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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1965, p. 16

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................................................................................................... - a............ Children of Bowmanville Fou ndry Employees Enjoy Christmas Party Lands and Forests ~ Weekly Report CROWN LAND SL.RVEYS onix conclude that most people 1: by G. Simons. do not appreciate the valueo Lands -vser or rraintainîng boundary maukers L annai fSu ~crer ou the problerus which can k "I cnno fid m conerarise fuam theur remnoval. We1 "~ post" is a famniliar romplaint.also doubt they have anyý received in this office fuom knowledge of the penalty pro- 'purchasers of summer cottage vic1yteCumnlCd parcels. for the removal o! surveyj Investigation frequrntly re- maukeus. veals that the last corner post, The importance o! early lh: ... b'as been removed cîther 'surveys ruade in Ontario can hrough someone's carelessness be appreciated when one re- ron purpase. We have knowr.i fers ta Section 4 af an act pass- ihere posts were removed and c d by the legisiature of Upper ised to anchor clothes line Canada in 1798 (38 George 31 Pole guy wires and a pivot on' Cap. 1) which reads "and be which ta tether a dog. Care-:it futher enactcd by the au- less landscapers and operators ýtharity aforesaid that any Ipf heavy equipment are other persan or persans who shal pffenders. ýknowingly and willingly, pull Befare any parcel of Croxvn down, deface, alter or remave Xand is dispased of for sum- u any such monument so erected iner cottages or other purposes as aforesaid, he, she or they à description of the parcel is shaîl be judged guilty of a frprdby an Ontario Land lfelony and shall suffer death ~uvyrwheuein the bound- without benefit of clergy". aries are clearly dcfined by This penalty has been some- b earing and distance. The iwhat modified since that date, bidelines are established on the but the culminai code stili pro- .griound and ail angles defincd vides a f ive year prison termn ~y posts. The subdivision !for this offence. furvey is rcferred ta and gov-* * * êrned by the position of sur- Snow Reports Ivey lines and maukers estab-, As bas been aur custom for"'i , t f5hed during the original several ycars past we plan ta ownship survey under authar-'incîude in aur Weekly ReportsP ity of the Crown. The original itbraughau t the winter. accumn-!" township surveys in the Lind- ulated snow depths on the, ~ay District are frorn 100()ta ground and on cottage roofs t5i3> a50 years old and the effcets ks rcported by aur Minden, ef time and settiement have Haliburton, Gooderhamn and ,n many instances campletcly 1 Apsley field offices. eradicated the original surveyl To date there has been noý *narkers. The process of re-jappreciable accumulation on tstablishing survey maukers is rooftaps; ground depths are as Complicated and expensive. follaws: When we sec situations' rhere baundary maukers are Mne.....26ice ehoughtlessly removed wecauHibtn. ...51ice Gooderham .-----_ 5.5 inches ......................2.9 inches A. E. Walroth, District Farester NEWTONVILLE U.C.W. 'rhe U.C.W. meeting was -held Wednesday evening, Dec.' On Saturday, Dec. llth, Santa Claus paid a visit ta the Christ- 15 n the Sunday Sehooli t 2r9.u when childuen of Bowmanville Foundry emplayees hiad a wondcr- President Mus. Wood openedifui timne. Somne of the children who were piesent included, iront (1 ~ he eeingwi! ap9mrow, lef t ta right, Clyde Coutts, Donna Adcock, David Adcock, Kelly - -. ~i "Christmas Bells", followed bv ___ ___ I7IAlI the hymn "While uShep'he SWatched Their Flocks." î. Secretary Mrs. Best read th Sminutes of last meeting, an Mrs. Boughen gave the finar ~cial report. The leader of eac unit reported how much more had been raised during th gî year. $500 was donated ta It A"Save the Children" fun( ADuring January, February an IMarch the meetings are ta A4 held in the afternoons, at 2: an. Oscw.INC Mrs. A. Xade, unit leade read a poem, "An Old Fashîcr Aed Chrstmas." Mrs. Wood rea rt the Christmas story from Luk A2 - the fourth to 23rd verSE yi~a nJyo~6 Aand Mrs. Wade gave a secon Sreading. A beautiful Christma I carol "Angels We Have Hear Ih AA LIC on High," was sung by Ms WuIL vmM~JA Gilmer. A Christmas skit fo LADIES' WEAR A ' wd by Mr.CBowM Mary Connors, Prop. eý F. Gilmer, Mrs. W. Wade, Mr BOWMANVILLE -'; Farrow, Mrs. Boughen, Mrs.E ý!Wadie and Mrs. W. Wood. .su~ >~> >~lThe money saved in th I cSeaso n 'sÇreeti'ngs TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS ERNIE PERFECT P u mbing & Heating BOWMANVILLE Ve Ijope tbat tbe cbrietn1ag ta p'ou aixb pour lobtb ontet anb ptart to mm t btrplubtt COLLISS ELECTRIC Mr. and Mrs. J. Colliss & Staff BOWMANVILLE Switzer, Charmene DesRocher, Lori Switzeu; back row, Allen Main- prise, Allen Adcack, Valerie Mainprisc, (Santa) R. Thompsan, Ruth Coutts. Saliy Mainprisc. Charlene DesRocher, Colloen DesRocher, Harry Coutts, Jeff Sprague. Photo hv Rehder H ld yThursday at the homneofMs1 teJChildren's Library \AiIl Be B usy Luring Holday,.% n Noci Wood. The fol]owing ànd officers weue electcd for 1966: ach Mrs. Douglas Smeît, ist vice- îch 'president: Mus. Robert Sisson, tey 2nd vice-puesident: Mrs. No r- he v nnBohx, reording and he. corresponciîng secretarv: Mus. id. iLevi McGili. Ireasurer; iMrs. ~ William Philllps. Dor-cas and be3 Living Message secretary: Mrs. Douglas Smelt, bulletin secrc- ter, tary7 Mrs. Hector' Morton, Pd Dn- Prayer Partner secretarv; Mus.V~ md ~Noel Wood, Pauish Press re- D se The worshilp set c wsled Vi ndbv Mus. Nourman Boohy 1as aýsssted by Mrs. Levi McGill, y rd ýMrs. Carl Smith al mrs. Y J. .. . . . .. .Douglas smelt. rs Mis. Harold 'hoînpson wasX S welcorred as a new niembe 4 rs. The annual financial state- l rs ment was road by the re(tiun ig! H treasut er, Mus. Normanl Booth- by, giving a bank balance of i fe ,.~$33.98. St. Paul's Church will host the World Day of Prayer for e:the communitv. Mus. eol ke Wood vas appointed Io au as converier to work with Mrs. fThomas Jackson of the United Z Chuuch in planning the pua-, k gram. pot luck supper. bake sale and t euchre party on Febuuary 5Mb lv ~ ~ Cookies and grapes dntd'v bv the mnembeus xvere attuact- With Christmas holidays for sehool children start- sterswh are regular patronos of the libri 'it Mrs. 'VI i îeIv Christmas %vuapped toZ ing this week, members of Bowmanville's Library J. Hutchinison, ri ght, iýnd Mirs. J. E. Stout are photo-be elîered to the ika staff expeet to be doing a rushing business in the graphed kceping records of Ille bncomning and outgii shut-ih special children's section. Also, it should be noted chiidreri's books. Incidentally atwc ht vs D î h uc ort that effective January 3rd, library hours wvil1 be ex- an appeal to alilIhose who have books out that \X'Ct'C members enjoyed Geumian tended. The ibrary will then be open from 2 p.m. due to bc returned durin'g October and November Christmas Kuchen, made by until 9 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fui- No fines will be levied if thcv are returned immedi- Mus. Fuederick Hackeiibergý. d ay. This photo shows a few of thebook-loving young- ately. The first meeting of 1966 i' vill be hieldl on Januauy 20lhe 1evof alon ercwckc'îdat the home of Mus. Carl , gurt: ithMu. an Mus.Smith, convenied b.\ Groîîp Il Robeut Gilmour. ýunder Mrs. Douglas Smelt. Frind wllrere t kowSunday School - The O rono N ew s 1ihal, rdFaluis is ill n the ChitaPry Y Mrs. James E Richards, Editor innei, Flouida. \rs Nuna C olhrismaspaton Saiuali. Boolib v and theil. soni Johnny ninght, beginning x. ith a pot Mus Hrr Miîsn, Mus Ms. Eveuett Stapleton liad 1 us . . 1 lenideoi(ýt of flnich weekend wýith rela'. Juck supper. About 60 par- i George Glassford and daugh- Sundav dinner with Mr, andiOshawa \vas dinner guest of tive(s ut Coe 1111I.ensadhlunatnd. i ter of Oshawa visited Mu. and ýMus. \Villis Farrow, Newfton- Mr. andl Mis. Donald Ilen-v 1Mis. Malcolm Smcilt and'! Rev. Wmi. Pier' led 11eY Mrs. Harry Rowe on Satur- vil la.ndund ititu nded l th*o n lalnt soi,1home1' r ingi~o Te Nvl day. :Mi-. a nd M us. Norm an af ico i ('Il ke Union i\ Il ospitu ,PcebîîghSo'. Au action song B îh Mus. Victor llancock o! iMc-Nullx of Coîbornle,1\. ant,; Scliciol 01nMointlvuv LOi1i11n.onSo îuday Gif'ts' was given by'M Bowmanville is \'isiting Mu. Mr.. nkIl utloliandl son-s;MIts. N tsi lClhut terton i Rex . R(ginu Id Rosýýtif puICheuvl Preston, C('hinainle and iVrs. Garv' lanrock and w%\ill be xx ititiVMr. ai lus i'tiin l htillnt ( uik Pîol:t lu"u I'~ILogan anîd Jouti Vuneels as , tar ly. iCuînîLuiî Contisli. CherxI uîid ttoil x tinîs Di'. '111(l :tî l (jda m, 1 v t"l'h ueeWisemeî n i nii Mu. and Mîrs. Jiim Joliîson ,lîîiii fi lo i ttu. tifIi l Ta\ li li. l itiîiiî ic , i c' h 'f-x .îîîtî' u Jîiî and lainîîls' utPeteî'bououi, i , VîIr' \Vîi . illor aid'lici M.Yiit*îilutipiîtii. d. l Motî r ftîn. vho Terv F inOx'. ( it.iîit weue Suidax dinner guesistutF'M WlLueui'pttit lt aîiui Ciîii ['& tb i Iu iptu u 'Mrielle bis parents . MîI. and Mus. in the. Cdîuwu l1,ipitu I. sncuie wil hofield liLs cxnu x "k iwî'iu - nyadKitîtvN Jame L.Johson nd alld iing tlieir gifts fou flinc Cfiiid Jaeo .Jononndcle Mi'. and Ms.Rov Lang- kî'rd IUnitedl Chili il :t7:30 esriîg ut 11- l lieîî' îflierChl. on hu mtherMis D. n iaid ot' Soliîîa, iVs. Theron Oc'lock. Ex cisone xx ccoîiieý. (ii1Iti nl u.-nlîxMu. CteîeBc'pu da Myles. anMoulitjoY of lapon, Miss Foi- a ,,,ift foi' t bat spertal andl Mus. Richard Sutton in Caed rine of Crstra ca sif Mus. Ixan Farrow, MuradMblbnoM. and Mi. ltive o . tjj.. i o Peîerboroîîgh. mde ofCrsi-a rl, Wmn. Spuy of Columbus visit-'-A suiîscriptîoiî tnew ou re- nMu. ancl NMrs- Rug. lPa lutie itre ucuio:Duga caledarsdurng te yar, as indsonAlanof (,Ic-bnotigl 1White, xith lî h j'; ardioil.t' calndusduin te ca, ascdl Mu. andl Mrs. Wm. Moffat,. newal t to Tfie Canadian nu o lno eehuîg gave two Christmas iihvmiru.. i presented by each, as a roli S 'cal esons. ftr sngngof M's. Wmn. Torulinson lias Stafesrnaîî. 'le "1112 xîibd it "l.Ia Palmer .. - Ngt-ad Saro ,cl epne fe ign fdcluin Suet Nihi'laul Sareo!nd.' 'hyrn, "SUient Night', Mrs. ucturneul home from vxisitiii Ounn. tA gît tard i p-u. ~ hi ckn the East" Wood as president, gave a -le mother Mus. John ant To lie F.uitor. Staff uc eetget xt u and ri, A Christnmas lTableauii f reùbeu Wannan ~1 , Wes MciMahoîî havefaue eonc port of wouk donc by' the jand heu uncle Mu. Anduew Ricadieu : A Blesseu a nu lLa ppy'hei u aunus aesKb re ebe U.C.W. during the year, nd'Bair'd who has been very il] Chi'istmas -A \irr fil of and Linda Guax ofPirce Ibbe callcd on Rex'. Mu. IWite fou at Almonte. Ilealth, Joy anîd Peace. Galv Keur Pbilip Becu .iîîd Mary .JanetvîlleerLeslieFalu ursiandaMary the installation of the officeusi Mu. Carl Tennant will spend, Pontypool. Ba ynauuating the Bible y elected at the puevious meet-IChristmas Day with Mu. and WVhite (jifi service str Mufthe aCrhaf ele Bas v ing as follows: Mus. O. Fagan and family at 1E HA Y esus.Marnie LChppelea i Past puesident, Mus. W. Maukhani andl Mu. and Mus. 'lelntdChll heldl Mry; Kenneth PeuuY asy Wood: Puesidient, Mus,. G. Bob Cooper and family or \White Giit Serice uSinday Joseph; Dale Youngman, Lyna iY Stapletun: vice Pues., Mu-S. j. Biingham, Michigan; Mu. and, 'l'OAit StatesinatReaders nîornîing. \vith members of the Argue as Shepherds; Lauux' !f Caswell; Secuetarv, Mus. R.Mlýrs. F. O. Cooper cf Orono ýWe wih vou .toy aînd gladiics'Suncla 'v School takîn at.Wahrît al cu idn j Best: Assistant. Mu's. J. Elliott;'will be weekend guests of In eveur' home at this Christ- Michael Chase led tbe serv- Donald Vinrent as The ThueifY STî'eastireu, Mrs. Boughen; Mu. andl Mrs. Fagan. mas season and hiope the yeau ire. witii Miss Veronica Peuuy Wisemen. i IPianist, Mus. F. Gîlmer;, Assjst- i Mus. Thorroton Wilson wiîî Ithat follows buings you-muh1 anul Miss PllîIIs Youngman "The Christmas Storv"%vasy I ant, MuIs. Bel: Press Secue- be with Mu. and Mus. Fredl happiness. We wolId iaNa ucacing tbe scipture lessons. intuoduced by Debbie 'Rayo s - -4 tary. Mus. MrCullougli; AqMottasheul and famil-v at Siru-,express aur thanks Io ail thos;e The ,otieuing wva> receriveu b',' ford and tolul in verse by Patti ~ sstntMu. Glmu:Unitlcoe over the Christma îî-wh aecnuiuelnw Dale McQuaid ardi Ken nelli Preston, Maulene Ryley, Vir- y LedesMis .Mlligan, days.tesfuhicoiribo-Pey. Rev. Wm. Picyc gave 'toria Pers'., Biriauî Vanhcek, ifi Mus. J. Elliot., Mrs. A. Xade,ý Suriday visitous witb Mu. out this past s'eai. SinceuelY, the Christmas sermon. The Clinton Pierre and Wayne ~ ýMus. F. Henderson. Muvls. Roy!anul Mus. Wm. Robinson were You Bethaî.Y Coi'uspondn.ý enior and Junior Choirs sang!Pueston. i Farrow, Mus. M. Jones, Mrs.!Mu. and Mrs. Ed Hogg and Ou TIiuusdav ex'cuîning the. two Christmas antherrus. Rev. Pbillip Beer play* ed two ar- iy gW. Joncs, Muls. Hl. Wade. Mus. fanîily, Mul. Richard Waughb Browiîies w,%-li tliriuleaders \Xý'm. Piercv, Mr.-. Pieuto and rordion seleî'tions "Aî'igel.ý Wel SM. Samis and Mus. W. Wood. of Fuaseuville. Mu. Elm-er Mus. Wally Reid and Mrs. Robert Pieucy sanîg "Infant Have Hleard" and 'It Camne E Ater the beniediction, alhjHogg, Mu and Mus. Brian Eaul N]cQîiaid made thc rounds lHol--'. iUpon the Midright Clear'. ii fwcue askcd to be seated at thelHogg of Millhuook. Mu. andl of the villagec, sînging carols On1 SLnndavý evening a Com- Re' nî iur e he i Elong table Nvitb gay Christ- 'Mus. Adam Sharp of Ennis-ifor sîck and shiji-in.'. Later, nîunitv Carol Service was held igroup sîngîng of ':The Amen Yf mas decouations, and the units killeuî. in the Pauish Hall of St. Paul's in the Unitedl Chuuch. !Chorus" and "'Cumr Ba Ya".' y in charge serveul a delicious, Mr. and Mus. Fred Lycett.liChuuch they lbeld a Christmas Anglican Church Womnen Santa Claus was assisteul by 'Yif lunchi. The exebange of gifts Mu. Douglas Lycett, Mu. and lpauty. exrlîangunIg gifts. Lunch The annual meeting of thelMichael Chasc, Douglas Wbite if %ver disribtedwithe Ms Donald Lycett \vill bc xwas' providc-r'h,-,their nar- An£!lican Church Women o! and David Pierce in distibut- lBThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Dec. 22, 19651 througb S T A T E S M A N C LA S SIF 1E DS Phone 623-3303 Reeve Stone i Clarke Township Thanks to ail of pou, loyal friends and customers, wonderful patronage. our many for your' MULDER'S KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE WISH-ING FOR ALI, OUR FRIENDS THE VERY BEST 0F HOLIDAYS. Harry Locke TV and STAFF BOWMANVILLE 1 . .v Newtonville W. 1. Mus. C. Ferguson xvas again w'ith cach person receiving Ihostcss fou bbe Christmas ocotf the parcels under the i meeting, assisted by bier New~- beautiful Christmuas tree, with j castle grouo. Mus. Ferguison*s its many txinklin g lights. hearty welcome. the big box Thý, bostcss ana group serv- in tîehe hal~I l whic~h becamcr ed a lunch of fruit loaf, cheese gifts fou the Golden Plough came e cpuizes. Mus. H. Wade Lodge and thc prctby' vChuist- liad used the "Lucky C mas tuce andl decratuons xve'c -,..Snodeii \vas the 1~ the setting fou' a happy afteî'- "Oîest Lads' Present, M, noon. Mus. '11.S. mis had the bir~ PuesidettMuIs. M. Samiis day near ) Christmas. opened bbcentccting xvitb ithe Mus <lilligan moved a WlI. Ode, Mary Stewar't Col- lcauts' v dte of thanks to Mr& leet and prayer and welcomed recugusoni andf hçr, graup. all tresent. Secuetaus,-treasui'- er, Mus. T. Henderson. uead u tht' minuits. financial report .......... and correspondence. Our card party in November haul been very successful, xith 2'2 tables -- -- -- - playing. in spite o! veuy un- r favouî'able wcatber. The pro- v ceeds are iin aid of the coru- munits' hall. Afteu a short l', discussion it was aguecul to i' tablete b c mefor the Har.ý Mus. Ferguson began h U,ý programme with a short read- ing, afteu explaining that Mus. i' Gartshore, xvho xvas to have given a talk. îvas stilliniu the haspital. The roll caîl was 'The Fiust t Church Attended." This was well answered, andl included ~ 1x several memories of incidentsm o in that first chuuch. Mus. Fer- guson conducteul an interest- IU~IiR ing andl informative "Cart A WiIU Drivers" contest. witb Mus. Milligan tbc %'inner. Cards were sigýned by ail for u a meriber in bospital and l'our ! *a former member and ber,!' husband soon to celebuate a y ____ sixtieth wedding anniversaux. Next came the gift exehange " .. to you Gel our rice I ~ and your Ioved ones Cet Yor f.',

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