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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1965, p. 5

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iuîg I[het Our Mee and slide This S Hamnipton clurch v. îîel 9 ai vision pi lion Bei Hampton s ubstanti; LoriA, bari ber da \. and same cia.The P will havî Thursda.% ont forge tergent bh Mr. an Candie Thornhill for the i Ted Cha Vrtie C vîsited th SaturdaN. C'arol Ca Sa t o rdaaven uni Mr. anc ard atte mark ing otf the Fi turp, at C IOTUS TRIBUTE As/c /i; ulr ArtCorî cd fnIder. Coming to1 on their precious thr DP\IA.M DLA Froni Art( leader for over1 poud to preser zigns that realy littie (brones. I: design, (bey lh aristocratically anco. Corne, see S5150. FulIy gi s fe i PHFONE 62:è-.747 29 KING ST. E. l ntroducing "Trude"» hair st3 list from Europe anid - > "N iki"of Oshawa years' experience in Montri SPECIAL ON GIFT PER, From Dec. 15t to Der. 201 OFFERING PERM PHONE 623-3801 WANDA' 71 KING ST. E. HAMI Mr. George Svvret, Graven- hurst, is visiting at the home of ha xister and bother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Fraser. Weekend guests at the Frasers were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Nichai anti Pat of Huntsville. Recent calIers at the A. W. -*ecott home were Mrs. Wil- Bowman. Ennisk illen, and arold Kibli. Oshawa. Mr.K r js .1 - ýi was a EBrownies instruVîng tbree firls for their N cedleworker adge, Sa lly Payîrp taugbt (ho aider girls semaphome. Rev. Cata. contntning ta the serios , of Stewardship, spoke on the, Stewýardsb,;ip of Challenge, taketi (rom John 12:27. -River nf Grace Flow On" was rondered by the choir. Roceived wîlh (ho of- fering wpro several signed commitment <ards: these were dedicated. These cards ropre- sented a commitnment. of time, talents and moncy. It is hoped that men ivba have offered tirr' aon thctr commnitrncnt cardrz, wiIl provide leadership Awajting First Christmas very Surcessful. wlth a liftie of Canada atppointed Misel The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvtlle, Dec. 1, 1~ over $200 as proceeds. Our Marlon Parkinsrn., a former__ ______ allocation is to be sent in, and missionarv to the West In- $159 was donated for the blind. dies. 10 be the îîew leader ofÉO jMrs. W'. Paeden gave an in- the National Womnen's Mis- Itrsigaccount. of the hall-1 sionarv Council. a , C ourtice H & S A ssn. Kr, and Mrs. A. L lnhr P TNlere recent iirm it ýadMrs. Roy Brown in t- »for -Sigma C'., a boys' group biroke. for those 13 to 15 years of age. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. .\thin, Gordon Chant, tbe generaltFort William. and Mm. David chairman otf the visitation cam- ' Allun and friend. Toronto,î paign. gave a report in the were visitors at the Blanuchard: Lmorning service, home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bor- The lst Hampton Guide - ek were at tbe O*Keefe Company started (heur meet- Centre ia Toronto on Saturday, tng with borsesboe, prayer andI night and enjoyed the peu-41fag break. Cotour Party was - formance of **Carousel". Brenda Territ], Barbara Koz- Mm. and Mms. Ken Caverly ak and Barbara Borek. After were dinner guests on Sunday this the girts settled down to of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Caverivpastt. Te foown in Bowmanville. Master Brent passed their tenderfoot: Bar- I 'a veriy and Sherry Caverly, bara Borek, Marilyn Carter, Oshwa.wer reentweeeýdHenrietta Katzer, Sylvia Katz-j Viosw wcrere n eekeor. Marlon Monaban, Debbie, vitstor. wiandhirrs.K andpr- .Notan, Debbîe Pinsent, Gaul ent. M. ad Ms. . Cvery.Robinson and Laurie Stainton. Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Coutts; All the girls wilI be enrolted along with atber New Derno-ine xt week. Time permitted catic workers attended a ont>' one gamne, a shuttle relay.- social evening at tbe home of The captain promises a party Mr. Tony Ketcbumn and bisngtbeoeCisra.Te mothr i Pot Hpe n St- losed with colour parts', re- urday evening. moved the ftag and went borne,- Mr. and M.%rs. Perey Dewel! ta study trail signs. xere in Peterborough on Fmi- ThLneeaRnrsmt daM vnn ustn m n witb the Guides to ptan their Mrs. Wm. Nicot. On Sunday, future meetings. Any girls in Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell,,teHmtn ae ewe Dougas. arol'n ad Da 'thùe ages of 15 and 18 who are visited Mr. and Mr.s. erýnestd i SaRngs Goseht in Oshawa. Herioretd n Sa Rngr Tuesdy evningthe please caIl Mrs. Motty Van De Tuoesdmay vein8teEx- IBelt at 263-2113. Christian Eduication w i n g 1Mr. and Mms. Athuuu Clem- under the !cademsbip of Mrs. - ens from Bawmanville were- Doris Wijhucr. This was a-Sunidav visilars at tbohomo special meeting apen ta al of Mm an ns aven >V/RE To El EC TPCAL FUSE PAINT AND - WAtt PAP ER CLEARANCE .Interior and Exterior in ... SCARF E'S GOLD CROSS BEAUTY LOX WOOD'GUARD WALLPAPERS Ail Clearing at REDUCED PRICES ABERNETHY'S Paint & Wallpaper .3 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Dauightcr of Mr. and Ms duced Mrs. Fred Coty, travel H eId y WM.C gldon Phi, Enniskili<n, agent for Jury & Loveil Ltd., tek was born ai, Newton ville, -short description of the West Ont., and attended Enniskil- Indiani Wonderland isiand, the ]en School. She wastwcBabds hh Te Womcn's Missionar -v iarried. hours flying time from Toron- Council of the Pentecostal In 1956 she left Ontario Io to. Chuirrh began their activities go 10 Cleveland where skie No passports or visas are for the 1965-66 season with a married .Joseph L. Switzer needed to fly by international pot-luc'k supper. At lcast 38 President or a widrly ktiown air lines for a holiday bin h( people wýcre present ai this mnafufarturing eonpau Of halmy -.5-8f) degrep tempera- supper. fluorescent P r i n t i ni g' nk, titre whicb never falis beoow Mc.. Kudra presided aý paints andi pigments. The de- 68i degre.. moderator during the electitin ceased also resided in Toronuto lTle Barbados lias a populla- of officers. Mrs. Lorraine AI- Rt one tirne. tion of 230,000 and is a corn- hin was re-clected as presi- Mr-S. Swt \Vas ati.en prai lfat carat isiand of dernt, of the local rnîsslonarv a nuLmber- of organii7atnns. 166f sq. mlile area. Ther, ar'e chanter. Mrs. Diane Adanî s Skie was a mPember nOCM' - over 130(1l(emcn4lar.\ and sec- wvas i-e-electpd as sect-etarx'1- fieldi Methodist Church and ondarY schools plus lwo col- trrasurer. and Mrs. Verii- was a Past President of :he iegesý. The main products are Adams was givcn the office Womenis SncietY for Christian supar, molasses. rum, etc., of social convennr. Mrs. Ko,-: Service of Mayficld Meth-lodiÀ wh,,Iitch are rxported. ira outliied the mission of Church. Skie was als-o a niem- Mrs. Coty gave a rrw su- thr Couincil and its proposed ber of the Barreti Chapter of acti\'ities and projects for the the Flot-once CrittendonlHomne. ensuîng year. Surviving besides ber hus- N O T Ajunior rnissionarv gro' h'and, .Joseph L. Switzem, anci M known as the Misoetslier parents. Mr. and Mrs. l'HF NEW IVINTER camie lto being earlv tliis, Sholdi)n Pethick-, are a daugbh- OSHAW'A Bt'S1N fill. Thi>z s a gmnup rompri>- ýter, Ms R. (Nancy) Lowe, Opens Monday,J rd of voung ladies frm I tho and nie aranddaughtem. Kathi- aîof' 8 Io 18 that form a, ytiLo Nine vareer desizned coursr Gi ris Mîssinnai-v C out ne il. . AlS0so urvivîîîg are th rer Sperlal classes alsgo for Rous M irs. NO r vi 11e. Sweet wis î brothers. Oswald Of Rimmie. Regullar Evening Clasqes, Io cd u ive leadershiip 1o Floyd of Toronto and Clifford Saturday morning for ihi> gi nîp. 1-1r assistants 'lt-eiof Enniskillen. Grades 6. Mis. Lilliai Quackenhus'ýzh and:,Funieral services vLere heinltdceLtrt Mrs. Stisati Kilpatrick. Mrsý. ii thec Chapet of Knnllwond - Rgsrto ablKudrai was eilected in Matisoleîim. Mayfield Heights. OSHAWA BUSI1N he Ilie officiai acivisar of flic Ohio, o Thursday, Novembeh(r "A Colege Where Pgi nup. l81,1. wiî.b interment in Knoll- 10 Simroe St. N.. Oshawa 'Fie îticttaIAeîîlewo .Mînlîî 16 TEMPERANCE ST.. ]F 15 i1 riCE. FR TEI'RMAI' ITU-E NESS COLLEGE January 3, 1966 se% from which (n chot'%p, seies hift-ivork ers andi Jlunior TyNPinz(Classes ryouinz people from 7 and 8. ire - then act Is Limited - NESS COLLEGE Earerrs Are T;rm" da %vuîcn sno and nom fUs- There are 469 W.M.C goup band had recently enjoyed ifl acmoss Canada as Wht as - some coloured snaps of places'Roughb1y, this adds up to aHe ars About Barbados Ivisited, for aIl 10 500. rernbership of RpprOximatelv The regular montblv meet-igesi ions on air travel and After (ho benedictiouî lunch 5000. The W.M.C. is consider- illg of(h Sot Carcens re svcl qutin was served hy the two gmoups. ed (ho 'ayante garde' for the Home and School Association frou'. the niembers. There was an attendance of 25.: renomination in Canada auîd was held at the scbool on Mon- IsDa MetIthnd arouind (he world. Their in- daY November 15h, Mrs. CaD o . pesnîe. IVie oralHopia i~kens.1 Th~ re businîess was condîîcted tcrtaiîmr'nî. Thr, meeting ad- Memorial Hospi a i emies of Ca na. tlby Mms. A. Campbell. A Fam- journcd and lunch was serveti. ______ sofCaad. itv Donation Plan was approv- 'W eekly Report Icld as a moatîs of raising funds. Wcok of Nov. 22-28 ncusive <DTPTAIt 'vas announced that over From 19.59 ta 1964 the value Admissions --60 UJITUARY '$40 ias gathcced for U.N.1.C.1of utatucal sas cxporled from Birtbs-3 male, 2 female 51 E.F. by the students on Hal. Canadia te itie U.S. incmca"ed Dischargos ---------- 791j M<S .J. L. SWITZER lowe'en. Rooni courtl was \vaui from $16 million ta $97 million.- Major oporations I -by Principal Mm. Barrett: Mrnor operations q9 Tbe death of Mrs. J. L. Church wbo received (ho $2.00', Emereay meament 24Switzcu. 46 yoars, occurred ut prize and banner. Visîting hours 3-8 p.m. daity ber home, Timberidge Trait, Mse Nancy anîd Loruîa , atII«C _____________ Gates Milîs, Ohio, on Monday, Moi-ton favoured with two __7__P______________ November 15, 1965. Death o- piano di.ets "Rustie Dance" 1 CNLýY /5 WMAT W Q cumred suddeuîlv fromn an heart aî'd "Little Boy Blue Marcb". tt .herne, "The Chureki- c.and Ms A. L'. Bilic- , .1 ting House'. Mois ard were Sunldav tea guests . m wvere sbown. with Mr. andi Mms. Ronald....... 'r undav. Der. 5, manv Clemnens andi ramil.v. Mr. and iembers or it.e ivrs. WiIf Sarîderson, Mrs. Jim Lttes-noh-ldS>t!vlita .;tt<uu viIl he watching Chan- Muller and Darryl were Sun- Litesxmnhol SctMic11ie1 ornn 1 p.m. for the tele- day evetiing callers on Mr. and the above photo, seems to be cagerly awaiting Sauta resenitation of Opera- Mrs. R. Cleniens. Claus for the first tirne. This hright'l tile bov y lli avec, to wbich the Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Nash son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwnod D. Kossatz, Osl)awa, iChureh bas given from Oshawa were Sunda.v and jgrandson of Mr. and 7Mrs. Herb. \lkiR.R. 2. in support. visitors ai the home of Mr. and Lon Ballard, aped two, Mrs. Wm. Axford. Bowmanville, and Mrs. E. Wr. Knssatz of Pcm-binl<,, tonsils out on Mon- IVr.Hgrh rs.Ar matr, Ont. Photo by Rohbert Aldsworth i returnrd borne the Mrs. Catto and Mrs. John Bal- V "son attended the dessert tea Sunbeam Messengers and card party at Zion, Wed- ETNI L r their meeting on nesday', 24th of November. N v ~ i u .i ,Der. 2. Please do Mm. andi Mrs. Rudy Jammer iMrs. W. Chester vitih Misslciil i, tîflco niirI liuw î ,t to bring liquici de-an aiyPot e'y iiDon iblan MrD.-aldV 5ad otties ý;ta make angoîs. ad ambPotrirght'siem onna Oshmawlanýcl r(, . xeicisfo.. Sii< ' Stn d Mrs. Jack Carter, on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Bih f saawees1pî orJst' À; iiiof .John BBurrows. Mr. and Mrs. guesis Fit iVr. Jack Kîhi~ wu ih Mrs. .. Filou is. i.. G an er stina uetmJ. Burmous visited Mr. and last Sittda.. stapletoti. M .P. Giltier oiad lay t Mr and Mrs rs. Erie Pbllips and family, Mesda me:s .. II IL T 1.M . I cni ;i nildliîcn nt~s.Mr. ad M"'North Oshawa, nn SuindavN. Trim, W. Bouîhbiî. F. Hetîidor- thedeniluilt iî wi int fromad r, 'Then tbey bacisupper with son, M.Jones, W. Wnncl, W. lvi i0ii"i o Iiîio ori iec Fridav nig bt and Mms. Amy ucow o jax. Miii igari atnd MsBrtie tti S'iI; 'N : 3 . Roy Chant visited Mtr. antd Mrs. Charles Johins, Milliganl were anng tu1 ocl'( ceI!rad ilite tttl:ifn îce- rler in Thomohilli olnBowmanville, and M,. and ladiies xvlîoitetîdec Kendal ittg ctnd 'resiiMc. Inîh ex'enitîîgandi stayed Mrs, lHarolci Psaltem v isited Baznatc, Wdnsdv ernonu. cil Ili(, ftitîî'cr'.. sit lîne ISundirav. with Mr. and Mrs. loenn Mc. and Mrs. S. I. lttîster cd t ie tlr l iuhv1ltî, bren ýd Mrs. A. L. B1lanrh- Trul and Mr. and Mrs. Hi. A. spent iîedyn Tornoito ai ended the banqupt Bammon on Stîndiay , Ihie Royal York \vbere Iiho the 25th anniversarv Miss Erlyne Barm-on atn-MseyFrtsn Conventon 'I Pod ic. ederation of Auriruil- PcH a trousseau tea for Miss .;was in progrcss. >mno on Fri day îight. Nanry Rackham. Pickeming,! Mm. and Mrs. LC. M. Jotitçs ' re and was a Sat.irda ' guest of were ii Omenîce 'lhuîmsdayx, Miss Donna Flett. Rowman- attend ing tlle fîînemat of the ville. late Mm. Harmy Griffin. Mr. and Mrs . Ab Casky, Miss Allie Nesbittf, rTnrntî- Frankfordi, sppn t Ihe weekend ito is spending a few days bore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with hiem sister Anne. Roy Metealfe. M. Ross Col- Mr. and Mrs. Roti Burlev, ton, Oshawa; Mr. and Ms. !Bruce and Bob of Part Hope, - Glenn Metealfe and Grant 1 OOp!go5tT1s~ Oshawa, and Mr. Dick Met.'- with Mr. and Mrs. Doti Vinkle.~(. 4 1 calfe, Tomonto, were Sunday Ann t;sP-tdiîgth Reetviios itehome ofwreIMr. an i Mrs. mrWilbur î dHeather, Mms. G. HIarnessw Mr. nd rs.andi Etten, Mrs. D. MacDonald, Leask, Oshawa;:r adMr.Mamilyn and Bruce, Barry Ken letcer rnm aber At Lane, Mr. and Mms. S. Lan- berta and Mrs. James and Mrs.catraîiDel. Trevit o Oshwa.Congratulations to Jo-Aiiie Mr. and Mms. Ra.vmonid Fac- Camera,-i, wbo 1rceived 11p - mlI and family visited Mm. andr Senior Girl Rittînier-tip Awamd - :Mr-. Clarence Allun i Wood- 'as wPll as lier GraJde 12 Di- ville on Sunday. plama. and ta Bruce Marflon- I * ald wbn reeeuved the Junior I Boy Rtiaer-tip award. B URKETON I pt o h ncein fMr. and Mrs. Ijavp Gatcheila h ai.Fia ngt a Oshwa M. nd rs JhnwelI atteaded, %vttb somne 22 "& i Ohw:M. and Ms. 1o«'tables in play, and winaers as tehson andAnet of f ollnws: Higb lady, Dale lm- Orono; M.ad r.Wayne 1c bgign Saltn Weston and fml isA Inch;e ' etF.' Iptn y'ou Stpeno. omnville; Mm. draws-E. Caswell, Don Mar- aand Mmrs. Kennetb Vickery hvDve Il ' ea- OWfl ~and famtlv, Mr. and Mrs. tpltn:Bed Ie,"roî Tbe entime pocerds were given rones Larry Rididell were Sunday to the hall. guests of Mm. and Mrs. A. C. otetvstr ibM.aî Stephenson aad famnily. îr . Bîce t -lreywec M. nd Pr Zraland if Saskatoon, arved Osawa. were Silttîday guesis, - rt~f Mms. Peaml Avery and Mr.Ss. ý,M0NIi iRNGS and Mrs. George Alison and Mms.R'r. ofiîrey. Part op. an Miss Edtbh lolrayd i,,; visut - Mr Magret Stace: mov- CerLied, the style ing ber grandmotber, Mrs.;' fo ee auds a, 100 years - we are Staples of Toronto. 1ar pe r.irc nPr crtye- Congratulations tr Mi. and M.aitM5.capir1,it new, urlde Mrs. Leon Muise (nee Chris- wo fOili..pn h y deserve their own tnia Hicks) an their marmuage weckd oaOIlpn the mne )aintier, loftier in 'in Bethany Uinited Church on M.adMs T edro ASaturdav.ondsandi family moved an ,Sattjr- ft teirdiamnds A number from bore spentdafmthrfreroe to uhrnost brilli- Friday i lindsa\. dhome oMathir nitîeichet e them soon. From - A number frnm bere attend-tmomyac n ihak .. s Pd the Santa Clauts Parade in eprroniIle ac uaranteed, terms :Bowmanviîîe on< aurdý, pari of Mm. Ross Rr-ow-iî's bouse. S Mms. J. Peeling, famili' and A stag partv was hlcd SilturI- - fiend. tOshawa, weme 'Sa'"'- dav cveniig -at Ille borne tf day guests of Mrs. Greta M.Rs opits ofo . Baitey. ofM. RD oniOwles, ontitohoo - M.Douglas Taylor and o r o we.sinI i aidBowmnvile, eremarried. Thli latter \vas pro- Il SDonda allor of ,Manis. B. Taysenteci with a gift of matiex. S uni.v alr fMr.B a- Mr. and Mis. Bill Kimbaît - loi Mr. R. A. Staples received of Cobourg iveco Sundav slip- - relatives frorn Nova Scotia on per gcîets xith Mr. anàd Mvrs. Sunday' . Nov. 28. M-stibl. f.BLu vn Congratuilations ta Mu'. Ken- Nr tc is .Buei t. neth .lasin of Nova Scotia wîîo bu Peterboroughlonauiîîdayv, HO M NILEwl be married on Dec. 4tb in w1here they visi ted Mm. Gicti 'Ovwmar-illeInMisM Janet Martytin litaspital. Bownanill ta t55Mr. and Mrs. C.ý R. Farrow Aimey of Haimpton. Uwere stî1-pper gie7s. Sîttirla'. Swiîbh Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Red- knap. Oshawa. -, . -Mrz RoyvBezt anddlhem moth. mMrs-. G. Watkev of Poi Hope, v.îe al]r .Sonda., aftlernoon, aIf Mm. M. Kîmbal s Al Mr. George StapIeton';.. Suoday gîlesîs were Mr. and iMms. Miltoti Comtîisb andi Edgar, of Indian River; Mc.r e. !'and Mrs. C. Carvetb of Newv cast le. At Mrs. A. Bnughen's w' 1Mr. and Mms;. Jim Bougben 1famiiY, Port Hlope., our new expet iANVILLE IGA FOODLINER no BOWMANVILLE - m 1

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