2rheCnain.tteuaBoènvleDe.1,1651Mayor Hobbs on his re-eeto fPr lp n onXi 2 Th Caadin Sateman EOinaVlle, ec.1~ 985Fire of Undetermtned '..rigin De trnsS ed by acclamation. "He ha1 enluh fCbug les roys faithful ta his dutiesad ar glad hie was re-elected"h ih Sho ee foe stated. Mr. Mason thegaeeaes ndicudLly BHS Principal Assures Grads hsrpr ntePU WiIl11Be Able to Find Position; OBl DpaTUÀY udnmYonganJ1~ I R E I Il ~~~~WALTER B. REYNOLS Temn .Ieyfoa Too avucn Made of Automation Iie deahof Walre~tSats~ The Bowmanville H i g h Diplômias. and ta those grad- which sorne people seerni tnMonienorildspiaccBou n- ost teRtryClpe School Commencement Exer- uating from acadernie and think that &Il occupations Mwilli véiall on spia, Nv1e hlrn' udadt h ciscs, hcld on Friday evenng, commercial c ou rs e s.'For d.sappear. this is cause for vi, 165o lwn g reS1 naraHeartFundatio Were greetly enjoyed by the those Who are here ta receive unnecessarv alarin. Research, , n1965. He win bs6thya. eeaaogaefyr1evd large crowd of parents, rela- their Grade 12 diplomas 1 new processes, a higher stan- Asson He late Dr. J. B tives, friends, and other in- hope that this is a rehearsal dard of living are factors ________ terested citizens, that filled for next year" Mr. Lucas whioh have added greatly toaReAesond Me argetG NGL the spaclous assembly hall to stated. our labor requirements, andRenlsadMrr capacity. Secondary School TPhe Bowmanv il H ig h thîs does net include those Guelph, Ont., and reccvdo7; L Honor Graduate Diplomas School Principal gave en- that provide services at thea- education in Guelphscolad LieMs Sane were recelved bv 27 gradu- couraging advice ta those who tres, golf courses, waterways, graduating from the OtreGbevstdteranMs ates, and 46 happy student-s have completed their school- and highways, which wiil be Agricultural College i 98 li icel ooto wère the recipients of Secon- ng and are seekîng a place o>verrun by great hordes dur- In May, 1931 hie marre h Tirdy dary Sehool Diplomas. in the world. ng their increasing Icisure former Grace Suggitwo M.Jh JhnoOna, Principal L. Lucas extended Dst~gth rn i mcu e.eM.Ryod amdfraetM.adMr.Br on a weleone ta evcryone pre- drawn by somie sources of I 'Aant ta assure you that nMr.beoleds ear Prsn sent and particuiarly ta those modemn conditions, Mvr. Lucas the worid is a big place, and Hopecoming eBownvil m e M ga r n there ta assist in the prograni. asked his listeners ta suppose in it yau will find enPloy in 1948. or g a tmehw aMrA.JMLagDobig He repored on the great in- thet a Bowmienville resident, ment, in At you wili fînd a asiat9d8. hr ate wt h owr ensa vr ci-case in students there in who had passed away in 1865, great section of society which ndg<ot gestscf M. an Mrs the last three years, and Pre- should be able to rcturn here is governed by a code based .- , Downham Nurseries. H a dicted that with the openin,«fe nasne f11)yas on qualities of which you ap- oth e ehia iga Whprove. In it you will find a t HigofDhamo or S.iaigThrdywt o te cehncal ingSp- a t . Wat would lhe find dif- people whn are ha.ppy. Thfora nmbric ig cof or n m inl asedhldy rte H.i196 eh oo in Se-r e rsu et and what would le s the socitv that you may ...se...f rvea s thber o ard y e ce in J ac . tombanler 66 h rsure atfind tesame? To thie fîrst jin,,Mm. Lucas said cm- taisyt e ardo '95, n r adMs BhR Bomavli Hg Sholquestion you would more than phatically. --- ------tiI bis eah. e was m en-hni.saa eeSna will be relieved. He exPlaîn- likcly get cars, television, ihsdet.H wa ed tihat it is expectcd tat a .CaeAuOana On Tuesday riight, N'ov. 23rd, the hamiet o Hay- the winds were Iight and citizens poured water on ber of Trinity UnitedChr.vitrsfthKacsanl. giete umbrtrmte etelectric Chghts, parking met- o thi gretenuberfrm he es crhs, parkinnt g t e tondhe Durham County District don was the scene of considerable activîty wNhen ti nearby buildings untîl firemen from Bowmanville'Bownian vil] e. end of the county will select hrsend aul ofn: tcowsescnd High Schooi Board, brought large former chicken house caught f ire for undeter- arrived. There was no insurance. The building was! A menîber of Bowavie technical tr-aining offered at lrees. lfi.peand ts he the grcctings of the board. mined reasons and burned ta theground._Fortunately, owned by Henry Ashton. ;Rotary Club, hce was sceayPA NN RP Courtice that now joumncy ta lre ik eldpopead Ihln his address Mr. Allin on tee i et.H a i Port Hope. "Btte1oe hnlkl behaif of the board congratu- e oa PasMate fHp OIGSUH au ien c t ais th l h ~ t ention that hep onl the organization end n J ( M a y o ro ha ag niaio t h lid tut h a te M. Lu a nd bs stf LorTbdge in Port Hope, a m n safdience mat e ac f 9fuhn oufn d tuththesane, h achievements of theR e vies A c ieve mn t ber Of Victoria ChaptePr stffhmaeupof2 fl hnet prerverance, ambi- whol lie added that the RHoeI~pe, and a memberbaf: RISH SLS#~ turne teachers, and one part tien, desire for service, prac- sceais h utdas 5 : c iitoc euae og trne. He said there are three tice eiiote sanie dthadies othe caetrianAs, 1I U~~RO PAe ONE> nBwrale full trne janitors, one partqualities as 100 years ago. andsohplad nip or tatera pMPGEOE Bwart àvrI .JJ IL Iç -.e . . U OE tiine, two empioyees in the There are certain things that "'rhe combined efforts contri- Ar c l u e F dra i nnominated for the Sehoali urvîving, besides b1 ie cafeteria, and thi-ce In theldo nat change. It us refresh- bute ta success. The board is* zD .Bad alDvt n et are two daughtersan ae "There are 21 classes In the versal chaos there ere oanie' prationulior tefles a w.E garet) Greensboro,Not gchool, five Grades Nines, five worthwhiîe and lasting thin Irain.' h staed. in gy 2 5J e a r HIi si t r> ' Those standing for election Carolina, Mrs. Boyd Tyo lapltet Grade Tens, five Grade Eie- "It.nçw erta ~ The passing of Mr. Walter t the Public Utilities Coni- (Muriel) of Blyth, On.Cn h ReynourlGrderemoves 1froin smission are Ross Stevens, Mel David Reynolds et Kithnr yens foi- rad Twlveaot Ihe waywardness of youth. one wîîo was popular, eff j-ý A 2.5th Annîversary Banquet a camp-site. The Federation! enta of the accasion. Brief 1Dale, William Morrison, and! Also surviving are twabo and two Grade Thirteens.Ithe breakdown of the farnily. ient, and an outstanding ad- of the Durham Federation ofihave since sold their share in speeches were given by theni Wiifrid Carruthers, a former thers, James A. Renls:rFevtos a edde ae 2 tcleagarea ako ocm o h a ministrator. We maurn bis Agriculture was held at Orano this project. 'relating sanie of the accomp-IMayor of Bowmanville Who! Port Holpe, and EdgarF.e- andduetosPlt cases Ilai- an ~ch ik. Yu cn hin lss, and aur sympathy is ex- an Friday November 26. Presi-ý In 1947 the Federation held lisbments while tbey wrla served on the PUC o od fSabruh ofrmequeineieopintause.-m '..werelhasds f623-3361gh "The scheol is naw organiz-nonv of tie popliesta her tended ta his farnil 'y. dent of the Federation, How- a series of meetings ta form,:presiden-t. The past presidentsýseveraî y ea rs. Lawrence C. Th fnea srvc ws nonea offrcussine thesilxis appies eXEIre "I arn sure thîs evening ks ard Quantrîli, ,vas chairman a feed co-op for the farmers.ff the Durham Federation 0f'Mason, present P.U.C. Chair- Tefnfa ev crvd aner cose untfstill est many pepemwol one of the îîappiest occasions for tis event. ýAssistance was rendered in theAgriculture ai-e Forbes Hey- man, who is also a former held from thie MorrisFuea lytearevised panads inert-fiesc temay poetye wh of the schooi year, not only Clarence Allun, Bowman_ formation of Co-op Medical land, Wilfred Bowies, Gai-netiMayor oif this town, was also C h a p e 1, BowmanvionJR ~yteaefive grrArs adSces n se c t the iaw-Socety ýhfor the students, but also the ville, a past president and past'Services and Co-operators In_'Rickai-d, Weston Banister,inominafed for the P.U.C., but WedneQday, November Ob fiue yraers nd iencAtse, nt ging ta pobfarpe opl b saff and board memnbers secretary tof the Federa tion. 1su rance Association. 1Charles Osborne, Melville said lhe had decîded not ta* o a odcc yRv N four graen n fouryarA graen a ua e à epe e would like ta be included. gave brîefly the highlights of A number of meetings haveStaples, Ralph Lai-mer, Edgar stand again for office this year. George K. Ward, B.AB.. In four ycar Business and s;erves a code a.cie, t a 'e sincerely congratulate the Federation's activities dur- been hield, throughout the 1NichOls, Clarence Allin, Bruce He told the meeting tîuat h; of Trinity Ujnited Churc.I-LVL Commercial. gaacscityba d a eaHe rdut"gCWs and ing the past 25 years. The years, on farm incarne tax'Tayior, Harvey Malcolm andhad appreciated the oppor ticiment was in Bowm ill Federation was organized iadth euaingoasss Eric Fallis. tnt ohv evdwt i Cemetery. tio n mGe 965tepr partof it. wish YOU eervsuccess un rc 10, 1941 at a meeting, ment. Trophies were prcsented byfellow commissioners, and he;Plbarr ee ess t1o was82oen raden9ta Grade "imlryi hnto uh i iseasie Wr.porthop eld in Orono. Officers clected The Federation has provided Don Welsb, ta the winners ofltbanked the Manager of the'CaeAuFresHyad'A E ta Grade 81pcracentpGradent, jhad te cf autmate on.Irakhsathh m e wordt ortrays i-e: Honorai-v President, Di-lassistance ta 4-H Clubs andthe 4-H inter-club competi-IP.U.C. Stuart James, Len Luci 11BW AVLE -OT Grd 1ta Grade l was 8 5 pr etar gt mnh the shotert e the that 'ou wiîî cont J.~ B. Reynolds, Port Hope; Junior Farmers. itions held at Guelph. The' Mr. Msn cngauae fBwavie_.C e Geracenlt, Grade 12 ta G 8ra r egtmoti.te oepyur formai educatin President, J. Forbes Heyland,ý Each past president or a winners were Jini Allin, Ted- ~,r etGad 1 a rde nced foi - reater production .o Bowmanvilie No. 4: lst Vice- memnber of their family was Skinner, John Hancock and 13 was 71 per cent. buligal evcngo nb "To the would be gi-aduates A Mr. Lucas congratulated machinery offsets the opposite1 we ai-e well aware of vouiresdn, Wlrd Bwersne ibasalmm'e nx th riewinr adths ffc wih ti spoe aproblems. We will foliow Nestleton No. 1, 2nd Vice-1- - - ___ ___ ______ Who e e neis ndthesrhe.fect which it is supposed ta President, Gai-net Riekard, been done; county courses inSa t l whcondr were lr aduaing tirn "A bauoave.n nYourhavpr o aless wîtb înte-sBowmanville Na. 4; 3rd Vice-î Tow nlfirst aid and nursing have been .S na Ca s P rd Secodaiy SeoolGradatin "s fo- atomaione ou a et gol cle andb-President, Gai-net Shield, Ida Igiven, and there is a special ,fi- te y o fetnohing stndNo. 1 *14th Vice-President,: truck for rescue work. The- and the way ofcievin it Herman Smith, Port hIope.ý N o mn IBowmanville Area Ambulance, ahedsethe dayreawiler so partly subsidized by the Deloitte, Plender, Haskins& Seils w'e emy be i ertr-raue liou AL you a we maigt oor thisW. B. Reynolds. t PROM PAGE ONE) !municipality is giving very yiasw oih oo hs Farm Forums on a town- ' good service. I hope you have SE it hmar w etdyear's graduates. sbip basis wcre organizcd hv;also spoke tif the value tif en- 1:îiked my work In the past andCO TN E A I"The stîîdcnt who wins thelthe Federation of Agriculture. suring balanced residential wiîî vote for me again thisCO T Monteitli, Riehi, Waters & Co. 'award 1 arn asked ta present Today these bave been re-growtb, and of the careful turne" Councillor Hughes said. tonigbt bas the distinction of placed liy the Rural Learning! planning tif debentures with-! Chartered AcOtarocountantseasnabe imrs.Councillor Maurice Prout bhree conat a.ein callentariuscc-Association,.nresn1l imt.said that lhe had been a mcm- of A th beinnig, he ed- I tinkcounil as oneber cf council for il1nionths, Monrel Ohaa Ti-nte Hailîon necessity have an overaîl av- eration was fînanced by a'exactly that, and that it JUuiR Yhc h a gîe Windsra WlOshawag Trognoagr ee asl e hsm- ae.mmcsip eesl.teHih c.Iramiltoap-s ui c eo he othere il erage of 80 per cent. Bill grant fi-am Counties Council. important that council is on exeinc nkapei tLI TE Edmonton Prince George Vancouver qui-rment with en average of At the present time eacb pi-eciate the_ support thatcucimebs.Ihaebe GoronW.Rihi C..,RI. ur R Waer, .A " terfretaknnie sgreatcatemspst nIhp Ibv be rl Cmitecand "Iavmeber ol C R SM A II WAn 84 pr cnt n nne ubjets township is an the lcvy sys-icouncil bas given me in the Chairman of the Dog Con-1D ux sre in presenting Bill wîth A yearly pienic was held. somie help ta oui- counici ilors. of thec Police Committee.,, He 3RL CRSMA GITW P Olwa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 thiis award of $400 on behaîf At ane held in June 1942, therýAs a group we will work ta- thanked Dog Contrai Offîcer 3 -ROLL CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP of the Province of Ontario," Hon. M. Hepburn was guest1gether with the electors and Hoskin for bis work. I have 6RL HIT A ITW A Board Ohairman Allin said. speaker. i taxpayers, and I sec an excel- wre atebs tm~ ALL REG. $1.00 - CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -Ol The Ganai-aska Conservation lent future for oui- tawn, ability for the town foril~ SFederation tits ndi eelce f Agriculture, iný Reevc Sidney Little thanik- will continue to do so," Coun- CH IS M A 1947, pui-chascd 30 acres in cd the moyen and seconder of cillor Prout promised. Reduced to cicar at SHope Township ta be uscd asibus nomination and thanked KihSaklo adh AFPIE - N WOL 1he p:op1 for hi: acclamation club servcd on the 1962-63 ta be Reeve foi- another terni. Town Council. "I arn active3O - 65c - 5cAf A D As Cai-in ofthe oadsandin cburcb, hockey and service StretsComiteelieals r- cubwork. 1 arn an officeVXSLAI SU N A W ..a po~~rted on the work it bas ac- employec of General Motors ~SLAI U U ~~~~and 1 am quaiified to stand M I I H of its planned projects. ~~for clectiontacuil ieMOILGH PFROM PAGE ONE) Councillor Ken Hooper, ane saidocunihRE.$49 .- bonour winncrs wene Patricia Of the two candidates forRE.$49 0F G IFTS FOR EVERYONE!1 Bigelow, Sharon Trew, Donna Deputy Reeve, stated that if Muri-ay McKnigbt said that Spc9 1 9 Dean and Sha b.ronVEllioftt elected ta this office hie wililbe i-an in the hast municipal S eil$ 99 SACRED- POPLAR -MARCHS icution.do as Ijeputy Lecve for it, I izations wouildhp fil ox.wnhs oal wh o' esi.Cotincilior Edward Rundle (Chairsand Insrumentas) r 1*d un a school or agiiculture,ý Mrs. Annie Dot-ch Okp was tld the meeting that hie wîl OI $ 5 (Cor n ntuetl)rwaq presented with a cheque. the first of the 13 candidates stand for another term on ECUIE ît o aisb lzbt re ..$ 5t 20 Sfor $100, the Oshawa and Dis- standing for clection ta ancetof cunilXCLhiUhsStrn Ail Philips Recerds are leng-play tit Real Estate Board schol- tesxpsiin u cucho, have gained a great deal of Gifts for Men from "Arden ferMn 2O o$50 th nasi.ýta speak. "If elected I will do knowledge, and 1 thank all on i if and Hi-Fi or Sterco oyorWatches wcne presetnted tomry utmast ta do aIl right. 1 oni o terspotSe e our cemplete seection of gi&ts shown .for haeie1 suanoptrtta V !FOR MEN BYFOLAI FANCY GIFT BOXES andinboyil do ut- r. t B. Williams.. Curricr&Ives HelenaRubieu SOMETHING 4 hwork ecoming trs nu, h said. She contende ot te best of my ahultyShlo .-OISic SOMETHING4-H work ince becoingý thatwhen a member Of a ta serve the Town of Bow hioOlSpc DIFFERENT mmes h ine wrlrvoucuelhhdwr-mnil Councillor RndeMennen Cittio FANCY GIFT BOXES Alin. 'k addthat she beieves orcloPalCnthnk J.BWiims...ure &Is OF David Kellogg, as high nov-1there are a lat of other tbingsChntak C H E E S E n the 1965 judgin g co - hat she could " elp in getting'ed th M ayor, other m em bers Yardlt e y Arg enL DI S . 007an l No C EES eld. Cwnte-CNE.srigtdout".Gln lefor the assistance given hum & Bowmanvilie Lions Club E.,Hughes reported on tbe threeid urung the last two years. I SPECIALIZE eA Sunimens iropby for the committees, Industrial, Anibu- served as Chairman cf the "ON THE WIND" GIFTS $.0t 25 Wbigh contestant in the 1965 lance and Emergency Mca- rpryCmite n n 1 livestock competition was wvon sures, each of which bie wasjoyed the work, particuîarîy CHOCOLATES AND BOXED CANDIFSFM D Y K ST R A ' S FANCY ro J n Esw bic 165 "wnneplazts tn Gtdhe building1 SMILES 'N CHUCKLE and thenBradey.Nhe.chLINDn IU U U m"RK u XOT CclBnybes asthef1965aST wo ewats the too bashes1I½Petoibayoanle JEJ u cLU tL LD BASKETS winner of the James T. Brown year Rechaimi and 1, & L Tonls 1 construction of the new WorksSECTNSAEOMLE Memorial trophy for the top have been built berei-c the1Dcpartment building. He said SHOP EARLY AND SAVE WHILE 'OURSE F OA RK T EX 1cwett i yrsadJhnuerlcmais r o nirv.I lsn Councullor 0 nnPU ~N M FD0 0 D The guest speaker was J. fire alert signal bas been i-un ýhmn the polls. Made-to-Order Heva introduuced hy A. AI- requcsts bas not ert heca feginaîd Bowen and Robe..KNOS. .BWMJ.LEPON 2396 ~.1' F ( ' I r,