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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1965, p. 3

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Idav attended the Ot wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr-.! New S und S stem Alin Clemens at the Lionsý Donatd toSt. auls attendeti the 40th wedding an- Donatd toSt. auls niversary of Mr. and Mrs. At the moi-ning service n' infants wpre pre-senteti f fr Jack Smith, Bobcmygeon, Sat- Sunday, Dec. 5th, in Si. Paul* z'Baptisro: Michael John. son tirday. -United Church. the minister, of Mr. anti Mrs. William ACI Glen Fraser. Campi Rev. Haroldi A. Turner. Voovs. andi Alexander Frank. Borden. was home for the icated a ne'w Soîundi Syz- son of Mr. andi Mrs. Alex. weekend with his parents an* Wmfor the s~tua the Wiseman, brother. Mr. and Mrs. Randy, izift of M'rs. CbalsNM. Car- Fraser and Bob. ruthrs f , 2ierance St. Mr. Alan Fraser, London,] Mrs. Douglas Kemp, nit-ce or fTTT and frienti. Miss ]Lynne Brick-1 Mrs. Carruthers. madrthe, t'nIN er. Kitchener, were recent preseqtati<yn in behaif rof thP A Vesper Service wsll be visi-tors with bis Parents, Mr.i donor. belti in the church this Sun- ýand Mrs. Randy Fraser. i V oi ce . reprodiuctin sý day es'ening at 7:.30 p.m. A communitv supper wl through ,"F'o forty-eight inrh Practire for thp vesprr serv- be held in the hall next month S.ound Clumos, the latest ire for the Explorer anti C G. at which football trophies will endi best instruments rif con- T. girls will be ai 1:.10 p.ý. ;n be presenteti. trolleti sounti tisper.zion. Cli-l-he cburch insteati of the even- Miss Judy Thornton anti Tinating reverberation anti ing. Miss Sandra Taylor, Toronto, minimizing feed-back. The Explorer gir1, wifh have been our student teach- Mr. Turner -xpresgeri lie tlheir leaders Mrs. Ross Cryd- ers in the junior room under thanks of the congregation to erman anti Mrs. George Knox the supervision of Mrs.i Mrs. Carruthers for ber geni- entertainedti Ieir mothers Sat- Roberts. erous gift, whicb will he ap- urday afternoon in the chîîrch. Bradleys Christmas conccrt, preciated bY man.\ worship- TheY helti a star c1enyi ilb edbte alti pers. <speciallv the hard-of- which the npw rones cominglFritiay eveningz: Baker*s con-, hearing. into the group rccix'et their vert m,11 be in the hall Dec. At the same sers irr t wo md rstars anti the older girls 2on Dec. 2lin*sb h rerciveti their golti stars. o e.2 i The program %vas prepareti Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce Tink. hy Jennifer Eakins. Vickie visîteti with Mrs. W. A r- Behind this label... Slat-inwhite anti Shirlpey West- istn. Brooklin. .Om lake. Chorus by teg ir ls, Mr. anti Mrs, BrieOî'-rn "Winter Wondpi'laid". Shirley iston anti Barbara Anne, Co-ý Hame reti TheNigt B- loihî..werp recrnt vîsitorFs \ laforertna"Theackie tB--'n wth Mr.anti Mrs. Bruce Tink.i sang "H(, is Sle](epinig whilp othrrs actetiout the words. - Jane Lyntie gave a stor>- on -m n th b th ofgirls Wit".Chris- en ship1 z. vthe 'ir of-Chite'Chorus mas". Ellen Crytierman antiCudE iv Marilyn KKnox hati charge of ly the worship service. Games wcre onduccti V 'alerie wrr cndctrih\Xmas D*n e .~. Page anti Anne hisRe- n e ..........freshments were servet p ' Ih mnhi etig o the girls, hringing tn a -clo se hPmrtl etn a otenYyhl t erion lrinity Uiteti Chlircb Frienti- CANDIA SHR1 aMti hv the mothers. son hip Club was held in the harlhy he mthes.church auîditoriuîm on tbe Mrs. Nelsonn Fice, Mris. ec(ning rif December 101h Georpe Cochrane. Timiy anti' commencing at 5:30 p.m. A'n Tracy, Tauntorn. visiteti wîth turkcv dinner witb ail the fi a ieMrs. Frank Wr'tlake Sr. trimmings was enjoyeti hv the 1, Mr. anti Mrs Rov Lanz- sm onimcspeet Lmaiti dM.ant ailv Mr. Chas.rU.C.W. Units Nos. Ibren anti1), t Lagrnad ati fmîlveiuofur supplindthebbcdessert anti nr a Christmas familx' gathcring uaitnti on tables, which was di al.the brime ofiV .ant i Mn. mîîch appreciateti anti for Orville Liion's. Peterhorough, w-hich thrv synre sîiiablv hi on Suntiay.~r iics o'a thanketi. After dînner a Christ- Mm. ati .... ck - - ' -1 . FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET WE SPECIALIZE IN: Fancy Fruit Baskets FULL bINE 0F: GROCERIES, CIGARETTES, CHOCOLATES AND CANDY Aiso Agent-, for JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS * HONE -623-5674 \va- pieSenteti liv 12 'membersý of the Cluib dicecbed by Mca. Norman Wooitie -v with Mia. R. Hallowell pcovrding tbe muair. Mcas. W. C. Ives conducteti a ghrl t hisinesmeeting. ariter xvhich she %v'as presenteti xxii h a corsa,;ge- anti an appmopriate' atdrrss by Mca. M. E. Leask anti Mca. C. G. Morris in ap- preciat ion o ribr tievoteti sec- vce tn this club ePver ince. ils inception. Mrs. Morris anti Mca. AIhert Cole led in a qui'. contestiun wa'ich aIlltook part anti en- Joirie. Mca. Ken Suimersfordi ]Pei in a sing-song wxith Mrs. Cote Pt the piano.t A mos? enjoyable cveiiîg was spent throi.ghoi.î. This enrincludea activîties for Ibis ycar, xxitb un announcement that bbc niext regular meeting will be helti on the fourth Fcida.y in January. Rex'. Mr. George Ward pro- IInouICeti the be.netiiction. Celebri Mr. atiti Mrs .Aihin ('lep- mens ivrre a t. homenie trihé?ît rietirlaiand relatives aihe .îinsi Cnmmunitv Centre. Rbrixv'ille. on Satiurda', )ec'omnhcî'11111,196,5. on Ithé crasirii of thei r 6lut lu ed- Aggi Max' Taylor anti /V- hn Hrnîry Clomeua xeîrei iliterl in irriage December 3. 115. ah the home rit the rides na-euts. Mr. anti M:'s le>.x 'layx'lr'19.3RCoicessi'in oui. I Iipki. Tbey have Livrd in or oea:! his ('oiimiuuiitvail their hrc A% Clmciis asas bruni 31aukuinî'k but moxodti tr oas' nia îx'u île xvheuu t \so cea1 )Idl Mm Cu mn. waas homo iar Hanmpton ini a boue nov, cipeiby Mmr. anti (jMr".1 W fariing wben marcid1 id li%'eti foi 4(0 anars on the1 unir farn, now ourned hx Vl.Nrivvak Thev reticedti tu unVit Preseý;nt home a? 381 rnriessinri S?. W..-in yeai'sý :0 If avas thep home of Mms.5 leii.' Parents anti hbas 'cr in i the famils' fr 7. Si fil ni il( ou elr ai, ,a m hi y5' * ta b thenk those wrho put 'The Canadian Statesman. Bowmianvllle. Dec. 13. 1965 --t 0 h Annve sa y ae rs out, the boys who col- ate vin iver a., lected and a very speciai 'thanks ta the drivers, Mr. D. ~ ~ . Adcock. Mr. W. Jarvis anti 'Mr. R. Stevenson. Apprecia - ed ing Doug White who made the: Poster for the store. The FC - WADDELL rounded bv white roses, white Tyro hoe tohav a divebaby ehrysanthemnums, ste- Tyosoe tri eahave a drivet. George's M e m o r i a 1 phanotis a.nd ivy. Hei- on.iy lke thsveach moner tb. Churcb. Anglican, Oshawa, jewelrv was her great-grand- kxties and baskets. 'as t.he settîng for the mar- mohe's fi-year-old brooch. Mr. ati Ms. Muray age of Judythe Edith Mar- S.*~'- *~1~- Mand anMil r.Muron grtduhbrofM and The maitiof honor waq ~ et Mm.and rs. aro t- i Mrs. Frank Francis Waddeii. iss ary Pernak. Oshawa. ed r. nd rs.HarldSal- Osbhawa. tri Douglas Wýilliam, anti the bridesniaids were ..-.'ster. ýFice so of Mr. anti M-s. Miss Be v eri1y McCuhy .,s. Lorenzo Mounton , Nelson, Fie. mTunn. Mis,. Diana Pierce adMs ... ~from Nestleton visited wi1h CnnF .Oglvof.Cain Shewring, ail of -,for catet anti bc solort. M r Shewrîng. Taunton. a fe das ths wek. John Fcancom. Oshawsa, waq Recently Mr. anti Mrs. acconipanietib M.Aln Mr. Murray lt. ap Keth Smth alenet teReesor. brin. was the best man and wedding of Keitîhs brother, those ushering were Mr. Keith Mr. Neil Smith, in Brighton. Gi-ne araeb ' erFice, Mr. David Waddell and The bride was Joanne Green- fahr h rd vsse i Mr. Roger Waddell. ail of ...~~~, ~a formaI peau de si onObw featuring a roundnckne.atMrAlnWs- i-anti Mrs. Wiltred ';male, edgedi with lace anti ee lake. Hampton. entertaineti Mr. andi Mrs. BobcPearl appliques, lily-pointl Foliowing the reception MTQuro ntofrtiheawv on eeesanti the front panel ri, helti at the UAW Hall, the Torono fo theweeknd. he skirt. acce-nteti by Similar: couple ieft. on a Florida lion- Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smithl appliques. The debachabieymoon wîth the bride don- .,. .- accom'panied Mr. and MrF !train was hielti a? the waîsb nîng for travelling, a mul.- Glenn Smith tri Bobcaygeon by self flowprs. 1-er commet1 berry xvooi suit. whîte fur on Saturtiay afterriorn for the of senti pearîs anti opaquie hat, black patent accessories ~'.40th wedding anniversary of' crys3tais helt iber quadiruple'anti a corsage of white roses - Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Sm ith. 1sbriulder-Iengtb x'eil of silkanti chry.santhemun's. Mr. and .~,t-, -' î~Mm. nd Mrs. Donald Prescottl illusion, anti she cacrieti a! Mrs. Fice will niake their kF of Enfielti anti Mr. anti Mrs. j bouquet oif ced rosesiur- hom in Taunton. so~. , ... ~ . Allyn Taylor. Bowmanville. I also abtentiedti b annîx'ersarx celebi-ation. - - -~ Mrs. Gertrudie Stephens (' ~, ,- Toronto anti Mr. Arthur7S t JI anti Mrs. Bert Stevens r (i/u i I Satucdav. ZMr. anti Mca Alex Carrick DEFINITIONS - CHRISTMAS spent a fewv tayr, wrbb Mr. anti Mrs. Keefe in Torontoi. Vie lîie of the 'car when vnu tri- and bui- gifts for Mm. anti Mrs. Ben Killiîa3our family o<f somethinz they really need . . . so that entertainetMiss Lroiuise Gond after Christmas they a.,euag hm o oehn ,man on Suntiav evening for: they w'ant! r. and Mrs. Aibin Clernens SuoDper. Mrs. Charles Whneloc-k'. The bride o r 'Ptnoin re's'from <()itario'C Prime N1iniîý-,sister andti er- busband, Mr. renvet iîn a lovePlx'sntting of!tr, li.IonilîîRrbartsý A anti iVrs. Howardi Hansfocti. flower.s anti plants, . egtieiIlegram ss'as receivetifnmle- down in their own plane rif frientis antid ltvs The tle Quppn.i'bcy werp i- froi-n Caletion East a wseek CLOTHES CARE HINT: bride 'hose for- ber tîs.(-ipients n f marîy other lovely, ago on Tuesday for a visit. blure brocatin sith corzazr 0f.jgifIî. ircludinc an AM-FM! At Guides. the girls laid a rrotert IYourplf . . . ai this lime oif btheiear Insist that Pink roscbutis. a guifi[min t'adîn [romn th(, famîilY, anti a' raiL Brentia Terrill passeti gift garments are guaranteed drv--eleanable. the pgieai-grarirliîlrreti. pote lamo [from thie Taylorih er accident prevention test.ý Thrir attendants of 51) eaîi% aml The cegular meeting for the, SUPPORT THE SALVATION ARMY - agroivsare able tr attendi. Mi 3. Thcetva able a \-ssiuî Girl Guides wil be on Tues- Sidney -liughsnuî of Torioîo. ss îhýtb a tclier wedtiing cake day rif next week. the 21lt. CHRISTMAS FUND brîdesmaiti. sis'crr if the ,tpIinwliiitlle anti sur- iiTbe girls would like b o in vl e epn hs ls otnt bride, anti Mr.Hilliu f'a^'le iineti ribvnantIes in crýYstal!some carollîng for Christmas o wlbe epigts esfrune .son of Cobour'g. grnomrisnap. tcr. he cake Was made on this nigbt as part of thei'- enjoy a hetter Christmas! C'oîiui f IthE s rnom n h'a raintdaîrghter. Mca. Rom Christmas parts', then retu(n K:dra l3iriiirîrof Clr"nîc'ns. tIo the chureh 'fri- games anti briden, was ilso ahîn tn alttirîl Pourung tlt ra seeMI'.anti refmshments. v Amnng the rmaux' hniit:,luîl Ms lee.'nieces. whlilp c at ca'lrec ink r 4.~~ flowers ei dplants xsas ancn t ma t neerble itnbto Toronto tri visian iW iA î ~ heaiitifil flnuwer a'agm'îsre cousin, Mca. Watson, on Mon- of w~hitre mins anti mr io- '1lmpor iiandeib xrnie "nf d gift from the 'Ilmin at omn rt - gcntchîti'n.'Toro rtoIn their wîx'ea- antid ant in a arr'an.gemit of 'yel" familles rmceiveti the giiesta i low 'mutimasent [i rom Cthp ai the donc .K M A R Y U Townrif Roxvmaithile. Thev Mm. anti Mms. Clemnens haveMA EA R S Y U recivei rve 10 r'rt [oi" fouir' grandchiltiîen, Rom n frreîîds ati clatîxes: also le' Barrx' Clemens of l atntir, tei's rifcou'igatuî'ations tm'nnMaiv Magiîire anti Kcîth Vut l the Prime Minister. bbe Pt. Cieens rit Torornto. anti twoV Hou. Lester B. Pearson. Rt. great gandcbiidcen, Brent antid Hn .rib on Diefenbaker. Ru- rti Clemens of Hampton. sel] Hriîe, M.P. for Dflucham. Gietawrepesn fo Alex Carrithe-. ,M.P.P. f epeetforCbu Trno omn-X Duurham, anti HIS Wrbpse Oshawa anti surmountiinz V Mayor lnhWý, aiid a plaque Mnmnîuunities, GIVE OPEN ate 58th Anniversary t~GIFTS < OF1f~xM Txvo of the gucsts at the Sixtieth Wedding Anrîiversary of Mr. and Mrs. Al-inn Clrnens here on Siturday were Norman Wright, JR.R. 1, Enniskillen. lbcv wpre_-elehr-at.inig their 5elth wpdd îgp aniîîversar 'v thk- sarne day. HAMPTON Mr. andMi. Jack Collier gether. Thr-v orarticpci for Mr,; RandIre were at %Mr ad ivere vi.zitors on Saturdav for the Christmas prograrn whý, irh rs W-nYeo on Sa tlrday supper at the home of Mr. w:ll hr Pitt on at theBw to relebraîp L<is seventh anti Mr- Allison T.eemRin. manville Baptist Church un bîrthdav. On Satirday tveniflg, Mr. Friday niuht ai 7:30l. Thev Mr. atid M!.ý Dntig Rpnni and M~ Ronaldi Luke visited also plavnld -amirs andtihari visiteri Mr. Reon's nephew, .Mr. and MrF. Don Jonab anti somne Bible quizzes. Rfer.ýh- Mr. Ivan Rm'to)n, in Port Cre- W Gwen., Martha andi Colin, in ments were "i-vf-d anti a goodi dit on Sundav night for su p. Taunton. timr was had bv al.per.y Mr. and Nîrs. M pr w in Wendell Prime u-as îtif Mr. anti Mrs. Art Reynolds Mountjov attended the Ire ipeaker al? Bownianville RBap- rf'cent1v sprnt à wpekend in' CaPades in Toronto on Fr-ida" I- ist Chuirch Iast Sundav even-1 Montreal visitin.g Mr. and evening. enîoving il ver. nu when the Young pcoplpe'1s rý- Tom Walrmelev and fam- V mucki. The Mountjoys visitedigroîîp took the servire. l ' Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon MeLean Rrcent s isitors ai the horne Mr- and MRP Renoldz t'Ook recentlv in Bowmanville, ai- of Mr. and Mrs A. W.Pr- th 'f mulv to 13rceVila- so Mr. and Mrs. MountjoY crtî were: Mr. antid 1us 'ib' nteocainn atterdeti the funeral of a seli Ormiston, Enniskillen. Stever Re nnlds' hirthdav, coin al Npwmarket andtiheonMr, ant i r. îll Ashtin Mr*7Shirley ,Reynoltis 'sa ,iermneni ai Bethe.;da ceme- Caelsarea. M.r anti Mrs. -Wiln, In Oshaw-a thizz week, examîn- er n Scott Township Carrîgan anti Douglas. O-h- 1r. riupîls for Red Cro,;i Mr. Melbourne Prime's ms- awa. Mr. antivlrz. Jaro)h SWirnnz arihîevement-z ter anti ber husband. Mr, and Kessler and Amy. Boltn, Mr.'Mr.andi Mrs Dolig H:ggîns Mrn. Harlev Dakin. were anti Mrs, Herbert Prescot. a nl J m nt tr Toronto on %,Lsitorsý on Sundav at the Rotiger. Er!n anti Anita. N¶la- Sa? îrtiav anti were forced to Prîmes They are fron' Novai oie Grox'e. anti Mr andi M's v nvprnizht because, of the Scotia anti are vîsiting rela- Lew Raham. Richmondtilli.!C- roiad'z Thpeý rpturned tives un, in these parts Mr andi Mrs. Robert B-- hr- c Sinoa, o i t \Ir,ý P'-rne z Siunda'v Sehoo! arit Osha-a. xverr Sli;.în ' "-eT"'ozhart ;i -r--'i ia went o flie Prime homr- "îsrtnrs at thE n' >f i~\- C n j at-r dryvr on Sat'- on Saturday for a jet-to. and MNr6. AIl Rarîdle. Mr. anti dày and th'e leader ol Ronson Hair Dryers C.E. Clock Radios - Bulova Clock Radios - - . m m $19.95 1 C.E. Coffee Maker - $29.95 1 Iron - - BULOVA WATCHES FOR ALL' Bulova and Westlield Walches - - - $10.95 up LEADING LADY "À" 23 ie., lfa edw vmite.c ' PtAMONO DREAM 'A" ' - 1 ."*' "".' - I « wh511. S .1 JET CLIPER "D' VS" 7 .t .. a. t'a,--'; -i -""'ai'..iv ami '-"'i i~'l ~e also . . Bulove "CARAVELLE" from $1295 Up FOR HlM...0 LEADING LUDY »r ?ini u',*ei. , 1aMehiuu Electric Razors Philishavo . . . $19.95 up Remuington . . . $28.95 Shick - - - - - $19.95 LIGHTERS From-----$3.50 up Transistor Radios - Parker Pens Lealher Wallets See our Costume Jewellery by "CORO"e MAR R'S JweYi 39 KING ST. W.BO; ",~h1 - * w$29.95 . . . $ 17 9 5 . a $1.95 up - . a a w 35 j V L ~ i I . m . . $49.50 1

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