Mrs. A. J.- Clarke, Lambs. ners were Mrs. Delbert Bow- ~ ~ The Canadian StatsanBwiavleFb.1,16 ~~ Lane, were SundayMsupper! irs, and Gordon Failis; second raels ve v ~~j.I ( 1 1 1 ~,uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ai pize winners were George frsrse colhusadaprnl ',v'rhiI~ iiotand famiy Whitby.l fr u~4 Van Dam Jr. and Jimmy IrI zgeneration ya tbt hiin n and aiso attended ~ christen.ln oeMr.wnd MrBeggs Science Film Man has such Cg'lMar.k ' andsoMs . * oclciiznsrceived newsl m power at his disposiadyt nomtie sddtepr Ph re 2 -3 0aLodkne' grndioson oMaterof the proposed new taxation . . as it was pointed oci s o ns 1'Ir.I and Mrs. AI a E44mm4.!!toe. by the Provincial Govern- II'Knox I'hoo who made the atom n cet Phoe 6 3-3 03 !.~oydSpnce Eliot. inlo v oiiu n's Ini t~u tes ý ment with rmixed feeligs. t edthis marvelouc nry ___________ Mi«s Florence Gardiner has1 week's cruise from New York Don Morris, president otf OW AVKL W ouse"oen Wi ie the samne time they re-lgatered iiiteym0nariun mnleshed at the lseo retrne. roma hliay n'Ctyta assu.Bowmanville Rotary Club, andi OMNIL W. core"in el Dressed ceie word that at the last ýtee ntegmaoim Ulahda ltredfo ahliday nCt Nsa. Rotarians Bill Thiesburger and' and Weli Groomed" sent their iCouncil meeting, Council had of Knox Christian School onth prdcint 1lna Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doran:Don Murray attended îhe i5th' The Bowmanv'ilie Women's lusters <housecoets), ai s o passed their approval that one Feb. 10 to view a Moody tprodu socainth ui ec Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and daughters Suzanne ,Rnd: Annual Cele-brities Di nItitute meeting was held in their worlc books, which were 'ev1 îsro coîpu Science film titled "God of thepsdsm have rtmned from a winter-Lee Anne, Belleville, werejsponsored by teOarothe Sabation ArmY Young no)st interesting and showved one gener 1 purpose Atom qu eesgdtion coriga:i Var -ormguestsTo Mr. w'ners and ports- eople's Hall with an attend- a great deai of good work Ijuilt in this Township. Te This film had a startling th bm i)ef Vonin Forida.weekend get fM.Doranr Spots schol' ______and__Sports-___ T.L. Ashton of Bur-isister and brother-in-a, csegAscaini aid of ance of 27 and four visitors. rhis class was led by M..mtc nidd ta h ifrn prah t h science teachers al ipi %iltn ofans a gA.uestrrson FltheEstrSel- The meeting was opened by R:chard Van Camp and Mrs.,Tovnship of Manvers issue atornic bomb problem. It in- Ified the complex,inodrt o! atnd agueMrs. ampaign, Stnt.,. ntario Society for Crippled the President, Mrs. D. Park Ralph Larmer. A n o t h rdebentures up tc an amount cluded the hdrogen bomb ara Ideiver comprehese an bonerssteMsio trneru Street. M.adMsDo risClre The event was he'd 'vt oCnd,,..Od n éorei ta be held on "Ac- ne 4-JflOGct ready to dig many up-to-date atomic de- swers. The chillde ! h Mr ù r.Jh ipiMr. wr. aend Mrs. Dn uMtsoris chien.Ryl ck -ents on Accessories." Nlrs., for yovr -ncney by.Someone %-clopments. The theme of coi~eetetdt h n ,rE .2 s Kitcheai r.Jh pplftelsmetn eegvnner, were weekend Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomp-II-otel, Toronto. Since its in- h ls eeig*eele Ralph Larmer and Mrs. Henryhas ta pay the bis. man's bankruptcy and his need showing o! thisfimdrnM Suests of Mr. Dippeliis mother, son, Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Mor- I -'ýpticn, thc S25-a-plate dinner 1)y the Secretary, Mrs. 1. VWottcn are to be the leaders MrS. L. W. Dippell, Wellington ris also visited her aunt, Mrs. bas raised over $350,000 for -..X.unday. The meeting' was and attend the training course Street.~~ Lola Gaffed horsds in Crippled Children's work. then turned over ta conveflorFe.7an18Aletrro Mran Ms.Frd arerRochester. %l hrtn nesn rs. C. Downey on Canadian the Departmnent re the Offi- and Maureen, Gait, spent the' We would appreciate a calTvn accompanied by Mr. dstiser Coernei Gulh Weekend with Mr. Carter's from you concerning your aond r.Iwi ent f, The Roll Cal was answered; Tweed.rnuir Compet ition, fees. mother, Mrs. A. Carter, Secondweekend travels, or of guests B an Mrs. Irin fSe l-th ' y narning an industry you etc. Dis-ru5ý on re oiark ictiri-A Street. who have been visitors in your byOntr . andMls.rmerl f e-ould ike ta visit. The Motta ties was-held. Decided ta hol" A homne. We will be very,'M.adMr.Lsi was civeri by Mrs. H. Sumners- a bazaar in the sprin.g. dagrs, Gousn and Siagh Thed cendo!rson, Town, and Mrs. ford. Invest your time instead. StnodVnCm Mn.htrs GordonFnd and hiagt receive this information. Edra Price, Base Line, Darling- f spending it. It is necessary, r.Safr a"ap Etoîckespnta fw ay number to dial is 3-3303. j ton Township, motored ta C wtoithk Ms Findiay s ans issHlnVnsoe'aen aae o udyageno ray, work, play, read,!presided for the programme:. Mr and rs M S aMeiWe Henî ersiy, inston, Qan Mr. Feua n 6,ndavisited h.orsoplv, ndsigta Mrs. Marwocd McKee gave - Mr n r.M .DlWl nvriy igtn n rIeray6 n iie h make good use of aur time the Current Events; Mils. Gea.: lington Street. Bruce Murray, University of Westman Funeral Home ta pay while travelling downliîfe's Skclding cornmented en the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Locke iTcronto, spent the weekendtheir respects ta the late Ar- more lea0.Bragrnaed than thNveý:e e - and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Locke with Miss Vanstone's mother thur McKnight. Mrs. Sex- roaed fvrt og. Mrs.îm paenot,eylered hnemwieor RI returned home on Saturdayand sister, Mrs. Morley Van-1smith and Mrs. Price are s Buttery gave a paper on pie 'ou are witfl.' Mrs. Van P I E GO D U T L F BAR1 evenng from an enjoyable stone and Miss Barbara Van- sisters of Mrs. McKnight and èxporting apples to. Scotland Camp siowed sides of the stone, Beech Avenue. Ihe Anderson's are aid neigh-, such as MeIntosh appies, also home m3de ctuilts which were' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cowan, bors. a paper on C.A. C. Bulletin. cni exhibition at the Dominion REHOBOTH Christian Saturday !rom a 10-day holi- held a birthday party at the lunch tinie, tickets were given June 1964. Mrs. Veiva Baile.v, day in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles out foir Kopper Carnival and'read a story about makingý an International Harvester honar (if Mr. Franklin Worden members. Mrs. S. Cordon as ing c!cs.d with the sin.ging of!' VAPORIZER WITH FREE MULTIPLE VITAMIN Scugog Street I sales award won by Mr. o1n the occasion of bis 89th lunch ronvener and lunch was the Queen: 1 HANKSCRAFT VAPORIZER 77Cowari. birthda3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles-served by the ladies of Mrs. Lunch was served by the L UI LU RE Z MINERAL TABLETS Chrstin Rfored Week, which continues until sary. They were married onl and fancy wcrk which memn- A Chita eomd Saturday, February 26. BoyFcb1uarv 6, 1941 by the Rev.1 BLACKSTOCK W. bers liad bro'ught for disipiay.1 VALUE SUGGESTED ChrhSotWek is beld in Feb- W. C. Smith at the Courtice, The Fébruary meeting of - 937 LIST $6.00 Chrhruary and the week chosen hJparsonage. A delicious buffetth om'sItiuew 1$.4 , 9s3 5 2ev H.Moe, sppl pato~birth date, February 22, o! Sir which Mrs. Robert Wilson pre-. edi h Crmnt a 623-3492 Robert Stephenson Smyth spnted ber parents with a gift on Wednesday afttornoon with. Solina W.!. monthiy meet- Baden-Powell, founder o! this of money. Among the- guests,20 ladies attending. ing was held in the commun- Sevcs movement, is included. wVinsi an d Mrs. Samuel Adertoutn uinesg r ee Feb9tyhllMedeing openith- Worship Sriesjwe. .Vrcehs re Mrio. adadrutneobusinges r ies ty b.9hllMedtn pnesdy veingtP CL AIUhD P I YD M1amtrs. C.hW.eacerare- _________ deal o!feicrre,.pondence was a welcome ta everyone from E AOH ABT il am. urne hoe ater n enoy-rerd and deait with, inchid- our Presidient. Mrs. Hilîs, foi- 7:30 p.m. ýable holiday with the Calmer ir- letters fx'om the Homne lowed by-O Canada, Ode and ANTI-BACTERIAL GARGLELIE OLCAS ESARSETN GL conducted tour of Florida. ZMON EonmitMiER atr ci ClCcAPEGSULOEETRSHL PlaaceMinutesto!epreviausemeet-eANU MOUTHtWAMISCoPtaitsiViiaeinsaACandeDt8 eZ- AOD 6OUT. PRIC Places ! interst visieray;reDistrict President and Miue-o rvusm BakT o or Harrisburg, Penn., Racky A good attendance with Secre'ary, Mrs. Wisenman and ing were read, treasurer's re- 14-OZ. otisVamnAad0 CKBMount, North Carolina, Savan- i sevoral visitor.s was weîeorned Mrls. I. Munday: a very in-jport giwen-and 'correspondLance CKLB ý~nah, Georgia, Silver Springs,' frr our president, Mrs. Paul teresting and informative jet- read. SGETI Ever Sunay,9:15 p.m. St. Petersburg, Miamni, Day- Scbîl. She opened with an fer f r-r The King Farmi at Mrs. H-arr3r Knox gave a re- EeyS datona Beach, Key West andI art:cle taken from t.he United Keswick in appreciation o! port on the community supper LIST $1.409 94 92 fo 9 5 vlqmmm m mmmw lso variaus other localities. CIurh Women's Clip sheet the balIe sent bý hi held in January. Mrs. His, ____________ -Mr. and ils. Ross Clark,, entîted "For the Birds". explaWng many activities, tbanked the committees ini High St., Mr. and Mn .TJack Tewrhpsevc wsdueset.authear, charge, also-anyone who beip-. -.Shepert,_Toronto, and Mr. and taken over by-Mrs. Jean Glas- The gir'-s who tock the Ï-Hcd rmake the evening a success. YOU are invited to peil and Mrs. Marion Sayeau.-- Mrs. R. Fraser gave a report attend S~~criptuire was read f' rom the-Nrh tadSmt rmteccQrsuner pamphlet. attend ~~~Epaesians 6:10-20. Mrs. Jean Funeral home. Sympathy, ,%anquet, wedding and pienic S F I U rs tr B W a Vle Glaspeil rend an article en- expressed at tis tmetrice-, review was given by BEAUTY BATH OIL MEDICATED CLEANSINGFO SEEYRL F p netitled "responsibility" fram a members o! his famiiy. W. Werry. Business wasPOND al bock by Bishop Sheen. Miss Diane Gilmer and MISS deait with. Plans- are under-. EP KNSLYGLB OD 5 EV N E ITCMrs. Ruth Stainton gave us Lois Roundtree, Lindsy were way for a- casserole luncheon. SMOOTH - 21/2 OZ. 2 OZ. E A E IS IPe ecostl the 1965 reports on aur activi- overnight gujests o! Mrs. D. Cu irr or r ln te.Mrs. Nareen Bradley re- Vinkle, Saturday. ning a bus trip in the very SGETDf SUGGESTED SUGGESTED M EETINGS C uc ported on plans-for our three Mr. Ken Staplton and nearfuture.Rollcall, wearLT i67LIT$,5 o year. Announcements were here with bis parents, during titie. The.response was great, $ . 9L 12 i 0 t. be held in 75 Libery St. S. a bake sale at Simpson's in the weekend. with about 50 sangs iflustrat- I'Izne 823-5100 Mancb and a tour ta. Sklar A presentation was-given ln ed, aIl the way tram- Sweet 1 urniture showrooms on Feb. Community Hall on Saturday Adeline ta Here Cames Shack. Bowmanville Pser iuu A uda BeT'uTeAhmeo51rmetn Piaor2e AKUfS Bb.22nd. right for' Mn. and Mrs; Bruce Thtem o!ar etigMD SN ESOS K M I Mrs. H. Geissberger Sr. re- Eiiioitt Jr. Gifts included« card was Educatian, with Mrs. B. Ba titCh rh Sunday School ported on aîl the ciothing and table and chairs set, a large Tink presidlng. Miss Karen MD S E L OY 13ciptitChurcfurniture sent ta the. unfort- minror, utiiity, step.stool and Yelio*lees- gave bier public unate Fortune famiiy in suin o! money. Lunch and scbool speech. on "Cancers", REGULAR - 121S 10e CHOCOLATE BARS TBES N SLMS N4 $tet eto9:5Bowmanvilie wbo had. their dancing rounded out the even-. foilowed by Ronald Knox who MANUÜFACTURER'SJESYM KER YNU -1CC home destroyed by Lire. ing. chose- "Mbsplyrt'" fôk' bis à»peech SPECAL' 3c OFF PLUS.C~P RNISGETI Liberty, beginning 11 a.m. The prograin was a pane' Mrs. (Rev.) R. C. White These- were- exceptiona-lly weli l OPNCIP UC discussion on "Concerns o! the was transferred ta Civic Hos- given. MËs. R. Langmaid7cCUO f "THE CHRTSTIAN'S' Church in this Presbytery. nital, Peterborough, tram Portipresented the Motta, the bigh- 1 Sunday Evening NWARD WITNESS" Guest paneiists were Mns. John Hope, on Sunday, aftennooni eo you dilrb.. the- more-4 O 7cLS 12 Sun ay venin IN AR WINES. Knox o! -Eldad and Mrs. R. her daughter. Mns. Clarence windows you open. Our topic-EACFEAR Giaspeil o! Tyrone, who at- Haywood of! Orillia, accom- for- the evening- was a- debate, 2 6:45 p.m..- tended the Conference Plan- z)anying ber. We are glad ta' Resoived that the modern ning Feilowship at Elin Lodge. report there bas beent- a- notice- school bouse turns- out betten cagofthe prograin. dition. bouse. The affirmative side ENTER i ui i 7olkan otnigTopics discussed were: 1. Mrs. Austin, of Canton, was was voiced by Mrs. E, Cryder- THE 7'p.m. ~Is thene too much U.C.W. cnt- a weekend'guest witb Mn. and man and Mrs. J. Knox. The PNY CR ' 'ocnd ctinig7 yn eing? 2. Sbould we cater ta MWrs. Bert Tompkins. negative side was voiced by nightly"GOD'S ANSWER TO weddings ina hall, whene we- Amang the local tans at- Mrs. R. Fraser and, Mrs. T. CREAM SPECIALS WORLD WIDE SPORTSSUE ST NES (excepting Saturday) MNSDL11A know liquor will be scrved? tending tbe Sunday hockey Baker. While the iudges were - THREE TYPES - HOLIDAY CONTEST.SELBAE MA' IE X ' 3. Are we coucerned enougth gamne in Port Hope were Mrs. in conference vocal dtets were Manufacturers Special AND WIN A TRIP LSOEFE at 8'o'clock. for othiers, in far-of! lands aMd ilI Wade and sans, Misses nendered' by Mrs. M. Vice- and Wed. Feb. 23 at 7:310 p.r. close by? 4. Is going ta, Canal Peck and Bletty SkeIdý, Mrs. F. Johnston, "Moonlight $1.69- UGSE churcb a status syn-bai? 5. îng. Bay" andý Now is the Hour". Sudysrie-frFarnily Night Service Coffec' bouses - good and bad. Mr'. and Mrs Frank Gilmer, Readings- pentaining ta the FRLS 10 Sundy srvies-forMrs. Eileen. Sohil thanked. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burleyi tapic were- given by. Mrs. J. $1.49 e29 3 Subject: "«God's PurPOSe aur busy guests for taking o! Cobourg, were Sunday sup. Knox and Mns. R. Fraser. February 27th wilI be1 regarding the pastor2" their timle ta corne and making- Per guests witb Mme. C. Burley The judges, Rev. C. Catto, 1 ~the evening enjoyable. Lunch taking- home their son Doug- rc-rs. Killen, Hampton, and' held at il and 7 p.rn.t was senved by committee ln las, who- had spent the week- Mrs. Margaret Snowden, Sa- iser the Word of God charge. end, with bis grandmother. lina, neturned' with- their de-C rc d n D "Where oad' Mr. George Pethick of- Tor-. cision in favour -oa!'the nega- U F R NESN '1'he Church That Cares" I onto, was a cailer at Mr. M. tive. Each gave thein corn- ' NE WTO VILLE.' Kimbell's, Sunday' aftennoom*1ments in turn- andagreed that FO FATPI RE EFDN UF M VE dropping in ton atternoan tea. in very. poor health fon sanie REGULAR OR EXTRA HOLD RED ROSES OR YARDLEYMNEA TO C Miss Audrey Mank, of Ton- tm.W exend aur sincere Manufacturers Special ROLL-ON DEODORANTS 2 Z olo wsa ekndvsio ympatby ta those wha mauril.$14 - TH EFICINCY XPET vsîto '~. /Juvenile Orange Lodge No. bEIITO Swith hem sister, Mrs. Jim Cas -PRAC wvell and family. 444 wbich was recently ne-on-' FOR M2PRPC U GSE T'e m. on aat enengh to- tell you how to rua your Messrs. T. Henderson, R. ganized, held its first meeting 99c VALUE3.00T$$550 ~~Hall and D. Vinkle were ice-o Monday night witb a 100VLU buiesadtoo arat to stant bis own. fishing at Kennisis Lake, dur-:« per cent- attendance. We con- 2.Th mn- ho-knwslstabu yurbsies ha 1 he weekend. gratulate tbe Guandians and deM ets pali more for tellng yen bow to ruas it.'Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmen er CIN the right foot. S e 1 5 GR. ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID Mo.anvMll. M ln matte vltage wshasveo!theisr . . T BL T O 4 and Mrs. Gilîner Smith of OWN! mnan of the yean. I do thinki Moman rs ile h trKimaî A vilteo! toone bavetheinstT BL T receiving felicitations on the ~iour od friend Ted Grabani.' occasion o! ber 98th birthday, stonnis be ds and aftem snow1 CLOTM CAE HINT:Feb. l4th and numenous s m i sta be seen out. CLOTEES CAKE HINT: friends and relatives called in, B ws#~ ith the shovel by the houn1P EC ITO SI.D .R M DE :_trig oimprove the situation.'1 -SC Tor hsbe DatFnen 1 yu lca dyceaer Ter 'ipress their good wisbes. e- ( 4( He is olten visiting the sick! ». reason wby yeu ubould nt look wefl resac at aU Urnes. Mn. and Mns. Raymond Collccting for !lowens for- Bruce visited lier aunt. Mns. deceased pensons, selling tic-I Price, at the Golden Plougb kets ton wotby causes. My.A- REAETr FU"D CANVASS Locige, Satunday en route ta L f/Tothen always wanted bier?- Havelock where they wene fowens when she was alive sa c MONDrAY, FEBRUARY 21st guests o! Mr. and Mns. John ti week I am giving, myà% LX Chatterton. bouquet ta a worthy citizen,e D UGe Mr. Andrew Reichnath, an- - Ted Graham. i R 4 other old-time resident o! thls1 w" Large crowds continue ta Tw W~I village, passed away, early attenTth eml-weekly Prog-I Wt1 2 5 9 Satundy t Bew nvieHu ressive Eucbi'es held undez' the pital, in bis 87thyenFnea auspices o0 telclUCW __________________________was held Tuesday a-----oon-IFrlday night, tirst prize win-