*.wH OSPItoi Bord IectsCommitees >cmntfs lamouatn 5tu $181- srtrBrarO i ouden, Mad quis were passe, for py- J. ~tg~ 57va. *~Mt aI thi etu of oirweealoc ot f Directora o ernorlal sptlheld in the Board Dr. McKenge on behlaf of loo adt Wednesday evenlng. the Medcl Saf "hakd. iM&rman IK.lth Jackson pro- board lot, -thé' additions te the 'ègedcal Library. Mr. Walterg Otomembers of the badmoved thât a letter of thanlt it themeeting were Rex Walt- 'e sent fiernthe board to Mù pa~ Genhole Hughes, Dr. A. x.wen Birman for her speciâl G.MKnl m .G irrangemeuts cf the Christhias idMRte, Jms. St. G.eals. Thid was seconded by. LW..M. Rudeil, HàryJos, Mr. Prout, anyd carrled.. Iiaostle, Tom Coôwan, H. A. On a mrôiln 1bj Mr. Stutt, »Wron, Darlington Township; seconded by Mr. Prout, R. J. àiarïc Prout mnd Dr. Kelth Dllllng was re-appointed sec- Blernon. The Hospital Adinini- retary-treasurer of the board for 1966. Mr. Hughes moved that the following list of Committees U fpr 1966 be adopted. This was -ended by, Mr. Barron, and Management: Chairhm Keith Jackson, James Bell, carr. A l PRo5t Tom Cowan, Mrs. S. G. Mc- Murter, and Rex Wa1ters., Dear Eitor.Finance: Chairman Rex Walt- ~Ini fiesmd ecase rs, James Bell, Gleriholine we'r. only toc avWre of how Hughes, Harry Jose,, Mrs. W. true this littie sayingis, the M uel Junior Farmers Association Property: Chairmanï Tom -ci Ontarlo.la bard at work Cowan, Mrs. S. G. McMurter, on Usa centennial proJeet. Mm. W., M.. Re*l,. Maurite Prout, Dr. Keith Siemon, Although tie proiect 18 James Stutt. Grounds: Chair- in1 l the planning stage, -nan Mrs. S.. G. McMurter, H. W hôpe, before 1967 'NO'A. Barron, Ttmn Cowan. will have Century krni Equipment: Chairman A. M. sigris available for Oémrs. Thonipson. H. A. Barron, Mns. To' qualify 'for crne of these Harold Gibson, Dr. A. F..Mc- sgsthe faim i ust have Kerizie, Rex Walters. Public n the sicne farnlly Relations: Chairman James nome for at least 100 years, Bell, Mrs. Harold Gibson,,Dr. and muet, at present, b A. P. McKenzie, Mrs. W. M. lived on and operated. The Rudell., problem at hana ii to locate By-Laws: Chairman James aU tiiese fiiis.. Stutt, James Bell, Dr. H. B. 1 arn seeklng the hep oi Rundle, A. M. Thompson. Fire tomne of thé townshlp;.dcerks pnd Dlsaster: Chairnan harry but'arn appeallng to you for Jose, Glenholme Hughes, assistance. If you own a Maurice Prout, Dr. Keith century tarin or know cf Slemon. Joint. Cènférentle: anycrie who does, could yeu Keith Jackson, Dr. A. F. Me- *please send me your name, Kenzie, Dr. Kelth Sieron, Rex address and location cf Waters and Bernard« Holden. tari ne further Information The Hospital Administrator, le necessary at this time>. Mr. Holden, reported that in December, patient admissions It la important that 1 ' o the hospital included 209 celve these names by March ' dults, 71 pediatric, 28 new- seolaIorpasmycn born and two chronic. tinu. He stated that 51 major Thanklng you for your 'inerations and 99 miner opera- hat month, and 117 treatments Patricia Knoix, jîven in the Emergency De- Otario.. The Admlnistrator's Reportl ___ arn Co"_____à motion by Mns. Rudet New Off ioers installed at Palestine CIiapter, Royal Ardu Masonis Off icers of Palestine Chapter No. 249 G.R.C. for 1966 were nstalled Jan. 17th with an impressive ceremony. They are, back row, left to righî, Cornp. Duane Beers, M of lst V.; Comp. J. McFarlane, M of 4th V.; Comp. K. Sumersford, M of 3rd V.; Ve.Ex. Cornp. W. G.. Pascoe, Organist and 1. Principal; middle row, left to right, Cbmp. D. R. Alldread, Outer Guard; Comp. S. J. Lancaster, Junior Soi.; Comp. Garnet B. Rickard, Principal Soj.; Ex.Comp. W. M. Stacey, Scribe N.; Ex.Cemp. Wilbert Teeple, D. of C.; front row, Town- of Bowman ville Has Nearly 200 Ail m Electric Homes, Aparîment Suites' Bowrnnvifl n mw a li11 ,d-urch tihiat are entirelyhetI heated singe dwelling ànd. al-eleCtrioallW heated hme d by electrlcity. eý,ght siart" suite,.5 heated Ther are alse 82 apartirnent lai the nearby villages of b lcriy -.utes, aev en commercial Orono and Newcastle the e George T. Van buldings, tire schools and a are 46 more ail-electrlcal Bowmanville Pub reportlng the rapid growth of electrehoeheathag in that rnmcpit said there had been a tremendowunpsurge c-1 interest ini total electric living in recent montias. ln addition to the ili conoleted and ocouçied fuily electrie Ïhomes, he said, tihere are 12 more c1wellifs preseetly un- der construction that are .beir«Y all-electziicay heated. Prospects are bright for many more total electrie hcnies and apartmnent suites tlis year, IdglngfrçMh._e intereat and Quüires, Mr.- Van Bridger adcd. Besides thie new homes that are being built ta medaflion uil-electrie heat standards, a nusaber ef eider homes have been converted ta electric heatinj and Indications are liaI snany more wiIi be ohaaged over ta Ibis modern mietid cf heating, ypr. Van Bridger [iid. Tbree A11-Eleetrie Sehools Bowmanvifle was one of lie first nuitmimities k ic h province to have an ail-edec- trically heated school. Now there are three schools in lie town beated entirely by eiectrlcity' Teachers and pu- piles are deuighed witlh Ibis iormn of lical beoause itllase flexible and coefortable. The temperiature in, each clas- roorn oa bà* adjustcd by thermostat ln, the room te «ive vraper heat distribution, etveciuiiy on thace days wbeti warrn sunlight la shinln-g in wirodows un one side cf the school building mnd the other aide la la shade. Since elec- trie tieat la flareless and no oxm~n ta onouuaed k' Ilt th air ini LcthearocomIs lfresh- or, he pointed out. A new church heU in B3wé nuanville has hed all-eiectric leating lxwtalled. [t is St. Fuls United Church. In churches and thhasle In- troduction cf total electric heal lies ellminated much of the time, work and attention of caretakers cwm pred with theicr work la detalng with coewetional nietheds of heat- ing. Curch offiiais have OBITIJARY IM. ANNIE EAUDE EBOE Foflewlng a dkulcneso! ine weekaUichedeath ocurred Jan. 19, 1966, at Mge*ioriELMital, Bewrnanvifle, of Mrs. Edward Alexander Bac of Eowmarà- vgle.. Sic vau laher 801h yer . r à - th, le decoased was a a gter of lhe late Mr. and mm..PnadMcDonald. Bora at Wk' Brock Township, aie hal d m a resident of Dcv- manvifle ince 1934. Following thae1r marriage, Mr. and Mm. Boe f arred north of Port Perry and later lived In Part Perry. Sic vau a mombes' o! Triait y United Church, Dowmanvile, and wu active la the wcmnen's oraizations cf the church. Peeceased by her husband la 1916, Mm..BUo lasurvived bv threc sons, Wlson of Dciv- orlon, Orvifla o! Scagrave vh as prodoccased by -a dagier, M. G. Roberts o! Whi y.Aise urvlvlng le a broher CodasMeDonal o! Port sixry; mlxgadebtdren and 1 left to righî, Ex.Comp. -J. H. Abemnethy, I.P.P.; Ex.Comp. J. Rae Abernethy, H. 3rd Prin.; Ex.Cornp. F. A. Boyd, lst Principal; Ex. Comp. Lloyd W. A. Ayre, J.3rd Prin.; Rt.Ex.Comp. H. G. Freeman, Scribe E. Absent when picture was taken, VeEx. Comp. N. A. Wilkins, Treasurej; Comp. A. P. F. LeGresley, Senior Soj.; Cornp. Jan Oudshoorn, M of 2nd V.; Ex. Comp. R. J'. Dilling, Auditor. Photo by- Renderi been d?Iighted with the corn- P 'ý office, ,siso the four fort, flexi&bility and economyIV3-'anent suites above thc of electric henting,e~pcI1(.C office. la Uic cooder Fail and Ï,Àng Reférrirji to the rapid in- weather. 01, '-nmse in all electric heating, Other buildings ,(n R B)w- Mr. Van Bridger said tht mrgnrville tha't. aZëè aU-electri- req-aln3, for ühe growing .p.nu- caily beategd in,ude the larity are comfert, saiety, municipal -'water pumping cleanliness and the very rea- statiQfl,, t4;- sewa.xe treatment 1 nnable cost. The rate for al plant' and the. Bowrnanville elcctric house hoaýtiag has de- eresd ateadlloe and now lbe M u t- OmO m- t cim ersototal setrie bornes 24 lo4al elecrlo hi. 'V in Bomnianvllle bave a low aider hl. I Le bae bemie'- rate of approximtely one vérled to aU.iÊectrtc .' cent per kilowatt heur When Ne a12o stated that there Ite hydza power bills are paid six op.rtmt lsuitwide withln Uiced&scoeznt Perlod, construction that Wiflbc -1 he raid. electrialy heted. Popular la Orone, NewcMtle Ia Newoaste, Manager Har- Iftaper Ernest Dent of vey ffltton reported a abat. Orceinv&2'> »i that the air tmedwbere new booM-ý tr,-nd in new home heqUllg are bcbng built WM iaU-ie- ln thuI villoge is te modern, trie heat. There là,b a aUl-electrlc healt.ITirce new total electrie c e lb a721-electric dweflnnip were Vtllae. as vel e. 194 1 added this rnonth, binOn lt e- -prtmL- SaI California Sunkist Navel Foe e.Gv nee ob Size 113Ys SOLE FULLETS 491b c Deevez Standard Blndl- b flrnbhicdz Mushrooms2 or 59' Prdu eto U.&&A.- canada 14i0a. B1ns Lquid Honoy 29i Kraft Koglar Bunch Carrots 2for29C CHREEZ WHil Poue et U.S.A.- Cmal N&. 1 Orl. CABBAGE 19± PUMPKIN PIE 49i Cana"a N&.1ou ri f OvlcDrloel v. 3-1b. cals nu je*Ume"at8uh u.Pu COOKINE ONIONS 15sel PUDDINGS.34<m Bowmanville IA1oolinr