r- £Pe.rso nal Phone 623-3303 Doug Nichols, Queen's Uni- Mrs. Beatrice Code, R.N., of versity, Kingston, will be Elgin, Man., is spending the nding Christmas holidays holiday season with her sister {ome. and brother-in-law, Mr. and r. and Mrs. 4jn Graham , Mrs. Art Code, Parkway Anne and Lloyd,? -idon, Ont..ý Crescent, town. visited town reý ives and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moffatt, friends last weeki -id. ;Prospect Street, visited Mr. Winner of Tyrone L.O.L. and Mrs. Ron Moffatt, Kevin 7f0* 5O.5&~draw in the surn of'and Chris, Oshawa, and Mr. $136.50 was Jess Watson, 1100iand Mrs. Leon Moffatt and Water Street, Peterborough. ýSteven, Whitby. Min8 Dixie Gi, Toronto. willI Mrs. G. C. Squire of London, be home over Christmas week- Ont,. ill arrive this Friday end wlth her parents, Mr. and l to spend a week with her Mrs. R. Gill, King St. West. ýsister and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundie and Mr. and Mrs. Les Coombes, fmlQee tet Liberty St. North, spent thellaiy ue tet gas t weekend with Mr. and Mr. Don McNabb, D.C. and r(rs. Peter Auch at R.R. 1,'Mrs. McNabb and daughters Belle River, Ont. 'Donna and Maureen, Peter- borough, were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hewson, 1'with Mrs. W. W. Marsden and Mrs. Jan Earle, Port Hope, and:iMr, George Kempthorn. Mr. Don Yeo, Whitby, were r.DW.MCmiko Sunday guestsauwith rs. . Gait is visiting her daughter, Buteryanddauhte Jon. Mrs. Morley Vanstone, and Dr. and Mrs. J. P. May- granddaughters Misses Helen berry, John, Kristina andiand Barbara Vanstone, Beech Elna, Washington, DC., areiAvenuie. until after Boxing spending Christmas week with Dayý. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk. Mr. and Mrs. John E. James, n-onrevu.,wirilihp qpnf.rn Bowmanville Pentecostal (hurch li Liberty Si. S. Palmier: Roi. A. Kudra. B.Th. Phone 623-5100 9:55 an Sunday School il a.ni. "THOUGHTS FOR THE NEW YEAR" 6:45 p.rn. Organ and Piano Prelude : 7 pa.. "ON FIRE FOR GOD" Friday, December 3lst 10:30 p.m. WATCHNIGHT SERVICE with REV. and MRS, W. H. DAWSON eWeethe Word of God lner not Bound" ing Christmas weekend with their parents, Mrs. Irene Roberts, Newcastle, and Editor and Mrs. John M. James and famiy, town. Christopher Robinson arriv-ý cd home froni Queen's Uni-' versity, Kingston, hast Satur- day, to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Robinson, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hlumby, Burlington, spent a few days liast week with Mrs. Humby's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenîgk, King St. west, and joined in the celebration of Mr. Roenigk's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Webb, Toronto, were dinner guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mo!fatt, ,Prospect St., on Saturday and in tho evening they attended tie silver wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore of Tyrone. iThe Staff o! the Bank o! ,Montreal, town, held an enjoy- able Christmas party et the Nevw Dutch Oven, Orono, on Friday, Derember l7th. A!ter a sumptuous and tasty turkey dinnor, an exchange o! gi!ts took place with Dave Kerr in the role o! Senta Claus. Danc- ing followed for the remaind- er of the evening. Winners in the Odd Feilows and Rebekahs turkcy draw were R. H. Dow, R.R. 4, Bow- manville; Mel Forsyth, Osha- w~a; Rose Griff in, R.R. 4, Lind- say; E. R. Rainey, Orono; Jua Vasseur, Toronto; Wayne Burgess, Bowmanville; Laura Griffin, Toronto-, Jim Shirk, R.R. 1, Bowmanville; P. Neal, kRINITY UNITED (HUR(H 1Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.*D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.rn. - Morning Worship "ETERNITY IN THE MIDST 0F TIME" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 am. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 amrn - Primnary and Kindergarten 11:00 a.m. - Beginners Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 Maranatha Christian Reformed (hurch Rev. H. Moes, B.A., B.D. - Temporary Supply Christnmas Service, Saturday, 10 a.m. "The Grand Purpose of Christ's Coming" Sunday Il arn. - "Christ A Man of Paradox" Worship Service at 7:30 p.rn. "Proclairning the wbole counsel of God" i ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Anglican Rector: Rev. K. 3. Framptoft, M.A., B.Th. Cf'ISTMAS EVE 11:00 p.rn. HoIy Communion CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 a.m. Family Service witb The Communion SUN., 26th DEC., ST. STEPHEN'S DAY 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 pan. HoIy Communion 11:00 a.rn. Morning Prayer rv.ry Wedneday 10:00 am. Hoy Communion 1 cSoci a/ THESE AND MANY MORE GIFT SUGGESTIONS ARE ON DISPLAY IN I.D.A. STORES Corne in early and save - enjoy convenient shcpping for that "just rig htIè gift for everyone on your Iist. i & I Oshawa, and Ida Nichols, Bow- LONGBOAT'S YULE TIDE WISHES to b. hazardom tb adiool and 6c for each additional oz. iThe Canadlan Statestnan, Bowmanville, Dcc. 22, 1965 7 M.an d Ms.Heb owll TO GLOBE CAFE'S MR. SETO & STAFF chîîdren and that this arbi- tO ail other countries. Mr.an Ms.Her Pweltrary figure shaul be com- Post CardsO o Concession Street, celebratedilTkf Jusvihthletrrtofcadnoha beH p s their silver wedding anni- I've set yef a littie Tspletely remnoved. It is mai Four cents toa ah countries to r nCh m eH os versary on Saturday evening A nicer Job, I could flot ask. drivers be charged with the 3c appiies. when quite a nurnber of To ail the Staff, at Globe Cafe, responsibility Of decidiing Six cents each toalal otîrer To O bta in Speaker friends and relatives were cutis with them. They were pre- I send wishes, for the Christmas Day. when their signal ligtts be, 1tis. l1tereB.1 sented with several beautiful set to flashing. ba.sed on thel Printd baIl r)i gifts and cards. Those attend-T MrStowhnIkow owel speed limit o! the road on, (Except Second Class MatterO n S m all B s n s e in ee rm Ay -r So Mr eethings, I kwaysk o el. which the bus is stopped. Three cents for the tîrst 2 The Orono Chamber of Com- n,) t. t.ioet that theywere Streetsville, Oshawa, Lindsay, Tesedlil ftera z.adl o ahadtoa merce with 14 memnbers prea -mn improve nnt bath as en- Cameron, Norland, Cobourg, To praise the Cooks, for my tasty Food, on ivhîch trolley cars operate 2 ozs. ta the United States, its ent held their monthlv meet- t:-atiîes aur! in appearance. Tyrone, Long Sault and Bow- And bring my Tea, ever nicely brewed. dloes not regulate the stop- territaries and possessions, igreeently at the Nrhalh du not. huwever. solve manville. On the previous ~~~ping of automobiles behind a and other countries of North, Rsuat h nr r"'.i a Monday eVening they were I hope your Year, will be the very best, stet car which is stationary, Central and South Ainerica, presntedwitha loeiygxft~ An ailyouwhile kading or unloading, the West Indies and Spain.. The bank balance wa~ ~s 1( pethe membera o eeh ie Re- d llyor lives, be very richly blessed. psner, nd oraed Fur cents for the first 2 ported in an arnount ofi It î u btr vecommnuded tai bekh Ldge Th Water wh, lok fte meso eil saety a imiar eguato~zs. and 2c for eaeh addioal 1$298.42~. The Chamber is tua thtŽ, ewîtxecutive that they bekh ode. heWater wolok ate m sowelsaety asiila rguat o zstaai oh- eunri continue its nembership in the, carry* on eideavouring to ob- The 25th wedding anni- I take this way, niy grateful thanks to tell. should govern the standing:2 Os oa!o*e onre 'Canadien Chamber for 1966. tain n mucý or overpass into versary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert school bus. When children' Samples Thirn hmeri a'ri~ Sundy, as eleratd S aceptmy itte ae eterng r lavig a Fouir cents for the nirst 2 'contact the Canadian Chambeu A Lo±ir dscuýsson centred Ewers, DOrillia, hat te lae theesRyeschoî bus, the lights shoulzs and le for each additional .na effart ta havearpr-aound buisiness in Oromo. It home of her sister and broth- To keep as a Memory, of my Happy Times. be flashing whether on the 2 ozs. to the United States, its inatv o ficCaaie rg*as h elngta oa er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. To ail my Chinese Friends, I wish you every Joy, highway, eîty street, Or a'territories and possessions, anzto drs oko'h ante îved a big 'part in Nesbtt, .R. , Bwmanilie Tht ai theYea ahed, nthig wiî anov.back concession. D.A.A. feels o ther onris olNrh Dinner guehstsr ahadinciudedill nMr. that changes toi existing lawslCentral and South America, Chamber for the local group creatn, a iavourable atmos- and Mrs. Elwood Cox, Minden; ~»should be made as smon as!the West Indies and Spain.. zoncern.g tishoed smave busis phn: hd t eitoncthtlme Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harding, Written by LONGBOAT possible ta reffedy a statute' Four cents for the first2 an. tishe-pe ta ave thrio ithh'a h to h e ton sofl Toronto; Mr. C. H. Porteous, Pen Name o f which is quite obviously out- ozs. and 2e for each additiona speaker a tt Fbuav r1 o o andt ti ecino town; Miss Roberta Co, Rlp . T;n oded and which feuls ta 2 o7S, t alal other countrîeF. 'ae etn.tevlaeadt rmt Courice an Mis Cok ahhR Tole prvid th nirgi o!safty~The annuel meeting o!f lie grous tii. Kelly, nd Guess honca 13 Elgin Street, Oshawa, Ontario. providetahe rarg ostnyý Air Mail Chanîbcr wiil be hid on thie Pledge S1,000 for Artificial Ice Donna addition a unifarmhig yu r. et evrygao rn secondes ndnMondao ombt pnen-Jannddiio a nifr'h1« scon Mnda i J par. lsedbr psnan-an ed in the cvening to extend Wihn o r.St vr oo n idwihsad alv l'azardou' e1xPN5uretoinmail rate of 10e will be intro- This is ta be a dinner meeting h noiis1:,, motion pledgîng a best wishes were Dr. andi your entire Staff for ail the Coming Year o 1966. injury for our ciilda-en. It's duced for single post cards ta as lest year and tickets will!'suni 0f S,1,000 to the Orono Mrs. John Werry, Mr. and- better to be sale than sorry, 1ail countries except the United Ibe pre-sold for the nieeting.! Artificial ice Fund. The Mrs. Art Falls, town, and Mrs. States, and its territories and:Mr, F E. Lycett is ta abtain1pIedpg ý hob honored on C. Norton of Oshawa. The a fff possessions, to which the ratela speaker for the meeting. recjui'.t u\lien ih is nered. The hap opercie nnC a ges Lo g Indu wili remain at 8c. The e 1, New Entrances iChaînher mnay have ta borrow happly gficul civedanany -Increase I rate xiii alsa apply ta singlei The meeting in discussing the againsi a $1.000 bond whieh is versary dlock from the famiy.. post cars sent y arm or ecnty cntutdetacshl yte.Tm Mr n Ms eog ho-~ S ae members o! the Canadian rcnicntutdetacshl yte.Tms Mr. nd rs.Geoge hom-ý1n cho l B s P ssin !P sta Raes Forces, their dependents and group of friends with a Chri -. ! Effectiveîi d or *t<Ja ivilens t1ace6 aNthICEi rrsn e Osaa tertabine Tep) ! - areceric-ëitleaIo ,chocl'ouel ýinp]ifie.d wîcfEortie tJnuar 1; Itryserved through a CF.P.O. NW WNI HN n'a d"neLtIheTtihe - i -the surface rates of postage ta:i YuL EW INE TR ATTL vîlionOshawa fol!ow'O ý bjd l"O ioting,,fron school' etfective control, jr teoî- onre ïîh aclPs Mr-' Ohw, ollv,,1)."ýi'iother cOSIIAiVA m-illbc\as Par(eLLPos dinner et the CronadIi'-r b It'L :cuses thoe spotliightl ion of W. S. Chalmers, Mr asj !'l'lieTh Canada Post Oftice ý SAAB7I-S OLG Restaurant, Hiýrhway 401. Nov- on existig regulations whichigerNieîîîbers' Services -olov adontimg a systimn oroviding4 Opens Monday, January 3, 1966 .elty gifts and luky - sci outtabeinadlequate in their! speakifig for Domninion Aîo Letterb for unie'set of rates onafor Nie rerdigdcosshu ve lcoa. prmzrsntd Getsie __ __ ni' s<o.to.Five cents for flie first oz. istop veighit scale, coveringW Nne caclassesaied forbotnie. lxf-okr n nire presented. Ouests includ-) -rke an ed in the party were Mr. and 'ci . Mr. and -%Mrs. Saini T b e regLJation %Il, .0and 3c for each additional Oz. iparcels un ta and including 22Regular Evenlng Classes. junior U~iî Classes Mrs. Charles Stainton, Mr. and Ar NIs r. and MLvrs. James quires thse ':ri-ver of a scilîool 1ta Great Britain and the Com- lbs. i weight to a graup of audymrigfryuepol rn Nirs. Jack Strachan, Mr. and Big~s e n r.Fe!bs' prt i 'ahn owatRpbi fIe countries in each of threeGrds, 7ad. Mrs. Ross Adams, ahi of Osha- hoas ir. and MIvrs. Jack! 1Iihts' when - is bus is stop- land, United States and itS wrdzns. Further infor- Gc reLder , a ndr - tle8. we; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith!Iped on a tlsoroughfare where territories and possessions, mation on these new rates!'eitain sLiie Sturrock, Mr. and Mrs. William Shackelton, Mr~. and Mrs. Royi tie posteod ýueed lirnit is ovcer otheur countries of North, wilî be furnished later on eitainl i~ie Joll, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MecMullei-. Mr, and Mrs Gr-!,35 m.p.h. ICentral and South Americe, The rates to United Statesý OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Nichais, Mr. and Mrs. Jack don Sturrock. ail of Bowrnan- D)oinion ti eao~lîs, that il, istue West Indies, France and remain unchangedl. "A Coîhege Where Care..,rs Are Borni" Brown, Mn. and Mrs. Murray ville, and Mr. and Mrs. John flot necessarv for a vehicle to Spain. 1 Consult your Postmaster for .10 Sumece St. N.. Oshawa Dial 725-3375 Woods,__Mr. and Mrs. Bud Grahami of London, Ont. be trav-elling a'. ver 35 m.p.h.1 Ten cens for the first az. Ifurther information._____________________________ j- -. -... -. ~..-. --v