A.W ay For Christmas Wheim writing home thiîs iveek, 14is7 Muriel Stevens of the, Congo, Africa. and Who b as been studying 'inQueh ec Citye while home n lî' eav e fol, six mont hs, wonders if % fre are an v homes î'q thli district that I 'LOCK RELAXER] i Do you suppose any fami- : DePlt lies n Bowmanville xvould be interested in taking them in for a week or 10 days over Christmas" I even ha'te to suggest it as I know al <j are so busy at Christmas, but 1 know my first vear away from home, in Ecg- land, at Christmas was my only reallyv homesick time. .......'m sure these students miss familes and friends. Maybe The Ideal Christmas Gift e ÇI?/4Certif'cate for glamorous beauty - from - Grieig's ARTLN - 6 STYLISTS TO SERVE YOU - 65 King à -. W. Ho nor Graduates Receive Diplomas at Clarke High School On Friday evening, Clarke High School held annual Commence- ment Exercises when the above students received their Seconary Sehool Honor Graduation Diplomas. Prior to the ceremony, they were feted at a dinner in the cafeteria, sponsored by the Students' spoke French, but they want to learn English and hope tii spend their summers for that: also, those frem Ni- geria and Ghana would see that Quebec is not ail of Canada. lIlI certainly flot say any- thing to them, and don'tevenî know,, if the v would want to, but 1 think they would, and he willing to pay thcir fares to and froîn. at lcast the thrce from Congo and maybe lwo to 10 fîron other places. I renilly don't know, but will bcie nxiously waiting te hear what you think about it. Editors Note: Any per- son interestcd should con- tact Mr. or Mrs. Ross Stevens, 623-5443. Friendship 'Club Meets At Trinity The Friendship Club of Tri-' nity United Church met in' the Sunday School roems oný Friday the 26th cf November. Meeting wvas called to order by Mrs. W. C. Ives and open- ed by singing of hymn 405,! followed by prayer. A short business meeting was con-, ducted. Mrs. Ives then intro-ý diîced Rev. Miss Bridges fromý Coluimbus, w'ho spoke briefly. Mrs. C. G. Morris and Mrs.1 A. J. Cole presented a couple; cf contesi-s which were inter-ý esting and enjoyable. 1 Lunch was served by the' ladies of U.C.W. Unit No. 3.i Rev. Mr. Harding moved a' vote of thanks te the ladies. The Devotional was in charge cf Rev. Mr. Ward andý opeoed with a hymn. Scrip-1 ture reading was taken fromý St. Matthew, 6th ehapter, 19 to 34. The theme, Living a day at a lime. As cur days, are se shaîl or strength be.! Prayer follewecl. Hymn 502 was sung. Under the direction of Mrs.l Ken Surnersford, the Club's Double Quartet sang a Negrol spiritual. A presentation was made te Mr. and Mrs. E. Fclev who are celebrating their 60th wedding anoiversary. Rev. Mr. Ward pronounuced the benediction. Our next meeting w<ll be held -on -Dec. 10th and wîll be our Christmas party. This t] ristmas Give a BU LOVA 'the gift quality watch CAVALIE.R - The E1'4 tutive Icok - top level in performa. ce but irot in p'ice. 17 -jewel m nu& .-m shock. Muistant. $49.93 JET C LIPPE R-Rugged as alloutdors! WaterProof*, self.wînding. shcrck-re- sistant. Luminw&s Adjustabie expan- SMo band. 17 jeweis. AN steel. Aso Se se, frc L *YGIIOWUW1lIt1IWW UIUI-& 5. 93 JEWELL MAkRRr'S GF %ING ST. %V. Council. The graduates are, f rom lef t to right, Dirk Brinkman, ý Lynn Brown, Richard Foster, Terrence Grahiam, William Kent, Ian' McKenzie, Wayne Miller, Harry Pedwell, Keith Swarbrick, Sharon Tamblyn, James Wilson and Grant Yeo; absent, Shirley Sharron. Animais Featured in Santa Parade B. He S. NEWS by Randy Saliows be on a fimst cone, first serve basis. A nomber of weeks ago, The Sadie Hawkins Dance, one of the tapies for discus- was probabîx' the highlight cf sien at the general meeting cf the year. the dance \vas a the Students Coonrcil was a great succe.ss. one cf the best trip te attend Ili-Time. on Sadie Hawkins lances ini Channel Nine. We have JUost sorn ear~is. Everycrie enJev- received a letter te the ef-1 ed thernmusic bY the swiuîging: fect that we will be sopplied "S-vndicate" a nd "ar' with transporation for 30j Sarn" xvas kept bus%, rnost of couples to Hi-Tirne and baek,;the ni-ht liv those couplesc followed with the benedictian. Program consisted cf read- ings by Mrs. Milton, Mrs. Keith Stinson, Mrs. Wes Swect and Mrs. Mary McKee. A contest' was held by Mrs. Thelma ,Ph'ayre. Mrs. Larmer moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Samells.' Lunch. was served by the group in charge and a social time spent. BETHANY f -e e. amnot ureyet ox \\,o ;:aited + îlYe he'ate- M'.Pat Mantle, who lias fiee Iar n et o re et he been 1neal\his omeuL0 -w hefuil step aloiîg bIterozid or couples, utiltw il rehblyntriinv a patient ini Weston Hiospital. 'rî-1v N choIs put bis s ~kil is iajiîv riends are wish ing ~~ (~~*a plott Io good use 1a h li cri a ~e' 'ii\e' DIUId G[VU e\'ek \%,)Lii avia iltIl )- r'. anîd M'.Peter' Vander- r graplis wxvcc takei W01tuI vagt anid son W\yne of Fie fN sciiol l'or-(lhe Scieechli wl. lun Falls have been gues omplete s Plans 'oPreparatieîîs are îînderwy iv hM.adMs akPl r~. 'D :~L.. .~! * This sfo ld bc'asrasil'e Corîgratulat icns ici Mr. aticd For'BIliheSprit eess aIse so plan te attend r. .ery Giles (nic Kar'i McCiII) uwhose wedding teck 1 Atther excutve ivetiigplace ini Port Pcr'ry% on Satur- At tc ceçoî~ nietiig 1~1TT~day, with Bev. Reginaldi Rose last %v eek the Be'w~niavil le LFkI.UU of iiciating. 1Dramia Workshop completedi Mrs. Hector Mortxuîî k a plans for their opening pro- <lntended for last week) patient iin Civic Ho.,.pitai,' duction carlv in the îcew Cadmîîs U.C.W. met at the Peterborough. yea o 'lite piit, acon-home of Mrs. Tennyson Sam- Anzlican (hurch Women eacf Bv lhe Spr.Th eOu-cils Wednesday evening, Nov.'Mrs. Jack 'Palmer was bhos- edv 'r N eel cortaidn The lOth wilh 14 mcmbers and four' e, ertemetn fthe thWorksaupdiecerlltin that livîsitors prescrnt. Anglican Church Womnen on ther adince~vil horu h e Vice-President Nirs Thursday night. ly enjey îîiis astral farce, and Ja following the success cf thr e n Fallis, openied the ineet- Mrs. Noel Wood presided last production. 'Waltz nf thre îng xith a reading on Re- and gave a talk on Social Toreadors'. thev are determin - menibrarîce Da 'v. Hvnn -.11-i Service, comnienting t h a t ledtornitiaii'th sanehiiiward Christian Soldiers- \as' most activities in eveiw dayv sdta naio ntr liainenthîg i n',, followe d with prayer. life are conriected in some' stadar cferterainnert. Devotinnal \vas taken by w'ac with social service. Takirig part on stage are Mrs. Lorne McKee entitled Mr.. Wood frirther explain- some cld favorites. Bob arnd*-H- Is Net lee" d the new curriculum forý Jean Sheridan, S 'vlvia Tucker. Roi] rall -as asee with Sundav Seheol pupils and dis-: Ken Dennils. Doreen Kitriev. thnugls 0on Remembranice' played the books and litera- re our complete Iris Campbell. and one nev'.- DaY . MînLites of the lasItomer which wlll be used in Iect ion of Rulovit camer whomn we welcorne to mieeiing Ivere read and ap- future. 11-qualily scotches or stage, Ida Goodwin. proved. MiAsion work in Africa was om only $37-50 Tepa sodrtedr Treasumers report was given discussed. i Te pavis iner hedirc-bv Mrs. Lemne McKee. Our The December meeting wilI tien cf Margot Sarnuels. turkev supper was well attend- bce held at the home of Mrs. ,whose ahilitY was certainl:' cd. Corresperîdence was read.1Weed and members will ex- ERY & proved in atvr' Rotarv Ipa ,,,dccided we wcuid changeChita gifts. Flwr' s lcn aiýbc Ovrrseas Relief. The United Chumeh Women, ."een that (bis plav bas ail the Mi.isrnar.v port n was giv- hrid a mosýt soccessfuî Christ-! neP icessarv ingredients cf sure- en hv Mu;. Thora Gray. mas Tca and Rar.aar rn the' BOWMANVILLE f'e îrp~ ~ uî ar? of cmir mrpting Stîndau Si-bnci Hall on Satur- Watrh "aur Comîng Eýents lcedwrth b':mo " WhF n Idax' afternoon. Ior date&. Survey the Wondrouai Crosa'i"i lighted Chriàtmau tree ,il Tii Canadian Statesmari, Eowmanille, Dec. I, 1965 .,Jetterb t/wthec/,tor ,Mrs. Ward with a corsage. Army Mrs. H. Sumersford wai h tea convencor and was assirt- Igue edbyMr. . ea. Mrs. C. gns. Mrs. C. Ferris and MrS. ea E. Perfect alsn heloed MNrs. Sumersford. Mrs. Capt. Fra- eladies or; ser and Mrm W. Whitehef,,d -ry held a wcre in charge of deeoratiors.. iwould be willingz to share their ChriFtma7, week with African students studying al Lava]. Shp writes :Threarp two Congolese students (on n e from Thysgvillt- and one from Luluabourg) just arrivpd in October te study Agricul- turv, also the R. C. priest from Kisantîi. (Thrse arc from my district in the Con- got. They know no one out- side the University. Then there are the stîîdents from Ghanai and Nigeria just here for one Ycar. I keep think- ing ot themn and the dull Christmas holiday thev will have just in residcnce with most others gene. Any from Nigeria and Ghana speak Eoglish, but the three from the Congo, French. (Theyv prohahly know some English as they' vmust studY it in school, but likely very little). and decorations of evergreens, Also Agents for candv canes. belîs and wreathsJCK A & SO FL W R cof holly, as well as baskets A K N & SO FLW R cof flowers formed a delight- PO E6357 fui setting for the tea roem. PO E6357 Mrs. Gordon Chase was in! charge cf the decorating as-' 44 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE sisted by Mrs, Thomas 1m1__________________________ nîngs, Mrs. Earl Weatherilt,- Mrs. Leonard Driver, Mrs.!-- -___ Addison Scott and Mrs. Har-'ý old White.i Tables seating tour werc, centred xith red candles set'i . %?/eaners V hk e in a tiny ring of evergreen s. r The tea serving table wasi covered with a lace cloth out- DEFINITIONS - PATIENCE lined with hollv and a large spray cf evergreens surroond-1 lh blh oii orntrmheynfe lk ing an arrangement cf reci 1 h blti eij ou oo ,n e ellk ,candles. Mrs. Wm. Piercy anil stripping your gears. Mrs. George Waddell poored' 2. The quality that In needed most just as It lu exhausted., Mrs. Caîl Porteous. presi- dent of the U.C.W., w'as the hostess, with Mrs. Gervýn Mulligan acting as treasoirer. Mrs. Walter Neals and Mri.ý Earl MIcQuaid xvere in charge cof the home baking table. Mrs. Earl Argue and Mrs. HuLgh McDonald %were sales;-' ladies at the home-crafts' table. Waitresses were Mrs. Gom- don Chase, Mrs. Earl Weath- erilt and Mrs. John Neals. Assistîng in the kîtchen were Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. I{enr 'v Jakernan, Mrs. Harr.y i RyleY, Mrs. Ross Davidson1ý and Miss Lynda Davidsor. The planning cenvenor were Mis. Thomnas, Jennings, a.nd Mrs. Harold White. * CLOTHES CARE HINT.: flirt and Grime bave a etittint action on tabr'ca. P-msb Karme-nts frequentiy and rememiber drYcleaning remjoveg this dirt and grime. ELECTION 0F YOUR COUNCIL DEC. 6th Don't forget to vote! Kelvin ator PRE -WINTER KELVINATOR 13 CU. FT. NO FROST REFRIGERATORS IN ANTIQUE COPPER FEATURES: Zero-Zone Freezer " 111 ]hm. capacitly No-rrout refrigprator Aistomnatie de-frot Mlagnetic door elosture $299e0 OTFRD 134 KING ST, E. KELVINATOR 30"1 DELUXE RANGES WITH ROTISSERIE IN ANTIQUE COPPER FEATURES: Oven picture 'no' Automatie oveir timer - Lif-cffoven door Minute iminder $219,o'OIITRD KELVINATOR CLEANMASTER WASHERS wiith plimp FREE TIDE Il lb. load eaparity MEATURES: 12-year warranty $13500WITFI COWAN EQUIPMENT CO, YOUR KELVINATOR DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE PHIONE 623-5689 * -I .5 Salvation Home Lea Holds Fali' The Home Leagi the Salvation Arm succssfl Fli ea nd aleas table centres and the Ar'r.v on Nov. l2th. Home baking coio,. decorated the othef and aprons were sold and tables. there was a very good atten- ,M rs. M. e M rz, E dance. Black and Mrç. mW. hitehf.-4 As this vcar is c.nt.nnial ýwere the wiitresses for the year for the Armny, we opened!aftetrnooni. with Mrs. G. Cher- with the singing of a hvTmn rington and Mrs. Capt. Fraper which was writtcn by' William rrn gta Booth. MT-s. C. Beilmani in- Mis. H. Cordcin anri Mrs.Ra. troduced M.rs. Ward who rcad Webber were in charge mf a Portion of seripture and aprons. Mrs. E. Willatts and( then declared the sale open.; Mrs. A. Walker were at the Mrs. W. W'hitilicad presettd home bakjng table. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET kWE -SPECIALIZE IN: Fancy Fruit Baskets FULL LINE OF: GROCERIES, CIGARETTES, CHOCOLATES AND CANDY the iý.iost completee une of gifts for everyone on your list, %ilil the gayest lvrappings and accessories Z LIMITED t 27 K g St. W., Bowilanville OUR BIGGEST VALUE EVENT 0F THE YEAR -U SALE HURRY IN NOW FOR THE BEST BUYS ANYWHERE y-