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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 6

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~~a~-.- - * . The Canadian Stten=, Eowmnnlle, Oct. 20, 1965 dietters to th4e 8C/dtor October 13, 1965, Sherbrooe, Quebec 1 Dear Mr. james: Heère is my renewal for en ui r . I enjoy evet-y tuue very muadm. I arn a little early wlth buet wiahes but here goe, Beit Wlshes ln te& Yours truly, Mm-. Jack MacDonald. Dear Sir, The Official Board cf the Hampton Charge, at its meet- ing of Sept. 26, voted over- whehning (25-2) opposition to the granting of any form of liquor flcense to the Flying Dutchinan motor hotel. The residents of Hampton, Zion and Eldad live beyond the town limits of Bowmanville, but any of us mnay have to aythe consequences. if Mr. j Bouxke gets his way. The Investigations of Messrs. rSpain, Bradess and Eggston i the U.S. blame alcohol for 46% cf highway fatalities; others p ut the figure even higher. 1 must therefore pr- test the use of "statistica' in the Oct. 6 Wet ad as deiber- ately misieading. The indis- putable facts are that in rec- etdecades in North Amnerica. drinking bas become a disease of disastrous proportions, and driving-after-drinking a mon- ster killer rivalling war. A - Toronto magistrate recently commented on "the incredible extent to which liquor brings cases (of all kinds) to court." These devastating and deadly A rends are direct consequences of the constantly inexeasing availability of beverage alco- bhol. *I frankly fail -ta see how Cet Cash Today For OId Appliancos through 8 T A TE 8 MA N Phone 623-3303 any persan with a scrap cf made ber bitter toward Gad conscience te hii namne could and ile' No! You can tell actual.ly advocate a liquer aut- by ber etrhasebsa let on Hlghway 401. I t miglit lte htsela be helpful for such an indi- wonderful Christian Fellow- vldual to spend even ane day sbip witri menO te who hath with a nunister or wehfare said I will neyer forsake worker visiting the ruined Thce. She could have tried homes, Rie jails, the orphans, ta drown out her handicap the widows, Rie badies crip- by drinking or smoking but pled for Uife, and tic cerne- she said "'No" again. She teries wierc alcohol bas left hasn't fargotten or turned it.s broken and bloody victîrn. ler back on the teachings cf Citizens cf Bowmanviile, we lier Christian parents as so live in a world crying out for maIny seern ta have donc ta- Rie noblest in us alI. Let us day. activeiy rededicate ourselves te the giory of God and the honourabie service of aur fel- low men. As Christians, as Canadians, as buman beings, vote "NO" on Oct. 21. Rev. Charlcs R. Catto, Minister, Hampton Charge. Newcastle, Ont., Oct. l2th, 1965 Dear Editor: I enjoy your fine paper very mucli and look forward te it ecd week. I have enjoyed tic many letters that you have printed from time ta time. In regards ta the letter written by Mrs. A. W. Pros- cott I would like ta say, may God bless her for hav- ing the courage ta put on paper ber thoughts as ta more liquor outlets in Bow- manvie. And aiso sharing with us these wonderful truths cancerning tie Bless- ed Book, Rie Bible. Accord- ing ta the Yes Committee they are net asking too much. No, they are just edging their way in easy. I hope tiat many fathers, mothers and young folk who have a vote read Mrs. Pres- cott's hetter and reaiize Rie courage it takes ta write a letter like tliat and live up ta wiat she believes. I also hope that it will cause them te stop and think before they cast their vote. As ahi can eee by lier let- tex- she is a shut-in and I understand sic lias been for some time. Ha. this NOW GET THREE POLICIES IN ONE AND SAVE MONEY 1 A modem personal package poicy from the ROYAL/LONDO & Làxm4CADI Insura Companies can save you 10%. It's a flexible package idea! Your cot- tage, boats, jewellery and furs can be added -and you save even more ANY TIME 1 A GOOD TME TO EEVIEW YOUr masurance programn. Why flot ca]! us to talk it over with you, either 110w or before your - mntinmsurano eprme STUARI R. JAMES General Insurance 24 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Office - 623-5681 Residence - 623-5493 s Oh that there wcre more of the real aid time Chnistians left like lier who 5arc net afraid te spcak eut. 1 shudder ta think juat what is gaing ta become cf this modemn gençration wlien there are ne more of these dear saints of God heft ta point the way for us because we don't have wliat they have. We are afraid some- one would laugh at us or cali us religiaus fanatics. If we had more religiaus fanat- ics in our modemn churches today the wornen cf the churcli wouldn't have te put on churcli suppers, cater ta weddlngs, as there are cat- ering services that denend an these jobs for a living. I say a church is God's Temple. It is a place ta worship, not a place ta go and fill your stomach sa that it cannot hold any more. In support of what I have just stated just read God's own words froin the Bible. First Corinthians, ehanter 1l, verses 20-23 and verses 33 and 34, and the Cleansing cf the Temple, St. Matliew, chanter 21, verses 12-13, the only time in the Bible that Jesus ever showed anger. If aur faith means anything ta us we should be wiiling ta 1give back ta God a goad portion of what He lias so generously given ta us. God gives and God can take away just as quickiy. Mrs. Prescott recahis a temperance sermon a cer- tain m in is t er preached many years ago. I wonder. as she does, just how many of the homes who heard that sermon and didn't do anything about it have been affected in some way threugh the evils cf drink. It bas gotten ta tic point if it is announced the week before there is ta lie a temp- crance speaker ini churcli thc next Sunday tlere aren't too many out ta hear it as it rides toc close ta liome ta- day in our modemn churches. Mrs. Prescett also men- tianed and I agree with hem that pillars in the churcli say you just can't enter- tain any more with just a cup of tea. They serve a social drink and think noth- ing of it. (They are even allowed ta serve on the board of tie churci). You just couhdn't have a geod time without drink. You are counted "a square" ifV you don't.5 But I would like ta say that te me it is the other way arouxid. I had a wond- erful Christian motier-in- law whom I lived with for several years. Sic did net a pprove of drink ner did sic aflew it in Rie horne and I would like te say if siec culd came teack today sic would fid tic home being run just tic way sic Ieved te run it wicn sic was living here. And I'm sure sic wouîd lie very proud cf lier son who happens taelic my husband ta think that lie loved and respected her memnory Riat mucli. I have a 10-year-old son wiom I hope and pray wiil respect bis mom and dad tic sarne way. Let us stop and think just how liard it is going te be for tiese yaung people if they can't go into a restaurant te eat witliout seeing lîquor bcing served et tic table. We have beverage raoms, liguor stores, and we are allowed ta have it in thc home. Wlien yeu sec the way they stock up for thc weekend no wonder there are se many cmpty scats in thc churclies. But it sure is nice te have a church se thit they can semd thei children to Sunday School provîdlng they can get uD in turne to Set thein ready. And it h isez nice te have a church when your daugli- ter wants te get rnarried se you can put on a big show. But who supports the chureh. It does take money te keep a churcli galng just as It dees a home or bus- iness. I wouid« ike ta congrat- ulate Capt. Fraser- of the Salvation Army who the last two Sundays on the Sunday School cf the Air bas tried te tell the people of Bowmanville (or any town or city) just what more lquor outiets can do ta the many farnilies who already have been affccted by drink in some way or another. No one knows more about how drink can affect a home bet- ter than the Salvation Army. They have been trying for years to put back together what drink bas -torn part. May God bless thcm for the wonderfui work they do. Many families have been brouglit back t og9e th er througli them. And I hope that many heard Mr. Taylor speak on the Sunday School of the Air on Sunday as ta bis work at the Boys' Training Scliool. He said that in the blggest majority of the boys at the school the trouble bad started in the home as the result of drink that had broken up the home and the children always suffer. Sa thînk of this before you vote, the home or the per- son you save mnay be anc very dear ta you, I would like ta say in clos- ing, if a motel or restaurant is getting se little business that they have ta have liquor for a drawing card, they had better close and go into some ather business, and the samne speaks for the town of Bowmanvîlhe. Remember, there are a few people left who like ta take their farnilies out ta a nice restaurant or motel on special occasions, but who wiil net do se if they can't find somewhere ta take them other than ta a place like that. I urge you ta take yaur liymn book and read that preciaus hymn that Mrs. Adamns mentioned, "'Rescue the Perishing", No. 499 in the hymnary. Let your conscience be yaur guide. 1 arn very proîîd ta say that Mrs. Adams is rny preciaus mother, and I tliank God every day for lier. Mrs. D. Gray, R.R. 2 Newcastle, Ont. Manvers Council News Tic October meeting cf Manvers Municipal Council was held i Bethany on Oct. 5ti, with ail members pres- cnt and Reeve Lewis McGil presiding. The foilowing communica- tions were received and read: Dept. of Municipal Alfairs en- closing cheque for $1,217.01, being tic subsidy on tic 1964- 65 Winter Werks prograrn; Consumers' Gas Ca. enclosing thc new rate schedule for gas consurners; Magistrate Baxter, enclosing cheque for $6.65, be- ing Manvers share cf fines for August 1965; approval from the Dept. of Highways te purcliase large culvert for 4th Conces- ion and truck with box and hoist; Elgin Budd, letter re road i 2nd Concession; N. & D. Healti Unit montlily report; one sheep dlaim, and several accounits. Tic Hon. L. M. Frost, Q.C. and J. C. Holten, Mayor cf L.indsay, Ontario, are ta be notified tiat a iearing is ta be held on October 2Oth, 1965, at 1l a.m. E.D.S.T. at the Pantypool Station, Pontypool, Ontario, concerning thc mat- ter nf closing Pontypool Sta- ion. Mr. Bert Haas cf the Orono aorestry Station is ta be con- acted ta make an inspection of Manvers Reforestation pro- ject soutli of Betliany and ta nake recammendatiens fer its t c r a a c tg ti F maiantenance. Application will be made to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for a Winter Works project of $3,000.00 for cutting brush on township roads and $2,000 for making improvements ta the reforestation south of Bethany. Application will be made to the Dept. of Highways ta allow Manvers Township ta Transfer $ 1,000.00 from Man- vers Job No. 10, Lot 5, Con. 9 ta the purchase of culverts for construction. Application is ta be made ta tghe Dept. of Hîghways for the Road Subsidy up te Sept. 30th, 1965. The Road Superintendent is to contact an engineer ta mnake a preliminary study of the "Jake Hart" bridge in the l3th Concession, wîth a view te building a new pile driven bridge in 1966. The engineer te be present wlth report at next Councîl. meeting. The following were approv- ed for payment: ]Road Acct, Road Voucher No. 10, $101617.- 32, Clarence Brown,' poultry claim, $35; Merrill Brown, sheep dlaim, $140; Merrill Brown, shooting one dog, $5; Norman Brown, shooting one dog, $5; Town of Lindsay, Wel- fare charge-back, $1 1.25; Gea. Vizino, wel.fare account, $4.20; Reid's Grocery, welfare acct., $40; Ryley & Son, welfare acct., $60.63, Municipal World Ltd., supplies, $9.66; Johnston Flower Shop, re funeral, $12.36; Alfred Johnston, re isuing dog licences $86.50, Frank Cowan Co., Municipal Insurance, $584.24; Ivan Kel- lett, dump caretaker, $4 1.65; Henderson Concrete Products Ltd., P.F.A. account, $27519;, Mangan's Hardware, P.F.A. account. 81.048.32. The meeting adjourned toi November 2nd,1965, by Ranuly Sallowm 7%ese lait two school weeks were pobably the most ac- tive se far this year. Lait Wednesday wus thse Iritra- mural Track and Field Meet. Wednesday was also Rie lat day in the Curtis Maga- zine Sades Camveign. Tis year we padthe unbdliev- able mark of $4.000. 7%e achoo participation was over 70%. I musmt say the cain- Yain went like clockwork. JangBlack lias beadcd up thc canspaign for two years and ech ycar we have reached a goal oonsides-ably higber than that of the previous year. Unless you are directly con- nected witli the oaffpakgn you cannot appreciate the work Jan and ber. comxnittee have ta do te rnake it a suc- cess. Eadxh year we are fer- tunate enough ta find that handfui of students who are willing te take on the tasks, sucl as thc magazine sales and devote their spare turne in handling these functions. On behalf of the students of B.H.S. 1I wouid like ta cxtend our sinoore thanks to Jan and lier comînittee, wlho are Cath- eryne Etcher, Susan Eliiott, Bannie Beech, Gain Hone and, Business Directory Accountancy RAY J., DILLING Chartered Accountant P'3 Church Street ___ ~ 623-3861---- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered Accountant Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre WM. J. HCOGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King & Temperance Sts. Phone 623-3612 WILSON & BURROWS Chartered Accountants 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Partners : Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. --Phone_728-7554- HALL, PERKIN MacMILLAN & CO. Chartered Accountants 361/2 King St. E. - Oshawa 725-6539 Ring St., Box 245 Newcastle Partners: 9744 William C. Hall, B.Comm., C.A. David G. Perkin, C.A. J. Graham MacMillan, C.A. C h ir op r a c 1c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ff Chiropractor O5fElice: ,co.o ore t Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointaient D enlal DL. W. M. RTJDELL, D.D.S 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours : 4 aam,tp 6.-p.mî. daily Closei auëa fd ùdy Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office IHours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Wednesday - Sunday I n sura nc e DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lufe, Auto. Home Insurance 9%~ Ring St. E., Bowmanvllle Phone 623-5962 A. L. HOOEY Auto, Home, LlabilUty Insurance 1 1 36 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-7264 Land Surveying_ MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1659 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 Legal HODGINS &MORRIS Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A.' Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A.. LL.B. Barrister - Solicitor King St. W. Newcastle' Phone 987-4633 Heurs: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristems, Solicitors Netaries Public W. R. btr.ke, w.C. A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanviili Telepione 623-5791 Morigages SADIS HAMILTON - ORONI I Phone 1 r 16 1'irst Mortgage Funds Residencc - Farms 3usiness Properties -0pi omeîr y ]KE1TS A. DILLETT. 0. Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowmaiivlle Office Hours: By appointînent Telephone 623-3252 Mon.- Tues. - Thurs. - Fi. 9ar..to 3 p.M. Wed. and Sat. - 09- 12 Thluzrd8y ivings Karen Dicki. 1 This 3ar's forrn represen- tative poeit.ians are flled by:' Jex-ree 1lett (DA), Paul Bukiges (9B), Barry Virtu.w (9C). Petsy Blakre (OD>, Gali Hone (9PE), Jerry Porter (10A), Mike Oke (10B), Lee Lenxin (100, Bob Cutlibert- son (10D), Bea Ormiston John McGuirk (ýlhB), Chiarles Freidricli(u) Marg Fogg (lID),RonIl ~ofpr(IIK), Jan Webter (12A), Don Taylor (12B), Karen Dickson (12D), WendY ClosW (12K), Brad Lu- cas (13A), and Jill Aines Forms 12I. and 12D went to Toronto last week where they v-iewcd the stock ex- change and a number of as- sesment cases in the Supremè Court. B.H.S. hait came up with another first. Last Wednes- daý during tihe f ield day, Ter- ry Nichais ijnd Charles Ev- ans took aej-ial photograplis trm a plane tpiioted by Terry. 'h circled, high above the field severA times, tok saine picturMs then went back taO Csiawa airpart. We would Mike ta thank ail the officiais 1vqho helped make field day a sur-cess. We would also like to', thank Katliy Twist who weîs in charge of refreshments.-1 Frîday nîght, was thue maga- zine sales damce. There wis a disc jockey ' from CKLB as M.C. and p(rizes for top sales- man, etc., were given out. The top salesxnsn was Jeanne H4ubbard. Records were also gîven away. The next big dance to look forward to is the Hallowe'en Dance on the 2eth. FOOTBALL RESULTS by Dav id Goheen Botli the wir and senior football teans put their un-1 beatened streek on the line when thev play their remaîn-1 ina gamne,ý ii the schedule.I This bas been the most suc- ceasful season te two teams B. He s. NEWS junior teoim manv time.s thîs roarh, Mr. Dale and Mr Mc- BEST BUY! Save 23c! Libby's Fancy Quality 48-ez. Tins TOMATO JUICE 3 for 88c BEST BUY! 'Save 16c! - Special $1.00 Cash Offer LIBBY'S * SLICED * CRUSHED * CH1JNKS 15-oz. Tins PINEAPPLE 3 for 83c BEST BUY! Sawve lOc! Ail Purpose 7-lb. Bag -ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 69c BEST BUY! Sawe 6c! Golden BEE HIVE SYRUP 2-lb. Tin IBEST BUY! Save fie! Orange Pekoe Pkg. of 60 SALADA TEA BAGS 79c BEST BUY! Save 8c! Post Crisp Corn 9-oz. Pkg. HON EYCOMB Cereal 39c BEST BUY! Save 50c! 30c Off Pack MOTHER PARFER'SlO-oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE $1391 BEST BUY! Save lOc! 32-oz. Size GRAND Liquid Detergent 49c Reg. 45c! - Weston or Sunbeam Cocosaut MACAROGINS 2 pkgs. 79C SAVE 2c! 2-oz.Pkg. DREAM VVHIP 29c DESSERT TOPPING FREE! 5 LBS. C3RANULATED S U GAR with thie purchase of 4 G%"7ENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS AT REGULAR PRICE FROZEN F0005 0F QUALITY! SAVE 10e! Supreme l9eîlelous Eacb APPLE PIE 39c SAVE Ile! Old South "zo. Tins ORANGE JUICE 4 for 79c SUNSHINIE FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES SAVE 15c! CORN 15-oz. Tins SAVE 14û! MILK Tail Tins WHEATIIIR69c SAVE 4c! 12" Wide 25-Pt. boU STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP33c SAVE 10e! Regular or Parchment 1-lb. Pkgu. MONARCHF MARGARINEI 07 HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDSI Reg. 99c! 10018 BAYER ASPIRIN ...............69c Reg. 39c! Bayer's 3618 CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN .........33C Reg. 79e! Phillip's 12-o.. MILK 0F MAGNESIA ..........64c Libby's Fancy Cream .51R88C Carnatio Evaporated ev79c RED & WHITE GIANT BEEF BONANZA Spec. Sel. - Val. Check'd Beef - Genuine Red or Blue Brand STEAKS ROUNDSIRLOIN - T.BONE RONDWING1 Bonieless, RoIIcd RUMP ROASI 89b Ideal for burgers or meat Inave. - Fresh Mlnced GROUND BEEF Ilbs.79c The EcanomY Beef Rnast - Baneeu, Rolled (Rolled Top Rtib or Shoulder) Tree-Ripened - Calif arnia per dozen Freghly Sliced Tender, Tasty ORANGES 49F BEEF LIVER Yà.49cI Palmn Garden - No. 1 14-o. Celle Tube T B UY!Sae e Kaf elxe-ou j Tomatoes 2Ifor 49c C H E E SESL IC ES 2 for 69c Large Size Stalku - Crilopy Fresb Pascal SAVE 6c! Kraft 1-lb. Pg CELERY 2for35c VELVIETA CHEESE 67c «ood As Gold' 8-o".*Pk"* OPENING TODAVI RED & WHITE FOOPMASTERS FRESH DATES 2 5C in BARRIE, GUELPH and SUDBURY MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Orono PECK'S RED & WHIT-E Newtonv ille have had ln year,. The seni- ear. Ille ofensIve ly ô! Dernitt, junior ecoich e iors play liheir last lm ofhe teani bas been otsand- sJould be congratutd on the mhedule Thu¶M*C.MOct. ing and theyr have scored the fine work they have donoi 21l9t. açaunat Clwke High MRfly poinlts gainst theïr op> titis year in puttlog both Sdiooî in Clarke, while the positiofl. ten in the top of the order juniors play thefr second toi In the senior game played ~~rrsetv ous tqlast gaine in flowmtanvillelin Wtiîtby against Henry They have helped rookies be-s 1on Tueséd. Oct. IMt, againstl Street, Bowmanville defeat.ed corne good playeri andc have tHenry Street. ,Henry by thie lop-sdded score improved players who werlé In the junior gaine pi ayed ýof 52 to 0. This was nlot muen standouts last year. These Tueoday, Oct. 12, Bowman-of a contest as airnost evOryl men put long hours Of woric vile defeated Henry St.reet' tirne the Bowmanville squad~ int.o making up the piays antI by the loç-slded score of 32 got the bail they scored al during the gkMes they le te 7. The gaine wu hlghliiht- touchdown. When the offense assistance toir red playeP ed by the excellent play-call-iwas nlot scoring the defence to get lihem ck into the ing of quarterbock BilA Mer- was intercepting the bail for gaine, Without 'ese men we rison and the hard running, touchdowns. Henry Street would net be as proud as we of his boekfielders Don Fenn,icou]d muster only two first are now of how well thé Bud Depew and Jeff Gilhooly. clowns in the gaine as thelteans hav'e been plaYing. Fenn- scored two spect.acular defence showed well. The ith he yp of ochn touchdowns on two pefetlyf senior defence t"is ear hasýithese men bring to the Saine, exeeuted plays both of wh ich1 only allowed one point te the:i think we stand a good oovered about 25 yards each. opposition they have faced. ;chance of winning in the Depew soored an exciting! Peter Werrv started thetplayof f and we might win the~ touchdown on a key inter-1 scoring with a walk over the. championsh.L! ception which if it had beentline after a hole had been' caught by the intened re- opened for him. Fullbark oeiver would have been a Cerl Harness scored tie In the International field of certain touchdawn. Bud, af- next touohdown and the con-.education a n d vocational ter intercepting the puss, ran vert was goed as kicked by training UNICEF (United Na- for 50 yards for the touch- Peter. D e n n i s McFeeter tienls Chiidren's Fund) wil do'wn. Bils other touohdown scored the next touchdown spend. $5.8 million for aâsist- was scored on an equa»ly ex- ion a tiass f rom Werry ta Den- ance in deveiopirig countries. citing pa which covered'nis. On the next sequence o Canadian contributions aid about 25 yards on a pasi and plavs Henry giot a raliy going thi --d run play fromi the quarter- orily to have Walter Riekard back to Bud. Brian Peters intercept the pass and run it RCA -3S scored a toudidown on a back to the 10 yard line. Don T//N hand-cff frein the quarter- McMurter scored a touchdovn' touchdown. TPhe other tvo Tne point after 'vas WEd. O RELET points were scored on points Werry scored another tou ch-iTAIkfÇ/10IN efter touchdown attemipts. down near the end of the A1f FOI ijý Don Penn soored one point onsecond quarter on a quarter- WOèRK /SAIZME a run across the goal line and1 bock sneak. The point af ter ObN the other was' scored on a:vies missed. 70 A pass from Bill Morrison tae ooe h hr ure Jeff Gihooly. Werrvpaed a tid urt The defence played welliWrypse long bail to and their opposition could Cha ries Ewert for a t.ouch- C.b onîv score one tuhon down. The point :after was This touchdown çhôttld not good. Werry scored his thirr] have been scored if the de- touohdo,%n on an interception' ferice had been on tiieir toes'that Peter ran it back for ;ý all the time. The junior de- touchdcwn from the 4.5 yardt fencé hais only had a few mne. The final touchdown' points scored against tbern in was scored by Dennis Mr-1 ail the exriting gaines they Feeters on a plav ini which' have piayed this year. When Dennis could have taken babv - the opposition team neded ste-Ps ta crose the hine. No yards for first down or for a one laid a band on hîni. That' touchdorwn the defence ai- extra Voint was good. If1 ways seenied te orne up with there had been more tinie 1 the key stop. This type ofthink we could have icoredj 16 TEMPERAN*CE ST-ot Dlay bas stood in the fore-!more points, What a game.", riF lIk2 ground and has saved the 1 thinlc Mr. Brit, seniorj Ili 11 ;.l

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