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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 3

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- ~ ..' - . e. - L e was aved bv iss ITheCanadianStatesmaEwavle c.2.16 Choose Early Autumn for Wedding 1 Exchange Vows in Eldad United Churchn LtatBragg. iowsfrPtro.~rnitrrdoa in marriage Drden selig sbscipion tath wore a formai length gown of Prior to ber maiag h au f$2.O white organza and sheer, bride was guest ofhorat urftbltem pye handm ade lace. The bodice. a m s el n o s s o e ed C utc at T u s a n scalloped neckline and long, bv ms. D ianeudsi omn aem ett h in lily-pointed sleeves w e reile.adtend highlighted bv an overlày oville and atendedb egh.ta.ThsweMe lyS, -oiand the very fl r n red o h rd.Jsp'so saao us peare- ti.ul A similar shower a alodytOsaaadB ma. îskirt featured a lace appliquel ie yMs ereZirvleo hrdya lre ~~~ ~~~~ ~across the front and fa ln!~ Nwèatle. assistef ybr Gndlcios into a V down the skirt back. daughter Janie. Laoe medallions, placed at in- -_______ tervals. also accented thel Výskj'rt. Her ebwlnt bouf-1 Clarke INe sUR T GO D fant veil elfS acrw1 à<of seed peaTis. and she car- By Jane Witherupo ....................................y *ried a bouquet of purple or-1 First of al. I u1 tcon ..~~~. chids andci hite steDhaflotis. gratulate al ClarkE suet Miss Jane ZNçier of New- for reaching ourmazne ~~ ~~ c'astle was maid of honor and goal of $2,300 plu $000 the bride's sisters, Miss Jean more. The maney w id nKooy and Miss Rosemary will be used foreno et Kooy. both of Bowmanville.> of the student bodyscha z~~. ~ were bridesmaid and juna adoptirig an overseacid tendants were in street- made aur goal we had, len.gth dresses of aqua orgari- dance with John Soec &~~~ za over tafeta with rounded C.K.L.B. as master o ee necklines anid short sleeves, monies. We had goo(at and wore matohing rose head- ance at the dance anda eatr adresses with veiling. The jun- 50 records were givnot ,~~, ior bridesmaid wore a simi- Duririg the dance, M.Cr larly designed Pink frock and tis turned up to tell sClre Y, 1;' a head band of pink roses 'had beaten Bowmanvle n .s~.y .~. with veiling. Al carried bau- Courtice for the partcpto ~'~" quets of pink anid white car- trophy and banner, wt 7 ' Inations, participation. This seho sii _î...................................... Mr. Heniry Kooy, brother of lis something of whic ab 'N the bride, Bowmnanville. was1proud. 9A was the tproi best mari and thie uss were and get ta keep thetir(f " " another brother of the bride, they can) and have a uh Mr. Arthur Kooy cf Bowman - Iraescrayi Asve y canhod e, i.~' ville, and Mr. Jack die G ooîy Idon't get sick kids! Orbs .......of Scarborough.saeldAeLctchea The reception was held in .X~ ., mother received in a jae green lace dress with beige, bat, beige accessories and: 4, ,, ~corsage of pink andi whiteý carnations. Th'e bride's aunt,i Mrz. T. Vander Bosch of! DEFINITI S -TAF CLIH ,,, ~.; ,~~~ TI.and Mrs. Barrv John Browes are showri in the above phot'o as they sginPerbruh.assedt e ceive in place of the groom's A littie green 111 hteane ardlata 01 a the register foilowing their marriage in Eldad United Church on Saturday, mother. She wore a t\woý-ý aplproaches. Mr. and Mrs. William Grootendorst, who are shown in the above photo,. September 18, 1965. The bride is the former Miss Evelyn Ruth Hcckaday, daugh- piece mulherry blue st.', were married in the Rchoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Solina, and the bridegroom is the son cf I beige accesseries and corsage 2. A trick to get estln hafyacsah tre 'of yellow and w'hite chrsan- aeyndtn Saturday afternoon, September 11, 196-7, ait 3 o'clock. The bride is the former1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Browes of Bowmanville. Photo by Ireland Studio 1 hemumns. ysaeyndhe .**I Miss Tina Marie Knoy, daughtcr cf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Kooy cf Bow- Atlganwsrcie t manville, and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. M. Grootendnrst r oses. The 'N are residing iNslo. GROOTENDORST- KOO A'teera wa receiv ot ed atn'i , cf oland Pt y Bîn PotorahyCourtice luntil their new homie Prier te lier miarriaze thp' Standiards cf white carna- parents cof Wadd'insveen, Roi-1 ofHlan.Potob rn hoorp. is but on the Solina Road. brhlide was hornnred at -a mis- fiions and pink gladioli en-! land, who were unable te at- 1 ___________________________________________ ut-of-town guests were cellaneeus shoecr given bylhanced the Rehoboth Chris-'tend. Many letters of cen-ý CLOTHES CARERIT 41 )present from Ottawa. Peter-ý Miss Sylvia Lawrence and htan Reformed Church, Bcw-' gratulations were aiso receiv-1 I~~,I',»/ h~~orough. Teronto, Oshawa.1 her mother, Mrs. Walter Law-I manville, on Saturdav after-ý ed from auris and uncles of' Guaranteed Cleanabl -thtl hasrae u hol m cre Broug'ham, Claremont,lJeanette Kossatz, Oshawa; the 3 o'rlock, whcn Miss Tîna land and the United States. - ! Bowmnanville, Blackstock andigirls cf the Engineering De-i Marie Keev, daughtem cf Mr.f As the couple left for their BIBLE OIT AVS Biy andaChiceCnè ri"BR.OWES - HOCKADAY 'Courtice. Ipartment ef General Mctorsjand Mrs. Frederick H. Kooy honeymeon to Eastemn On- Otbr2-6i omnil PER ELNEEdad United C'hurch was Prier In ler miarriage the gave her a kitchen and pantry iof Bewmanville, and Mr. Wil- tarie points. thec bride was the ettng fr apretty Fali bride was guest cf honour atI showem. The office staff c'la moedrt o fM.waig atopee nv For each scrving ci end up, i a sherbet ýwedding on Satumday. Sept.I many showers. Mm. adMs eimlMtr msne ir and Mrs. GealH rme- lesiwie u ii a, .Per Hlen us 2 an- glas o bni. lac a 8, 965 whn Rv. hares:George Gray, Ci ar e mont, with a gift cf money anid domst cf Holland. were united white accessories and corsage i 4r Cati unted in mrrige reat aunt and uncle cf the electric irion. The Engineer- in mamiage. of pink carnations. They are m.- A nedCaadin artet soop ofvanll i atEeln uthdaingher M'gro9om held a misceilaneou s l'ng Department made the Rev. J. C. Verbruggeofi residing at Caurtice, Ont. pear halves whicb have cream hetween the pear ani rs EretHoady showcr wheri the Devitt- reentation cf Corning Wame ciated for the double ring Out-of-town guests attend- hee daicdan cil- alvs nddrzze it 'oana, a. n stMm.B ar y 'hnWright familics presented the and a carafe. Icememany, and the wedding cd from Newcastle, Oshawa,1 ed. Place thcm, stem chocolate syrup. 'Browes son of Mm. and Mrs. ha.ppy couple with many love- E. Browcs, Bowmanvillc. ly gi fts. CHOC LAT SYR P Fr te ocasin th ahrch Miss Dianrie Tink enter-!i CHOC LAT SYR P Fr te ocasin th chrchtained at hier home where al 2 squares unsweetencd heat in water ujitil dis- was decorateci with large bou-i linen shower was heid. Miss chocolate soivcd and thick and out f pink gladioli and'abr owsaoenr- iwhite chrysanthemunis in tall arbarathebrowes aisheroentr 1 u wtrsmooth. Add sugar and white standards. Mr. Ross Botaidthbrie ather hmny 2 cups sugar sait. Stir until dissoiv- Meteaif cif Hampton, socstlIovely gifts were received' cd. Boil 3 minutean sang "The Wedding Prayer" froim friends, relatives andý dash of sai 1t add vanilla and butter. before the ceremony, and dur- schooi chums. 2 eson&vanilla Seveing the signing of the register Ms ap aiSln, Serveon h ot or cold. May ý"The Lord lis my Shepherd." s. RalpbyhrDavgi, MSora 2 tablcspoM~?.butter be stored in covered jar Mrs. Ivan Ellicott of Peter- assse yhmduitr r. Cut cilo c oliat c in in refrigerator an re borough, aunt cf the bride, Roiss Kossaltaz of Oshawa, held pieces and stir over low heateti. was oganist. wherc rnany lovely gifts wereý Given in niaarriage by herj reoeived. . _______ ___father, the bride was radiant The stajff of theè "Mediealý in her floor length gown cf Records,, of Othawa General silk oTgan.za enhanced with a Hospital, where the bride is Chantilly lace bodiice accent- employed, cntemtained hem ati ed with a soailoped Sabrinia the home of Mrs. Norah Ni-, neckline and long l:y-pointed nees, Oshawa when a floor'l siceves. Hem fully einlined polîsher, heilom beds.pread, i skirt was adomned with a wide and cornfiower sherbets were' ;~~E border of hand-clipped lace presenteci as welî as severali delioately drawn up et thiepatysef rilsan i rose. Hem shoulder lune m wascrte rda ae corm>pkcrited with a watteau The Soiina Womcn's Iristi-, train of organza whieh fiat- tt il hw~ ntehl tered a double row cf match- where numemous lovely gifts ing lace. Her scaîloqied eo were received and appre- !- - -u mm The QUALITY of hîghloghted d pearl waciated. - IU < . K . A . ~~* LAA na etolokf bouffant veil of silk illusion1 PTOLEMY - MA(KIE na me o Ioo f orworn softiy over the face, and ehe carried a cascade' The marmiaeflMsiLaurel when buyingbouquet of white Shasta dais- Beatrýice Mackie, dlaughter of îes, deep Pink sweetheart Mm.and Mrs. Douglas Mackîe, GIG RA Eroses and stephanotis. 'and Mm. William Roger Ptole M g The mnaid cf honouir waqI my, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Ceciil A sniall deposit will hold any watch I headdresses and dresses red roses and whiîte baby r i W-M I--EPAN-- AESTRS HR-A-OT.2S until Christmas! mrotched those f the brides- ~munis. 1MG "I AN AE TRSTU hosandi gloves, each carry-, bher si.zters cnlv attendantf*t** At frI I mng baskets cf Shasta daisiesý She was attired in a short ~AI andi pink carnations centreci sea 1o02i green silk taffeta *~M M U l rJN with a white ribbon. dress with separate crganza. SE E OURt 'CIRCULAR FR umuuu.u Mr. Victor Tyreli, Oshawa, oveskirt. Hem beaddress was' rs adaeSoe r rvnewd ru fascae adaemrhnswt oi iTe wa etmn Peuhr'a matcbing short veil] l rs adaeSoe r rvnewd gopo soitdhrwr ecat ihsmembrhp Qee. waswreMr JhbLsle.To-mianat.ig acTndsheae lo ssciatd ih heMashilWli sors afWqtrnCaad nt telamleSore fahnUntd taes Tî t .~ enta, cousin cf the groom, andcridafongasdef international affiliation of over 3,000 stores is the iargest retail hardware group ntewrd ' ~~Mm. Grant Wright, Bowman. P Mr. ads hievecarin Sville, cousin of the bride.JaeGreafinc Roy McMullen apese ht b onn l'ercpinwshl n Frthe reception nt the th Cs a t Solina Communitv Hall whcrpe home cf the hride's parents., pag E U Ao g to is utmrstesvig1f 1~~4 j ~the. bride's mother receiverl the bride's mother rpceived .,U * *-fetdbthmasbinpoeofhs y"i n pink lace onver taffeta witb, in a turquoise silk shantung! fec~ tensiv eraiton-..Bsueo lisDR ~ Dirik maribou bat andi pinkýdressandcijacket w]th corsage: 'A P O W;VL E eviesivcMe Creu adwr ur h FISTLAY A DTEKIO caccessories. To assist, the! f ik nd wstibbt- .~me .' e- Paslons1DTE K P,,t' addteF i nsmEW est groni 'm thu"chsea g fen' in.Tk sît b ro sBoeîg O n uu Dran and white besy * aho' taered Tell'a s at a d at e F ions ewes k Od* angrol d jaoterchet-d gre enwt'm ter coe a bon lfral 19 tacred per.sha)e et g;amc. Il ewed lstaOKgld.w imatchunegro 's O WA V LL peig.Y Il Y elslow or whte. e s r es a n b a k a - suit andi corsage f bronze le 3995 6995 esoris.Each wore a cor-, anci yellow m is $4995 $6 'g * of deep, pînk sw~eetheart Before leaving on theïr, 4 Whnsmtnghpyhpes- is lï a., iel roses. wcddin.g trip te points Ea.S't', 4 hnsmiim op oprs: uoaWhhTm Mr, Wm. Lycett. Orono a the bride donneci a royal bloc 0 former public' school teacher wool suit. white velx'et bat.,,U 40 ofthe bride. was master of white gloves. blacrk shoes and, EW 0 IYI elain o hi htecrain.ThyaeAR . eremonies for the evening. nurse. and corsage cf reci and' cULNAD 0 JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 6 hofnevro to the New Eng- residîng at 171 Union Ave., P O E65 0 land ta36s thNGrideTonnE.PorI erm-. 0 V"T'Ii C InW o11ý%1ANIViI LE* a shrimp pink. fine waol suit. Guest-s were present fromi 3 IGS.E I IE 0 0 black feathered hat. black Ottawa. Carlvle Oakville., # paentaccesores, nd or- oroto.Whitbv, Oshawa,

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