fMagistrate s Court, Held in Bowmanville Jarnuary 25th. 1966 Donald Robertson. R.R. pleaded not guilty to a charg laid December 2lst of failh% to produce proof of lnsurance Constable B. Tiisgon, OP? blod lthe court that ie hi gi'*en the defendant severa * edaYs to bring it to the offic 1 and then laid the charge .ConvIcion browglit a fine0 $50 and costs, or five days. Alexander Paterson, 16 Church Street, Fast, Bramp ,,efl, pleaded not guilty to il slgIpossesion oft 11gw tomber 25th. He was de ted by E. C. Wildman. * Constable' Joserph Harding JbPP, Sombra Detachinent *tated that he was one of thi ecadetail brougfht in foi e Plyers200 et Moepoi ~*mht he had fo=nd beel 2zthe station wagon as it en. 4ered the park. ,a 14r. Paterson said that hi *nd snome friends, hearin4 - iere was no camiping alloweÈ *vernîht at Mosport, hac ~aped ina a onservatior 3ea overnitght and were inr 4tending te inake theiT o0W jineal at Moaport durng the *Iay. The charge was dlsmhs î? Roýbert Thimipson, EnniakiI .en, pleaded not gullty wher Your Place RESERVE NOW 623-3361' - JURY AND LOVELL AV Ei BOWMANVILLE -ONT. Deloitte, PMender, with whom »i Montehh, Riehl Chartered Montreal Windsor Edmonton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Gordon W. RiehI, C.A., R.[. Oshawa Oshawa Sholp DENHEI DISCOUN TEMPERANCE ST. (South of1 THESE ITEMSN (razy I 1HURRY I HUR 111 LADIES' SLIPS Selection of colorg Reg. 2.98 -- 60 Prs. MEN'S DRESS Reg. 8.95 ----- 175 Pri. MEN'S WORI Al! Colors, reg. 5.75 60 BATH TOWELS Reg. 1.29-- 12 BOYS' COATS Sizes 12 to 16, reg. 13.95 24 Prs. COVERALLS Reg. 6.95--- 12 MEN'S PARKAS Reg. 15.75 4Pri. FLANNELETT 90 x 100, reg. 7.95 pr. - 20Prs. MEN'S KROY' ' Pr.BOYS# LINED 30 BABY CARDIGANS 1 nported, reg. 2.95 . 40 MEN'S WHITE r>.E Meg. 5.75 2W0 WORK SHIRTS Cotton and Flannéet*s Core ne and-1 o.«,*Rq many, ru*tw m OPEN TillUR$. Fi Wo, Bae Dargains ch&irged with faiflng te pro- pare dusce evidence of insurance wall 3, Novemiber 29th. He waa re- cae ge presented by Russell Humph- E. 119 reys, Q.C., Oshawa. After ooun '. Schuyler T ho mp soni, the poini 'P, grandtather, explained the year ad circumsances of purchase, had 'al Magistrate R. B. Baxter, with of ce suspicions, dismissed the was le.- charge. The officer was Con- the of stable H. Cook, OPP.U Roger Ward McLellan, 31 that 61ýEligin Street, Oshawa, was ai P- fined $25 and costs, or fivefu l- days, for ille a ossion of by or liquor on Saturday, Septem- It Sber 25th. This charge was lt laid at Mosport on the day of!iC1 9, the Players 200 by Constable ioni t, Joseph Haxiding, OPP, Som- est1 e bra Detechment. fatal or ones rt Murray Ruiseil Burgess, leni er cowiaelled b~y Russell Humph- Sjmij rj_ reys, pleaded not guilty to Th careless drivirig October 22nd. costs le Conviction brought a fine o! prevý 19 $50 and $13.80, or seven days. drivi !d Roger Clement told the for1 id court hoe was southbound on G, )n County Road 4 when tihe Bur- Chai I_. gw car, norllbbound, aippear- drivi na ed to nmake a left tura then tre 1 ie swing back into the South- E.C sbound ]jie rigfht in front of wfhici hlm. P.c - Elmer Huggins, also Sou th- was nm bound, told the court that the had -Burgess vehlicle had forced drive hlm coipletely off onto the flow west âhouider and, when he Yad looked back, he saw where it Le] had collided with Mr. CIe- Stree ment. Costa, Raymond Paret, Kendal, colvi first appeared in court here JauIL JuIy fth, 1965, charged with sicrL4 druaik driving December 3lst, Of $L 1964. This was following a addii fatal accident on Highway 35;CO] South cf Pontyiuool. He walk- that1 ed on crutches after six sVI'ue months in hospital. Magîs- thea trate J. D. Burger dismissed fled. the charge. aged His next appearance was was October 26th, 1965, before Of l1] Magistrate R . B." Baxter, Crc charged witih dangerous driv- nya ing, the charge being laid tihe n~oon. day of the accident. Evidence Wdld' showed the Peret car, south- fendi bound, had crossed the cen- 111, tre line, forcing a norbhbound for ti vehicle off onto the east terno shoulder. He, swerved agaîn Tr2 to the east aide of the high- -T way aind colided witnh a SUIs, ïVolkswagen station wagon prope with such violence it was Ra completelY turned around and dISýY8 driven back 74 feet. The drî- DeCel ver, alone in the Volkswagen, hetadl died inistantly. five Presetecereport was pre-Mr othen for il andd Haskins & Seils the n4 er fo« re now mergel extra the n l, Waters & Co. (Cor Accountants on H orfil Toronto Hamilton C. La Regina Calgary Wind4 George Vancouver High cense, [A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. days; 3rd, Pppng Centre 728-7527 to le. $15 al (Col on h( RTOG'S '" cesbe IT STORE failing .,BOWMANVILLE css King Taxi) pleadi AUST BE SOLD 1 while su sper missec hie kn Prices!de Z der w, ZRYI1 HURRY 1 up m or 10 thers WOOLSOX $.7cembe NOW by c JEANS $288 NOW night1 n s t17 ls wa NOW $I*77 contini for hiz Motorâ ÎSS SHI RTS ini'r NOW t4W*77E unanih Up. __NW$1.87 or fv iroud we have wanci sore barg ins! ofan RtSAT. ONLY 1 $7.40 AU YakuI.%«,d big Driver Narrowly Escapes Death Wl he C r Pugs'ît op rCee uthe Cmpetent leader. eration frothers Posseased by our able admninstrator, Bernard Holden," Mr. Hughes stated. The Chairmnan of the Fin. ance CommIlee, James Bell. in lis report gave a break. down of gross operating ex. ed and IVr. Faret, nfl(pnss o'en pcI~~u i 1~Ita for1 [kng with the aid of a as follows: Nursing A&4mi e, aippeared oure morc. tration $25,537, Nursl~ C. Wildman, defense$5470 ,nsel, presented three Emergenc~y $7,080, Op a its. Mr. Paret had spert aRom$901Ceta ] r o! physical suf.!ein'g, he $10,72 1, Delivery Room $4, 1had the mental artSuish, giving a sub-totai of $331M waiting, and Mrs. Paret Médical and Surgical S enow working to support plies $28,187, Pharmecy, faniily. cluding drugs and xnedici [agistrate Baxter noted $50,648, Radiology $43,1 t the pre-sentenoie report Laboratory $33,790, Phy good and said that no use- therapy $9,884, Medical purpose coul-d be served cords $7,386, Administra- oenddng Mmr. Peret te jail. and Office includîng Penc would not bring back to Plan, Hospital and Mec the innocent victinu et bis Insurance and W.C.B., of ons. He gave as hie cpin- Supplies, Telephone, Postý that those who cmy ]oud- Travel, Insurance and oti for vengeance following a elso audit, collection and lt LI accident weuld be thetes$9,9;Dtay c 9 who would cry mosti for --i---------ng food $125,140, Leur ency for coeo! their own, $28,352, Linen $7,519, Hot ilarly charged. keepnng $42.209, Operatior he fine was $250 plus This photo shows a different view than the one on the front his head and shoulders were on land. Harry Vanderbeit Sr. and Jr., Plant $32,,33;DMratinac s. An order wee lssucd page of the accident early dy morning when Allan Quantrili who live nearby, heard the crash and rushed to the scene. They! Plarn t u r33; eprndeito veningMr.Part foin ofOroo nrroly scaeddeath. His eastbound convertible ripped arrived at about the same time as OPP Constable Jim McDonaldl $30,779, a total gross cost 'mng anywbere in Canada through guard rails and took about a 20 foot drop over the bank and were able to extricate the unconscious victim from the wreck-i$905.263. thmee yeers. ment Bail, R.R. 5, was of Soper creek immediately west of Bowmanville Cemetery. It came 1 age and move him up the bank. This photo was taken soon after' The Gross Expense Fore( re eene 0hwt oasoonthe east bank of the stream, with the car facing north-' the Bowmanville Area Ambulance arrived. for 1696 gîven by Mr. B rig to the left of -the cen- west. The lower part of Quantrill's body was in the water and,Grs saris nd w lino. Hie was defended by- $770, eiaanSug C.____n hecare Suppli*es $32,600, Dmugs ~h eslad y onte and weme quaintly becoming. M to be competent."l donation in memomy o! the 1ate Medicines $38,400, Adminisi le aslai . Costbl The exceptions to this era of E S Dr. Rundle stated that the Reginaid. Lovekin in lieu o!finexes $800,De C. Harte-Maxwell, OPP, 18 *t fashion were the flowing sil- H o p t l hsia board in 1965 st upfIoes inepes 5,0,D dinse.M.Blwo0very blue aieesgmet By-Iews Comm ittee to re- food and supplies $50.700, i bacedou o bs wnofth fmenîess gappeng B "Numerous gifts and serv- eration and Maintenance ewayke ot of highwyfh Omiàel apalng 8 0 8dview and if necessery revîse ices too many to mention were Plant $37.300, Depreciati tun1 nbs w rn ghosts. The ethereal effect of the by-laws, mules and regula- appreciated, but I would like equipment $25,500, other au n dris eut. frontAE NE the apparitions was enbanced (FROM PAGE ONE) tions. The Medical Staff and to refer to the erjoyment giv- partments $43,500. 1addieou.(RMPGON) by the exceedingîy cleveriing the Medical Staff r'eport, the administration work o!fnb h ign fChit r elfrcs land Kaley, 33 Ontarlo manager, and Louise Ormei make-up.epesdaprctonoth the hospital had to be consid- ms Ce l by the Legig o i G.lee frea at et, wes fined $75 and the business manager. Teiayr er wre Bored ! Diectonwic, e rthe -saîmaClub, the Pethec o lenir goss expense for 1966 , or 10 days, follewing 1Tepaeswr wre or fDrcos hch rd esi.CutePneotlJno $1,033,000, less recoveriese iction for bit aind ru The entire action of theimuch applause, and received pointed out, controîs profes- "The Medical Staff spent Choir and the Salvation Army. deductions o! $250.000, le [amry l5th. nIegel posses- play took place in the living- several curtain cails efter the sional practice within the hos- imuch turne in their general "We are proua of the mem- ing a net opereting cost ofaloio bouh afieroom oit Charles Condomine's lest act. Then Ken Dennis on pital. meetings and et special meet- bers of our hospital staff and $783.000 for this year. [5 andcostol rutfive y home in En.gland. It started behaif of the cast and crew "Dm. McKenzîe o! Orono and 1ings in getting guidance and 1 want to pass on to t hem the_________ 15 nd cot. o iB dy with a dinner partyon e sum-1presen ted a beautiful bouquet ihae edd h eua drawing up recommendationscopiet ofngefr :ritabe . Brdtestifie mer evening and continued of red roses to the director,, ad etings and have tried to help achieve this task. AI- the good came that patients me- Priests and witch doctors cashd~ duning the next few days. iMrs. Samuel, in eppreciation to represent the medical staff though we are not finished ceive. Such came sterui aypmtveeolbn two parked cr hdbeen is theresuit any priitive pople hu ckon Sougong Street and Bob Sheridan was outstand-' o! ber talented direction. in an unbiased and unselfish wenarneaming a ati sc.tofo team womk and high morale1 sulphur as a sort o! reve accused had panicked and ing as Charles, a prosperous manner. We both were much uiont. Aceian I n in fc ail departments. Thislincense to drive away Hie car was found dam- author, harassed by the un- impressed with the general sih.efficent working together re- spirits.___ 1on Elgin Street. There expected materielization o! decorurn and efficient trans-* "At the present tîme we ____________________________ an automatxc suspension bis first wife Elvira, who had a flCO action of business carried out have il doctors on the staff, [cense for three months. been dead for seven years. by the Chairman o! the Board, 20 medical consultants, three ,own Attorney G. F. Bon- Sylvia Tucker's portrayal o! mim Glenholme Hughes. associate members, two court- stle had to leave court at tis charming but selfish and o mLt "We are cognizant that the staff members, and five ion other business. E. C. unethicel visitor from the directors must be assured that dental consultants," he said. man, wbo lied bee.n de- spirit wold was deft, grace- (FROM PAGE ONE) there are competent medical, "We ail try to look efter1 ing people in the morn- fui, and delightfully amusing. to the workshop held InIdental, nursinýg and auxiliary our patients et aeh times, but;' changed sides end acted Jean Sheridan gave a re- [Cobourg in November. 1 services together with the, if we are away, or if an ecci-' the Crown during the ai- markable performna n ce as' The dressing station for 1966 * physical facilities in their insti- dent occurs, or an emergency! oon session. Ruth, the second wife. This:wes started on January 4thitution which will meet the arises we take turns in being, .afic tickets: (Constable was oAeo! the Most difficult in the Rose Room et the I4ons needs o! the community they 'on duty' for e week et a Chalmers, OPP) Harold oles in the play as it called Centre where dressings wiîlerve. tirne. This 'on duty' work is ;23md of December, irn- for the enactment o! e wide continue to be made ach! "Fortunately our directors only participated in by seven lr passing on County range o! emotions. Mrs. Sheri-1 Tuesday af Lernoon from two to i do not abuse their authority doctors. On busy holiday' 11, $15 and eosts, or five dan was realîstie in the part.!four o'clock under the guld-iwhen faced with medical prob- weekmnds, this can be fairly' ;John AlInuan Farren, Hem final eppearance was aslance of the Sunshine Group. lems, and thmy have been exhausting. rnber 22nd, failing to dim a Iovely ghost. There were 3,149 dressings eady to accept the edvicm and "During the summer we try lights, $10 and costs, or Doreen Kitney scored a hit made in 1965, Mms. Dunn stet- recommendations o! t h e i r te smo that the community ]S days. The officer seid in the part o! Madame Ar- ed. medical advisors in profession-i adequately served by hiring a Farren explained that cati, a picturesque medium Womn flannelette sheets are'aI Matters. I qualified doctor and usually e' rs had not dînumed them with a flamboyant personal- badly needed te make bed,! 'It is the responsibility O! final yeam medical studont.,1 ritm se be was obstinate ty. It was through a seenco pads, and would be much ap-! itier the Credentials Com- We are well aware o! the' did flot dim bhis ]igbts for conducted by her that the preciated, the report said.1 mittoo or the Medical Advisory extra work this puts on the iext car nom for the cruis- first Mrs. Condominoe ppear-IAnyone able te, donate such Cmite to carry out an staff sunce aIl patients are seen ollowing it. "Five dollars md. Mrs. Kitney has a par- shoots is asked te telophone assessment o! each applicant's in emergmncy or the out-, i fr ostnac,"docdm tiulrlygoo sageprsene.Mrs Ser,62-3177, or Miss qualifications in ordor te give patient dpartments," Dr. -nagistrete. Ken Dennis and Ida Good- Mary-Jewell, 623-5810. assurance to the Board that Rundie said. onstable G. Evans, iiP) win çid woell as Dr. zuil Mrs. Mrs. Harry,. aunders, Cern- the modical practitionors to Board Chairman Glonholme! iert CUrtis, Dec"rnbr 9th, Bradmen. 'Iris Campbell was Paig- *Chatm , reported that whoni they grant appolntments Hughes la his report for 19651 g to stop for swof sign excellent as a naid in whom total ooit fthe 1965 Cern are duly licensed, compotent said that the board had look-' lighway 35, $10 and costs, surprising spirituelistic quali- Paign amounted te $5,907.54. to hold the prîvileges granted md into the future. "In a few ive days. (Constable K. ties worm discovered. She thankoed ail who had them and that thmy continue years enother major expansioni aton, OPP) John Edward The costumes wmre de! -îhelpod in making that cern- îh be nocmssary and archi- loeNvme 5h ieyi h xc tlsoipaigni a success, specneîîy tects' sketches have elreedy loer Nvebe 2th ntmy n heexctstle o jMrs. Lou Weîsh for dmîvîngý been made so that co-ordîn- My35, no oiperatom's Il- the Rearing Twmntims period, an i e te okM c ~ LUAI ae ln r ed o Ho10r n cst.c, Norfvebrp Claence Bell, the Treasurer UJ 1> Il IA L IF tudy. This means that eny i '~ Sort He onb, fevembe racOPP, si ter ivge t oegave e satisfactory financial' structural alterations that may! Soervll te road faitraceeeie en es nstatement, and rmported that b qîe mwe o n 'ae at theor ie a re, Higbway 2, reportmd that a dishursemmnts from October'F 'R lnew construction shouîd ho mn ... md ots o bad g razed bis vohicle lst,194toDcm r 27thiv 1 lie wîth the shape oft tings! intaleJ.C.Catwigtan gnergbt on. Thm offi- 1965, worm $633.42. ito corne"be explained. , Robert Fidlin, speed- cor found a car damaged in Mrs. Stan Dunn, the Publi a pHe saîd that it is unlikely )n H-ighway 401, 70 miles the parking lot of the Qumen's City Chairman, reportmd thet f that the ex-surgical wing in our, December 4tih, $10 Hotel, Newcastle, with peint the film "The Woven Threed" SA ES the older portion o! the hos-' costs, or five days; fail- that matchmd the scrapings was shown et the Bowman ý pîtal wmll he again used for to, produce license, five from the tractor trailer. Hm villm Womens Institute moot- townpatient beds. He added thetl rsaend costs, or five deys added thet the owner had re-ling this month. For the bmst deal lntn it is contemplatmd that the C O J I AI E ional; David Lackey, D e- ported bis car stolen but thm Thore was a lengthy dis- see one o! these salesmen: sevice o!e pahIMgisIhoE or l7th, Highway 401, officer was skmptical. cussion o! plans for the Cen- kur harmd with other hospitaîs in sig ',l. Lod o hg te stop at a stop signi Mm. Cernish blamed his cer Society's Campaign to ho BUD FOGG - JERRY KEAN 1 the district. W ashn b od o 'ourtice Road, $10 and trouble on alcohol and donimd held in April this year. It was HAP PHILP "A thorough and detaîled' or five days. remembeming -teking the car dmcidmd to have a special gon- NEIL METCALF study has been made hy the M iue rvey Howarth, 16 Liber- or bitting anyone. oral meeting et the end of I By-laws Committme chaired hy (o n s . treet, S., December 22uid, Constable Cartwright said March. The date o! this meet-ý durlng our 'James Stutt and nmw, u p-dated i . led guilty to diving that be had flot had te ques- îng wilho announcmd leter. by-iaws are noariy roady for lte in 4 M ues * bis license wes under tien Cornisb. He had knownIThe next rogular meeting o!0I u~uu doption. The Fire Committem nsieîn. Ho said be had exactîy what the officer want- the branch will ho heidI on IVM W - JaUIuar i7 wt Chairman A. M. Thomp- o e nti mzn ahrsi ,d b-is ride to womk £0 ed. March 2nd. ison bas taken stops for the.l *Yuc'i hs mzn ahrsi biewn car vene thoughJ mbo eesafoty o! ail mn the hospital. i dryer from Hoover. bipesien e ws u- 1*iUII5 U"During 1965 your board ssp esion. Conste JRe - E*l f jnt Jac uflf toi nemed twe beads o! depemt- 1 * Wash - rinse and spin-dry 24 pounds sai h bd hecmdth ~~i imonts. Mm. Edward Peker c f clothes in just 30 minutes. vhich was going too fastEFalon -Fairan" was appointed chie! o! the! à,et tet e d CIN IB Mustang - Ford aboratory, and Miss Nancy i * Uses oniy 8¾i gallons wash water which a efine was $75 and costs, M sanI Fr sborne wes put in charge o! i days. There was e fur- !thea s .'ets aJ y. Doctors, the be seved te use over again. sunson ens o TinunAerlra .j arped-ith e rwrk*NOISALTO NEE AR - Us 41 Canvasspladd Ntet"Te cntiuig5c-opra '.A>Je,~J1.Mrs. Cale, Mms. W. Edmond- day andf Saturday, Novemberm 1964 RAMBLER 2-DR. we would ho working with! exiplanation given wasson Mrs. George Vice, Mrs. W. 26th and 27th. Lic. 1B55411. obsolete or insutticient equip- Mm odnhd enH. Cowen, Mrs. C. J. Jarvis, Sales during the two eays' 1961FALCN 2-D. nOltertion uh a ùng t ho Wednesday Perey Haro, Newcastle, Mms. emounted to $358, and sales' cessa1yFeLaCnN su as HOOVeRtOLrSHE hockey amre on TV and Carman Thompson and Mrs. R. for $16.29 witbin the next fewl Lie. 54329. ;in the maternity wing.HO V R P LS E rnaking up the time n Lucum, both o! Courtice. 'days, so the total receipts for! 1961 PONTIAC 4-DE. "We are very grateful ta ýaY to work. He said the The Financial Statement on sales amounted to $374.29, Mrs.j Lie. 1B55530. ianid sincerely thank the doc- e Efficent two-brush dil auous shift, begnning the 1965 Campaign showed Edmondson repomted. She tors on our medicai staff for 0 Powerful long lofemOtor mn at il pin, in General that $2,087.36 had been coilect- thanked ail who hdasîtd$2,000, the Bowmanville Kins- @ Comlplot@ with pis. $ O *8&" s, Meant ho had to ho md in Bownuanville, and that in making the CNIB Sale a M c mNAenf Club for $1.324 for a rly enouath toe alow the donations in the rural districts success. diathemy mensH ialcAhintey or mewsrpaigt ahamounted te $1.780. The net In closing the meeting, Re' optl uiir o collection was $3,756.67. President Dunn expressed ep-1E l h$3,000, Bowmanville Ladies' tine was $25 and costs, This wàs the most successful preciation for the unfaîling I W U jeia Legonthefory$950forE Md Cornish, 23 Teniper- work et those who coilected and active members duringlI C EG. machine. The town's Street. was fined $25 these funds is much eppreciat- 1965. Ho seid thet ho knew SA Ebhe drug stores for $150, on costs, or tive days, for ed by the hlind nersons in our ho ceuld count on their United behaîf o! the local Medical 9 to reni" tte c area, President burn stated. efforts during the coming year 219 King St. L. iAsociation. CL I SE E TI i accident and $25 and lHe thanked è'veryone who in the importent work on ho- "Thon as te legacies, the caste or an additional had helped the campaign in haIt et the blind. Bowmanville bhospital received $500 from PO E835t days 'for driving while any way, and ne especdaîly Atter the annuel meeting e the estate o! the late John P<N 3-9> icesewasunersus cmmnde Ms. Carman delicieus lunch was served by 'An 63254rthur Tabb, and another $70 44 KING ST. W 80 WMAN VILL Thompson who had supervised Mrs. HIawthiorne and Mss.! the Jury estate. There "le,1 J. C, (artWglitthO CallaUMof ci$535.15 in her Jarvla. »àalo atubstaiitiaiu*s [nits 1,172, àting ipply 1,140, if1. iup- in- cmes 1083, ysjO. Re- ation 'sion. lical [ffice ;age, her: legal clud- ndry luse- n of ýe of n ment st of ccast rges gical and stra- ,ary Op- or tion, de- total and eav- tof rs or ned rrse evil I~2 TheCaadin taesmiEomanile, San. 28, Ilm