4TWe Catiadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 6, 19E n tèrclub Meeting I)etails Canada' s i Exipo67 l r present an President of the Bowmanv-II ~rntialspectacle such Kiwanis Club, Bill Kilpatr;Cl hos, nevr been seen be- President of the Bowmanx-i Pe on " iaide of the .At- Kinsmen Club, and the Inter htk, Alaui A. Rowan-Legg, Club Comnmittees Chairn-eý t~to, Regional Director fur Lions 0. K. Osborne. Kinm Ibbio of the Canadian Cor- men Byron (Duke) B-unt fttlon for fthe 1967 World and Kiw anis John* Brounlcc Cpostion, told the lnte"-lThe Rotary Inter-Club Con Él Dinner Meeting at thet mittee Chairman. J a -ne MConunity Centre lastISpeers, was absent due b iM L. ý ness. DÔnu Morris, President oLfý Grace was said b thie Bev PBowmnanville R ot a ry K.J. Framp"ton. a Lion. Th h.presided. Others at thejToast to the Qiieen was nro ,dtable wee'e M. Leslie, posed by RotarY Presijd'r, boident of the Bownianvillei'Morris. The Catholic W. tns Club, Fred Tippins,' men's League prepared ané Britnell, Moore, Selby &Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. A. D. SELBY, C.A., RESIDENT PARTNER 130 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 725-6431 APARTME NT SENIOR 'CUTI To enable the investigating Commit te ù pertaining to need, and number of low rentail at Senior Citizens of Bowmanville, we are niaking facilities of the Canadian Statesman. This is flot an application, but to deterr-ni dents who need, and would take advantage of sL available, rnow and in the future. 66 ~~~ported 50 'per ceuf by"the Church Women acked hlm to temperature. Care of tein~aIe aeu hçlg A r O ono gantd! asilvr M anyr new "Wash and Wear" 4 heking of labels toM ae paroen bytheProine o Le~f rooh a Ms. utl~. astabrics was disussed. Pain- ure the fabric or garment i H e a iititeb aend l23 a parebyai dd iio cal- j a tmomeno!emeran&t aPhkts were distribulted 'con- t1 le type you wanft. Checkc Monrea. e rfrredta helii fl l ~..hhu uu arnermeibe. erning ail fêbrics as weil as t he fibre, weave,ifinish and rX P H ears D in ensuin In I painte~ r s rn ndd xibtas Me- an d Ms Reg Pa1l ner a special booklet on "Spot bjýundry isrcin before niew ahave been guests with Irs. by the Tex-tile and Clothing The speaker was introduced the First Category ever ta for the fifth year, had one of imagination. Ina Palmner. section of the Home Ecano- a nd t1wanked by Mrs. Harry 6 7 corne to Nortâh America be lier paintings accepted to be Mrs. Van den Heuvel has' Mrs. Marjory Edniunds -and, nie Extension Brandi. l yley, president of the Beth. 'le served the delicious dinner.clbaino Canada's e-CnrlPInccuso MisFt kyWne' nttt. k. Ms. Ry Vnass wasthetennal.CrafIti Association show. The cent' ehowing in Bow'manville with Mr. and MIrs. B:Oss Qarr. I6358 le catering convenor. The setting for Expo 67 is di»Play of sc>re fifty paint- under the auspices of the Choosîng andi Usint Fabies 623558 ,r- The lovely voices o! the a oroup o! three islands, ings will lie shown in a nura- Womnen's Hospital Auxiliarv. O MÀV Ladies Trio, Dorothy Van Iargely man-mnade at a cost ber of areas in East Central o-< Miss Ellen FSote o! Tor«nto, XOM NI Driel, Lynn Oke, and Gwen O! $40,00(,000 inthe St. Law- Ontario. It will appear in ___________Tinmes. Hme Econonist from the :De- O YI t, Black delighted the audience. renoe River, and tie site now Peterborough. partaient of Agriculture, cen Tu.ay-Fia St;dy prl7 eThey sang several selections mecludes more than 1,000 Mrs. Van den Heuvel's can- B ducted a short course on Tusa MFia Atth! dEE - 2p.M.7-8 n- %vith Jean Billett as piano acres, the speaker explained. vas la a winter snow scene of B THANY "Choosing and Usîng Fabris"' SATURDAY M TY E -2PM 'accompanist. "'Ple tiieme of Exipo 67 is the Sawyer farm (formerly in thceUnited Churoh SurNdayl l Lion Ted Miller was the 'Man and his World'. The owned by Mr. C. Bill.ngs) and~ Stock Bras. Bus Lines Ltd. Sehool hall on Thu,day WaIt Disz iey s leader of the singsong. The amiazing story o! man's pro- is naaned by the painter, are continuing ta give service morning and afternoon. 'The, v. piano acconipanîment was gress, hls future, and bis as- "Canadiana"." froin Bethany ta Peterbor- course was sponsored by the ' l (,,l r c, olaycd by Rotarian Rudolf pirations. In a wondeTland O! The painting ison o 50 ough. The bus leaves Bethany Betbany Women's Institutc. iO d 0 er o- waleds he Jailtter.elsmainc e exsthor- o en t d or t he ilwy rat1 m n leaves Peter- Miss Foote discussed ahi, (In Colot i) -i'a'1 thee*. ion Jack Duin i ofag i ene 3 exihbts i a-o sen tr o 20the ich wyere borough on the return trip types of fabrics, natural, nian-,Cirn-3 o- Kinsman Brunt in introdue- the arts, and industry wiil be Mes. Van den Heuvel start- at 3:40 p.ni. made and synthetie gnn1eng Cidn-3eanytime id ing tlhc guest speaker said an view. ed painting .sone six year.s Randýy Ryley, small son o! their speciai characteris tics, COME EAI MLY! that Mr. Rowan-Legg is "'Pie goverients o! 74 ago with the Orono Art Club. IMr. and Mrs. Bob Ryley, fell type of finshes and prt..per known as "MVr. Expo 67" in countries are vieing in friend- Through a new found talent;' and broke bis left wrist. cane; showing variaus t;am- SN A OW DED*, PI 0-1 this province. Hie told the lY rivalry Vo show you their imagination an eakbe tVi udy mrigiles of each. U D YT WEN S % -API10-3 2-atherin4g that during World liest in a series o! great na- use o! colour has gained re- service in the Unit.ed Churcb, The natural fibres are cot-'* * *. e , War II Mr. Rowan-Legg had tional pavilions, and 900 in- cognition as an outstandintg Mrs. William Lawrence and ton, made frai- the ca ttoný T e H leé h T al servcd for four years in the dustries will also compete ini painter o! this area.lier Robert Ryley jained the holl; linen fnom the flax Th a iiu a ru RCN. presenting displays,"1 Mr. paintimis are not of the usual chuncb by profession af faith. Plant; silk from the cococlon f I Cl ïr Mr. Brunt also spoke of Mr. Rowae-Legg said. He alfs Mrs. Robert Ryley, Mrs . Ell- the silk worm; and (In oloolr Rowan-Legg's successful bu.si- showed colored slides depict- suiner an opportunity to "get wood Kerr, Mrs. Earl Me- usualY from the fleeca of! Starring Burt Lancastu ýr, Lee Remick ness career and he ment.ioned ing the wonders of Expo 67. twice as muc*i for a penny Quaid and Mrs. Wesley Mc- sheep. ADULTS $1,00 STUDENTS 60e the rnanv directorships be bas Rev. K. J. Framiptan moved more". When she buys one Mahon were aLso received as The man-made fibre& are, held. H'e is stili a director a vote of tihaiiks ta Mr. advertised sale item at the membens by transfer frai-n rayon, fortesan, acetate andl CHILDREN 35e of the Kemper Insurance Rowan-Legg for his excellent regular, everyday price, she is their former churches. Rev.,arnel.i One Complete Show at 7:30 p.m. Comnpanv. Vie Lumbermen's address, and presented iim entitled to match ber pur- Wm. Piercy was in charge of Synthetie fibres include ny- Mvutual, the Marine Club, and with a pair of inscrilied book chase with a second identical thie Holy Communion service ion, orlon, acrilan, ter3'lene, SUN. MID-NITE SHOW C)NLY - APRIL 10 the Royal Canadian Yacht ends, the gift o! the Inter- item for just one cent more. that followed. Offieiating El- dacron, dynel, saran and fibre Club." Mcr. Brunt said. Club participants. Mr. Rowan- Ma-ny Rexail customers take ders were Dr. Normnan Lowes, glass. For ail synthetic ma-! 'Nc. Rowan-Legg stated that Legg gave each of the offi- advantage of the advance Eainl Argue, Walter Fallis and teiais, washing, rte hn a î te T ifd te cost . of- Expo 67 is su -p - cials at the head table a giold shopping list of the iîlustrat- Vincent Jackson. Henry Jake- dry-cleaning la recomineînded D y o h i rfis Expo67laelpi. d handbili. After checking man and Donald Lowes wel- There are three b sas ici Also ___off the menchandise desired, comed the new members. weaves ta choose frorn: lain, th-itmyb eta h At the Palm Sunday Faniily twill and saltin. From -theseBlc io O~ ( ne Cent Sale drug store. Then, during the service in St. Paul's Anglicanl basic weeves mn aitos ýS F O R ten ay period o the SpringChurcli, the Sunday School are obtained.i lCourSiw le Sale, the order can be pupils attended with their Miss Foote diseussed theAiCoorS W !t rsA r 14 picked up ail ready packaged. parents. Mr. Jack Palmer special fa-brie fînishes and1 Adult Entertaiin ment This added service saves time presented Dr. R. M. Butler -the trade naines eveny hbouse-; for busy people who want ta with a set of silver cuff links wife Should know, sudû asl April 14 - 16, Thursdailt to Saturday One sure sign of spring is take advantage of the ne.ar!y and tic clip as a token of ap- wrinkle-resistant, du rib le' the arrivai of Rexall's Spning 50% savings offered during preci-ation f nom St. Paul's press, shrink-eontrolled, wa- Wi ise-' One Cent Sale at Jury and the annual Spring le Sale at church for his friendly fel- ter repellant, spot resistant, IIl ê collect nccessary data Lovell's Pbarmacy. your Rexall Drug Store. lowsdiip and in recognition of math resistant, insulatin r fin ýpai Imentsi equired for Rexail's Spring One Cent' It's also your last chance to his service ta the congrega- ishes used especially in inng a uv>tiuhte Sale, tie 'original" one cent enter the "Win Your 1965 tion as Peoplc's Warden. Dr. and draperies, etc.(I our, a uvytruhte sale, commences at 8:30 a.m. Ingeome Tax Contest" - coin- Butler is leaving Bethany' an Correct procedure for homne (nCoor on Tbursday, April 14th for plete details on entry blanks Friday, April 15, ta join bis laundering was explainEd as' CHILDREN 35c AlYTIME 10 days. at Jury an-d Lovell's Rexal family, now in residence in well as types of detertïents, ine the number of resi- 1 The sale offers the con- Pbarm-acy. Scotland. The A ngli ic a nsoaps, bleaches, and îivater' ;ueli accommodlations. ifl I -- This self-supporting projeet lias been suiccessfuilly proven in many other Municipalities, is compact and very efficient and is possible because the samne area necessary for a farniIv-sized apartment, renting at $12000 rnonthly, accommodates 21/_, Senior Citizens' apartrnents, at approximately $4500 a mnonth. An example of how popular these apartments are elsewhere: TIn Oshawa, they now have 61 units, and are erecting a further 75, ta provide for a long waiting list of applicants. The requirernents are that ail residents mulst be physically and znentally able to care for themselves, have lived in Bowmanville for f jve years prior ta acceptance, no age limit, and is available to married coùples, single persons, blood relations, widoxvs, and stroke or heart victims who are forced ta live on small incarnes or redueed pensions. Eligibilitv incarne range is $1000.00 ta -$1600000 for single persons, and a maximnumof around $2500.00 for married couples. Each apartment would be equipped with i:frigerator, stove, TV outiet and làundry facilities. The proposed location is in the central business section of town, close ta Churches, Library, Stores, Bus service and entertainrnent. Utilization of these low rentai apartinents would enable persans struggling ta financially mauntain a home~ tou large for them, to seîl or rent ta larger families, and assist others compeiled to live under undesir- able circurnstances, ta live indpendently, with p)crhaiLps srnall financial help from families. WTe ask any resident who knews (il somecone bvlomhr this project would be beneficial, ta contact, diseuss, and help therfi complete questionnaire. Looking at a Senior Citizens' Aparinient Building over a long range period; apartments would be occupied, and vaeated, rnany times over the years, so a large attractive building erected nnw, besides being econ- amical, could eventually be very useful to many iresidents who are young now, - TIME MARCHES ON --.Al ibis at absohLue]v no cost to the taxpayer: Please take particular note, that ail ire-turu-ed questionnaires will be held in strictest confidence, and wili be anplvzed bv one appointed persan only, who will then submit the figures niecessarv ta the Civie Comrnittee, for presentation ta aur Towvn Council, for their approval of this project. AIl further communication ivili be made directly to the individuals, who have indicated desire lo participate ii ibis means of improving living conditions of Senior Citizens, in their Golden years. Note . - married couples are requested to subrnit individual questionnaires. .1Pease return coxnp]eted juiestinnîiair- . ii a sealed envelope ta Town Clerk's Office, or mail ta Bowrsîanviile Civic Committee, Town Hall. The success of* any schen-e sticb a;s ftlýli smia-kcd blivy he demand or need in a community, thîs eau oui>' be dete,-mi,îed by publication and a response from these senior citizens of the muinicipfflitîv. Anyone requiring further inflotrmaiition. plrasc confact iVrs. A. Oke, Chairman, Bowmanville Civie Committee. Phone 62:3-5142. 1 w w w w w w w w w7www Co LIMITED UCI RIZNEK. A&nnouncesthe (7/ 0F A NEWY Dom-It-mYourself Car INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This is not an application N A M E ------ --------------------------- first middle ADDRESS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--------- Please Print 'YEAR 0OP BIRTH.....----- ( ) Married ( ) Widow Are You Interested In This Project ()Single ()Widower () no Do you approve of'this type of! apartmvnts for Senior Citizens? * Ycs ( No Do you qualify under the tentative requirements outlined above? * ( ) Yes ( ) No If valabewould yau take advantage o! titis tLYje of accommodation? () Yes ( ) Nu COMMENTS j i * 92 KING ST. Wash Your Car the *SOAP-Soft 4WATER 4Special Papç *VACUUM Modern Way Water 25c - - -25C ,r Chamois 1lOc -m- - l IL w. OPEN 24 HOURI ADAY FOR YOUR CON VENIENCI BOWMAN i E TRY IT TO-DAY AMAZED AT THE RESIJLi iaSV el:v k LEtN 3ARLIEK, U* shawa ," .1'~ '4 - - ~ , . - T - * -- . rf wL LE YINS jX UN r )"ýll IL -----------