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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1965, p. 7

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excellntmhorsemanship, and intertaim enttof the logra. Interesting Lollipop Hill Float in Parade '""""-""° "",•.'" C OCO I'Ofl0 paradie. 1t was Impressive te c1soci see all these fine riders from, 1 Bowmanville and the district. Phone 623-3303 They were followed by a, group of very .young major- Mr. and Mrs. CclTbl r rsn.Te edaso ettes. sweetly costumed, who ývisited Wednesday ihWsi oor hsya n stepped out in style. 'Tebble and R. L.Hy-paswr mdefrabg r Mrs. Peter Garvie of Tilkil- O'Shanter Club, Toronto. The Humpty Dumpty, a Parade, Mrs. Lorne Matnl1adadbttrso1ex era îth, Ont.. was a visitor last rink of Kay Ormiston, skip, Committee float, made a greati Mrs. Bob Brooks wr ussCmbleot eek with Mr. and Mrs. Don Helen Good, vice, Monica hit. There was the enormou ofM.MayLxnWees Godrptswehad arvey. Gra.,, leadi, and Betty Down- and jolly Humpty Dumpty in da-fothsateinteSna Mr. DouglaF 1 hols. Queen'sý ing, lead. wvon two games. The his traditional costume sitting I suggested lastwe htCasPrd nB w avle Umiversity, Kinio.setteohrrikcmem eue on a brick wall, and hi s ecrt, Kendal ladies wer nuk audy xetfrtehg weekend with his parents, Mr. Doris Denure skip. Jean El- Guards Ted Clarke and Gor- in the choice of dy o herclcinsinte feno and Mrs. Lloyd Nichols, Duke liott vice, Joyce Power lead don White, were uniformed as doings. I will havet hnems Vswr undt SItret. and Vi Taylor. lead. King,'s Men complete with im- that as we had elyu- ac h ry u aeb. Mr. Bill Depew, Queen's A1mong those assisting at the posing headgear, usually nice day fr ortenH mlo npinpg University, Kingston. spent Bl1inderaft sale held last Fri- Ail spectators were thrilled postponied bazaar an afe.Un ssbtig heo erwy the weekend wvith his mother day and Saturday were Miss by the Bowmanville Legion, noon tea last Wednsa.WfokweehpytseHm. and brother. Mrs. T. Depew Mary Jewell. Mrs. Jack Dunn, Pipe Band, a splendid turnout had a good crowd natn-itnwn and Bu, Librty Pace. rs. W. J. Bagnell, Mrs- led by Pipe Major James ac n odms forKihWo a ucae .Miss Carolyn Stacey. Queeni's Stewart McTavish, Mrs. John Martyn, and the glorious ýarticles. We werevr gadteF dFasfrm ro Ms University. Kingston, spent a Williams, Mrs. Ron Haw- marching music of the pipes 'to.welcomie so manfrmorFlsMs.Bwnadam recent weekend with hier par- thorne, Mrs. George Morris, and drums. neighbouring comm i san ilwohv lve ter fr ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Miss I'sabel Davis. Mrs. Den- Thn te cam g Fir enjoyed a social hu ihsm ernwhv h s Stacey, Orchardview BIvdi. ms Severn, Miss Lynn Lunn' Quen Carol Smihcaryngthem.oftewlehu.BilTr MNr. a nd Mrs. E. J. Fairey, r. B11 on. Mrs. How- a wand and wearing a rich Apesn iewsejy nsyhshuh h 1 ag Ring St. East,, were wveekend ar o ndon Mrs. Brg iel white gown with royal cloak!, ed Tuesday eveniga h tf am kmJeGrznk guests of Mr5s. Fairey'*s sister uxton aindr. GeorgeVce.- of red velvet and a shining i, home of Mr. and M s atnadi lnigo aigpr and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mnr.fW.emodsn ws on tiara, waved to her admirerss Manders when theEatrOnofidvdeupntlts Mrs. Lorne Niven of St. Cath- e ro esae from a car. Next there were h tario Steam n d niu s o e ftesuet and ar:np5. Mr. and 1Mrs. Lyle Brock. 21 three small ponies decoratedi sociation hield thir etn.tei eaie atne h Pt.RtrnKnna asr-Orchard View Bh -d., were wihgl e adwieadThere were 14 memesadana omneeto turned to Camip Gagetowýn, aancisrrieat rnln carrying the message "Merry :One guest, Mr. AleI art-Cak Hg coL Fia .R f te rrsperdnmea month's FaChristmase evenmg. Thseoreceivin furlough with his parent. am o eo hi o n The Three Little Pigs, theteresting reading frm tea rd fomh ewr:Si- andFr.Rbet iearMand dauightr-in-law%. Mr. and Mrs. Bow,,manville BoySot fot Christian Home".lyM reItemdaeGr sister Elva. Reg. Brock, R.R. 4, Bowman- was applauded by all. There Meeting closed it hy nC mp n fr Clke Hg Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edgervl, ombe r5tsdTI evning, were the absolute replicas ofi 445, "ALl the W y M col Fed Dy ihr daughter Debbie and son %was the 40th wedding anni- the fmostreoesal o sestaurLasM ",adMc.k"tr'ScnayScolH n Randy, Peterborough, were versary of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle oefstanefsics, through story books, and hispaBedito.MsGe.urGdanDplmad weekend visitors with Mr. Brock. Aiso present for ethe he csaf ndscueon fFiddlers Three were just right. togtfles fte eHansip ml over oeo ihstsadgmGae1 Edger's mother, Mrs. W. A. happv event were the anni- rcs Mrs. S. McIlmoyle's Major- as she had learned in speak- tak oalfrtelvl Hsoy et wrrcSe Edger, Wellington Street. vesrycul'fordgh Next came Paddy's popular etsi le wieadsle ing to graduates from other afternoon.onayShlHnurGd- Mr. nd Ms. Dnald Vters and thuefmilesa wellMusicmakers, Paddy Welsh,!ee dramahticaThe iltop--ro o ew schools, that this was not cdone'(Intendied for latwe)aindplmadteUie tonrSctand M oar v e t a rs. Reg. rock'lispar etsGlen Virtue, and Art Sheehani pers DrumatCorpseRihmond Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snod-Iton. in other schools. Sunlday visitors wt r onisBraypeetdb toereSweekend viMars wiethMran Mrs. RBoy R aymnd ,playing away on violin, guitar ýHill, in light blue and navy grass and son David of Ro-Mr. Wayne Miller of Water- After the banquet, the grad- and Mrs. Ceci]l'Wilo eeonSoe Mr. entonsaen qts Mr andofM rilan . Ryaam nd tasfrteejy etbu nfrswt odsrp hseN.Y., spent the lngh o nierit ollege, spent uates and staff retired to the Mr. and Mrs. Tommnihl-r n Ms di oru Mrs. Syney Venon, Divsion Th foll cildren ere nof t r odsathe ejy mdoen ed1 tuse frs wretuneul. AmcesercnT an siinnek-teweknIwtoinprnssafUom to vst.sniC clL kee..,M .ansiitd S tudy afeno MS.Syan eVndtheDivsanhaizdt mongse-ln. Thewre followed The Squa re Dancing Tonightolowe end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mr. and r.Cas1.Mler t8p..finsin ea Mrs. Ross AkistrWhewihM.nd rsAvn Claus parade.Tice in Trityh Unid Chrh by more fine horseback riders.'float by Swingin' Bows and Hoar and on Saturday visited! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron1 tives gathe. redsndeadi. Bear, Sask., MrsHrmnLwsiPerbouh Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wie astri ndvMitch An, FNext camethne'Bomanville Pine Ridge Promenaders wsMr. and tMrs. Neil Ramney and ofToronto visited Mr. and Mrs.1torium for the main part of the R dmanKaren adWlo iiigwt r.W ec TorotoMis LoiseHara- augter of r. nd r bo the rtet black elepum- Jsl ccamd t a u-amily at annington. lHorace Best and family on evening. Yellow potted 'mums M N e rtain, and M .ad rStu ave nigws r. marn, adMaLse Leonar datGe Cr ose;Mheleyyn e r.,a eig arya llykcaprisoned rnuted by ala ge b a ur-th Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn lTu sday,. dcrtdth tg.Th tf, rs ormian LyonsadLrrac le n nSna rnamand iloalte.ere duGternfr.anC r s. JoheleyLyn hoda wit a richly daroe d ahrepeig rmawnfCadmus; Mr. and Mrs. r. -Harry Grady of Portiwearing gowns to designate M ge.Mr.TdCahmCyre, weekernn ilwae guestsue of Mr. andGde;McalLod, rson o a tned mahararah th-dow in front. The back ofwthe Glenn Tennant and children Arthur called on friends and ýtheir college, anid the grad-1 r. and Mrs. Geog o-KtyadKrn Mrs. A.Marjers on r.and Mr. M. andMrs.al RoadGas:on nd an maha jan try w barn was open and surround- were Sunday dinner guests of relatives in Orono recently. iuates entered cdown the e ntreers at tne h udaCe-Curhwshlda-sa Ger.Ad MarjerrisonanFlett St. ilandmrhs onalof Mr. nandotmea tshaau aiv dbyso cvrd onryM .ad r.HavyGm. M.innrs m Ha e-ase otei lcsvc a yonnhrcahntudyionnvae1:5wt end attended the Santa Claus Mrs. Bernard Holden; Valerie, The Golden Monarch Drum rails. Square dancers in their Mrs. Cameron AllisonofurehmenWdesa of Mr. Witherspoon gave anRapsnf Mr. ne. R. C Witemeitain parade. jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corps ebr effective costumes were on IPeterborough spent the week- iast week from visitigm withiiwelcominig address and acted !Irist . Ralh we rsa n"AdteLrdbesvu Congratulations to 'Mr. J. F. Ronald Howard, Michelle!geous sight with sankv un,-te loa nd wlkn aog n wtiM .anlrs.eclMand Mrs.viPaul Sodgrss scamnfr th evni g hrstened M. Tea ernmertknfrmRth24 Besu brated his 80th birthday on Mrs. Kenneth Marden; Michael The Bicycle Built for Two.He's Here, the Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor M.,sSaor a wee m Aan, Durhami County District vstedan amGeadalowihThegTechi'sn Wednesday-, Novemnber 24th. Scott, son ofMr n Mr s. and somv decraed wit' Couples Club's float, was spent Sunday with Mr. and - ssSndaMecrnre-!Highi School Board, i'epresent-iGog ut r."euiu adno ryr 1His immeia;te family held a David Ogden; and Timothy gitrn oladisrdr pleasmnglyv attractive with a Mrs. Lorne McGill at Oshawa. intaraining at St. Joseph's Hos- ýed the Board. During the even-, Malace MieltTrol ih r.Fser plyig party, at his; home, in honor Ray. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray gRickey ngFoseyand FsriedFrepia fSat cibiginoMrandMs.F Gron 'deterborouIgh,s p e n ting, the GMeCu anordr. and Mrs. LyalBok odn agtf a h of the happy occasion on Wed-,Preston. James Alexander. gan, dressda clwspesed a chimniey, and two clowns Leask of Taunton, Mr. and usavadFia fls numbers. As special entertain- aen t aughes h aemsfrue t e i r and close friends called dur- Duane, the children of Mr. SnasÝokhpaPrd roof. Alberta, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur of and rs. Ross Mercer. . thespia na ordion. yed McClurg family, hae pr ngh kyadhdtou er ingtheaftrnon ad eenig ad Ms. uan Berswer Comitee foato, waagraetFootball "A Go-Go", Bow- Hampton, Mr. andMr.Da Mrs. Geo. Carnegie of Lmnd-tMr.ianJa·es Wilo, uenschased a homemHmtn osreriodynonn to extend best wishes. Mr. baptized at a private service.;sces I elsial e manville High School's team, Hodgson of Ajx r aodsaV 1sited hier parents Mr. U iesvg eth Vaedic and moved this past ekn.a e oilHsiaB w Childs has 12 grandchildren. ---spcteds. tea sicallc erethe C.O.S.S.A. Champions inAwde, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent ,r.Ens o e-tr ddes ad at uh M .adMrs. Oa oremnile0o gt1h oe their brtght red andpwhit Lovey fTrot rs o - Mis. Geo. Crowther, Charles't11 adrq.s, ad t> ghwere dininer gue.sts o e i-fxdu n e Recently worinks from te Santas toy are assemb euifrms, folloed b ant ellRvowfandofrono isited and Jarmie of Newcast1t: Miss s is alwvs one of the high- ter and husband, mran M s. Ms JneFsrsp tth Rusnes irl Crlng eaueawerehappil bus ,as can bb cryig hirbeuifl hereMsvDeHoeriLna ige o shwavs- assnoecasyev gJi' GlAvryovLtteBrtan weknfi H mltn iitn played in a hanspiel held by wr at' Hepers, .~ l1eaders and fur-coated coach, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sug-iled Mrs. Charles Wood on was: on the occasion o r e ilfin Paradee Cubal heT° te JneBre a Laglo, dees.oundly cheered by the ssll1 ilM nOh Sulnd r. ha. . fal-n, siiousness and nostalg Moe i d at hm-an F e Bell, al] un ler the direction. The Solina Communiity's visited Mrs. Wm. Seymnour. er an e r.ad r .f onh ls .evening was our guest speaker sona vsteh s o thr rs r adM sJryByran (TURIN TO PAGE Two) lof Santa's Chief Helper, Chris: Carolers' float was greatly en-ý Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hogg of Csoted Mr. andaMs Ca. '.Mr. Ross Strike, Q.C., Chair Jamdes Thompsona FirewD nadM .adM s.Jc Bowmanville cii ýe ihylo teiMarsdien. bb.rok were Sundasod nneQ °°neman of Ontario HydroCom Lde hty nSna.Fn n h os enrle andyello veLins col- Everybody was fascinated oteOtri ea o bns0fM.an r.W .Un vrsitv, Kingston w as mission,v ho-bwas introduced 75 ibe tyor.s.)heN avit y ena e bt he wi b th e its real i aa c o anie f o ldlo ks,a thse iar ye Jn es ha obnso me sleigh drawn by t his Cwldare 'b M . esh r adu tc v dT U s -Faa d a Phone 623 5100pas a eoablefotAaJonel a herey reart. Goldhilockserslfaiwas wie-hred nd hit-eao Srd-iffiliZABETHVILLmeE eeivedkyo, Mrwere manY przs oe opee hWnihl :0. tha e pictrethmaetfirs wond e iew ei r eo c n harmmg, leandthe thee ears ed, inftesplendorio of his tra-the and scoa hi .Iam ur SUNDA SERV CES ous C stm as ig hi it. h ere sPtsy Ba keasi o ey se e rascoudbebut ditinal ed n whit urd C uch sie eeheld eacha nd evellryoe a I pp et ef 9:55a.m erand Joseh. he S ep-Harvy mjoretes inoue by the i t. A rolainClub, hldrn's d rea s. He aed at-' ion sarCnto r n d rda peplemus hae aver depI herds.were presentandwithdth eir bl ack can w ie alsonwer avavlosi ive n nGwseueryCrsm s ftern on. interst hat wdergas stes Iee lJ m sM sn alh Lv 11 ibrta.. Wise Mn who had followed Teenbt o rmusti PperopellednThe od ,erflaivty Scenesrecindesletheahwatc\hingss eatytokth -HClb O-tateenngrndstl "ARE WE te Staen all along the streets Red anles uanet istas. 1 andtheOO..Iodg cei despecangetngfeCrl Tesysr, BIra il us ledgete do a t ees OilMtne aad$nDt n Pne:R ESTA NTS OR&. .h ilwer asciatme b te otv T ey wrsecfolloed y anth No. 66, dew al lee tf te her er o n el. oo t e itwh Vic e ad e c lotbet er to aue o risev-co BRheN' the KinCand Quen of Rders. T emany Walking iote, aJostephthe ep- oin h slwrCfhis teCr- o enedvacross that stagi anacep •litHear ths athe fiSto fa - theade e iso c ea- ed ad Trea gs . sd ebu don Darleen osn wh fredy Se ieral failes aede ed wtretp dtat uper 6:45 S RVCE ily' Chsms ety Eeyne was hee- tion De atent, s a omeai- Te D aal cdm Lwsad BigtPne.teSntCaulpra e achoo a d uatiron pDeipom p.m. c% h nated by ollipop Hi lor atsti ad ond-Ba, Toroiedup tois Te aarvlos a tClasSturdiay i Bwmnvllean ad aeo ven o arzeor SacrdMusicaol w mth nCorcreghrSchool foth anerulcharaters fajrmtmythe rpton okwi-peth good flt sout togthei on-ofai ale'so n era ttfierborugh chars hisp. ss.blRDON MURRAL the5Kudras anatrctveoev Tey deail antory, ad hel t tenimusic, sma rty white uorms srced eachear by H e os .ato Cnond r uselWita'eoemuPrveavyde here swere hap elvwt esdai etrfte vn.withs arlet cn losecr a t tnd whentario T hraigschoolentertn ed Mr. Nicholas Yos'ss eseens Peer O Tso 7 p.m. hshi ral linand o p adthesTen lc nd ieaisy T G S p ,ainadre ci on bsquad.a n ere, ad apryortherx i ie, n iss Fr i av e n g N S L ETON g j g g "MOERNRELGIO barig lliopfrut BA 19 attruamctwndrfleliaxofth pr-scolewrkan alahetr- n atrd f VE S ST Eikt s t Tn worhont o e d Thsle n d oustan nglleda Sawnt Cfl ai him el l e drëtousy effecive athisi n d Nick.Bay Tohe 4- dingOTh Noe erU.C.ang of i l OLD-TME RLIGIN" prpleskirs, wite esteejoll shi of parkng bue hld i Toroto a noo. NetletncU..W. has hld a jatsh pue d at.Th iradrol.it rd pot o e fnl MRbe a og , ld fl htli rs e r - r s O . crrs.oo s B Wm a l- he h meo M s'R lp ade Wed. E8tW 730pm'badhdnifaorm estf white dtrm anda fine Tvo o 2 n h cOF oglevd pca eigfrewofTues M rs. anrlandMrs.onfupeg da oembter SthMain Famiy NghtSericeasinand bthe teinsee hful nsailre os e cs Sntra a ltan0TrUSe 0oaas5nure o"rsel BibETSdy: The seven, greataldogs ofe thelcanergarbedwngirls. on Wtenesday. wemacomopndteetigwh 'RDMTON S nar Cln h u of Ontri The trmflynautic a ohwnanMis Szanatheickerson! and a pesth ivs eIle sofem entite "Wrds"afo- "W ereth WrATd odcilrnwacin llao grme othe bstupenusteand Ms.Doer.sonwee i chrg ofthede is NOT bound"the route woderfulTrojanHorse, one Te ladies of teCcommuni-evtionaloafter hich hymneNo theKig ndQur omanid.e b y sllesing 5rd ndT0 be Pa !snd m 19 6 af-Cnon tonee he wddngwellanswaed fih n[Mt BREGrecian togasscrownedwwithheifol.ffrom th geachurcdhaer. Mr SE T T R IN Cgo den lu e e vs, Bo m niiad R ss M ldr e hs at job ru ceH sl pGa vat ver i n-o 6:4 pm.enty.Evryoe asen-ýtonDMajrte n turqoeise ; bluDe aSaleAcdeyle i nd Bide PlMirAeSa n a C Me prdeBo-of th e uy Bok. Powe r skie y olpp il h r ts-adBwhteprkaowernto, liH mnvile. isselori Quat- od i Chrst"whic wasver Minste - Re. eore . Wrd B..,B.D n, otersfnst d verl.heamus- SatrPetenbom te rnM mch n rti Oargani sticr.ar thur Col in, Muhs.B., LR.S.. boy's vortes.Thei ers wti rec i an extra Chris spresent thie ar.nd the weekend. reerbruh a and pprvdad te S tra nd S n aD cm e n net Bandacwasetrnlyvenjoyable, balnc e sar wtDecember 31st 1965 will ear 5% tperb o s har.a.d visitedwithMre adnit atin roeAglca 11 h.m e- Mori Wr shipaThe Sntor ation Dear te wt am m 9 ft he acs, counattemOnais Tr a bn ove Mentrs. Quant r. t h sYs' is to a en a dser Fowlweehpy le ndaýaer, m of h nt'sis ee blnedosblw teya n ee uig 9( h ofo hi erh.w r lo rmne f t "LIGHT IN TIM S F aRndlv v rES loadshe o und heLlir fotsheepstr ilstlaecieineet tte sa oe heweed. w oseCd ushstrpt Trno.eO e o pet h w t73 were rwarde with uch 4e paer annumrateadid an cpo ude dfr hequ- M1innr.Mage udrws nt A hotbsis p idws n "MO ERN RESU INAY SCH g O Lippfui.l ftLca eso te LBo-Nwon lc isaxofthe ie o rnserol dormantdbalanches Smth, ndr ie e Mrs. W al. n d r.g acl ae•"ua wBA ju s tonyood t lo a, a nnaelush smabou'Cmpost S ter St s we .oH.Muanl te o te galm Trnc Sam, aanhaEga 9:30 a..s-aJuioruItermedite andSenior and manned with fed oc lws Ms .MreMs a-te oeo r.RlhSde delghsaiad. attenden L. Mudrte Ftede tion ef Poth Perry vhere MiessMurlie...intriguiAn f-etda a i oo whothewpakags f e-Agriculture banquet at Orono Stevens W s guest speaker.' 11:20 a.m.- Primaryand Kiderartn o a th u n 1)ceber is Central (Ontario Trust's Annt ersary on Friday night. Ja Williar is gave a veryi 11:0 am. BeinnrsAli Baba, a splendid horse- stating that because interest rates at all levels are 11-00 i.m. - Bginnersman. E. R. Lovekmn, Newcas.tle, generally higher it i% addingr the 50%Interest "fringe and hliF 40 thipves were all mn benefit" to Savings Accounts that qualify as a gexture ------- -lor fl Arabian costumes. of appreciation to its thousands of loyal depositors, g e and they both fascinated and greatly pleased the crowdis. Deposits made to existing Savings Accounts.-,....F oF The Tyrone and Bowmanville before December 31st. 1965 will qualify for thPe5 Rehoboth Clown Band in striking cos- Interest rate as well as new savings accounits opened . .tumes; of red and pink was ilso before December 31st, 196.5 at either of the Com- NW Can te efOmed ChuChedly popular for its fine pany's of"icesi".Oshawa or Bowmanville. by Jane Witherspoon CfiristK-mThe Jazzy Jetrformwhich Central Ontario Trust recently raised its Guar- DC Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister ;Don Wilcox' merits; great cred- anteed Investment Certificate rate to 6% for 3 to OFi day No v. 26, Cla hrke Tee 0350A. was a big and bright silver 5 year terms and 5",,% for 1 and 2 year terms. HigheSchoolt heditsethird Telephne 6235023 1plane wit touches of red The Company plans to have Art Shows in the has been customary, the grad- Go-Go.tanatavil a 9 ien tre o "t nOshwaadbrnvite% hecafetdria.tudgatbanh etAFTER C M P ET0S UD Ch•R fCanadian Legion entry , was business hours - 9 to 6 Mondayç to Thursdays, 9 to 9 Mr. W. R. Strike, the guest abcStianly "superC.Urt dn n F""a ys andu"sis n' n-eSturdays. Passeniers speaker. and Ms. St rip or. Symes, and Sandra Robichaud to wait inside in wet or cold weather. and Mrs. Thom, were speilE LE C T Re. . oe. .A, .D -Tepoar Sppy imnpersonated the world fam- guests. Several bud vasescia Re. . lIo.,, BAB.. emorrySup o us Beatles with tremendous gold, white and blue carna- 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service ""yn't'g ridiers on horseback CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST tansrdecoratdthetbe and le dd extremely well represent- a large gt,é-ofmwhis and blu 7:30 p.m. - Worship Service ing our couintryv's renowned cAIG O PRTO neyttree fmumsloed - R.C.M.P. The Junior Clowns,& SVIG ORO A IO oeyat the l hedtable. Tur- "Proclaiming the whole counsel of God"p Bowmnanville Recreation De- ke , withall tenjr mings partmnent. were also markedly everyonePUT Bakt o orBodatpopuilar. I Oshawa 19 simcoe St. N., "723-5221 The student counci as CKLB Oshawa - Suinday. Dec. 5th. a( 9:15 p.m. iCo n d t,-.ý ilighbtfiil a n OF SRVICF.ADBwmanville 2.1 King St. W. 623-2527 ut nednb ' av ofrs>h grnaTm:FRTA SO TTINPO E6337 a The meýrrv on- blvn. who notedr that they ,archfame forgeneation, ..,,Ésoulddoubly appreciate the m

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