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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1965, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Stateinan, &owmanville, Dec. 1, 16 Present Many Awards at Scenes from Santa CIau Cartwright Commence ment Thý larze Recreation Centre, the membFrs af the Grad iat-thite) Sheila Sharpe. Gradeil11 Black3,Jack, was filled ta capa- ing Classes on their achieve- <sponsored hY Ross Dutti cty by a large audience in- merits. Home Ecoromiîr HelenSan cluding parent- and friends ni Mr-;. John Venonn pre enItd and Industrial Art,% Roy Brad- the Darticipdnts for the Cairt- the Secondary Graduation Dip- burn, Grade 12 (sponsored hy, wright High Schaol Cn o la-asa follaws: David Bal. Ross Diiff t Home E(rnmrs.' mnencement Exercises on Fn -lingail, Donald Bradburn, Lvah MrKep and Industrial dla, evenng, November 12th, Shirley DeJang, Carl Gîlhank, Arts, David Wottrn. 1965 FI^ovd Kvte, I oda Rylr Mr3 Y.Christie iotrodiîced .si The pragram vas opened hy Diaiine Mairs Dora Mari,,.iMiss Jan ce Byerg, Mcfonald the singing of O Canada, then Leah McKee Ray Mountia lnsft t île i.Universityvofat Gueph Dalton Darrel Chaîrman or Kenneth Rolirer, Nan cy Stani- who gav~e a niemorahie Vale- the Cartwsright Board ni lEdu.land, Lîada Venning and dirtorv Addrres cation welcomed everyone ai- Dav id Wottrn. Three spletions hy the (,lee tenîdîng the event, Principal The presentations of fthc Club. Try ta Reme.niher, In Gardon Pais]-y also expressed Secondlary School Honor the Still of the Night, and a welcome and coigratuilated Graduation Diplama7, were Whistlp a Happy Tunp. were made hy the Rev. Philîp Rom- murh enjo.\ed by the audience. eril. The r-ecipirnts were Pat- Attractive Folk Dances hy the, ricra AdamF;, Bruce Beacock, girls, and an exhibition oi Janire Bvers. Chrryl Metraîf. tumbling and pyramids 1w the, , Carol Rahm and Paul Rahai. boys also proved popular. The Athletic Trophirs for The one act play LEgadl ~<qOltj .%the Field Day Champions were What a Cad," hy Anita Bell, m5nade by Miss Janice Mady, (produced by s-pecial arrange- à CANAA Sudeh Guîpta, and ,lames nient with Samuel Fre'nch CANAD Sliivas, members of the leach- Limiîed, Toronto), was wcll -*oas% î ..- ing staff. Cheryl McCoy, nrosented. The.cast was as' Dennis Banicril, Rall Martyn, White: Manly RsDna and Ray Moîintjo 'y, alsoItathie McLauighlin: Brtram Olean- Bi-School Champions Helen der, Toivo Kinnunen: Ursula Swain, Ran Martyn, and Den-,Grevs-tonie, Marguerite CIe- ni s Rameril. ment; Augustus Greystane,' President Denis McLa;uighlin Douglas Meteaif; Fowler. Joan ý. introducedi the other members Wtten and Milly Snmith, Judith j:: ailfithc,,Students Cucl r-San Jfl sentations were made ta Cart-I Miss Mady was the director ' m ail rightHigh School by the ot the play, and Elizabethý Sudent Councîl and by the W., Thonipson was stage manager.1 W.Van Camp family. Others who asFisted: prompter,! the Wallace Marlow Prizes as Betty Bradhurn and Sharon orfollows: Grade 13 Janice By- Tarmer; Costumes, Linda1 ensoGad 12 Lynda Kyle and Gray, Joan Horton, Pat W ot- 1. Nancy Staniland, Grade 10 tan, Joan Suggitt, Judy Coch-1 ~ rc Jan Wotten and Marilyn rane and Dianne Taylor, make - Chrstm s dams. The H-enry Thompson rip, Christine Sînane, Judy n Prize sponsored by the Nestle- Caoihcane, Nancy Frew, Nadia 1ý ton Woren' Intittewas Schwartz, Margaret Camna- the presented rby Cecil Wilson ta ghan and Lindia Gray, Light-t Nancy Dorrell, Grade il. iîîg, Brian Mountjoy, Roy, Bannie Malcolmi was the Bradburn, Bob Kyte and' I~bL date winner af the ONO Prise. The'Fod ye Saeset, Ron l s da e presentation was miade bY Martyn, Doug Fallis, Roy it Mrs. G. Paisley. The Neil Mal- B3radburn anci Betty Bradburn, f o lo al m Prizes, 'Grade 8 (High Soîind effects, Bob Kyte, la-. for oca ScoolEntrance) were pre- traduction and posters, Chris- 1Oesented by Mrs. Neil Malcolm tine Sînane; Curtain mon, Jîmý d~av i3 iS ta Canal Wtten and Bill, Carnagtian aîîd Lloyd Trevin. dei e y i honipson. The Cartwright High School Prizes for English sponsorcd Saficue rnia od-1 by the Cartwright Bado on Paisley, Miss ,udith M.dy Fducation wene presented hy X's vonoa Christie, Mrs. Harvey Grahami ta: Grade1)oy*eTlrRyAhn' a r Bannie Malcolmi and Karen Sudaesh OGuata, and James Campbell, Grade 10 Barhara Sharpe and Sheila Sharpe Sivs Grade 1l Nancy Dorrell ancd The musiral accornpailinîentj Elizabeth Thonipson, Grade 12 and direction w~as by Nancvý Lyndla Kyte and Dora Mantyn, Dorrell, whn rpceived a gii Grade 13 Janice Byens and tram the Student Cotincit. and' May rabun.Mn. Ashton. To charge of thah Miss A. Van Camp prescrit- Folk Dances wtra .ludy CocheI ed te SsanSaywell Prize cati- and Mvrsç. Taylor. for History ta Bannie Mal- Th nebrhi otte '.. coîni. Pnizes for French and Cartwright Board or Educa-V Latin sponsored by Principal liOn is as tfOllows: Chairman ý Gardon Pasley and Mrs. Dalton Dorcell, Vice-Chaiîma CANA Joyce Taylor, were presaotcd Waller Wright, Secreav hby IVrs. Taylor ta: Grade 9 'reasurer Mrs. Elairic Romenil. -ý Bannie Malcolmi and Karnrn on Frew, Harvey Grahami,' Campbell a tie, Grade 1f) Neil Malcolmi, and Dave and peaseSheila 'Sharpe, Grade WlOo an IaeLama Wright, Grade 12 - .,.. remember: Nancy Staniland, and Grade BTU Y unsealed Prises for Mathematirs aîîd ' Science weca presented hy TEMAMRE AN envelopes Ray Ashton ta Grade 9 (spon- requre a30 samp sored by F. Haskin) 13nniP Th Pontypoaf communîty" .-. by Mrs. G. Blyth) Joan WoIt- the sudiden passing ai iMrs. R. t"-:0 '""" tern, Grade 1l1 paordb J Payne an Sunday, Noveni- , - Mr. Ashton) Elizabeth Thomnp- ber l4th, in the Peterborough n., Grade 12 (sponsaned bY Civic Hospital. The deceased ' .-' ' H.Martyn) David Wotteo, had hbeen hospitalized since ....... ...... ... Grade 13 (sponsored by Mn. September 2nd atter surfering ~, ~~ ',,i Ashton) .anice Byers. a heant attark, huti hec con- M. ~.~ The winnens of the PriZeSdition was seeminglv rmprov- s.,' dustHomelEArts were and la- !ing until Saturday, November " dustrfollo ts wGrae receîved as l3th, when she sutfered ____a____________________________ by Blackstack Women's Insti-' Thelmna Marie Paynre 'sasL * fo oe cnr id inflntvll, orhu- NdEWf~ T ONekV S1pLh E m berland County, on April 23rd, (nedr o atwe) Saltn ihgnJml- 'Mc. adMs nr aFe r.Gog pl.rlc;das ileen Caswel .She lived l n the Toronto acea!lTarnlo was a nacent visitor!'Donna Partnidge. for many' years until hec mar- 'wiih Mrs. G. McCullugh. Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkla. nrage tanJohn Payna on Oclo-. Mc. and Mrs. Johni Holal IZ. ave Denauît with Mn. bei, 'th, 1955. Since then she 'aPoti Hpewera inrad r.DnEllioIt and girls 'had esided ln the Pontypool 1guest-, of Mn. and Mrs. Harry Iwere dinner guests Saturday district where sha had .lived IWade, one eveninx eacly la !îight wilh Mr. and Mrs. Ron AD IU AT~M an active communilv lure. Shathp week. Rurley, Port Hiope. The latter NOTC 0F AP LC TO was F good fiend and a good Mr. and Mrs,.IJim Farrow were holding an early Christ- neîghbauc - evec ready for' a!and t amily, Bowmanvr lie, mias affaîr so thiat Ihaîr son,Î neededi task. evar eheanful, wace visitars hare, last Satur- 'r ce, wha re urns ta bis sta- ever loving and avec helpiul. day with Mcs. R. Farrow. lion in Gernany, next weak,' .mi& à She was a mambrof the 1Mr-. and Mrs. Paccy Snell of could en.ioy twihtem with the assent of the electors to the under- mi), Andee and laonlind- Janir. an Salurcdav aflerrnoorr. Brucef, spent the weakand in taking of the said wvorks. Any ratepayer may, qriist, antd Dorathy (Mrs. H. Mr. E. Searle and yortng son Toronto, guesîs ai Mr. and afterthe frsi pbli- McCr.llotrgh> anîd sev erca have hoth been in Memarial Mrs. C. Waters arîd with thani, wihi teny-nedasgcandchildre.n. Two brother~s Hospital. ýattended the Royal Winter cation of this notice, send by post prepaid to arso survive, Ray af Cobourg Mr. anti Mcs. B;ilI Wade'Faim. tbe Deputy-Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville andi Keithi of Peterborough. have purchased the hause Mrs. C. R. Farrow left Sa t- at the address given below, a notice in writing T ha laIe Mrs. Pay ne nestedfotamerlv occupied by Mc. and urda.\ mocning ta spend the statng is bjecionto uchapprvalandthe at the Morris Funecal Chapel,ýMrs. Harold Bulay and will weekend with friands ia Otta- statin his ojectin to schBaprvmanvidlth until Wednesday. , be maoving in later this week. wa. grotunds of such objection. November 1-41h. On Tuesda 'v' Mc. Frank Gilmer was able Mr. andi Mis. Fred Henît- rvetiing tIe Ladies' Auxilian ýlta raturni home trammMe- enson, Peter and Canal were ta the Millhrook Legion held:marial Hospital, Bawmanville is,itors Saturday evening at 3, The Ontario Municipal Board niay order a briet service ri the chaprl,'an Thursday atternoon. iMc. Bob Alldread's, Lake- pursuant to the statute that the assent of foîlowed by an Orange service,, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mock af.shore. the electors shall not he required and may when menîbers of the Ponty >Oshawa weme Friday evening' Mr. anîd Mrs. Harve Bnittan approve of the said works, but before doing so tpool L.OB.A. were mmcind 1wguesîs at Mr. F. Henderson's. ai Newcastle with Mn. andi many frnm other lotiges ta pay Mrs. H. Trim was feteti over:Mrs. C. H. Lana were dinner il may appoint a time and place for a public tibute ta their daparted sister. the weekerîd an the occasion cf!guests, Sunday, at Mn. C. M. hearing when any objections will be consid- The bucial service was con- 'han binthday. Mr. andi Mrs. IJanes'. ered. 'ducted by Rev. Wm. Piercy 'Sinpsan. Mr. and Mrs. Coul-1 Suaday callers at Mn. Cecil on Wedinesday' , at 2:30 p.m. son, Mcr. anti Mcs. Bill Trim, 1Burley's includeti Mr. and Mrs. from the Pont -ypool Unitedi al af Oshawa: Mc. and Mmrs. 'Rav Burley, Oshawa: Mr. and DATED et the Town of Bowmanville this . Chucch 'svith interment iciBern Trîi and Mr. anti Mrs. Mrs. E. Stapletan. Ocona: Mr. 24th day of November, 196,%. 'Pantypool CemeterY.. Gond Trim ai Starkville, aIlland Mms. E. McEwen, Peter- -ýIIbearers were six tne- visited their mother at various ibonough; Mn. and Mns. R. phews, Donald, Douglas andtimes, beaing giits, as well as 'Burley. Part Hope; Mr. anti CLRNE KBruce Waite, Ted Goddard, taking ber ont ta dine. 'Mns. Gardon Smith, Part Normn Edy and Ozzie Whit- The negular card party %%asHope; Mrs. Hanalt1Buley anti Deputy-Clerk, mer. hrld hY the Hall Committee Douglas. Mr. anti Mm. Keîth Town Hall. Bownianville, Ont. The many flawecs and caoi-' on Frîdav evening. with il Bunley anti famuly. Cobourg. dolences receuved were a gin- tables in play and winners as Miss Flassie Grahami, New- ________________________________________ icere tribute to the deceased. lollows. Hiîh lady. Gert.it'castle, Weil a dinner gueit oS A were Surday eallers on tSeir is Parade Icousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bob las Hubbs. Toronto. 1Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech and daughters, Janice and Bonj.were hostess last1 ýWednesdav afternonlfor lier ýmather, NMrs. E. Ashton, Osh- aWa, to a number of oId tri- ends, when afternoon tea wvas served, and in the eveninr ta the memnbrrs of the farnilv. A very pleasant afternoon and evening w\ere enjoyed by aIl. Afhe occasion being Mrs. Asiiý- ton's birthda v. II.C.W. Meeting The November meeting f Maple Grave U.C.W. xwas %eld in the chu rch hall on Thurs- 'da -y evening the 1Rth. Presýi- ý-dent Mrs. W. H. Brown called' the mneeting ta arder and gave! a reading. Mrs. C. Swallow., Mrs. L. C. Snawden and Mrs. S. Morton locd in the wnrshipi service which had the Seasn Mf Advent as its theme. Twrn-1 tY-two lad if.q answered thpI rail caîl with home and lias-' Pital calîs. Our ladies have been working hard at cater-ý 5, ie and the treasurer repart-' 'ed a balance of $944.36. The guest speaker war 1hc" ~» Rev. K. J. Framptan tram Si. John's Anglican Church in Bowm.anville. lie outlined somne ot the problems ta be discuss~ed in the preparation ý for union nf ithe Anglican and the United Churches. The folloxving officers were nominated for 1966: Past Pre- sident, Mrs. J. MacNeil: Pre-1 sident, Mrs. W. H. Brown;: Ist Vice Pre.sident, Mrs. C.' __________Greenham; Secretary . Mrs. H.' IBradleyv; Assistant Secretar ' , Miss Anne Nesbitt, Suoday. Mrs. Fr. Crydermnan: 'rreasqur- Mrs. W. H. Janes vis;ited;er, MrF. H. J. Brooks. relatives at Campbellford. on Christian Citizenship and Sunday. Social Action, Mrs. S. Mer- Mr. and Mrs. K. Brirley and ton; Communjtv Fricndship family of Cobourg were ami Visitingý. Mrs. B. Snow-_ lunchean guests at Mr. Don den; Co-operation in Chris- Vinkle's, Sunday, while Mr.:ti2n and MissionarvEu- and Mrs. E. MeEwen af Peter- tion, Mrs. D. Woods; Finance, borough were dinner guests Mrs. H. J. Brooks: Flowcrs. there. Mrs. J. Hurrie: Literature and Communications, Mrs. Petro- sky; Manse. Mrs. F. Stevens: MAPLE GROVE Membership. Mrs. L. Wie Nominations. Mrs. L. White. (Intended for last week) 'Mrs. R. Brooks, Mrs. T. White; The many friends of Mr. Social Functions, Mrs. C. Fred R. Stevens are sorry ta Swallow: Pres.s and Publicitv. learn that he is a patient iniMrs. H. Freernan: Programnme, Memorial Hospital, where hie Mrs. H. J. Brooks. . . H underwent surgery. We are Brow,,,n. Mr.s. R. Duheau, Mrs. glad ta report he is doing H. Cooney% Stewardship and nicely at time of writing. Recruiting. Mr.z. C. JcfcrY; Mrs. Charlie White. Osh- Leadership Developmient. Mrs. awa, spent a couple of days R. Dubeau; Supplyv and Social last week with her sister-in- Assistance. Mrs. J. Holtby. law, Mrs. Fred Stevens. Representative 1( OfficiaI Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacuitt Board, Mrs. . H. Brown: were Sunday atternoon visi- Committce of Stewards, Mrs. tors with their cousin, Mrs. C. Greenham; Missionaryý and Edgar Phillips, Oshawa, who Maintenance. Mrs. H. Folcv; held open house for her re- Christian Educatlon. -Mrs. D). latives. Woods: Leader for Unit 1, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarrv Snow- Mrs. P. Flintoiff: Leader for den and daughiters, Bomman- Unit 2, Mr.s. H. Stevens: Lea- ville, were Sunda-v visitors'der for Unit ., Mrs. J. Hurrie; with his mother, Mrs. Allan Pianist, Mrs. Wm. Laird; Snowden. iAuditors, Mrs. C. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swal1ow'Mrs. S. Jeffery._____ Farow's orchesre provided STARK VLLE lmu'sic for the Pleasazit, enJoy- able even-ing together. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hello- MIr. and .Mrs. Brian Caswelliwell and Jimn were dinmez and family spent Sunday withIguests- with Miss Beulah Hal- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Norris,' lowell, Toronto, on Saturday Willowdale., and attended the Royanl Win. Saturdayv evening, friends'ter Fair. frnm this community mnet Mr.ý Mr. and Mms John Star* and MIrs. W. King and family and fimily spent Saturday14 at Newtonville Hall. as thtey, Toronta aPd attended hiave corne from Saskate-he-<Winter Fair., relantves.eMa . KigaomEr-i the weeken n Taloronto. wrata veMa hin, oliday Ih Mrs. Si f aoronto.en lY M.Nabel Thrower. enIaye Mr. and 1rs. Keith Rowe meeting the people she knewiand family. nf Bowmanville, when she was a resident here visited at Mr. Howard Far- some years ago. Mr. ,Howard row's. KINO for 1Dramatic Beauty Practical Economy Wqqv Distinctive Simp licity ALL GLA*SSE.S one low- The Cary la the. latest addition to ocr line of beautifully styled ladies' frames. The sof t luxurioua colora blending front derk te liglit in the one frame, couphrd wiîh the lattering, rnatching âiones, niake it a joy la hehold-a thril to wear. 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES & COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AT SAME ONE LOW PRICE Don't Settie for Less Than National Brands e BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTI PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICE. m, 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 Oshawa, Ont. HOURS: Mon. to Sat. 9 arn. te 5 p.m. DalIy Closed Al Day Wed. 1 NOWI. FOR do FROM OHEVROtET '66 IMPALA 1. New Turbo-Jet V's - New top-of -the-linp- power available from three big new engines - rated up to 425 hp! 2. Richer new interiorS -- Impressrve, even by Impala standards . . . luxuriaus cloths, supple vinyls, fine Body- by-Fisher craitsmanship! 3l. Crisp new Styling- Elegance - from canted V-shaped grille to the special touch: wrap-around taillights! 4. A Jet-Smoother ride - New body, frame and Full Coil suspension refinements for an even Jet-smoother ride 1 5. Racy Super Sport Models-New Sports Optiom adds the extra look and feel of action - fromStrato-bucket seats to floor console!1 6. New Comfort-ConvenisTicsfMatures or '66ýâ host of standard features, from padded inse!menit panel and backup lights to seat beits and windshield washer. . 7. Over 200 Custom features - Chevrolet Impala has the luxuries you want. See your Chevrolet dealer now for ail the beautiful detailsi : : A CENERAL MOTOR& 'VALUE SEE THE NEW '86 CHEVROLLUI s CIEVELLE e CHEYIl a CORVAIR AND CORVETE AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALERS C-266C AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE: NICHOLS MOTOR SALES BOWMANVILLE 623-250 COURTICE 128-6208 Be aura to see Bonanza over Channel 6 at 9 o'clock Sunday night. Ir -il

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