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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1965, p. 7

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- J- -J. - - - -,... Is 0 c 1ri ( 7,.krrnr Olsen: Joanna Lynn. daughte o! Mn. and Mrs. Ganny Pettit_ -Nanc'x Lee and Wayne David,'1 Ce lçbrate Golden Wedding N..P%- % C te .ý %-e , 9 0 " ..pW ilLL.q £ cnîrnren of Mr. and Mrs. David Porter, and Stephen Phone 623-3303 Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Ralph Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coombes, day guests of Mr. Hughes' anprd f amii wrdyeesntl .ý-1kviile, were recent visitors brnther and sister-in-law , Mx r. prîme audy1vnn kith Mr. and MrF. L. Coombes, and Mrs. Sam Hughes of whenmmesofteraiy )Liberty St. Nlrth. Toronto. helid a house warming party rs.L ,1Ia enl.Ti ve-n v'lgtbc at their new home on Conces- Mrs L.~ uiax Fenei. Ti~ eeknd e'l gEt bcksion Street. A highlight of Woodstock, d, a gurst of hier that houx' of sleep we 1ost last the evening was the viewing cousins, Mr-. and M1vrs. W. R. Spring when we put oux' of slides taken. and shown, Strike, Horsey Street. dlocks ahead one hour. This by. Mr. Lorne Bowins. Orono, Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, weekend we revert back to 'of his trip to the East Coast. Silver St., spent the Thanks - Standard Time, so remember AIso duxing the evening Miss giving wpekend xith theix' to rove the dlock hands back Barbara Aiken. Orono, read daughter. Mrs. Gcx'ald Beynon one houx'. a poem especialv written for and family, Parry Sound. Recent weckend guests \with the occasion. Those attend- Mr. and Mrs. Harld St. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'varjerrison,'ing included Mr. and Mx's. John and family, Scarborough, F]ett St.. were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken and Tom. Mill- were Sunday visitons %with Dick Knifton, South Porcu- brook; Mr. and Mrs. Orville her parents, Mr. and V~ ie and Mr. and Mrs. Wins-,Challice and family, Mr. and H. Abernethy, Concession Si. ton Marjerrison of Cornwall, Mrs. Keith Tregunna and brother and sister-in-law offiamily, Miss Barbara Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Jackson,;Mx'. A. Marjerrison. !Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, Parkway CreFcent. recently' retuned fro a îeaart Holidaving with Dr. and al of Orono. week's holidiay motor trip to Mrs. E. WX. Sisson on Thanks- Saratoga Springs, New Yor'k glving %veckend were Mr' State. JameSisso. Victoria, B.C., MAPLEGROVE Mrs. S. R. Henderson. Windsor: Mx'. and Mr,-. Brerît huehes Mrs . Harry Green and child- TeOtbrmetn fte are now residing in Memphxs., ren. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sisson' Te.C.W wb eldmeinghe hec *Tenn., where Brent will bc aadKlyTro all on c. shl4 the Th wor jnember of the MemphishaloOc.4t Tewr hockey team for the coming Mrs. Orville Osbornie, town; ship service on Thanksgiving1 ,zeason. Mrs. U. Jones and Mrs. J. 'vas led by Florence Cx'yder-J and Ms Haxv H g es ree Oshawa. attendrd the man and Karen White. Re- ,LbryM __twre onut o o te aton port of a successful turkey~ Libetyt Nrthweî Su Buto~Society heid in Con- supper xvas given. Also there Scord] New Hampshire, on are three catering jobs during Friday and Saturdax-. October the last xveek of Octobex' and Bowinanville 8th and 9th, returning homne on in November. po m Mr Ramond'Bun"WeNhon Canadian Indians wxas giv- ft &~~~I ~ left bo plane tram Torontoenb JonRseBty rentecostai Aroto ody evening Sn de.an foxa teewin kvaaton, withd. Rev. Charles Catto ram, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn Chuch n eatsin doevn, ngl. Hampton showed slides oni tOn he eatur a vnngpbn prton Bvaeyag64et Mr. and Mrs. Perey Tamb-! lyn, and in the evening byl Lester B. Pearson, anîd Mr. 75 Liberty Si. S. pa ri.'" xas hield hy fricnds and Spi ak.Ti i aa-,lyn of Newcastle observed two granddaughters, Mns, Ed.Rusl Honev, M.P., aisn Paster: Rev. A. Kadra. B-Th. relatvsthrhoeLîet dian Ecumenicai work camnp:iheir Golden Wedding Anni- Solski and Mrs. Bruce Ogden. fromn Rev. and"Mrs. Wni. Pal- Phone 623-5100 Street North. project where ' aung Chris- versarv on Friday, Octoberý Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn are terson, Smiths Falls, and Rex;. Sunay erice: e v ha afewcas ak-tiogehrfoffreanthand ork15tb, wxhen-they were at home. members of Newcastle United and Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Fene- Sitnay Srvics:g if-eHalioafwe en. sce te 64 buora n hurchdforte friends and relatives. iChurch. M-r. Tamblyn worked ion Falls. A telegram was re- ing f Hlloe'e, sice he 194 bilt ne chrchfor The rooms were attractive- on the C.P.R. for 35 yeax's andr ceived from Governor Gener-ý 9:55 a.m. 3lst of October fails on a thie Indians at Split Lake. ly decorated with eut flowerslhas been retired for eight ai and Madame Vanrier. SudySchool Sauda, wiilbercelebratr on Rex;. Catto toid of the many 'mumis and several ioveiy yeax's. They have two daugh-ý Out-of-town guests attend- Sundy Sturd. Otobn 30h o onprohlcrns o.! our Canadian in- bouquets. The tea table cen- tex's, Mx's. J. Goheen, Bow- ed from Merickviile, Perth, Mondas', November lst. Fak io and stressed that the! tex'ed with a lovelv three-i manville, and Mrs. Ken With-: Coîborne, Whitby, Newmar- ila..1 ', w-e dont know, but if we church had a real opportunitY tiened wedding cake, was;ers, Peterbor'ough, two grand- ket. ewcBriTrno "ARE PENTECOSTAL xxerp a 'Trick or Treater" w'dto help the Inidians adjust t lne ytî ade. uhestwogxan nsansw, hornhi, akeotn, MANIFESTATIONS aget fii'onStuhaicev iti h nigcniin.fakdbvtl ade. duhestogadosadOhwTonil aeot gainget an stux'davevfeighanie'odtin.Mx'. and Mrs. Tambiyn xvere, two great-gx'andcbiidren. Mount Pleasant, Woodvilip. SCRIPTURAL?" goodies. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla- assisted in receiving by theïx" About 200 guests called dur- Oakwood, Bowmanvilie, Pet- Mr. and Mrs. Edwaî-d FoI('x', cutt attended Orono anniver- dpughters. Mrs. Jack G;oheen, ing the afternoon and even- erbonough, Courtice. Orono. 6:45 p.m. Mr'. Donald Fole n r. sar services on Sundav.Te omnjl.adM'.Knm n esgso ogau Cambrav and Lindsay. Musical Prelude with Pearl Hockin, Base Line: Mr. were accompanied bv fheir Withers of Peterbor'ough.! lat ions were received framn Unit 2 of Newcastle United the Kdrasand Mrs. Ernest Foley, 1Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Ted Hoar, and Presiding ai the tea table ini1 Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Church, of which Mrs. Tamh- the KdrasR. L. Wox'den, Mrs. Bert Cal- h ler daug-hters Diana and Lee ýthe aftex'noon wex'e Mns. Chas.! Rt. Han. John G. Diefenbaker, lyn is a membex', catened for well and Mx'. Irwin ColweIl, Ann Hoar, and Miss Grhmýý" d Mrs. Arthur Tamb-;Hon._JohnRobants, _Rt. Hon.i the occasion. 7 p. m. tawn. were Sundav dinner NewcRstIe .Mrs. Hoax' sang al_ "SANCTUARY OR guests of Mr'. and Mýrs. Paul Solo at the church service.L . family, Mrs. Davies, Hagers- SEPLCRE! Mentye ndBreda Osaw, Mr ad Ms.L.C. Collacutt Cue rate L1J1] t-nnlversary ivle, wex'e weedvst M N HTAE wh-i the birthdax's of Mrs.,were luncheon guests with wih Mr'. and Mrs. W. Craig. MANWHATARE Hockin and Ernest Foley xve'e, their daughtcr, Mrs. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buttery YOU?"1 celebrated. Mr'. and Mrs. Raymond and family, Peterbor'ough, Wed. Oct. 27th. 7:30 p.ni. A' the miorning service on Twist, Oshawa, were Mx'. are éntd Mrs. Sams o SundaY, October 17th, in S.SPP'get ihMs .R. BtSrx Bible. Study: Paul»s United Church, the fol- Foicv\. Mný1. aiid Mrs. John Huband, "The Adorable Io\ ing children wex'e receiv- - --Oshawa, and Mx'. and Mrs. ed into the Hoix' Catholiic -Fred Twist, Whitby, xvere God-ead pls Curc thrugh'th Sara-recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G od he d" pl s hu ch hr ug t e ac a-H A Y D O NE. T it Youth Meeting and mnat of Baptismi: EdNvaxd, .Tit Astronauts Tracy, son of Mn. and Mrs.! Note'.cndange HaiWeltian RossFarow chei Jmes' Nte hang intim ofMiss Norma Gniffiths, Toron- "A ehurch that STILI son of Mn. and M rs. Edxxard Sundav Schooi whioh will beber eknvitrswh preaches the full Gospel' Jilailman: D 1 a n n e Adele, iheld at 10:3f) o'clock on Sun-.- Mx. and rs. L. e ]giosh. i ~~~~ ~~daughter of Mr.an~d Mrs. day. Church serv'ice wili b. ac ... iihl hi ý Paul Hancock: Dehbîe Sherr y ,withdx'awn on accounit o! Ty. Octoemr f t il hdth eîhh trafle Thankoffering Services eormeeting a te chure, at 230 nd :30 'clck.this Thursday evening. 0ct.' at 2.30 an . 3 o ciockeetin g 21. M rs. A . S tep h en s xi ii tel ] T I IY U IE H R H was held at the home of Mrs. abut___tipte___lnd Minister - Rev. George K. Ward B.A, B.D. Mrs. Potts opened the meet- T R N ing. Report of September T R N Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B, L.R.S.M. meeting was xead by the sec- retarvy and ap'pnaved. Devo- The U.C.W. met at the' Il arn. - Morning Worship tMon-ai was nicely given by home of Mrs. James Woodley Mrs. C. Garrard on '4Our.: witb 24 members présent.' SUNDAY SCHOOL Church." Business conducted Mrs. Henry Stainton and Mrs. bx M.rs. Potts consisted of Arthur' Harvey gave the de- 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior Mrs. R. Ashton buyin.g trie votianal. M.rs. Paul Vaneyk 1:0.m - rmr an idratnUNIC.EF. boxes for the led a discussion on Radio, 11:0 rn -Prmay ad inerarenchildren, with Mrs. R. Ash. Television, Theatre and; 11:00 z.m. - Beginners ton. Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Books, te supplement the, Christensen ta look after the -~ evenring. Mrs. Vaneyk h-ad a __________ onev at the sehool. It was ve7 fn d-'a f ok and scondd tha Mrs fromi the United Chureh Pub- CoiigMs. Ashton and -- - lishing House. Don't forget Re'o ohMrs. Pallard be a planning' I the Presbyterial at Orono whieh will be hcid the last of e at Port Perry Oct. 28. aften- ~ DaLinaeI hurch November. It was max cd anid -4'-. '-" noon and evcning szessions.: .uw..**~~ eeonfrd tha Mr. Poîs .4r:.Miss Muriel Stevens, a miis- Mrs,. Cameron, Carat Black . sionary f'mAnc.xiib Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D, Minister burn and Rena 4raham be the guest speaker. Al] bus Tlthn 62503III"I niritefrcr- bans and Young people are munity sale. Program. in'~ ' lowloe *charge o! Mrs. Jones. included î.' Al are welcomet atn MaranatnhadeaWiseigHp b h dIt Bible Class, Sunday Mrs. Poliax-d and Alice Joncs--rC x mornings ai 10 a.ni. Anew kiad of faney work à. -~ Ho me and Sehool mneeting Christian Rebformepd Churthertridm nta erc îvenM.adMs odnBehig c.2,i h co aitteced bus ,.;a e- on -Sa .tu rdavy. ai' enieiauaung prograni. Itl r' en DY 'R 1'.,:V he-r M C.W Wodlvws Mr'. Ashton had a vrv suc- began with a brie!f speech bv wed ding cake ftanked by silver Sundav dinacu- guest o! Mr'. SE V C Scessfuui sale on Saturda.v. the MC. Mrs. David Weldon candicsticks and vases of nec] and Mrs. R. Rowe, Bownian- .Mr. Leonard Trick, Poiy -((maidb r carnations. Pnuring tea wcre vill. Mecaf orseeoasd"'gtflMrs. Richard Griffin. aunit o!f eea ri hscmui pool. Mr'. and Mrs. H. Tnic-k. l o svrl eihtu thegro an r.SH.M era rn hý muri Minister - ev. I. A. Turner, B.A., B&D. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Herh.' vocal solos which inctuded gro adMs.Sy. a., 't,-a, ne te Prw -eidcst sisten o! the bride. Math tnMilte. r>,i orga.nosist -,A..CT. CC.. Trick, Millbrook caled on such appropriate numbens d a~.Rs eclARCTACCM n ad Ms .Gaa. 5aGadNgtfr sg- Mxand etMrslke.M.Hmln Other callers were Mu's. W. îg n TeAniversax'v1 and family and Mrs. K. A. 9:45 a.m. - Church School Loveridgc and childrn, Ty- iatz". Mrs. Wcldon joined i SALEM Ferguson o! Bow-rnanv iii e i-anc Mr'. and Mrs. J. M- ynwith Mn. Metoal! in vocal were Suridav supper guests (if 11:0 am. "Lvin DageruSl" ad sn, oroto.duels, unle of which was ai Tvo recentiy marricd y ouîug Mr'. and Mrs. L. Nattress, 11:0 am. "Lvin Dagerusl" ad sn, orota.comnedv number complete Aith'coup les were guests of banaux' Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Ro ' Graham costume and gestures whcn-tasceabrng the Mrs . Anîxie l1atlîcnlv lîaý 7:00 p.m. - "Doom or Dawn" atne teFi Foliage Toux' Mrs Fred Griffin presided atichurch on Saturday evening, returred home after spending and Ont. Region Judging the' piano. Mr'. Allen BraggZ After everyane had enjoyed a several months with Mr'. and Meet at Peter'borough on the plaved twý,o enloyable piano pot luck supper. Mr'. and Mr-,. Mxs. Harry Hatherlv, Tor- GUEST SPEAKER weekend. , oSolos. Mrs. Harold Ashton Rov Twist and Mr'. and Mrs. onto. SYmpathx' L, extended t gavý a hurnoi-ous reading en- Roi, Welsh were extended Mx'. and Mrs. Chas. Murne'. R arIluti . . he Ormision !amiiv and re- tiiled "This Is Their ,ife"- 'au-tigrattilatiuîîîs- and hest il and hlrn Peroou, Rev. a r .*ute M*,D D latives in the passing o! the \vhirh depictcd in verse somne es on their recent manniages. Mr. and Mx's. David Park, slate Edwin Ormiston. of tihihgiights ,of Mr. and Ro, and Suzanne wcre pre- Miss Glenna Park and !riend. l ae aJohn G ah a ath fr some r se ech' 5 e an o ax-snted with an occasional Bowmanville were und;iv Secret ry of the D partm nt of Pensi nt t e o Gr m a ssen] tie, c air n dao] on and Joycec ith ca-llers of M '. and Mrs. W SPEIALMUIC Y HE HOR rraa Hopit alBomnvilesdMe- '. and iM-s. Bech were -end tables and a blue moun- Park. M'. and Mrs. J. Park SPEIALMUIC Y HE HOR mria Hspi.a onfu da1econtcd ta the stage by Mn. tain pottery dish. Bath expres- and Scott were sup.per gZuests ex-eniag. He was the son ofand Mî-s. O. C. Ashton. A Ised thein thaak% ta thrir rnany of the Pax-ks. Evening Soloists - Messrs. Ross Cotton the tate David and Emily complimerutax'v address was friendis. Mx'. Don Welsh show-.M.xr. and M rs Jame and Larry Marshall.aa. read b' Mr.-. Larrv Ashlonl.:ed sldes of a recent trip tnCo<>mhes and chitdreni, Mr'. Mn. and Mrs. Pan Cameron Little NMiss Janet Èragg pre-' Colorado and samne o! the and Nrs. A. Harvev and] YO REIELCOME attended the funeral o! Dr. sented the couple with a mini- ýwedding pidtunes of the guests Helen ýviijted MI.,Itld M'-s3. YO AEStewart Wallace at Kemnpt- alune cop'.-o! a large wall min- of banoux'. Arnali Fitzgerald and famil-. ____________________________________ville on Monday. ror and Mr. Mervin Conroy lMr-. and Mis. Bob Davieà and'Selwyn.,M 'I PACKS 0F FIVE $1.oo 88 SUGG. LIST BRECK SHAMPOO, 20 oz. Giant Size m SUî. it 3.0 CORICIDIN "D"",12's -- ----------- sutig. ut 1.19 .98 GERITOL, 12 oz. liquid or 40 tablets ug. list 3.29 2.67 GELUSIL for antacid control, 100's -- Ungx, ist 2.25 1.88 ONE-A-DAY Multiple Vitamins, 1 0 s~ sugg. lust 4.49 3.66 SCHICK Hot Lather Shave Cream 61/ oz. (1.00 value) plus SCHICK Stainless Steel Blades- (49e)uu. list 1.49 .89 sugg. list 1.4912 TECNIQUE with Creme Rinse -__ ug ît2.00 SECRET Aerosol Deodorant sonug. list .99 .79 EVRMO-QUININE, 8sh atre CHRISTMAS CARDS, 51 Per Box - --____uur. ist .9s .89 - - mugg. list 1.59 1.39 DAVITE LIQUID New Low Price NEW LOW PRICES! PEPSODENT DENTAL CREAM LOW PRICE ON THE FAMILY SIZE! SUGG. LIST 99c 79c FLORIENT EVERSHARP CON VEX STAINLESS STEEL BLADES MHE AIR DEODORANT THAT KEEPS ODORS AWAY. BUY SOME TODAY 1 LARGE SIZE 79c 66 SUGG. LIST Prescriptions I.D.A. Remedies ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 King St. W. 623-5792 M 1 1 - r M M r I 1.77 CONTAC*C. 1.77 augg. ilst .30 2/.49 -- -------- - -- - ---- - 2/.49 ELIZABETHVILLE 1 The Canadian Stattesman. Bowmn'îxwille, Oct. 2n, 196 7 Sunday sceol w-as held as niatenial and stayslutching; Put-pose' a take ~b usual. Severai attencded the .smla h utn h Mrs. Vernon Peacock. Plans Garden Hill anniversany ser- laerM rs. M.the Waler.Tde torthe hot turke-e super vices. :meaderatcd M.With oero! de ere made, and a report on Thesecnd neeiuî o!themembse h tope ofthethe Chistma.-,cards sld was 4-H Club "-as held in the pattera and how ta cutIt OuiI I gix'en b%-,- re. Qati basement of the church an, She also demonstrated x- and Mrs. Save'yo Ct. st at î:30 p ..They ac] stitehing. In grup work, M.r vle wec w r o eleced teir of ficer.s the somne mernbens placcd theiHtrvil ee ihMs weck before. so Karen Ster. paýtteras and ,tarted ta I WatesonNMonday-. The topies for disussian wcrc pracised tavsich' . "Cane of the hands, care rf M'.an Mrs. H,.MNltldc, REL the face and skia: miaking the Mr. and MsRosBayac] ARE D I usi most of aur clothes and] dai.'- Doris atcnc]ed the plocughing 0Ot C EDMU I habits and preparing niaterial,,,iat -ilie.pesne ý for cutting and hoxv to aller 'Mr. and Mrs. Johun IeKokeu-, peetd patterns .~ The demonstra-. Whitbx-. M\iss Siuzanne Thik-' TRINITY CHURCH lion anc] group work xvere i Bonwmanx-ilc. and Robcrt CHOIR postponcd as thex- didn*t have Welcsý.Sarvle.1e' the material ta do as requir- a- Thicksans ovex' the m-eek- fauig raSl cd: The treasunex'. Janice Pal-, adCnlNu er mer' gave a treasury report. end.sd C oa u br On Wednesday Ilie U.C.W. THURS., OCT.28 The third meeting xvas held held tiheir mccliuîg at '. and,80 pm Oct. BIh in tbe basement MIrs. Milford While's hc>me. - again. The discussion xvas on The president. Mrs. H. W'hit. Trinity United Church How to place bbe patten îand'prcsided. The aext ehapteu- ia 1Bownianville cuigil h gano thelour study book, '"God and is 8 8 BROMO-QUININE, 48s IDAVITE LIQUID New Low Price 66c 1 623-5792

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