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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1965, p. 3

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r APLE GI Th ympaothy mruritit extended Srs. Hindman. in recently of her b: qs Wood, and to Mr Manford Goodmur loss of their uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Oti Mr. Jo hn, stm rother21Ms. L. C e COV- and brother Bob Sr éxents'I sister and husbanc Mince. Mrs. John Huband M.and Mrs. Ear id, 3fOU familyý spent Chi t idi. taynrwi th her ri, rs h ip anYZsTom Arm. Br,,h ih and s.Get family at ICoIlingwc i form Rv and Mrs spital, S node n an d fami ville, Quebec. spel Mmis imaý% Day and the with bis parents. Mrs. Lloyd Snom mu ý brothers and sisters Mr. and Mrs. Mi son and son Paul, spent Christmas My withber parents, Mr Y. Cooney, also sr ' Urne visiting bis pa and Ms osn *Mr. Don Brown Guelph, isspendi ýpjtal weeks with his par HU and Mr.ç. W. H. Br( ,anfd Mrs. Barry Biel id to Iwa: Mr. Bob Brown and Ispending a few days ~o u r Iwith their parents, Mr W. H. Brown. tde. Mr. and Mrs. Bill i pay and two boys. Westi noti. Christmas Day w sister and husband, n. Mrs. Ran Rogers ani ters. Mr. and Mrs. Howa dorn and family. F spent Chrisimnas'Day imother, Mrs. Allan SMr. and Mrs. Jir and family spent C weekend with bis Mr. and Mrs. John 'Golden Valley, also h, rr, Mrs. Susan Snii Bay. flIow Mr. Brian Bradlev, the iville Agricultural Cc nce spendig Christmas îetents, Mr. and Mrs. our 1 Bradley. M s1 i.ss Bnnief Beech i iniz A few days holidi >'OU hem cousin Miss Doris Oshawa. Mr. and Mis, C. P. 'enjioved the Christmnas ing held at ber sister Amy Niddemy. Toroni Sunday Mrs. Ann Cr 0 shawa, xvas a visiti Mr. and Mrs. C. P. sýý With Mr. and Mrs., L y and Dale, for Ch weme Mr. and Mrs. L L kins, Mr. and Mrs. 1. i Brougham; Len, Fa, m Karen Beaubien, Orono %E and Donna Botelho, Grove,: Wayne and 1 Wilson, Bowmalnville, Harvey Pringle, Tyrone itai Mr. and Mrs. J. Halt ion tertained four generatii Mondiay, December 27 ithe occasion of the( ;Wedding Anniversary o J-oltby's parents, Mr. Mrs. L. H-opkins, Brai ROVE SW WsenaUnednrc of this corn-I eting a 'n lU itd C uc J to Mr. and.'______ ELIZABETH VILLE 'The C: a: an Sfateenfor Dawnnnvilee, Deer.2ad1965 3 )ro th e r, M r.( n e d d f r l s e k c n î s . M r e b o ro u g h . o n u d v a n d~~~0 M r s j u n a aM i s s G l e n d a M r e n MissSuznne hicsonat- jMr. Ray Crombie had supper r h in t eand r. H. Q uantrill attend. Mýr. and Mrs. E. B3aty andOn W d e d ivn n r ~ e t S n a n T r n ow ith e d d t e h w e n o t w t M iss Jane Foster at her ed the Peterborough Federa- Mýrz. Carrne Beatty and Roy. npe on Saturday. hienKedal, Sunday. is Prichardtion of Agriculture dinner in Mr. and Mrs. John DeKoker, s Pritchard, ~Peterborouîgh. Whitb were withMran A L , A )en afewMr ad :,ir.V. Peacock Mns. Thickson. Sundav-. Ww.I7uayIvM ore.. ras wih hervisited Mr. and Mrs. Lee in M'iss Suzanne Thickson, Snwe Peterborough a day this week.îBoWmanvîîîe- spent. the week- U ~ nowdendIMs Gloria Qunrl fend at home.! i iowde , and .~ P eterb onrou h w as hom e for 0RM U M*cG 1 dMr. and MranMs. C. Beatty %vere QUALTY the weekendlin Peterborough On Saturd O TBoy Scouts and CubsGl IrsmsatMiss Glenda Mercer, Bo'v- cmîeç ermeigo I S ry n d if an ille , W as a t h o m e fo r th e 11 Frî b id v n g t h a d a C hee ti g o :)arntsMr.FUEL OIL artsMrekend,. MmI. and Mrs. Billma tree witîî gfs exchanged PO E6834 CLET Ter enc e. PornHde, an d jlunch w as serve di. It w asP H N 6 8 3 41 C O L T strong. also ~Mr. Rav Crmbie, Bowmanhed in the Scout Hall. ~E l i wife an. Vlewr trgiests. On Tuesdav evening the FE Parents' Club 'met at the North X FE Sta ley~ s n~: Mc Ro eni leM . Hope Sc hiool for their re ular e ,n B w a vl nd D tr c ily, Sha - ~~ pr v o . m eting wv hich also included a , week-end \us F (rav waCmista icocert on b nt. Christ-IClii-istmas concertarceputony IN of file candleIîght servîcelsome of the pupils. Saine of vden and ýý!hjico pened \ with the carcI the older ladies put on a, S. .1 _;: "0 Ljtle Town of BethH- tablau. Lunch was servedi Windsor, i~~' hemn". Mrs Jirn Grav led in ?drs. E. Elliott, (nee Jaruce th rnadinz frorn the second Bnîstow) Port H ope. lield a m week-enrr Of Liike: readling hlv linonl showem for a recent pentsom ...........................................................~ Ms. Enc-tGav:rami -Oh bride, Mcs. B. Dohertv (nee K. irents, Mr.! sunv flncd ithn dî nootn at hem home. hvMrS. àen Faîis and Mrý M. Tom Wood and Mrs. Bom1-M' and Mý'rs. Ernest Oliver Knapp, above photo, are shown as they leave Sufton: (arol "T'he First NOC,]*I: Knox Visited wilh Mr. and i.AOC_ hy car for the ecep)tion- following their xnariage in Kendal United Chumch on Wtiprvtbv Nîs. or M. Laverne Wood, Peter- n g r e e S a n i r _ _ _ _ cents. Mr' 1 Sfuday aitomrnoon, Octohoer 2:3, 1965, at 3:30 o'clock. The bride is the former J\lcKce;nrýcnbx'Gry. SEet;\7 ,nn* Mr. i Miss Aletha Marion Ther teil, daughter OflMrm. and Mms. Clarence Thertel. Kendal, n okpatb ihigaRe merhsnmer. leks, Otta- jand the .9'mo-mtin-is the solof Mr. and Mrs. EnestKnapp of Bowmanriîlcak.pavrhvi Mrs. i- eebrti ubr. ars eeaskon aI "Silent Nipi"*,i Mr.ria L gand lace chapol train. A prarl 1<W b th Worlrl' and 'ýHaîk __ ad(ystal crox',n held henu A1!mll l AnZcIs Sînilgbqlt sîlk nnillusion emibmoidered \-cri iî tadon, pn and she camried a Whîte piblc RoII rail x saî'lS wcmcd l onh spent crested with ceci baby rosi's a chri.tllla3 xcrsýr M Sa Mit. ber and White carnations.cl v, ucaig fiepo MId dand -Miss Lorraine T Ih Pcrt1e îî1 gratim w1ih cýiZtns~.e f a solo d dagh-Kcndal, wsmairl of bontor bv Diane Par.ra d i il bv Etid Hage- for heu jisteu, gowned 'n , ninhstn, Phîliti Phavr ird Hage- mint green silk ongariza wît i , m 'Ir.Srnl U inutes of apetit point lcebole. le 1wlasd mieeting wcý-re read wihhe.!turked paniel adonnied the, -clan prd. Troasuren'sce -iowen.. sIk:nt, and she chose a hed-otxaý; -evn. Uhristmas aîh Itecnr ihasaen fîc o P6 Ofenv dr m fratching sîlk peils Mr. Rotnrîrl ibn;tiîlrd l t'-i Haenty, tiny crown and onwhancrnnrrainte; ' cmr moth- Henovcr-the face veil us. Wni ii îrlitns arc 'Ohlnla pha,ýu h.North' Bruc s ai aess13of ny-I« Mcc a lsmi i'l h Br ce Bwmanvillc w s and Mrv M ackir. KeIf On ovcr taffeta, il, an iden-!raIc,,leShchcds ac Kcm ptNeirw haoen g"urcnand Ir- theîîr flocks h , 0 dlege. ~~~ ' c n eII bv a sash at the W a îI . m r n e m e hmd pa-oNew kit -- edrmebrti BOW MANVILLE (LEANERS u n f t e f ih k r . S e a te m W h ic h wv e h a d O u rni e H\Wone a matchiin; cnownon, C'hriruta.,; hag. ur an ovrr-ED. LESLIE & STAFF s spend- I1nIthe ride Mih;Deih licfae 'ci AhIe cu1iicharge and a social tinie XN T. W. a v~~o W i I t h e b icf l o f . na n v h , 0 l ai w'is BOWMANVILLE fîower girl in a white bro- Swallow cared 1,ess ald wore a.... reightoAIl cari-icri bouiquets3 of wh;teý orn with adýIo l v a l o n .M m G e r e L a n o f n J. Hoît-MtGI iritmm anville WaS bcst man ar Ho -the uis hrs w e ne M r. W ,,, Booth, Mnth r Aitir na, ih <hý Ifthe groom, hoth of [y and B1owmanville, n h rd ; Crisbrother, Mr. Gary Thentel MaerryaI.Masiter Orville Ther- Sherry Il <ni fna I. smal b rot hrcm and~~~o the bride, Was ring beacr ,>#rf b fs tbyThe neception Wshedn i ions flb Memlonial Park- CILubil 7tH on ], Bowman ville T Ib e Golden I brides ýmothlen rcceved in a, Golden beige Alencon laceshth andrs d res eatbeired pilîbox 1ht g a nd in m ued to ie,; of h ow n a îd P i e f e t v e e b r 2 , 2 , 3 1 'g h m .b e'i ge, b ige a cesSories a nld P cons ae i qdbnhe 'mums, 51wIVe reserve the rflht to liit quantities. blîîe Chanlilîr lace withanPnapkOag, îaplGiaert Mr. and M.Jamens H. Fergusýion aie shownj in nyster velvet. cloche bat 48OrngPicppe r ri lte -ahove Photo as theY IcaVP St.-lVargaret's Ang~lican1 matching blIne shoes, ble ieI iChumch, Bumrnage,-, Manchester, Eng1and, fou o',vîni acesoi aind, corsage of!is theig pin k and- whie 'mum3.s rnairiap cer rno y. F rniely iss arba a ' As the 1coup le leI on their Dl o t r n Murph.\, the bride is the daughter of Mm. andi Mms.' wedding trip, a tour of the MpeLa erSae f Jamnes Mit.chell Murphy of Bumnare, Manchester. The:IUnitedt States. the bride was IJaple e1L ear-lb. bridegroomn is the son "of Dr and ýMrs. Harold Fergu- warmgz a two-Pice, ein-- Ml ______ irsaupj lue sullit Grade "A" Predressed -Ready for the Oven l 5 white and black acrcessocies! 0bs&up61M.Ag M I f C di 1esdiring in Bowmanville. 3Q CISLSC The bride attended- Keoial Mr us Public Schnoo and Pont Hope, 01, S,;iîmlv affmrmon, 0_ Rr R C. Wl-île 'as thle attendied Salcm Public Scbhooîl. TableRite Grade "A" Specially Selected PkFEEg. Pkg. tohri 2_,:3, 1t15. ( lia. M s.! G uests attend d from K en- -l S T 6 14 b. A gG r n G a t- i M iss A l ch a M a rio r i 'oie r, g K enl . p la y e d h0e;dala \vwm a& i11e,6 -O4h ab . N - a n r. F mi o t l v c ria p d in g 1 m usIic i d a co mn - T o r o n to , H a stin g s. R o se n c a th , G jGr a n F l1t Olie mr i Ia YOUNi Ke n d l n i c i (' iir hd' Tt heou , o o is , M r i - * - - - n-1 -o paIilthinlbs, Mm11J' r no ad Port Hope. brdei tcdaîgîî IMr.i nThe hbride, whjo Was Z ciiC DM STURKEYS 4 c19cN i lets Corn 2 1-z ai-i i r s . C l a nr c uI r -r î c . - a r ia g o b '.' Il e a h r T i n u 3ý4c O I t Kend l, id the gmniy ri i o ca flomle gt g wn <cIG f nc - ,on ofMr Il.. -- - hte flo cîi dn soe n- Ms R v ha- e as ln abeRte - an d 's hn st Qu hiyIi 14-oz. Pkg. - - ~ U mers 59C "Party Iftems" 3-lb. Pkg. flumpts. Du'piv Reg. 69è Pkg. -97c POTATO CHIPS -ol 9 CedarvaIe Spa F ond -ozSe 'hite Size 96's COCKTAIL SAUCE - 29c tU 1T De Jean 11ld m4'4-oz. Size ~ UIT DEVEWIED SHRIMP - 63C Party Tvmp, 25-o,. Size COCKTAIL MIXES - $1.19 NLaren'% Manzanilla 12-or, Jar C STUFFED OLIVES - 49c. Millionaire Brîislng 2-nz. Tin 9eEchSARDIN ES- 29c Grade MIXED NUTS - - 89c for 35c M (ormicks Regular, Ianc.v Dîpnîe 89-oz. Pkgs. GaeCHEESE SAKR for 55c Miracle ilhip 16-o,. Jar 29c SALAD DRESSING --39c 'elle IGA Foodline Frozen 3 Varieties Blue Bonnet Coloured Florida Secdless, Ruby Red W GRAPEFE 105 Prodisce of U.S.A. - Canada No. PdcELERY- CadENa PrdlU o C aaa o.dc 4U.BS..-aad oi ICEBERG LETTUCE Bowmaný BOWMANVILLE - B Tbe Canattfen Stàtftman. Powinanville, Vee. 29, 1985 ELIZABETHVILLE' 1 m No. 1 4 2

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