'Y *- ihe ~ Ubà2 e..t. ttmmEuarvle, Apr. s - ers to ily for rposes. *~1* uite nmtnj 'liu ay evenlng, M,~ AF met e0 1 cIti~ r~ erieCentre in B tto on ~Ille welcanc SYELSRTON es kW eeditrr Severl frin, mun ie.d P, ' ' te minutes tyattnd" e teGloria Barrctt end i cr tion ta the A laMC Show helci in the Hanilton W itg oming up -AeaduaW The*» 1n, Lindsay tins Sri OU pûJdB~~~Un<.Thoe Past Preident Wal-tér Ru- <j',jpregran theqford intrcciuqed the si'ea- <t ~ a .marswere Mi- ker, Mn. Babcoek, -who h-ad a Culh li a tn-p dance thorougi report on. credit for tbse Vmneeta MGill agri-busuness. Foliawlng his *an '-M o nc Miss talic wlich dealt withi long (our sduOOl terni'andi other credit for S$Co sang Ini àtrio. tannpeople, Vie meeting bac W ktz symçat¶y to Mrs. a perioti of discussion.Th i n-g cf. ber- itter, Mn&. Harry remethem- te bonrow only foi PhI, e cf the Stinlingarea. productive purpose. Accur- -.M.Philip faninec for years ah, financial andi production 'on the farin now owned by.,records tel hue story of tic > Mr. id M. Balfour Moore. business. Adequate insurance , Ibis past week we ini Man- as regards fine,' liability, acci- ymas eluewhere ne doubt dent andi life côvenage now bav avoured cf March's tra- becumes an important part ai duitional caprii oui weather, adequate protection. tonme day up ta oun knees in Past Presidents Blair . Hec. Sm'ud, the next up ho our hipa ney, Ralph Banbury and-4Jal- Ini muti and snow; simmninng ter Rutherford were appélnted in the unseasonal heat anc nomninatin'g com-mittcc ho ne- Iday andishiving ini near port o the annual meeting fzero frigidity <'w daYslat- on Ajpril 2lst. 7%e special en, Wonder whpt next la in speaker wiil be Bruce Me- store. Conquodale of Peterboroughi b uring hils past week, Yel- who wiîl report on the atudy v ierton publie achool ohildrcn of education witb special ne- andi local ciizens wene treat- gard te Agriculture whici cci ta an unusuai sîght when bas been considereci in tic "Ptanees Jin" paused in Yel- past year. verton wti hie cavereti wa- Tic e gnoup rcgrethed ta gon andi bis entourage con- îearnnof tic passing of Harry -sisting of "Faitiful", ils Ap - Sinett cf Brighon, a past Ag- paleeza herse, "«Wolt", ani-cutural Represenhative of r.niendly wolf, endi hauleci by otubradvut n his zebra mules, Patience and Nrutiuof the an Counyind Trbltofr h a rs 1909. He entere I ti-to rest on SuntY 011 LAM5WIUVI ~Mardi 6th. _In April 1963.- Quihe an ________ Anterestîng sight forr those ,vresent for the occasion. MCongratulations are in or- *r t Miss Janice Stacey who j~né top hon-ours in her class 1oa solo) with 18 comipeti- I~at the Music Festival ir aleborough this Past week. 0; t~s o thie pupils and Miss ~u dh o f Yelverton Public hool who placed third witl -oints at the Festival Wh outooulry or lvs COknaamtofb upacbcsL " Somii solution te the prabisu. Xis "toow "au the complet$ lune of fanious K-Vet produetg plus the oclid knaw-how of the uiu organistion that stands bhn l dïn.. a dependableteam for effec. ContrcaiJ high level vita]ity e K-VET LABORATORIES LTD. HuNeptler, Octavie Durham (o. M OP'S ýSales Set New Record for '65 Tic Durham F a rineras Gounty Ca-operative hhrougi its members a h tii recent -annual meeting declared a 3 % dîvîdenci on 1965 member ýbusiness and also a .1% divi- denti on lay ration and broîl- er memben business. This di- vidend hlas a penioci cf twenty years ho be paid, intcrest free. Ih was also passýeci at thie meeting that tie 1961 patron- aige lbans werc ho be paici off. Thc annuai meeting andi banquet w-as held in thie Or- ana United Churci on Manch 16th with meaibers ofthie U.C.W. catering. Ite meeting coenmenced ah 6:30 p.m. En- tertain-ment was provided by Jean Parr witi a St. Patrick solo accompan-icd on the piane by Mrs. Eyerett, Cryderman and an aoc#dlon anti elecetlc gultas- duet by Alma Frjetog andi Mary SRnith. Total sales for thie Co-op- emative during 1965 amounteci ta $343,320 with a net savings of $15,229 or 4.4 %. Openating cepenses aniount- ed ta $37,5 16.00 with cash of goods amounting ta $292,- 658.00. Tic total sales is thie highest on record. Memben equities now ameunt te $172,-1 200.00 with a working capital cf $87,300.00. Retiring directors w erne Messrs. John Stone, Evcrett1 Crydennian andi Robent Mon-( ton. Messrs. E. Crydernnan, i-ertilizors......... Pont Moss ......... Evsrg reens........ Shade Trees....... FIower Shrubs..... Hedges .. LANDSCAPING A SPECIALTY «"Drap In Or Cali", Vain Belle Gardens "lYour Friendi7 Garden Centre" S NRNUTES EAST 0F OSHAWA ON HIGRWAY Ne. 2 623-5757 DID YOU FORGET 4- -'i 4. s -4 BoMibulngébi shýir= d Caene lof e ouse I M e t i 9: ~ewcistIe ' Netwest Inclustry Now Open fr5sns MU.- Clarke Plans to 41 $1 30>000 on Twp as te The regular irownie mee ip ing wus attended by the mi thers of the Browniem receii - mg proficiency badges. Fat 1' Guides who, are working c 1theïr Hostess Badge, Sylvi a Xàzer, Brenda Terrili, Cath F Van De Beit and Beveri 1Guest greeted the Browný Ig mothers, arranged games fcý i the Brownies and serve dcookies, tea and freshie. ni ie unch was enjoyed by ai 5Mary Ann Traschler, Lois Ki) lens, Diane Hindman an Saliy Mainprize were preseni ned with their "Gxolden Hand ebadges by Tawny Owl. Thi ý"Grand Howi" was given b the other Brownies. The Ska 'ter's badge was received b dSandra Reed, Lauri Nolar Jili Wilkins, Christine Shut tiewcyrth,%, Erenca B a11a r c Dorothy anid Dîiane* Hindma: and'Mary Ann Traschier. Thi Gardener's badge was receiv 9ed -by Diane Hindmnan ai IDarlene Lapham. Those' re ceiving the Coilector's. badg were Sandra Reed, Jane Rey Ynoids Lauri Chant, Mary Ani Traschier, Dorothy Hindmai 1and Diane Hfindman. Th, eWriter's badge was given ti Jane -Reynolds, Diane Hind man and Lauri Chant. Thi jWeaver's badge was given ii -Diane Hindman. The Ath ] ete's badge was presented tg iJane Reynolds. The Needie iwotrker's badge was given tg iDiane Hindrnan and Marý Ann Trascbler. The House Order]y badge was given tg Brenda Ballard, Dorothý Hindmnan, Sandra Reed, Deb tby Ruddy and Jeannette Mac nab. A trip to Toronto or APnil 15 iacs been plannec: wiiich wili include a tour o Christie's Bakery and thg Castle Loma Easter Decora. tions. Cookie Day wiil be hellc on Saturday, April 23. Th( cookies will be vanilla, cho, colate and assorted sandwich and we are toid tiiat they wil: keep indefinitely in the freez. er. The meeting was ciosec with prayer and taps. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hitch. ings were Sunday dinnei guests et tie home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashby. Mrs. Pal Ashby celebrated her birth- day on March 28, and het fniends and neighbours wisl her many happy returns ai the day. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Allun, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. J, Kovacs and Mr. and Mrs. Vîck Gergeff were weekend oerç et the home Of Mr. . Lewis Truli. Mrs. Bruce Hurst is looking for a good horme for her three month aid Spaniel pup, and would aippreciate inquiries. Mn. and Mns. Miel Prime and famiiy visited thein ne- phew in Toronto, Mr. Gordon Niehols and famiiy. T h e Primes stopped ta see Miss Louise Goodmnan on tic way home. Callers through the week at tie A. W. Prescott home were Mirs. Sam. McReelis of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Canrigan and Douglas, Oshiawa. Sunday callers were Mr. and Mms Wîlbert Smith, Oshawa, and Mrs. John Mal- ,ette a'nd sons Gien and Lairry and daughter Mss Jean Mal- ette fnomn Woodvilie. Mns. T. S. Mountja:y enter- t.ained Mn. and Mrs. Don Cameron from. Haydon for Sunday dinner. Theýy took in the Flower Show at Reid's greenhouse in Oshawa on Sunday aftennoon. It was Open House and the dispiay aras outstandin.g. The Easten lles were the main attrac- tion. Mr. Bryce Balson iosted the Confirmation ciass on Sunday afternoon. The Hampton W. I. met on ruesday in the C. E. wing; the roll cali was ansrwered Arith an exdiange of bulbe;, slips, seeds, etc. Mrs. Mun- daY, the District President, vas thirieaker. ( I f f e t te i Ic Ji bi fi ci VI r Si ln ,Mwln and MrlalfBrockr, Bowmanville, we IWudnesday evening dimnrosL.WU 8JING ST. E w~d~vwlh n.mm Ms,16gustat Mr. and Mrs. Keiti I'UONE Z83 Ar~ ya"d riMCGII, occasionwua celebra-I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ quested some action b c cil ta have twô xcavaticn in the Township on Cancesson one, eliminated. He said these excavations had filled with water and were .a daflger ta chiidren. The Deputy Ieeve, L. Perrault, was authorjzed ta contact the Building Inspector referring hum ta specific sec- tions in the Planning Act which Was thought to give contrai over such conditions as existed with these excavations. Foilowing recommendations by Councilior Chater, Chair. man of Roads and Bridges, resolutions were passed giving a 10 cent an hour wage in- creaseo t road employees and 250.0 tM r. H. PeWith, road Council is to cail tenders for a sew %k-ton truck and for the construction of a bridge at LWots0 and 31 on the 8th Con. cession of Clarke Township. . Through a resoiution. the Police Trustees of Orono were given authority ta manage the Drono Water System until such timne as a Public Utility Ia set up.-Times. d e of e Londo deounnd ofica 1927, andlcmd 4brdso vsios ef o iht WlerRikrd ary ef f h S.ryaeuswoa i~ whRee tly itereste e i iesLmthl the moem blnin ad e iCmany who installed tothe pe , aret besifta ail w cuho 1 4r. packing machinery. The plant--is a joint effort by Rickard, Chuck Dumbreil, Cyanamid's Director ofShe dedicated her lifeý,kea1s- Garnet B. Rickard and Sons and 'the Cyanamid Com- Pubiicity 'and Alex Henry, Supervisor of Farm Ser- th esr iyandteaongr epany of Canada Ltd., and is the f irst of its type ta vices for Cyanamîd. se es fortata h.nan -be constructed in this area. This photo shows some of seo lf, esciaiiy Iirays to her home na matter henc tion of Mrs. M. Stainton and she lived. ~ ~ i EMr. R. McGill's brhas o- Funeral service for the late! I~ I ~ ~ I L Egratulations. brhas o- Elizabeth S. Bowins was iieldî E 1KL L E r n Mrs. Hank Van from the Oak River United1 (Intended for Iast week> 'was reduced ta a trio, Messrs. companist Mrs. E. Wright were Dop yoe Stra vn116.ciionh e dnevie ws day uaci- Rex'. Dougierty's sermon j. Siemon, O. C. Ashton and given tic pnivilege of sitting, vstosaMS am'. 16. Tic service ashClarkt was based on tic fifti ciapte'R. Ashton with Mrs. F. Gniffin with their daughter Dorisanc. Mn. and Mrs. Don Lamb,, b Rv apiCak of thieLenten Bookiet "Grow- piaying tic piano accampani- of the guests being honore damiy Biiboo ageamiot an H.tic sern mes- ing Into Life," witi its titie ment. Tic cticn quartette Tic panody numbers of tichdesupr t .Bcktts ae yRiev. Hnib. HMan, Miss Elsie Oke, spent a few D.. iea Mntb.Mm- "A Second Adam" uaing as henimember Mn. E. Wrighit and ac- trio caused much laughter. The dy nTnnowt nedleso h itePebtr Bible~1 Les£Vulswiinsi1fUr special gucats werc es- îast week.- attended in a body. Roans. forL.asn d ieof corted ta the stage by tic trio Mn. James A. Wenny had! Tic honorary palîbearers Roan.Mr.L.Ahtndie-~ and Misses' Betty Jane Werry, Sunday dinner witi Mr. and' were members of tic Session tedticSr.Chor i anantcm ~ V$~W~~Manie Beckett, Messrs George' rsAla eryand of tic Board of Stewards "WhenYou now im" iti Ladbetenand ocki Mc- rM. and Mrs. R. Griffin wereiaf Oak River United Churc Mna. H. McGill as arganiat. Nain pinned pretty corsagesiSunday evening dinner guests Tic active palîbearers wcne Ncxt Sunday, Palm Sunday, and boutonnieres on tic happy of Mn. -and Mrs. J. Belle, Osh- O. L. Davîdson, Keiti Purdy, ion wericb env HyCdomApn - ticouples.F.A tae yrPT.Gud icn service a o ly Commun- l7tMisses Cheryl Rowan and awa. ' F,.SntmyeF .Gud HoiyTiusda at p.. aOn Tiursday evening, Manci Wm.- Sinclair and E. E. Stew- HolyThurday t 8 .m. SgrtylAry adesesoEcn hi Mrs. Allan Werny enter- art. specal ervce "he astSup êse grtultor addesss. achtained about 40 ladies to an Flowen bearers were John per" and Apnil 8ti Good Fni- cul a rsne ihS Oe os"o h lwr ocm .L rwD day at 10:30 a.m., another earcouple aasirsetedwia- OedHue o i loe-oroL L rwn1A secvicetable ardcchairosetwand arranging ciasa of wîicî sic Patterson, W. N. McDonald, seric Tc Cucfiio" wll~ ,o tince cusiions tram hie com- has been a memben. This class R. H. Heapy, G. O. Bullock, be held in our church for ail munity. The four guests af is arranged tirougihie Dc- W. N. McCallum and John tirce cangregations of aur honor expressed their appre- prmn fEuain ad Smyti. J. S. Henry and W. Pastoralo EdChange.nd Patopopuhare. n ade, ciation for tic pleasant even- Bowmanville Recreation De- A. Barr acted as usiers. Misses opris W ngitadiDon-, ing and gifts also extended an partfent, and Mrs. J. Van -Nest Tic deceased rested here at nase Yowris Wiohtaebdeso- inviatn tayal ho visit ticm has been their very capiable Northcutt & Smith Funcral haveestilihedteacier. Eaci member învited hm iifnrlsriecn ta-be next monti, were special ~ their new homes in Oshawa. one or two friends and Dianc's ductcd by Rcv. Wm. Piercy in gucats witi their fiances, Mes- A deliciaus lunch was served lnednigro astasIPontypool United Churci on ans. Murray Axford and Mer-. ' hci nlue n xratet ome no ovl March 21. Fniend vin English at a community of cake and icc cream provid-sopwtadipyofom and relatives of tie deceased party heid in tic hall on Sat- -.- d by Mn. and Mrs. Wright sop th rageesad f e r teddtmOi ,Trn urdayevenig, Mrch 2ti.'and Mn. and Mrs. Rowan. ing tic winter. Many com- ta, Richmond Hill and Kna Tic Community Hall looked '--Msae C.A ry ndF ments were heard fnom tic ton. gay and festive with its Pink .* Stengen werc tiecocmmittce in visitors as tiey viewed tic and white streamers and belîs. cange of tuis well onganized vanlous arrangements, amongi Lovely artificial flower arparty. those were Drift Wood, Table rangements were an attractive --Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp Centres, Hanging Baskets, deconation. Mn. A. J. Wcriry and Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp Dried ArneetDcrt M IL L I capaly prfomed he utie spnt te weken atStat edCandies, Chnistmas Decona-1 of chairman and interjectcd -- Caliege, Pa., witi Mrs. HarrytinWlPaqeadth bits of humor with short Greg Donald and Michael, tieme wîicî each girl was al-V atonies duning the pragram. Glen Burnie, Maryland and Mn. lotted ta be picked at aur Very delightful piano solos and Mra. Jack Goidwin, Anl- final lesson. A social hour witb F R McLaugiilin, Beti Ashton and" attended thc * graduation at cd feeling an enjoyable party Maurcen McNair. Mesdames1 Penn State College, of Mn. iad buht te iclsea er W y ae "rtfiialy bred H. Ashton and K. MeGiII gave Donald Gregg wien he receiv- i. rsug a aoase o a vcwr1 sear fe relcIail comical readinga. Al ioined in k, .ed hus Bachelor af Science in anranging. sing-song cf requested tunes Fortha Recreation Education, be will twe reasons. First and mc led by Mn. A. Werny with Mns. leave hia home on Apnil 6th Fred Gniffin pneiding at the ta join the U.S.A.F. in San <fTlT1Vne herd sire is present te piano. iIi warm Antonio, Texas. OBITU.Lifl through the herd. The ssc Tic usual maie quartette Misses Linda and Janet Sharp spent the weekend witi ELIZABETH S. BOWINS every cow that is serviced N S L T Nfeeling Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Bowins, ically receives minutequ NES LE ONand Mr. and Ms.Kcith West late o Oak River, Manitoba, TicNetîconNify eede- j'ifland girls, Onono. entereci into reat at the Hami- attack reproduction disease worerNst4 lub met tt e UUIcalt a aMn. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin ota District Hospital on Marci them from eccurring. workrs H Clb mt atthewere recent visitons of Mn. and 13 1966. Shc was barn at home cf Mns. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Caesanpa and ' Marc 25,withMissBonne Mr. Ge. A.Scot Oshwa.Milbroak, Ontario, on Apnil a ep Manci25, iti iss anni * Mr. Ge. A.Scot, Osawa.13 1878 and mannîed William COCHA servicecahlpI Malcolm presiding. Tic 4H A 'u.., Mn. Cecil Milîs, Ralpi and A.' Bowins in 1901. onr ocr erdc Plecige and raIl caîl were giv- A. H. 1uUUVck Ivan, Maple Grave, were nec- Mns. Bowins andi ber hua- onr ecr erdc en. Tiere was a discussion cnt guest5 of R. Virtue's. band took up a bamesteaci helped miany many more1 on te caeaandmaSonso MLtdnd rs.F. W. Wcrry, near Letibridge, Alberta, in can expect this as oesof tenial tic members expeni- and Mns. Percy Van Camp, 1915 when ber husband passed you get while breeding yoi menedwit dsinin aci Bowmanville, Ont. Bktc. away. Sic tien nreturneci ho sires of - dying. and leanneci how ta do Mns. Elizabeth Lamb, Pen- lier native Ontario and lived a nolled cdgc finish. Eleven tictan, B.C., Miss Retta andi at Pontypool andi Taunton. members and two leaders werc p ra Allan Dickey, Hampton, werc In necent yeans Mrs. Bow- present. Im eral sitars ah Mn. and Mrs. L.1 Ina made her home with lber Mr. and Mrs. Glover Rasa your Lm'. son, Rev. Victor R. Bowins and CEN TRL C and Caroline cf Taviatock Mn. and Mrs. Rosa Sharp setfv er nCp were weekend visitons witi SOvh andi family, Mn. andi Mns. Joe Croker Indian Reserve andu M.and Mra. Lawrence Mc- E s iHg n Lake were Sunday evening Canadoc Indian Resenve near *uun L B Laughlîn. dinner guesta at Mn. and Mrs. Landon, Ontario. Sic netunn- Messrs. Oliver andi Ivan W. Griffin's. . ed ta Western Canada and Rainer werc in Mitchell visit-___ Mr. and Mns. M. Sta toton, spcn t tic summers witî her ng ici paens M. ad Ms.son at a Mission field at Lew- A SSO C IÀ Orland Retirer.- tonandfamiiy wcnc Sunday vn akaddrn h Cagna tulations ta Mrs. .sppngucats at Mr. andi Mrs. van, s, ndi unig hie Joseph Farder wio on Marci Ewyn Dickey's, Bowmanville. bier son punsued is studies at Frsrieo nomto 23rd, celebrateci ber 93rd birti- 'Mn. andi Mrs. N. E. Wrighit, United College. bac fielse nyu day. in company with Mn. Herbent FoloigodntoRv Mn. and Mns. Robent Rhodes - -Wright and girls, visiteci Mrs. lowin orvdn cl ation Re. b a ofie ite I ofLittle Bitain wene Sunday Fred Wright ah Bowmanville Gainsborough, Sask., and bis oe93 ,iitrswih n.an Ms.- Hospital, and Mn. Arthur phone Stp.m visiore Bwc r. anndOhaa Hspialmotien accompanied h imn. Saulp m Merewrs. Wrndhtwi Brooks oopitalWbile thene she was active in Mrs Adrw roksofandi caileci on thc Misses Annie _ 3rookiin spent a day witi bier and Effie Wright. daugiter, Mns. Jas. McClurg Miss Shirley Avery, Peter-' and family.. borough, Murray Marshall, Allen Jackson bas quit bis Bowmanvill, Joc Rekker, vote his wiole ime ta fanm- cvening dinner gucats ah Mn.i D O ing. He la carrying anthie andi Mrs. C. Avery's. fan occupieci by bis grand- r M. andi Mrs. Harry Mc- tatier Robent Jackson ini 1853 Veedy and famiiy, Mn. Hcrb cidsince 1933 by is late fati- McVeedy andi fnienci, Tononte, DO REEDING &TION phonethe r local directory, - tor-,Sunday servie* AN MADEM :T WIBER, end SERVICE a 80 Ontario storep i -~~-' L&SA -SEA. PLEASE SUND YOUR DONA1MON TODAY. - 1 el For a Quality Buy 'on a late model used Chev. Olda. Cadilkd? - SEE - KEITH SMITH OSHAWA ONTARLIO MOTOE SALES PHONES:' ausineuu- 12-60 Renmdenas - 128-6932 Over 100 Cars t. Choose From herds Iess subjeet te an systein? There are lst important because carry these conditions , d reason,,o because d by COCBA auioWâtt-. sntities c f drugs that* es and prevent mout cf has helped, many- herd tion problemis. It has te prevent them. You 1the "f ringe benefits" er herd, to the quality )NTÂRIO