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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1965, p. 9

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p ~ ~~~~~~The Canadian Stateun niytl c.2,18 9 <1/se ,'Vewco4L. YM 4usds#dA CHRISTMAS PRAYER CHRISTMAS UMvrsiten isosn o ulhIc1chohde n Christmas holidRyswthhs chrwawelpsned M Brc iloEditor Pitne 9874213 The carols ring out upon our ears, In days of oid, so we are told. family. the Jack Wilos gvn uhsoefrato Mis.. Bruce Tilison, ~~Memories blat our cheek with tears; The Wise meni saw a Star. Santa Claus obviousyh~ntepr fislrecs The. snow falis gentiy on the roof They lef t their tasks, and brave arnd already called et the Larne1la~r ntrann Tanr their daughter amdi amily, Making a mat for foot and hoaf; 'boid, Staples judging byth ne Lue21-0wa lip- Potacry oreota w hM.ae yiscs ohoal Mr n r.Rbr hand and cilrensocalnlysasySinou two parts..Sory e eMis.ha m M o rn B la ko u t Mrs.Shearer's sisteran heri As they contempiate Santa's rnystery; AtRwnadl h r s sfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and Mackin f.vrDonchaMurdoch, nt contributedBownhaaebsoloe Bradley, Oshawa, were aged lean Thethot empty-handed guests on Sunday with Mr. Rich in theî- thoughts of yesteryear, They had gifts fit for a King. te mrvdheensfe-i e se aetdfsin Shearer's mother and father, Fathers and Mothers rush about As they journeved to that land where, Christmas.pni gue a y D i n r r ndMs . esrer, Shopping, hurrying in and out Te wouid hear the angels sing. On Wednesday, Dei 2d rj~ ntepao Bxn a.And youth astounded at life's cal Y!etnPbicSho ne the direction of their ece' wl rsne:ocr London tric casaLovdnntrincavvsgknive t elec EvereterttLLkeewwereotMr.yandMrThey MsawF.tGe Tftile ebabyaKing afeMisstMuriell TMurdochthe ithllotsy oiniMiss uriel urvor- Io famous for its fog, and Los gamnes and toys, hied a few ito re-light and re-heatth and Mr. and Mrs. John A elyuo h a.e hi nulCrs vilgwhile Mr. and Mrs. 'Meneilley and family, a"l of Yes, Christmas is here once aan- AnstriHe ay onthe hy. net rthirnnuae Chrismscn-tahr hs e1osbe Angeles for smog, Newcastle more hours to weit before see- Harve Britton answered end- Port Hope, were dinner guests ju aknga ar i bac- ngwhthr he wrkd r ess 'phone caens as to the Christmas Dayw radHaw I remember way back then; worshipping capacity crowd. 1olwn dn.W r ncmit outs. Once again the residents flot. '5hoitag of power'. The trouble Mrs. Francis Tufford and But it's the Birthday of one beloved On aur first Christrmas Day. the en thevngsetr-isrement with thse wh knew the need for sweaters While those of us who sat seems to have been along the family. The time for prayer and doubtamuilree tb and candies very early on indoors wondering whether or same lune on Church Street Mr. and IMrs. Brian Rowe ra musical revue with a mend- s aste of time and should bpo Christmas mnornrng when the not we'd leat turkey or cold where the blackout occurred and Dayrell were hosts to the Fins ilyupa ihu loortiuebig tnvly oodes power went off. The lights sandwiches for Christmas, a few weeks earlier. Yes, it Alldread family for Christmas crhdwl o rywt u ioortiuebi overusolNosaduettroan r flcee ntiewieteteewr ie n hl-wudseem w are reaîîy be- dinner. Guests were Mrs. Ta-day? Down an aur knees -Brtter than gold, a loving heart, amountto anyhing, ili b turkeys lay raw in the ovens ren wondering how their hus- ginning to know the true value Gladys Alldread, Fred, Bey- "Glory to God in the highest, 7ay before the King. Nine junior thespians peet until well past Il arn. Those bands and dads were making of our electricity, and our hats erley and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. n nerhpacae MroreCnigaedapa,"h e who weren't up at the crack out in the freezing rain and are off to those who shoud R ofstede, and Mr. Rowe's Qen hc a of dawn to open their gifts did cold as they rushed to the ered the horrible weether, te ýbrother, Glen. Lk -1 se lae ycndleligtangsure ofthe trouble. Tom give us back the use niour RBea:n:t visitors of Mr.Luke2:14eived. :I::t:r GeoreM-n ~s îsl r esl ths eevn arres lc esneDon Lake and hydro.___________ Mrs. Eric Foshay were Mrs. -ainFr BIRTHDAY 0F A KING Cullough gave a sht bu BetieBcet ad snDress Fashion Showwahed ersig ncutr Plt ~jrvj~ ch o l G r dCharles of Saskatooni, Sask. t t t + + The beauty of the Eastern night, with Brian Wilsonasc- reP Christrnas guests were Mr. Did simple Bethlehem adorn, mentator, broughttar of noybeaaidtrog j u i r S h o r d sFoshay's mother and father, WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? As in a stabie's saf t, dim light, nostalgie (or wvas itleo~)patceadtann h Tr.endn . Rbr ohy Christmas is boughs of holu The littie royal Babe was barn. to the eyes, as weddingdes ta aî g n otne Friends and neighbours inl And a timne to be joliy, o u omnt G iv e C b ris! m as C o n cert hospital this week are: Mrs. It's evergreens and mistletoe While o'er the stable glowcd the Star, rnodelled by much moeuv1 HreCnsSnaClu" Mrs. Mary Foster Sr.. Mrs. And much SCurryiflg ta and fro; Telling the place where Jesus lay, enile models. A ceti ng y te chlrn n efcr~ ~C r" iclMarie Gartshore, Mr. Clarence It's goodies, gifts, and festivity Bringing the wise men f rom afar, amoe of te atros înu Hale, Mrs. Violet Harrison, And a tear wiped away by a memory; To ]ay their gifts upon the hay. tio thone row hirpe Bo r v r l wC o dMrs. Olga Kozub. Mr. Edmun It's chiidren, carols, and a tree ent bulk ever fitted int hs Nwate-Aohrexcel- j large audience, then invited Gail Milhench. Severel vei'y Mr. Ernest Rinch, Mrs. Grace And perhaps it's next door ta Eternity, and 'brogt]dhfakncn ' v 12 and W1TCH FO aen Christmritmsasto, mngrohee ndamdMrSheyardnons Necatl -nohe wseveryone to take part in the:smart toy soldiers and the Shppar Mr. Edward Smith u hîtas agr vme~'rodeîîed hy Miss Calh~Ki lentedhrtsthes Public wsholeing h ign f' le hthle nSnasMrs. Margaret Smith and Mr., A Babe is born aur cares ta share, Earth stilled, to hearte angels sing, Mr. uselKr'by is f last week, this timue the per,- Canada". iorkshop also took part. Sit- Joseph Steller. A timet ryadt i a nlenOmyw oa hyo lPamrela Stinson, Mrs.Jc lARI \fermiers were of the junior Favored by the Grade 4ýting in front at either side of Congratulations to Mr. and m e pa y ar, d-lltowng ana ylhm hmaxe owsthe y of aly id,. JAN u R TissNa ]rdes one, two, three and'Choir singing several selec- the stage, the remaining pupils Mrs. Harve Britton who hae"ec nErh od-iitwr a oaetateHael ig ison s is ac Sî edrthe ,elbrated a 45th wedding an- Mrs.>Roland Stucs' by Miss 1?,ur. !tiens, suitable for the season, of Grades 1 an 2 formedtece j Fr Mroi unnhm, Wandn Kerr, Mrs. Hwr iThere was a very largei it was soon realized why they choir. niversary this past weekemid. -ainFr Newcastle, Ont. Melcolm by bierduhtrRANC crowd of parents and friendsJwere entered in the music This was followed by a ce- - Candice, Mrs. Geal in attendancc, aIl seats werelfestival. ligious play, "A Gift Divine". <nmTme Smnith, Allen Smith, Mis IAUh daughtrr Jennîfir r taken, and standing roorn in-1 Trouble in Toyland was Taking the part of Grandma BIJ.U AflRarln riPinoM~~~ n Miv ip e S ru ay:Hry Mlomb egtrE i cluded standing out in the playedi by Grades 1 and 2 with was Jeenette Wager, Grand- Thomnas Jackson were with ~IL Mitzi. stairway. Aduit admissions on the help of some senior stu- children were Louise Steeves, JAMES VILLA, SR. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson YelerotIinl btevnnsilbeu edt-ents. Tirnry Walton who Denise Jones and Stephen l and famrily et Yelverton IforLinds y o Jan. .t hrnKr n wards the Grade 4 class beingstole the show on the evening Selbyý. The Angel was Sendra The death occurred Decern- Christmas. transported to Peterborough the seniors presented their Kel-sey with Shepherds being ber 21, 196.9, et the farnily Mr. and Mes. Gordon Chae'Mleseîpodcsai qelfdtodc th u welcorne. for the Music Festival early prograrn, was an able assist- Kenny Nesbitt, Germaine residence, R.R. 2, Bowman- Michael Chase and Kareni Christm ale oev pe rîext year. ant as a clown in the junior Landry and Brien Forget; ville, following a lengthy ilI- Chase spent Christmas wekiothees involved in the produc ect c, "The Storage and Utilîze-,sentcdcnsdebevrtya Me. Ronald Munro, princi-rograrn. Other seniors play- Roger Cobbledick and Sandra ness, of JamesVilr.H end in Lyndhurst with wraee. AIeated NUelono h Cr ro" "oemae o pal, heartily welcorncd the ing parts were Jennifer Gray, Keen played Mary and Joseph, was in bis 73rd yeer. G. Chme S.SrupD" e the Povncil cnacted as follows:Apinad a French Dol: Ruth PatersonlRobin Walton, Gary Johnson A son of the late Me. and acr îp a t r\nil The meetings will be feom,1si by Cathy Bristow, ed a Rubber Doîl: Robbie Scott, and Brian Mikios were the Mrs. Antonin Villa, the decees-i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Freernan Building, 322 Kent. Street sl the Jack-in-a-Box. Joie Bezu- Wise Men. The remaining ed was born August 16,19,atiterchlildren Kerry and Wcst, Lindsay, on Wedniesday,1h0 rNt-23 .m nte-n ' abr Wlo bia mae avcr hatismepupil% formed a choir in back et Celano, ltely. He was mer Terî'y, Toronto, wei'e with ,January 5th,19. The' daN, Odd Felîows Hall in Orono insoaetep number Jne W A Now Available bmk mdodicey hnsolo by1is chQuentteingn LPAPERiso bandmaster. Margaret Whitel of the stage. rid tNe aterford, Nova, Mes Walter Rowland ta egn e 1:00 land those bnterested in a num- Bell Rock" bv Mitzi Mlor f or played the part of Aunt: Teechers Mes. R. Munro, Scotie, in 1920.Cadaor5 Christmnas. Mes Bb frL anduconcude by 4:00 p-..[ber o f attractivedorpze n PaeaSisevcl Dinah. while Trouble was :Mes. J. Nesbitt, Mes. . Wood- A resident Mr Canada oforf th5feaures te be shnuld plan ta be on hand by duet by*Darrell RobinsnatiR S IA L Festve Sason played by Carolyn Woodland,i lent, Miss Kent, Mes. G. years, Me. Villa had lived in and son RandY Ryley weee discussed are potentiel of the110:15 a..n bcb eligible forCethy Bristow, an acodo, Fsie Sao ihSente Claus playeti by Martin and Mes. R. Cronk- this area for two anti a hall guests with Me. anti Mrs.lindustry, practices andi prob- thec door prizes. Lunch will solo by Wenda Kerr,epinRE " Jim Darroch. wright received great praîse years. Previously he woeked Murray McCullough in Tor-lecns of meple syrup produc- be provdced intefom fdutbJaiendCrsre' - 1 Pupils of Grades one and tram Chairman of the Schaol as a coal miner in Cape Bre- onto during the weekend. cers, new equiprncnt, tree se-îsandwviches, do-nuts and cof- Stacey; Kerry dance-GlraR E two, playeti dolîs of otheriBoard, John Rickaeti. At the ton. He ettended St. Gert-ý Mr. andi Mxs. Leonerd Dri-'lection, grading, labclling, .fee. McCullough, Candy Mlor . lands, the Indien Girl, Cindy close of the evening be ex- rude's Roman Catholic Church. ver spent C'hristmas in Tor- transportation, storage, mark-KnaKesy CtyBes_____ Foshay, Jepanese Do]]; Mary presseti thanks ta teachers Me. Villa is surviveti by bis <ionto with Me. anti Mrs. AI. eig nivraspn is- M".li. aiwcy Wright, Soi] and Parker andi Sarah LeGresley, and pupils on behaîf of hlm- wife, the former Mary Carbol:Fuller and farnily. eussions. îFielti Crnp Specialist from the towý, Darrell anti QuentnR a Ontarin eatetoAgi inson, George McCullouhcd E H ' the Dutcb Doîl. The Beby self, the school board anti the e daugbter, Mes. Michael Guests with Mes. Hillia rd' Takin g paît in the progria eatnn tAr-RolntiSus isJn Doils were truly just that, dnd parents for the effort anti work Nearing (Lucille) of Oshawa Bristow and Mes. Fluena IDa-1 cu.E ani !te nal ilture in Lindsay laidl be ABERis j lbev were playeti by Broenteht hati gane finto bath even- anti five sons, Wilfred, Arth- vis for Cbristmas were.M .Footi Couincil, W. E. Stecle,lsekn during the morningStcyfveiwthaol Cobbledick, Susan McLeanandi ings' performance. ur, Charles anti Lawrence of antiM'es. Melville Ogryzek Mark Cressrnan, anti Pafl prograrn while Mr. MacDon- "A Kissing Bridge"eco PAN &W LL PE ____ __ Oshawa anti Frank of New and their daughter Karen of Rennick Of Ontario Depart-Iald will be theceatternooni paniedi by sister Carla . r~S.W Waterford, Nova Seotie. Kingston. mntfLni at oeî.spcaker. Me. Wright will be piano followeti by achr. mnofLnsadFrss Charles McCullough gv omnil Also surviving are two Me. and Mes. Ted Laidley anti B. L. McCorquodale and1discussing plot work in the bumorous recitation, Ms D Isisters in Italy, two sisters in anti fam'ily of Belleville, Me. Len Reidi of the Ontario De- ceca anti those wbo have been Argentine anti a brother in anti Mes. Douglas Graham, partrncnt of Agriculture. Re-,presrsit in pcst vears will fintiFagte'dae 1 tew castle iItely; 16 grantichildeen and Omemee. presentatives of manufectur- bath the morni ng anti after- 'anc great-grantichilti. Miss Dianne Mulligan, Tor- ing companies anti several p. noon peogrerns bath worth- U E U B R F R S L Adelicious1 The deceaseti rested et the nto, ws home for C'hristmas ducers will also be taking part.9 cŽ,ô tcil ~ ' ~ .I-'rsoucz !Armstrong Funeral Home for weekcnd with ber parents, Lunch will be available et An invitation is extentiedti t 2"x 4" - 2 "-2 " Non-Aicoholic Drink! lc Requiem High Mass in St. Mr. anti Mrs. Verne Mulligan ýthe meeting. 2" X 10""x12 Gertude'aChech t 9a.m, Orb Chelic, BhntiRive lail fermers in Durham County r,1 J.es huchA. arM.aeI)onahllce Blnd.t rlube preet. The meetingl SHEATRJNG - WNOS- OV FORN Dec. 23. Interment wes ini is home for a week's hoIjdays JIA McDnadwill start promptly et 1000 Sfwer pe elPipeI 'rnîsszs Steel Wnos Quert 65 Among the very first Christ- trees bave been standing in- îResureection Cemetery. Rev. with bis mother, Mes. Richard: Crop Improvement Speaker 'a.r... andi also conclutie et 3:30, Steel Steirs. Steel Bea nl rn hne rn mas Greetings anti remînders doors for more than a weck,I John Myes sang the Mass. 1Cballice. IMe. J. A. MacDonald, Live- 1r.W olisugs hti Toillets, Sink.TbFrnes. Ovrcetarg Do. M.adMs ap erltc pcait rm tcavn oigrnl h aanl noimay thrte. G ien Rae day' were those receiveti frorn by. Remember ta water your funeral home et 7:30 p.m. on anti family, Fairport Beach, Westero Ontario Agriculturalletternoon plan in be on banti'A FieChief Frank Milleran re neyer leave imaîl chilti- Wednesday. were guets witih Me. anti Mrs.lScbool anti Experimental Ferm et 1:15 p.rn. Door prizes will bis.men. Somehow, wvith certiren unattendeti, even for e Stanley Peeey for Christmas. lat Ridgetown will be the includp speciil lots of grain ApIbt wenSad5 anti ncws coming in anti go few minutes. The light.s anti Me. anti Mes. Donald Catb-1guest speaker on Wetinesde. eoro for seti anti twa fire ALLIEDW EKNIO LD air>' ing out, the message was PI,- tinsel catch their eye anti all BETHANY ceet anti Neal C a thc ar t, .January 5tb et the Durham e x t in g ui be r s presentet et TeBel atr y pareti but tidn't get ta the taa quickly they caulti cause Springville. weee guests with'County Soi] and Crop Irn- bbrouzh bbc courtesy of the on Braek SreSuh nWlb Phone 623-5444 paper, anti we apologize ta aur the Ire ta feil avec on tbem- Miss lrae oei aiiMt.adMrç Wle elroveetAna tng i~n i County Farm Saffety j 6 day. eko hoo754 local firefighters who hati our!selves. If lucky, the childtiSte. Maraet Ls o eeufroit Me.ChisaniMs. Wlt'r 0arpovnt Mr anld eetig urarn osRn S.W best intcrests in mnd. Theirlmav only be fribhteneti oandtiev. with ber parent.ý, Mr. information may possibly bemather mygt wywith adMs oadLws even mare importent than baving ta replace a fcw decar- A fml ahrn o ever, now that .Christmas 1ations, but wires andi ligbts CAris mias aterinme for-s could easily cause a fiee. MostChimaetbcoe fM. -.Y papers from parcels have long Ja-mes McKinnon included since been pieketi up anti to'qs- Miss Evelyn McKinnon of ed away, but shoulti there stiùl Montreal, Que., who wîll re- be gifts under the tree, dis- main for a week; Mr. and jitp e i'tr~~S a t n a u r s Fce, Newh e aer, 's. T omt ront; e i ilM. Gealtit rt n ana y Frints nt nigborso!sap estaiefieiMe.and, A. Fisher, elleville: e. anti heier Ianiily all nome I mprvemeniAssociation r, Tell eviotMr anti for Cheiztrnas. Me. anti Mes. With the co-operation of farm em- clude ail medical expenses and pen- making a kpca plcaint h Terry-Lynn, o! Beaconsfielti, hnEe.LninMisSa ployers throughout the Province, the sions for permanent disability. Workmen's opnainBad !ubec: Ms.Howardi Allun con Bigelow, Brooklin; Miss op~ FELOWS HAL ORONç> and Mr. anti Mes. Stan Pow- P:tsy Bigelow, Toronto. Ontario Workmen's Compensation How about the worker's family? And his Fa1 y fte oko ci ELW ALO O O el anti family, ail of New- Mes. Gertrudie Turnbull. Board iS 110W able to provjde ful I et ae ~aealwne 10:0 rn.3:0 pm.Christmas Day guestg of ling. Toronto, were guests, tnereethetioefprmandgetantatedwage Mes. Carl Selby were Mes. with Me. anti Mes. Robert Gil opnainpotcinsatn for funeral expenses and pensions they are atoaiflcoeea W.dne sdy. January .5th Les'GuY, Miss Jean Polmen, moue foc Ch'ristmas weekenti. January lst. for widows and children. is the FwriEpoye Me. anti Mes. Ray MeNevin 1 MT andi Mes. George Wati- GUEST SUjKERS: J. A. MacDonald, Western anti tamily, al of Osbawa; Mr. 1dell celebeateti their 53rti Protected how? With benefits up I hstesm oke' eteeacag oteFr Ontario Agricultural School at Ms-NwonSlb. Christmigann ve Sa yo and xpermentl Fam, ne. Stephen. Billy anti CiarolCrins tmsay to $86.54 a week if an employee 18 Compensation that 2,000,000Omen Employee o hs N.Fr m and xpermentl Fam, 'anti Me. Ron Falli, ail o! New- i Mr. anti Mes, Gervin Mulli- Ridgetown, wiIt speak on castie., gan were in Toronto with Mr-. disabled for more than two calendar and women in other lines of work ployers prid thspoein "Strag an Utliztio of Christmas dinner anti week- anti Mes. Geralti Mulligan for dasb no-the-job accident Or have protecting them? Exactiy through asesmn bedothr tre nd Crop." i o endi gueuLa with Me. anti Mes. Christmas. a bano the Corn Crop." Carl Goulti anti family wore: 1Me. anti Mes. Chester Tee- rltddsaehpeigo ratr tesm.16 ar Harvey Wight, So and r' Jack Howley, Me. anti mini anti their tiaugbtes,retddiesapnnoorftr heae.16pyolaabei Agt. HareyWrgh, oilan Ms.HaryDee anti familviPattv anti Catbhy were weck-' January lst. Field Crop Specialist, Lind- iand M. anti Mes. Russel endi guests with Mr. anti Mre. What about the Farmer? He For fulli infrain lntr say, will discuss the pro- ýRobblin, ail o! Newmarket, Vincent Jackson. Whtaotpr netda- adisweasocnbcoedby oketanfrm frrprig let n eea rp anti Me. anti Mes. Pet Case, Me. anti Mes. Emeey Smith htaotpraetda- ndiswfal c bcvrdby okesa recommendations. r iToronto. ýhati as guests for Christmas, bility? He'às covered. Benefit ini- Workmen's Compensation, by accidents, 1rtotlpoe recomenatins.Me. anti Mes. T. Garwood.Miss Hazel Pr-eston of Stone- anti Teery-Lynn, Beaconsfielti, wall. Man., Mr. anti Mes. Mer- Special door prizes for those on time 'Quebec, wece Christmas week- vin Smith, Me. anti Mes. B. R. The Workmen's Compensation B3oard, Ontario lunch supplied - Everyone Welcome! endi guests et Mes. Gaewood'à Clifford anti Glenn Smith,. 9 abu et oot ,(6-41 'muster, Mes. Stan Powell andTirno 0Hrbu tet Toronto1 32-41 Mel Wood, A. 0. Daîrympie, P.Ag., ýfamily. Terry-Lynn is stayîng Me. and Mrs. Thomas Jen- Dsrc fie:Kthnr(7643)Pr rhr(1-59 on for a holidaY with hec nings spent Christmas with Dsrc fi :Kthnr(7-10 otAtu D66 Prosident. Agr. Representative, cousins. Mr. anti Mes. Lionel Monk in North Bay (472,5200) Ottawa (729-3143) Windsor (26-564) Durham County. Mcr. anti Mes. C. MacLean, Peîerbocaugb. Oshawa, were Christmas week- Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Snmith. imnd guest& ai the home eoilMiaoGT*'sc. Smth, Mi"a Nor. i

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