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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 18

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1%te Cariadian Statemmi, Bo.,mnanfle, Oct 20, 16 ackum lbebr Eniel! utsan S bazrar. il. a'ser eaurna rm Jack Peeling a-inirs Iloser S ul C airm n Ohawa, were Sunday guests e o Ms Greta Bailev. Attend District Meeting-Scta re e re woigat Christmas trees. The Easter Seai campaîgn with each club and demands, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bell. Osh- cqndçucted on behalf of crip- a great deal of voluntary time: awa, were Sunday guests of, pied children is severai months and personal interest by Ser- Mr. and _Mrs. George Ailison. awnay, but it was the main vice Club members. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browný tQp3c of discussion at the Dis-ý Delegates attending the and Wanda. Toronto, Mr. and! trîct Meeting o! the Ontariomeeting represented Bowman- Mrs. Heràert Trick. M-iili-1 Skcety for Crippied Chiidren ville Rotary, Brighton Lions, brook. were recent guests of lot. Wednesday, October 6th in! CampbeIlford Rotary, Cobourg, Mrs. E. Carnochan and family. 10 borne. !Rotary, Coiborne Rotary, Fen- Congratulations to Mr. and lit this meeting, representa-'elon Falls Rotary, Haliburton .Mrs. RÎussel Dean on celebrat-1 tlýe' from Service Clubs in Rotary, Havelock Rotary, ing their 50th wedding anni-< tht- Counties o! Durhamn, Lindsay Rotary, Minden Ro- ,er-,arv on Saturday night. 1 N4prthumberland, Vi ct o ria,,tary, Peterborough Rotary and 3Mr. Leslie Taylor won sev-. :Pylerborough and Haliburton Port Hope Rotary. eral first prîzes at Markhaml "iff with officiais of the Representatives from the and Norwood Fairs on Tam- Soe&ety to plan the organiza- Bowmanviile Rotary Club worth swine. ti" of the 1966 Easter Seai. were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sehe- campaign to be heid in their'Thiesburger. field had their car stolen on cotflmunities between March Fia ih.I a eund 10,.and April 10. Reports by otFrida ntSI artur ned*it eqah club on their work with TT1 ote nStra ih nuKE ONsome damage oe crippled children in the past B R E O Mrs. Ravrnond Davey spent yeair, revealed the many ser- ,vices such as camp holidays,' Glad to learn Mr. D. Pres- iast Frîday in Lindsay. tuamsportation to treatment cott is home from Port Perry cénitres and hospitals, supply-1 Hospital. iÀfg of braces, wheelchairs and, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephen- OBITUARY onser such equipment, werc: son had a famiiy gatheringý eýtbeing efficientiy handled on Monday. SALYPREU te Service Club in co-op-, Mrs. A. C. Stephenson is in, SALYPREU ie tion with the Ontario, Memorial Hospital, Bowman-, A lite-long resident of the Society for Crippled Children.ý ville. We wish lier a speedy New'castle area, S t a n i e y Chairman Rob J. Roy o! recovery. :Porteous passed away sud- Pýterborough stated that the; Sunday school at 9:30 ar..denly- on Saturday, Sept. ilth, S'rvice Clubs responsihilitiesý Churoh service to be witli- 196.5. iHe was in his 79tb in the interests of crippled: drawn this Sunday. year. Mr. Porteous liad su!- children is a major project Please save al- Canada fered with asthrna rost of his life. but was able to be around, - doincg bis chores, andxvas i the garden pulling onions * 'xvhen death came suddenlv. A son of the late Mr. and ýMrs. Simon Porteous. he xvas the ]ast surviving member o! i fI the famiiy; two brothers andl 'a sister predeceased hirn;oome .years ago. % ~ i Mr. Porteous farrned al bisý lite ini anci around Newcastle district. lie xvas a member of the United Church and in hisý vo unger d.ays, sang ini the Schoir, and sang ut nîany' Entitled "Fibreglass Wall", sial events. le always wasl Enniskillen and Toronto, is pari M iliing belper, both in e ng honi marcets Celle- church and as a neighbour. bigsoni ao ete -Mr. Porteous xiii be missed The exhibition "The Eye o in nian.v wa.vs. lie took an1 vision of thie Professional Pho active interest in sports and1 showing in the IPEX Show ai enlo.\ed vr much to have: neighbours and friends cone, Taken in a large industrial Wý d, 'i ani viit.one by a Canadian in the exhil: Hfe is survived by his xife,i from across North America. It theforer enne MKeniemajor award for Industrial an( 21and two daughters (Helen) ,Mrs. C]em Parnell (Marjorie) : To prove that artistic ende, duri àgMrs. Richard Haskill, both of Neil tells us that he was paid 119 grnin grandchildrend Our llwalpapers. Sunworthy wallpaper 19oeatsigr.andchldn nd Q ges your roorns persanality at t1 LOo! owranC one ,Funeral service was heidî locot ..ads esgn fon the Morris Funeralj Sunworthyimenon, radd .sýg, apel, Bowrnanville, on Sep- u e l c Ud In rwel as color. Walipaper is land cnutdthe C.rWood- saumrsaiavu practical, too--cleans easil , Cnemety, Ne ntonvi ie u *.i i"f stas riht Cma n oInto emet xvas in Lkvie W ilh Top Sp stas bigh. CrneIn oda taPallbearers were ail closeVWM D Mare Un m.of your color choice!1 friends o! the deceased: uMessrs. Leslie Reid, Fred An- The 7th, annual Industrial traJiza Baz aruRUmmbOf.# MestakgSuwubY drews, Brooks Cowan, Alfred & Municipal Relations Con-1try"1 walir te hnngaoam te 1Me0f- Pern L. G. Pugh, J. M. ference, isponsored by thel panel, Thornpson. Lake Ontario Development in'c1ud À&BERN E HY'S 1The many beautiful floral ýAssociation, will take place Manag A B ER N T H V S tributes, donation to Heart on Wednesday, October 27th.: Canad PAINT & WALLPAPER Fund and large attendance at Registration wiil be frornj Comp, 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE the funeral and calling at the 11:30 a.rn. ho 12:30 p.m. at the ýMaioni funeral home, spoke o! the Rock Haven Motel, Peterbor-, trial( high esteeni in which deceas- ough.i Distri( ________________________________________ ed xvas heid. - This years theme "Decen-imerce - _____________________ Deput: Il ________ FRIDAY, Corne and Heur OCT. a a 0 The Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenhaker AT DURHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL., PORT HOPE 8:l30 p. me wiII address Progressive Conservative in support of DURHAM (OUNTY PRO( CONSERVATIVE CAND Garnet Rick Special bus wiII leave Bowmanville Commiti p.m. Wili pick up passengers at Newcastle SPONSORED BY DURHAM COUNTY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE A ing Newton Photo 'this photograph by Neil Newton of R.R. i t of a touring exhibition of twenty-five prints throughout the United States. of .ndustry" was initiated by the Industrial Di- Dtographers of America and received its first 1the New York Colliseum in May. iplant i n Cobourg, the photograph is the only oition and was chosen from 1,000 entries comingJ Lwas also shown in Chicago, and in 1964 won the id Commercial photography in Ontario. avours are flot aiways financially rewarding, $15.00 for the original assigniment to take this a penny more since. f day. Mrs. C. Robinson and Mrs. Jerence Gerry of Orono were dinner guests, Thursday, with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Q cti,. Several of the local ladies were busy quiiting at Mrs. C Brown's on Tbursday and Fnl- e ke sday and the resuit may be se Monthiy meeting of the U.C ition of Ontario's Indus- W' will be held Wednesday wiii be discussed. by a Oct. 27 ah 8 p.m. Jn the Sun- [the members of which day Schooi Hall. Everyone.e le: Mr. D. R. Brown, welcome. e iger, Empioyee Relations, On Thursday evening Mr. T> dian Generai Electric Henderson, Bob and Bill, MI. e :any; Rev. Father H. J. 'F. Henderson and ]Peter, with ney, Cliairman. indus- Mr. R. Brown attended the Cammittee, Bancroft andIToronto- Boston hockey gamce it, Chamber o! Com- in Peterborotigh. e;Mr. D. E. Holland,, Mr. and MI.S. Wm. Staple-'i ty Director. Tr.ade & In-Iton were weekend guests o r P -ri, ip fLine,sif, u vi. anaA if.. vas r.. por Economics and Developnient, MeNichol. I"Mr. Donald A. Moir, General Mrs. Clive Cox had the Mis-, Manager, Dominion Rubber fortune to faîl and break a Company,- Lindsay, Ontario; bone in hec ankie, Friday ev- ~ ~2 2 M.r. D. L. McLeaiî, Assistant ening, and she, too, is- patient 2 2 Superintendent Industr i alI in Memorial Hospital. Development Departme n t, Messrs. George and Keith'1 Bank of Montreal. mPanel Stapleton attended a Pure- chair-mon is Dr. E. G. Pleva, bred Hereford Sale at Stitts- Head, Department o! Geogra- ville, Saturday, where they1 phy, University of Western, purchased a young bul, the! Ontario. ýsire o! which was imported' Delegates will include exe- from England. cutives of utilities, banks, ji Mrs. R. Farroxv and Ken, dustry and governiment wbo with Mc. Reg. Falls attended jwill hear an address by The the Ploughîng Match at Milli- Honorable E. J. Benson, Min- ken on Saturday, and were: ister o! National Revenue, supper guests at Mr, C. Far-1 Goverrnent of Canada, at row's of Agincourt. dinner. Luncheon speaker Miss Barbara Stapleton o! will be Mr. S. W. Clarksnn, Port Hope was home over the1 Deputy Minister, Department weekend and with Mr. Bruce of Economiesan Deveiop- Donnelley, visited in Toronto niment Province o! Ontario. on Sunday. The purpose of the confer-' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelding, ence is to create an industi-ial!were visitors with Mr. and climate in the Lake Ontario Mrs. Charlie Trim, Bowman- region whicb wiîî cesoît in ville, Saturday nîght. 'mutual benefit, conducive toi Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson beter ndestadin beweewere Friday evening guests o! industry and municipal go-Mr. and Mrs. Vic Snyder, Bow- 14 ernment. ile Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown' spent the weekend iin Bruce- fId, at Mr. H. Taylor's. NE WTON VILLE f'Mrs. P. Greenfield of Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Far- A. Bragg, were in the village! io of Starkville and Miss Saturday afternoon, calling on i inda Caîl, Newcastle, wece friends. i supper guests last SundaY at Among the local people at-' bMr. C. R. Farrow's. tending the final horse races Thanksgiving Day dinner lo! the season in Peterborbuglh, guests at Mr. Ray 'Tompkins1 Saturday evening, were Mr. included Mr. and Mrs. Ralph!and Mrs. F. Hiendersoji, Miss; Tompkis and o!o Port iJoan Walkey, Messrs. L. Clys- Hope, Mrs. Austin o! Garden Jdale, E. Walkev, T1. FHetîders,,'1, Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Ber~t Bill Wade. Bert and Ray: *UaU** Tompkins. Tornpkins, D. Mc-lolrn. y While repairing his bouse.' Saturday evening guests at sotulh o! No. 2 Highway, oc- Mrs. C. Bcown's included Mrs. cupied by the Lambert family, J. Cunningham and Jimm,i iMr. George Forbes was strick- Cobourg, Mrs. Laura Heard,1 ier, with a heart attack, Tues- Mrs. J. Gîlmer and girls, Port' day mocning. Mrs. C. Farrow Hope: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bahl, was called and with the aid 'Orono, o! Mr. Sid Brown, he was car- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliolt ried inside, to await the and Dorothy were visitors in GRES IVEambulance which renîox'd Toronto, Sunday, at'Mr. W. him to Memorial Hospital for Soules'. funther cace. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce spent were Sunday dinner guests o! IDATE last *weekend in the Bancroft Mr. and Mrs. E. Stapleton's. district, and attended the 50th Orono.F *Wedding Anniversary celebra- Mrs. Art Bonneit and child- tion for Mc. and Mrs. Alex Irer, o! Port Credit spent Sun- Hamilton o! Fort Stewart. Tdaxr afternoon with Mrs. Robb. Mc. and Mrs. Laurence Gil. Mc. and Mrs. Bill Coulson, mer o! Buffalo, and Mrs. F.i Oshawa, with Mrs. H. Trim. Gilmer were Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane and ,a rd ,visiors in Oshawa, at the1 girls, Port Hope, at Mr. C. H. hodmeo! rs. im Cwasel f Mr. and M.rs. F. Reader, the omeof rs.JimCasellOshawa, at Mc. C. R. Farrow's.! tee Rooms at 7:15 on Tbursday evening.. Mc. and Mcs. Don Staple-' Master Donald Brown en- ton and Lois, in Oshawa, Sun- tertained a number o! his little 'day, at Mc. Robert McGahey's. and Newtonville. friends at a birthday party. Mir. and Mrs. Wallace Bough- pWednesday afternoon. en attended Kendal Anni-, Mr. Cecil Burley was ad- ýversary Service Sunday mocn-' mitted to Memorial Hospital, ing, and, with Mc. and Mrs. Bowmanville, on Wednesday. Sperce Gordon were visitors Mr. and Mrs. MCord o!f[in Oshawa at Mr. Jim Gor- Toronto, were overright visi- Idon's. tors with Miss Anne Nesbitt,: Mrs. S. Lancaster and Mrs. ýSSOC1ATION Ofr. adMrs. George Kim. 1VsinKorenOpha Choir wre supper guests with Mn. Auditorium. Sunda.y alLer-« and Mr& M. KimbaUl on Tues- noon.i !more were accepted with re- 1 Song. Mrs. A. Merkley play. IE t O fi cers ! gret. led the piano accompanhrnent. Programme for the October Mrs. Morgan o! the Senior ~ r> ,meeting of Senior Citizens was Citizens read thank you notes O f " lub 5" ýdiscussed. The following is fromn Mr. E. Turney and Mr. Club 159 began its fail icti- an accour4t o! that meeting. and Mrs. Moscs. tics, with an election o! offi- The October meeting o! the' Plans for the annual Christ. cers conducted b 'v Past Presi- Senior Citizens was held atmas dinner were dîscussed. dent Mrs. T. Gatchcll. Piresi- :the Lions Centre on Tuesday, ý Tickets xviii be sold at the den' for 1965-66, 'NIrs. S. Mei- the i2th, xith 60 membcrs Nox.embcr meeting. ,Tavish: Secretar.v, ,\Irs. Paul prescrit. Cards and games were then Chant: Treasurer. . Lorne Mrs. T. Gatchell xvelcomed played foliowcd by coffee and * MeQuarriie: Sociail Convenor, evervone and then introdur- sandwiches. Mr. .Syer wonk .Nîrs. Glen Hdrn Press ed Mý,iss YIadelaine Meriýeyv the attendanc»rize. Corresp.. Mrs. George W'hite. xvho piayed delight!ul violin- The ncxt *or ýCitizen Resigna*ions of! Mrs .Jirnselections: Robins Lullaby ýmeeting w'ill t eh a h Cromie and M.,rs. Phil Pass- Bohemnian Dance and Cradie Lions Centre, N 9. e4.ýI-- ti ki I ll; 'UII iii IDesigned for the player on the way .p! FEATIJRES THE BALAN.CE AND STRENGTH 0F HIGHE1t PRICED OUTFITSI - By far the best outfit combirang ottrac. tiveness and quality workrnanship' thf~a we've sean et s» iw a pricel Check the highlights . .. t+ey'ro usually availabi. only ini more expensive ou.tfits. ~4098 14PAIR N.H.L-APPROVED SAEYGUARDS MEN'S SIZES Buit for lightning speeds, flashy turns and muscle- 'Nstreining stops. Features full-grain, black corwhide Sleather uppers lind wiîh suede leather; Mue feIt.llned longues; fibre -reinforced tendon guardsi double box toes and Dacolite waterproof soles. With N.H.L.-approved skates. Mast.rcraft -~ i ~;Senior Pleasure or Hockey Outfits HoCKY(TI YUBE-SKATE HOCKEY OUTFIT - Features strong pebble - grain leater ppeai aterroo rubersoles, excetl- ont quallty tube skates. Tendon guards, padded 8 9 tongue. Men's sizes 6-12. Pair....................- SAMSON DELUXE HOCKEY OUTIFIT - Black with oaken trimn side leather uppers; English Kip ceasher with foam rubber inter- lining; foamn padded tongue with felf backing; nylon - mesh - reinforced tendon guards; double -helmet box toes; qenuine leather soles; "Scorer" skates J .7 N.HL-style siifty quards. Men's sizes 6-12. Pais 19 Speed, balance, protection, comfort . . . just the outf it for tomorroWs stars! Loaded with the features demand.d by top scorers 1* flexible cowhld. sippers, split leather trlm 40 paddad tendon guardis. reinforced backs 0 sponge-padded ankles. double box toei * waterproof solesS steel shanks * Maple-Leef skates with heel lips. Men's 10 9 1 0ijz .~ 4 T I . . 1 PRO-STYLE GEAR - FOR LEAGUE ACTION A-YOUTHS' SHOULDER PADS - Tough H-YOUTt4S' HOCKEY GLOVE -1 molded polyethylene. Drill covered quiît- black & tan cowhîde.4 ed cotton. Laced front and 3 Q 121/2". To 13 yrs. Pr. 49 bac. T 1 yers - - 309 I-SENIOR GLOVE - Well padded Sý-"PROSTYLE" SHOULDER PADS Poly Leather palm, fabrik- . g foamn <usioned. Adjuitable elastic straps.. Cid cuff. 13". Parde Laced front & back. You îhs' f J-HOCKEY HELMET -Molded paly - zes .95 thylene. Heaviiy 03 oc -In ý9 ed. ý5 >ly- lc pad 1ded. -Adjustable 4>.7JMID K-HOCKEY STICKS- ee'ected hard- woods. Available in si.,es 33-53" lenigths. 49t AIl lies, .4 toJ.50 L-DUNNAGE BAGS - Surdy 8-oz. blue dock. teafs or Canadiens. 12 x 3 2",,.- .1 M-DAVE KEON SHARtPENER--Easy la use. Complete wit h pîcture......... Practice Goal Net FOR IACKYARD-RINK DRIVEWAYS, cetc. Improve your shooting, goaltend- lng. Sturdy tubular steel frame, tough nylon mesh net. 36"x44"x 16" J 7 luxes P'air . . ..... ......W 1 Extra! 5 %B~h end Carry UEYUR(DIj Ex ra -.5 .ýoBON' SCOUPONS USE_________T] PHONE 623-7111 160 Church St. Bowmanville C-YOUTHS' SHINGUARDS--FeIt pad and wings. Pa-Jdid kee roil. moiJdcipol,'. ethYlene. 1612z iîches. Up Io 15 years. Pair ....... 2.98 D-PRO SHINGUARDS - By Cooper Weeks. Wide feit pad and wings. White polyethylene. 21!¾ inches 69 long. Pair .., , 1....... 6 9 E-HOCKEY SWEATERS -- In Toronito Maple teaf or Montrees Car.ad ens color with crest. Sizes 26 Io 38. Each . . , >.... ...> 2 09 9 IL-HOCKEY PANTS--Red or bluecCotton dril. Padcied hips and thughs. aced front. In sizes 26 Io 36. Pair > .. ....... . ..........- 2 .9 9 0-HOCKEY STOCKINGS -Footless style in N.H.L. colons. Maple Leafs, Red Wings, and Canadiens. In boys' iA 1,ne 160 Churth St. Bowmanville

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