4 The Canadian Stâtesrmmn. rrmanville, Dec. 15, 18 EDITORIAL COMMENT The Dimensions of Poverty nhe poverty conference being held ln Ottawa this* week is hringing te the publics attention a gond deal of infor- mation about the dimensions of peverty lni Canada. Some cf the statisties and circurrstanees wbicb have been re- counted have heen known te those wýho have taken a specialist interest ini such problems, but it is important that thev also receive the widest possible circu- lation. For in the end it is in the local communities that much of tlîe work will have to be done and where the need for an understanding of the nature of the problrm is probably greatest. .The oonference fias heen told tîtat there are more than one million illiter- &tes in Canada. A studY cf rural poverty cônducted bx' the Canada Welfare Council has feund that in some areas people are living on an income oif as littip as $11.71 per person pet-r onth and that thevy are cut off froni the citv- centred economic life cfthie countr v. A similar study of urban povertv revealed that the families stuidiec were living on incarnes considerablv belowv tue Anieri- cani standard (if povert 'v. T he poor in Toronto and the oher three cities studird. the report said. sliaredcr<d ed. u esatisfactorv\- housi ng; frequent rnovePs; low eduication levels; poor health; Iimited aspirations for tlivii- selves and their children, and a lethiar- gic attituide te their CircLImstatices. An Indian Affairs Branch report saidi that the average life expectanc'v et' Indian iùen and wemeu was less tItan .35 vears, that 60 per cent liad an incom-e of less thin $1,000) a >'ear and 6,000 Inidian familips are badlv in niecd of lhotsinrg. Frorn these facts and figures and others that are heirîg presented at the conference a picture of Canada's poer beginx b emerge, comnients The Peter- boroiugh Examirier'. Their numbers are astonishinigly large ini the affluent soci- ety that Canada constituites; thev' ,are blighted h 'y poor health, limited educa- tion and économic opportunities; they are cut off from the mainstream of Canadian lite and until recentlv had apparently gene largely unnoticed hoth by policy-makers and the public. Exist- ing welfare and training programs do net seem te have touchcd them greatlv. It is unqucstionably true, as a Manitoba brief te the conference said, that past national policy is partly to blame for this. It suggested that govern- ments have been concernied and largely successful ie fostering national expan- sion but haven't been concerrîed about regional disparities and the social le- equalities te which these give risc. Yet it would be unfair to suggest that this is simplY the fault of governiment. Public realization (aund witb it govere- ment real ization) that getieral eceno- mie growth and fuiliernpîcyment are not the only necessary targets cf gov- ernment polieY bas been comparatively recent. I t is truc that the national go\,ci- mient lias recognized its rcsponsibilit «v iii equal îzîrg t iie opportuîiities oif people livingL in differerit provinces and that tl1e riclier provinces have r'ecognized t heir dut ies 1<> thle poorer cnes. But <<n lv iutilue last few veirs bas it been trnecrstood lhat widcspr'ead pover' \v ('ait cx ist w I nprosperitv' rini the richest andci-niost advanced ntitons on earthî anid tlha t sf-.eee r'egional bliîght cari ex ist w thtiii an expandirig econonî.v. 'Eh é' regiorial appr<îach lto eco(n(nic pu jblenis, thie newv empliasîs on rnan- power policy'. vocational trainîing, cdu- cat ion irn gerteral, public beusing are all t esponses to this new irîsiglht. "'ei ,goxernrrfenît's commitment to a cotirdiri- ated and lorîg-term attack on poverty in aIl aspects is anl important ]andmar ini social poliex'. The lask is huge, fraugbt witli difficulties and possibly* unendirîg. But it is an important begijn- niiug and it offers the promise <if'ait improv'ement iin the quality of Carna- dian life. 'Tivas tire imntb bet'ote Chiristmas An-d ail througb. the land Net a doubt wvas made token Net even by hand. The votes were aIl countedi With the greatest cf care And everyone knew No need for despaîr. TIe glitters were glittering In a near by plaza And we ail got te thinking About dear oId Santa When wbat te my wondrrig ears Should appear but a query Iib tiers (I might have known the .answer ta fears) *'!Vummy" he said "I krîow now for sure That Sarîta's not î'cal. Yeu auîd your "Pure as the new-fallen 5flow Don't tell me f ibs. Thie truth you wvcl know." "Now, y-ourig fellow," 1f saici In my most Motherly tone 'You made me sec red When you spoke, se alonc. Why are you sure" He answered "Tommy said sti" And Billy, toe. He ougbt te krîow.t' "Oh," 1 said, "Is that it?," ItYoU believe ail you lîear'?" Let us look at this thirîg From a site \'ery niear." I'picked up a book :'The night befere Christnas" it sard 'And we looked at old Santa Ail jelly bcwl and red. "'New, son1'5 I began, "Lut nie say a %vord," 'Tve livedi a leeg tirtre, I've sern plotighshares and sworc'. And old Santa is as real As an vonp's zeal. When he openis a gftt And his heari takes a lift Santa's as ni asa thi- magurc 0f one' çnnoNfl;;kp. As tht' sperrfîc Kind word that each day Yoit hear on ynttr av Santa's as netar as the tinte that you hum, He's as ne-ar as thre Ieat ori the druro, And he lives ferever and ever like love; And be visits below anti high above lie's liere and nean' as a \vhisper'ed pi'ayer Hie's her'c, there. I le's ever.vwhIer'e "Buit Tommy asked for a bike last \'ear Arid ail lie get x'.as sonie iueder-wear." MN, Iittle ,;on shruggýed his shoulders And Iooked at mie like life wvas a boulder. "XeI," I said, "Just stop tu think. And I looked ithe rnirror And gave a little wiek; "Tommy needed underwear didn't lie?" "Yes, but be wanted a bike." "'My dear little bey" I spoke s<ffly thten "iSinoe when is wbat be want the "Amen." Santa shows us how to help How to give and net te yelp. How te help and expect nothing. Wby do you suppose Santa's bringirîg Toys and clothes and ail that fer? Who's thinking cf what He'd like more? "You knew I neyer thought cf that; Wait 'tilI I tell the guys, "You bet!" Semehow new I understand Santa's as real as he ever pianned He lives always in every lanîd As long as there's one helping hanci. Then he stopped and pendered as I waited Witln ry thougbts and prayers abated "Mumrny just in case Santa is busv And does another boo-boo tii Tommy Couldn't we get a bike, Second hand or sometbirig like. JIere's mv allowance, put it awav Just for once ll do it Santa's way; For vou see I den't need a tbing but I f'ec 1 Thiat Tommyn,, must lea'ni that Sarîta's nea I l'or if Santa gues (out (J this world with bis reindieer Chrtistmas is going te be a very dark corne r! - Marron Foîrd P.S. Nia'Ilie Cliristmas Iigbts ne'.er go (lut! NOT MUCH MISSEI> Nnt muc(h is misscd in welfarc i C'anada. The Dutton Advance lists imist of the, methods. They include family allowances. hospital insurance, vtneemployment insurance, unempley- ment assistance, universal pensions at 70, old age assistance at 65, veteraris' services, pensions at age 18 for the blind or disabled, mothers' allowances, and dependerît fathers' allowances, chilcl svclfane protection. medical aînd deetal cane for the needv, nîrrserv arîd daN- cane cerntr'es, suibsidized liousinu-Y for lo\v- income families and the aied. gerneral welfaire assistance foi, the poor. tuber- culosis saiîitaria and nmental hospitals. nu i'sinîg homes and convalescent bospi- taIs for the aged, irîfirm or chn'onically Ml. . Z)t %tabianMu tt#maRu Duuram Countys Gzeat Family Journal Established 111 yearsaao in 1854 Also Incorporating The Bownicarville News The Newcastle Independent - The Orono News Authoied au Second Crista Mil by the. Pont Office Depi. Otawa..aeid for vains Produced svery Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W.. Bownîanville, Ontario JOHN M. IAMES GEO. W. GRAHAMf EntTR'ruPuIMLISYo ADV'rG. MANAGEZ SUBSCRIPTION RATES S5.00 a Year, stnictly in advctnce $6.50 a Year i the 9 S-i e U 6 men et *nrj ucs GEO. P. MORRIS BUSiNEss Mmt. United Sîctez AiW.euqh e avoier utrrtinwilit a. tken tri oled erroi 1h. it Gonou a eesmon accepta advertie. ix cilumBIeon théeunderutfmdrntq tIraIil wrtt trot hab ible feroi ey emarita culadvertrsanrent edhareuades unisa.onet et such endveraîenrt la requosetd li wrrttnq Jar thee adverhis.r Mmd r@turned le The CarnrdrrorrStt..twrrr businesotite. duly igned by thre advertiser ind wth auch IMM eot oerrectir ptrily ,,rted i writinq theteon. tnad in thOt Cri.. il oir errer lin actel la nt oeo dby th. Cmedrrrr, ;tctearn nits iýcbrirty uRialt e f *x,..d errh ce Prtrtin n#thr.e ei. test -Ieu dvwumoin.et r, tIh.e -ryca eeupied b, the. noted error bear,,,lin thewheule sprre eccupred TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMATION Whcreas at a meeting of the Couincil of the Corporation of the Towlî of Bowruianville, it wvas resolved that Mon., December 27, 1965 BOXING DAY be ar-d the sanie is berehy affixed as a CIVIC HOLIDAY These arc, therelore, hi niake known'r that ini cciipliance %%vitil the alîîresaid resoltution 1 do hereby proclaîînî Morîday, Decerrîer 27th, 1965, Boxiîîg Day, air a Civie Holiday. IVAN M. I)3S Toi-n of Bownîanville GOD SAVE THE QUEEN <-J ei~ters Dec. 6, 1965 Te 'l'lieEdiior: Tho' there have bee nieo public adverse cemmetîts ini' yeîîr îe1liis on 11Y long epistle of a fcw wecks ago on v'ciennitiat l)lctthet'e have hecît severat of the othei kîrd, especialiy frem tewiis and cities. One discerning party re- riýitaked that people are îîet takiîig eîiough iiterest nor doing enoug inii public ways, btrt rather, Icaving things for cJiL cJ/eC éc/,tclr governrneiîts, C o ni Iii t tees and execuitives. There was one'renteitiiat ('ounte'r suggestionî from Mrs. J. H. Hogarthi of 1liaýnptont \vltich xvas t lial tooir Darl ing- ton Towtnship ahaiîdeîed cemel'eries stin d e I restor- ed. A timelv suîggestionî. A towniship cemniittee w.as appointed a te'.'* years a go to have this wovrk donc. As far as I catîi larn the' stan xvas made Iast y'car cii the cemetery otie-lialf cille \vest off Eldiad Church. Sînce and Distant Past From the Statesman Files 25 VEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO <Dec. 19, 1940) (Dec. 21. 1916) Arinouricement was mîade last week efthte pur'cbase of Angle-Canadiani Drugs, Lirnited, Oshîawa, bs' tbnee prorninenît Oshaw.a citizens, Messr.s. E. A. Loeiel and C. E. Sourb anîd Lieut. Evenett LovelI. TUe itew cornpanîy '..1tich i '.viIUckitown as Atiglo Caniadiait Dr'ug Com- paris"'. xviIî Uce nder tUe personial mianagemnent cf Mn. Seechi. Mnr. So.c hi is tUe eldest solitof Mn. anîd Mis. Walter O. Sourît, Carlisle Av'e., Bowrnvxille. TrnittsWc-nann's Associa- tion ineti in thte schttot nioni on Dec. tltU with. Mrs. W. H. Webb pî'esidiîîg iii tUe absenîce efthte pu'sident, .Mrs. 1'. W. Caw.kei'. Mrs. 0. Osbornte acnd Cin'cîe '.vce iii charge cf the devoticîtal serv.ic'e anîd pregnani. Mns. 'N. Wighit read tUe scr'ipttnne lessen and Mrs. C. A. WigUt offtfcr'd praYet'. Christmas stcr'Y was gîvent bY Miss Thorca Davseit anîd solo bv Mn's. V. Ott, acrecnîpanied by Mrs. A. Belîntani. Manager' Qe. E. Chiase tof TUe Hydt'c Shcp irîforrns us tlte.v have'u ad tUe largest Citnistnîtas business of elec- tî'icat applianres iii vear's. XX'iitet's iii St. Johîn's Meis Club Christmîas ir'aw ar'e. R. McDoriald, goose: A. Edioidstunie, utiose: cachi etft te toi le'w.iîîg .oti a chick- eii. N. K. Bruton. C. Beties, Il Ca outiîit. (Chas. 'ishi. ni.sUi ci. uts'g<nntî'Soueth', for teuic x'iit('ianîd s living in 'Mis. F. C. Ccîînner's Itouse Ont Ciircit St., BowxnianvxiIIe. MnI. and Mns. S. If. Jet- Ti ,lor'ounto. wxve iin o'x'n Friclasv tor, ilue Jeffcr'v - W'agar' ". dnitîîg arnd aIse pave' te ,ediien' tf 'Pie Statestait a frienclsv Cal. Ni'. Ros S\&-Itdeîîs bas te- ceix cd bis <'al]Intodut * vwith tUe .CA.F. antd i new sianioiied ai Mannirtg Pool, Torconto. Mis,; Canot Mar'tvN-1 is a te-npor'ans' niernben ef tUe poîst office snaff until Christ- Miss NhniatntPund v and Mn'. Clane Ganton, Bcbcay- geon. wcre Sundla'. visitons ot Mn. anîd Mrs. T. A. Gar- ton. Miss Margaret Wightnian, To'ntnîo, x'.as guest ot Miss Mar v Jewvelî. Pte. Ce(-til Ilood, Camîp Bondeit. xas hionie for bhe MIissý Thora Da'.ison gav'e V'an D ' kes "TUe Lest " ild",u Port Penny Unit- cd Cbîînc'i, Sundav eventiug. Pue. Jîrn Sisson. Exhibition Muitan'.' Camp. Tenonte, is bonric Ne'.'.t 1< Mr Il. ('. Car'- tel'. cîr grnîîai Batik cf Cern- mrects-er uclenlis been trans- ferred to Nort.b Bay. Thtis town was visitetî Uy three fines during tUe e eck -one in Mn'. Gould's bouse on Liberty St.. tUe second on Sunda ex'eniîîg in Cow-- an's stable, tUe nid Caxvker slaughter bouse on Liber'v St., and tUe tbird Moîîdav everting about 8 o'clock wlien a blaze broke oîut irn F. 0. Masorî's store bouse. soi.th side et Kinîg St. TUe Odd Fellox'.s off Ponîîy- pool gav'e a banquet Friday niglît, Dec. 8 iii the foi-Ili off an oysber supper', as a fane- well to Mr. E. Bensoît. w'o intended leax'ing xxitut bis farnily foin Peterborougit. Mn. and Mns. Benson wcre pre- seebed witb au addness antd a punse treinitUe Odid FuI- lows antd Rebekali Lodcges, and Presbytei'iani Chunchi, cf wbicb tbey' weree embeis. Mn. W. F. Allen anîd Miss Atllen, Bownmanvill. xisitcdi tht' Iorm'rns soit, mni. .L. Allen, yestenda.,Mnr. Allen is tUe eldest iv.inr ex-xvand- e of tUe Cci.ntlecs. TUe Editor cf'The Wonld hîad a verv pleasanît corereuationt witb Mn. Allent, ini w'Iicb lie necunted inbunestiîîg antd historie incidents cf tUe court- tics' bygene dayýs.-Coboung World. Mn. A. Carni'toi Mac- Natigîttoit, B.A.. Banister. Soliciter, Nota v, e t c., a s w'ilI Uc seenibUv uts pt'ut<s- sionial I r d l \s'..lt" v'..tIl litut' r ls Bttwittalii lit' ti nt iii icat ofut it'RirýaI Bankl wltere Dr. J. C. Dvt' dental etfice xvas. Mr. S. C. RendU11'. hc ('/.1'. is ini Rochiest'r.iN,',. vire ie lîad aspcî x'nsit \vili utDr. IIar's' C. rîîiîuips. Miss FIcua IL.Cl'oe si ai a cncertilan îttîî.li rc. 8thi. and lasa. 'cped i oil,- vitation te Ne'..tout'.il le at the New Yarsenthernlu- u-neit tJaruîîa s i. Miss Mciellani has golle te Chicago, I., anîd xiii spend Il-e xiiter 'wiit hîci' sisten, Mrs. Ben Briitialî atî othen relatives tîer'e. Mrs. Ed. F. Weekt's antI sens Jack anîd George. St. Marys, are xisiting ben' par- ents. Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Kt".s. Mn. JoUht Bradîes'. teuthter, lias beeri appoieted Cîerk cf Newcastle, in successien to Mn. Geo. Jarniesori. Mrs. W. P. Prewet' lias ne- tunned fnom a x'isib x'.ith relatives in Hamilton. Dito. das and other western points. Miss Mabel Bras'. Tononto, is holidaying wit litenruoncle, Mnr Fred Fosten. "Nor'.x'ed Place". Rev. F. MWeodpen as e- turned fnem '.isntinî hîls hrotber and othen relativ.es at Port De'.er and other we,,,tc>n points. -Missz E. E. Havcrafî x isît- ed Whitby friendsi aât week. flic demih of .Mr. Kl'.lrd wheIi was the architeet for lîlacinap the stoînes the work is i a siandistilIllhere. After a \'isiltot this gravevard last su oinîer 1'vas iasked for sug- Pestions bh*-v tle cItairman of Ile <onimtiittee. t arn tno ar-chiiecI lbut did suggest ptatîting evergreeîi trees (or othcrs if mrnîe suited te lthe soil i as a background. This shlud mniie lawrî rare: also, if stonles \Ver,( laid flat close tegeiher %vith just the widih of a lav.n rower lie- twren rows lUcre would be less lawviî<'are. Descendants cf pioneers interested in these places niglit rare to <'oittnilite x earlY tb per- peteal racil. w it h I,2res ti i-<dl(t'nte - teries anîd over 61) farrn- steads in Fedieratioti of Agri- culture cotrpetition, several nmitcs lotrcaitroadsde sheuld, resetl, and wîrlh *v of sight- seeing hY iiîterested folk, Sitîce îi y late liusbarid took short courses instruc- tion under Durham District Agriculture Represeetative lthe late R. S. Dunican, ie 1913-14, and nîv son anîd daualiter- in the thirties under the laie E. A. Sum- mers, 1 have always valued the \verk cf tliese dedicated nîin, tue' as w.ith cen ,Junior Farniers tcdav tee rnany w'ere antd are forced te find eniployevreît bey'evnd the farms. Maiiv Junior Farm- ers Ioda.' are a real asset at berne in off heurs. As te the Federation oif Agriculture. heing a memnben cf tîhe tirst W'crnen's Direc- torate ofthte Onîtario Fed- eration ef Agriculture, a meinher cf tlîe two s'ireng groups cfthe Federation, Shîrougl a ffi liation -with the Wemei's Institutes aîîd later yer.pa ing Illte tax lev 'V9 1have alwasskepu lenteîich wvitl thce proprcss efthte objective iin the leiida 'Ns, lev.. Ilte eronornur'position cf the mrs ots farmers F.Ac- tnrdiii te lthe repcrt ibis s'ear ioe the r'pesideint cf CanAdfian Federalion cf Agr - Cul ture. th inîgs iii tîtat pir- turc are nt.t to rosv. Tlh is letter wi Il Uc toclong 1 know. but 1 would like to pass ori sonie glcanirigs on tUe road and street-side lit- terirîg. Iii a tetter frori a terento resident sUe said she had asked fer a large (centainler foi' refuse te he placed at ectiofe tour corner's near lier hoene. INor'th'l'o'eonto, tua t sUc' t,ýkîs lit ter off lier tuwe 51)0i les tii re t rîmes in a da\ . iitisi i \, cigar'et te wrap- i îsanîd c<iidi<'ttdolî<C it titiý. Cti ldreîî shlttd 1h tauuL i i ii ilîîîtlol te itot be. roelIi ttviuig. 'l'l î frrî iilt d rusîltioui aîhu<r<edî l1)lthe Ccittral On- arcil 'oivertioit iin i1957 we, 1'caot I'Tche illcIi,,; lb kerp oui- htgicti i. ald nîake USe' oifproper cntinrîsand diposai grciîtds fer garbage. The rtnwý.-paper-s have heen asked ttî help stamp eut lit- terinr. Th(e Drpt, cf Iigh- \v'v.- l ~ lgive permission tb plac'i rsî cnta iners at art'. rîcedeti spotIl Ou r ceurit conitil i- ta%. otitaitîv- willh nîn'-i Eu repeait ccennr'is in tis respcteveri though theïr popelaiont is much greawt(r per square miîle. Mi'. and NMrs. Wnî. Laird retiuirîîed front a trip te Vie- toria. B.C. lasýt sumnmer with a ril cf film riîtitled -0ur Hertag". Pitts of off the beau heaut' v spots and cf oun great western natunal rescer-res (beiîîg hcth pro- cesscd arîd barvestcdi made uric ask. "Are we worths". After .;ceiîtg tUe picuire cf a large ncadlside, conta inter for litter w.e wene iriformed that thev' %vertomil v in use west cif Onitario.Aves from a 1956 W. i report svenis ap- propnialelitene: Let us "cantihte pageà of aur history @sd /Jounqtîîian 's Ca/unii As the shouting and tuniult dies, the winners of the recent election in Bowrnanville, puffed with a sense of thç,r ~ gr-eat importance, impatiently await their chance to occupy the seats of the mightv, to begin the task of looking after the buirghcrs' hest inter- esis, Ill the nieantime, the losers are, prohablY, moonling in lonelY corners, trv in g te console thernselves wîf h the ar gument that, thcv didn't want to run in tht' first place, oýnl did il for a lark, knowing they didn't have much chance of wining, and kind of glad the\- lost hcuethe\ v weren't hop te ftie re- quired offici,1ai dlutics. Thev shouldn't trv te kid themsclves thus because, if the.\ didn't \vish to rue., thev shouldn't haVe si;Zne(d the qualification1 papers, and le shouldn't have glad-handrd eve' uedurinrf electieui weck, and thev shouldni't have spelnt ronev ad- vertising that flîe\7 were il, {he" race. Of course, each knew preciselv what he \vas diii; hoped te xvin;' maYbe head the pI I t Uas rtibin to kn11w t liai, so n1anv canididiates were se anxicus to give the citîzeils cf Bowmranville «"hone'st"adiiiiiiistration. Won'tiliit ihavc eceena lnîce chail' e oif pacv if ji t:t (,lne candidate's adver- t ise'ment had read somethîng like thiis: "l, Jolinl)oe- arn a nicat head, with inisufficient otelr ce b< ack-bone lo operate a hLIslill'ss of niv oxvn. hut feelI that I1 amn eut itled te niddle in the adm iuîsýrationj of this town's affairs. Some o(f theý catidid. ies are splendid ff'l ows, arnd wi \l qualified, bhv train- ingz a n e ereneto onduct Illie t ovvn sn iinici l bu )Isinel(Ss, properly, thrrefore, 1 eennn the'y bc elect- ed. 1 am )su i}îiised tia t an\'nne v as situpicd en«ugih to noriniate me. If elect- ed. 1 feel that the jackasses xhvl\oted for me 'viildcserv-c the kind of punk serv'ice tevwili get. It dist ressed me to spend rooneyv for this advertisement, and if 1 cari vWC2Sel OUI, of pa.Vîng fer il.I SUrely IncdenaI]ya n volie anticipatîng a ride te the polisls ad botter arrangep for their own transportation hecause 1 don't plan 1(1 hire cars for that purpose. Furthermore, if I'm neot elected, I will be as soie as a boil even if I do run a sugarY 'thank-.\-ou" ad telling all the cruds mwhat a privilege il Nwas tp offer mvself as a candidate. ýý if I1 audihlv, congi 1tule the wiit lners, li reallv frel Ih.> hashing them one on the bcak. - sW if elected (which 1 don't expect), I'm going te fix mY 0w n street first, and snarp all av'ailahle graft.- This person wrruld probably head tht' poli as a reward for hislhonesty. Wouldn't it he a corker if sorne jerk did try somethinz like this. in the future, and got away with it' If the MaYor and Rpeve lîadn't re- crived acclamations, thpir inclusion in the race would have added a dash of spice to the eleci ion hRsh, on Decemnber 6t.No inattrr\%hat ou r choiçc, we, ratepa Nerts of Bwmnvll, ea meastire of gratitude te e,,cli individuat who offrreci hi- services. Fat, better le have man ' candidates Ihan a paucity. Interest in any level of government should be ever\'eues business. You can't tellIbhv the look of a frog how far il can jump, and se witli choosing a candidate -- an unlikely appearing prospect may develop into a splendid olficia]. with encouragement and experience; while anether, with beaucoup prestige, mav turnoeut te be a glorified, arrogant, stuffed shirt who ought te be nailed te a stump, and rushed backwards. Our new Counicil lors will sooni learn that their personal feelings will have le be suhjugated te the Municipal Act which is tlic bible (ni aIl municipal matters in this province. Thev will aIse learn that the big wliip over their hacks is the Provincial G;rant, a necessar 'v evil -- "if vou don't do il this wav, you wen't recpive a grant." The newly appoirited Clerk, ac- cerding te bis write-up, is quite a *ig- ger. Certainly, he seeros te have had plenty of good jobs in a relatively short space cof time, the most intriguing (te me) being that cf "Superviser in Muni- cipal affairs" --- superviser cf what? Regardless cf what he has dont', or where he has been, let's hope he makes gond as our Clerk. and let us ahl wish the new1y tel-ctçrd Council, the hest of luck -- they'll need it. TIHE CHRIS'l'NIAS GAME Pteople beceme a b)it frantir as Christmas aliproachcs, arîd I dîn't blame tbero. Evcry' vear, despite fer- vent pledges to keep It simple, the holi- d ayN seasoni seeros te begin earlier, grow more gcaristi. anid finially turu unto a thiree-ring cir'cus before the last stock- ing is hrnig. W'hile -,\,p aIl dcpliîîc the( (ieIen anîd exhautiun iuivolved. we an'e, al] ardent play' er's of that gn'eat North American game knowi as "N"eie Your Neighhor'." That's 'I thie simple little canîdle in the wxinido<v lias evolved irîto that hideous phatitasma,,or'ia oif celor'ed lighîts all over t he f'ritnî of the bouse. That's wvthie fexv spn'igs ef evergrcen o\'ei'the niantel hîav.e ev'ilved into a livini<'-room ir' e s ue. n i liZ ga spruce s\x'amp. Rcgai'dless Of' sucl thiîrgs as a happy vfanliiv gatlîriniz, the ideasture Of oid carols, the joy of giving, Christ- nlias is inot reall v a sticcess unIess we can conle up Nvith something thaï vilI prut the' neighhnrs' noses onutcf joint. And luir, isxvhrei<'rme ini.I1('ar't bear t sre cpîle inuiiappy. Exr'ept m ' nleigli hcîus. A fici a ](it f thri îht . I ve corne up x'.'îth a f'tv îre-Christmis suggest ionîs tlia t xvii I bu miyour nei gh- bor' green '.lvit h e*tv, r'ed '."itbrage. ini the proper colors fotr ftie sasuin. Ilo\v about a Yule log tItis year' Get tîtat oIld niattress eut of the attic. On' off'f t e bed iri tle guest r'oom. Sati.ratc hi,,inigasolirie. Rollit up, tie it w\itîtI (ip('s anîd hidei' in m the garage. on Chiristmas EF, ' vlît'n vour neg hbou' s g loat i iigthr ough tthe cu r- taii ntsa t î' v! a eti\'it.v scenie in fot1u rn cehm iiis firont I awn, take ount \eU r YUIle loîg arnd bu ru it onr your lawn. Vsheiil ie ru-shles out --aýnîcl e will .-- tell Iiirît t's tfl ic i neartic'le, <rdr'- vd frnilui Eliîlanir. j' \atcli hil bui«ii. [- tlic ' \v . , denit o e-d I. 1*Onl ix\-hîureirirvouir \'Iîe lng ini v'urr t xi -fot xdcfir replar'r. A variation on this theme is an eterîtal flamie. If >'OU dtm1't bave gRs, hav'e a line run in to youir front lavvn. 'l'esec tIm<'betotr.îfoui lanid ini ils pncgrcss Tben cai ý itai x'.e are Parn mid lpannel 0f nhtis tairn rd tof '.xilch we nits Ucprolîd. Oui' lja.gt tenu cntn itternig ig front theruF:gi:. b 'ernoen'sq Intitut(, niiaga'înie. "For Hcome anîd CcîinuI'y It 192.5 t11ic XVI.nîubi pledged thîîîeîe esafe. guard Ite bcaLty off thein cctinr'sîd<' iiithein 1111cr alîd recfulse î'esoltîtoî. This resolîîitcuî vcvitueaiv -%,gave rise Io tbhie offiCiaI "Keep Bnitaïnîiii v-"'gnetiP. In an aIl ciit aitempit t dsud the- niationiirorn iIItc"-moîîg- et'nîR. clcfý,îipcnc are. isit' atît seran ti Unteipgiouî Biiusto'.t Os anid xillacf- ttprcpie shntiddepoi thoein' n f,ýetu iiiconta iners provided or take àt home xxiii.h hri. 1I <'nsdrdil bat tliîew liti ra Uee s a quiche 1is et te rReya1 x:otnn Oct. 27tb fuelus said: "It is nîcns wUicb mak oeinit f a ne Nov% wi sfnia n xten tey are As for tarni x'.orsi <orner (pa Tell vour neighbor the guys who are tearing up Yotir lawn are looking for a Ieak in your sewer. This w~i1i please him. Thrn, some nnlight, haîf an hîîur afier he turos on bis electrical monstre- sit.v, flip your gas switch, and slip out and ligbt yeur eternal flame. The fien- dish ingenuit fv yunr plan. the simple dignitv of voun' little light burning awav, tri wnnd aond snow, xvill dr-ive him wild. It'll be worth the few bundred bucks it costs. This year, ferget aIl about that juLnk for yeur living-r'oom: Christmas candles, spruce boughs, spî'igs of holly, coloed lights in the chandelier. Oh, let Voui' Wife go threugh tht' motions. \Vomen enjov such fLtilitirs. But a couple cf nights hefore Chnistmas, xvhei votur xvfe is en a Iast mad shtpping scramble. thrîîw aIl that -arbage out. Then take Iwe gallons cf paint, ont' red and orle greevn, and paint everything in yeuir lix'iegromr one or the ether. Youn' neighibor will he livid w~ilh env v xxhen \,nu ask him over for t'efreshments. Your wife maY be any colonr A va'iatnrn oot thns us to let y'cur hdds help v-ou paint. ani fmot ask your nîeighboever. Chrustmas morniog, you send the ~kids ever ai sex'en a.m., ti apprepniate ciolers, and they ask himn ever. Speaking of refneshnients, how about a wassail bowl ibis year? It's (;tite simple to make, and botind to imipress. Take any large hovI tir smnall washtub. Haif fi with ntit-briown aie. It's an old Elizabethan recipe, and don't forget to tell your neighbor this. Stir le severa] wassails. Tiiese are small, ancient Englishmeii. pickled in alcohol. Soething like the shephierds le shephei'd's pie, but nio _rist le. Flavor t<î taste w if h n n-neru n t- hrowrin naidi- eris. mi.;tletief arîd garlie sali. F'ill bowl xx th gin. Plv nerghber genrn'ous1,y. But den't toceh tht' stunff vrlurse'lf, If 'eu haveoP't gel hlm bY' nol there's ne hope fer 'yen. and you might as wt'll î'elax and Pn.îoý Christmas wvith alI the nId familiar h n' F& cf Ia"st v'ear bave alwa* y Iliar tUe twri m' weidnnde. d maîtiers in TUe x'nrk ns ai a qtandslili tvwht'ne so aller -six Uoîins cf labor anl fitem montb- a te'.'.' nw frnct-. posîs. Th I Bank. it posis ýdo imrnpe the genena ' >- îsstîe. Coc- appearance and we wili keep is Zood man- on boping. kes the' ex- I1wlltny arnd refrai ro n cighborhnod. cînntten'ing up ycîîn paper will seutle witb penserial views, etc. for lacking". a year on two. fences. or (M. M. M. Sncwden. a tly due te Ms L.C.S>) vanlinsm oba s certainiy becît ani e 'escrr' but one man) on) 130i acre dainy farrn muId tiot tind lime for much fene. iog. After tbree years cf try,%iig te ebtain an ex- penien<ed man te do fenciniz \vr' scld tht' land. Tht' ah- citeowiter was happy te l wa '. uc-eper'ate if lahon utîii Ut'fcund. inetidyiog tnp tUe cerner. Twon mnnths ago 1 had a definite promise MJM,%ORIAIL HOSPITAL WEI.KLI' REPORT Wleck cf fecemberl' 6-12 tee. Admissions . - 74 R3irths--5 maIe. 2 te-male 7 Dischar'grs go~- < Major epetatitons ___ la Mirner opprationîs 27 Emengenc'v in'earments 3() Visiting hours 3-8 P.m. daily The Month Before Christmas