it to your venor adf Historical Researcli the Chiidren's Aid Sci e , wreo1934 hage19,')-! Crwrgt 18 points; Ban-1 group leader before Noveni- and Cucrenit Events, was in whiob wes well answered. ior~ Girls' Champion Barâr ber meeting (toon rmich doing'charge of the pcogram. T]he' Collectitm waàý receive'd. A' In bs,îniîof Mr. and Mrls. Brackencidgr (Millbrook) 30 ini Hamptin. the reason). motto, "Look back and give contest wes etn *oyed and'Harold Hawkins', Port Perrv,'pit.Jno os hm "H4appv Birthda- waý: sun2 thanks: look forward and give lunch of fancy sandwiches,148th wedding anniversary,; pionj, Dennis Romecil (Cart- for threp ladies wbo clebret- courage,'" estke Il Mr strawbecry sho(rtcake and cof- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Moujntjoy'wîight) 47 poinîts; Intermaedi- eri the avent in Octoher. Mrs. W. Jackson. This was'exceL-' fae was serx'ed hv the hostess and familvn hrtas sup aid eBot'.hapin.Ron Mar- ,". Billatt north grou leadi- lent and niost appropriate, ils end bher group. gîîs. HawonsundyM.*and ty (Cartwright) 39 points;l e.tcok the chair for the ihama habing "Theanksgivingr." Mis..cs Pnîidance and Anne Mi§LaksadMs.Hx-Snlior- Boys' Championî, Allan' ev.g-r.Mitnwa Dre-Mq le Baokgv allclt.had Ms uh aird Franklin, Port Perryv. Mr., Pinck (Millhrnok) 16 points. proaani ott wasDones- rs.Alle Becockgav a Mclnosh nd rs. ughand Mrs. Ott, Fran~klin, Osh- ID BA UE tir pearce n neyer hae rer- paper on the aarly bistory- of Maclntosh. of Madoc, ererBok' GUD BAQE Fervad in jars." A nice paper Radio including iotaresting'weekond guests of Mr. and- awa Mrs. Jessie Wicr ro- by Judy MountJoy %vas givan hv Mrs. Rov Knox. farts about modern day com- Mrs. George Wolfe and bovs. lin, a ct.n Mr.Lîh StudynhtOtor1, Orian sing-song was en.jovad, munication. Two readin as. Messrs. Roy and H'arold B-rs Ba- oc.131) girls and theirmohr i\r.Caverly leader, Miss N. "What Heavan Must Be.McLatughlin won third prize Mc.n rs i1abfyIturîîed out for thair annual .1nJ-rn accompanist. Mrs. Mea- Like" byv Mrs. B. H-easlip and in the borseshoe pitelling attended the Mohaffy-Tay lori Moth or and Daughter Guidal ilimes entertained bv moving 'bookin'g for the Silver Lin- competition et the plowing wedding in St. Mary's S'atur'- aîîd Brownics Banquet. The'- pertures on the raising of ing" by Mirs. Dayve' were an- match on Saturday. dav and spent the weekeni evoîîing oparied with God "Nurii. a furry animaljoyed. "The Queen'- and "To- Mc. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- %vitli Mc. and Mrs. Robt. MR-. Save The Queen, played by "Nuni'Xheffvi s'mething like a baaer. stituto Graco" c-losed Ibis lam sýpent the weekend with Lorraine Turnier. 'Pie guasts' IVIr an Mrs Alx Fltt, Granît anid Neil MeLatigbhin wer*e welcoi-ned hy Mrs. H.1 Fenaon Flîs.speîît the weekend with Mc.iKyte and Mrs. Phulip Roman]l ~~'2sI .--FeneMc. all s. BhProî and Mrs. Gilbiert MagilI, Col-! said grace. (1 1and familv, Oshawa, were nmbus.i An efficient kitchrn staff J/a l ~ ere(6 Sundayv supper guests of Mr.' M. and Mis. Stanforri Vaii of fathers ndi sons secved e R a /Z11, yand Mrs. Ernest Swain adCamp called on Mc. and Mrs ' delicious meaelo! harbecuadý Chaterd ccontntsfailv -Rex' Gilbanks and fa.milvtchiçkten, p)eas and cacrots, po-1 xiU1e. anidMc. Kreitriar Wbit- Ports on Brownia end Guida, * M by. visitad Mcs5. Acx'la e Hn-' actîvit tes for the past year r-,-ci. Sundav and plans for the coming one NUWMr. aod Mrs. Grahami Hud- Speakinz for the parents R o.Otw.M r r.cmîta c.Hud A* LY Hugli Fox. Wooler. callerlon thanked the group for sup- Camvandfamil. Suida.'. for rontinued support for thi ,Mr.and rs.Wllfrad Mer- work,. Service stars were pire- CO U R IC E IG H C H O tin Oshwa.Mc.r.Andl Mrs.isented to the leaders by Mr.c COU RTICE IGH SCHOOLKen Reesor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ma-miltç?n.fteavn - Clacemont. Mr. and Mcs. BiH wua.s the reports givan b' - MU-- ~ U ~Cox, Bowmanville. visited Mr. four Guides who attende * * W U cccl Mrs. 0cr Venning during (-Cm-p utide our communit' ~~li \,ekend. Ms hao lize bath Tbcsrpson travellk U ý E*# c T 6Thiicsdav avainig. Out. 14. liv train to Bitish Colurnb- jfîfloan friands and near, where she ettanded e Hprn 8:30 P.M. Felstaad natheced At tbc fcom AlU bbc provinces r home o! Mrs. Penn'.- Chami- Canada. Judy Swain too baclain and presonteci br, part in Adventuca Camp wifi A e prsonal and mi.-cel- Doe Lake whace the order aneou.-s dower. Mrr. Caro] the dav inrlucled sucb vigr Rabh cssî<eted Sharon to un- ous ectivitiPs as hiking. can', S e n a o r Dv ïd ro llwrap and display lier iZifîs. ing. guonel bobbing. and po S e a t r a v d ro iChrisine Sloane made ahbt taiging. Extra rurrcular ' ttiouzhtfiilnt-,,,z Ganîrs v 'areý At Lake Huron, Shar enioved floalh%' lunch. Larmec bettlpd the alement Russell C. H oney NÎr.cand Mr5. IsacLîr but cama out the victor an, Tooto. Mr. itdMr5 W'n. irporter! e glornous experi- Thor'msn. O ha%\-xc. ;uri M'-. ecca The Heritage Camnp in EVERVONE WELCOME REFRESHMENTS Harrv Mcbean, R i rcbhnm o n fi Queber. whi'h Nincv Docreli lVening during the week. *Itrees had o be cut down ta' rmke wQy for the tents. Most ENT(V T~I IThe Canadjan Statesman. BowmanvMle, Oct. 20, 1965 1 memorRble for !Jancy wili ]NISUULLLaN probably be the impromptu speech she waS caUled upon Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bahriday last week was a cinie Mrs. Ed Millson. Mrs. J. D. to broadcast over Quebec Peter and Reinhart, Port Hope 'guest Of Mrs. Gordon MeLean,lBrourx, Orono, Miss Mlarion radioc just bfr leavrng. were Sna tea gtlests iBwavle Brown, Oshawa. were Thurs- Each of the four girls urg%- Mr..and Mrs. Earl Trewin and, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis-'day dinner guests of Mr. and cd her fellow Guides to take lfamlîY. :ton were visitors of Mrs. S. R. Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. advRntage o! the opPoetunity~ Mr. and M%'rs. Clifford Greer.'Caldwell, Port Hope. Mrs. E. Dickinson. Mr. and to attenid one of these camps .EI izabethville. and Roy, Hem- Deepest sympathy to r.Mrs. Bruce Marks and family. shou i t e ch nce aris. m nqfnd, uelec, spent a few and Mrs. R. .1. Ormiston on Oshawa, were Sunday caller... A fil~m on the Arctice ndidays with cousins, Mr. E. A. the passing of his brother, the et S. R. Pethick's. a Hercles catoon cengedWerry and Mr. Allen Werry late Mr. Edwin Ormiston. Mr.an Mr.PEUs.O- the therne of the evenmng and also called on their other' Saturday cellers et Mr. and awa. were visitors at Mr. and Ail round cordes were pre- cousins in the area. Mrs. S. R. Pethick were Mr. Mrs, C. Pethick's. sented bv Captein Thompsonl Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Townq,.eind Mrs. Robert Thomas. Niag-, We welcome 'Mr. and Mr. and Cornimissioner Kyte tn:Peterboroiigh, were visitors et a;ra Falls, Mrs. P. F. Bradley, N. E. Wright to our village, Joan Horton and Judy Mouint-!Mr. and Mr%. L. Lamb's. !Oshawa, Mrs. Lloyd Bradley,,They movad from down over joy. In a fly-up ceremnony! Mr. and Mrs. Dave Both- Toronto. the hili to the apartroants of Janiet Turner. Heether Dar-,well and Nancy. Maple Grove,' Mr. and Mrs. Angus King. Mr. S. Thompson's. Enni3kil- reli, Sharon Williamis and 1were Sunday tee guests at Mr. Lit1le Britain, ware Sunday iaen. Niancv Argue became Guideand Mrs. C. Stainton's. evening dinnar guests et Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mays recruits. Mrs. Lloyd Bradley. Brook- end Mrs. C. Avary's. Sundridge, were et O. C. Ash- Following the Guide and liin, Mr. Thomas Jacklin, Starý Miss Diane Avery, was maid ton's. Brownie closingis. -Taps- wesCity. Sask.. were Thursday of honour at the Holmes-Lar- Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashtonl sung and another Mother and evening cellers at Mr. and Mrs. km wedding on Saturday et ware visitors with Mr. and Daughter Banquet cerne to aClaence Avar 'v's. I Albert St. United Church, Mrs. G. S. Beech, Maple close. Mrs. Fred Toms, on Tues-'Oshawe. Grove. INCOMPARABLE 30" 'FINDLAY' GAS RANGE in gleaming white or Colonial coppertone enamul finish 1 e Four super high-speed "Set'n'Simmeî" top bumners, easify con- trolled from a Iow simmer to a full hlgh-speed heat. e Surface mounted controls for greater convenience mnd safety. a Two-in-ons oven timer for both "cookl and "off"*. e Pilots ight bumers automat-icelly. e Safety-elevator smokeless broiler with finger-tip adjustment to five positions. (MODEL S32GDT) YOUR GAS COMPANY SPECIAL, 199.00 30 DOWN PAYMENT.,A8 LITTLE AS $6.30 PER MONTH INSTALLEDITAX INCLUOED A WONDERFUL WHISTLING KETTLE When You BuylThis Gas Range NowI à j pq A modern stainless steel copper-bottom kettie that boils water so fast It has to whistle to tell you if's readyl1 Boils water fast because you're cooking with Natural Gas. This 87.50 Value is yours absolutely free with the purchase of this specially priced Natural Gas Range. (offer ends Lecember 15, i1965) 29 CELINA ST. E., OSHAWA PHONE 728-7363 'r' "'r s-' -i - I. m m

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