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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1965, p. 1

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DON'T FOGTT OTE Fire Threatens Business Block ON MONDAY ~1U4bI4U Town Nominations Attract Big Crowd Many Candidates At Bowmanville's Nomina- 1'also the progress being made tion Meeting, P'riday at the in the installation of storm Town Hall, His Worship, sewers. Mayor Ivan Hobbs, said that diThe changes made in the he sincerely appreciated the Police and Fire Departments confidence shown in him by have worked well. ln the last bis selection to be Mayor of tw'o years we have mairitain- Bowmanville again by accla- ed our tax structure. mation. He also thanked lis "Our new Public Library nominators. building, recently opened. and "The last two years have our Department of Works been busy but I think good building, soon to be opened, ones for.coundil. Our various add much to the tow-n, and departmnents and finances are are improveinents that were in good condition," the Mayor needed for some time. said. "We hope we will be able to He also spoke of the work ilold taxes and at thie saine accomplshed by the Roads and time give the requîred services. Streets Department. lie re- In 1964 taxes were the saine' ferred to the three and a haif as the previous year, and we! miles of roads paved each reduced thern in 1965. year, and the programn of re- Mayor Hobbs said that new newing a certain percentage of industries mean much, and hel the town's sidewalks annually, 'TURN To PAGE TWO> Annual Awards Night Honors 4-H Winners New Town Clerk Shortly after il p.nm. Tuesday, fire broke out in the kitchen of Stanley's Restaurant, King Si. Fast. and before firemen were able to bring it under con- trol, the restaurant and adjoining premises sustained considerable damage. The Interior of the restaurant was charred f rom the heavy smoke and heat. An apartment above the restaurant, Harry Sutton's barber shop, Whyte's Uphol- M stery, opened onîy this week, and the apartment above it were filled with dense Y' smoke. Fortunately, ail restaurant and other personn~el escaped without serious burns. A huge crowd attracted by the smoke that bilowed out of the building watched firemen battie the stubborn blaze fornearly twohours. - .. *.,..~~ Many Beautiful Floats ,T,ýh ou4an ds Lîne Streets foWatch Santa's ParadeÏ........ On Windy Saturday Morn Ebr yo Santa Claus toured Bow- George Stephen, general chair- on top of a station wagon driv- on Monday evening, Bow- inanville in a wonderful way man; Mrs. Peggy Frank, sec- en by Wesley Fice, headed the manville Town Council inter- on Saturday! The Community retary; James A. Bell. treas- Santa Claus Parade. It -%as viewed several applicants for of Bowmanville Santa Claus urer; Fred Tippîns and Art followed by the mounted the Clerk - Treasurer - Camp- Parade, sponsared by the Hooper, advertising; Clarence 'group cf Junior Red Coats who troller position heme and hired Bowmanville C h arn ba e r of Bell, float chairman, assisted handled their horses smartly. Robert L. Byron, 37, cf %'est Commerce, delighted thous- by bis indefatigable helper, Next wvas the Official Car Hill. ands of cblidren from ail over Ted Clarke; Mrs. Ede Cale, frm which His Worship Mr. Byron. a native of Mel-ý Durham County and nelgbbor- costumes; Mrs. Byron Van- Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Russell C. boumne, Australia, bas been ai Ing areas, and it was a joy for stone, band chairman; Jim Honey, M.P. and Alex Car'. Supervisor with the Ontario people of all ages. Crombie and Fred Cale, par- ruthers, M.P.P. greeted the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for The Santa Claus Parade ade marshals, and Mrs. Dudley crowds along the route. the past twa. years. Previously, Committee was composed cf De'iley, chairman cf animaIs. Then aIl eyes turned ta the he had been 4ý,2 years as The Bowmanville Rotary beautiful Snow Queen, Mrs. Clerk-Treasurer ini Levack'. Me Aune-s were in charge cf Linda Lake, w-ho looked radi- yvest of Sudbury. Since arriv- C heck Time male-up with Mvrs. W. M. Ru- ant in a gown of white lace ing in Canada in 1953. he has 1,1 asconeno. lndsilk ognawt regal as been a salesman at Van- Poils Close The Haydon group were i blue velvet cloak and spark- clieapoiea a opr charge of serving bot chocol- ling crawn. She camied a .'i n d orat uphy Hetminin Electors would be welI late, coffee. sandwiches, at Mâe- lovely bouquet af red rases as mnstructar an trah.Hegirl advlsed te check carefully marial Park Club House after she waved ta the crowds from nd hyhv ou1hlrn en when polils close, in the Santa Claus Parade for al ber car. adtehvefucilrn ]Bownianville and Newcastle who took part. The entire Brenda Henning, Dianne ra90ngiinae rm lyer they are open front 9 a.m. Lions Comnmunity Centre, the Therteli, Susan Connors and The mntbs.r s ord to 6 p.m., but in imost of the Scouts Hall, St. Joseph's School a group cf majorettes in at- The Iew lerk ifsheoarl, rural areas the polis remnain and the Flying Dutchman Mo- tractive costumes high-stepped Wuta l vean r orcte aRoal open until 7 p.m. tor Hotel were used for the along in perfect unîson. The AustralifathAiRorce andia' Aiso, quallfled electors dressing and castumiug of the White Knights, the York Lions Legion. His hobbies are curi-1 are urged to get te vote in parade participants. Drumn Corps, in ail white uni- ing and golfiug. support of their favorite1 The Welcôme Clown, al forms sashed in purpie and Mr. Byron will start bis du-1 eandidates. litge and jolly lookîng replica (TURN TO PAGE- SEVFN) ties here on January 4th, 1966.1 Queen's -. few minutes before the Clarke Higli School photo, from lef t ta riglit, include Mrs. Witherspoon,I Commnencement Exteises began at Clarke High Mrs. W. R. Strike, Mr. Strike, the guest speaker whoý School last 'Friday, this year's Valedictorian, 19-vear- is chairman of the Ontario Hydre Commission, Mrs.! old James Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson, and Mr. W. F. Thom, the resident inspecter for thisi Qiono, posed for this photo. He is being greeted by area. Valedictorian Wilson is now studying at Queen'sj Clarke Principal E. G. Witherspoon. Others in the University. 1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1965 10e Per Cnn~ MT1MR~ A~ i - - - - --z-J Champs Entýr Attractive Float in Santa Claus Parade 13owmniille High School's Senior football team crowd. sirnulating plays that took theni to vietory ini Awards Nigbt for 4-H Clubs, members were out in full force ini their colorful uni- the COSSA finals a lew weeks ago. This xvas a new of Durham County was held* for-ms, plus cheerleaders on Saturday for the Santa float this vear thal, brought rnuch applause froia before a large sized audy111ýC&U Parade. They put on a good show for the large Jyoun g and 'old who enjoyed the antics of the playez& at the Orono Town Hacell, Geal Brownt, president oI Four în P. U. C. Rc Durham County Club Lead- lH pe N eeus Rc ers' Association was chairman: for the evening and openýed Ifrw îi the program by welcoming Ofle MoreR evAc l m d those in attendance and com1My r e v c l i e plimentîng the various clubsý Hope Township h, fated for their fine showings in: wlth a second nomination competitions.1 meeting to fi a vacaniey N1AW uinthrsow. ld ingss ngodte tbashipe anounc- .o Run for Depu ty Reeve uin g te s ow . sldbyins Ngodte liaown i ouneil Patricia Knox. Miss Knox wasi cd. chosen this year to represent, George Fitinie was ac- i Ontario on the overseas de1e-ý claimed ileeve. replacingT i t efo unl o r 13agictmai club proectsn l. 'eston Banîster willlieb. Ris W'orship, Mayor lvan positions ()f Town Councillor 13 griultralclu prjecs. is epuywith George Hobbs, was again given an for 1966-67 who qualffied as Phyllis Westlake was prov. alet ad.H owva rd acclamation to be Mayor of candidates are: four members! l incial honour winner inl westi Quantrili as cotineillors. Bowmanville for 1966-67 at af the present council, Paul Durham. County honour wm- JLloyd Kellogg had been the Bowmanville Municipal Chant, Glenholme_ Hughes, m ners were Dianne Darch, Judy uorninated but decided not Nomination meeting held in Edward J. Rundle and MauriceRo- Dennis, Sharon Huggins, Peg- te let bis naine stand. the Council Chamber on Fni- Prout; Mrs. Annie Darch Oke, Ro nd mUp gyMilîson, Ruth Travîss, day evenin.KihSaklo n e nMnateesol Charlotte Annis, Anlien Hall. Roddy Bebee.and Douglasin.Kth hckto adKe OnM dahrehul and Gwyneth Lee.I Whitney were acelaimed Reeve Sidney Little receiv- Nicks, wha have served on a be pienty of election actîvii. inEt Dra rvnca 1 onsl cx area Ied an acclamation for this p r e v 1 o s Town Council; ty around the area. (n as i AG WO oadoffice for the coming twa year William 1IL Wallis, James ,%oWnflvMe,.electousWi <TRNT--!GiTW>- a4. - 1 ...___""# I--.- q3i15 anc1 fLieces EXTENSION - The rush ta beat The Statesman subscription raise deadline ended Tuesday at 5 o'clock with the entire front office staff breathing a great sigh of relief. However, it wiil be some time bef are all mailing stencils can be altered to show accurate information cancerning subscrip- tion expiration dates. In addition, so that nobody will feel they haven't been given sufficient notice of the increase, the deadline is being extended ta Fniday, Dec. 3rd at 5 p.m. After that, the local rate will be $5.00 per year. Our thanks for your co-operation and the helpful way subscrihers have accepted the n ecessaryicrae t. 1 REGULATIONS - Postmaster George Vice pass- es along the follawing information concerning slots eut in doors for Letter Carrier Delivery. They should be six inches by I ¼ junches in sizc2 and placed 36 inches if possible, but flot less th.-n 18 inches :from the finisbed floor line. BUSY - Bowmanville's Legion Menrs Choir havu a busy schedule ahead for the Christmas season. On Dec. 6th, they sing for the Golden Age Club at the Genosha in Oshawa, the event sponsored by Oshawa Rlotary. Dec. l4th, they perform for the Sm. Citizens when ihey are entertained by thec Lions Club. Dec. I9th, they'lI be singing foi- patients at Memorial Hospital and on Dec. 2th. they wvil] be at the Home for the Aged in Oshia\va SUCCESS --Tlis year's Santa Claus Parade waz a grea1 success again and showed xvhat can 1)( done with co-operative effort locally anci over ai wide surraundîng area. While everything wasý well organized and wvent well, there were many who missed the presence and inspiration of Carson Elliott who started the parades here several years ago. Unfortunately, due ta illness he had to remain aloof this year. But his past efforts were woII1 remembered and appreciated. FUMBLE - There won't be quite as rnany paraùý pictures as usual, and other photos planned foi this issue will not appear because The Statesman photographer tried out a new developing tank over the weekend and some of his pictures turnedl eut blank. The situation is now corrected, but, unfortunately, there is ne way ofl retaking somc of the pictures. That's the xvay the cookie crurn- bles, as they say. ATTRACTIVE - Bowmanville stores are exce1- tionally attractive this year and merchants appear te have gone al eut with Christmas decorations. There are also several new signs over store fronts that add considerably ta the improved appearance. NO PASSING- From Tauntoni Road cornes ai plea from a mother whose schiool age children have corne close te being killed by rnotorists who ignore the rules when passing stopped school buses. We understand that when a school bus is stopped, ail traffic behind it must aise cerne to a hait and not pass, but approaching traffic may continue te pass the bus. However, approaching drivers should slow down ta make certain no youngster daxts out into their path. er .. jvfrs, An i arcn Ok n-l-elýneinaU I w teIn, 'Vole for a iieputy Reeve, an d Councillor Glenholme James C. Cayle, Murray Me- six counililors and two IHughes were also naminated Knîght and Robert Niddery. rp.l.c. members. for Reeve, but bath decided Two others wha were nominat- Darlington wlll vote for Inot ta stand for tliis position. ed, Carson Elliott and Mel- three members of council. Two candidates, Councillor ville Moore decided not ta Neweastle wIII vote for Ken Hooper and Councillor quahify. three sehool board mem-. Wesley Fice have qualified ta The candidates for the five- bers. contest the election 'for Deputy member Bowmanvlle Public Orone w~ili eleet three Reeve. The present Deputy School Board are: Dr. C. H. police Trustees. IReeve. Ross Stevens. wvas also Cattran, the present chairman Manvers ivili vote for a nominated for the same office. Jack Lander, Howard Slur:I full slate, Reeve, Deputy He announced that he would rock, Frank Blunt, Arthurý and three couneillors. not he seeking re-election as Oswald and Stewart MeTavish. 1 Crwih ilvt o 'Deputy Reeve. ITwa others who svere airar twrlght ivil ofte for Those nominated for the six (TURN TO PAGE TWO) of Fducation. C.ounties Top Student from B.H.S. Bowmanville High Scheol had tlie honor this year of having one of its stu- dents, William "eBihl" Depew, attain the highest Grade 1.3 standing in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durhamn. J-e was Valedictonian at B.}I.S. Commencement Exercises on Friday evening and is shovn here, right, With Principal Leonard Lucas. Now a student at Queen's University, Bill Depew, 18, is the son of Mrs. and the late Thomnas Depew, Liberty Place. Since entering B.H.S. ie lias led his class each year as well as participating in mny sports and other ochool activitiez. VOLUME 111 18 Pages t)' I S> Clarke Valedictorian Now a Student at I., 10e Per ColDy NUMBER 4R b 1.

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