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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1966, p. 5

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Within walking fingers' distance we'1ve got 15 physicians 8 tv sales and service outlets 3 plas terers 7 tire dealers 8paint dealers 0 a a and just about hvs pa"ns. .W__ Stanley Dunn Takes An"' eket0"" IWanis Governor have moved froen Hampton te Oshawa. OverPreidecy . and r. Duy Reton Instals -Off icers O.ve Prsid ncyentertained Stna supper gu1t, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Ben Rudeil, D ua b ar t on, Am.lst eManagercf the Cen- Munson frcxn Gerard Rd., Lieutnat-Goveraw for DI. frei Ontailo Trust and Sav- 0fCnda einMr.and Mn.Jack Wills, installation of officers for reoldetTippins ane Trnoh*w er. vision onthe ,U e ffhe ined aetn f lis Coro rat sB ch tr. OsPecial general meeting 1966 are Jack Miller, Robert weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Wil- the Bwiafor iensIg t A ehg leofce qIe installation of officers Davies, Robert Hayes, J. A. fred Sniale'e home. Mr. and Club held at thie Flylng li the club. 'He gave an In- t 19«6 was held by Branch Gibson, L. O. Burton, JIn rs. im le visite<1 Miss Verna Ducha Motor Hôtel on ispirin aiddress in wh.ich he 1 cf0 the Royal Canadian Firth, Howard Ormiston, and Boock, Cobourg, on Sunday. Monday, Jan. l7th. Memnbers urged the local Kiwanians ta IAio< on Sunda fernoon, Horace Brown. MT. and Mrs. Glenn SmTith, of the club, their wlvea, and accept the cail to leadership edm~uary 9M, in the Legion, In his a'ddress following the~ Douglas and SAeryl werc guests wr rsn.Tefrti odc Aecennt Hall neainianer ame intalatin o ofices Pe1" Sunday supper guests at Mr. Lieutenant-Governor wus in- and thie country. Woodward officiated. dent Dunn spoke of plans for and Mim. Hosken Srnith's. trdud y obCrthu. H ezpiie he bc- TtXwe installed in the im- the iomgyert an e ires- Mr. and Mm. Alex Carrick Those installed li office tives of Kiwaxiis sudi as the Pr*ed the inmortance of rncrcas- and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cheet- for thie coning year were prinucy of Imman and spirit- aident stan Dunn, Past Presi- 'n h attcndianoe e general nain of Oshawa wei'e supper President Fred TIppins, Past ual values over matons!l one, dent and Service Off icer meetigs. Eaich member pre- guests of Mr. Leslie Davis Of President John Brownlee, lot thie encouragemnent o! daily ICeith Ferguson, Znd Vice sn at such a meeting will Oshawa at thie new Dutch Vice Preaident Bob Carruth- living by thie precepts of t-he Preuident Ab Mavin, Chaplain receive a free ticket for the Oven. ers, 2nd Vice Preuident Bill Golden Rule, and the adop- John Living, Secretary Ron monthly attendance draw prize Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Cobban, Secretary Ted Hut- tion and application of the X. Mcdiards, Treasurer George of $25. Ibils will be staeted at Reelis, Oshawa, visited Sun- ton, Treasurer Gordon Beech, highest business, social and Thrsuher, and Sergeant-at- thie general meeting of Branch day right for dinner at Mr. and thie directors, James Col: professional standards. Armia Ernie Perfect. lot Vice 178 on January 27th. and Mrs. John Macnab's. liss, Bob Colwell, Bruce Col- President Tippins also sires- Preoident MuieCna Committee Ohairmen ap- Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mr. well, Bob Coo.k, Ross Jack- sed thie act that Kiwainis 'Who was uumble ta lie present. pared or lticPe i ean M . rce Tink, Mr. and maxi Neil Metcalf, John Mor- edmai to promnote by precept Will be installed ait the nextar:PpyltViePsietMs.CrecTnkMran ton and Don Mountjoy. and exemtple an intelligent, meetng.Maurice Conway witih Jack Mm. Hilton Tink were Mon- Ron Brooks, on behalf of active, and serviceable citi- lielg.Miller as co-chairman; Pubi- day gupper guests et MS. and thie local Kiwanians, thanked zenship, and to provide The. Color Party for the In- licity, Advertising, and Bulle- Mrs. Percy Dewefl's. Lieutenant - Govemnor Rudell through Uic club a practical 8tâIalaton cf President - Dunn tin, Robert Davies. Member- Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, for officiating at the inipres- means te form enduring WUS cOosoed of Don Cam- ship, Robert Hayes; Sports, spent Sunday at the Dewell sive ceresnony, and for mak. friendships, to reinder altruis- eron and Ewart Bragg. Thie Howard Ormiston, Cantçen, home. .mg the presentations o! a tic service, and to build a bet- IiCW president was escortcd Ab Mavin; Speciai Events, Mr. and Mrs.'Sem Eakin Past President's Pin te Past te oi-ociiunity. ytopatpresidents, Jim Jim Firth, Public Speaking, and family from Rexdale were President Brownlee, and a Thie new president also I'Iýrthan Rundie. J. A. Gibson: 50-50 Draw, Lew guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gi-a- President's Pin te President urged hils fellow Kiwanians Ile Executive menibers for. Burton. ham Dallas' on Saturday... Fred Tippins. ta, cooperate In creating and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunt visit- T h e Lieutenant - Governo{r maintaining tjhe high idealism Il M T Ned Mr. and Mrs. Kenncth alse prcsided at thie induction which makes possible An in- H A M T O NChaberain n Ohaw onof a new member of thie local crease in righteousncss, jus- Sunday for thie day. Kiwanis Club, Frank Peul, tioe, patriotism and goodýwill. Thie annual g encrai meeting ing thie Christian Way," and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke of Hamipton Charge was Aeld Rev. Catto's sermon was en- and family were at Mr. andC om n e on Tuesday, Jan. l8th. Theititled "Misru-iýon in Education.' Mrs. Elmer Hawes in Whitbv on evcning included reports on; On Monday the Ccmeterv on Sunday. Z n om n e thie wemk of the different Board met at thie home of Mrs. John Balson entertain- groups as well as the treasur- Mrs. Sarah Billett. cd Sunday lunch gucsts: M ml Maintenance again showed an U.C.W. met at 8 p.m. and Mr. Alvin Brawley, Carl, Gary I *ne ails 0 f ficers increase, the total bcing Catto installcd the new off i- and Joan from Orangeville. $1,593.67 for 1965. Mr. GoTd cers. Thie speaker was Mrs. Mr. Norman Griffin anè Cn epoPlanandtePrt hremidso Tindd io rs wit Mm r Ba werE!A t Legion A uxiliary Cn rporlntad o rtemiPart- An fTh r lisn îh clord ficnd fneithMr C oe oe thc congregation and particu- On Wednesday the A.O.T.S. Monday. President Mary Westover on behalf of the auxiliary pre- Iarly the officers te follow met at Eldad at 8:30 P.m. Miss A number o!fermer neigh- wvas installed in office for the sentcd a gift te Zone Com- througjh on thie plan. The Pat Knox showed intercsting bours froni Tyrone have cali- coming year at the meeting mander Williams. Rctiring Sigma C has a total ennoîl- slides of her United Kingdom cd at thie Clapi, home necent- o!the Bowmanvllle Ladies President Donothy Richards aient e! 21 boys and six men tour. lx'. Mr. and Mrs. Rayvmond Aof ayt i oa aa wshnmdb i rsna participatinq as leaders. At Next Sunday, Jan. 30, the Cla'pp visited Mr. and Mrs. diia Legothe ylnaL- wtien ! a gi the n enit c tAie intermission, Mr. Harold Ham'pton charge official board Lloyd Webb in Newcastle on gion Hall on Jan. 17th. Zone her outstanding work during Balson led a rousin'g sing- will meet at Eldad at 8:30 p.m. Saturday evening. Commander Gertrude Wil- lien term o! office as Presi- sang which wus enjoyed un- On Sundey morning the Thie ladies of thie Service asOswao!citdade.TAspsnatnws nicnsely. new stewards which were Club wililice coliectin.g for 1asOhwofiatd tde.Tispsnainws On Saturday, several Sun- chosen at the congregationalthe March o! Dimes in thie thie installation o! officers. made by Comnradc Edythe day Scthool teachers and lead- meeting will be officially ad-I Hampton anea in the near fu- Other officens installed for Rundle, Who Aad been presi- ers o! inter-wcek meetings mitted to the board. turc. Your co-operation with 1966 were Past President dent in 1964. went te thie Worksh.op which On Tuesdlay, Feb. lst, thie thîs worthwhile drive wililice Dorotby Richards, lst Vice A gift to last yca.r's Past was held at King Street Unit- Hampton W. I. wil meet. The apncecîated. Presddent Jean Burton, 2nd President Rundle was made ed in Oshawia. This same prograin will include a coler- Mr. an'd Mrs. Ken Caverly Vice President Leah Grahianm, by retiing President Richi- church burned down on Mon- cd movie. visited Miss Olive Bai-ton in Secretary Cathy Westover, ards i appreciation o! the day niorning. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Bewnianville recently. Treas<urer Audrey Baie, and assistance given by hen dur- On Sunday monning the Walter Beath, Columbus, visit- Saturday evening for sup- Sergeant-at-Arnis Rena Bath- ing 1965. 1965 Secnetary Aud- choir sang a lovely selection, cd Mrs. A W. Prescott. On per, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Chant gate. rey Bate presented a gift ta «Ring thc Bells of Heaven". Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Herbe.rt and Eric visitcd Ted's sister Thc Exeoutive for thie coin..at yea.rs Treasurer, Rena 'Tii. chuildncn's @tory was "Liv- Prescott, Rodger, Erin and in Little Britain, Mn. and Mrs. ing yeac is cemposed o! Ceai- Bathgate. The new Secmetary Arnold Venner. rades Banney Bolsvert, Millie Cathy Westovcr pnesented a Mns. Gary Chant went ta Bates, Helen Little, Marlon gift te her predecessor in of- LOK YOUR BEST ! Toronto Satunday night to sec Perfect, Anne Piper, and fice, Comnade Bate. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter. Georgina Carter. The Stand- Thie followinig convenors Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sedore ard Bearer la Comi-ade Bois- were appointed for 1966: Cian- from Brooklin visited Mr. and vert, and Znd Vice President teen, Sergeant-at-Aams Rena Mrs. Fred Ashby fer Sunday Leah Grahami will aise lie thie Bathgate with Conirade Mar- dinner. Chaplain. ion Perfect as co-convenar; On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. President Mary Westovcr Entertainnient, CSnirade Mil- Mcl Prinme entertained Mr. lic Bates; Anniversary, Corn- and Mrs.- Edward Chase and TD tPU rade Perfect; Birthday Box, Make an appointment children, Torento, and I\'rs. B3URKETON LU.IConu'de Helen Little; and now . . . to have us Chase's Parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lunch, Coma!ade G. Carter. John McBride o! Nova Scotia. A social evening was held Thie otlier d*këiors will lie style your hair. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler and at Mc. and Mms. Leslie Ar- aippointed at a subsequent ...Ail work guaranteed! chidren were at her parents' gue's on January 14th, which meeting. 6 STYLISTS ON STAFF home also on Sunday. was greatly cnjoycd. Past President Richards _________________The Brownies cnjoyed a Mns. Roy Bone o! Toronito gave thie annual Bingo.report, PERMANENTS gaine o! Wizands and Witches visted Mrs. L. Argue last and Coînrade Edythe Rundle ARE OUJR SPECIALTY to open their wcekly meeting. week. presented tAie Anniversary - - They danced in Uic fainy ring We wish a prompt recovery convenor's report for 1965. PHONE 623-2932 and collected fairy gold. Thc to Mins. Bill Mantel wiho was Other annuel reports were girls went te their varlous liospitallzed for a few days. gîven as follows: Canteen, 9groupa; golden bar, golden Bunketon oosmTunity wishes Comrade Bathgate; Beneave- hand, and needlework. TAicy a speedy recovcry te Mme. ment, Conirade Bates; Cloak- 15*played "Brown Owl, what's Lowry, a patient in Mémorial roo<m, CaSaiado Helen Little; My number?" and then closed Hespital, Bownianville. and Auditor, Com;rade Bath- thc meeting in the usual man- Mn. and Mrs. David Gai- gate. Hartln er. cAdil wene guests o! M. Bill Plans were complcted fer 69 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Thie Brownie and Guide Stephnenson, Ais son and wi!e, oatcring for Uic annuel Burns ýMothena' meeting was held on 1Mi-. and Mra, Johns Stephen- Suppen, whlch was held on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m. son, of Orosio. Saturday evening lest wèek 2Ovo DISCO-UNT Duncan lUnes Del. Save 19e CakeMixeI ks . 79C Hfeinz Save 13e 1-oz. KETCHUP 2Botes4 C Aylmer Fancy Mix and Match Vegetables 1O-oz.I C Tin 11isa Ardmona Fancyc ApricotS orPears Ti3908 Frozen Igighliner HADDOCK & BATTER Blue Bonnet Coloured 6c Off MARGARINE any shop or service you can think of ! 14"03.49 P: 93c IGA Oven Fresh Whole or d 24o WHEAT BREAD2 4o.39c Clark Save 13ô In ChiLI BEANS with PORK ON BEEF Short Cut STANDING RIB ROAST lacde «Bons Removed BLADE ROAST Bmriles. BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROAST SHOULDER ROAST BRISKET POINT. Boneless BRISKET PLATE - Bons In RIB STEAKS STE WlNG BEEF - Bonoss 1 IIGROUNDCHUCK BRAISING RIBS BEEF STEAKETTES BEEF LIVER - SLICED BEEF KIDNEY BEEF HEARTS BEEF TONGUES CRIQUITA GOLDEN RIPE Ilq 0% Pria. T«a Mr. Par lb. Nlb 99C 20c1 79c 74ce 15C 5 9c 79c 16c1 63c 79e 16C 63C 82c1 16< 66C 92c 18c 74c 79c 16C 63c, 55C iecj44C 99C 20c 79c 35C 7c 28c 1.091 22c 1 87c 75< 1 5< 60c 75c 15C 60C 49c iocj39 69C 14c 5 C 59C 12,c 47C 51 C <1<41c 49c1 lod39C 65Cj 13,c 5 2c Tins. 45c BANANA Walkers Chocolate Cblp COOKIES Our locality bas a lot to offer. Good shops. Good services. Good people. So look first to home for your needs. Let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages to find the above peple ... and niany others. Everyddhlns o, in .ltowa Je.11 JELLY DESSERTS4 Prices Eff"ev JaaUary 28, 27, 28, 29. W. r»seve the rîght t. Umit quazqttiu. 1-lb. '»l- 39c I ls.9c Produce of U.S.A. - Cad No.. 1 Grade iseu 24 Ss& vkgs. 45C FLORIDA CELERY 25c Canada Faacy GradeO-Qt - Emk Mclntosh APPLES. 75%c Bowmanvie ICA Foodile S0 WMAN VILLE t lan the LegicuiHAf. 'fIecater-I ing coinora for tbâs event, Comrades Rena Bath.ate, B. Shackelton and Bertha Wil- liamis. Conirade Bathgate reported on the purdiuue of new furni- ture for louange. She oaid tiat the design is modern and the upholstery le attrsctive ln gold, Plviera blue, and cocoa brown.' Preuldent Westover an- nounced that Zone Conina- der Williass will psy her officiai visit to the auxiliary at the first meeting ln Febru- ai-y. Af ter the businessmetg a delicious lunch was demv and a social hour was en- joyed. NESTLETON Nestieton U.C.W. held Its first meeting of the New Yeax' at the home of Mrs. Norman Mairs on Tuesday afternoon, with 13 memxbers, two visitors and several cilidren present. The meeting opened with iprayer by the president, and hyrnn 571 "Standing at the portai of the opening year" was sung. Mrs. Arnold WiI- liams haît charge of the de- votional period with Mrs. Bowers. giving the scripture reading from Psahn 122 emd Mrs. Williams the devotional and closed witlh prayer. Hyn 16 was sung, after which Mrs. Emerson gave a paper on "Worthwhile Th>ou'giht for the New Yeax". The business period follow- ed with minutes read, treas- urer's report given and cor- responderice read. Several t.hank-you cards were receiv- ed from friends who had been remembered at Christmas and two donations were also re- ceived. A card was signed for a sick mejaber ini hospital. A very interesting letter was also read f(ro'm Miss Muriel Stevens. The roll cail "Resolutions for 1966" was then given, af- ter which hymn 297 "«Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts" was sung, closing this part of the service. The program conisted of readings by Mrs. Bruce Heas- lip, "Humour" and "Change in Times", and lin. Maurice Neéltt "Mhat becani et fThe Canadian Statesman, Eowmanvtflc, Zan. le, 19668 Grandmna, axid especally ber baking". Mise Dianne Mains Îavume with several piano - scin by i er emyO'Keefes Sponsoring The FUaymeigwlHockcey Tournament be held at thc home of Mira. George Bowers. Between Union Locals Thie United Automobile been held in Ontario. ENNIS ILLEN Workers Union will stage an Poui- teania from Oahawa I ReV M. Lintra-distnlct hockey tourna- and one ecd froni St. Cath- ni e.M A. Doughenty's ment in Oshawa, Saturday, arines, Uxbridgc and Windsor sermon et Uic Sunday morn- Februamy 5. TAis is Uic fîrst will cempete for Uic O'Keefc ing service se.ueed II Sain- time such a toumnamnent has Trophy. uel aid,;wplaned thie -diffi- Organiera!f Uic tounnament cultiee aidaoomplishanents Québec, were last week guests is Lloyd Clarke, Recreation ini Uic reigns of King Saul of Mr. and Mmi. -A. J. Werr. Director of Local 222, Oshawa, and King David and teicihow Wn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and Uic sponser le Uic O'Keefe i oum finie o! Uic latter hal! were Satui-day cvcning visi- Bnewing Company. of the. twentieth century we tara o! Mn. and Mmer. G.Apoxmtl 18pesn have similler cimounisances. Werry. wiilb. i-aely 160nvolvd x THe Sm Hi-'reaor."heni asMr-.and Mrs.Don LaInlthe single day tournaient "Rai Hl, Ceato." extand fanuuly, BaWheboro, wene Playdowns wiil talc. place in Suxiday'e service will inclurle Satunday visit ru et L. thie Port Penny Amena and a message xi soig liy an aIl- Lazmbl's. Oshawa Auditorium, wlth thie nmale choir consisting o! Uic Mr. and Mira. Howard Glim» finals being held in Oshawa double male quartet and Uic blett, Oshiawa, Miss Vera beginning at 4:30 p.m. sevon boys from, Uic Jr. cheir. Gimlilett, Torante, were visi- Recreation Dinecter Glen During thie service thie Mes- tors at Mn. andMn.By c-WtisLoa44, idor sengers and leaders Mesdames Gil]'e. Ms RrMc atis Lcls Ch4ys inda sr A. J. Werry and R. Rowan Miss Susan Wenry, Mr- having good chance at win- had tiheïr montAly meeting in James A. Wenry epent SundaY ning thie Tcophy; whilc Du-cc. thc Sunday sohool nooffn. et Mn. and Mr5. E. A. Wery'. ton Ronald Adair, Local 199, Thie Sunday School session Misses Janice and Janet faveurs thc McKmnnon entry included the presentation o! Wray, Bowmanville, spent a !nom St. Catharines; under- pins and awards for attend- fcw days with thei- grand- doge in thc tounnanient arc ance by Mirs. E. Trewin. Two parents, M-r. and Mmra L. Local 386 ncprescnting Kunk. rows o! girls and boys galher- Lambi. cl Stampings, Uxbridge; how- cd et thie sitar te receive Mr. and Mins. W. BOWTnan ever Bnian Kennedy feels Ails ithese aid tlhcy ranged in age and Eri>c, m. anid Mms. Lloyd teain may score an upset. froni kindergarten children Ashton, Ronald and Ray, were Oshawa teains, numenical receving their tAi-rd quarter Sundav dinner guests O! Mr. favounites, are ail recruited pins> to teenagers winning and Mirs. R. J. Ormiston. fnom Local 222 and play in a bars and awards up ta 14 Mr .and Mca. Arthur Tam- negulan industnial league. Odds years' p enr f c c t attendance. blyn, Cambnay, were Monday seem te lie in their faveur Miss Marile Beckett and Mn. guests o! Mn. and Mrs. R. J. though Lloyd Clarke would Wayne Beckett have tAie Ormiston. make no prediction. highest record e! 14 years Mr. and Mme. W. Gniffin, This is thie first attempitet ech. Congratulations te ail. Heather and Dlale visited onganize intra-district tourna- Mn. and Mrs. BUi Ashton, Mirs. N. Coflacutt, Bowman- mente in the U.A.W. and co- Cacsarca, werc necent visitons ville, and had supper at thie incides with Walter ReutAier!s o! Mr. and Mirs. Geo. Inwin "Duteh Oven" in celelination warning that unions have 'a and Rodney. o! Mirs. Gniffin's birthday. nesponsibility to train their M%a. Edna Shaw and Mr. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd PetAi- membership into making tAie Ralph Shiaw, Oshawa, were ick and Bill, S.carliorough, best use O! leisune fume. Sunday tea guests o! Mir. and werc visitons on Saturday Sydney Lambiert, Director Mrs. M. Stainton. with Mc. S. R. Petîhiclc and - Public Relations for the Mn. aid Mca. Lloyd Ashton, vi.sited Mine. PetAiick ai nurs- P'onser, said that thie tourna-, Haydorî, Mr. and Mrs. R. Or- ing home, Bowmanvillc. Mns. menit meets ah tAie aime of misten acompanicd Mr. and Petbick is slowly impraving. thie C'Kccfc Amateur Athîctia Mina. W. Bawman who ail ai- Mr. G. Johnston and Mn. Prograin dcsigned te encour- tended thc funenal o! thie late David Johnston, Tenanto, at age active participation b3y W. J. Coulter, of! Allistan. O. C. Ashton's. adults in recreatianal sports. MT. and Mirs. Rai-y Sirutt, Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, H. sald, "with tAie assistance Oshawa, were visitons of Mn. Purpie Hill, Mrs. Beatrice o! union Recreation Director>g and Mms. C. Pethick. Taylor and Stianley, Burke- wc hope te, extend similar Mn.* and Mms. C-ifford Green, ton, wene visitera wltAi Mrs. tournament into the fields of and Ernest, H-emningfond, F. Teons, golf, curling and bowling".

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