seeds without bounce or scatter - in firin, even depth seed zone. You get rnatchless speed and accuracy with 1H planters! Big- gest fertilizer hoppers anywhere. Exclusive "frog" te firm the seed bed. See oui complete lime. I ith exponded warehouse faciiies, .C-I-L Ferfflizer Dealers are now gued tw give you even bet- esemmce An experienced ci team of techncal adv'isor$ p"r * s on n4,e*JbIp yoWith1k Jyour iiiiIn a fuaa ret- There was an excellent en- tertainiment prograin. Fen- wick Laird, age 10, a fine young musician, impressed the audience with his playing of piano solos by Beethoven and other classical composers. A 1Gel Cash Today 1For Old Appliances1 ýj throiilth 8 T AT E SMA N Phone 623-3303 mmts Take advantage of this ex- pert advice. Find out how Super ;;zý Flow Fertilizers'and C-I-L improved servic cn lead you to higher yields- and increas- cd profits. Sec your C-I-L Fertilizer Dealier toay 1 ~SiSJMITO ~ SUPER- FLOW FERTILIZERS mswLoct.det Port Hope Limit1ed; Halins rGiesberger, R. R. 1, Hempton, set of giasses, Duke Lawn Equipinant; Min. Wally MeKnight, R.R. 2. Bow- marviile, 100 feat of yello% rope, Hesnîlt3n Cotton Conn- peny; Mrs. Reg. Brocik, R.R. 4, Bowmenîville, gallon of Iofan,l West Ohemical; Francis Thompson, Bown-anvilia, vou- cher, J. Hl. Abernethy, Bew- manville; Jîm Allin, R.R. 2, Bowrnanviile. gas voucher, Roy W. Nichols Garage, -Bow- nmanvile; Ivan Mountjoy, R.R. 3, Burketon, dinner for two, Coronation Cae, Bowman- ville. Fred Bedwin, Newcastle, v'oucher, Bownanville Clean- ers-, BâI Henderson, Bown-an- ville, rose bushes, Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, Reid: Ciochrane, Orono, fivPa gallons grease, Trutek and Tractor, Limited; Mrs. Arthur Gibson, R.R. 2, Bowmjanville, (W. H. Brown's mother-in -law), shrubs, Van Belle Gardengs; Gordon Barrie, R.R. 4, Bow- manvilie, shrubs, Van Belle, Gardens; Mrs. Donald Staple- ton, R.R. 3, Newcastle, shrubs,ý Van Belle Gardens; Mrs. Dont Metcalf, R.R. 2, Bowmanville,l gallon Hibitane, Ayerst Lab- oratories; Mrs. Jean Hancockl R.R. 2, Oshawa, gallon Hibi-1 tarie, Ayerst Laboratories; Harry Graoe, Burketon, ther- mos bottie, Western Tire; Bart Denowden, R.R. 1, Hampton, barbeque, Western Tire; Mrs, Wilfred Wood, R.R. 1, New- tonvihile, family pass, Royal Theatre, Bowmanville; Wil- liam R. AU;in, R.R. 2. New- castle, pail an-d brusiies Crown Dairy Sujpply Comn- pany, Mrs. Roms Adamsa, Ne'w- castle, pail and brushes, C'rown Dairy Suppiy Com- pany: Mark Hancock, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, pail a'nd brushes, Crown Dairy Suppiy Com- rany; Elda Avery, BurketonI pail and brushes, Crown Dairy Supçly Company. Merv Allun,I R.R. 4, Oshawa, peul endi brushes, Crown Dairy Supply Comnpany; Don Meteaif, BEw manville. paeu and brise, Crown Dabiry Supply Corrn- 'pany; Mrs. James Hayman, voucher, Joe's Shoe Rapair; Milton Stainton, R.R. 1, Bow- manville, baie of twine, Brantiford Cordage. Reg Brock, R.R. 4, 13owrnan-, ville, bale of twine, Brantford Cordage; Don Ricihards, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, floral ar- rangemnent and eontainer, Car- nation Flower Shop, Bowman- ville; Mrs. M. Stainton, R-9. 1, Bowmanvi.lle, spray miotor, Lawn Spray Company; MTs. Roy, Webster, Bowmanville, spray motor, Lawrs Spray Company: Hilda Thompsori, R.R. 5, Bowmnanville, alectric stearn iron, De Laval Com- pany. Ken Shackelton, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, chain saw filer, Galt Supply Company, Gary Côih, RAR. 1. Tyrone, flash- light, Cam-ans Auto Elec. tric, Oshawa; Mr$s. Bob Mor- ton, R.R. 1. Kendal,ý e1tric kettle, Falcon Supply,<on Peny, Ajax, Matbew Mar- chant, Bowmnanville, grease gUn, Case Company; J. Outjer, R.R. 1, Bowmanviile, cake, Carter Faznily Bakery, Bow- inanville; Mrm. Dorotlxy Crago, R1R. 4, BoYwmanville, water bowl, Beatty Brothiers, Fer. gus. Special prizes for children up ta age 10, from Canadian Tire, Bowmanville, were woný by June Taylor, Burketon; A. Degries, Bown-anville; Bruce Devriez, Bowmanville; Bruce Goble, Tyrene Nancy Martin, Bowmnanville; Larry Cryder- mani, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, and Fiona Burrowi, Newcastle. The Case Company child'u tracter, an exact smaller sixe duplicate of the famnous Case tracter, was won by Rai ph GlaspuL. R.6, EowmanviE, Mas Margaret Cordon wsin chage of tickets f«r thia draw and the returtia amoumted to .69. will -ho-ld their Ac-h-ievemenp-t 1 Day at Port Hope Fair as in past years. 4-mH Clubs': 4-H Cern Silage Club. At ieast ona more member 'must be enrehled by April lst be- fore the club program wîfl be conducted. Mal Wood et Milibrook wili again be club leader for the Durham 4-H Patate Club. Officers alected were: Presi- dent, Fred Taylor, Burketan; Vice-Presidant, Jim Walker, ,Secratary; Barbera Walker, both cf Campbellcroft, and News Reporter, Mary Shea, Janetville. p ~. =WIIIS Sttes~,uowanvme MSS so, DOS olared motion picure on the F r h e ____________________________________Mr_30,_'OUsessons of Uic yea wuasos enjoyed. F r he The audience was delighted hroug h sitnee ose Sho Pa ks allith the baton twirling slo1he4H lb Leadersadth1 e se o w 0Extension Branch, Ontario De-1 nd r istr, ren, ae nnepartinent o rcf lue he Nancy, pretty ln a yeilOw; 4-H Agricultural Clubs werei costume triinmed with fluffy organlzed in the Bethany Town fr o n F m ' y t g s maribou and golden sequins, Hall on Saturday, March l9th.a 's went through -a- fast-paced The Millbrook 4-H Cal! Club1 twirling number ln perfect was Organlzed with Kari tempo HeerngaFraservilie, as club tempo.eader. The officers elècted u a l n fe r a în m n t cIrene Reitrnuler wore a be- were: President, Philip Wins- K ~r nu l n t r a i mn t!uh oring red satin costume low, Ia Vice-President, John1 krhe annual Brown -Case; ares, and fiUed the Town Hall, fathar, W. H. (Mlck) Brown, highlighted with gold sequins, Heeringa, Fraserville; Sacra- Mow again attracted people auditorium toecapacity last the well k~nown farm equip- and a beadpiece of red flowers ta ,, J:nice Adamns, Cavan, S*m ai patscf uram riayMach 8.DonBrwnapplause when ha welcomedHer firat solo included many Adams. aise of Cavan. Prasi- c&muty and the aurroundlnglwas tie able M.C., and his the cro\vwd. lintricate steps and baton twirl- dent Winslow elected te have Triutewa pad e Mssing patternis. Sha also made the club mambers decide et1 Lid utjea ad teRissa great bit with ber second their first ragular meeting' 3, B urkt , ed ntarto solo performed with flaming whether the naine ef the clu neBret anessy Ontarsot n bat ons, which formed brilliant should be changed. u seradoyfan J. I. CanetsapCrt- designs against the darkened The Nerth Durhamn 4-H Cern an.W. F. G. Randaîl, of stage. Silage Club was organized1 pOsha- ith Dave Frew, Janatville, as Toronto, the firm's sales man- Miss June Suddard, Oh-ternwcu edr fi figer for Ontario, presentad a wa, a taiented vecalist, sang cear encew u eder ffi-t I NTUR NATI O NAL ~~transistor radio on bahaif o! several folk songs, a calypsocrsectdwe:Psint the J. I. Case Company te Miss ýselectien, enki a special seng Pr Se, Ha retviide, Vice- Mountjoy 'and congratulated dedicated te ber niether, ale rsietofarid tog bar on hler achievement in which graatiy pleased her Bethany; Secretary, John Hea- h bet aong- Frnci J ew-ringa, Frasarvilie, and News wriingte &aylîsenes. se, Reporter, Bill Shea, Janetville. aIl the entries from Ontario castie, eveked much leughtar P LA N T E R S for the firm's Farm Digest by bis witty presentation ci Only nne et the required magazine. 'oke and comie stories. There n umber of 10 are presently ioasenroled n the North Durham C. . LValey Trenoa;was aise an amusing motion __ Case Company official, coin- 1pîcture conedy with a chim- HCu manded Mr. Brown's ability panzee for a haro.4 as, a dealer in quality farml Doughnuts, iced cupcakes 4 -H af Cu -~ euipnen tegiv sevic teand pop wara served te the the farmers of this area. "The large crowd by Mr%. W.H Cas Copan isver prudBrown, Miss Margaret Cerdan,fo of him," ha said. Miss Jean Hoskîn, Misý Gwan Discussing the present world Lee, Cecil Milis, Arthur Gîib- Hope T w si crisis causad by the popu- son, Russell Gimblatt, Bob lation explosion, Mr. LaValaey Brown, Hilton Tink, Bert Te egnzto etn stated that farmers mnust pro- Mutton, Ivison Mundey. took place at the Welcome, duce more with less hired Temn othl rzsUie hrho usa v belp. The number of farm Temn otwhl rzcUie hrho usa v Jworkers is diminishing by 1,000 were won as folows: Herb ircz, March 22nd. Mambers, :À a yeer ha addad. Wofe, R.R. 3, Burkaton, casa nearly ail frein Hope Town- Farin implament menu- of oil, Herb Robinson's Auto- ship, may hava either daiî-y or t facturers now cen provide motive, Lin-ited, O s h a w a; beef celves as thair project. emaing hel te farersMrs. Stephen Jatfary, R.R. 3, Club Leader Roy McHoim tmzighelpatet euipient Bowmaýnvila, portable eiec- ef Welcome outlined what is, through telts qimn trie mixer, McGregor's Hard- involved in the club prograin desinedand uil frearsth ware; William ]Polak, R.R. 1, and conducted the election of -needs et agriculturefo er Bowmanvilia, hend creain, offîcers. Elizabeth Kellogg taseconae e xaied thisro West Chemicals, Lirnîted; and Leslie Capener were elect- Se. the 455 brl latrt a s due mr mnabi amus tlpro- Mi. Gienhelme Hughes, Bow- ed President and Vice-Presi- drf lntrta idc oe nmnmu ilg manville, two car seat balts, dent respectîveiy. Other of- 00assures perfect seed bed prepara- with less effort, ha said. Ganeral Tire, Oshawa, Brent ficers elacted were Secretary tion - even depth planting ()f A motion picture presanted Kent, R.R. 2, Newcastle, chain Louise Budd and News Report- everyseecL Plants 28 to 40 by Mr. LaValley depicted the saw ' iler, Fermer's Suppiy er Barbera Walker. AIl offi- evev sed.J. I. Case Company's wonder- Company; Mns. Leslie Taylor, cars ara frein the Welcome inch rows. fui new machines, and demn- Burkaton, grease gun, A.H. area with the exception of ~ S. te 46 hlldro moel.1Honstrated t h e i r versatiiity, Sturrock and Sons, Limited. Miss Waiker who lives near Sft he 56 hll rop Mel IH manageabiiity and turne savîng Mrs. Harry Grace, Burketon, Campballcroft. rntarv valve d tiennita nre-ffrnhlnPd qualities. waerbolPeiVIar PeolfflThe H!ope 4-H. Caîf Club We hope it means more than any other uymbol Yen ham ever boe po.ed ta. Becanse this smnbo is Canada. And Canada is you. Itisconîpooed ofeleventriangles. Ten representing the Provinces, and the ether, or northern t«~ritory. Ibe triangles are arranged as a stylized Maple Leaf, the. identifying syrabol for Canada and Canadia' It is yens symbel and il cen help stand fer yens- involvemient la Canada. It cen show your pride. It eam interpret your enthusiasm for a greater Canada. Prom ttis point on, ail Canadians will b. caught up in the. growing excitement of honauring 100 years of Confederation, Individuals will mon be involved with tbelr mwa Centennial pnqjects. Maziy cornruniti* THE--CENTENNIAL Murray Yeflowlees, Ennlskil- ion; Secretary, Sharon Larnier, Blackstock, and News Re port- er, John Lariner, also cf Black- stock. Durham 4-M Barley Club Club Leader is Don Welsh, Bowmanville. Officers eleet- ed were President, Tarry Mai-ý colin, Nastiaton; Vice-Presi- dent, Walter Riekard, Eow- er, Mark EM fl1 Port nRope. manville, Secretary, Neil Allin, [n the case of the Pouitry Orofle, and News Reporter, and Durham Corn Silage Clubs Elizabeth Kellogg, Port Hope. Durham 4-H Forestry Club the required number of 10 en- Officers elacted were Presi- rolled mambers bas flot been dent Poug Perrin, Newcastle, obtained ançi unless this num-. Vice-President, Nancy Merton, ber is secured by April lst a Cavan; Secretary, Ralph Barn- Iprogram for these two clubs ett, Orono, and News Report-Iwill not be conducted. more pmfit .ï- * wlth Wwgrworg WWEE2 WO ,ISix 4-H clubs Organized at Orono Meeting On Saturdey, March 19th several ot the Durham 4-1-1! club leaders and the Extension Branch staff essisted in org- anizing 4-H egricultural clubs in the Orono Town Hall. The club leaders and officers eleet- ed in the respective clubs are as follows: Durham 4-H Dalry Caif Clubý Club Leaders are Francis Jose, Newcastle and Blill Tamblyn cf Orono. Officars are' President, Sharon Lar,-1 cr. Bleckstock; Vica-President,! Brian Bradley, Bowmanville:ý SccrctaryN, John La rme ar, Bleckstock, and News Report- er, Murray Yellowlaes cf En- niskillen. Durham 4-H Beef Caîf Club Club Leaders are Bey. Gray, Port Hope, and Don Rickard, Bowmanville. Officers are President, Walter Riekard, Bowmanville; Vice-President, Gerry Cornish, Tyrone; Sacre- tary, Terry Malcolmn, Nastle- ton, and News Reporter, Keith iAilin, Newcastle. Durham 4-H Poultry Club Club Leader is Gary Jet- fery of Bowînanville. Officers elacted were Prasident, Wes Lana, Bowmanville; V ice- President, Dianne Darch, En- niskillen; Secretary, Elizabeth Kellogg, Port Hope, and News Reporter, Brian Knox, Hamp- Fton. ,Durham 4-H Cern Silage Club Club Leaders are Gerald Brown, Newcastle and Dnn LStaples of Orono. Officers ielected are President, Neil Allin. Orono: Vice-Presideni, A. H. STURROCK & SONS STURROCK ROAD BOWMANVTILLE LIMITED PHONE 623-5516 q o'. Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario This is the Centennial S ymbol. What does it mean? .What does it mean to. you? ~hm ost complote Farm-Tallored ~Fertllzer program available have aIreqcf begm to mu- on lae cale Cen- tennial embak . IIKlmT hmbavhkntiated wide. qred CRnîa1 efforts 0< varying dq"rm .Afl Canacilmuw mffmg > my *IC<jaN $phew ord. You wE fbe s m« d iii.bol everywhere.Like to, becoe cf thase behind it? Vk'd lie you te use the nymbon m ehome; your office; at achool; ia .your piant wherever you can,. The raaual noted below may help te explain how you ca best use It- Remember, this is an oppoi-tunity for ail of us to und=r.andCanada, thimbtes-y, its present and its furtur e Lt' explore wbat can new bc caile a great country. lets all be a uymWo for Canada4, the a way " il a symw WforCenaial The Cen tenial Connnissicrn P.O. Box 1967 Ottawa, Canada. Picase send me a copy of the manual, *How to use the Centermial Symbol". Namne Addreu City Provin e. 1 a new product from Imperial Oi for use with Atrazine 65W as a post-eniergence treatment Corntroi 862 is an emulsifiabie light minerai oui. it is used at the rate et 11/ gallons per acre witls 1.5 to, 2 lbs. of Atrazine 65W which M effectiveiy controis quackgrass and annual grasses M controis broadleaf weeds over a longer period. CORNTROL862 has undergone repeated plot tests and field trials over a three-year period and is now FULLY FARM-PROVEN. Ontario tests have shown yield increases of over 20 bushels per acre when an oil-water emulsion is used with Atrazine at 1 .5 lbs.-compared to Atrazine in water only. Order your requirements of Corntrol 862 now! BE READY TO GO WHEN THE WEEDS ARE READY TO GROWI11 CORNTROL 862 OIL-AVAILABLE DNLY FROM YDUR IMPERIALS AGENT