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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1965, p. 10

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- ~ :~ -; -. - ThDaaingaern owinilDe ,16 avid Northey conducted the nwdem tweeasre. ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __J uistandin g 4-H M em bers Win W atches indMrsionAf Chellison PIdf_ rard, Past President: Demisb ieit hs lks h Valedictory Address af iBob ad oisCand attends aures Psidnt: Jimn and Jane Wood.c Pleasance. Treasurer; DavidJl S H. <$ isptaexr wok ac and Elizabeth Craig, Rowland The Novembermeigo rý ogWgtatda ,and Wilma Coombes, Social Shaw.s Home andSho lbc]eda anWgtwc Courioc Hig Sc ootConvenor. A very picturesque. Courtice H igh School I ~ ~~~~fim on the Island of Antigu 'wAs held atteCha npydapiasl.Wat Editor's note: The toIlow- ifor the Olymnpie Gamnes are a correct thig situation. It tends Netn Fw, avr er-the istso Int Valedletory address was challenge, is flot life itself a ta make ts more humane by ful scene, an ideal place for season, the crodwsnta h us sekr n given by Miss Shirley Avery rchallengp' We have twa ai-t!helping us ta understand ibusy mothers and harrassed large as expected u arAiu ol~a nmn st, Courticer igh Schonl ternat;ves - we can face liteothers and, thus, destroy much fathers. number of adultsadcide ilwa nrdcdadwt Commentement ExerciseR on or gî'.e in. If twe accept theof our prejudice. This candi- Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare, were present ta.o 'the- r in slditreig Nov. l9th. Il ls re-gretted :challenge w&e are not guaran- tioning need flot came from . Mr. C. WT. Waodley attended a enîng. soisar omnayto that due to a shnrtage of tpecd sucress, but if we give formaI education but fram famnily shower for Jerry Giles President K(nitiBaghradec ateilnso space, her remarka iwere held :in, we are fated before wv.any kind of learning, încluding a h oeo i.adMs1odce h uiespro aao abds emd over untîl this week. begin. experience. Wainaceg ani Trinidad where shejpented Lire dernands fair comnpeti- At the Olymplcs, a partic!. Saturday evenîng. 'of O Canada thM.O.trewesibetfutrp Mr. Tubb, Mr. Richards, Mr. tian and a spirit of sports,- pant mnust respect the regula.I r.anMr.Goe o-rggtthpio. iuescasroudnsatwne Speers, Members of the Board manshîp. We are expected ta tions. In lite we are presentedirs Nestleton; Mr. and Mrsof last regular meigwr h otat0 ihwie and Staff. fellow graduates, try aur best and accept aur-with rules in the forms of FL.Bam Mran Ms.eaby rsH.Rinnanadporoludpapei lades ndgenleen' Inses as w(-.1 as aur successe, 'aws and customs. Ralph Bowers and Ian, Miss ýMrs. T.Price gav h rau-'ev akd u tavr Taish n e li aes xprThe mast educated or the mos t "For the lionor of aur caun- Jagugot essf r d inMrs. . rs rp.utn odrcdteis-ad acun of hi TeOnîialympinestsinaietîcs, wealthy are not necessarily try and for the glory of sport." US oMran Ms.W ciiay otrsi iet(ý;those who succeed - we must These are the last few words Park and Douglas after the carspAundgsceaysm-.toia sad poetry, and music, held vey f heOlmpioothdW, ik 'c vr lty fte lmi ah e iechristenîng service, Sundaypotfrteumemot.'Tak wre xpeedo four years at a Greek festival altr.t at Olympia in honour of Zeus. Sportsmrn are aware of, potmnms hv 17aday, the Olympie Games are their need for physiral and goal in lite. what is the use maringe n littiemInwabhoîga nuerosad n rs ossnad oilh internatinnal athletircampeti- mental conditioning. Inlife, of acceptingth challenge, Mr. and Mrs. George A11- bereaved membEr fteam Ms.T TalMs.R 'havn farcmeiinan dread were supper guests of mnt._eea oe fak nen r.M ah tions held at a choren city we ton nired this canditioniog. vngfimCmpttin ad1M. n Ms Dvd llrad e _ _ ___ geerly vryfuryar. We oeed to be phvsicallv,' respecting the regulations, if Mo.ani île.Dai ld When amateur spo)rtsmen healthy so that we can best we do not have a reason for Mr. and Ms. Gog o- enter the Olympics, they must d10 ur job. Mental condition- so doing? We must have a rn stio G ere Suday- _____ take this oath:inîg goes hand in hand withgolnaneearlteoncaerofMsW.Mle. ______________________________ take hi~.which seems to hold the most *. Mr. anf Mrs . Milrr.e ______ We swear that we will fk h' prestige - for we are not alM and m' s ura e part in the Olympie Games iný Most small disagreemeots. born ta be great doctors or an îmly were Sunday visi-J fair competition, respecting and everi warld disasters, are Florence Nightingales - but tors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul the regulations which govern cato;rd bv ignorance. At the one whi<'h i apprapriate for Vaneyk. the an wih te dsir talaingof he ornrstne Lfis and within aur scape. At the Annual 4-H Awards Night in Orona on Saturday, the higlhlight of Mr'. and Mrs. Donald AIl - participate in the triîe spirit Champlain College of Trent We, the Graduating Class., the program wasth ' ecioLofth man and son Drew, Oshawa I II ., ili g1 of sportsmanship for the honor lUniversity last month, the wî eebrCutc ih. abieseto tt~ o3T and girl who hav'e shîwn outstand-wreSnd1 usi1 WMi. VVIat vyuIf of oui' country and for the flonoî'able Jean Lesage said, School for helping us take ng interest in club work since first becoming 4-H club members. Winncrs were and Mrs. Lamie Phare. glory off sport. "Pre;îitice- makrs up the c-il- Sharon Lreduhe fMi'. and Mrs. ap Lrm ,Blkso ,shw Areno w. n if. resriec trentflr inoan.* I tisalong ,with aur parents. eo-i here î'eceiving her vatch fram R. M. Dickson, manager(of thieOrono branch of Brentn winning 5th prize'1 did withy u with a simîlar nath? Just as îlt ot S' Ediîratin('ai l help 'to coui'agrd us tnaracept theý the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Inset is John David Allun, son of . in a large pony sadidle Llass ati Ohallenge. It gave epn~Mr. and Mrs. Alfred AllunBowmanville. His watch was preted by Ken t: dollWnerFarwiha rs sibilitieq and encouragedi us ta pie.ue*e ýhem Welsh pony "Radar". u iir niu ON LETIN AYaccept them. Prdy. Mrs. Laine Annis enjoyed Coui'tice Highi School taîîght - -- a tr'ip to the RoYal Winteri MONDAY, DEC. 6th, 1965 US ficonptitio1 and sparts-!GiesClssfratonTak taotryguestot nioo ae el aae manghp, no onlyin sparts,: net et nrcgiino ae but in aur work. 1ht aught us hem 4-H CIlub leadership. s nt owMr and Mrs. K. Chamber-1 Bownîi'il Ba marks c ae ihoýu: O rr Sergeant Barker Describes lan, Oshawa, xlsted Mr. and! aka Mn'a mark- cmai'coe.d itnatex-s' .Ross MeRoberts.Ba We eatinedbt o ad e.an ding ridTm a ac had tiied. t raec teOnbblti sattended the Lambert night ah g ] (aîn d t r e s p e c t f o u e c -an e d n rd . G i g h e r e y e r c i e o r , s v n g o R IC lIA R D irgulations of the sehool, and L~ Alliston. A h l hs dla ers. 1h was they who had th eM .and ml, Z;Mms . G and r s. in h e kep ng f th Ba k o Mo r al hadts f hnigw e UW H. Taylor were supperbanhofMyB k, R IH An iisy, misplaced grade-niners L WL IU L II I L U t< guests of Mrs. W. F. Park. 1965. Asth lca into rducated 3'oung men and:0 L w E f r em n ff c r Mm. John Hoar, Toronto, I wauld likeh aeafwmmet oflyui womien. spent the weekend ah his homne We have conditîonied ou In hlis classiftcation talk ig aut tmaffic hickets for min-jd to protect . ou and '<i r aod attended the Graduation briefly on th1 s htteBn aeo hm I ~ ~~~~~~mincds and bodies nt Courtire given at the luncheon mehting 'or offenses, and little realizes tfamily Imagine a sOciety Dinner and Commencement atEvrdolryusedurnthpaterwa H-igh School. Physical educa off the Bowmanviîle Rotarv that this cao be preventat 've without laws or people to en- Port Hope High School, along Eeyd G i B ~ ~~~tion has helped 'ta train oui' Club at the FliYng Du tchman work regarding a motorist forca 1hem" with his parents, Mi'. and Mrs. put right to okhligpol ietyo n GI I S'bodies, xwhile the academîce Motor Hohel, eisentl,ý Ser- bent on k il ng himscîf or! Policemen Are Human Aldin Hoar, Tom, Jo-Anne, drcl.Mn ftoedlaswr sdh i trainiog has taught lis gen A ame, fucrca omoe1le Sergeant Bamker emndced Kathy and Louise, Misses thiiik. manding the Bowmanville De-! Not a Superman his audience that policemen Marie Draper, Lvnda Sih people in finacn hnsta en nipoe * o Cou'tice lligh Scnol ha tachmeh of th O.P.P. gave'"A policeman is not a super-'are human, and therefore sub-, David Kerr and Ken McQuade.j way of lifefotem. slihngasarhm I E ilhelped us ta develap goals, a graphie classification talk 'man. He is like anvone bere ject ta iitakes and the sameý Little Mary Kathleen Mill- To Ua r i ngton CouncMM Te r n il te same on the duties and responsihili- 'or his son. Afteî ' abasic twoj feelings as a man in aoy otherioduhe ofM.adM. improvementhueodapine falkns hîîh are al important. Some ies of a police offîcer. ]weeks orientation course a 'cîreer, profession, and job, Tamn Milîson: Ian Ralph Bow- Another subtniinme wsln osal 'ofus avegoe o tahigem A twa yeaî's' perfect attend- 'nIew policeman is sent ta anec He said that persooaltv he ers, son of Mm. and Mms. Ralph I-aving served three years, 1 agairi Courtice High School for fi- Jack Bi'yson by Attendance the province, and then posted ,with the O.P.P., including Sunday morniog s er v ice. them ho expadadepoymr epe :stilling in us the desire ho go, Chairman Tom Rchdem. Ed- h o one off the 235 Detachment those of long boums outside in Everynne was pieased ta see' solicit your support. aon seeking knowledge. Others wamd Samuel, chairman Of Headquarhers in Ontario. ail kiods of weatbem. He said aour church neamly full and The persoaiaig fpol ieyusl fus have entered occupationsteclbChimateepo "The Superintendient of the . hat the force had pmovided ejx aslndid sermon on amounted h eynalyoehi1f h oa e ý' for whichi oui' training at Ject, presented two prizes. Do .PP * District decides where 'the answer for him after Brotherhood by Rev. David posof$,538,4atheBn'yaredo Courtice Higb School bas pi'e-' Murray received the award a new officer is ta go. It isWorld War II when he wanted Northey. oi f pared usF. for selling the most trees dur- 1tle responsibilitx' of seniora job without a desk and fourý Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom October 31s.Ti iuerpesft eodhg ForFai an Uniaed eprsenatin, This schoal, aur principal ing the week, and Dr. G.'ýofficers ta supervise and guicwalls, although that is the 'Milîson on Suodav were: Mi'. ~~~.11 a~~~~~~~~nd teachers, have gvnu gdwnMao apstP ednh.probahionary officers. !kind of job he lias todiay. *and Mrs. E. Waddcington and frdpst nar18yaso ~ain ni il ~~~~~~~~~~the chance ta accept the chai- Of the club, xvas awarded the "Bowmanviile is a smalli "We must pass on guidance family Mi's. Beatrice Robin- trnemiedutoecdanePltmshg i Experience and Ability on ..*lenge of lite, but cannat force]runner-up prize. pr fDsmc o ihadtekoleg ehv oM.PryGud o- tota n s o $.17,99, 06 us ta do so. But today Is the. The hock draiv was won by headquartei's in Peter bar-Ileamned fram experience, ta manville; Mi'. and Mrs. A. toa ani day ta choose.: Don Murray and President1 ough. Superintendent L. Gil- the younger officers, and im- iMilîson and cbildren. Haydon. Another$n6,61wsiveldi hg-rd DAR IN TO C UN IL"Look ta this day for it is Don Morris. Guests presenh bert commnands 1,50 officers. pres5s oni them that ih is nat 1Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Rabm, lire - were A. R. Cape], Montreal;ý Horse Sense Invaluable i the lether of the law but thue Bumkehon, visited Mi'. and Mrs. government oi hc aearaymrepu The very edge at life. Lorîîe MauGillivrax', Jeff Cox, " emaf " e ofce spirit that is most important," 'Walter Rabm. In its hrief course lie ail the both of Peterbor'ough; AlIngets bis bearings Ile attends ýhe said in conclusion. Congratulations ta M $6,4i99inohr esite-ail hotts V OT E T O R E- ELEnTd realihies off oui'A GahmToronto; Rudolfth, firstaofIno . a vote ,off thankslJovcc Davey on receiving lier credits to insr y VO E T E E E Ti pitne-Bowmanville, BarkcrIl Thnryhois acti o , the R .g e. R Ohawy a. . p,,,- geanlt Bakem statedi. He also, exceleît classification talk, A. wa General Hospital. W hat else i o r b r o kn olr o i glory af action, the ~ 1. P. iickaiyoua past plaesi- . ' H. Strike said that everyoneý Mrs. Doniald Davey rehuirn- 1965? Weiltc rahdnwvtlt novr spiendour of hraîitv. dent, in inhoducing Sprgeant poned n alîtta leai ote ' hd hmogl Cied home Mnnday tram Me- k an t mo ro s nl R lo a R ta y lu hi y ar for a police officer. After tb j v i.Pe ideo Dan M oi- mrial Hospital, Bowmanvile.ý M A R Yonro iinl -lcl oar lunhi ear, fficer bas passed this ris alsa expressed bis personalWe hope she will soon be ftel- financed new nutyadcetdnwjb W ~~vision, said thAt be was born and nev-' a hion ho Sergeant Bark- iog much better. hldfresipoPbt hi am n hi But taday well lived makeseducahed in Toronto. He alsofisi x e1scors e o.isifratv n i- r. Merton Mavin and f t e'r,' estei'day a dream spoke off Sergeant Baker's 1accepted as a permanent me bi er sin frmiess and fi-fMr B U D A I ~ ~~~~of happînssand e' emyioutstanding career in the O.P , eill adess. era it 0 for OBITUsA. Ycres Wood.ne odsadhihas..sp tomomrow a vision of P. He told bis fellow RB1 Tha i esh f omuniga i'eS r ohr r .Wodelped studet e etredcto . ie BDIi hp- trasta egatBre Rn- chairman f Cnmmunity erv -___ ____ _________ ____ us arrird. bs marriedreferred 10te nai rb s ire, wbo is also a direchtor oî fishermen h1 nraetercace n hi n daughhers and two grandcbild- the maoy duties and responsi- 'Crippledi Children, read a,, let- iIU RYcme II DEC. 6th BROWN'S ~ren and ltwo sn ttn g'bliil fa police officer that!hem from the society announc ILA RENE e- porhed comn it rjcs ag n ml, O N EC 6t B OWN BwmavileHig Shoo !re arlyknown, or recagniz- ing that the annual Sportsinaykns (Tîuended foi last wxeek) Was R.C.A.F. Rear Gunner (cd hy the general public. Witers Dinncr will be held cAntind h'esdwmer-t of Ponty- Bown's H. & S. Club held Tosatug bs ades oiee aeohe a a'hteRyal York Hotel, e yu Seî'gcant Bamker said that i1 'tmy and comfoî't a gief-shick-iTaonito, on Januaî'y 27tb and pool for 50 veams, WilliamYeyusaigdolrwrkdhdin16 - POILS OPEN 10 A.M. TO 7 PM 'their meglar monthlyv meet-h- ad been hum irn Toronto 40 el father or mother wbnse that tickets wîlt be $25 each. Rennie died in bospital ah and hardesto il o o.Fr taîyacmlt ing at the scbocil on TUesd.ay'odd "cars ago, andi mentionecismall cbild lies bîdeously in rsd n-ori av is Kingston on *Tuesdiay, Nov., evening, November thb, Wlhh'ýthath 'is fatheî' was theri ajuredi or killed by a car, or esdn orisgaved . h16thh1.965. Mm. Rennie wa ing at interet hyaeasun neteti For Information Phono 623-2776 the new president. and secie- "'omntoFumPie (Chief He, ;,iri another that could be the 'Vie- ~go ~'h y pe buîied in Ponhypool Ceme- better future o orefadyu aiy her a speedv î'ccovery. t1 be in Bowmaîuville now. a oneeaui's expeiere, inthe- Your support and influence will be The Sponsoring Crouîp rm'woîiderifl cammunit., and casteronpart of Ontario I1liari___________ appecite onDec 6h, 965 amee.ý tiAnd hehoeots Hligb hsrb ons emQ. He saici ance ar t aerm t h appecate o De. th,195. metngd S out elofMili* bigs twhnl (,sd; i cai a mi e t prontBLYCF OG Peggy Bavd on Sunday e-ven-,that one of bis marmiemi daugh- crI. I 'nknown ta me. thîs ing. A pop battle drive is hers livrs iii Wnodshork, Ont., lnian'Ihami quile a few frienfis ah À LYL F POILS OPEN 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. bcîng pIannprd for Decembem and is the mother off bis grand- Uic dAn'and apparently Ail I lhb. And ather activities in son. and that bis other mar- busvrelatives weî'e hhere ton. ne.f, iair futurre ied daugbtem ]ives in Nelson, a total of hetween 30 andi 40(N PC ERN,1T ________________________________________________________________ B.C., and is the mother of bis peopIr U IK RNG N A U litt te ganddiaughtcm. "l'h us "~dgathememi nuit- HPtodth lu ha, i la scr Yofic ndtretnefCONVALESCENT AND NURSUN H M dîecidpd not ta sppak an the hotn r the place diown andi Ele tor in Daring on ow n hip the. farce bas a fine bishory. if 1I mmilont let the prisonter because hishory after ail dealsiout. I trie a fast decisin. wihthe past, andi be believes :aîd fo murahelv ih xxas the 4 O P it is the prescrit and future 'rigbt anc. 1 weiît out inho theES NWON -V O T E -that are most important. 'cmowd andi askpd twn or tlîre V O TE ~~~~~~~~~~Muqt Be Mentally Alert people ho come inside and MDR AIIIST AEFRTEA *"A man on the force today halk thîe rnatheir over. Thi.;OENFCLTE OCREFRTEAE N II must be rnentally alert anci warkcrd as tlh-y dici not bave FUILY EQUIPPED - TRAINED TF kerp abmeash off aIl develap-ýa leadier. 'meots;," he stateci. He spoke, "You iust act in A rde- R . H . D O W~off the O.P.P. tndaY as a iiv ann(er And hope for HOUSE PHYSICIAN ON CALI 2 HR ATNAC stmnng aod modemn force, andi the best. i! errai':ii .udg- A I IE rcfcrred tn its members' du-'ment could niran s i n-AT L IMS2h ~tics regamding law enforce- juir or a life. Remmi-rr hhsp DWment. crime detechion, and'iduties And m;nsbltusthe traffîr problcms. îîcxt time 'Nril: sec a police R A O A L E E H DEC MBE 6t, 1 65 ti~"r John Publicsome- 'officer handinz ou t traffîcRE S N B ET L H NE 9 2 0 5 n ecessary evil faor bis proher-! "The next.turne VUu see an tion. anud the protection off bis officer on 401 tbunik nf those POILS OPEN 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. famil' anud aprmnprtý- He risk: andi hi.;rsnriiîis PUBLIC IS CORDIAIIY INVITED TO VSITTH LDE think- ofa pol cera aod the confidence .,Ott must âhaving an easy job ci band- bave iniIbis man. Heie t train- I

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