J -w.. T *Vewcastle School Presented with Dl .4t Annual "Award Newcastle - On Thursdayby Mrs. D. Cronkwright. 0 evening, November l6th, stu- ilso Gaes7an P dents of the senior classes of uisoGrds7adh r Newcastle Public School pre- ipresented a play entitled "Tehe sented a Christmas program. iComing of the King". Several a School Principal Ronald Mun- carols were enjoyed through- s ro cordially welcomed the par- out the play. t ent.s and guests, and wishedW them the best of the season. The next number added la 0 Canada began the pro- quite a bit of gaiety and fram with everyone joining somewhat stole the show. ir ln, being led by Jennifer "Miss" Timmy Walton and cE Gray. The music was played Brian Lewis sang and acted Y' -- out "B3arnacle Bill The Sali- -glor". Tim, suitably dressed in bg With Every Good la strapless dress, high heel G Wish for a j shoes and nylons which weA believe may have been held M Iup ,byý garters he generally A Joyous usel or his hockey socks, a th large sun bonnet and gobs of re Christmas j lipstick and rouge. Brian fi looked quite handsome in his of blue sailor suit. sailor hat and and a pipe. During rehearsals, Brian M was to put his arms around ce arms, but on the eve of the al - Prosperous performance, with some help pý gon behaîf of one of the teach- CI New Vear ers, plans were made for Li tail relatives, friends, time Erian placed his arms . ndnelghbours and pupils around Tim's shoulder, Tim w far and near.looked upward and planted ab f~r ~great big kiss on Brian'ssp cheek, almost covering the ed HatieA. asn inesid o hi fcewith ecb stick. Taken by surprise, andso ________iforgetting_________ was even ~'~< ~of IL~~cE 5c May al your Christ- mas wishes came true! iMany thanks for the privilege of serving you. FREDA andJACK JEFF Y HONEY 14.LOW NEWCASTLE May the sang in your heart be as the gay jingle of sleigh belîs this Christmas, with ail best wishes from aIl cf u&. Gould's Plumbing & Heating NEWCASTLE b uring this Christmas season we enjoy taking Pleace " time out ta express aur thanks toalal our loyal cu'tomrs.9ý QUINNEY'S BARBER SHOP NEWCASTLE MIEl*«Y CWISTMAS diJoy May truly ta the World!' your Christmas be a joyful one, rich in spiritual bless- r ngs and the happi- ness of familv and home. Newcastle Block Co. Ltd. With the giadness of pealing beils, we wish you al the joys of Christmas. A very happy holiday, from ail of us! eOOmi thec PUuP rAmv Yot n ~U~J achiei 'GARROD'S VARIETY& GRIL th jReme and Staff area jwith NJEWCASTLE j your andyi Grads. St. Geàorge's WA Newcastle - The Evenini S I Branch of St. George's W.,A S~ have completed a very bus: ip u m cI and successful year. Fees anc pledges were paid in full, anc AI. a substantial sum given foi r ___ n ..L.L church maintenance, also& N 5y1 1t51 contribution to the Anglicar fs N ighEE World Mission. The customary Chrlstmai on stage, Brian's eyes ahl but Party was held on Dec. 8th ai popped from his head. Toss- the home of Ruth Couch, wit] ing his hands hîgh above bis 27 present and a wonderfu' head, losing his hiait and pipe evening enjoyed by ail. ThE and shouting, "«You weren't members presented their presi. supposed to do that". By this dent with a lovely "Air Lite' time, Tim and the audience case,. and their hostesa of th£ wvere doubled over with evening with a pretty cup and aughter. saucer. At tis tag of he ven The Branch looks forward tc At hisstae o th evn-1966 with an increased mem. ng the awards and certifi- bership and lots of enthusiasm, cates were presented to last __________ year's graduating class. Mr. m.Strk, cIo board member,. presented the Soc ial ana Grade 7 proficiency award to 'ingela Chad, daughter o! Mr. and rS. George Chard. P ro a Alam Milhench was absent that evening but xvas also to Newcastle-The Postmaster, receive the Grade 7 pro- Jack Wade, and his help are iciency award. He is the son ail very busy sorting mail and Df Mr. and Mrs. E. Milhench. doingc their very best to get Edith Schmid, daughter of ail O! it delivered before the Mr. and Mrs. H. Schmid re- holiday. There, however, ýived the Grade 8 proficiency seems to be no end to it, as iward from school board on this Monday there was the member I. McCullough, and biggest lot of mail yet. And iso received the History if you think that handful of rize from the school board stamps you've recently licked hairman J. Rickard, and the left your mouth dry and ýions Prize, for Science, nasty, Mr. Wade reports that TOM R. Munro. in Newcastle alone, 45,000 3- The ion Prze or oyscent stamps have been sold. The ionsPriz torboysImagine having to lick all o! vas awarded to George Gray those. )y Mr. Munro, and the public If YOU haven't driven ,eaking award was present- through the village after dusk , to him by D. Walton, school lately. do so now. You'l find oard member. George is the tsvrmuhwt heie on o! Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Gray. isvr uhwrhtetm Lee land trouble. The lights that LeAnne Hoar, daughterldecorate the Christmas trees dMr. and Mrs. Ted Hoar,linside and out and the lights eceived the English Prize around the homes are truly rom school board member lovely. Manger scenes and rs. S. Brereton. choir boys decorate the front Sandra Gould, daughter of 1lawxns, and of course the very r. and Mrs. Carl Gould was friendly and jolly Santa warded the Munro Prize by Claus himsclf. Sehool will be r. Munro, with Glenda out for the holiday by the ohnson, daughter o! Mr. and time this edition reaches your Irs. Lorne Johnson, receiving homes. Let's not forget to be le music prize from school extra careful as we drive oard member G. Chard. The around. This time of the year feMahon Award for sports is especially exciting to the ras presented by Grade 7 ýyounger people, and they tend !acher Mr. McMahon, to to forget. We can't. mgela Chard. Santa Claus was quite a busy person on Saturday. He The graduating certificates spoke to an almost neyer end- ere presented by Mr. Mun- ing line-up of children who )and were received by went to tell him of their leanor Staub, Edith Schmid, wants and wishes when he ee Anne Hoar, Joan Kini- met them ait the town hall. 11l, Sandra Gould, Glenda Large bags o! candy were pre- )hnson, Elizabeth Pearce, sented to everyone there,' and eborah Adair, Kara Lee the children were so delight- erguson, Janie Whitney, Iso- ed to see this wonderful man.1 il Pearce, Philip Barchard, Many o! the Newcastle boys eorge Gray, Harold Powell1, and girls who missed him el Rudman, Bill McCullough, here in town saw him in Bow- ,e Miller, Charles Stone- Imanville, where he attended irg, Jim Wright and Ken the gala Christmas party ait1 [Cracken, with Caroline the Legion Hall for sons and1 ,er and Yvonne GLIay ab- ý.daughters of Legion members. nt. He's pretty pressed for time1 The program continued just ait this time of the year, th the girls' choir, which iso hie wasn't able to make it lighted the audience. The to the parties held on Monday1 ipils fromn Grade 5 and 6 evening by the first Newcastle en followed with a play A and B Cub Pack. But the titled "A Penny for Christ- boys didn't seem to mind and s". As Jennîfer Gray left did enjoy their party. Each ýpost from conducting the 'Cub exchanged a gift and re- iging, she took her place ceived small gifts from the Sstage for the play, while leaders. Sandwiches, cookies th Paterson, a most capable and pop were enjoyed and le person, took over and carols were sung and games lly did an excellent job. were played. ATTENTION, the conclusion o! the even- parents o! Cubs, there will be gshe led the students and flO meetings until the second uts in singing God Save Monday in January. eQueen. Mr. Fred Shaddock, Corn- wall, formerly of Newcastle, It was an evening of great was the lucky winner of the ng, fun and beautiful sing- Cenotaph Christmas Cake A lot o! time, bard work draw. The proceeds of this d coaching went into that are for the upkeep o! the eperformance, done will- îîghts and the flags. [y by the teachers and Mrs. Walter Crowther is pils, and for their effort, spending som e Christmas holi- applause was thunderous days with Mrs. G. Crowther, - the appreciative audience. Charles and Jamie. iOur friends and neighbours ihospital this week are: Mrs. Rhonda Bernard, Mr. rtifiïcial Ice 1 John Davis, Mr. Sandor Fen- ,y,, Mrs. Marie Gartshore, Mr. immitCI H S1 Clarence Hale, Mrs. VioletI ommitee arrionMrs. Rose Hockin, .ied 4,768 s. Marie Hollen, Miss Ann et A 7À MargaretMiller andbaby rua ry a most interesting Thursday, Dec. 16, 1965 y iing is being planned. fuli Ina Brown..............--- _-186 un and entcrtainrnent. The Marion Harte-Maxwell--- 186 ~ light of the e'vening -xviili Shirley Wood ----__ 184 te hockey game hetween Marg McDonald -____182 N.H.L. Oldtimers and the Marg. Wade 176 j o Orphans, with other Millie Porter -_____174 ities also being planned Mary Kirkton 174 that same nîght. ýJennic Rypstra 167 )get you limbered up tor arv CeSkae-n-- 166 1 garden, what better ,wav Mry k-.---16 a sprmng dance. This i. Dot Stark 165j ned for April, alorig wth Teain Standings her 50-50 draw. .Wreis . 311 SRobins 24____ ur support Is needed ta Doves- - --_ _ _ _ _ 18 ve this goal and add to'Owls ------17 l town's accomplishments. 200 Games i 'mber t-he dates as they M. Stacev 250-211, M. Trim advertised: get in touchn 208-269, M. Wade 250,- 1.1 the committee and offer Brown 270, D, Stark 235, M.' help. or round up a ganu{ Mcflonald 236, M. Harte-Max. attend anv or ail of the u-el! 2r?, M. Skelding 218, M 'mentioned *veaings, 'Porter 204, M. Kirkton 201,* THE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT d Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Mark Tilison, Statesnian Carrier Clarke Receives Final Payment for Eight lnch Piping Clarke Township Council The 5,000-foot main was In- last week received the stalled during July and Au.g- $6,691.33 cheque owing owing ust o! this year when the vil- from Curv-Play Ltd. as final lage had its first municipal payment for the special eight- wvater system installed in its inch watermain put into the history. The cheque from company's plant a! Orono. __Curv-Ply will be forwarded to May Peace on Earthà From us to you, a xl prevail, rnay yau have is 'stocking-euil" of a jayous Yule and a 3 thanks for being our home f illed with hap- p cu stomer, and good piness . .. every day. îq wishes for a Merry NEWCSTàEChristmas.I PROGRESSIVE HRL ad i CONSERVATIVE y BILL COUd-f ASSOCIATION .i'w NWASL On a note of holiday ~ ~ ~ # c h eer, we send glad greetings, with a very special "Thiank Yoiu" froni, ail of us, Frank Hocar aind Staiff NEWCASTLE GARAGE v v .--- v ai -- Our best wishes for a nierry aid fashioned Christmnas go out ta al aur customers. May yau enjoy al af the happiness that the season brings. George W. Graham NEWCASTLE &eame ftetuw We're wrapping up a pack- rage af holiday wishes for ryou, with aur warmest thanks for your loYalty and good will. Pat and Archie Bernard and Staff BERNARD'S GARAGE NEWCASTLE Open your hearts wide ta receive the biggest "Tharuk Yau" we have, for being aur custamers over the past year. Hap- py Holidays! Lucky's B. A. NEWCASTLE ~wuwwioeirn~ THE SEASON'S BEST TO EVERYONEI The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE MsBruce TiBson, Editor Phone 987-4213 wMuixed Lêaum w Bowling I Wîth fi-st place alreadv clinched last week it was j ust i "for fun only" as the Mdxed' League first schedule officiaI- -ly ended Friday night at Lib- -erty BowI. Pennant-winning ~ -Mutton even got into the - spirit by losing 5-2 ta Bennett. Z1 Brock walloped O. Eoher 7-0 in one cf three shut-outs to take second place by a single point froin Glanvîlle, 5-2 winners over M. Etcher. Prout whiPPed Welsh 7-0, Yeo trounced Wilcox 7-0 and Harrison dropred a 5-2 deci- Sion to Nowlan in the re- maining encounters.I Lais: H igh Single, Joan Brunt 267; High Triple, Mary Wilcox 685. Men: High Single, Murray Grant 400, High Triple, Mur-. ray Grant 988. 1 Triples: Vince Prout 774, AI Osborne 768, Dick Perfect 752, Morley Etcher 740, Ken Nichois 689, Fern Bradley 665, Keith Yeo 663, Joan ' Brunt 661, George GlanvillE 654, Matt Harrison 648, Ruth Grant 646, Elton Brock 637, Gord Wileox 622, Ji.m Bedford 620, Mel Wise.man 612, Har-old Bennett 607, Jerry Dickens Singles: Murray Grant 300. 288, Morley Etcher 293-265, Vince Prout 291-283, Dick Perfect 277-249, AI Osborne 275-248-245, Elton Brock 271, Mary Wilcox 262, Gord Wil- ccx 259, Jim. Bedford 258, Matt Harrison 255, Ken Nich- OIS 253, Don B-radley 251, Hap Palmer 250, Ah Donalghue 248, Fern B'radley 246, Alan LobE 24,6, Ruth Grant 245, Keith x'I Yeo 241. y Team Standings yV Mutton .............. .. . Brock .................. SGlanvîlle............... A Prout .................. SNowlan ............... SWilcox ..................... ... ~M. Etcher ............. . IYeo ...................... ... Bennett ................... Welsh .ý....................... Harrison ..................... uJ. bier.t..4...... I st Seh. Final A AI Osborne. IJoe Nowlan ..... Vmnce Prout.... Elton Brock.... GOrd Wil.cox ... , Morley Etcher.. SDick Perfect-.. Matt Harrison.. Alan Lobb ...... Bob Glanville.. Murray Grant.. Hilda Brock.... I Hap Palmer.... Harold Bennett Joan Brunt.... IHoward Bromel Jim Bedford.. Ernie Dickens.. Onie Etcher.... IKen Nichols. Bernice Partner Lau Welsh. Duke Brunt.... Lornie Crago..... SFern Brailey.. Mary Wiloox.. Mel Wiseman.. George GIanville. Mary Nowlan .... Audrey Osmond Ha.zel Donaghue Ralp'h Melanson . Jerry Dickens ... Ruth Mitchell Bob Mitchell Miriam Winnacott Ruth Grant ..... Roy Connors ... Betty Nichos .. Marg Welh .- Murray Jovnt.. Murray Winnacott AI Blanchard... -Don Bradley... SMary Harrison IDonna Jones Betty Lobb ... 4 Bob Leaman .... Dore Mutton 4 Ab Doniaghue....3 Pat Prout ........4 Jim Thornpson . IMarion Wiseman.4 Thelma Bennett . Eileen Moore . JoanEBedford .. Marie Learnan-.. 4 Vern Jones . ....4 Frank Osmond .. Elsie Richards .. Muriel Melanson ., 4 Duaine Palmuer .... 4 Harold Moore - ....- 4 Marion Perfect 3 Velma MYles - ... 4 Lillian Connors 41 Yvonne Osborne 3i Kay Blanchard .... 4 Nettie GIanville ..4 Beatrice Morgan .4ý Dot Tbompson....4: Averages 42 42 45 45 45 45 42 45 45 45 45 42 45 45 45 45 42 42 24 45 42 33 45 45 45 33 45 45 36 42 45 42 42 24 45 45 36 39 39 42 45 45 36 42 21 45 45 45 42 42 39 45 42 45 36 45 42 42 45 45 30 45 45 45 36 42 39 42 42 45 42 17611 176~ 1731i 172'ý 172 171 170 167 1631 162, 1621 162 1621 1611 1591 158ý 158 157 157 157 156 1515 154.i 1531 152 151 151 146, 1431 1431 139' 130j 129. 1261 SThe. Canadien Stateainan, Bownmnvle, Dec. 22, 1965 the Ontario Water Resourees Commission. In other year-end business, council approved payment of 1$85,448 for road expendituresi 'In the township. Coun. R. G. Chater was ap- pointed to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity for the year 1966. Council also received notice from the United Counties Council that closure of road allowances on five roads in the township had been approv- ed by bylaw. The closures in- clude roads listed on the orig- inal municipal survey a! all unopen road allowances in the township. Council passed a similar by- law three months ago, but must allow a three-month perîod for Counties Council to pass its bylaw. 1The roads involved include:1 the raad allowance between Lots 8 and 9 of the eighth Concession; between Lots 24 and 25 in the eourth Conces- sion; between Lots 34 and 35 in the 1Oth Concession; be- tween Lots 6 and 7 in the first Concession; between Conces- sions 8 and 9 abutting on Lots 7 and 8. Here's a hearty "'Thank you» for your loyal p atron age. CRAGO'S BEAUTY SALON NEWCASTLE J. Shearer .......2... M. Hodgson ......188, M. Sedruan ...............185 K. Campbell ............. 18o B. Wilbur...........- 179 L. Woodcock . ........ 178 C. ar ins n .......... . . 175 I331 200 Gaines 31' M. Sedman 224, 285; J. 31 Rowe 254; L. Woodoock 238;' 23 D. Sallows 236; M. Hodgson 11 237, 235; J. Shearer 229, 233; 85 I. Wright 233; B. Wllbur 224; F. Chamnberlain 222; C. Adam 9 210: O. Moffat 204. NIi Our Christmas wish to you...the best of health, lots of wealth and a world of ail It takes to bring you joy. Newcastle Liberal Association May your holidays be merry as a Christmas bell, and may the jay and warmth cf this wonder- fui season long endure. LORNE JOHNSON and STAFF Jolinson's Drug Store NEWCASTLE ~,eWoesi~ At Christmas, the miracle oi the manger lives anew. May this holy time bring abundant blessings to you. P au line's Specialty Shoppe NEWCASTLE May the blessings of this haly season be abun- dantly bestowed on you and your family this Christmas and ail the Toms & Sons Ltd. & Staff NEWCASTLE Nighi Hawks Bowling Team Standings J. Woodlock .............. B. Wilbur ................3 M. Hodgson ..............-...3 J. Shearer ...............3 M. Sedman ................2 I. Wright ...................i HigIl Single - M. Sedinan 28 HLgh Triple - M. Sedrnan 69 'r N 1~. s i ---------- t