Bank of Has Aw A competitive awards program. bo 50 leaders in Canada' More Scenes -from Opening of New Library - $, ý ýMECE - - I l'lf' T.C.. meetinig wi ' l p id in t e c h uirc li o n W e d - . * . ' , '. nesdapy aftPrnoon l n the fOrým'~ ~ fa Chiristmras partv. The' senior members and %-isitor.ç wPre presented wîth a 'mîmý I olrsage'. .Meeting ivas open2~dý 1A ý a i-y Presirient Mrs. PoIls with aChri.stmas carol. Devoîlon- 1.)LI Pt o a shortage of space irlÎon. ~es these two Photos taken aite aiwa gveî v rs Dapr pein u Bwnanviljle's new lihrary have- not aPppared. Uppc'r picîure Shonws Sof Enniskillen, on "WÀ,e should' part (If 'he large crowd ,toLIting the buliling w \ith MrS .R.PlokadM. rommerriaiize C fh r i s t m a D MAîhu ra)dbeiIrecontrTo3.r hooPho llrckiand MrS.I Imore'. Minutes of Noxembe- crhrsae e iitecute.LwrpooSosLbêralMSM meeting were read l ' heMiddup, centre, discu'sîng the oipening with W.A. Roedd . Director of Provincilal ,ecretarv. Roii cail wa's a is-l 'I i xSeci tes arid Por t Horpes Lîbr aiian Miss F. Browvn. wprp hYfavorite Christmas hymn. Cards were read fr former mtembers. Progra was in oharge of Mrs. Jones anicrsser rtedtis;bý-Appoint New Direct or fo Mrs. Earl Trewin, Knniskl- ]en, readinz hy Mrs. Cnwling' and a medle 'v of Christmiasa picswi lYe nth rMemorial Hos pifai Boardk pieces was. pled on temor Mrs. Llovd Ashton led in AIre ue î-eiîg of the Board 2 _(tî, at 8::11) o'ciock. At thisV"hi3 ~ mvdb -ar carol singin«. Mrs. Bakirîo Dir-ertors Or Memorial Hos- meeting four directors will i jos mnscc d li A Bar- S gave ail pre-school childiren pitl held - trihe Board .Roomlelected for a t.wo year- term-., j a book. A daintv luinch was lasi enrdx evening. Keith Januarv 1966 to janulary, 1969.' Jarrncs Bell mied Itiai ac- serve1d b ail grouIps. Mr, .Jacksnii xvas appoînted a dlir- A board meeting wii] lie hcid ý(OLlintS amoLîntiîng to $ 1 6,53,09 Pottea closed the mneeting w Ji11h erior fornnc ievear to fi the immediately after the annual lie passeri for. pax-mepnt. Thiç ni Spraver. The collection is lie- viacî crFateril bY the deaili meeting. WAS Secconded hi' Mr. Jose, arnd a' " ing sent to) Scntt Missiion and o HarriY V. CrYderman, one James A. Bell. seconîîdd hyCarried. " the zifts to Phe Golden 'pîow of thr ie lectcd ai the last Mr. Cnwan, moiveri thlat the Bernard Hldeîîpt, the Hn pi B" a~Lde oiug annîîal meeting for- a lwo veai' rcgîîiaî moithl.v meetinz of lai Admniîrto rporferi. ,« ThrieCohiiz2.u rupr'ir. aur 96 0.aîarY file boatrd i e held on Janiîay ihat in oNnmlir the adis- -a~wi ienfdo au. 196i7.261h. This was carrieri. SlnîjSnfrpatienjts we: aiuî1t,, di dav ex'ening. wirh cigliltiah!cs *lMr.i.k.iisappuiimrrert James Sttutt, acoîer i20.ndiAttrr 79,. icwlinrn 29,' ai in rores.Prze wee ix- xa mx ri hlicvRepx WleaMrs. S. G. McMurter. imoved chronîir S.1-eaadthat rdur- eli in b hges i ady. Mrs. Thom- srrd1 ilvTm onan htMiss f'anvcy Oshnli e inz the mnilith tre werc 57 Y en: o hw lady. Mss Charpi] il '-nraiTrieri unanimnuaix . appointeri heari nf the Phart- ma.ior operaitions, anirl104 l'son low a an. Mi W arne On a morion liYMs.W.,M mac Depariment. This '.'as nnr opcrations perfotrmeri. ABlarkbiurn:liigh ma. 'îreîseconrieri liv A . crieTho-were X-r.114 tre-aIments W IJolles, thiere being tnot enioul'li' i megnr -'ng of f-Vinriîai 1-lspital Cor- hi, srnt In Mis. Stlitt frOm il" parfmerit y m enl. iriladies pla'-ed Pri ti \\ î!l ,lie heri il-)the Roard of Direrbors for le -\Valersn..ori thf he SDoor-piief was won liv Mrs. Oniariîn Sirret Puihuti-Schnnleelentwork in ';ettilig 11P 1Hospîtal Adiministrator's i A Eari Trcwin. on Tlîuî sd-ay evcninz. January Ilir Plarmaî-y Departmcîv. port ho aidopirdr. Ti a S9 aiHyo iriN- ondri d li"Dr. A. F. McKenzie xa lorig xxith the *Tvýrolie and _anrdarir sc SSale nchoîrs. renideredi en ,cial sinpînz at the Tyrovne C ntaPrta i T usoiîars î aioTrust ai ie meeting orcll ,g Christmas seri-ire on Sundax *VDr . ceni Sevening. after whieh iail xverc (n r aruo 'hairm"n * rs.hci. se rved Iindi o in h ,'eSiav Jc.x ii r . . 4 scinol room liv the (Couplesý Dividend on Savings Accounts 'Wj~x~ylt~. M.roide~ Club.Trni Coxai. Jamps Stiitt. A. The 't"roue <liai-r oare iii..M. Thnmnsoii. lameis Bell. Il. 'day feening ai AR (ornk trfo a m r ,, Plf Rriar Hl Sspecial Christmas Eve Serve( t e ad n 19 6a *îR,.. illinz. fle pr-g for Txro-nc-. Havdion andi Sa!- tanr-i Serre- !p enm. uw-en Rex-. Northev atdtrx-ieije rin xiilie t akir,2 on 1965 Balances part in th- ;Prx-ice A sunday achool -ijlu e bell1Cnri nai rs SvgiArotEend 4 I 5 îîîe~ fO~ or o~ a ~ o; enrî ~ îrî ru t aVn~ cc on ep !!.M A R LE G R O V E uÇa 5rli rvtzic ,, -7 ', ad o;will recr-e an cextra Christmas present this year. TeCnmnPanv lu!t annpunred that Savings con u er iî iian Fail. Kedal. balances at DPecember 31st. 1965 wili earn 5sr pet f Clirtmaz meeting _n the à Misîîpgis t V of-; Mp rian1. annum in11166 if the aceoitnt remnairi at or above rhiirrh hll 11on Dec, 9th Mr;. larkr an Or amid thp vear end Ioevl <tring the Tpar 19166, If el -eîthed' x erP mrs.BlakbLirn tici fRiýy balance drops helouw the %-Par end level <uring 1966G pre;erii. Tîje depvot iî1avwa.s àon Sindiay>.vthe drpositor ivili stiji re-eie interest. at tihreusual «g2ivri, Fi i. .'V~lo I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Webb anid 1 per annum rate paid and compotinded quar- Nîrs. S. Diivle. Mi J. Hoîhi\- famil .Bowmanu-ille. u-ý,e e î-y.and MXl i, 1-.Stevelis Seu ralW Sunidav supper guest..oufMr. anufitaimireports .xx e egiveco and Mrs. Don Canmeroiu*N. is the tinte to transter dormant balances dtit-uii 1110 he iîçpou il Y ,î Mr-. and Mrs. E. R. Tiiîî earninz lesa blian .51- per annurm or f0 start Saving Thle UC.W. decided Io îcW Ason and Cvnthia. Boxx-ianîî- wjîh ihat C'hristmas honus' a ComnPan3- sptokietrnan tI l uý1lin:, filli- l Shh id ville. Mr. R. M. Thomnpsiîî sa id. ai ~I sîcux alnti: S;5. The alIii- t Leskard. Mr. R. D. Tionirtson, cation to Miss ou.,; ha; licou Wy Hampton, xisiîed A. >e-eihe s (entrail(Ontario 'rîst's Anniversary 1001 forih111;s rA îi-y Thompsoiî. 1oith and the Company ha% zone on record as m nir1gr.4ni, 'ià-iîftprod h .<franriXlrs hou A'hîui. s(ating that heiaise nterest rates at ail levéIs are ~ i-~ ooi. i 1 NI Ptrbanoi Li. A uIor. zierall- hiurher it la addinz the 5% interost *fringe nf t r ar-l lir.r Hîr ;uu.~brnefit" bInSas-intr Acconnts that qiialifN- as a iresture 1ý MZCP3,ln ady f iler Mr Htitî Nea itnnî'i-f of appreciation tr i illthnusantts of lo.val do-poqitnrs,. î1; .. - 1 Sxio aiiy filr rthu Reai h- e iIM i -1 r i,-dmanrit sangz ,hton at fthe Rpirdhoma intereçt rite as ;veiI as new ! aving! accntinfixnpened a -i Wdn- Lirei pliso j re Mr. Fred .;siîon andi before [)ecembpr 31çt, 11965 ai eithper of the Çnm- evor Mrz.Wm a Rd iaeri 'Mr. Bert Asrltn, 'Toronto. panv'l; offices in Oshawa or Bowman;'llle. z;evera. Critms arols or Mr. aild Mr.ç. Tr>m Sm-ti rffexeýrt eon1i'ripe;and i cmo-edY Andridaughterz. SoffCî'.(ntrai Ontarmn Trust recentlv raisPd ïts <uar- Ihe rr2ra'-n ix 'h a 4oî W\.y wî-e Sund.ay vîsitors of Mr, ante< ns-Pstmpnt Cprtificate rate tn 6% for 3 b -{ ~the Pite 'i'rpp Sta'ierl andi Mrý;. J. Jones andi familu 5 year term% and 51tMfor 1 and 2 year ternis. r,,rr. meeting clo;n.çj d .Mr. andi Mrs. Bon %Inrri .on The mpn is prepntlIy havinz a çhnwing ont ~ the \'l:pali Berediruiny Sand am i. sîtrsoaNa. %M r« piunting% hy- the %%Pei knnss n Kendal artist, Mr. 'rhe Brotici-hnod ioineti rocà Bei'îr iimr ofm. M. Richard Morton. in the Inhb, of itg hpad *office CAVW *for a rdelîcîou;li- 1 71. Mer. ad R O% building at 19 Simen,- Street 'North in Oshawa and of ý1edwivhes and iChistmas Mnr. Janci Shar. 0Eonisii int-ite% di.positors and friends (n drop in d<uring eooik î;. an fne SapFiii cil-n' regular busines hourx. 9 tii 6 Mnndayq to Thursdays, Sîjndax ý Sxlu ii <nOnii 1 at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd.r Asi- 9 te0 9 on Friday and 9 toi 5 on .SaturdaT«. Piogram niS'indiax' ,aftr-- W tonsF. linon, De(., ti', a large nLîrn W Mr. and Mrs. Ros.- A.'hton The Bowmanvil office uould like to rpmind lie- of parenits andi frieru-t W atîendied phe Carol Service at prospective customers that the glft offer for npw gathiril af tie Clristis' 1 Tyrone on Suoda *y niglit. accounts and certlficates expires January the IS3th, F.dîîr'atjori Ha!' ix-len il- W Mc. anri Mes. Stani CowlifiuR 1966. punîil: of1tice.Sîindax- School Mrq. Tennant. Salem. xxere pr-efr lPî-(hiým1 satuî-day evening caleprs ai-1l110.;kpLir Mrs, G. Tablis. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST for atihM' pbkeLard wa- V Mr. John Jolles u is;itpm NUeri l i rieri hl: nrog'aI- andi Mrs Rugi Dezeer, Rcth-& SA NG CO PR TO '- ndra.rî'ls.iu V a n v. & AV' gORO ATO W ýh %n;a Mr- 1 xsold li;ke I lhaiîk fbîsma fnliioxxed hv Boun evet \.One usho lus; hielperi r' o Be-ch'-, pri.marv rl;s"m with' the new.s duriro thie past Oshassa 19 Simceest. N., 723-5221 e g i e1e f MPrr vt-ar Re.zt visies foi a NlerrY FTUWAINL4_D(hr..tmà. Thpie ilcrînediat. Christmas 10n te tic dton i ;ld CF SERVICE Bowmanvhie 23 King St. W. 623-252, ir'i and ro. hou' unr"', staff arc! ho all readeri of The fpI-ip;lpo r -n StatemaiLneth Brooks, with Mrs. Ron- Z*Wdi fe heepontedot cehat th development." r at sid. l'vontreal for He oned t c mtrjtyth Bank if Montrea%, will have ino part in the sélection of v;in-1 ners. Independent sélection i rar s P o g a m for the easten area. under1u $10.00 urg cmmîniîesiiiailpathe chairmanship of Dr. J devPlop of tie country, was announcpd eral Deputy Minister of Agri.1 q ý,-farm.- recently by G. Arnold Hartclue r'.frtewsrn 7" u~chairman andi president of tie clre a nd. r the wemastern £Bank of Montrral. aeudrtecarasï of Dr. Li. E. Kirk. former dean, - Mr. Hart qaid i at the pro- of agriculture and forme egram - tie Bank Of Mo)ntreal chaîrman of lie board o! gov- Canada Contr'onial Farm Lead- errnons of the Universjîv of erhpAxcardsi - i., open to Saskatchewan. The co'mt fu O anrin x inmfreng age es are otherîvise drawn! me i farîng.mainiv from agrici.ilral col- Ioffers 50t awards o! $2.0011- leges across the country. ecrh - hlai in Easterni Canada Travel and Stud.v andhal inWestern Canada a 'he B of M awvards proxîide ot)Pliloura;z iiideopie an opportunity for farm peopleI ledrhpqualities ii îîlýr ndertake woîtiwiile trax'- 11n rural areas to enaile tiem i and stîîdy proîecds basod on1 Un- mccltih prohiem., arîsingitheir own ideas, tri unicrease e, 4from groiving teclinologicaî 'ýtheir knowledgP (of modern jandi;inifr advancos ini rural-dcevelopment techniques,. A agru-iitiire anri xastiY chaugeri Ton addition to rece-ixing the,' rceonnmîc conditions." Mr. Hart $2.000) awards, winners will î~4Sairi 'attend expense-paid, two-daY ATh i new sehemne la designcfd seminars at rentres in eastern , as 'a sainte Io tic Canadlian'and western Canada in the ~ f armer for thc great contrihu- ispring of 1966 andi again in the e lion hrlias made Io tic de- spring nf 1967. v~xelopmnent of bile nation.~ It Mr. Hart poioted out, 'The ý Siii tie B of M'a thîrd Project aim o! tie plan la not to pro-i A tn mark tiecreeniail andduce better farmers as sucli,f À thieliank's 150th annivc-rsamy:by providing awarris t suc- A în 1967. !ceqsafui farmers in recog9nitioný j Farmpr.s' Initiative of achievements in thpir farm- IA \uxarmds will lie marde on ie, ing operation. Ratier, the j aý:is of tihexvaIue and fes-Objectiv'e is to produce better Aui bilh f prnlpi- s of candi- citizens who cao assume leadi- n ratc ii wnrhoosing and in- ersiîip in developing betteri A iito;ei improve ticir pers. rural commiunitie-s" 01oaontribuîtion ho their crm- Hanribooks for candidates N munfP. pîîî; bînlir record in giviniz full detaîls nftih B o! IN cinmtiiv ýactix-tios. M Canada Centennial Farm' 4 .On cmplctîon of thoir pro- Leardership Awards plan, in- e % s * z teh e ic50 xviiners xviii lie cliding application !orms. are e sxp c er h nd ri k d fi - available at ait branches of le ' LE le progrnsn 10hem t(om- bank. rniiinihies. to share thiir new. The hank's tier 1967 prol- ~ knxx-id andoriexperiences ioda s 'nfar announced are ils' --Canada Cenhennial Scioiarsiip' Program, atarteri in 1960 and ,srhpdiiied 10 end in 1967, pro- Svidîng 126 îniversity sciol- 4 arships wortiî more bian A $200.000: andi its Canada Cen- Itenniai Tableau, start.od eariy: V4 in Orboier. vlerî xel-known TO A% arit Richard D. Wilson was A ~: .HAYDON ~'s lasI woek witli her - Mr. and Mr~. W. Kiton and Staff id wife. Mr. aid Mrs. Sîev~~aaj -----s------ fThe Canadian Statesman, Eownnvfe, Dec. 22, 19C83 1 Dove, and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery. Short. Mr. Luther Short, Eb. The many f riends of Mîjs enezer. were Callers last wukX Tamv 1oges xiii~e lea- o Mr. OiveLeetooze. Mr. ed to lparn t.hat she is home Roger Leetooze, Mr. and Mr& from Siîçk Chid'ien's Hnqrj-'Rulssell Crimblett were Sun.- ta]. Tornnto, . dav callers on MNrs. Olive Ilaster Paul Tuct.(y-Le~op tawa, j i- isiting with Ihis 'ne mriv friends of M». grandparents. Mr. and %Irs Boger Leetooze are sorrv ha C. Hagfrrman. i a patient in Merporial "Hos. Mr. and MfrF Elmer Haxce;s, rirai. Bowmanville w it h Whitbv, \ere Stindav suîpper pneiimonia. gueqts *wit.h Mr and C. The corirespcondent wlfh P. Swallow.. ý he Editor and his stamff a Mr- and Mrç. Kenneth1 Merry Ch i stxnas and a Hjappy I opsCaStIefon, Mr. Walîter New Year. aso ail its readers. LANDER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC BOWMANVILLE > ? MMI WNIM .......... -"i D ~'~'~.4G14c4, #oe~444/ the piano. sarng "littie ~t llee Toxxn" anri'd rx Ci ristmsas.' A p1ax' oîîtitlcd I~~~ 1Cirsrs Cis tOms" 'Arvs;y wel Cligu'Pih\' Carol Gec Crapi'imarx ciasa ini;i able (rosiri-,mes sang ' Pl's >9' Mr. H. Ci. ?reteman. àipe., intenîdont of tiec " (unr1,ï,': Y Sciiool. honk clîi-tge f Y White Gîft srie.upenfl pupilsnof tie knlra'c and ppnimarvnasespmeîeîlew tiPxhùegfh; ex. j. Rn. meri spoe. afcxv ixord,; of RPPI*'î-jition for tic gifts wiici are trigo ftliý Fî'cd y 'Victor Mi.ssinn i Irolltn. Ti pi'ogtam "uîîi the iLinior- aîîdrimsca seIs singinz p-bîi uia lit",adi'ompanied al tic pianîo Junior Hisla.hten presenifrri a plv Clîrisîma'; n the For. e".Tic junmior Classes gax'c y a th r e l c t i o î , ' S t a r o f A tiat vi i-uv l iî hlei n - medisie Choi-r.rang u'arols r ie- pictîitgitht- dfferent rIarac- herq of fhepia.Tlîocasýt hpeM their pla-e nticp l;tform whle Rx'.D .Arsront po flouncer illhe benedictino.W MVr. nidMr.,;. Newtoîî Ed- ~ar Osaux. vere Tlî'17 dax'-zL '"venin.g dinner guesaiitl VIa .C. Snowden and M- A Bob Snowdent. :y Mr. a-nrf Mr. .Wrn. Siloucrien, and fani- exdaRle, %N'pro satiîrdav vsio A-xiththeiry 'î'andnîotier, Mms. R. R. Ste-J 'ens. On Tliursdav, Mrs. Ravl' morow'dlign,, r.ani M[rs. DnFr>gM ari and two ~ lîîirn 'est IHiil, uWcreP V'iîhrs wit i Mra.Snodn; ntotier, Ms .B txei~ 4 in wîti lier'-1. ,Lfp- andiiîs anR"i. Mr. andi Mrr. H. J. Mm-s. Inllrl uleS1imn.=ry ille. P.ET., spent a mliple of IF S------ 4 Ail the best wishes to our good friends 13OWMAN VILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM from your q kM b