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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1965, p. 8

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T lhé Canadian Statesmnan, Bowrnanville, Dec. 22, 1963 JUNORS ALIMOST UPSET RUSSIANS " Officially somne 14,886 people paid their way int Mapie Leaf Gardens last Tuesday night to see the sa-cailed Mariboro Ail-Stars put up a tremnendous battie before bowing ta the -Soviets 4-3. Five minutes prior ta game tiîme. the line.up - (two or three deep) ]ooking for tickets had reached the' - __ .-__ .__ __ e(Odeon Carlton theatre and eventually aver 2,000 had te be turned away. Ontario Pee Wee Champions Pr It was a great exhibition of hockey. We might interject et this point that even the pregs box was jam-packed, but the old scribe was there soon enough to secure a seat. We went to the game primarily ta see how Bobby Orr, ~ would lare and also to get an idea how the Russians had Impraved since we had seen therni ast. On that occasion, tome four or five years ago the eomrades had whacked a -Metro Jr. "A" ail-star squad son-ething like 9-1 or 9-0. This reporter expected something sinilar this lime, freely pointing out to other newspaper men who didn't ihave aur vast experlence (Dunnli. Vpond. Keraghan ta n aine a few) that our side would lose by eight goals. However, last time the Russians simply skated away Twith the game - but that was a rnuch weaker aggregation than this. The visitors stili sho\wcd lots of speed, and at, tîmeu their cheeker-board passing '.as really something. But Sthis Jr. "A" aggregatinn was pretty fast too, keeping pace with the miore-experienced opposition for rnost of the game. tIn tact Jini Gregory. who had been sticking up for his boys against us bums statcd, 'Give me ihis same line-up five or six years from now and l'Il\vin the Stanley Cup. * Could be Jim. In fact if it had becti a Jr. "A" Ail-Star, team, instead of a Manlie Bolstered by Al-Star aggregation, yrou wouid have won Tuesday night. It \vas noticeable,: *with the exception of Mike Corrigan and Brian Watson that i Toronto players were the weak point-, Jim McKenny. the tempermentai defenceman coulînt make up his mndý whether ta try or not - and spent inuch of the last two periods on the bench. * We would have liked ta have -P(,n Mickey Rrdmond added ta uine-mates Lacroix and Grant and Ken Laidlaw, D oug Shelton and Wayne Cashmian gîven a chancc, 1mw-, ever, we certainly aren't criticixing. he.cause the M1vanies' players didn't sernuch action and Gilles Marotte, Doný Marcotte and Jean Pronovost, thrce pretty fair performers,1 ,didn't suit up due ta injuries. Babby Orr must have piaycd at Icast 40 minutes if not: 80, and how the crow.&d roared when he grabbed the puck.' ZAller seeing this fabulous pcrformer Tu'Lesday night, we 're! -now certain that he could plav for almost any N.H.L. club right now - not just the lowl1y Bniîios. Spr'aking of Boston, The Town of Bowmanville honored the Ontario Poe Wee scout Harold '*Baldy" Cotton carné up with a good one.,'Champions on Friday night by presenting each plaver with an *We had better tean-s in the wcar veirs when we had to use ,ndividual trophy. They also received crests, with His Worship guys with flat feet so they \ý ouildni't hc drafted." 'Mavor Ivan Hobbs, Councillor Edward J. Rundie and Coach Lloy\d Now if oniy the Russians wvould gel. white numbers Fo rsey making the presentations. The e-cnt also honored the Legioni -~ veythngwould be fine. Orange nurnerals on rcd (what B antams and was held at the Legion Hall under the chairmanship eisc?) sweaters aren't too easy ta read. Oh yes - the c o Of Sports officier Jack Baker-. The Ladics' Atîxiliarx-scrvcd hot rades shoot much harder than before, and thev have several 'dogs, choco late milk and apples and special films werce shon. i h > offensive plays where scrcens are used as in lacrosse and 'H ce -basketball. It is called interference in hockey - but they Local 189 Hce got away wilh it.__ Russians opened the scoing bcfore the gaine was two minutes oId as Boris Mayorov fooled Barnford on a drive tyitickllye.Atfthe rsh10 mark. l-ker ic trKonovl- ,Brui ns Upset Hornets toin his sttichie e rushb0 mark. sultked rinted nevl's enko appeared ta be asîeep at the switch and Danny Grant~ a batted ini Lacroix's pass at 6:57. Grant secrnied ta be off-u e SO 4 flo r e s aide en the play. LacroiX madie it 3-1 from Grant before, the :first period ended. For sorne reason the referee wasn'î'i Bruins upset league-lEading first pcriod. Ruî îrc gaing ta alow il, and when he did he was ncarly the victimi Hornets 7-4, while Raiders Bob Mar-ie-rîson sco rped Rave c.t.De, downed tail-enri Comets 7-5 twice for the Raiders. ih'Hnk Iaile.1 o f communist aggression, but w-c had a clear view of the in Local 189 hockey action at BiII Nicholson and *\Iný," toiand Bill CI- shot and il was definitely in. ýthe Memonial Arena. Sunda-,'Richairds stippl\ itp the othci s. Psu i MCtilloil Firsov clicked on a beautiful passiiîg play ini the second rnorning. Aftcr a scorc ie.Ape:.-, pail, fr- h Ie and Starshinov lied it aller four minutIes of the final on' In the opener, Ted Faite:-iodc, the tcamrs wei-e stilil lotv, cijuidj * qickthre-an rea. Vtean erfrme Lkte fiedaccounted for ail the Cornets' even after two, d"sdlIockýed Rt gcttîing once api(, a qickthre-an rea, Vtean erfrme Lkte fiedscoring with five goals, but!lhree apiece, but the Bruins Tcamn Sta the eventual winner after the Lacroix line had just niissed his one man heroics wereni'tlturned it oni I registier the W. et the other, end. Orr missed a great chance ln the opening lenough ta stop the Raiders. upset. Iout minute of the period when he was righit in on KonovaIenko'5Larry Piper carne up %vith ai "Archie" Cr -osscy sitored Il aiderrs door-step.' ha t-trick ta pace the winners,itwice and assiat cd on tbrec Bm ins .,; 4 who had trailed 3-1 aftem Iheimare ta lead__the wa.v, sincle Collirt7 3 The Ruskies' trernendous stamîna andi physical condition! ..p:aid off as the garne went on. But considering they rea1lyý Town League Basketball -are pro hockey players (nt it ten months a year) and the'- ____ juniors had only one practice, -e would have ta thinký Leafs or Canadiens would win easily, particularly if theý If you are figuring on secing the Mar]ies-Suýederi gane: at 8 p.m. on January 5th or the Czechs vs. Canada at two o'clock, January 9th - gel our tickets early: ýFuLels I\ovv 7iecIfoc~r Seco, LEAFS WIN Points weme at a minimum' the low scoing colitest. Jo ,bv., defauilt. the * It was strange ta see the number of tickets hein g offered lasi Tuesday night at ilie the big battle for top spot, abling Stephen ~. fr sle s w wakedalog Calto Steeten out tatheH.igh School gyrnnasiurn, butiCoronatuon movrd four points 11wth Jewcellers for Go aes aakd ln arnSrete ot ath Danny Seto stili managed to in front. breaking an 8-8 haIf- ltion. -n aron, but coming niht afier -icpreviausgme:and co- so s Crnto aepit tid qa-tr 1ic-r resented with Ladies' Major Bowling Loagu. Wit .h only One wIeek remaiii-IP. Havoes-------------........21n ing six team.- stili have a shtU Baker---------...... ... 209 at the Ladies' Major Bo\wl-' E. Ficher-------.....-..-'..208 ing crown. Lasi onaxrug>t NM. Pernis. .............. 204 O. Etcher whippcd Wrîight :3-0,B. Bitonshaw----------....203 in the lone shuhiot ta : akc, 'M. Slaght... ........... 201 oiver first place bx- a sutîrîri,.Tcnnant ............ q point. Hazvlden. -ho hac 1d eIF3. Terrv the lead for mnos: of thc sche- S. dule. weme tipsct Ibv 220 qaînes and eg Hayne-, droppirng b seon 'Ni. Fo» 220, 240, M. Tewmu A 2-1 win aven Bujttonshjaw 22 9.N. ehan 224, S. Bic. eniabled Brooks to tue auol~- keli .3231,VA,4 J. Tnat24 d nii thenii -îpao,21.- 267. L. Martyn 233. E. .whilr 1Baker _i rdcella- ich 2,232. J. Sutcliffe Tro he at L g odwelling Roxucr:ý in t matit- 240, D. RoWe 2,10, N. Gvoiid tain the grip on tbr!d. 22 4. B3. Bittonshaw 2,51. 24q. rophiesit Leg 'o,-.la2 i.-ei sto S. Fowýlr 13,E.Mitchell 223, IE.EtcerTrraii silyr inD. roos 20.275, H. Dono. content on ffY w point, Z-1htîc 22-221, 241, P. HRyneq Off the pace. j li ¶1wf:î.îj i, 1-124R. 26-1. S. Biekie 254: K. traction. bob cluibs dropperi \\Vhite' 288. L. Smith 221. L. onit of the ruiinniiir as 1Bicke,,lt 1T57eln 228. J. Alexander edged Patfieiri 21 '78. Ni. Pprmis 2,51. M. King Dot Bok'75R tt' ,il toolk268, O. Etcher 241, 2.11, J. high triple hon-ours, fnllowe,,d Baker 246, B. Terry' 253, 224. bv Jovce Tenniar" 7'2 "' -S DmVis 2.50, 23,QK. Stephens Davs 08 Pg:D-Bond '272,H. Simnick Barbara Buttotýu\ ii atd -35 aelDonop ii: r'7 Shirlex' BickcI e i kiun the iiugli's tp 0 32 othen top effort. h I !p,1wil1 loin Yeu in bv Karen Wlir nT Alexander 278. Dn. -nI",;UVte 27.5 and 2-70, andDo, B $500000 272. Team Standiiis lt a reaqonablîerate O0. FIcher . .... . of interest Braoksl ...n... Ta consolidate yaur RakerI.2 bills or for any ather Buttonshaw ... ... . :3 Tonnant .~: worthwhlle purpase Patficlild E. Fichecr............... ro> Bicke.l.2. Proidîng Yeu are, Havns ...... 'Wright ....... steadily employed and BowersI Top TweIve Averages have zood credit. D. Brooks '222 O. Pattiecd... .... Telephone 723.4631 O. Etcher ...... S. Bickell 21____________ __________________LIBERTY BOWL LTD. y;iBASE LUNE I'orrest Dillitng. Pee Wee 'Manager Emmett Croughi thanked the \vévilterfrcd Legion and the Town for their tbougbtfulness. Phofi shows lbe 1« team and other officiais, seated, lef t 10 right, B. MeM.'\ahion, T. Simp- y 9 sort, P. Forsey,, S. Forsev, D. Crough, R. Little; back i-o\, Mgr. E5. 1 /len / Crot.igb, K. Rowe, D. Parker, M. Ormistoni, B. Simpsuni, M. Conway, e Sports Rep., R. Rogers, M. DoniagbuLe, b. Forse,.-, Coach, D. Ormiston. and Goodyear Lge. ct724, vçalt 7fatel ' 722., ic y 1 vv~a h o . Dk Imît 70?, Llo,%d Ilcard and (l /)71f ei the first SC}e(CILIIQ, Fiin BelD u ck P eet, bath at. 698. i1t kept their ho0pc.lx .s>': John Luxton lo.rk high i titig out Ho ýc -7-0l n o 1vfe :iinglcIîeswulh a 3 2,5 V Alicys availabie duî-iig festive season for within six poinits of thle Goori- Pdnl(" , foîîwed hv' Rowe 3117" year BolnIl remri upy (0 ii bp WV_ Open Bo%%vJing (Day or Nigbt) Pace-setting B.'lî s dfrated i Paison 286, Wriglit 280.M 'Machine Shop 52 'vI' els... ..............50 a pair of n esTi1,er.1s V n anBreis .. ......... ... ... .";4 P OEM2 » 6 otîs pilivn.5- auv ed Baiders Romin- Roaid.r..4......HONE ....... bu-vei1r Hie ooi4-.Si] 1oo.........40 ~ l a-nil- Art Rowe led thie way N'th'Tigers ....................... 3r .~e. a 74.3 triple. o*,het- top bu' s?: Banhuiry ............. 9i For Reservatî în' for Your Party Bowling ph1 pcuked up gni uî, Io Joli . ttou 739. \'l "hine si-ap ---_ ....... 'q" P,r an Hughes Sn dings L. T. Pl. easr' win en- Fuiels ta t;e )r second posi- ndings W. L. Pls sidering N.H.L. ducats are bard to- corne hv,- il just shows' downed Hoopers Jewellers John Fowler piekeri up six. Coonation Cafe .5 1 10 what interest is gzenerateri in International captiin 16-13. o .e'. Hooper's Jewel'rs 3 3 6 -optto. Seto accounted for ail but Whye's Upholshening gave "Stephien Fuels 3 3 6 A lot of people have asked ils if Mahovlich really scored one basket for the winniems;, up ils second stm-aight gane Whyte's Llpholsh'g 1 5 9 In the firsl period. We had ai- excellent view of it and with a total of 14 points In -___ thought imniediately that the puîck liad bit the cross-bar. However, the big "M', who played onc of his infrequentYot Bwln M ixed M ajor League great games, really let fly and il ivas impossible la tell fori certain.. December 13th game of 362 and a second Yau know 1 can't figure those Leafs out -- even lhough! Bantam Girls The ladies overshadlowed garne of 293 for a triple of the deeaed ing 53 i ac o th btte gaesaI heFinal Standing the ment-iIis Mondav nipht,7. .ritce Buday rolled Garydes a ate, the Toror i no f heliloo er lîke t aiy needidBradley ..- .......... ...... 18 Denise Annacrt takjing top. the next high ganie of 339 anri Gardns o dte, he orotoqstil lokedlik the Mutton .................... 36 honouî-s for the bigh single Introductions to eaeh otheî- on occasion. Then after ending.Wbitehead................. .. .30- la 9294 for a triple of 794. Ollieý .Detroit's winning strcak ah seven, te vcmv next night they Lewis 26' .Patfueid (pluggin- liard for-l stope Cnaies igt t ue orun aie te ab hdiWinning Team: D. Badlev, bhei-tcam, as usual) carne up gon egh staihtwtl-iuu i~.iiî dfet.P. MacDonald. A. BineC with thmee gouc games of 29 1. n did youtr sec Edie Sbt ac;ngf' t fm r koleHart, J. Brysan, M . Edmonri- & 9e.467. 299,for 167. Hilda Brocke rAnd icrash e h Edio 'a ck boar. UdoAtdlv Edrelso JnirGils put lung b ler weight wiîh 711 realy cashd hni nto he oars. ndobtely Edies Jnio Gils 270 foi- 709 triple. Bil Hol- ability bas finally blossorneri.buhui mfomnr or not - nobodvs Sellens -...-- ....I nri..tilî'gttiî1ab e safe when hesoail the ice. Ayre.......... ............ 491.in this a;cheduile, bowled lie ________________________________________________________ Frth ......................... 30 8,_g8, reile gf vat- e sigh of Brorneli ..... .............. 2-882.cnutîgogaes 8, Patfield ......................23 8 4, 2.57. Ertude Perfect liadý ans .'29 M M OA LVWinntng Teani: D. Sellers. ô77(262. 935, 230); Fred' M E O I L LýKelly, L. Piper. S. Blan- Thomison 692 (252. 242);, chard. B, Cowan, P. WestlakeGereBb 63(0 24 R IAHigh Single: J. Sellers 2.83. 219): Doris Joli 663 (257, A.Chittick 238. M. Macklîn 1 213): Babe Brown 662 (2 71, A R N 2.F. Henning 210-210. D. 2051; Ppte Dobbîns 655 (230, ý Snowden 206, J. Nimnigon 203.« 218); Morris Annaert 649 (238, BOWMANVILLE Junior Boys215:Lo nor65(57 Telephone 623-5728 Preston ..... 50 204): Jean Hloion.-( 631 (245); __________Ad anis ....... 0 ]Smn66(2,26; Palmner ............6 Simniek 615 (257, 210): D. Buwmeester .............. .0. .Wright 611 (263): M. Murphy CLOSED ALL...DAY..o.. 20. 606 (252. 214): J. Murphyý 233 CL S D A LD Y Dnoghue 19! 226: H. Ballanhine 232: R. Winningp Teani: B. Preston, Wright 210, 202: J. Sutcliffe FRR.D C 2 T Wilson, D. Richards, T. 23 .Cnos22 StOf E 2 alker. G. MacDonald. M. Comminent of the nUie: Pal- - and - Staker.field's *sluggems' camne through - ndHigh Single: M. Bediford for 0111e andi took two points 5 15 R. Bouwmersher 208. 1 from Joll's teani. Annaert's CHRISTM AS DAY, DEC. 25 eir MiedLeae Season's greetings to one downed Btida's 3to 0 o k Colville........................ 3 and ail, with a sincere schedule with 3012 po i nts.: PUBLIC SKATING - SUNDAY Etcher ...................... 4.5 "thank ynu" for Your loyal Permis took i.wo points from, 'Ci ... .......... 4 and friendly patronage. Bickell to put hmitir MO DA ,DE.27h- OS K TIGWilson ...... 8Ri TONAY 5:30 2th- OTSLY 25c Bennett .1 6 spot (Bickeîl still holdinz 3 O530 - O LY2eWinniung Team: M. Hatelv. BANNER PASSANT second), Joli wîth 15 , and N. Edmonrison, N. Neads. C. 623-3258 .Pted 02- Bradley., D. Piper, T. Gardon. 14 Rehder Ave. ITeHldySao suo High Single: M. Kilpatrick flowmanville us once again and I would .0,B. Colvîlle 262-245, R. like l'I exhend Sc.asns' A V rr h r s m a them 234-231. 1 Sun LfeAssrnc Greetings ta ail rny'fellow'! Family Twosome Tournament me suac owlers and té- thr. Statesman 26ntmh d a rent. p.r Company of Canada Office andi Staff for tbeir co- 26th at1:3 rim.opera'oo. -unr> 1tri , eachi to O ne and Al r.adSrs.and Parn<,,qCtgtgpînd er oeaPoprus e 4- j I <- 4 m omm- ý-. lops vil, m- ýýB 0 WM AN VI L7LE ol 01 m

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