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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1965, p. 1

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I i *Special Events Chairmani The :Bowmanvîlle Lions Bill Kilpatrick is in charge of1 Club's annual Christmas Party arrangements for the annual meeting was held at the Lions New Year's Eve Bail to be CmuiyCnr"nMna given by Branch 118 of the CmuiyCnr nMna Royal Canadian Legion in the evening of last week. Presi- Legion Hall. Orville Sellick's dent Ed Leslie presided at the Orchestra, Oshawa, will pro- delicious turkey dinner, which vide the music for dancing.1was prepared and served biy 't'here will be festive hats,ithe. Durham Chapter of the noisemakers, and favors. The Order of the Eastern Star. Bowmanville Ladies Auxiliaryj Mrs. D. R. Alldread was the to the Royal Canadian Legion'catering convenor. will cater for the lunch. Tic-Rlh MItra ps kets for this event have beec- Ra]ph Mclntyrea, an paset sold out for some time.enpeindi amgnfcn job in enacting the part of The Bowmanville Lions Santa Claus. His witty quips, CIub's New Year's Eve Dance jokes, and rhymes were spe- at the Lions Community Centre cially apt, "«tailor-mnade" to hît will have Charlie' Cochrane s the mark for each Lion as Orchestra, Oshawa, to suppîyj Santa presented hini with ai a varied program of popular~ gift. music for dancing. Ail tickets Cni Brtste astd <TURN TO PAGE TWO> oln itwste asise Lat Monclay evening, at Of the %.01munity Hll is un on he drivers of the cars the annual general meeting, der question, because noon involved were Thomas Edward onily the hall board commtittee sefIs ta care. 'Dewell, 229 Perry Street, .and the pai:k board commit- Next Sunday evening, Jan. Whitby, and Louis Laskaris, tee turned up. 1%lfs is a ra- 2nid, another meeting will be 31 Temperance Street. Both ther Sad state of aiffairs when called at 8:0o p.m. The mem- cars sustained some damage. pot one single memnber of the bers of the com'munity are 'Constable Ian Smith investi- comirnunity turns Up to attend urgently requested to corne ta gated. th~e annual mneeting which this maeetin g, and to give their Two cars collided at the pertans to the runîning of the support to the workings of intersection of King and Di-t cornmunity hall that they use their hall. If, once again, the vision Streets at 5:28 p.m. on1 continually during the year. community fails to respond to Christmas Eve. The drivers1 Sorne mernbers on the hall the request, the hall board Of the vehicles învolved were 1 board feel (an'd rightly sa) bas no alternative but to lock Frank Thompson, Bowman- that since they have given althe hall up. <TURN TO PAGE TWO> . VOLUME 111 Oro br an4bnna 12 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 29.1965s )no Jr. Gardeners Bring Christmas to Shut - Ins nur~'ebý& ie tfs. Thonras FaIrbrotheri At Marnwood Nursing in ~emria Hop~tl rc~vé ~~co '~tken.ol UoneMrs.ý J. A. IIewgon,,formerly of Eldad, was Chritma cher n Fidayw1~iv.he'w~r-wïning-, icligted with ber prèýent. TIhe junior gardeners are. ~membrs o Oroo Juior ardeers 1u . sited -from Wlto iight, D=4in Challice, Sue Aslett, Evelene the an pesetedeah.;vit snal deortiv' avors. Brown and in the background, Chris Aslett. They were escorted on.their *round by Club Director. '15 Extra lHelpers Record Q uant ify of Mail Han dled by Post Office During Christmas Rush Bowmanville Post Office has'rnail handled was greater than, chine. In addition there were been a hive of activity allit was for the entire month ers nvelopes, metered during the pre-Christmas rush.!of December last year. This mail, and a tremendous quan- Between December lst andItotal includes on!y the mailtity of parcels. December 23rd the volume ofImarked by the cancelling ma- Post Master George Vice hir- ed 15 extra helpers for the Christmas season this year. Great quantities of three cent 4.50 Young Players Crsta s forth dsingo stnlps for te sendnageo Learn Hockey Facts amounts of tmsiohe denominations. Inth week of December The Bowmanville Recrea- on hand to conduct the clinic. l2th to lSth the Bowmanville tion Department's Annual He was kept busy from 8:00 Post Office staff and the extra Minor Hockey Clinic got arn. to 2:45 p.m. teaching the helpers sorted 207,109 letters .inderway on Monday at the various hockey fundamentals. and cards. During the follow- Bowmanville Arena. There were about 450 some ing week, December 19th toi Carl Brewer, the former odd boys participating in the 25tb, the total of cards and Vaple Leaf defenceman, wasi (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Iletters sorted was 115,076. 11 Driver Pinned In Haydon Crash This Afternoon Two Enniskillen ares resl- dents, Lyle Milîson 22 and his 10-year-old brother Gary, are receiving treatment for facial lacerations in Me- morial Hospital, Bowman- ville, as this is being writ- ten, lVcdnesday afternoon. Also, a man ivhose last name is Holliday frorn lhitby bas been rushed to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital by Bowman- ville Area Ambulance wxth serious injuries of an un- determined nature. Ail three were hurt wben two cars collided head-on at the western outskirts of Havdon village shortly after 1 P.m. today. HolIiday was pinned either behind the wheel of bis overturned car or underneath it, according to nearby neighbors. No additional information c6uld bc obtained at press time concerning the cause of the accident or other de- Christmas Crash Sends Five to Hospital On Christmas Day a happy graph. The driver of the small a e 43, and their fine year tions, and John Workman, age famiiy driving from Cobourg English car involved, was Missol daughter, Joan, were 25, 229 Erskine Avenue, Tor- to Oshawa, and a brother and Phyliss Workman, age 20, 229 transferred to the Oshawa onto, a passenger in a car sister enroute fromn Toronto toj Erskine Avenue, Toronto. Generai Hospital. Bath hadýdriven by bis sister, were also Montreal, ail received injuries The five injured people received facial and skull in- transferred by the Bowman- in a mnotor accident on 401 were taken by the Bowman- juries. The little girl was later ville Area Ambulance Io the Higbway, just east of New- ville Area Ambulance to sent to the Hospital for Sick Oshawa General Hospital. castle. Constable H. E. Cook, Memorial Hospital where they Chiidren, Toropto. The Cook's Miss Phyliss Cook was a OPP, investigated. ireceived treatment ini the two other children had been patient in Memorial Hospital The two car crash bappenedijEmergency Department. Mr. passengers in the car but were ov'er the weekend. She re- at 11:15 o'clock. Edward R.lCook, who sustained only not injured. ceived treatment for minor in- Cook, 90 King Street West, minor injuries, was reieased Mrs. Cook's mother, Mrs. juries, and had recovered sut- Cobourg, was the driver of the after treatment to return to Elizabeth Greer, age 79, R.R. ficiently to return to ber home Corvair car shown -on a siant bis home. 5, Cobourg, who suffered a in Toronto on Monday after- ini the accompanying photo. HRis wife, Mrs. Willa Cook,ifractured temnur and lacera- noon Io recuperate. 1 I _Oom 1iI.D . '.~ - M.TT LPU£t;rc -Uy14uivffDU! oz (ou rtice Student Represents -Durham At Boys' Prlament Irwin A. Hamilton, age 17, tario Older Boys Parliament a Grade 12 student at Courtice being held at Queen's Uni- High School, is representing versity, Kingston. He is a Durham County this week at son of Mr. anci Mrs. A. E. the. 45th Session of the On- Hamilton, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville. He left on Sunday afternoon by train for Kings- Hours for New Year's Day Hours for the Post Office on New Year's Day will be as follows : Thec Post Office wlll be closed ail day on New Year'a Day, Jan. lst. There will be no recelpt or despateh of mails. The last despatch wIll be at 6:00 p.n. on Dec, 31st. Mail will be despatched on Sunday, January Znd at 1. 0 -1.SuhrnOtro The Rev. David Northey, Minister of Tyrone United Cburch, suggested to Irwin that he make an application regardin.g this outstanding event for young people. The Rev. Pbilip Karpetz, Executive Secretary of the Ontario Council o! Christian Educa- tion, the sponsoring organiza. tion, notifîed Irwin of his elec- tion as representative of Durham County. The Ontario Older Boys Parliarnent is in session at Queen's University, Iingston, fromn December 27th to 31st It consists o! boys 16 to 20 years of age, who corne froni 116 constituencies in an area from the Ontario Lakehead to Ottawa which includes F I3ts rrndClPieces CREDIT - Last week we thanked Rupert Byers for bringing in an ancient copy of The Statesman that had been found ini a partition on Dr. Gill's farm at Tyrone. We neglected to mention ,that the former Charlie Penwarden had actually found the paper. Mr. Byers didn't want anyone to think he was taking ail the credit for the discovery. t t. t t. i PRESENT - Along the same vein, Mrs. Harold Muir, wife of Darlington's Reeve, has been taking quite a kidding because her narfle was inadver- tently omitted from the head table list at the recent warden's banquet in Cobourg. We had clipped this item from another newspaper but now find that we aren't the only people who make mistakes. Mrs. Muir not only was there, alongside the Reeve, but she had taken the night off frorn her duties at Memorial Hospital to be present.t LAST ISSUE - Once again The Statesman con- cludes a year of weekly publication. Starting next week, it will commence its ll2th anniversary. This end of year edition is not too large due to the short week, the long holiday and the fact that niany of the large advertisers did flot insert their store news. There may be some stories held over for next week. Also, customers are advised that The Statesman office will be closed on Mon- day to compensate the staff for the New Year's holiday that falîs on a non-working day. t. i. t i.t i. OLDSTERS - At the Arena last night, a. good crowd turned out to watch O.M.H.A. graduates in action against both the Juveniles and Midgets. Incidentally, some of the grads were in OMHA category quite a number of years ago. Surpris- ingly, the old timers took on both younger teams in separate encounters and showed them the facts of life and experience. They beat the Midgets 6 to 1 and the Juveniles Il to 1. No major injuries were registered and the details of funds raised have flot been released. t t t t t NEW YEAR'S - Those who are planning to cele- brate the incoming year on Friday eveniong would be well advised to watch their alcoholie intake very closely . . j especially if they are driving their cars. As usual at this frantic time of year, police will be out in full force to preverit ordin- arily sensible folks from killing or maiming eacli other. So, watch it or you may be holding that New Year's Eve party in the rather confining quarters of a jail celi. And they aren't built for comfort! i. t t t it SAFETY - The current issue of the Highway Safety News includes a rather gruesome but al too true slogan: "If you smoke iii bed, the ashes you leave may be your own." t t I t t PLASTIC - Dr. Dymond, Minister of Health, issues a warning this week against the use of refreezable plastic ice balls and novelties for cooling drinks, originating in Hong Kong. Appar- ently, the water content lias been examined and shows a high degree' of contamination, making their use in drinkcs a health hazard. Better stick to locally made ice cubes. t t t t t SALES - The January inerchandise sales are getting away to a good start and will be going ail out for the next few weeks. This la a won- derful time to do next year's Chviitmas uhop. ping . . . that is, if you have any mn.y left after the big spending spree that lias'juet cou«. cluded. k- ~.1 I r ' ~.. ~ 4 y iii ~ N r a 1 -- , 1 lge Per Cnnx- MTTuinv.l:? Aq

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